The Octopus

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The beginning is important in all things. Of the infinite beginnings there is only one beginning which is absolutely correct. Each beginning is therefore absolutely correct. The possibility of all things that are possible is created at the beginning. Therefore all possible things are absolutely correct. Of all the possible things, the possibility of conceiving the beginning is infinitely small. The beginning therefore is the most perfect idea conceptually possible. The beginning is ∞. ∞ is the system. 9

All lesser systems are circumscribed by system ∞. Within lesser systems occur each additional lesser system. All tangible things exist within the system ∞. All tangible things lie alongside all other tangible things. Within infinitely extending lesser systems, the set of tangible things must logically exist at precisely the midpoint. Beyond this exists the set intangible things. The set of infinite intangible things is infinitely greater than the set of infinite tangible things. Consider ∞ is the acme of a gradient. 10

Let this gradient be called ≈. ≈ is akin to entropy. Each point of gradient ≈ within system ∞ is the point of a change. A change is a type of creation. All creations derive from entropy. The action of conversion between the intangible and tangible is the process of entropy. Existence is the name given to the cascading process of the reordering of ∞. The cascading order of entropy is a kind of hierarchy. The rate of conversion of the intangible into the tangible is dictated by the gradient ≈. Where there is ≈ there is created consequence. 11

All consequence assembles to form long chains of events. The number of events is infinite. There can exist infinite chains of events. Each exactly assembled chain is deemed NOW. NOW is the exact measurement of the rate of change of entropy. The rate of change of entropy is the same thing as the sum of all consequences. The sum of all human consequence or, human entropy, is called history. Think of history as a kind of consequential infinity. Each point of history might be deemed as either true or untrue. 12

The set of possible truths is equal to the set of possible untruths. At any one instant, the set of possible actual truths can never equal the set of actual untruths. Consider the likelihood of an infinitely thin coin landing on its side. Where the set of actual truths is greater than the set of actual untruths describe this as flourishing. Where the set of actual truths is less than the set of actual untruths then describe this as decaying. The system set containing the actions of flourishing and decaying is termed culture. Culture = âˆŤtruth > untruth > truth. 13

All things are in a perpetual state of flux. A fluctuation is another term for a vibration. A fact is a type of vibration Consider the proposition "X marks the spot". The position of X is meaningless unless prescribed by the boundary system. Facts exist only in a localized sense. A fact is a type of node. A truth is a special type of fact. A truth is actually a special type of lie. Where a truth is equivalent to an untruth, this is deemed a paradox. Since all facts are incomplete truths, all truths are equally untrue. 14

Where this state exists, let this be called a law. Where a law exists, it has accreted meaning. A meaning is an interpretation of a proposition. A proposition functions as a kind of interface with its mother system. Your name is a type of interface. Art is a type of interface. Money is a type of interface. Sex is a type of interf ce. A thought is a type of interface. An interface exists simultaneously in both the set of tangible things and the set of intangible things. An interface is a kind of bridge, or a kind of node. 15

A kiss is a kind of bridge or a kind of node. Each interconnection of each idea creates a network. Networks form in to chains termed strands. Strands clump together to form webs. All webs act as a type of interface. Where webs exist - energy is stored. A web is a type of battery. Where webs connect, information passes. Information is kind of current. A thought is a kind of current. Consider a brain to be a type of complex web. Consider a nervous system to be a type of complex web. 16

Consider a tree to be a type of complex web. Logic is a type of web. Music is a type of web. Music is type of sublanguage of the architecture language of ∞. Logic is a type of sublanguage of the architecture language of ∞. The sub language logic can never fully describe the architecture language of ∞. Logic is trapped within ∞. A musical thought is distinct from a logical one. The quantum of music is not a note it is the thought of a note. An un-realised note is the most perfect note imaginable. A realised note is a conversion. 17

realised note undergoes the process of entropy. A musical thought is a type of corrosion. musical thought is type of idealism. An idealism is a purely hypothetical construct. A daydre m is kind of hypothetic l thought experiment. A hypothesis is a type of model. model is a type of hypothesis. A book is type of model. book is type of node. book is a type of resistance against entropy. A librarian is type of resistance against entropy. 18

libr ry is n rtifici l environment. n rtifici l environment requires const nt m inten nce to be sust ined. The musici n must pr ctise his instrument. E ch person lity is type of rtifici l environment. life n rr tive is type of rtifici l environment. n rr tive is ch in of successive experiences. Logic l thought is b sed within hum n experience nd consequence. Every experience is consequence. ll we ever perceive re the contingent end results. 19

g me of chess is kind of computer modelling of end results nd consequence. g me of chess seems complex bec use ll the consequences re l id out t once. g me of chess is simplified web of tensions. person's ch r cter is complex web of tensions. person's ch r cter is type of construction. person’s ch r cter is tuned web of interconnections. person’s ch r cter is specific nd unique chord of vibr tions. Some chords reson te with e ch other. 20

