NZ Purchase & Supply Directory - Issue 02 2014

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ISSUE 02-2014

SUSTAINABILITY Organizations walking the talk, to help reduce carbon emissions

What is stopping us from buying green?

Waikato - A great choice for your next group conference


Why 2 degrees?

Safety! You’re doing it wrong

FOCUS ON AUCKLAND AUTOMOTIVE DIRECTORY Auckland Automotive services offering fantastic services



5 Sustainability m

Successful schools in sustainability, Green procrement and much more

43 The All of Government Suppliers Panel (AOG) Bulk Buying, Big Time

57 Meetings A regional showcase of venues who cater to the public sector m

66 Workspace Safety, you are doing it wrong by; Glen Omvig

151 Christchurch open for business n

Recover Canterbury - Helping Canterbury recover, one business at a time

160 National and regional trades directory

t: 04 298 4501 f: 04 298 8770

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. Editor Diana Mayne

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Joseph Papara t: 04 298 4501 m: 027 859 3569 Claire Omvig t: 04 298 4501

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An a-z of suppliers who are willing to give your department fantastic service at a reasonable price

Glen Millage


Disclaimer The NZ Purchase and Supply Directory is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. The publishers accept no liability for out-dated or incorrect content. The NZ Purchase and Supply Directory or the publisher are not directly associated with any NZ Government Department or Local Authority.

Copyright Mainline Publications Ltd 2014


Mainline Publications Ltd PO Box 524 Paraparaumu 5254

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t: 04 298 4501

Editorial sources Positively Wellington Tourism Hamilton and Waikato Tourism Recover Canterbury

Credits - Photography:

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Yealands Family Wines In the space of a few short years, Yealands Estate in Marlborough has become a world leader in sustainable wine production. Launched in August 2008, in the midst of global economic turmoil, the wine producer rapidly established itself as a serious player on the international market, exporting to over 70 countries. The company was the first winery in the world to be certified CarboNZero from inception and remains one of only a handful of wineries to have achieved this accreditation globally. It has subsequently collected numerous environmental awards culminating in the “Green Company of the Year” at the DrinksBiz Green Awards won earlier this year in London, and “Most Sustainable Medium Sized Business” at the International Green Awards (2012). Yealands Estate has achieved this remarkable success by combining state of the art green technology with some clever home-grown ideas. From the use of renewable energy, including one of the largest solar arrays in the country, to miniature sheep grazing their vineyard, the estate is a showcase for sustainable wine production. Amongst the list of sustainable initiatives include a couple of notable firsts; a portion of the vineyard's vine prunings are baled and then burned to provide heating for the winery, thereby reducing carbon emissions by as much as 160 tonnes per year. To reduce diesel emissions, in addition to using bio fuel on all their vineyard equipment, owner Peter Yealands imported miniature Babydoll sheep from Australia. Due to their size, these pint-sized organic lawn mowers can be grazed throughout the vineyard year-round, thereby reducing mowing, weed control and adding a touch of natural fertiliser. The intention is to grow flock numbers to 10,000 thereby eliminating mowing completely.

Grass grubs similarly emerge from the soil and during certain phases of the moon, take to the air. By placing solar powered lights on his wetlands, the grass grubs become attracted to the light and land on the water – providing an additional source of food for the growing fish populations. The addition of a number of chicken coups on the property allow some surface foraging, plus providing the staff with a constant supply of eggs. This year Yealands and his team produced over 50,000 tonnes of home-made compost to the vineyard. The compost includes by product from the wine making process such as the leaves, pips and skins which is mixed with untreated sawdust from a local mill, waste product from mussel processing plants, seaweed harvested under licence from the local foreshore and lime. The application of compost provides nutrition to the vines and assists with weed control beneath the vines. Elsewhere on the vineyard over 25 wetlands have been developed and strategically placed to capture water runoff. The wetlands are home to a range of wildlife including ducks, swans, royal spoonbills and pied stilts. In contrast to convention vineyard management, over 200,000 native trees and flaxes have also been planted on the property which is having a noticeable impact on bio diversity. Wine production can be an energy intensive process. Throughout the wine making process, wine requires regular heating and cooling to manage the fermentation process, prevent spoilage and ensure a stable product in the bottle. Recent industry research has shown the Yealands Estate winery to be almost 4 times more efficient in their energy utilisation than the industry standard. This has been achieved by housing all the production tanks within a fully insulated building and the adaption of technology from the dairy industry to optimise energy efficiency.

Pests control is also innovatively managed. Rather than spraying with harmful chemicals, Peter Yealands and his team have come up with some innovative ways to control insects such as grass grubs and wetas which feed on vine vegetation, new leaf and buds being particularly vulnerable.

Whilst at the forefront of sustainable wine making, the company has also been recognised recently as producing the world's best Sauvignon Blanc – at the International Wine Challenge in London. In New Zealand their wines are sold under the Peter Yealands range, which is distributed widely throughout supermarkets and retail stores, and the Yealands Estate range which is mainly sold through restaurants and fine wine outlets.

Understanding the various lifecycles and feeding habits of the insects has resulted in the introduction of some clever concepts for limiting potential vine damage. Wetas typically emerge from the soil and climb the trunk of the vine to feed on new foliage and buds. By applying a guard to the trunk, in much the same way guards are placed on power poles to prevent possums from climbing, reduces the ability of the wetas to damage new season growth.

Those venturing down to Marlborough can visit their Cellar Door in the Awatere Valley, approximately 20 minutes south of Blenheim. The cellar door is open 7 days a week, from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm and includes interactive and audio visual displays, loads of information on their sustainable practices, complimentary wine tastings and a self-guided vineyard tour. Visitors are welcome to picnic amongst the wetlands and take in stunning views across the Cook Strait.


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Author: Dr Logan Wait. Bio: Logan is a sustainability expert and a co-founder of ecoPortal. He completed his doctoral thesis in innovation strategy and change management, two key requirements of organisations that want to move towards sustainability.


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Quality heating, ventilation and air conditioning solutions. Proven for New Zealand conditions Member of Site Safe Call Eddie Garden for an obligation free discussion and quote PHONE 03 365 8943 EMAIL



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enviro-Mark Solutions Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Landcare Research.


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What to look for in a school cleaning contractor A truly spick and span school helps to lift everyone’s spirits – staff, students, parents and the local community. Engaging a cleaning contractor who understands the specific needs of a school can make a huge difference to school morale and creates a better teaching and learning environment. The presentation of a school – in terms of the cleanliness of classrooms, facilities and surrounds – can also be a significant factor in shaping the perceptions of parents deciding which school their children should attend. Principals attending the Trans-Tasman Conference Leading Learning in Melbourne last year gave their top concerns with school cleaning in New Zealand and Australia. Here they are and how the school’s cleaning contractor can help to address them: School cleaning issue 1: Reliability ,

The biggest challenge in the cleaning industry is consistency. The answer is careful selection of the school’s cleaning contractor. The contractor should be able to demonstrate that he or she has comprehensive staff training and quality assurance processes. The contractor should be able to explain the communication processes he or she will use with the school to be briefed on special requirements or to discuss quality issues. Owner- operator contractors and franchisees have a personal stake in customer satisfaction – because the success of their businesses depends on it. Experience shows that carefully selected, well trained and highly committed owneroperator cleaning contractors deliver outstanding reliability. School cleaning issue 2: Quality .

A good test when choosing a new cleaning contractor is to ask about their customer satisfaction and client retention ratings. Ideally, both will be over 90%. An excellent cleaning contractor will have in place quality systems including: .

Closed loop processes so no job or complaint is closed until the client is satisfied Ÿ Customer service processes that enable clients to contact the contractor any time with issues or requirements Ÿ Regular site inspections to ensure that the cleaning work is up to the required standard Ÿ

School cleaning issue 3: Security .

Security is naturally a concern when contractors have unattended access to buildings. The school’s chosen cleaning contractor should have in place strict security protocols. The contractor and his or her cleaning staff must have clean court records. If possible it is a good idea to have team cleaning as a standard practice i.e. having two cleaners working together to minimise the opportunity for one cleaner working along to breach security protocols. Schools should consider the contractor’s experience with other schools or cleaning contracts with other clients where security is a must – such as banks. School cleaning issue 4: Finding innovative ways to tailor cleaning to meet budget constraints .

Given that all organisations, including schools, want to get as much as they can from every dollar spent, your cleaning contractor should be able to demonstrate effective approaches to tailor cleaning to meet budget constraints. These could include optimising cleaning schedules (i.e. not cleaning any place more often than is necessary); offering ‘ban the bin’ recycling

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About Paramount Services .

With over 20 years of school cleaning experience in New Zealand and Australia, Paramount Services has solutions for just about any school cleaning issue you care to name. Paramount Services is officially New Zealand’s “best in class” business services franchise. In November 2011 Paramount was once again named best franchise system for business services at the Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards – for the third time in four years.

Kilsyth stadium - One of 20 stadiums serviced by Paramount

programmes (saving time on bin emptying and the cost of bin liners); and providing excellent customer support, quality assurance and back-end computer systems to minimise the time you need to put into cleaning administration.

