amphibianArc Portfolio

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16 Chongqing Cinema Complex 重慶山城電影院 2004

Location: Chongqing, China Project Size: 39,500 sqm Status: Concept Selected as the 1st Prize of the Chongqing Cinema Complex competition, amphibianArc’s winning design features a 11,000 sqm movie theater, a 9,000 sqm retail space and a 9,000 sqm movie merchandise space. 項目地點:中國 重慶 項目面積:39,500平方米 狀態:概念 雙棲弧的概念設計獲得了重慶山城電影院競賽首獎。 該設計包含了11,000平方米的電影院,9,000平方米的 商業零售區域以及9,000平方米的電影商品銷售區域。


18 Sanya Beauty Town Performance Center 三亚選美藝術中心劇院 2006 Location: Sanya, China Project Size: 350,000 sqm Status: Concpet Beauty pageants being the Sanya Beauty Town’s defining element, the Performance Center, which will host main events during beauty pageants throughout the calendar year, is by default the signature piece of the complex. It is located at the midpoint of the central axis of the building complex. The façade of the building consists of metal screen panels patterned with silhouettes of tropical vegetation. The screens blend the massive building into its tropical surroundings while bestowing the theatre with an architectural presence of high drama and prominence.

地址:中國 三亞 項目面積:350,000平方米 狀態:概念 三亞選美藝術村的核心是選美比賽,選美中心劇院作 為年度儀式的舉辦場所則無疑是藝術村的標誌性建 築。此劇院處於建築綜合體軸心,外牆由金屬絲網板 構成,形如熱帶植物,使這個龐大的建築物融入到當 地的熱帶環境中。同時,也讓劇院本身俱有了強烈的 建築藝術存在感。

20 Monument to Copernicus 哥白尼紀念館 1993

Location: Cracow, Poland Project Size: 4,500 sqf Status: Concpet Monument to Copernicus-Cracow Planetarium was the Grand Prix winning project of the 5th International Biennale of Architecture in Cracow in 1993. This winning scheme proposed to build a monument to commemorate the great 15th century Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus.

地點:波蘭 克拉科夫 項目面積:4,500 平方英尺 狀態:概念 哥白尼紀念館-克拉科夫星象館被第五界波蘭國際建 築雙年展評為首獎。本參賽方案提出建造一座紀念 館,以紀念十五世紀偉大的波蘭天文學家哥白尼。


22 Shenyang Science Museum 瀋陽科學博物館 1998

Location: Shenyang, China Project Size: 28,000 sqm Status: Concpet Among the invited architectural firms from Canada, Japan, and the U.S., amphibianArc is selected to be the winner of this competition. The museum program includes a 300-seat IMAX theater, 12,000 sqm of exhibition space, 4,000 sqm classroom/lab, 4,000 sqm library and administration facilities. The overall site design and building layout draws inspiration from astronomical structures, such as the cosmos and our own solar system, with the hope that young children would appreciate the wonder of the universe through the spaces and forms of the building.

地點:中國瀋陽 項目面積:28,000平方米 狀態:概念 雙棲弧在來自加拿大、日本和美國的建築師事務所中 脫穎而出,贏得了瀋陽科技博物館競賽設計。該項目 包含了一個300座的IMAX影院,12,000平方米的展覽 空間,4,000平方米的教室和實驗室,以及4,000平方米 的圖書館和行政區域。雙棲弧的得獎設計受太空建築 啟發,充分展現建築與科學的互動,希望通過建築的 空間造型讓觀眾領悟到太空的奧妙。








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28 Zoomlion Headquarters International Plaza - 2X Tower 中聯重科總部國際經貿廣場 雙塔樓方案 2012 Location: Changsha, China Project Size: 283,000 sqm Status: Concept This scheme proposes the twin towers to interpret the office and hotel towers as the two main functions of this program. The twin towers are representing the idea of the dualism. The office tower which is 199.2 meter in height is the symbol of Zoomlion. Refined and elegant geometry of hotel tower that is 280 m tall is contrast with the rough texture and geometry of the office tower. The image is a vivid simulation of the space shuttle tied up to the launching pad of space center, which emphasizes the industrial strength of Zoomlion product.

