Say godbye to problem antspr

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Professional ant control technology Say Goodbye to Problem Ants Ants may be good in the garden for aerating soil and redistributing nutrients but when they find their way into homes or businesses, that’s a problem. When ants have found a new home in any kitchen or bath Ant Control is the answer to the problem. They are professional pest control experts. “The ants you're probably having trouble with are Pavement Ants and Pharaoh Ants, we will refer to both Pharaoh and Pavement ants as sugar ants. What do they eat? They eat sugar, sweets, and other scraps of food,” explained (Phil Norris ant exterminator technician at “This is why we call them sugar ants. Little black ants have also garnered the name "sugar ant," though their real name is, well, Little Black Ants. Not a lot is known about Little Black Ants, except that they eat just about anything. On the other hand carpenter ants really like rotting wood and in some instance they have been known to destroy sound wood which could lead to serious destruction of a home or business building which could lead to thousands of dollars in damages. Phil Norris a ants exterminator at ants control adds “it would be in your interest to set up a regular ant control service to inspect your property to watch out for potential infestation with would cost a lot more money”. Getting rid of little black ants, however, despite how little is known about them from a biological perspective, is as easy as getting rid of sugar ants” Linepithema humile is the scientific name for black ants, which are also called sugar ants and Argentine ants. An infestation of these ants will see the insects traveling across floors in lines, seeking out sugar and food waste. Often, they take up residence in the kitchen. Black ants typically do not pose a threat to people or property, but they can be a major nuisance. Effective pest control for black ants must involve locating the entire colony and eliminating it. Whether sugar ants, black ants, pavement ants or pharaoh ants are your problem, it doesn’t matter. The solution is Ant Control and the ants seen now will soon be a distant memory. Don’t waste time on amateurs or grocery store remedies. Call the professionals and get rid of ants right away. -30-

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