Paramount is always keen to introduce award-winning and eco-friendly cleaning and recycling programmes to new schools. Paramount Services franchisees use only Paramount Care cleaning products that are certified with the Environmental Choice tick. Paramount is also on a mission to eliminate waste to landfill by recycling paper, plastics, metals and food waste.

School cleaning issue 5: Cleaning floors in sports stadiums .

The long-term costs and importance of keeping sports stadiums in good shape is an issue for New Zealand schools with indoor sports facilities. Ideally your cleaning contractor will have know-how on maintenance programmes (e.g. resurfacing of timber floor surface to prevent costly premature wearing) and preventative measures (e.g. the use of entrance floor mats) to look after your facilities while keeping costs down. School cleaning issue 6: Introducing value added services, such as environmental and recycling programmes

Nossal school - One of more than 95 schools serviced by Paramount

Paramount’s services go beyond daily cleaning to provide a healthy environment for students and staff. For example, Paramount can provide periodic (e.g. quarterly) services like computer and phone sanitising, carpet and window cleaning.


Increasingly schools are becoming active in environmental programmes. The Enviroschools programme in New Zealand is passionate about the role of schools in supporting children and young people to be active citizens, contributing to ecological regeneration and the creation of healthy, resilient and sustainable communities. The cleaning contractor can play a central role in a school’s environmental and recycling programmes that can reduce cleaning and waste disposal costs. Through smart cleaning scheduling (e.g. daytime cleaning and team cleaning) cleaning contractors may also be able to reduce a school’s electricity costs by minimising the time spent in the building with lights and air conditioning on.


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Paramount Services is very experienced in the education sector, cleaning more than 95 schools in New Zealand and Australia. If you would like to consider a new school cleaner this year please call the Paramount Services Customer Service Centre now on: 0800 888 177. Paramount will provide a free cleaning appraisal showing how it can help your school provide a clean, healthy and eco-friendly learning environment for students, teachers and visitors.

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ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® is a truly remarkable coating that can be applied to everything from fabric and textiles through to glass, wood, concrete etc to render the product waterproof, and highly stain resistant. Once treated, no chemicals are needed to clean the treated surface - just water. ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® was founded in 2008 to create and supply the global market with Nanotechnology products that are applied to all surfaces both porous and non porous. This new technology provides unique properties such as: · Waterproofing · Sealing · Anti-stick protection · Protection from UV radiation · Easy to clean surfaces · Antibacterial protection, etc. · ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® products are: · All natural and non-toxic · Invisible to the naked eye (coating ............thickness:50-100nm) · Simple do-it-yourself application · Commercial application for industrial use · 100% ecological ·

From textiles through to hard surfaces, the application of ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® provides a coating that is invisible, transparent, weight efficient, water repellent, easy to clean; is powerfully stain resistant, and has a prolonged life span. The coating 'cures' on the product within a few hours meaning less disruption waiting for the coating to dry. Once treated, outside surfaces will not grow mould or get dirty. ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® has received and has the most certificates of quality products from international Institutes in Germany , Spain , and also are certified from the Government organizations in Singapore N.E.A. (National Environmental Agency) , and in New Zealand E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency) that their products are not hazardous for the environment.

NΑΝΟ4LIFE® range of products:

To find out more about this amazing product visit

NΑΝΟ4LIFE® has the largest range of Nanotechnology Products, offering 30 different products in 270 different packages from 100 ml to 1000 litres. · Products are created for use around the ............home. · Products are also created for commercial ............purposes such as hotels, transportation, ............etc. · Products are intended for multiple and various manufacturers.

the ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® website where you can also view videos demonstrating just how effective and versatile this product is. Or you can email them on or phone John on 07 839 3410 or 021 866 663.

Councils in particular have recognised the benefits of NANO4LIFE® as they look for environmentally friendly ways to reduce the use of chemicals.


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SUPPLIERS PANEL NZ Purchase & Supply Directory


BULK Buying, BIG Time When the Ministry of Economic Development harnessed the combined muscle of state agencies and organisations it delivered a procurement deal of extraordinary scope and opportunity. All-of-Government Contracts (AoG) established a single supply agreement between approved suppliers and the Crown for the supply of selected goods and services purchased by government departments and agencies. The state sector is a substantial market by any measure, comprising some 220 government agencies, 2500 schools and 70 local bodies. There's nothing new about bulk buying or using size as means of leveraging better deals; retail buying groups have been doing that for years. However the All of Government (AoG) contracts scheme, set up 2 years ago, is not just about bulk purchasing. This deal is delivering value, not only lower price tags. And it is clear that in creating opportunities for state agencies, there are positive economic spin-offs for the whole economy too.

Manager of Government Contracts, John Ivil is delighted with results yielded from the first year's operations. Four categories of supply have been created with impressive and “market changing results.” There are savings for government both in dollar terms and 'soft' savings, in time and resources not having to manage their own tender processes. From the 'other side', the contracts provide for quarterly supplier reviews which Ivil reports have met with real enthusiasm by suppliers — their time and resources having been freed from the costly grind of dealing with multiple tenders from a vast range of state agencies. Now they have just one.

When cabinet initiated the Government Procurement Reform Programme in 2009, it was to have four major themes: 1. To achieve cost savings 2. To build procurement capability and ...........capacity 3. To enhance New Zealand business ...........participation 4. To improve governance, oversight, and ...........accountability. The benefit to suppliers is obvious — fewer RFPs to respond to and wider market opportunities. For state agencies however, the gains are infinite. Gone are the days of duplicated work, endless time spent on writing RFPs, assessing responses and managing the quality of deliverables; hugely draining of time and resources. AoG strips away the associated costs from state agencies and presents a 'panel' of contracted suppliers with deliverables already evaluated, approved and with price competitiveness assured.


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AoG enables agencies to buy directly from selected suppliers and maintain on-going functional relationships with them, while releasing resources (on both sides of the transaction) to be better spent elsewhere. But it's a choice; they can still deal outside the AoG if they wish to. A small percentage of savings (1.5%) are reinvested in developing the scheme. “One of the most satisfying aspects of the first year's performance”, Ivil, claims, “has been the ability to channel those benefits back into the procurement profession in the form of education and training”.

Buying Bulk, Big Time cont...

That's been good for the whole procurement profession. AoG cuts across regional boundaries to deliver savings and efficiencies to government agencies while creating opportunity for regionally-based suppliers, irrespective of locality. There is opportunity too, for agencies to buy through local distributors at rates negotiated through the AoG contract. It's a win/win/win outcome.

Targeting professional Services Think about purchasing and products leap immediately to mind — desk stationery, bedding, cars, and computers. But AoG is hardout delivering agreements on professional services as well. How different are they? “They're not really”, John Ivil responds. It is a question of putting a similar framework around the tendering process which removes costs for suppliers and delivers benefits for government agencies. Legal is a case in hand. Government agencies spend a staggering $90 to $100 million dollars annually on external legal contracts. The Procurement Team has assembled a panel of 38 providers across 7 areas of law, representing the full range of practices from small one or two person 'boutique' organisations to the larger, multifaceted firms. The tendering process used an 'e-negotiation' procedure, providing a level of transparency not possible under traditional tendering procedure. Again, the AoG contract is not just about cost savings. MED Government Procurement Solutions Category Lead Nicola Nation explains that, engaging with and assessing the market both from the client as well as the agency side was a vital part of the process. The team formed a 'Client Advisory Group', drawn from across the public sector, to assist in the development, comprising of 13 lawyers and 'one brave nonlawyer'. It quickly became clear that government agencies looked first and foremost at a relationship of trust and at the qualitative offerings of legal suppliers before considering cost.

Her team brought that lesson through into the tender evaluation procedure, closely examining the qualitative aspects of supplier submissions before considering their rate cards —'value' is not just about price. A valuable by-product of the process has been correcting what Nation describes as an 'information asymmetry', whereby suppliers knew far more about the legal requirements of government agencies than vice versa. Agencies now have a repository of regularly updated information available on 'relative quality and relative cost' when seeking to engage with a legal services provider. 'Category 1' legal work however, will continue to be handled by the Crown Law Office. For suppliers, the contract provides a unique opportunity to add a greater proportion of government work to their portfolios. A comprehensive air travel agreement has also been signed with 5 international carriers accruing savings of around 11%. In air travel terms, that represents an impressive discount.

Buying Bulk, Big Time cont...

However, as with all agreements, AoG has been careful to consider value, not just price. It's a recurring theme but critical to the objectives of the programme. Category Leader Neville Johnson says his team took into account all aspects: route coverage, lounge facilities for long haul travellers, baggage and scheduling.

