April 2010

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Amplified April 2010/ISSUE NO. 3

Stand4Life: S.O.S Cry By: Leah Ramirez Director, Resound Missions Base

Over the last couple of weeks, God has opened so many doors for us that I can’t help thinking, we have entered into a Divine set-up. It’s as if we are being carried by the very breath of God. I believe God has a dream, and we have stepped onto the center stage of His heart. And as the drama unfolds, I believe history will record that public opinion concerning LIFE and abortion was indeed changed because of S.O.S. Cry and Stand4LIFE. A couple of weeks ago, God began to highlight Psalm 133. Although it’s only 3 verses long, we felt this was a prophetic word for Florida and all those longing for revival. *Continued On Page 3

"Join me in standing for the dignity and sacredness of human life on April 24 and May 1." Most Reverend THOMAS G. WENSKI, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Orlando

S.O.S. Cry University of Central Florida Saturday, April 24, 2010 10am-4pm Florida is sending out an S.O.S! People will gather from all across the state to lift up one cry...”God Save Our Souls.” Before we take a stand, let’s bow our knees. On April 24, Florida will pray: God end abortion and send revival!


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Resound is a movement. Our mission is to raise up a generation who knows their God and does great exploits. Our mandate is to not only stand, but declare and perform justice. Our faith is this: Revival in every sphere of our culture. This is our hope: Jesus is coming soon.

House Of Prayer We believe that God is raising up a prayer culture that goes way beyond putting sets on a schedule. In the book of Acts, the disciples were directed by visions, prayer and direct encounter. The Holy Spirit was the leader of the church. The Apostles gave themselves to prayer and reading the Word. We have asked God for an outpouring like what is recorded in Acts, and He has asked us to position ourselves like the apostles. If He could find a people who would wait, then He would send a baptism that would turn the world upside down. We’ve decided to wait!

Church Resound Church exists as an expression of pastoral ministry for those involved in any of the ministries of Resound Missions Base, including the ministry staff and any other believers embracing the vision, values and mandate of Resound Missions Base. Our church vision is to call people into the love of God, resulting in passion for Jesus and compassion for people. To serve Orlando by building families that function together as an Apostolic Missions Community committed to prayer, fasting and the Great Commission.

School Of Ministry Resound School of Ministry is a full and part-time Ministry School which exists to raise up messengers who resound the atmosphere of Heaven and demonstrate its power. We are a hands-on training center and believe in not just searching out the scriptures but applying them to our daily lives. We have been ruined with accounts in the Word of ordinary men and women who believed God and saw their generation saved. Our desire is to see an entire body of believers addicted to the Word and bent on obeying...no matter what the cost.

Come Join Us

Amplified Staff

Sunday Church Service: Sunday 10:15 am-12:30 pm

Editor-In-Chief...................Marcia Thorsell Design and Layout.............Brittnee Mayhew Feature Article Writers.......Leah Ramirez .......Marcia Thorsell .......Zerimar Ramirez .......Nicole Hawkins Photographer .....................Cody Duncan ......................Kendall Thorsell Graphic Design...................Mike Kotchenburger

Prayer Times: Monday 10:30 am-12:30 pm Tuesday 10:30 am - 2:00 pm Thursday 10:30 am - 1:00 pm Friday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (Deeper) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Contact Us: 7303 Monetary Dr Orlando, Fl 32809 407-340-0204


Amplified 133:1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore. If only the church and the pro-life community could come together in real unity, it would be the equivalent of the priestly anointing coming upon the land. When the leaders of a region are standing in holiness and priestliness before God, the blessing is “LIFE forevermore.” The key to the life issue was suddenly simplified… God was asking us to come together in real unity. Real unity would result in a culture of LIFE!! Over the weeks, we have been able to meet with some very key leaders

in Orlando and beyond. It’s hard to even know where to begin. Let me start by saying, we felt we must honor those who were and still are on the forefront of the LIFE issue. We have met several ministries who have been standing faithfully for the last 3 decades in front of abortion clinics, holding the line and raising the standard as a witness in our neighborhoods. Jerry Chase and Judy Johnson, with Pro-Life Action Ministries, Sandy Epperson, with First Life Crisis Pregnancy Center, Cal Zastrow and Jay Rogers, with Personhood U.S.A., just to name a few… These faithful witnesses have stood and cried out for years on behalf of mothers and the unborn. They are joining with us for S.O.S. Cry and Stand4LIFE! One of the things I am most excited about is joining together with the Catholic Church in Orlando. Thank God, literally, thank God for the Catholic church who has stood for LIFE, many