Some chords re disson nt with e ch other. Where one h rmony comes to domin te let th t be the p r digm. superp r digm would be monotone. monotone cont ins no inform tion. monoculture cont ins no inform tion. region of zero inform tion could be described s devoid. weed is type of monoculture. virus is type of mono culture. virus is type of conversion process. Entropy is kin to virus. Entropy is the gent of gr dient ≈. 21

≈ is the ctive dyn mic force of system ∞. ≈ is the conversion process from ideologic l to pr ctic l. ≈ is the conversion process from the possible to the ctu l. ll things re possible but not from every point within the system. Within e ch system, the limits of free choice re n logous to skier descending mount in. Choice is the gent of freewill. The unit of freewill is the qu nt of yes or no. Freewill is type of constructed l ngu ge. ny l ngu ge is n ttempt to del y the dec y of inform tion vi gr dient ≈. 22

ll inform tion ccretes further inform tion. Inform tion is type of positive feedb ck. In the long run inform tion is essenti lly unst ble. There is no such thing s f ct. f ct h s t its he rt n ssumption. str ight line is the shortest dist nce between two points. On sphere, the shortest dist nce between two points does not reside upon the surf ce. ll things re m tter of dimensions. ll dimensions perv de inside e ch other. 23

picture is 2 dimension l represent tion of 3 dimension l pl ce - depth extends tow rds the horizon. Experience is 3 dimension l represent tion of 4 dimension l pl ce - time extends into the future. The concept of time is derived from potenti l differences upon gr dient ≈. Time tr vel is only possible down gr dient ≈. The syste ∞ is kind of vortex. Underst nding is kind of vortex. ll ch ins of thought re ulti tely circul r. Logic l thought is self proving.


ch in of thought is c sc de of different nd uniquely interpreted signs. E ch sign is whole qu ntu of infor tion. Thought is kind of qu ntised ritu l, like counting. nu ber syste is b sed in f ctu l things. f ct is true or untrue. However, ll truths re subjective. This too is truth. n xio is type of loc lised truth. t the south pole you c n only tr vel north. n xio is speci l type of ssu ption. 25

Every theory h s t its root n ssu ption. usic is type of theory. yth is type of theory. usic is by its n ture irr tion l. Explor tion in usic c nnot rrive t ny kind of conclusion. Conclusions re for ed in logic l thought. Logic l thought is type of vortex of circul r rgu ents. bl ckhole r di tes energy. Thought r di tes energy. thought is type of chord ≈ is type of chord. ll energy is type of vibr tion. Existence, or ∞, is type of hyperdi ension l chord. The chord is everything t once. 26

E ch n rr tive is unique ele ent of the chord. E ch n rr tive is type of fresh tendril. n rr tive is equiv lent to specific pol r co-ordin te within the syste web dee ed node. ind is type of node. web is for of interconnectedness. ll points on web ffect every other point. web is type of field. Consequence is type of field. Events distort consequence. The effect of ll events is ter ed ch os. Ch os is type of p ttern beyond underst nding. 27

Ch os is type of noise. Noise occurs where there is no p ttern to be found. Noise occurs where there is no ind to find p tterns. usic only exists within the ind of listener - it is type of controlled h llucin tion. br in is device to find c dences in noise. e ning is c sc de of c dences. e ning exists only through repetition. Repetition for s web. Culture is tuned web of desires. Desire is for of vibr tion. Culture tunes desire. Thought is ty e of vibr tion. 28

