Newsletter 16 october

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8.00am – Eucharist – Bishop Selwyn Chapel Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean 9.00am – Holy Communion – St Stephen’s Chapel, Judge St Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Reverend Dr. Tony Surman, Precentor 10.00am – Choral Eucharist – Cathedral Nave Presiding Priest: The Reverend Dr Tony Surman, Precentor Preacher: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean 5.00pm - Choral Evensong – Cathedral Chancel Officiant: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean Homilist: Lucy Flatt, Student, St John’s College TODAY’S READINGS: 8am and 9am: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Luke 18:1-8 Choral Eucharist: Genesis 32:22-31, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Luke 18:1-8 Choral Evensong: Nehemiah 8:9-18, John 16:1-11

SENTENCE: Our soul waits for God, who is our help and shield.

Psalm 33:20

COLLECT: God of unchangeable power, our strength at all times; guard us from all dangers and support us in all difficulties that we may live victoriously now and forever; through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

WELCOME TO AUCKLAND CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY TRINITY Celebrating God’s Love Welcoming all - Worshipping God - Nourishing community - Empowering action A very warm welcome to the community of Holy Trinity Cathedral. If you would like to know more about Cathedral programmes, or receive regular information, please complete one of the blue cards at the rear of the Cathedral, or St Stephen's Chapel, and give it to a sides-person or to one of the clergy.

FROM THE DEAN’S DESK: TIKANGA YOUTH SUNDAY Today in our lectionary is Tikanga Youth Sunday. We celebrate the many ministries that young people are involved with in our Church and the important part they hold in our life together, in our wider Church and here in our Cathedral community. In February, Jessica Hughes and Fran Flores-Lim will report to us on their BOLD mission trip to Fiji this summer. We continue to hold Jess, Fran and all the BOLD participants in our prayers. Jess is also a Cathedral Council member and was the youngest Synod Representative at this year’s Synod! We pray today for Joe Bevans, our Youth Minister, and Caroline Chambers Torovugalei and all our Kathedral Kids team. If you would like to be part of these vital ministries please see Joe, Caroline or one of the clergy – more help always welcomed! Today at Choral Evensong, Lucy Flatt, Christchurch Diocese student from St John’s College who is on placement here at the Cathedral, will give the homily. We are reminded today also of the youth work in our Diocese, led by Karen Spoelstra, and for the links around our Dioceses, led by Phil Trotter. Thee tikanga youth ministry is an important part of our Church life as well and there are a number of shared training and mission initiatives which our young people are involved with. Youth ministry is, in fact, one of the places in our Church where three tikanga is alive and well! We celebrate the young people in our Cathedral community today and consider also what we each can do to encourage the young people in our communities.

Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean

CATHEDRAL NEWS THANK YOU: A big Cathedral thank you to James and Sally Tibbles for two wonderful concerts in the Bishop Selwyn Chapel. Thank you to everyone who attended. We will advise to the total raised towards a new Chamber organ for the Bishop Selwyn Chapel. ALL SAINTS’ DAY FLOWERS: If you would like to make a donation towards All Saints’ Day flowers in memory of a loved one, please contact the Cathedral Office. The names of those remembered will be listed in the newsletter on All Saints’ Day and remembered in our prayers. Thank you. Desré Simpson

MUSIC MATTERS CATHEDRAL CHOIRS: The Junior Choristers gathered after Evensong on Tuesday for their shared family meal to begin the new term. Thank you to Bernadette and Tony and all who added to the pot for the delicious feast that was enjoyed by all! We look forward to another term of musical celebration. Anyone aged 7 to 14 years who is keen to join the Choristers please contact Michael Stoddart on 09 303 9508.