Page 3 times alone, without the other denominations help in this battle. I am happy to report that Bishop Thomas Wenski will be joining us for the S.O.S. Cry and has given us his written endorsement for Stand4LIFE. Senior Pastor David Youth and his congregation, First Baptist Orlando, will be standing with us on May 1. Northland Community Church will join with us. Bart Malone, Senior Pastor of The Bridge, will stand. Steve Strang, the publisher of Charisma Magazine, has endorsed S.O.S. Cry and Stand4LIFE. John Stemberger, the President of Florida Family Policy Council, has been a huge help in pulling together all of the parts and pieces of the life-movement. It has been absolutely amazing getting to know John and becoming part of his labor in Florida. He is a reformer through and through, and



"I am thankful for groups like Stand4LIFE that are reminding the body of Christ that the real urgency is to pray." TONY PERKINS, Family Research Council

"My Uncle, Dr. King spoke of justice often. How can the Dream survive if we murder our children?Let’s pray and Stand4LIFE." DR. ALVEDA KING, Director of African American Outreach, Priests for Life

Amplified we have pledged that his fights are our fights. We will stand with him as he stands for Florida. We are pleased to announce that Florida Representatives Scott Plakon and Charles Van Zant will attend and join their prayers with ours at the S.O.S. Cry. We are hoping that Mat Staver, the President of Liberty Council, will be able to join us on April 24.

men and women who believe with us that God’s intentions are toward this coastland!! And I could go on and on…What I’ve learned, over the last few weeks, is that God is moving all over Florida. It has been my pleasure, and I truly mean that, to get to know these phenomenal people. God has deposited true gifts in our region. I want to thank our church, who has stood with us in prayer, and given financially into this movement for LIFE. Truly, your prayers and gifts have and will affect an entire region with the

I wish I had room to mention all the accounts of those who are joining us from all over Florida. We have some of the best resources in our state! Faithful

Page 4 gospel. Thank you for standing with us, and for steadying our arms in this. We could not have come this far without you. I cannot wait to see what God does on April 24, at the S.O.S. Cry! And I cannot wait to stand shoulder to shoulder with Florida on May 1. This is a God thing! Be there. Make history. Never before have so many denominations come together with one purpose. This is our prayer, “God end abortion and send revival!!!

RENEWED FIRE By: Marcia Thorsell Associate Director, Resound Missions Base

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1-4)

There is nothing like a “holy moment” when God breaks in! It has been such a time over the last few weeks here at Resound as God has broken in upon our reality with HIS reality. Something we thought we understood and even practiced almost religiously was exposed as the Holy Spirit fell upon us on several occasions. What am I talking about? Acts 2…the baptism of the Holy Spirit….with the manifestation of tongues.

It all started when, in a meeting with one of the students, Leah and I realized this young man wasn’t filled with the spirit. We prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to fill him and give him his prayer language. After a few minutes of nothing….actually seconds… it would have been a normal response to quit and justify that action with “he’s just not ready to receive it.” After all, we have other important

things to do. The Holy Spirit is not so ready to quit! We felt impressed to continue pursuing in the Spirit and, after several minutes, we witnessed one of the greatest miracles next to salvation itself. The Holy Spirit broke in on this young man with the manifestation of tongues. The power of God was present in the room and especially on him. His entire countenance changed…there were tears…..there was a strange language….there was shaking…and when he spoke again

Amplified in English, the words were nothing we had ever heard come from his mouth. It was a holy moment! WE ALMOST MISSED IT! We emerged from that little “upper room” with a new revelation and a renewed resolve! God has given us a secret weapon of power in the Spirit that we hardly use at all. When we do, we really don’t realize what is happening in the heavenlies as we surrender our tongue and our prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to pray through us. As we pray in our prayer language, we are actually praying the perfect will of God rather than interjecting our will, our thoughts, and our opinions in the mix. What an incredibly, powerful weapon to have in our arsenal! With heightened expectation, we began a prayer set where we did nothing but pray and sing in the spirit. It was uncomfortable, but powerful. It felt awkward, but powerful. It felt like the “longest”

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prayer set we had ever done, but powerful! What was happening was not goosebumps, or appealing to our flesh or senses. It was happening in the Spirit realm. We had a holy sense that things were shifting in the heavenlies.

as well and once again, of course, God was faithful to His Word, and the Holy Spirit poured out Himself on several.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we continued with praying in the spirit for quite a few prayer sets, as well as at the Wednesday Part-time Ministry School. The incredible thing was, and it should have been no surprise, 8-10 people were filled with the spirit during those times. Leah opened it up on that Sunday

The Word says we have not because we ask not and even when we ask, we don’t ask right! Why not pray in the Spirit and let Him do the asking! The baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of tongues is our nuclear weapon! The detonating device is the opening of your mouth!

