SUNDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2016 8.00am – Eucharist – Bishop Selwyn Chapel
Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean 9.00am – Holy Communion – St Stephen’s Chapel – Judge St Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Reverend Dr Noel Derbyshire 10.00am – Choral Eucharist – St Mary’s Presiding Priest: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore. Dean Address: Dawn Jones and Jessica Hughes, Lay Synod Representatives 5.00pm – Choral Evensong – St Mary’s Presiding Priest and Homilist: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean
TODAY’S READINGS: Choral Eucharist: Sirach 44:1-15; 1 Corinthians 3:11-17; Matthew 5:1-12 Choral Evensong: Wisdom 4:7-end; Mark 10:32-34. SENTENCE: Call to remembrance, O Lord, your tender care and the unfailing love which you have shown from of old. - Psalm: 25:5 COLLECT: Everlasting God, your messengers have carried the good news of Christ to the ends of the earth; grant that we who commemorate the builders of your Church in these islands may know the truth of the gospel in our hearts and build well on the foundations they have laid; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
WELCOME TO AUCKLAND CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY TRINITY Celebrating God’s Love Welcoming all - Worshipping God - Nourishing community - Empowering action A very warm welcome to the community of Holy Trinity Cathedral. If you would like to know more about Cathedral programmes, or receive regular information, please complete one of the blue cards at the rear of the Cathedral, or St Stephen's Chapel, and give it to a sides-person or to one of the clergy.
FROM THE DESK OF THE DEAN: Organ projects progress Today at 10am and 5pm we worship in St Mary’s-in-Holy Trinity because the Cathedral organ building team had to stop work for our Diocesan Synod which took place in the Nave this week. In order to keep on schedule, they are making up the time lost by working today in the Cathedral. During the KBB Music Festival, two weeks ago, the team also worked a week of night shifts! We are very grateful for their flexibility and we are also very blessed to have two churches as part of our Cathedral Precinct. Interestingly, 7 September will mark two years since we had our last Sunday morning Service in St Mary’s before moving back to the Nave without the bridge. What a lot has happened in those two years! The Cathedral Organ builders from Nicholson will be with us for the next 6 weeks, after which time all of the organ that is on the Parnell Road side of the Cathedral will be installed. On 10 September we look forward to welcoming Andrew Moyes, Managing Director of Nicholson & Co, back to Auckland as he comes to look at progress to date, and to participate in some of the electrical side of the organ installation. The present team will return to Malvern in October to complete construction of the other side of the organ. Returning in mid-January, the final part of the organ (on the harbour side of the Cathedral) will be installed, concluding before Easter. Some voicing work will continue after Easter and we look to a completed Cathedral organ in May 2017. At the same time, restoration of St Mary’s organ is underway now in Brisbane. Simon Pierce and his team will be back in mid-November this year to complete phase one of the organ re-installation. In October the front pipes of the organ will also be removed for painting. George Croft had specified that this happen in his design for St Mary’s organ but there was not enough money in the original project to complete it. Over 100 years later we are blessed to be able to complete this. In 2017 we will have both organ teams here at the same time as Simon’s team also completes St Mary’s organ by mid-March. Exciting stuff! Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean.
TODAY AT THE CATHEDRAL COFFEE AND MUFFINS: Today after our 8am Service all are welcome to join in the Friends’ Room for coffee and muffins. HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY! Today we give thanks for our fathers, the saints on earth and in heaven, and for those who are, or have been, as father to us.
