Collection of poems:DRAWING WITH WORDS

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‫‪Collection of poems‬‬ ‫ديوان شعر ‪:‬الرسم بالكلمات‬

‫إعداد أنيس العموري وثلة من التلميذ‬ ‫‪By : Anis Amouri and‬‬ ‫‪students‬‬

‫إسحساس في معبد السحساس‬ ‫أحسست بك عنبرا يتساقط كلما نطقت‬ ‫أحسست بك عينين أبصرت بهما الكون كلما نظرت‬ ‫أحسست بك شعرا يتمايل تمايل الموج في الغروب‬ ‫أحسست بك وأحسست ثم أحسست وأحسست‬ ‫أحسست بك ابتسامة تأسر كل من شاهدها على شفتيك‬ ‫أحسست بك قبلة بين الشفاه ريقا في طعم المدام‬ ‫أحسست بك قلبا يتدفق منه الحب تدفق الماء من العيون‬ ‫أحسست بك أنثى تخلصت من سلسل مجتمع مجنون‬ ‫أحسست بك وأحسست ثم أحسست وأحسست‬ ‫أحسست بك لحنا لحلى أغنيةعزفها تاريخي‬ ‫أحسست بك رقة لو وزعت على العالم لعاش في سلم‬ ‫أحسست بك حلما ورديا أحيا فيه عبدا للحب‬ ‫أحسست بأن الحب قدري وأنت قدري‬ ‫فبال عليك كوني‪ ...‬وكوني قدري‬ ‫‪ ‬أل يا توأم روحي أحسي بي قبل أن أمل‬ ‫إني أفكر في الرحيل بعيدا‬ ‫وافتحي ذراعيك للقاي‬ ‫فبعض الحب ل يقبل ل التفكير ول التأجيل‬

‫أنيس العموري‬

A feeling in the Temple of Sensation I felt you were falling scent , as you spoke. I felt you were the eyes with whitch I saw the universe whenever I looked I felt you were the hair swaying like the swaying of the wave at the sunset I felt you ,then I felt and I felt I felt you like a smile that captures everyone who saw it on your lips I felt you were a kiss between the lips in the taste of sweets I felt you were the heart from which love over flows like the flow of water from the springs I felt your female got rid of the shackles of a crazy society I felt you,then I felt and I felt I felt that you were a melody of my best song known by my history I felt that you were the tenderness which should have been distributed ,so that the world would live peacefully I felt that you were a rosy dream in which I live a slave of love I felt that love is my destiny and you’re my destiny too By God ,would you mind being my destiny Hey, my soul mate, feel me, before I get bored I am thinking of going away open your arms to meet me As Some love does not accept neither thinking nor postponement Anis Amouri

Voyage au cité des anges Ton nom m’emporte vers la cité des anges... Où j espère trouver un jour la paix avec mon âme perdu.... Ton amour me soule de désir et de plaisir.. Au point de devenir ivrogne..... Me poussant à parcourir les nuages Suivant ton âme pour lui offrir des perles de pluie.... Pourvu que ton sourire angélique visite tes lèvres.... Si je pouvais, j'écrirais ton nom sur les feuilles de jasmin..... Respirant à l occasion ton parfum paradisiaque... Qui me vibre dans une valse... Que toi seule, tu connais sa note... Et si je trouverais un jour la source de ta tendresse... Je ne lasse jamais de s y baigner ...

Anis amouri

Trip to the city of angels Your name takes me to the city of angels . Where I hope one day to find peace with my lost soul .... Your love lifts me with desire and pleasure .. To the point of becoming drunk ..... Pushing me to go through the clouds Next your soul to offer him pearls of rain .... As long as your angelic smile is on your lips .... If I could, I would write your name on the jasmine leaves ..... Breathable on occasion your heavenly fragrance ... Who vibrates me in a waltz ... Only you, you know his note ... And if I ever find the source of your tenderness ... I never get tired of bathing ...

Anis Amouri

Oh flamme Flamme d’ amour, éclaire ma vie J ai peur de vivre dans la noirceur de la nuit De devenir infirme, de ne pouvoir aimer Je crains pour mon âme de mon âme blessé Oh destin, cesse de danser sur les rythmes de Mes souffrances Je crains que la vie annonce ma mort Et qu’elle prépare mon sarcophage Vie éternelle, attends avant de déclarer ma fin De peur de ne pas avoir aimé J ai planté des champs d amour J ai semé souffrance, malheur, misère et tristesse Serais je un marabout et jeter ainsi des sorts Sur mes semblables Mieux encore un sculpteur pour te tailler dans son Cœur Où suis-je un musicien jouant une note d’amour raté.

Anis Amouri

Oh flame Flame of love, flash my life I am afraid to live in the darkness of the night To become disabled, to be unable to love I fear for my soul from my wounded soul Oh fate stop dancing on the rhythms of my sufferings I fear that life announces my death And prepare my sarcophagus Eternal life waits, before declaring my end For fear of not having loved I planted fields of love I have sown suffering, sorrow, misery and sadness Will I be a marabout and cast spells about my fellows Better yet a sculptor to carve you in my heart Or am I a musician playing a note of failed love.