Needless to say, our so-called knowledge of the subject has now been overpowered by our experience with the immortal, eternal, living God. We will never be the same; those filled with the Spirit of God will never be the same. For us, this precious gift will never again be “shelved” like a dusty, unused Bible. I encourage you…..if you received the Holy Spirit a long time ago….He is still there, just waiting for you to recognize it and activate Him.

New Release REVELATION- By Leah Ramirez Chapter by chapter, we discus the meaning of the Revelation of Jesus. Class includes 7 audio teachings in Mp3 format and a disk with all of the notes in PDF format. Cost: $25.00 Purchase Online at www.resound247.com/RESOUND/STORE.html


By: Kendall Thorsell Youth Pastor, Resound Missions Base


Here it comes!!! A chance for youth and young adults to trade in a summer of parties, beaches and a lot of …well, sleeping… to spend time getting to know the living God and getting rocked in the process! We’ve seen, in the past few years, what God 2010 does when a young person gives three weeks of their summer to God, and every year, the testimonies blow me away. This year, it could be you! What are your plans for this summer? Are you willing to do something that will change your life forever?

Prayer and Outreach on a daily basis. You spend ridiculous amounts of time with Jesus, learn through the Word, and then go out to the city and change the atmosphere around you! The best part, to me, is that no one stays the same in the process. Go after the Lord, and He is faithful to encounter you. In our classes, you get a chance to study out the Bible in a very real way. You get


Our summer sessions consist of Classes, Discipleship,

classes on Intimacy and falling in love with Jesus, End times, and studying out what the word says for what lies ahead... and many more. All

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“What would God do with you if you give up three weeks of your summer for Him?”

the classes test your knowledge of the Word, and call you into the standard of the Lord. I’ve seen many students that are trying to figure out what to do with their future, want to do something with a purpose, want to do what’s right… but have no idea where to start. So to those, I say, give up three or six weeks of your summer, clearing your schedule to sit before Him and hear from Him. Train yourself to hear the Lord, to see His power, and to be obedient to release it yourself. As you do, you’ll begin to figure out where you are called… but more importantly, you will learn to follow the will of the Lord. So my question to you is, what will God do with you if you give up three weeks of your summer for Him? … There is only one way to find out. (P.S…. It’s worth it)


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WHO WILL STAND IN THE GAP? By: Zerimar Ramirez

I believe that in every generation opportunity for greatness is afforded. It comes through the adversity and trials pressed against them and whether or not they give in or take a stand. From the corners of public high schools come the modern day revivalists, fueled by passion for Jesus, and propelled by hunger for revival. There is a senior at Lyman High School here in Longwood, Fl that has decided his place is at the forefront of revival. He believes that the most impact one can have is in the place of prayer, yet He knows he’s called to evangelize. So Daniel did what Daniel does best… he prayed about it. Having recently spoken with Daniel, I had the pleasure of probing his brain and heart. He began to tell me about the “Repent Wall” he started at Lyman High. He says,” One day, Larry and Mike came up to me and said you should start a wall like a life siege at Lyman. I prayed and so then we just started doing it… I figured that I would put REPENT on the tape instead of LIFE. The funny thing is that the first time we ever stood in the line was National Anti-Violence week, and the color for that was red. It was rad.” Continuing on, we spoke of the practical aspects of standing on a high school campus…

the embarrassments, what teachers and teenagers say. ‘What stands out to you?’ I asked the 17 year old. He replied, “There’s a variety of reactions; cursing, mocking and some people ask us ‘what’s up?’ Some hold up signs and take pictures, and some make fun of us. Teachers walk up and ask what we are doing and then walk away. It seems like they get convicted.” “The truth is the weight far outweighs anything we feel, even fear.” “So you’re afraid sometimes?” I asked. “There’s always this fear. It’s a legit weight. We all were like dreading the actual start date… 2 weeks until… ok the next week, 1 week!!! Are we really doing it? It’s really about being able to break the fear through pursuing holiness and righteousness. The deepest concern is repentance. It’s even more of a process of being a witness. It’s brought it up even more in my own life. People walk by and you’re afraid to preach to them, but they acknowledge you’re standing for holiness. It breaks down the walls of being afraid to witness and share the gospel.” These questions began to weigh so heavily on me when I asked them of Daniel that we had to break for a moment. I completely believe that God was using this young man to burden my heart with the issue of repentance and holiness. Daniel isn’t worried about the football games and the pep rallies, but about the souls of his peers. The root issues of this young man’s heart aren’t found in his ability to socially network himself to the top of the upper classmen's food chain. In fact, it’s the sheer opposite. He is going low and