地點:中國 長沙 項目面積:283,000平方米 狀態:概念 本項目有辦公和酒店兩大主要功能,本方案嘗試以雙 塔樓的方式對本項目進行詮釋。此方案將辦公樓和酒 店塔樓分做兩個形態完全不同的塔樓。一反傳統的雙 塔樓對稱形象,方案中的雙塔樓各具其設計的內涵。 兩座塔樓相互扶持的形態,就如航天飛機在發射架上 的形態,充滿了陽剛的、高科技的、工業氣質的力量 感,方案形像地表達了中聯(製造者)及其產品的二 元辯證關係,也像徵了中聯向航天工業等頂尖科技邁 進的雄心和能力。


32 Wonder Mall 万象天成 廣場 2005

Location: Shijiazhuang, China Project Size: 170,000 sqm Status: Completed Wonder mall is a mixed use development located in Shijiazhuang, China. It includes 60,000 square meter of shopping mall; 30,000 square meter of office space; 35,000 square meters for hotel use; and 45,000 square meters of condominiums. While fashion is ever changing and multiple in expressions, Wonder Mall strives to embody the essence of fashion by articulating fashion as an act of wearing and accessorizing oneself. The architecture of Wonder Mall takes place at the building’s surface where the naked curtain wall as body skin is covered with weaves of metal louvers, the Prêt-à-porter of architecture. 地點:中國 石家莊 項目面積:170,000平方米 狀態:建成 萬像天成是一個位於石家莊的綜合開發項目,包括6 萬平米的商場,3萬平米辦公空間,3.5萬平米的酒店 以及4.5萬平米的住宅。時尚的面孔變化無窮。萬像天 成試圖用“穿衣”和“配飾”這兩種行為,利用建築 的手法,來表達時尚這個核心概念。設計將建築體量 作為“身體”,而編織狀的金屬百頁則是遮蓋身體的 表皮,這就是“整裝待發”的建築。

34 Hongxing Macalline Furniture Beijing Flagship Store 紅星美凱龍北京旗艦店 2011 Location: Beijing, China Project Area: 372,946 sqm Status: Concept Hongxing Macalline Furniture Beijing Flagship Store sits on a 89,269.79 sqm site with two stories below ground, seven stories above ground, and 2,362 parking spaces. Through its distinct building designs, the Beijing flagship store establishes a new brand image representing the core values of Hongxing Macalline. Our concept of the “future city” creates an unprecedented shopping experience characteristic of the Hongxing Macalline brand. The project received a 2012 MIPIM Architectural Review Future Award.

地點:中國 北京 項目面積:372,946 平方米 狀態:概念 紅星美凱龍旗艦店建築面積為372,946平方米,佔地面 積89,269.79平方米,其中地面有七層,地下兩層,並 設有2,362個停車位。客戶希望通過北京旗艦店建立 一個全新的品牌形象,並將其推廣擴大。雙棲弧的設 計理念讓旗艦店為消費者帶來嶄新的、來自“未來城 市”的購物體驗。 該項目獲得了2012年MIPIM建築評論未來項目獎(零 售休閒類)。

36 Foshan Dongping New City Mass Transit Center 佛山東平新城交通樞紐中心 2010 Location: Foshan, China Project Size: 600,000 sqm Status: Concept Sitting at the south edge of Foshan city, Dongping new town is aim be one of the main economic members of Guangzhou metropolitan area. The New City Mass Transit Center is one of the most important infrastructures to facilitate the new town development. It will serve multiple transportation functions once it is completed, including a metro station, an intercity train station, airport service unit and a local bus terminal; it also accommodates 80,000 sqm commercial and entertaining spaces, 170,000 sqm service apartment, 240,000 sqm residential units and 35,000 sqm offices. The project received MIPIM Architectural Review Future Project Awards 2011 under the Mixed Use category.

地點:中國 佛山 項目面積:600,000平方米 狀態:概念 東平新區坐落在佛山市南沿,將發展成為廣州大都市 區的重要經濟區域。新城樞紐項目則是推進這一進程 的重要基礎設施項目。建成後它將發揮多種交通運 輸功能,包括地鐵站、市內火車站、機場服務中心 以及巴士中心,除此之外還有8萬平方米的商業娛樂 區,17萬平方米的服務型住宅,24萬平方米的居住單 元以及3.5萬平方米的辦公區域。 該項目獲2011年MIPIM建築評論未來獎(綜合類)。


38 Bengbu Paramount 蚌埠百樂門國際文化經貿廣場 2012

Location: Bengbu, China Project Size: 369,223 sqm Status: Completion Year - 2014 The Bengbu Paramount International Plaza is a new interpretation of the historic Shanghai Paramount of the 1930’s. With its Art Deco origins, the program of this modern complex is comprised of a new Paramount theater, retail, office, hotel and condominiums.