FOR THE DIARY OPEN4EM: This group will meet tomorrow, Monday 17 October at 7pm, for a shared meal and a discussion at the home of Margaret and Ted Malan home. Please phone Margaret (ph.529 4003) for more information. AUCKLAND PRAYER BREAKFAST: Thursday, 27 October, 7.00am finishing at 8.40am, Eden Park North level 5, lounge. $35 per person. The Auckland Prayer Breakfast is a prayer gathering open to all who care for, work and live in Auckland City. It is a new initiative of unity and prayer supported by the Auckland Church Leaders, New Zealand Christians Network and other organisations that support the work of the Church. Bishop Kito will be part of leading the gathering. It would be great to make a Cathedral table, which can be 10 or 12. Would you join me? Please let the office know by Wednesday 19 October and we can make a booking. Jo Kelly-Moore. THE FEASTS OF ALL SAINTS AND ALL SOULS On Sunday, 30 October we will join together for a Cathedral community lunch after our 10am All Saints’ Day Eucharist celebration. Please sign up after Church today or call the office during the week to rsvp. We invite everyone to bring either a salad or a dessert. All are welcome to this community celebration during which we will farewell the Surman family. At 5pm we will have a Requiem Eucharist as we commemorate the Feast of All Souls. PARISH CONSULTATION: Please mark Sunday 13 November, 12 noon in the diary, which is when we will meet for our Parish Consultation with Bishop Ross and Archdeacon Carole to consider our parish priorities in the appointment of a new Dean. More information to follow over the next weeks – but please mark the date and plan to be part of this important conversation. We pray together for the way ahead. Avril Souter and Caroline Oliver, Cathedral Wardens. ‘JUST WAR?’ – DOROTHY BROWN MEMORIAL LECTURE 2016 AND STUDY DAY: On Friday 18 November at 7.30pm in the Selwyn Library, Dr Jenny Te Paa, former Dean of Te Rau Kahikatea, St John’s College, former Chair of International Anglican Peace and Justice Network: Just War Theory but ‘just’ for whom? will give a lecture entitled ‘Just War?’. This will be followed by a Study Day from 9am-5pm on Saturday 19 November in the Bishop Selwyn Chapel with Father Claude Mostowik, Professor Kevin Clements, Professor Richard Jackson, Dr Derek Woodard-Lehman, Keith Locke and Chris Barfoot. See our website for more information. No charge for the lecture. Study Day, $20. Light refreshments provided incl. lunch on Saturday. Book with or phone 575-6142. Book early – numbers are limited.

CAN YOU HELP? HOSPITAL CHAPEL TEAM 2017: Five times a year Holy Trinity Cathedral sends a team to assist with the Auckland City Hospital's 10am Ecumenical Eucharist service. We need a new coordinator as well as two or three new members to continue this valuable outreach. If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact me asap – thank you. Paul Kelly-Moore. or phone: 303 9501. FROZEN MEALS MINISTRY 2017: We need more team members to fill the gap as three of our members are stepping down at the end of 2016. As part of the team you are asked to provide two meals every six-eight weeks. This is a wonderful ministry to be a part of and we have already delivered 130 meals this year. If you are interested, please contact me asap – thank you. Paul Kelly-Moore. or 303 9501.

COMMUNITY NEWS AWAKEN CONFERENCE: A Conference discovering God, Christianity, Gender and Sexuality. 21-24 October All Saints Church, Ponsonsby, chaired by Dr. Nick Thompson Theological and Religious Studies, Auckland University. For more information CHRISTMAS CAKE ORDERS: Support the Anglican Trust for Women and Children by ordering a delicious Christmas cake from them this year. Cakes are $55 and can be ordered form Maylene Tavita at ATWC on 09-276 3729 ext. 9013 or email: HYMN OF PRAISE: A concert by Auckland Choral featuring Mendelssohn’s Lobgesang (Hymn of Praise) with soloists Anna Leese, Catrin Johnsson, Jaewoo Kim and John Wells (Organ). Pipers Sinfonia. Uwe Grodd (conductor) Also works by J.S. Bach, James Macmillan and Chris Artley at the Auckland Town Hall. Sat 29 October at 7.30pm. Pre-concert talk at 6.30pm by Heath Lees. Bookings at Ticketmaster.