deep in God and asking for revival to arise on a public high school campus. I had one final question for the senior. Do you feel the Repent Wall will continue on Lyman after you graduate, maybe even follow you into your college years? Without hesitation, he replied, “I see it going beyond campuses; I see it at festivals and places where people meet like modern day meeting halls. Wherever the Lord leads me, I believe this came from a burden I have for Lyman… I don’t want it to be a good idea; I want to be burdened for the place I’m at … this isn’t just a good idea; it has to be my burden!” I believe that this is revival… the most pure, most raw, and most devoted forms of prayer, repentance and dedication. God is looking for young men and women to rise up in humility and holiness in order to take a campus, city, state and nation back for Jesus. Daniel Mironichenko is still leading the Repent Wall at Lyman until he graduates this May. He and his team lead the siege every Wednesday morning before school starts. They change locations because they feel the Lord has a Joshua 1:3 strategy for them to claim different parts of the high school. Please continue to pray for revival on the Lyman High School campus and that the Lord would continue to give Daniel wisdom.


Dr. Martin Luther King giving his life for justice. No matter the cost, even unto death, Dr. King stood with the Lord for the matter of life!

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Dr. Alveda King carrying out the dream and fighting for life!

WALKING IN THE MANTLE OF THE LIBERATORS Interview with Dr. Alveda King By: Nicole Hawkins

Dr. Alveda King is probably the most recognized pro-life voice in the country. She is a Pastoral Associate and Director of the African-American Outreach for the national organization, Priests for Life. She sits on the board for the Georgia Right to Life, holds a Masters from Central Michigan University, a Doctorate of Laws degree from Saint Anselm College, and she is a former member of the Georgia House of Representatives. Although her credentials are impressive, she is best known as the niece of her famous uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King. She is the founder of “King for America,” a faith-based organization built on the ministry of her late father, Dr. Alfred King and her uncle. She is looking to recruit others into another civil rights movement: the fight for the unborn. Fighting unjust causes has followed her from an early age, as did the threat of abortion. Her mother was offered material from Planned Parenthood to consider “the alternative” to save her college career. Her

dad wouldn’t accept this. Her mom had a vision of a light-skinned, bright red haired girl, and Alveda was born January 22, 1950, the same day Roe vs Wade became law. “Al was given, naming me after my dad, Alfred, and Veda, rooted from the word vida or vitae, Italian for life. He wanted me to have life.” “I feel like Elisha or Elishette. In the King family legacy, I do walk in that mantle of the liberators.” As a child, she was called to walk in holiness in the 1960s. She remembered when her daddy’s house was bombed, and he famously stated to neighbors and the police that the violence would stop with non-violence. During this time, his older brother Martin was starting the Civil Rights Movement, organizing local church members to step out of the pews and into action. According to Dr. King, Alfred, her father, would be seen as President JFK and his brother Bobby during this era. “They were called the “Sons of Thunder,” after James and John in the Bible.

“How can the ‘Dream’ survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother.”

Amplified Years later, when her family moved to Louisville, KY, her uncle allowed her and other young people to march and protest at the City Hall chambers. “So I actually marched there and went to jail, and got a lot of what the civil rights movement was. That spirit is on me now for the pre-born babies.” Unfortunately, Alveda, learning by firsthand experience, would have 2 abortions that she regretted. The first was actually done without her consent. What was supposed to be a routine examination became a D & C procedure, suffering physical pain…and the loss of her first child. The second resulted from the father not wanting the child, and being told it was like “getting a tooth pulled.”