CATHEDRAL NEWS CELEBRATING 500 CATHEDRAL FREEZER MEALS: Last week the 500th home cooked freezer meal was distributed from the Cathedral. This is a wonderful ministry in our midst, which has been a great blessing to so many people. Thank you to Paul who co-ordinates this ministry and to Bonnie, Jane, Helen, Amanda, Lilo, Renata, Lois, Jan, Sue, Janet, Paul, Nola and Merle who generously cook the meals. Well done team – and thank you! BISHOP SELWYN CHAPEL OPENING AFTERNOON TEA: Thank you again to everyone who brought plates filled with goodies for the Chapel opening afternoon tea. Please collect your bowl/container from a trolley in the Bishop Monteith Visitors’ Centre today. THANK YOU to all who generously donated spectacles to send to Honiara. We were able to give two supermarket bags towards this worthy cause. A member of our 10am congregation, Gary Swift who is a member of the Melanesian Trust Board, will take them to Honiara. COMMUNITY OF TRINITY: An important part of the Cathedral’s mission and ministry in our Consecration year will be to offer hospitality and leadership to a new intentional community being formed in the Diocese. The offer is for Christians to learn, during a year with others, how to make time for God amidst everyday life. Our bishops are inviting Christians aged 20 – 35 to form an intentional non-residential community in the monastic tradition. Through a focus on prayer, spiritual practice, service and formation, each member will learn to nurture a growing and sustainable relationship with God. Members will experience a year of shared life, and learn spiritual practices which will deepen their engagement in their churches, and in every sector of society. Participants will keep their daily commitments and local worship communities, but will commit to an evening a week, as well as a retreat and times to hold the City and Diocese in prayer. The Bishop Selwyn Chapel in Holy Trinity Cathedral will be the regular gathering space. Apply now for November 2016 Commissioning. Applications close 3 October. To find out more speak with the Rev’d Jayson Rhodes or go to or
CAN YOU HELP? SPRING! Time to get some exercise! Time to breathe fresh air! Time to make new friends! Time to join the HTC Gardening Group! Yes, now you, and your family, can sign up to the HTC Gardening Group. Not only can you potter around in our lovely spring sunshine for a couple of hours but you can also help keep the Cathedral gardens looking beautiful. Absolutely no skill required (but if you do come from Kew Gardens we need you!) and suitable for all levels of fitness. Please see Michelle Malley after 10am Service, or call the office, to register your interest as we ‘plot’ a lovelier precinct! Thank you.
FOR THE DIARY OPEN4EM: This group meets tomorrow, 5 September, at 7pm at Ted and Margaret Malan's home for a shared meal and discussion about the development of the old Prayer Book in the 16th century, led by Dr Tony. Questions to Frank Wright 845 0260.
THE FRIDAY GROUP: The next scheduled meeting will be on Friday 9 September when the speaker will be Carolina Izzo, the artist who has gilded the ceiling of the Bishop Selwyn Chapel. Jane Bellamy BOLD FUNDRAISING EVENT: As a fundraiser for their Building Outstanding Leaders and Disciples mission trip to Fiji, the BOLD team is holding a screening of the 100% filmed in New Zealand film 'Pete's Dragon', at Capitol Cinema, 610 Dominion Road, Balmoral on Thursday 15th September at 6.10pm - the day the film comes out. Tickets are $20. Jessica Hughes and Francesca Flore-Lim, two of our Cathedral young people are part of the BOLD programme this year. To support them in this fundraiser, get your tickets from Jessica, Fran or directly from AYM FORWARDS & BACKWARDS: On Saturday, 15 October, at both 2pm and 6pm, James and Sally Tibbles will perform the first concerts in the Bishop Selwyn Chapel. ‘FORWARDS & BACKWARDS’ will be a baroque concert and is a celebration of 40 years of professional music making for James. In fact, this year marks 40 years since he was appointed Organ Scholar here, and 30 years since he was appointed Director of Music. Both concerts will be followed by refreshments. All proceeds go towards a Chamber organ for the Bishop Selwyn Chapel. Tickets for 2pm are $40 and $30 (seniors), including afternoon tea, and for 6pm $50 and $40 (seniors), including wine and nibbles. Tickets are limited and available today after the Service or from the office. CATHEDRAL PRECENTOR: Tony’s last Sunday with us as Cathedral Precentor will be Sunday, 30 October, the Feast of All Saints and All Souls. After our 10am Service we will have an All Saints Day Cathedral lunch at which we will celebrate Tony and the Surman family’s ministry in our midst and offer our thanks to them all. If you would like to contribute to a farewell gift for Tony please see me or bring it into the Cathedral Office. Tony’s induction at St Martin’s in St Chad’s will be on the evening of Wednesday, 9 November. Mark the diary now with Sunday 30 October and Wednesday 9 November! Please also continue to hold the Surman family in your prayers. Dean Jo
SEPTEMBER WORSHIP HIGHLIGHTS PET SERVICE 2016: On Sunday, 18 September at 10am we will celebrate the goodness of all God’s creation in our annual Pet Service. Prepare to bring along your four-legged friends and, of course, your two legged ones as well! The Cathedral Choir and the Junior Choristers will sing this Service. ARCHBISHOP OF MELANESIA: On Sunday, 24 September, it will be our privilege to welcome The Most Reverend George Takeli, Archbishop of Melanesia, to Holy Trinity Cathedral. He will be with us for both morning and evening worship and will preach at Choral Evensong.