What's 'In Store'? “We'll, it doesn't stop”, John Ivil was quick to point out when asked about the future of the programme earlier this year. Clearly buoyed by the initial success of the scheme and the volumes of favourable feedback (from suppliers as well as agencies), Ivil named a number of areas his team would be targeting. Interestingly, the list begins with bedding in the 'year one' contracts. “It's really important from an agency and supplier perspective that they continue to do really well and that the contracts are resourced to continue to drive innovation…..”, Ivil continues. His comment underpins the scrupulousness of the scheme and signals recognition that a firm foundation is pivotal to the long-term success of the programme. Commonly such initiatives rely on sheer numbers to impress. The procurement reform team places enormous value on feedback gained from quarterly reviews with suppliers to provide an invaluable cross-flow of information designed to nourish the scheme by making current information available to buyers in the state sector. But a strongly bipartisan approach also seems to typify the character of the programme — agreements must be robust and workable for both parties. John Ivil is insistent that the scheme is not about driving down rates and margins to unrealistic levels. Following the bedding-in phase Ivil forecasts work around travel, energy, recruitment and more in the ICT area, delivering a “wider voice communications framework”. Thus far he seems true to his word, with tangible results in most of those categories and time left to deliver on the rest. Simplicity and Transparency are the Keys If government agencies have ever have stood accused of being 'old fashioned' and slow to embrace new systems and technology, they can no longer be.


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AoG has created an 'e-marketplace' for products which streamlines the buying process into an efficient and thoroughly modern e-commerce system. It is secure, simple and functional, allowing agencies full access to information online after they register and agree to nondisclosure. The process is simple and transparent. 'All of Government' (AoG) is a hard one to make a pronounceable acronym out of. 'AhhhoGggg' doesn't sound like possibly the largest and most influential procurement contract programme between the Government and private sectors in New Zealand, ever. But that it is likely to become the keystone for a government procurement system which will deliver value into the all sectors of the New Zealand economy for decades to come would be hard to challenge. It's well on its way. Agencies can learn about the programme at Pages for each contract including a buyer's guide are under 'All of Government Contracts'. The more detailed guides with pricing are released to agencies once they have signed a Non-Disclosure-Agreement. Kel Ashleigh Marketwrite

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Rendezvous Grand Hotel Auckland, New Zealand's largest hotel is located in the heart of cosmopolitan Auckland, close to Queen Street and the Viaduct Harbour. The recent refurbishment has re-established this iconic Auckland hotel through a stylish new design and a fresh brand identity.

Along with a selection of modern and versatile meeting rooms Rendezvous Grand Hotel Auckland features 452 guest rooms and suites, as well as a gym, indoor heated pool, 24 hour Concierge, 24 hour business centre and two restaurants, including the authentic Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant- Katsura, and a bar.


Whether it's an intimate, private function or a gala dinner for 800, Rendezvous Grand Hotel Auckland is your choice for a sophisticated setting equipped with the latest technology. Many of the 16 conference, meeting and event spaces offer natural light and high ceilings. .

From the Grand Ballroom which can seat 800 people in a traditional theatre style setting, to smaller rooms that are well suited to residential training programs, workshops and seminars, as well a selection of boardrooms and meeting rooms suitable for interviews and break-out sessions. . The dedicated event management team at Rendezvous Grand Hotel Auckland will guide you through the planning and provide tailor-made services for a hasslefree experience. Attention to detail, superb catering and impeccable service will ensure every aspect of your event is a success. 60

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For enquiries, bookings and to arrange a site inspection of the hotel call (64) 9 366 300, email or go to


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Wedding and function venue 28 Devine Road, Tamahere, Hamilton Phone: 07 856 6609 or 07 839 3758 Fax: 07 856 6610 or 07 839 0988 E: W:

Special Event & Reception Facilities Gails of Tamahere would like the opportunity to host your next function or special event. Take time to enjoy our wonderful garden setting for your Christmas Function, Birthday Party, Golden Wedding, Special Occasion, or a Mid Winter Christmas Function. We will cater for your guests with great hospitality and wonderful food. Bookings are essential for this service. Our complex is a great venue in many respects providing: Ÿ ....Conference facilities Ÿ Garden areas Ÿ A historical church Ÿ Licensed restaurant and bar facilities.

In-house music is available and we are able to arrange bands ....and DJs if necessary Ÿ Out catering provided


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The Celebration Studio Auckland’s best wedding & event information centre The Celebration Studio is your free source of information to help you find the perfect venue, a fabulous caterer, a gift that has not been given a thousand times before and all the other products and services which will make your event fantastic. We showcase small to large, predominantly Auckland based businesses, that provide a wide variety of products & services to the event industry.

Event Management Services If you are planning a business event or function, but are short on time and resources, we can help! “I cannot thank you enough for your organizational skills, professionalism and the (seemingly effortless) co-ordination that went into yesterday’s shoot. It’s a rare pleasure to work with such a wonderful team.I’m looking forward to seeing the photographs and writing a feature that will do your efforts justice.” Peta Stavelli, Editor Alfresco Magazine

In a relaxed, easily accessible environment, you can plan your company's next event with ease. Save yourself time and effort and ensure that not only is your money well spent but that your event and company are well remembered. Whether you are planning: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Conference Product Launch Client Function Staff Training Teambuilding Event Staff Function

Or looking for: Ÿ Corporate Stationery place cards Ÿ Personalized Napkins Ÿ Limo transfers from or to the airport/hotel

.....or venue Ÿ Christmas Function Planning You will find everything you need at The Celebration Studio!


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We would love to hear from you please either visit the studio 245 Church St, Onehunga open between Tuesday - Friday 10.00 - 3.30pm or Saturday 10.00 2.00 or other by appointment.

phone us 9 365 1820 or email


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CORPORATE At Tudor Court Motor Lodge, our central Auckland location means you’re only a 5min drive to Downtown CBD and 20min from the airport. We are also extremely close to ASB Showgrounds. Our recently refurbished motel is a comfortable place to stay while on business.

FAMILY We have interconnecting rooms perfect for families who need extra space and facilities. The family room suits families of 5 and comes with separate bathrooms and a kitchenette. We are close to Epsom and Greenlane where a lot of fun happens. Interconnecting rooms of our newly refurbished Executive Studio and King (Twin) Studio with Kitchen. Separate bathrooms, 2 LCD TVs plus a Kitchenette make this room the best accommodation for families in town. This family room can accommodate up to 5 with FREE extra rollaway bed.

TOURIST Our Newmarket location makes it easy to explore a range of tourist attractions Auckland has to offer. Attractions include the Alexandra Park Racing Course, One Tree Hill, Cornwall Park and Auckland Museum.


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Whether you are staying in Auckland on business or travelling with your family we offer a large range of services for your convenience. We can help you get to and from the motel by arranging your airport transfers, and provide all guests with Free Wifi and a morning Newspaper. Click any of the links bellow to find out more.

108 Great South Road, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand Phone: 09 523 1069


Your one-stop Auckland airport accommodation!

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New Haven Motel 3162 Great North Road, New Lynn

T: 09 827 2013 or 0800 003 123 Located at 3162 Great North Road, we are only minutes away from a wide range of restaurants and bars. New Lynn Shopping Mall, St Lukes Mall and West City Malls, Avondale Racecourse and Sunday Markets, Paradice Ice Skating Rink, local theatre complexes, with Auckland Zoo and MOTAT only minutes away.

Other local attractions include: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

New Lynn Shopping centre (1km) Avondale racecourse (2km) Titirangi Golf Course (2km) Auckland Zoo (7km) St Lukes Shopping and Movie Theatre (7km) West City Shopping and Movie Theatre (7km) Paradice Ice Skating Rink (2km) West Wave Recreation Centre (7km)

Our facilities include the following for your comfort: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Sky Television Inhouse video Wireless Internet DDI Telephone and Fax Swimming Pool Spa Pool Gymnasium Sauna Laundry facilities Heating Electric Blankets Kitchen facilities Off-street parking Breakfast available

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Does your team need? Trust - The glue that holds any team together Communication - Keeps a team together over time and allows a team to be responsive to internal and external forces Empathy - The ability to acknowledge and accept others Self awareness - Identify traits and roles that each person adopts in the team Collaboration - The team has a collective sence of ‘together we can achieve more’ Our Team Building programmes are delivered by professional skilled facilitators who combine experiential learning theory and group processing in a dynamic and engaging programme. No stone is left unturned, and no learning opportunity is left unexplored. we can deliver programmes anywhere in NZ or at our Challenge Course in Auckland Visit our website today at: Email Mark at: Or telephone: 09 8462644 10% Discount on mention of this advertisement


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The perfect day out for your team building experience or Xmas party

Party Cruises | Fishing Charters Day trips | Tours | Riverhead Cruiser

The Red Boats offers: Affordable fishing trips (for individuals & groups) Fun party cruises (for Xmas functions, Birthday Parties, Social club get togethers & special occasion parties) Unique upper harbour cruises to the Riverhead - a historic Tavern Delightful day trips to nearby Hauraki Gulf islands (such as Motuihe, Rangitoto and Motutapu). We are a family owned & operated company and this shows in our experience, professionalism and exceptional service. We pride ourselves in this, and offer service like no other.

The Red boats are the number 1 Boat charter Company on Auckland Harbour and offer the perfect venue for your next function, Party, Social club event, or day out on Auckland’s Waitemata Harbour.