“My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., once said, ‘No one is going to kill a child of mine.’ Tragically, two of his grandchildren had already been aborted but he saved the life of his next greatgrandson. Dr. King once said, ‘The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.’ How can the “Dream” survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother.” Dr. King has heard about the third prophetic wave that would take down abortion and felt even another wave is coming. “I believe the Catholics were the first wave, Evangelicals the second, minorities


“Won’t You revive us again, so Your people can rejoice in You?”(Psalm 85:6). What does revival look like? Pastor Gary Hyppolite is witnessing this as he helps to rebuild Haiti after the earthquake. A native of Haiti, he is the director of Bethel Mission Outreach, working with the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Atlanta. Bethel Mission Outreach helped establish and manage the R.O.C.K (Revelation of Christ’s Kingdom)

House of Prayer in Haiti. They are a missions base, an orphanage, and a school that feeds, clothes and gives free education to over 200 children daily! He explains that despite national destruction, his mission base stood. “It’s crazy just to see it because I know there’s a bunch of other buildings that were built way better than our building that went down; but God preserved the work here,” Pastor Gary shares. “In fact, we poured concrete on the second

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the third, and the fourth wave is the young people.” Her main prayer is that the church would help their community stand again for the pre-born and get their young people involved. “I knew as people continued to pray, the young people would emerge. “You know, Christ said, ‘Let the children come, and allow the children to come unto me, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ If we remember Psalm 27 where we see, ‘children are a gift from God’, then this movement will see victory in Jesus. And if we continue to do that, then we shall overcome.”

“I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and turn to me. For as soon as trouble comes, they will earnestly search for me.” Hosea 5:15

floor on the day before the quake. The next day, the roof is still standing! People here are suffering, but there’s really a revival breaking in all over Haiti… a revolution of holiness and righteousness.” The ROCK has been the place where this community has come together and is getting saved. “They realize they’re alive because of the compassion and the love of the Lord. Everybody has a testimony. This is just unprecedented to be able to witness

Amplified this corporate prayer gathering in parks: nobody sleeping in their homes. There are so many testimonies of how the hand of God literally pulled someone out.” Why did Pastor Gary start a house of prayer in Haiti? “I was very scared, especially when I found out we were in the middle of a voodoo village, and there were so many temples all over. I began to think perhaps I made a mistake.” Even with a foiled kidnapping attack and violence towards their staff and kids, no one got hurt. “At that point I knew without a doubt, God truly planted us and established us there to stay in that place. First and foremost, the vision God has given us was to establish the house of prayer. So the house of prayer is the foundation upon which everything else we do.” The school staff and interns pray from 4-6am, and from noon-6pm, along with 8 hours of school provided for the local kids. There’s no restriction to sharing the gospel, even those whose religious background is voodoo. “Some of these kids’ parents are voodoo priests. These are the children that I’ve had with me in the last 3 years,” he shares proudly, which led to a new mandate to open up another orphanage. “As a local missions base, we partnered with another local church there, and then boom! We already transferred all the furniture there before the quake. It is amazing how the Lord would put it in my heart to open a new orphanage way before this earthquake took place.” Pastor Gary was given a dream of being planted as a mango tree, where the Lord would bring fruit. “The mango branches were so heavy and ripe they were touching the ground. It was so beautiful

and nobody was touching them; this is not normal in the natural for the people there. I woke up and knew it was the Lord, so I began to pray. The Lord showed me, ‘It is the harvest. It is the harvest that is ripe in Haiti.’ I knew I needed to pray for strategy, like the sons of Issachar (1st Chronicles 7:1-2), who knew the times and the seasons.” Now they preach in front of their mango tree 6 days a week all day doing harp and bowl with school and construction of homes as outreach. On February 12th, President Préval called for 3 days of fasting and prayer, like in Esther 4:16. Pastor Gary saw this as a Jonah 3:8-10 moment, where 700 people participated and came to their church on Valentines Day. Bolivar, their on-site director, preached on grace that day and 50 people got saved, including 5 voodoo priests! “We’re calling our brothers and sisters to cry out to the Lord that He would put up watchmen, specifically positioned watchmen all over the nation of Haiti… and that we would pray day night for God to establish them.”

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“I know there’s a bunch of other buildings that

were built way

better than our

building that went down; but God preserved the work here”


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PureLife: Fighting For The Eyes Of A Generation

Pure Life is a lifestyle that exists to snatch souls out of sexual immorality, in every sphere of society. One of the ways that we do this is by standing in front of strip clubs blind folded, praying. We minister to club bouncers, managers, customers and even the dancers themselves. Strips clubs are the boiling point of sexual immorality in our city. We believe that stand for purity starts in the home. Pure Life 101 is geared to help equip the middle and high school age student to maintain this standard. Pure Life 101 is home-based prayer that meets in a central location to facilitate these students. Jada’s heart for Pure Life 101 is to see it exist on high school campuses. She believes that the campuses are the seed beds of this generation that are already being sowed into by the media and popular culture. We are seeing the fruit of this through fashion, music and movies. The immoral has become the new standard. Raising the bar is what Pure Life exists for. A lifestyle of purity must become the standard again!