Anis Amouri

‫همسة النسمة‬ ‫‪ ‬حبك همسة‬ ‫و في الخريف يصبح نسمة‬ ‫براقص‪ ‬الشجار‬ ‫يحاور الشعار‬ ‫يعبث بالوراق‬ ‫يستفز الفكار‬ ‫ينحر ساعة الحزن‬ ‫يونع باقة الحنين‬ ‫يهز الشوق‬ ‫يداعب العنق‬ ‫يسامر الحس‬ ‫يقامر النفس‬ ‫وأنا استرق السمع‬ ‫أتابع القرع‬ ‫حين يعزف القلب‬ ‫فيضخ البسمة‬ ‫على أطل ل نغمة‬ ‫في ظل همسة‬ ‫من شفتي نسمة‬ ‫تعانق روح لحن‬ ‫ليلة زفاف الوراق‬ ‫إلى ارض الكلمات‬ ‫حيث نز ل الوحي‬ ‫معلنا ولدة الحكاية‬ ‫بين يدي ادم‬

‫أنيس العموري‬

The breeze whisper Your love is a whisper In autumn becomes a breeze Dancing with the trees Messing with the leaves Conversing with the poems Stimulating ideas Killing sadness Inciting longing I’m hearing a sound Following the beat of the heart Provoking a smile When hearing a tone At the shadow of a whisper From the lips of a breeze Hugging the soul of a melody At the wedding night of papers On the land of words Inspiring and announcing the birth of a story In the hands of adan

Anis amouri

‫في‪ ‬القلب‬

‫في‪ ‬القلب‪ ‬جروح‪ ‬وآلم‬ ‫في‪ ‬القلب‪ ‬عين‪ ‬تدمع‬ ‫في‪ ‬القلب‪ ‬حس‪ ‬مرهف‬ ‫في‪ ‬القلب‪ ‬صوت‪ ‬يخفق‬ ‫‪..‬يروي‪،‬يضحك‪،‬يبكي‬ ‫‪ ‬في‪ ‬القلب‪ ‬أغنية‪ ‬تعزف‬ ‫في‪ ‬القلب‪ ‬حياة‪ ‬وممات‬

‫‪ ‬التلميذة‪ ‬شيراز‪ ‬عبيد‬

In the heart

In the Heart , there’s wounds and pains In the heart, there’s a tearful eye In the heart ,there’s a slender sense In the heart,there’s a voice beats Narrates, laughs, cries ... In the heart,there’s a song playing In the heart,there’s life and death

The student Chiraz Abid

‫المحطة‬ ‫دقت‪ ‬ساعة‪ ‬الرحيل‬ ‫آن‪ ‬لي‪ ‬أن‪ ‬أؤم‪ ‬المحطة‬ ‫وأن‪ ‬اقتطع‪ ‬التذكرة‬ ‫آن‪ ‬لي‪ ‬أن‪ ‬أغادر‪ ‬الزمان‬ ‫وأن‪ ‬احرر‪ ‬المكان‬ ‫فقد‪ ‬فات‪ ‬الوان‬ ‫رسول‪ ‬الظلم‪ ‬متربص‪ ‬بي‬ ‫همه‪ ‬الوحيد‪ ‬ثقب‪ ‬التذكرة‬ ‫دليل‪ ‬ركوبي‪ ‬صهوة‪ ‬راحلة‪ ‬اللعودة‬ ‫يحدق‪ ‬في‪ ‬شبح‪ ‬يحتضر‬ ‫تتدافعه‪ ‬أمواج‪ ‬الثير‬ ‫تلطخ‪ ‬ثيابه‪ ‬بالحيرة‬ ‫والقافلة‪ ‬رابضة‪ ‬في‪ ‬المحطة‬ ‫تمنيني‪ ‬بساعة‪ ‬الخلص‬ ‫تهدي‪ ‬المل‪ ‬في‪ ‬السكون‬ ‫بترا‪ ‬للشجون‬

‫التلميذة‪ ‬اية‪ ‬الهنتاتي‬

The station It's time to leave the station And get the ticket I have to leave forever And free the place It is too late The Messenger of Darkness is waiting me His only concern is to tear the ticket My trip sign to no coming back Staring at a dying ghost Pushed by waves of the air His clothes were stained by worry The convoy is parked at the station Give me the hour of salvation Give hope to stillness To abolish fear The student Eya Henteti

‫اثنتين‪ ‬في‪ ‬قلب‪ ‬رجل‬ ‫اعترف اني احب غيرك يا انثى‬ ‫ذهب العشق بي حتى صرت اخلط بينكما‬ ‫تمتزج السماء وانتما واحد‬ ‫خنت حبك ووهبت نصفه لخرى‬ ‫اشتقاق هي منك وامتداد‬ ‫حين انظر اليها اشتاق لك‬ ‫وعندما تغيبين انت‪،‬ابحث عنها‬ ‫احببتك فيها وفيها بعض منك‬ ‫اكذب عليك حين اقو ل‪،‬سارجع اليك يوما‬ ‫عندما ازفها لخر فل تصدقيني‬ ‫اما الن فقلبي ملك لثنتين‬ ‫هي زهرة نبتت في ارضك‬ ‫فل تغاري من نفسك‬ ‫وحسبك انها من صلبي وانت امها‬

‫انيس العموري‬

Two women in my life I confess that I love another one, female So much in love I am confused between you two. Every thing is mixed up and you are one .... I betrayed your love and granted half of it to another She is part of you and an extension When I look at her I miss you. And When you disappear,I look for her. I loved her as she has a lot from you. I lie if I say, I will come back one day When I marry her to another Do not believe me My heart belongs to both of you She is a flower that grew in your land So don’t be jealous of yourself .... Suffice it to say I am the father And you are her mother

Anis Amouri

Thanks to my colleagues for their collaboration in the translation of poems Rim jebeur Salwa najar Rahma trigui Ayda kachaou

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