The businesses in this directory have, or are willing to provide, an outstanding quality service at a competitive rate to your department. Why not give them a call? You may find the deal you are looking for! NZ Purchase & Supply Directory




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Auckland’s Premiere Chinese Restaurant

While in Auckland, come and enjoy Auckland’s award-winning Chinese dining experience. Grand Harbour Chinese Restaurant is fully licenced and open every day of the year. Lunch (Yum Cha) is from 10am - 3pm and dinner is 5:30pm-10pm daily. We cater for groups of any size up to 350 people, and are ideally situated within 2 minutes easy walking distance of Sky City, Wynyard Quarter and Viaduct Harbour. Parking is readily available also. Cnr Pakenham St and Custom St West Viaduct Harbour, Auckland City Ph: 09 357 6889 Fax: 09 357 6885

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BannSang is a Authentic Korean Restaurant with experienced well known chef in Korean community in Auckland. Bring your department in, and try our unforgettable dishes! We have more than 50 dishes to try out. BBQ dishes, Soups, Stews, On Rice and Noodles and the list goes on. Opening Hours: 9am - 11pm 7 days a week

Address: 1C/47 High St Auckland Central, Auckland City

Telephone: 09 302 1838 CATERING

THE SILVER PLATTER Corporate Function Specialists


The Silver Platter - Quality West Auckland Catering We are a small West Auckland Catering company delivering fresh delicious and healthy food to your office, business, home or venue of choice. Our commitment and experience enable us to blend fresh, modern flavours with traditional ingredients to create a satisfying experience for our customers. Special dietary requirements catered for. If there is something you require and it is not included in our menus please ask and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Here at the silver platter in west auckland, we have menus including morning and afternoon tea, sweet & savoury, breakfast & lunch, fingerfood platters, buffet, canape, lunch packs, set breakfast, lunch, morning & afternoon tea, working lunch menus, school/club or team. We'd love to cater for all your staff functions, client events, private party and corporate or business needs, or meeting food. Kitchen - 09 835 4604 Fax - 09 837 8031 Unit 1/ 6 Brick Street, Henderson Auckland NZ Purchase & Supply Directory



- A BITE ON THE SIDE CATERING The staff at A Bite on the Side are committed to the success of your event. No detail is too small for us. We look forward to working with you to make your event special and one that you and your guests will remember. We have vast experience in all types of events including:


Cocktail Parties Special occasion celebrations Corporate Buffets Weddings Children's parties Finger food Cupcakes Picnic hampers & gift baskets

The Shore’s Leading Catering Company Book your catering or function with us! Ÿ Product launches Ÿ Corporate / Private catering to any size Ÿ Free delivery (10km radius) Ÿ Great function venue with no venue fee Ÿ Sound proof boardroom Ÿ Fully licenced Ÿ Great food and coffee

1 Antares Place, Mairangi Bay, North Shore

Telephone: 09 479 5814 E:


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It's all about the Food We offer mouth-watering menus tailored to your specific requirements, working with you to set the tone and atmosphere to make your event a truly unique occasion. New ideas and recipes are being constantly developed so the menus are interesting and innovative. Whatever the occasion we can offer a menu to suit your taste, your occasion and your budget. 56 Joblin Road, Silverdale, Auckland Kitchen: 09 420 3205 Linda Madeley: Mobile: 021 464 503


Gails Floral Studio offers unique gift ideas and flower arrangements for any occasion including:

Free Phone 0800 424 573 • designed flowers • quality guaranteed • delivered daily • WorldChampion Champion Floral World FloralDesigner! Designer! Gails serves the Hamilton and greater Waikato region with a designed flower service offering same day delivery throughout New Zealand, and are proud to be long standing Interflora Member.


Weddings Anniversaries Birthdays Sympathy Baby gifts Get well occasions Corporate flowers Corporate Gift Baskets Bouquets Plants Arrangements Licenced to sell Wine

Located at: 7 Worley Place, Hamilton 3204


Great Value - Tango Flowers buys direct from the growers and fresh flowers markets in bulk and at best prices and passes those savings onto you.

Tango Flowers - Your Florist Any Time With a vast selection of fresh cut flowers, we can work magic for any occasion. From weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, funerals to custom floral arrangements, Tango Flowers' expert florists offer fast efficient service at a competitive price. While our dedicated courier provides same day delivery within Auckland, and overnight throughout the North Island. Fresh flowers - none more than 2 days old. Quality flowers - that last longer, giving you more flower for your money. Photo proof on request. Our florists will email or text you a picture of the actual bouquet being sent if you request it when ordering.

Tango Flowers is committed to providing beautiful, fresh and unique floral decorations for any occasion. With years of experience in floral gifts, weddings and bridal bouquets, Maya, Ben and the team can create the arrangement you need. Whether it be something a bit different, something to surprise, or to catch the eye - we have flowers that show how much you love and care. Shop 2, 198-200 Dairy Flat Highway Albany, North Shore City

Telephone: 09-4145657

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Hamilton & Waikato

Source: Hamilton and Waikato Tourism

The combination of an accessible location and international standard venues and product on offer, has contributed to the rapid growth and success of New Zealand's fourth largest city and region. Having recently being identified as one of the top performing business event destinations in the country, today the Hamilton & Waikato region is recognised by buyers as a serious contender. The region is the third busiest in the country for delegate days according to the latest national statistics. Renowned as one of the richest agricultural and pastoral areas in the world and the centre for business excellence and innovation boasting one of New Zealand's highly regarded universities plus a number of leading companies in the service, bio-tech and medical sectors. Sporting has also cemented a name for itself in the Hamilton & Waikato region with the majority of New Zealand's high performance sport currently based in the area and is also home to many world champion athletes in rowing, cycling, rugby, netball and equestrian. The recent development of The Home of Cycling Avantidrome reiterates the regions sporting focus. A thriving business events centre boasting the perfect mix of small through to very large conference and exhibition venues, hotels to exclusive lodge accommodation, a multitude of offsite dinner/function venues, team building activities plus some of New Zealand's most unique attractions.

Great walking, hiking, and cycling tracks lead to aweinspiring views and beautiful waterfall finds, while native forests and rolling green hills are also prevalent throughout the region. If New Zealand's world-famous adventure is on the agenda, the region boasts some of the country's best. The subterranean playground of glowworms, black water rafting, abseiling and cave exploration at Waitomo will be a hit with even the most seasoned traveller, while the watersport options on the mighty Waikato River are also a must. Winding its way through the region, the Waikato River is the longest in New Zealand and offers great kayaking, cruising, trout fishing and jet boating, particularly on the picturesque hydro lakes such as Lake Karapiro.

Situated in the heart of the North Island, the Hamilton & Waikato region offers something for everyone. Rich in natural wonders, the area encompasses New Zealand's fourth largest city, the country's longest river, Hobbiton Movie Set, and the world famous Waitomo Caves. The main metropolis of Hamilton City is where sophistication meets friendly kiwi lifestyle. The city's rich cultural mix coupled with a vibrant restaurant and nightlife scene, extensive shopping options and leading art galleries complement the world class events and visitor activities on offer. The region's diverse natural landscape offers such a variety of activity options that event planners are spoilt for choice. Surrounded by ancient mountains, long stretching plains give way to unmatched subterranean cave systems and black sand beaches of the rugged west coast. 82

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Home to the Maori King, the cultural significance of the region is evident in the many taonga (treasures) of the Tainui tribe which adorn the local museums. Along with this proud Maori heritage, the region is also one of the country's and world's richest agricultural areas and is

well-known as a centre for innovation and creativity across a wide range of industry and business sectors. The Hamilton & Waikato region is conveniently situated in close proximity to other activity hotspots and provides the perfect base from which to explore the central North Island. Several highways pass through the region including State Highway 1 taking in Hamilton City, Cambridge and Tirau, connecting to Auckland in the north and Taupo in the south. State Highway 3 takes in Waitomo along with neighbouring towns, Otorohanga and Te Kuiti.

Things To Do If New Zealand's world-famous adventure is on the agenda, the region boasts some of the country's best. The subterranean playground of glowworms, black water rafting, abseiling and cave exploration at Waitomo will be a hit. Hamilton & Waikato also takes in the stunning black sand surf beaches of Raglan, Hamilton's vibrant cafĂŠ and nightlife scene and the Hobbiton Movie Set in Matamata offering a variety of activities to match all levels of adventure.

Location and Facilities Air services operate through Hamilton International Airport, providing regular domestic flights to destinations throughout New Zealand plus international charter flight capability. Along with a busy business events calendar nowadays, the region also plays host to prestigious and high profile events such as the New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays - Australasia's definitive agribusiness exhibition, high profile sporting events, Parachute Music Festival, The Gallagher Great Race, Equidays, Balloons Over Waikato and many more

Accommodation An extensive offering throughout the region with over 2500 rooms in Hamilton city plus many more across the wider region – Metropolitan hotels, motels and serviced apartments including international and national brands are available, while quaint country retreats, luxury lodgings and boutique hotels are on offer across the wider region.

The central North Island location of the Hamilton & Waikato region is readily accessible and easy to get around, whether flying in, driving, or travelling by train or bus. The wider region is a comfortable hour's drive

of the centralised Hamilton city, while the Hamilton International Airport services regular flights throughout New Zealand. Hamilton is only a 90 minute drive south of Auckland.