FOR OUR PRAYERS Prayers for the World: We continue to pray for all those suffering in the wake of natural disaster, especially the people of Italy. We also pray for peace in our world, for all those whose daily lives are informed by war and remembering all who are refugees. Prayers for the Church: In the Anglican Communion we pray for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and for the Church of Tanzania and the Most Reverend Jacob Chimeleyda, Archbishop. In our Diocese we pray for our Bishop’s, Ross and Jim, and for Bishop Kito and for the work of our Diocesan Synod which met here over the last 3 days. In our Cathedral community we give thanks for all who cook for our Freezer Meal Ministry, this week celebrating 500 meals cooked and given out!
We pray for those who have died and for those who mourn. We also remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon them. For your prayers: we ask you to include in your prayers the following people: Diana, Ian, Jacqueline, Kay, Pauline and Sandi. We ask that you pray for God’s blessings to be upon them. The people on the list have either asked to be prayed for, or accepted an invitation to be prayed for in this way. If you would like to be included, please feel welcome to contact our Pastoral Care Minster, Paul Kelly-Moore. CATHEDRAL PRAYER CHAIN is a group of parishioners committed to responding promptly to requests on behalf of yourself or others. Please contact the group’s coordinator Lynette Wright on Ph. 845 0260 or, if unavailable, Paul Kelly-Moore (the Pastoral Care Minister), Ph. 303 9501.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 12.15pm, Tuesday, 10.15am
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday at 5.45pm
SUNDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2016 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Eucharist – Bishop Selwyn Chapel Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) – St Stephen’s Chapel, Judge Street Presiding Priest and Preacher: The Reverend Dr Irene Ayallo 10.00am Choral Eucharist – St Mary’s Presiding Priest: The Reverend Dr. Tony Surman, Precentor Preacher: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean 5.00pm Choral Evensong – St Mary’s Presiding Priest: The Reverend Jayson Rhodes, Precentor Homilist: The Reverend Dr. Tony Surman, Precentor READINGS: CHORAL EUCHARIST: Exodus 32: 7-14; 1 Timothy 1: 12-17; Luke 15: 1-10 CHORAL EVENSONG: Isaiah 60; John 6:51-69
CATHEDRAL STAFF Dean: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore Cathedral Precentor: The Reverend Dr Tony Surman Priest Assistant: The Reverend Jayson Rhodes Director of Music: Michael Stoddart Cathedral Organist: Philip Smith Children & Families Minister: Caroline Chambers-Torovugalei Youth Minister: Joseph Bevan Cathedral Secretary: Merle Abbot (office hours 9am-5pm) Project Manager, Selwyn’s Vision, and EA to the Dean: Charlotte Antonievich Pastoral Care Minister: Paul Kelly-Moore Events and Visitor’s Experience Manager: June Pitman Accounts Administrator: Marion Paterson
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