地點:中國 蚌埠 項目面積:369,223 平方米 狀態: 2014年竣工 蚌埠百樂門文化經貿廣場無論在形像上,還是在整體 功能上,都是原百樂門的提升和拓展。建築師運用古 典元素與現代手法的結合,創造出神似而形更勝的新 Art Deco建築形象。 以百樂門歌舞大劇院的獨特文化主力店為主核心焦 點,同時以“經貿”為主題,打造蚌埠經開區商圈 內,最高端最具有獨特文化暨商貿核心競爭力的城市 綜合體。


48 Shanqin Bay Golf Resort 山欽灣高爾夫精品酒店 2009

Location: Boao, China Project Size: 21,415 sqm Status: Completion year - 2014 In the planning of golf resorts, the design of the golf course plays the dominant role. The Shanqin Bay Golf Resort building is cast as a secondary element to the course - a submissive object to the overall environment representing the subtle conflict and coexistence between architecture and the landscape. The hotel accommodates 80 guest rooms, most of which are located in the main building. The remaining rooms are detached luxury suites following the topography downwards towards the ocean. The design intent is to create exclusive and private units with unobstructed ocean views while disappearing from the golf course.

地點:中國 博鰲 項目面積:21,415平方米 狀態:2014年竣工 作為山欽灣高爾夫球場的配套設施,山欽灣高爾夫精 品酒店的重要性需讓步於高爾夫球場,設計主旨在於 建築和景觀的完美融合。 酒店有80間客房,大部分集中在主樓,另外一部分則 位於朝向大海的豪華套間內。該設計為求創造獨特且 私密無阻擋的海景單位,同時卻不阻擋高爾夫球場的 景觀。

Amphibian Arc Corporation







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52 Three River Estuary Hotel & Resort 三江入海口—度假酒店

2008 Location: Boao, China Project Size: 327,206 sqm Status: Concept Eyes are the window to the soul, so as the Three River Estuary to the tourism and real estate development of Boao. Perched at the Three River Estuary, the Icon Hotel for the Boao Three Estuary Resort is designed to symbolize the eyes of Boao. This Icon has a singular form that stands out at the coastal line and captivates the city and even the world, enriches the regional and cultural characters as a tourism real estate development project. 地點:中國 博鰲 項目面積:327,206平方米 狀態:概念 三江入海口為一濱海地塊,是博螯總體旅遊地產開發 有如靈魂之窗的眼睛,是世界洞悉博螯開發,也是博 螯開發向世界旅遊及地產展望的眼洞。本設計之概念 在於捕捉本項目做為博螯整體開發的“靈魂之窗”之 個性及精神。其主體建築標致性酒店是構成眼睛形象 的中心建築體,其造型的象徵意義建立在海景資源最 大化利用的平面佈局上,亦能豐富本項目作為旅遊地 產的地域性及文化性。


56 Ningbo Transit Hub 寧波鄞州公交城運樞紐中心過渡項目 2012

Location: Ningbo, China Project Size: 6,500 sqm Status: Completion year - 2013 Ningbo transit hub is to be a five to seven-year temporary structure serving the city’s local and long distance buses. We propose a very simple form that does not involve complex curves nor difficult angles, all of which can be very expensive to build. Due to budget concerns, this area is not to be air conditioned. Our solution is the installation of several chimneys throughout to ventilate hot air out while louvers on the bottom of the walls allow cool air to enter the structure. The resulting form of the building provides a functional, practical and economical solution to meet the needs of our Client and of its users.

地點:中國 寧波 項目面積:6,500平方米 狀態:2013年竣工 本項目的使用年限預計為五到七年,是為滿足鄞州地 區大量的公交及長運需求的過渡項目。由於使用年限 短及其導致的低造價的關係,本司以經濟效益為設計 的出發點,以簡單大氣效率為設計的目標。 因為設計年限及造價原因,候車廳不設置空調。本案 運用了煙囪熱流導向自然通風的原理,在平面上平均 佈置了排熱氣的“煙囪”,不但達到了調節室內溫度 的功能,更爲項目添增了與眾不同的亮麗造型。



62 12+1 Cubes 12+1個立方體 2009

Location: Hacienda Heights Project Size: 13,000 sqf Status: Construction starting 2013 We employ cubes as a basic formal element to normalize the design against the architectural vocabulary typical to this suburban area. The drama of our architecture is most pronounced at the interior where an extruded “C” shape is consistently carved out of each cube to create a unique interior space and environment. The strong sculptural sensibility of poured-in-place concrete makes it the ideal choice of construction method for the flowing cubes.

地點:美國 加州 哈仙達崗 項目面積:13,000平方英尺 狀態:2013年开始施工 為了突破該地區傳統的建築語彙,我們採用了立方體 作為項目的基本元素。該項目最特別的是每個立方體 的連接處部分都是一個被擠壓的“C”字形,由此創 造出了一個獨特的室內空間環境。工程和材料方面, 我們運用的澆灌混凝土是一種非常適合表達建築雕塑 感的材料,因此是最適合這種流動立方體的建造方 式。


64 Three River Estuary Residential 三江入海口-住宅 2008 Location: Boao, China Project Size: 85,000 sqm Status: Concept To achieve a delicate balance between the number of condominium units, building heights, and viewing experience, we made the single-loaded wings serve the condominium units from the back-side, hence opening them to the ocean and guaranteeing a view to all units.