Industry Leader The region is renowned as the agricultural hub of New Zealand and the centre for business excellence and innovation boasting one of NZ's top universities plus a number of leading companies in the service, bio-tech, medical and agricultural sectors.

On the Water The Waikato River, the country's longest river, provides great kayaking, fishing and boating, particularly on Lake Karapiro, whilst scenic river and sunset harbour cruise's offer an idyllic experience. Mineral spas also feature throughout the region while the coastal town of Raglan is home to one of the longest left-hand surf breaks in the world.

Metropolitan Hub Hamilton City boasts an award-winning restaurant and nightlife scene along with a variety of entertainment options. Stroll along the Waikato River and through the Hamilton Gardens or take a cruise, spend an evening at the Skycity Hamilton casino or the award-winning micro-brewery. Middle-earth Movie Magic Peter Jackson looked no further than the Hamilton & Waikato region when seeking the setting for The Shire in his epic adaptation of the JRR Tolkien classic, The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Having been rebuilt for filming of The Hobbit trilogy, visitors can experience movie magic and hear behind-the-scenes stories of what went on during filming at Hobbiton Movie Set near Matamata.

Indulgence With a wealth of boutique accommodation, rejuvenating spa pools, gourmet eateries and numerous golf courses, the region is perfect for an indulgent escape. Rural settings offer secluded country retreats while Hamilton City boasts endless shopping and a vibrant arts scene for an indulgent break with an urban twist.

Retail Therapy

Underground Wonders Waitomo Caves offer an underground playground like no other. Take an awe-inspiring walk and magical boat ride under thousands of glowworms, or for the more adventurous at heart, try abseiling and black water rafting through the caves with the many activity options. Cave networks in the North Waikato also offer a range of subterranean adventures. 84

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From designer lanes to New Zealand's largest shopping complex, the region has a variety of retail outlets to choose from. High-end fashion stores and various malls can be found in central Hamilton, while the region's towns such as Tirau and Cambridge offer antique stores, contemporary homewares and unique gift shops.

Gourmet Delights With top dining establishments, wineries and bakeries, organic fresh produce and several farmers markets, the region is a foodie's heaven. Local artisan producers of

cheese, meats, breads and tea are based in the region, many with onsite cafĂŠs offering samples fresh from their fields or gourmet factories.

Arts & Heritage The Waikato Museum reveals the significant Maori history of the region while smaller museums highlight their local pioneering, mining, hydroelectricity, dairy and equine heritage. The arts and creative sectors are gaining a reputation for themselves as leaders in showcasing local, national and international work.

To find out more about the great products and offerings contact the Hamilton & Waikato Convention Bureau for complimentary expert advice; P: 07 843 0056 E. W. Editorial courtesy of Hamilton and Waikato Tourism



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To visit Woodlands Homestead, Gardens and Function centre is to take a pleasant journey back in time to 1875 when it was built, with all the modern conveniences. Much development has been undertaken from the early 1900s to enhance visitors’ enjoyment and appreciation of the historic and botanical features of the reserve. The Woodlands Trust has overseen many achievements and improvements over the 100 years, and today. Woodlands Homestead proudly remains a social centre of the region. Without the generosity of the community and a tremendous team of volunteers as well as huge assistance from the Waikato District Council, the maintenance of this historic gem would not be possible. Woodlands Homestead, Gardens, Function Centre and Licensed Café are just a few minutes north of Hamilton. It is a 15 acre site, offering room to move and a setting to inspire any function. Private functions with groups of 20 or more—weddings, celebrations and corporate functions, the Function Centre is

available. Here we hold upwards of 30 functions each year. The resident caterer Woodlands Country Cuisine, will prepare plated, smorgasbord, a la carte or finger food options with complete flexibility which allows a menu to be tailored to suit any event. For smaller group functions, tor functions that don’t require ’exclusive’ use of a space, The Oval Clubhouse, once the Te Rapa Bowling Club’s clubrooms, is now the Woodlands Café, which offers fabulous food, excellent coffee and is fully licenced. Diners can enjoy the country hospitality of café manager Judy and her team in a relaxing rural setting overlooking the cricket oval that was previously the estate orchard. The cricket oval is a great place for a friendly game of cricket, or any other sporting event. Judy says her team cater for select business functions, as well as families, friends enjoying a meal, or staff socials. The café serves All Day Breakfast, Morning tea and lunch., and a buffet service is available for a party of 20 diners or more, but booking is essential. Diners can walk off their ‘intake’ with a stroll through the heritage gardens which are rated as a Garden of National Significance. Judy claims that the Woodlands Café is the “Best kept secret in the Waikato”. The café is open Tuesday to Sunday from 9.30am to 4pm. It is well worth the short drive from Hamilton, through Gordonton, to turn into Whitikahu Road (the swamp road to Thames) to enjoy a relaxing time, with food to tantalise your tastebuds, at Woodlands Historic Homestead, Gardens, Café & Function Centre. We’ll see you there!

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Catering requirements to meet all of your needs Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

After 5 Functions available Generous Off-Street Parking 3 Bedroom Apartments available Discounted Accommodation & Conference Package Discounted Rates for 2/3 hour hires and evenings Your Personal Host Great Selection of Food Choice of Three Different Sized Rooms Flip Charts Whiteboard TV/DVD Player Wireless internet Data Projector in Main

If you're planning a visit to New Zealand, or if you're a Kiwi looking to explore the rest of the country, look no further. Hamilton is the perfect destination for a business trip, family holiday or a pamper weekend, Golf trip or romantic getaway. We offer a wide range of accommodation options, conference centre facilities, townhouses and tailor-made holiday packages to suit your needs. At Anglesea Motel and Conference Centre, we aim to make sure your stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. We offer some great free services and have plenty of parking for cars and trailers. Anglesea Motel and Conference Centre is a 42 unit complex, conveniently located on a quiet, tree lined street that makes you forget you are in the city. You are only a few minutes' walk from some of the best Hamilton attractions including Founders Theatre, Waikato Stadium, Seddon Park and the Hamilton CBD. We're also not far from Claudelands Event Centre and plenty of great Hamilton restaurants and cafes. And we're only 1.5 hours drive from Auckland Airport.

Anglesea Motel For reservations telephone: 07 834 0010 or visit our website at

36 Liverpool Street Hamilton Fax: 07 834 3310 - PO Box 193 Waikato Mail Centre

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Boundary Court Motor Inn Hamilton through to just having the room heated to the perfect temperature for late arrivals on those cold winter nights.

Welcome to Boundary Court Motor Inn, Hamilton, conveniently located on Boundary Road between the Central City and Claudelands Park and Events Centre. Our comfortable, fresh, well designed suites will make your stay with us enjoyable and relaxing.

We have 20 units covering five room types; they are all self-contained and have adjoining kitchens with microwaves. The rooms are very secure.

A mere stroll over the Mighty Waikato River connects you to the heart of Hamilton City. Are you the fan of Movie "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY"? We just about one hour drive to Hobbit Town (Matamata).

There are hair dryers in the units, an iron and ironing board. All are covered by Zenbu WiFi Internet and a direct dial phone system. All units have 32" flat screen TV's featuring Sky and Freeview.

Whether your stay with us is for a business trip or a short/long term holiday, our accommodation at Boundary Court Motor Inn is warm and comfortable and has all you need to make it feel like your home away from home. We are fully equipped to accommodate your wants and needs, from guest laundry facilities

Boundary Court Motor Inn 36 Boundary Road, Hamilton Phone +64 7 855-9082 Fax +64 7 855 0077 Your Hosts: Ken & Iv

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minutes drive from Hamilton Airport and 1.5 hours easy drive from Auckland Airport. From your motel unit, you can walk to Hamilton City Centre, Cafes, Restaurants & Bars, Supermarket, Waikato Stadium, Waikato River Walk and ProDrive Golf Driving Range. Claudelands Events Centre is only minutes away by car.


A Qualmark Rating of 4 Star ensures that our facilities and services give you confidence when making a reservation and our Silver Enviro Rating endorses our commitment to the environment.

we offer modern, clean & comfortable Studio units, One & Two Bedroom units & Access/disability studio units. Each unit has a work desk along with FREE Wifi & Ultra Fast Internet, Some units have spa baths, all NON smoking and pet free. Sky/Freeview TV, FREE DVD & Movies. Our FREE Parking is security monitored. Book direct by email or from our website (as per details below) to enjoy the benefits of Government or contracted rates. Meal Options: We provide continental and cooked breakfasts delivered to room. There are a variety of restaurants within walking distance that give you the option of charging meals back to the motel room account. ,

Very conveniently located in Hamilton, only 20


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Bella Vista Motel Hamilton 1 Richmond St (cnr of Ulster and Richmond Sts) Whitiora, Hamilton 3200

T: 0800 235 528 or 07 838 1234 Fax: 07 838 1244


E: Web: Phone Kitchen: 07 859 0465 Mobile: 021 111 7173 147 Old Farm Rd Hamilton Catering to the Hamilton CBD and its surrounding Waikato area. Food that's easy to eat, won't make a mess and is all ready to go will be delivered right to your door. As well as helping you through your business day from breakfast to cocktail hour the team at Stellar Kitchen is also available for events, product launches, weddings or any other occasions. We bring you the freshest handmade food with a strong focus on seasonal and quality ingredients. In combining our professional expertise and creative flair with your specific needs, the best solutions for your catering event are developed. We have an extensive menu available, including a range of options available for gluten free, vegetarian/Vegan or any dietary preferences. Stellar Kitchen has the complete solution to make your event or function the best it can possibly be, while taking the stress off you and allowing you and your guests the opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy.