Thought tunes culture. Culture tunes r dig . r dig tunes thought. Culture is ty e of circul r vortex. vortex is kind of fr ct l. ch in of thought is kind of fr ct l. Knowledge is ty e of fr ct l. Econo ics is kind of knowledge. Econo ics is kind of fr ct l. fr ct l h s no conclusion. fr ct l is n endlessly self er etu ting syste . oney is co lex ty e of e tiness. Where oney re resents t ngible things its e tiness is st ble. ll we lth is finite resource th t is wh t we lth e ns. 29

Where oney s ecul tively re resents future ct, its e ty e ning beco es unst ble. oney is not ty e of ti e tr vel. ll n es refer to oint cont ined within the set of t ngible things. The n e oney refers to oint beyond the re l of t ngible things - tow rds nothing. Nothing is the bsence of so ething. D rkness is the bsence of light. Nothing is ty e of r dox. oney is ty e of r dox. r dox is ty e of cr sh. cr sh is neg tive feedb ck syste . 30

cr sh shows the li its of syste l ngu ge. cr sh occurs t the bound ry of the syste hier rchy. The conce t of nothing is the bound ry of the syste hier rchy. The bound ry of knowledge is the bound ry of the syte . Within e ch syste is sown the seeds of its own nnihil tion. Logic l doubt is r lysis of thought. ll thought is ty e of r dox. Existence is ty e of r dox. Nothingness c nnot exist without so ething conceiving it's nothingness. The st te of nothing is i ossible. 31

The i ossible is distinct fro the i rob ble. It is ossible for s ller b g to cont in bigger b g. E ch thought is i rob ble lthough bsolutely cert in. Thought is kind of logic l r dox. Things re lw ys ore co lex then they see . co lex roble requires the si lest solution. n uncert in ind is uncert in of its uncert inty. Fro the egg issues entro y. E ch thought is n gent of entro y. The ide of entro y is lso in dec y. 32

Entro y is constructed ide . n ide l is ty e of si lified odel. Things th t re not intuitively understood re best odeled. inb ll chine is ty e of odelling of syste . E ch syste occurs within nother syste . Think of e ch syste s se f cont ined ty e of etri dish. Infinite growth is constr ined by the syste bound ry. Infinite growth/we th is e ning ess. The v ue of oney is essenti y unst b e.


"If you w nt to know the v ue of oney - try borrowing so e" - This st te ent is kind of ode . ode is n encoding of conce t. When the unit of encoding beco es e ning ess we h ve for of nonsense. When the unit of encoding is indeter in te then essenti y we h ve noise. t this oint usic beco es indistinguish b e fro noise. usic is kind of know edge inde endent of f cts. usic is essenti y vibr tion. usic is s ectr y v ri b e it is not rigid ike nu ber syste s. 34

The n ture of e otion is s ectr y v ri b e - it is not rigid ike nu ber syste s. E otion ref exes re rooted beyond the set of t ngib e things. ngu ge is conce tu . Nu bers re f ctu . This e ds to confusions. ny ngu ge is byrinth of hidden contr dictions. E ch contr diction is r dox. The cu u tive effect of contr dictions is ∞. Existence is equ y r dox nd cert inty. I gine ∞ s tr nsinfinite song within song within song, nd ≈ is kind of focusing k eidosco e. 35

Be uty in order is on y hu n construct. Order gives e ning to e ning. There is no ctu e ning to ife. S dness h s no ore e ning th n video g e. videog e is si u tion of conjectured sets of circu st nces. I c nnot y to b r ider on y ZX81. I c nnot think bout y own ind. y dog c nnot do the tics. I do not h ve dog. Uncert inty ies t the he rt of hu n cu ture. Uncert inty is the echo of revious error. 36

The entro ic growth of error defines the syste hier rchy. Entro y is kind of weed. weed is subjective hu n noun denoting undesir bi ity. things re subjective. hu n is so kind of weed. r inbow is gic thing. r inbow is not gic thing, it is scientific thing. gic r inbow shou d be described with rt. scientific r inbow shou d be described with nu bers. No ngu ge c n refer beyond itse f. surgeon c nnot re ove his own br in. 37

Co rehension c nnot co rehend itse f. The eye c nnot erceive the I. Subsets re cont ined within the se ves. subsets re discrete nd re in distinct fro e ch other. nuc e r re ctor is ke t discrete nd distinct fro the outside wor d. Consciousness is distinct fro the outside wor d. Conf cts nd d fference n the b n ry syste of nd vs. body s wh t gener tes e n ng of the t ng b e by the nt ng b e. e n ng s er etu ted t the sch s . 38