地點:中國 博鰲 項目面積:85,000平方米 狀態:概念 為了找尋一個公寓單位數(以及樓層高度)和風景體驗 中微妙的平衡點,我們把公寓走廊設置在公寓後方, 由此所有公寓都朝向大海,且景觀全都得以保證。



72 Tang Residence 唐氏住宅 1998

Location: Palos Verdes, California Project Size: 6,000 sqf Status: Completed The project is located in Palos Verdes, a reclusive residential neighborhood between Los Angeles and Long Beach. The neighboring homes are built in the Mediterranean-Revival style due to tight controls over outward appearance by the local Homeowners Association. The client, however, expressed a desire to contrast the Mediterranean exterior with a contemporary interior. This project is a full interior renovation with 2,000 sqf added to the original 4,000 sqf. The interior design finds opportunities in the conventional pitched roof framing to create a wavy ceiling that mimics the ocean waves and cultivates a contemporary sensibility. 地點:美國 加州 洛斯維第斯 項目面積:6,000平方英尺 狀態:建成 該項目位於洛斯維第斯,是在洛杉磯和長灘市中的高 尚居住區。由於業主協會對建築的嚴格控制,該市的 所有房產都必須是地中海風格。客戶卻偏愛用現代風 格來進行室內裝修。項目是一個全面的室內翻新項 目,並對原4500平方英尺的房屋進行2000平方英尺的 加建。設計將原來室內的傳統坡屋頂改為波浪形,形 如大海的波紋,同時也為建築添加了一份現代感。


74 yU+co Office Interior Design yU+co室內設計 2001

Location: Hollywood, California Project Size: 14,000 sqf Status: Completed yU+co is a high-profile Hollywood design company specializing in motion graphics for film and television. The company has collaborated with many filmmakers including Steven Spielberg, Ang Lee, John Woo, Sydney Pollack, and Ridley and Tony Scott. The office is inside of a lofty warehouse which offers high ceiling space and free spatial configuration. The design embraces variety of forms and materials to create a heterogeneous environment that is conducive to creative thinking and activities typical of film industry. 地點:美國 加州 好萊塢 項目面積:14,000平方英尺 狀態:建成 yU+co是一間好萊塢的高端設計公司,專營電影和電 視的動畫設計。該公司曾為許多電影公司設計片頭, 其合作過的電影人包括斯皮爾伯格、李安、吳宇森、 西德尼·波拉克和斯科特兄弟等。 辦公室處於一個閣樓式倉庫內部,擁有高屋頂,空間 配置靈活高。室內設計運用了各種形式和材料,以創 建一個有利於創造式思維和電影業典型活動的異形空 間。


80 Beijing Information Science & Technology University Master Plan 北京信息科技大學新校區總體規劃 2011 Location: Beijing, China Project Size: 544,380 sqm Status: Concept Analyzing and interpreting the site is our starting point of this planning project. Due to irregular plot and lacking of center space, we defined the center with a central campus plaza, and placed the main structures around. At the same time, spreading out the main functional area and secondary functional area based on the central plaza.

地點:中國 北京 項目面積:544,380平方米 狀態:概念 我們空間規劃設計的出發點是對項目地塊的分析和解 讀。鑑於不規則的地塊形狀以及缺乏完整的中心空間, 我們求出地塊的集合中心,界定出校園的中心廣場,將 主要單體建築分別擺置在四周,並清晰的把廣場界定出 來。同時以廣場為核心,將空間組織向外擴散,分別創 建主功能區和次功能區。


82 Longfeng Fur Company and Manufacturing Facility Master Plan 隆豐皮草工業園規劃 2011 Location: Zhengzhou, China Project Size: 550,000 sqm Status: Concept Longfeng, a Henan based fur company, is experiencing phenomenal growth following the acquisition of a fur manufacturer in Spain and is poised to reach a broader global market. The new facility will increase manufacturing capacity and accommodate international clients and design talents. The project is to provide master planning for the company’s new office/factory facility on a 550,000 square meter site. The program includes an exhibition and sales center, design studio, prototype fabrication facility, logistics center, hotel, factory, dormitory and recreation facility.

地點:中國 鄭州 項目面積:550,000平方米 狀態:概念 隆豐皮草公司總部在河南,最近收購了西班牙的皮毛製 造廠,企業正在急速成長,並有望拓展更廣泛的全球市 場。此時,他們急需一個新加設施,以提高皮草生產能 力,適應國際客戶和設計人才的需求。 該項目為隆豐的新辦公室/工廠設施提供共550000平方米 的整體規劃,其中包括高檔商品銷售展示中心、設計​​師 工作室、原型製作設備、物流中心、賓館、宿舍和娛樂 休閒配套設施等。


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