We'll cater freshly made platters for your office function! Cafe 547 is particularly popular for the fact that we bake all our own bread, pizza, paninis – all freshly made on our premises. Cafe Five 47 offers a great cafe menu with all your usual delectable brunch items – eggs benedict included. Plus a good range of cabinet items made from our freshly baked products.

Cafe Five Forty Seven provides fantastic Catering services too, with office platters and other deliciously fresh options. Ask about your catering needs! By Heidi V “Regularly meet my husband here for lunch. Fantastic service, always going above and beyond to accommodate our special requests. Their food is always fresh and tasty, and their Peanut Butter cookies are good enough to kill for!

Why not stop by for your next group meeting! 529 Grey St, Hamilton East, Hamilton City

Telephone: 07-838 9968

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THE DISTRICT espresso bar eatery


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El Sultan Takeaway and Catering is reputed for our halal food & Mediterranean Food. We offer some of the finest halal food takeaway from this unique restaurant offering the finest of Mediterranean cuisine. Clyde Shopping Center, 9/20 Clyde Street, Hamilton, 3216 El Sultan Takeaway and Catering is your complete Middle Eastern Restaurant. This restaurant was set up in the year 2013, with the sole objective of creating a restaurant offering pure Middle Eastern food to the Kiwis.


Telephone: 07 8568786 Email:

Halal Food is our specialty, and if you are looking for pure halal food in Hamilton, you can visit or Middle Eastern food & takeaway restaurant. Some of the best raw materials go into the preparation of our food. We also conduct cooking classes for our customers who would like to get more insights on Middle Eastern Food.

From the moment you walk through the front door to the moment you leave, we at the Indian Star Tandoori Restaurant strive to ensure that you will only receive the best service, the best hospitality, the best cuisine and the very best in dining experiences.

Come and vist us at Indian Star, and enjoy our mouth-watering range of delicious Indian cuisine, all expertly prepared by our experienced chefs. The Indian Star experience is one that will keep you coming back again and again. Our menu is carefully selected from the infinitely diverse dishes that exist throughout the Indian subcontinent and offers a taste of the best and most characteristic Indian meals: rich and lavish Pulao and Biryani rice dishes, savoury North Indian Kormas, kebabs and tandoori dishes all complimented with hand made wheat breads.

We are often told by diners that we are their favourite restaurant in the city and we are always pleased to see the same familiar faces return to our restaurant time and time again to enjoy an evening with us. Indian Star Restaurant and Bar 20 Alma Street, Hamilton Telephone: 07 834 3122 Email:

Southern India with it's predominantly vegetarian and seafood cuisine inspires a range of delicious dishes, spiced with chilli, coconut oil and coconut milk, the Goan Fish Curry being a fine example.

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18th Avenue Thermal Motel Welcome to 18th Avenue Thermal Motel, Tauranga Accommodation An opportunity to enjoy a thermal hot pool, space and playground, plus free WiFi with comfortable, clean, well-appointed units at an affordable cost. 18th Avenue Thermal Motel offers you facilities to ensure that your stay in Tauranga is something to remember fondly. Your hosts, John & Nikki, are well-versed in understanding the needs of guests and will assist you also with their knowledge of local attractions.

Accommodation 9 studio units, 6 x 1-bedroom units and 1 x 2bedroom unit, all fully self-contained. Complex designed to cater for groups or to provide quiet private units. Enjoy the pleasure of relaxing in the waters of the thermal hot pool. The pool is indoors and walls depict a natural scene including waterfalls, palms, lakes, wildlife, beach. An ideal place to stay for corporate, weekenders or those wishing to stay longer. Groups of up to 50 can be accommodated, provided sufficient notice is given.

18th Avenue Thermal Motel 50 18th Avenue, Tauranga Pool & Facilities An indoor thermal hot pool is available for the use of guests. Guests also have the use of our playground and barbeque area.


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Phone: 07 578 3179

Fax: +64 7 578 3178 Freephone: 0508 888 818 Email:



Peppers on the Point is an immaculately designed luxury lodge overlooking the beautiful Lake Rotorua and only five minutes from Rotorua city. Prior to becoming an exclusive lakeside retreat, this historic property was a family home right up until 2004 and is perfect for a short escape or that week-long retreat you've been waiting for.

own, New Zealand internationally trained chef. There are seven individually designed and exquisitely furnished guest suites with five star amenities, in the house itself. Set apart are two lake cottages (self-contained private suites) and the owner's residence, the four bedroom Lake Villa. Fully self-contained and fantastic for family's or groups who may wish to self-cater. 214 Kawaha Point Road, Rotorua Phone: 07 3484868 Fax: 07 3481868 Web:

Built more than 80 years ago, this two-storey mansion sits upon 2.8 hectares of luscious grounds with an exclusive path leading down to the lake and private beach. Carefully refurbished by a leading New Zealand interior designer, Peppers on the Point retains an antique feeling while still utilising modern luxury furnishings, complete with spa facilities, wedding chapel, and a luxurious dining options with cuisine from the creative inspirations of Peppers'

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Our Motel! The phrase ‘Big Five’ was coined by big game hunters in Southern Africa and refers to the five most difficult animals in Africa to hunt on foot. The term is still used in most tourist and wildlife guides that discuss African wildlife safaris, but nowadays to describe the five species of game that wildlife enthusiasts strive to see when visiting game reserves.

future guests of the Big Five Motel. We thank you for your support and patronage and trust we can make your stay a comfortable and unforgettable experience. Bruce and Jenni Anderson look forward to welcoming and hosting you at the Big Five Motel!

The Big Five are the Lion, African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard and the Rhinoceros. After the extensive renovations to the former Settlers Motel, it was appropriate to unveil the new Big Five Motel. From our humble roots in South Africa, we found it fitting to outfit the motel in animal themed decor, bringing a small bit of our former home to our new. From all of us here at the Big Five Motel we wish to welcome both past guests of Settlers Motel and

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ACCOMMODATION PALMERSTON NORTH Ÿ Close to the city centre, racecourse and

trotting centre arena ŸWe are on the main route to Wellington

We welcome you to make a reservation with us so you can come and experience how great Pioneer Motel is in person. We look forward to seeing you soon and treating you the way we would want to be treated if we stayed somewhere.

Pioneer Motel is the friendly motel which prides itself on being a perfect place for teams and groups.

If you are looking for a group or contractors simply email or phone us for a quote.

Our team house, Ÿ sleeps 14 singles

Pioneer Motel

Ÿ has two bathrooms

Reservations: 0800 274 663

Ÿ A large fully equipt kitchen

632 Pioneer Highway Palmerston North

Ÿ A private back yard

Book Online: E Mail: Phone: 06 3577165 Fax: 06 3577164

We also have Ÿ Studio and one bedroom units Ÿ Sky 50 channels Ÿ Large swimming pool Ÿ Ground floor units


Gateway Motel Marian & Ross welcome you to the Gateway Motel, situated on the Pioneer Highway, just minutes from the centre city and amenities of Palmerston North. Our motel is a large ground floor complex that boasts spacious, well-equipped units. We specialise in large group bookings and cater for working contractors. We also have a good clientele of travelling public, and enjoy great return business from many satisfied customers.

Accommodation Gateway Motel 600 Pioneer Highway Palmerston North New Zealand P. +64 6 356 1526 F. +64 6 356 8629 E.


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Taste the finest cuisine, experience creative culture and explore New Zealand’s history in Wellington. Whatever you're planning, Wellington offers the goods and the good times to make your event a success. New Zealand's political and cultural capital is a sophisticated and convenient place to do business, with the bonus of a desirable destination to enjoy after the work is done.


Wellington: A Capital Choice In Wellington we're a realistic bunch. We know that these days you can probably hold your conference pretty much anywhere. But, we also know that there's few places that tick all the key boxes for the industry like Wellington does. Wellington combines big city chic with small village charm, and is a fantastic conference destination to boot. Hugged by a natural amphitheatre of hills and harbour, New Zealand's political centre is also celebrated as the hub of all things cultural. Pulsing with packed cafés, bars, boutiques, galleries, public art and museums, the country's urban heart has been voted by New Zealanders as their most desired domestic destination for good reason. It's pretty awesome.