By: Zerimar Ramirez

WHEN AND WHERE DOES PURE LIFE MEET? Pure Life meets every Saturday night from 10 p.m to Midnight, come rain or shine, heat or cold at local strip clubs. Currently the Lord has Pure Life meeting at Crystal Cabaret on 441 in Apopka and the recently closed, Club Harem in Winter Park. If you’re interested in standing with us in prayer or showing your support financially, please feel free to contact Jada Williams at 321-696-1477 or email her at BornPure8609@aim.com.

Staff Snap-Shot Jada Renee` Williams Pure Life Ministries and Young Children’s Director Favorite Food: Nothing American or fried -basically anything else covered in cheese!


Favorite Quote: “Show me a man that does a lot of talking and I will show you a Christian who does little praying. “ Daniel Nash Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Five years from now, I see myself looking back on all of the strip clubs, adult bookstores and gay clubs transformed into holy memorials showing the righteousness of God in our city; humbly knowing that the Lord chose me to help do it.


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The Elementary Doctrines Of The Faith By: Leah Ramirez The writer of Hebrews described some of the foundational teaching s of the church including the repentance from dead works, faith in God, instructions on washings, the laying on of hands, resurrection from the dead, and eternal judgement. There are 6 teachings included in this series as well as a copy of all the notes in pdf format. Cost: $25.00

Fire In The Field By: Leah Ramirez Doing what you are called to do where you are called to do it. Missed the conference? No worries, we recorded it. There are 3 recorded sessions, and 5 discipleship session notes included. All the notes are in pdf format. Cost: $20.00

The Greatest HA HA Commandment By: Resound Staff By: Leah Ramirez Jesus called this the Greatest Commandment, A look at the powers not the great option. We that have invaded take and in-depth look at America and the what it means to love the response the church Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength as must make in this hour. Class includes 7 CD well as loving our neighbor. There are 8 teachings audio courses and their included in this set as well notes. All the notes are as a copy in pdf format. of all the notes in pdf format.

Cost: $30.00

Resound Summer Sessions By: Leah Ramirez and Staff

Prayer Echoes By: Marcia Thorsell

The Evidence Of The Spirit By: Marcia Thorsell and Staff

This is our complete Summer program. The program includes 30 audio classes and corresponding notes. We have also included the notes from 48 discipleship sessions, which cover all of the basics of being a disciple of Jesus. For those considering starting a Summer Session at their own church or missions base, we have included policies, procedures and our Summer schedule.

“There was no plan or rehearsed music when this was recorded,” said Marcia. “We simply prayed, anointed my hands, pressed record, and I played for awhile. Whether you are praying, reading, searching or just listening, I pray you find Him.” Improvisational piano worship.

As disciples of Christ, there are qualities that develop from walking in the Spirit. These are not our qualities, but the very qualities of God birthed in human vessels. Class includes 7 CD audio courses and their notes. All the notes are in pdf format.

Cost: $100.00

Cost: $12

Cost: $25.00

Cost: $25.00

Holy Revolution: Sermon on the Mount By: Leah Ramirez A detailed look at the longest recorded sermon of Jesus...The foundation of our faith and how to live into it. Class includes 13 CD audio courses and their notes. All the notes are in pdf format. Cost: $35.00

Matthew 24: End-Times By: Leah Ramirez

Gripped By God By: Leah Ramirez

Letting scripture interpret scripture, we use Jesus’ discourse on end-times recorded in Matthew 24, to study the themes related to the final generation. If we can trust Jesus for salvation from sin, surely we can trust that He is wise to prepare us. Class includes 6 CD audio courses and their notes. All the notes are in pdf format. Cost: $25.00

Gripped by God looks at the biblical accounts of men and women from all walk of life who were apprehended by God in their generation. Some were kings, some prophets and some were unknown by man...But they all had one thing in common: they moved the heart of God. There are 6 teachings included in this series as well as a copy of all the notes in pdf format.

Cost: $20.00

You Can Purchase All Above Merchandise at www.resound247.com/RESOUND/STORE.html

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