The E rth's crust s nuf ctured t the vo c n c sch s . The hys c nter ct on between the t ng b e nd nt ng b e sets cre tes b o og c sens t on. Sens t on so c ts nter ret t on. The ccu u t ve effect of ny such nter ret t ons cre tes n rr t ve. nd w thout n rr t ve wou d essent y be " ost". n rr t ve s n ntern sed nove . nove s ty e of s ecu t on. 39

oney s ty e of s ecu t on. convers t on s ty e of s ecu t on. th ngs hu n re essent y s ecu t ve. n the ong run, every s ecu t on s equ y s rob b y rob b e s rob b y rob b e. ∞ f s every oss b ty. N ture f s every o ortun ty. Ev s co ex ty e of o ortun ty. Ev s the eg cy of consequences. Consequences re c t gor sed by h stor es. 40

H story e ves the eg cy dee ed cu ture. Ev s consequence of cu ture. Essentially, cu ture s equ v ent to oney. oney s ty e of nterf ce. The e n ng of we th s referent y d vorced fro the set of t ng b e th ngs. oney s k nd of e ty c rc e - oney s ke the s gn of s gn. oney essent y destroys re we th. Where there s tter ccretes tter. Where there s oney ccretes oney. 41

oney s ty e of d stort on. Cons der ≈ s k nd of f e d. Events re the objects th t d stort th s f e d. Everyth ng s crescendo nto nf n te d stort on. Ex stence s ty e of os t ve feedb ck. de s re der ved fro the de s ed te y reced ng the . de s f t nto redeter ned syste s of thoughts. de s re ke tw gs on br nches. There s no such th ng s n nde endent de . gen us s not n nde endent th nker. 42

gen us s node th t recogn ses nd dr ws together d st nct y se r te str ngs. So e t es t t kes n untr ned / unt nted eye to ke n ns ght. Wh ch br n f rst thought of the br n? f ct ust be refr cted through br n to be g ven e n ng. Th nk ng s n ct of re r t on. n s n gent g nst entro y. The rocess of ≈ s rocess of entro y. Entro y s ty e of fr ct . fr ct h s no beg nn ng or end. 43

fr ct s re resent t on of rocess. ∞ s not God, ∞ s ty e o rocess. The end o one rocess s the beg nn ng o nother. r ct s er od c rocedure th t w xes nd w nes. er od c rocedure s ty e o v br t on. E ch r d g s ty e o v br t on. Cu ture s ty e o v br t on. Good nd Ev re cu tur construct ons.


Where Good s bund nt, descr be th s s our sh ng. Where Ev s bund nt, descr be th s s dec y ng. et Good be n ogous to the set o truths. et Ev be n ogous to the set o untruths. Where e ch nst nt c n be Good or Ev . Truth s con ned to the oc sed re . U on curve oc re ty s t. Subject v ty s so cre ted t the sch s . The who e s equ to the su o ts rts. 45

The who e s ore th n the su o ts rts. thought s b o og c y ore th n the su o ts rts. thought s the che c v br t on o neurons. thought s ty e o v br t on. n org n s s the ode ng o thought. n nt s k nd o neuron. n nt s k nd o co uter re y. n h ve s k nd o su erorg n s . The consc ousness o the h ve s d st nct ro the consc ousness o hu ns. 46

The consc ousness o the h ve s d s yed s the su tot o the ct v t es o ts const tuent e bers, t e ch nd every nst nt. n s k nd o neuron. n s k nd o co uter re y. The E rth s k nd o su erorg n s . The consc ousness o the e rth s d st nct ro the consc ousness o hu ns. The consc ousness o the e rth s d s yed s the su tot o the ct v t es o ts const tuent e bers, t e ch nd every nst nt. 47

The consc ousness o the E rth s d s yed s the r d g . hys c tter n the un verse s k nd o su erorg n s . The E rth s k nd o neuron. The E rth s just rt o hy erd ens on thought. ∞ s ty e o Hy erd ens on thought. Th s s just thought. co uter s ode o su erorg n s . co uter s cont ned w th n esser d ens on syste . co uter h s two d ens ons: 1 nd 0. 48