To top things off, it's very convenient. Situated in the centre of New Zealand, Wellington is easily and regularly accessed by plane, train, automobile and ferry. It's served by major highways, the main trunk railway, inter-island ferries, and regular international and domestic air services. Wellington International Airport is New Zealand's domestic airline hub and is just 20 minutes' drive from the central business district. Taxis, shuttles and the Airport Flyer – a state-of-the-art bus service featuring leather seats and free Wi-Fi – are all on hand to transfer visitors the short ride into the city. With a city centre just two kilometres in diameter, Wellington is also seamlessly and cost-effectively navigated once on the ground. The city comfortably accommodates groups of up to 2000 within a short distance of major event venues. Enjoying Wellington

Duke Carvell’s Emporium - Swan Lane Photo: Aaron Burgess /

Our city won't let you down. Wellington doesn't overlook the details; our place is renowned for its friendly locals and impeccable service. Wellingtonians absolutely positively believe in their city and that pride transcends into the services they provide. Our businesses have taken out the supreme title in Cuisine New Zealand Restaurant of the Year for four out of its first five years and our bartenders, receptionists and hotel managers are forever winning awards.

Wellington is a magnet for creative thinkers and is widely regarded as New Zealand's arts and culture capital. There's prolific public art, fabulous and funky boutiques, and a show on pretty much every night. But as well as all that arty stuff, Wellington's loved for its gastronomic delights. We hate to repeat ourselves, but it's worth mentioning again that our restaurants (of which there are many) have taken out the country's ultimate cuisine prize for four out of the awards' first five years. You might say we like our food, and we like it good. If you need to walk off all that goodness, you’re also in luck. Wellington is a capital city right on

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Wellington continued. nature’s doorstep, with a peaceful walk through native bush or along a golden sand beach never far from the urban hub. How many times have you taken your running shoes to a conference, but never made it to the gym? In Wellington, your delegates can exercise and see the sights at the same time. A hike up Mount Victoria for panoramic views that stretch to the South Island, or a stroll through the Botanic Garden are just a few minutes’ walk away from the inner city hotels.

Photo: Nick Servian /

Activities International guests also love the stories of nationhood and heritage as told at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Parliament Buildings and the region’s many boutique museums. Others just like to take their shoes off and sit on the golden sand on Oriental Bay with a good strong flat white. Who could blame them.

Venues and Accommodation Whether a meeting for 10 or a conference for 2000, five star or budget conscious; Wellington has it all. Wellington’s conference venues can cater for events for up to 2000 people. As well as bespoke venues, the city has a number of venues with a difference for conferencing and/or functions. Good times in a gallery, mingling in a marae, or cocktails in a coffee cartel are just some of your event options. From five star hotels through to quality hostel accommodation, Wellington offers beds for every budget. Most downtown accommodation has one thing in common – rooms with a view! Wake up to the stunning harbour, the bush-clad hills, or the bustling city. The Wellington region is home to many places that put the ‘treat’ in retreat. Host your special guests in stunningly situated bed and breakfasts and lodges, found in Wellington city or Wairarapa.

Treat Wellington and its surrounds as your canvas and create the ultimate experience for your group. Wellington is the gateway to some of New Zealand's finest and tastiest regions. Add to the city's creative urban beat by taking in the rugged landscape of the magical Kapiti Coast, or the beauty and bounty of the Wairarapa and Marlborough regions. Your groups can learn tasty secrets from culinary gurus, savour some of the world's finest sauvignons and pinot noir, experience the magic of city lights on a helicopter night flight, or have a personal shopper don you in the finest boutique designs. WELLINGTON CONVENTION BUREAU: making your life easy since 1994 If you're not familiar with the convention bureau concept, basically we're here to help make your life easier and make the most out of our city. As part of the regional tourism organisation, Positively Wellington Tourism, our service is free and our advice is impartial. Whether you're planning an exclusive retreat or international conference; a gathering of 2, 200 or 2000; we have the local knowledge and contacts to find what you're looking for and turn your ideas into reality. If you don't have a plan in mind or want someone to bounce ideas off, we're your team. Tell us what you need and then we'll help you come up with a plan, and find the venue and suppliers to fulfil your requirements.

Contact Us Wellington Convention Bureau +64 4 916 1204 Photo:


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Creative thinking helps Creative thinking helps bring new bring new business Te business Te Papa's way Papa's way


working in the government sector will be familiar with the concept of needing to do more with less. A drive for efficiency – and a need for innovative thinking – has characterised many organisations' response to the challenging market environment created by the global financial crisis and the Christchurch earthquakes. Te Papa Venues is no exception. Here Te Papa hospitality division manager Andrew Dorrington, talks about how he and his team have been able to turn a challenge into an opportunity. .

“We have some very strong selling points as a conference and function centre that appeal both to the head and heart,” he says. “We have seven purpose-built venues and a wonderful central waterfront location. Te Papa's stature as the home of the treasures of a nation and its strong bi-cultural focus as a living marae make for a unique offering. Nevertheless, we needed to find new avenues to supplement our core business of hosting larger functions and events.” The solution, Andrew says, was to develop new products catering for new markets and solutions that would enable Te Papa Venues to offer more for less.

Andrew says it's not just about doing more for less money. “People are busy. They want to spend less time organising events, which often means short lead times.” Express Meetings can be organised online with just two days' notice and up to 12 weeks in advance. “It's like the difference between, 30 years ago, writing an airline ticket and nowadays booking online.” The offering has been thought through with an eye for creating efficiencies that benefit all parties. “We've simplified menu choices using produce we get in daily. It gives us the flexibility to cater to a consistently high standard at short notice. Food is cooked fresh in house and with plenty of choice but at a price point that meets clients' needs for value for money.” Andrew says lunch, for example, might include a hot dish, salad, club sandwiches and fruit. And, if you'd like vegetarian options, just 'click' how many. .

Wired for sound – and everything else Te Papa's new AV packages are another example of finding new ways of meeting the needs of the market. “In the last six months we have been in the process of installing AV equipment including sound systems, screens and projectors together with integrated computer systems in all our spaces,” says Andrew. “So far, five of our key rooms have this kind of permanent set up. It simplifies the process for clients and for us which means we can produce better pricing, including extra discounts for multiple day use.” The final venue will be finished this July. .

“We knew that, without looking at our products and offering, our business would become challenging,” he says. We have, in effect, grown business by developing products that appeal to different segments of the market.” .

Taking the express route .Express Meetings is one new product that's proving popular. The concept is to make it super easy for clients to book a meeting space for 4 to 20 people.

“We've designed an online template clients use to make a booking,” says Andrew. “Clients can organise room hire, room layout, catering and audio visual equipment with just a few clicks.” “In effect, we've transformed the interface between us and our customer. It's easy to use, fully flexible and caters for a shorter lead time.” 108

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Having a permanent set up also means less pack in and set up time – saving an extra 3-4 hours venue hire that typically a client would be paying for. With the permanent AV infrastructure in place, as well as free Wi-Fi throughout all its venues, Te Papa's team of industry professionals have put together a range of packages to make it easy for clients to choose the right audio visual equipment for their event.


“Our AV packages make it easy for clients to pick and choose what they need, including technical support,” says Andrew. “It's hassle free and cost effective.” .

Food glorious food Andrew says growing business in a flat market is also about continuing to do well the things you are known for. For Te Papa, catering is one of those things. Catering is a key consideration for clients no matter what size event or function they're organising. Under the watchful eye of Executive Chef Bernd Lippmann, Te Papa's in-house catering team has built an enviable reputation. Again, it's about responding to the needs of the market.

The combination of a spectacular setting and environment and an innovative approach to growing new business means Te Papa Venues continues to thrive – and, in doing so, helps Te Papa present, promote and preserve the nation's treasures. “We needed to break the paradigm,” says Andrew. “To find ways to grow new business while supporting our current clients. Our new products are a response to that. We can deliver an excellent service at a price point that works for our clients.”


“Ultimately, people are wanting plenty of options and healthy choices,” says Andrew. “For events of 50 plus, we set out a separate buffet providing clear choices for those with special dietary requirements. It's something our client's clients have come to expect – and something we do very well.”

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Trinity Hotel is a popular 3.5star CBD hotel in Wellington ideally suited for the Business or Leisure traveller. Perfectly situated for your convenience in the heart of Wellington's commercial, entertainment, shopping, and arts districts and a short stroll to the Harbour and TePapa. Each of our 60 guest rooms, stylishly refurbished in late 2009, offer all you would expect and more including; modern tiled bathrooms, wi-fi, coffee/tea making facilities. SKY TV, radio/alarm clock, telephone and hair dryer. Secure, underground parking is available – bookings essential. We also have a small private gym on-site. We 're here to serve you with personal, professional and knowledgeable staff 24HRS a day. Please inquire about our twin share and access rooms. Our trendy, on-site Restaurant and Cocktail Bar, “Eclipse” is open from 7am until late daily (8AM weekends and breakfast service only Sunday). It is a perfect spot for your morning espresso, business lunch, special cocktail or intimate dinner. Our medium –sized conference/function room can accommodate up to 40 and offers FREE venue hire when catering is ordered. CONTACT US ON 0508 TRINITY (874 648) or

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dinner party fare or arrange our cuisine to your specific requirements, such as barbeques, wedding receptions and theme parties, whatever your requirements may be. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our catering company and to briefly outline the various types of services that we can offer. IN HOUSE CATERING specializes in boardroom, corporate and wedding cuisine. Our services are utilised by some of Wellington's foremost companies who realise the importance of providing their business guests with entertainment and dining of the highest standards. We are proud to offer the same high standards for private functions that are available to the business sector.