MISSION OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – WEEK 4 – This week is something for school - If you haven’t got a box it is not too late to start putting one together as the Cathedral takes part in a project that brings happiness and joy to children in developing countries through gifts in a shoebox. Our boxes from New Zealand go to Fiji and other South Pacific islands. October 30 will be Shoebox Sunday when we gather in the boxes. They will be collected by Operation Christmas Child on Monday 31 st. Please read the handout (available from the rear of the Cathedral) for more information regarding this initiative, and contact Merle in the office or one of the clergy if you have any questions.(boxes available from the office) CHRISTIAN WORLD SERVICE: Grow a farm, send a child to school or enable job training. These are just a few of the Christmas gift ideas Christian World Service is offering from as little as $15. The gifts you buy are a donation to an actual programme supported by CWS. For more information, Freephone 0800 74 73 72 or visit

FOR OUR PRAYERS Prayers for the World: We pray for those who are suffering in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. We also pray for all living with the reality of conflict and war, especially the people of Syria, Yemen, Palestine and Israel. Prayers for the Church: In our worldwide Anglican Communion we pray for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and for the Church of Ceylon and the Right Reverend Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasabey. In our Province we pray for our Archbishops, Philip, Brown and Winston and for our sister Cathedrals. In our Diocese, we pray for our Bishops Ross and Jim and for Bishop Kito and for the Reverend Warren Watson who has been appointed as the new Chaplain at King’s College. In our Cathedral Community we pray for our team of Cathedral Welcomers.

We pray for those who have died, especially Irene Brown and Michael Firth, and for those who mourn. We call to mind those whose anniversaries occur at this time, particularly David Walden, Louise Dormer and Michael Taylor. May they rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon them. CATHEDRAL PRAYER CHAIN is a group of parishioners committed to responding promptly to requests on behalf of yourself or others. Please contact our co-ordinator, Lynette Wright on Ph. 845 0260.


SUNDAY 23 OCTOBER 2016 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am


WEEKDAY CHORAL EVENSONG – CATHEDRAL CHANCEL Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 5.45pm


Eucharist – Bishop Selwyn Chapel Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Reverend Dr Tony Surman, Precentor Holy Communion (BCP) - St Stephen’s Chapel, Judge Street, Parnell Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean Sung Eucharist – Cathedral Nave Presiding Priest: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean Preacher: The Reverend Dr Tony Surman, Precentor Night Prayer Officiant: The Reverend Dr Tony Surman, Precentor

READINGS: CHORAL EUCHARIST: Sirach 35:12-17, 2 Tim 4:6-8,16-18, Luke 18:9-14 CHORAL EVENSONG: Ecclesiastes 11 &12, 2 Timothy 2:1-7

CATHEDRAL STAFF Dean: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore Cathedral Precentor: The Reverend Dr Tony Surman Priest Assistant: The Reverend Jayson Rhodes Director of Music: Michael Stoddart Cathedral Organist: Philip Smith Children & Families Minister: Caroline Chambers-Torovugalei Youth Minister: Joseph Bevan Cathedral Secretary: Merle Abbot (office hours 9am-5pm) Project Manager, Selwyn’s Vision, and EA to the Dean: Charlotte Antonievich Pastoral Care Minister: Paul Kelly-Moore Events and Visitor’s Experience Manager: June Pitman Accounts Administrator: Marion Paterson Maintenance Manager: Rick Henson Custodian: Joe Moncur

(09)303 9502 (09)303 9504 (09)281 2047 (09)303 9508 (09)303 9509 (09)303 9500 (09)303 9500 (09)303 9500 (09)281 3523 (09)303 9501 (09)303 9500 (09)303 9505 (09)303 9507 (09)303 9507

P O Box 37 148 Parnell, Auckland 1151, -

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