No ngu ge c n re er beyond tse . ngu ge s k nd o box th t you re tr ed w th n. Ex er ence s k nd o box th t you re tr ed w th n. You c nnot re rr nge box ro w th n the box. The bound ry s where e n ng bre ks down. The o er t ng syste s the bound ry o the h er rchy. g ne ex stence s ty e o co uter deskto . When the ouse c cks on n con t s sy bo c o dee er eve o rogr ng th t c nnot be seen. 49

g ne you re k nd o con w th n n o er t ng syste . Every se ess ex er ence h des the ntr c te eng neer ng y ng beh nd t. bu d ng s ctu y the n est t on o ts rch tecture. Bu d ng s the n e w g ve to the ex er ence o rch tectur . ch n d not s n xc us v x r nc . n ng x sts on y through r t t on. s r s o r d t r n d ct ons 50

y d out ny t s s d d r tu . robot’s rogr ng s k nd o r tu . D y s k nd o r tu . sur s k nd o r tu . R tu sy bo s s th hu n cond t on. us c s sy to t c o th hu n cond t on. Th hu n cond t on s b ng t odds w th n tur . us c s t odds w th n tur . r dox s k nd o c rc . s ty o r dox. 51

Th r s no n ng n . yth s s c ty o . jok s k nd o yth. ch yth s s c ty o construct d h story. B or you x st d, noth ng x st d. Th s s k nd o d sturb nc . Consc ousn ss s n rt c nv ron nt th t n ds nt n ng. rt c nv ron nts r qu r n rgy to sust n th s v s. 52

B o og c s noth r ty o ntro c conv rs on o n rgy. x st nc s n nd ss roc ss o r d str but on. ds on n n nd ss y r d str but v roc ss. n rgy c n b s s n rgy. org n s s r ctor s or conv rt ng n rgy. ot nt gr d nt c us s curr nt to ow through th w r nd t b co s hot ch rg s ss d. Ch c gr d nt c us s curr nt to ow through y 53

syn s s nd th y b co hot thought occurs. Consc ousn ss s by roduct o w b. w b s su o n or t on. su rorg n s s ty o w b. g st t on s conn ct ng o w bs. DN s w b o n or t on. G x s r nod s n th str tch ng w b o gr v ty. Sc nc s n rt c construct.


n cr t s rt c nv ron nts b c us h do s not b ong nywh r . us c s n rt c nv ron nt. Wr t ng s n rt c nv ron nt. Hu ns r c th ngs th t occur n tur y w th rt c r r s nt t ons o th . Hu n thought s n nt rconn ct d s r s o r r s nt t ons o th r wor d. or b d nds u on th d scr n t on b tw n good nd v . 55

C t s do s not d scr n t b tw n d s th t r good or d s th t r v . N tur s ct on do s not d scr n t b tw n good nd v . Good nd v r cu tur constructs. v s co x ty o t n ss. n n t w th s ctu y v u ss. n ss nc , v ryth ng s co r s d o noth ng. t hor s ty o contr d ct on. us c s k nd o t hor. 56

ch t ho s k nd o ytho ogy. Cu tu s ty o os t v db ck g tt ng st nd st . n o t on s ty o os t v db ck. Cu tu s un w y c sc ndo n to nt o y. No s s th cu u t v su t. No s x sts wh th s no n o t on. 100% onocu tu cont ns z o n o t on. w d s ty o onocu tu . 57

w d s ty o v us. n nd ss y s c t ng w b s n ogous to v us. Th s s ty o v us. w bs n ct ty o v us. us c d s k nd o w b. B ng x os d to us c d s k nd o x osu to v us. v us h j cks th ch n y o ts host. n nt v us h j cks th ch n y o th v us. Th s s k nd o nt v us ≈ s v 58

ch s on t o th oc ss o nt o y. og c thought s cont n d w th n th syst o h sto y. Th syst o h sto y s n ogous w th cons qu nc . Th cons qu nc c d t uth s oc s d v nt on y. oth cons qu nc co od s v th nony ty o d st nc . th ngs tt o sc nd so ut on. 59

y so ut on s const n d by y h dw . d sc ncy o 0.00000000000001 s s ng y no d sc ncy t . c t on s b s d w th n g ns o o . hys c know dg s oot d n th c t on o s obs v t on. you ook c os y nough, th s w d. t s oss b to obs v v yth ng. 60

Sc nc s b s d u on n nc o obs v t on, nd cons qu nt y h s bu t n g ns o o . n n t o nts s t ny two o nts. n th s t o t ng b th ngs, two th ngs c nnot x st t th s o nt. n th s t o nt ng b th ngs, th ngs c n x st t th s o nt. c o us c do s not x st t ny d n d o nt. c o us c s n unt st b ty o hy oth s s - n 61

g n t v ty o ncod ng. hys c obj ct s ty o ncod ng. hys c obj cts t o ngu g . ngu g s o o cons nsus. ngu g n b s th o g n s t on o thoughts. ngu g s d v d om xposu to cons qu nc s - : to n om xp nc . n ng o ngu g on y x sts w th n th nd o th st n . 62

cons nsus ust b ct v y d so by nd v du s. cons nsus s th oduct o v b cho c s. W th n ch d g , th ts o thought sc b d by th d c o ts ssoc t d cu tu . Ch ss s ty o cons nsus. Ch ss s on y s t o u s. Ch ss s st t o s - th ngs st t s o s. g s nd s o ts s od s. 63

Co t ng d g s w x nd w n k s sons. uctu t on s k nd o v b t on. N tu s ty o v b t on. N tu s d ct b n th sho t t . N tu s un d ct b n th ong t . th ngs g v t t tow ds th v n sh ng o nt. th ngs d s s o o nt o nc . 64

∞ t ns- n n t y d t s. O th n n t nd ngs th s on y on nd ng wh ch s bso ut y co ct. ch nd ng s th o bso ut y co ct. Th c ons qu nc o th ngs th t oss b s u d t th nd. Th o oss b cons qu nc s bso ut y co ct. O th oss b cons qu nc s, th cons qu nc o th 65

b g nn ng s n n t y g Th nd ng, th o , s th ost co u t d d th t s conc tu y oss b . Th nd ng s o t nt n th ngs


Sel Balamir ( - Guitar, Vocals, Matt Brobin ( - Drums Neil Mahony ( Bass, Tour Management Charlie Barnes ( - Piano Mike Vennart ( - Backing Vocals Claire Lemmon ( Backing Vocals Rose Kemp ( - Vocals on "The Sick Rose" & “Golden Ratio” Denise Johnson ( Backing Vocals Kemal L. Freaktide ( - Voice of Satan Tom Knott ( - Trumpets Recorded at The Chapel, South Thoresby (, Nov 2008, May 2009, May 2010 Recorded and Mixed at Room Mystoria by Sel Balamir Recorded by Savvas Iosifides (, Recorded by Miloden Pavlovic ( Mixed by Sel Balamir Produced By Sel Balamir Mastered by Jon Astley ( Jackie Howson ( - Octopus Logo Paul Hallows ( – Graphic Artwork Profound thanks to: Deni for being a guru, Savvas Iosifides, Mark Powell & G2 Rehearsals, Dave Morrisey ( - Lighting Director, Rui Feio ( - Live Sound, Chris Hope ( – Crewing, Big Chris Connolly – crewing, Leo Crabtree ( Laney Amplification, Mark DeNeys & Andy Gillespie at Westside Distribution (, Lee Haines ( – PR, Ian Robinson ( - consultancy, Darren Milnes ( Website Hosting , Jon Child ( – Rock Accountancy, JB Shaw ( - Equipment Maintenance, Al Mouat & Tour Supply (, STS Touring, Nigel "The Captain" Reavill ( – Tour Management , Rampton, Jerome Marcus, all at Sabian, Keith Keough at KD drums (, Claire, Alfie and Nova, My mum Oya and my dad Mike , Bob Leith, Tim Smith, MarceMcMarce, Breda and Tony Mahony and all the Mahony family, Emma Tuck and the Tuck Family, Stephen 'Flashman' Hadley, Daniel Martin, Chris 'Gooseman' Newbould, Richie Reed, The Manchester Road Massive, Paul 'Stan' Standryt, Servane Gouda and Sarah Riley, Alan Wragg, Mark Heron, Sean Morgan, Sian Hayword, Julia Pearce & Ben Pearce Brobin , Margaret, Phil & Chris Brobin, Vic & Rita Pearce, Danny Ward, Lea Mullen, Adam at PMS, Thomas Hofmann, Andy, Lou and all at Chapel studios, Paul Daniels and His Gong of Mendes, Hassan, Debs and MWP, Ben and all the Evans Family. 67

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