Our extensive catering range includes cocktail canapés through to full silver service formal dining. We also provide light meals and buffets,


On site chefs and wait staff as required Event and Duty managers Fully licensed Hired ware and marque arrangements Corporate cuisine Cocktail Fare Light meals & buffets Lunch Boxes Platters Wakes Bar-b-ques Theme parties Formal dining PO Box 26094 Newlands, Wellington Telephone 04 477 0486 Fax 04 477 0435


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ACCOMMODATION VENUES CHRISTCHURCH internet access, fax and hand held phones, flat screen LCD TVs (in lounge and bedrooms), SKY TV, work stations, medium sized meeting room, cooked or continental breakfasts and all the other associated business facilities you will need.

Salerno is a blend of wonderful accommodation choices, beautiful decor, luxurious bedding and attentive service. If you stay with us, you will be very safe and secure; extremely comfortable and very well looked after. Our Motel Apartments are independently evaluated as "one of best in New Zealand" by Qualmark New Zealand and also rated in the "Top Five" of Christchurch Accommodation providers by Salerno - The best location for business or pleasure! We offer a great location from which to do business, undertake retail therapy or be entertained. It's just a short distance from the Salerno Motel Apartments, to the Christchurch Casino, Victoria Street shopping and restaurants, the Southern Cross Hospital, and beautiful Hagley Park. Ideal Corporate Accommodation - Bound To Impress as all of our motel apartments and studios feature wireless

Overall, We have a great selection of accommodation choices for you, including our fully self contained Two Bedroom Apartments (with two ensuites), our professionally appointed one Bedroom Apartments, large Spa Bath Suites and superior well equipped Studios. All coupled with the friendly, personalised service that we are known for.

Salerno Motel Christchurch 148 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch 8013 Reservations 0800 287 253 Phone 03 366 2529 Fax 03 366 2517

CHARDONNAY MOTOR LODGE Chardonnay Motor Lodge is a 4 Star modern complex set in spacious grounds with spectacular gardens. It is adjacent to Rosebank Winery and 98 hectares of recreational area.

Ÿ Warm quiet units with rural

outlook Ÿ All non-smoking units Ÿ Daily servicing - Guest

Laundry Ÿ DVD player available Ÿ Free long term parking,

Conditions apply. Ÿ Flat screen LCD televisions Ÿ Guest barbecue - Children’s

playground Ÿ FREE Wireless in all units Ÿ Volleyball/Badminton court Ÿ All units have access to

garden Ÿ Push bikes for all ages Ÿ Free casino shuttle 6pm to

2am daily 170 Johns Road, Belfast, Christchurch 8051, Reservation Freephone


Please visit us at: Email:

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Located within easy walking distance to some of the best Restaurant/Cafe Bars Timaru has to offer. Five minutes driving takes you to almost anywhere in Timaru.

Harbour View takes great pleasure in offering superior accommodation at Timaru's newest motel complex. Each unit is superbly appointed and designed for guest comfort with all units equipped with king size beds and premier bedding, leather lounge suites, work stations, high speed wireless internet and flat screen TV's with SKY and Freeview channels. All units offer double glazing and sound proofing, are self contained and suitable for everyone be it families, corporate guests, groups or travellers. Top story units offer sea and harbour views, with beautiful Caroline Bay just 100m from our complex. Harbour View is in a prime central position, located within 500m of Timaru's CBD, restaurants, bars, popular wedding venues, new Aquatic Centre and Art Gallery. WANAKA

Best Western Belvedere Luxury Apartments - Wanaka About Our Accommodation The Belvedere provides holiday accommodation in new, stylish, fully equipped superiory self service apartments with modern inclusions to ensure your holiday comfort in this magnificent all year destination at famous Lake Wanaka. Belvedere is purpose designed to take full advantage of Wanaka's exciting all year round activities for all ages, and of course

great Skiing in Winter and many Summer activities including water sports, tramping, scenic tours by air or land, skydiving, horse riding and many other activities. For Your Comfort, Belvedere provides Luxury Apartments, Fully self contained, Stylishly furnished, Modern kitchens, Sky TV, 2 Guest Saunas and Airport transfers. Belvedere comprises of 18x2BRm Apartments including 1x2BRm Superior Penthouse style apartments with gas log fires. All apartments are "self-serviced" and all linen and towels are supplied. For stays of 7 days or more, apartments will be serviced weekly. Come and help us celebrate our winter with this great special ! Stay 7 nights or more but pay the 2 person price for up to 4 people in a 2BR apartment or townhouse. 25 Warren Street Wanaka Telephone: 03 443 6969 Fax: 03 443 6869


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Comfort, value and friendly service! We believe that being comfortable in a motel is more than just attending to the bricks and mortar. We're very conscious that as a guest, choosing the "right" place to stay is an important decision, indeed it can "make or break" an entire visit. We want our guests to quickly feel at home - safe, secure, and well looked after. For us, no two guests are alike and we strive to understand the needs of the individual.

We have 16 diverse, well appointed units, nonsmoking at the Garden Motel ranging in size from cosy small studios to spacious two-bedroom units the choice of accommodation can be specific to the number of guests in your group and the purpose of your stay. All units have a separate ensuite, tea and coffee making facilities, a microwave and toaster, electric fry pan, there are electric blankets on all beds, access to wireless internet which is free for our guests, heaters, a refrigerator, 5 Sky TV channels, a hairdryer, iron and ironing board. All units are serviced daily.

So please DO ask us about the many ways Garden Motel can match your accommodation requirements on a visit to Dunedin. We would love to hear from you! Units & Tariffs If you require a particular unit and it isn’t available on the night or nights that you want, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we might be able to help you out.

958 George Street, Dunedin Freephone: 0508 GARDEN (427 336) Phone: 03 477 8251 Fax: 03 477 9803 Email:

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The Kensington Tui Club Rooms

4 King Edward Street, Kensington, Dunedin

Plasmas and big screens throughout the bar Great pub food including a $10 roast every lunch time Garden bar with pool table, gas heaters and plasma TV Large car parking area

Open every day from 11am till late Ph 4558001 or



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Doughbin Bakery & Cafe “We deliver great Kiwi food!” At The Doughbin Bakery & Cafe, we reckon there’s nothing more satisfying than great tasting Kiwi food, prepared using quality ingredients, and delivered fresh to the table. Whether you’re in the mood for a hot pie baked fresh from our ovens, a nourishing sandwich packed with your favourite fillings, or a yummy slice to indulge your ‘sweet tooth’, you can be guaranteed that no one will go home hungry with The Doughbin on the job! The Doughbin is happy to cater for events of any size, but specialises in large orders – so if you’re planning a big occasion that calls for mouthwatering fingerfood, contact us and find out how we can help. We can supply all your Kiwi favourites at an unbeatable price!



Catering At the Doughbin Catering we bake and prepare everything right here on our premises, so you know it’s fresh! Our prices are competitive and we offer discounts for large orders. Are you a caterer that needs help preparing food for your next function – why not give us a call? 3 Andersons Bay Road, South Dunedin 9012 Email: Tel: (03) 455 5605 Fax: (03) 455 5619


Not just a bar - It's an experience!

Angus - representing the best of New Zealand food, Angus brings to you a unique experience combining our Scottish heritage with modern New Zealand cuisine to make delicious food together with excellent service.

Moonbar is located on the second level of Angus Restaurant and Bar.

Angus has become a by-word for quality, and it is that quality that we aim to maintain. By delivering only the finest food at our range of restaurants, bars and cafe's you can enjoy the best of New Zealand food, drinks and dining experiences.

Moon Bar has something for everyone, with amazing wine, beer, cocktail, cigar and bar snack menus. Enjoy the Moonbar experience, with Happy Hour Tues through til Saturday 6pm-8pm.

7 St Andrew Street, Dunedin 9016

Call us on: 03 479 2018

Moon Bar has it's own entrance alongside the restaurant's door, and is open from 5.30pm until restaurant close Sunday-Wednesday and 5.30pm - late Thursday Friday & Saturday. Bring your team in for a cocktail or two, and enjoy Moonbar’s uniqueness. We look forward to you dropping by Contact us on: Call us on: 03 479 2018

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pioneering landmark from the 1860s, Gantleys was built as a wayside inn for Central Otago gold miners. Its charming stone building, two acres of landscaped gardens and mountain scenery make it a special place worth visiting. Originally it was known as the Sportsmans Arms and its first owner was Patrick Gantley, Queenstown's first policeman. When he passed away his niece took over the tavern and renamed it Gantleys. .

Current owners, Sommelier, Brent Rands, and Head Chef, Jared Aldridge, pride themselves on Gantleys' international reputation as one of New Zealand's premium restaurants and their award winning wine list. .

Brent says, our style of management is to train and empower our staff to provide the best possible dining experience for our customers. This means knowledgeable, friendly and unobtrusive service. .

Gantleys offers contemporary New Zealand cuisine using fresh, regional produce and has New Zealand's most Awarded Wine list. .

Gantleys can cater to private dining and functions for up to 100 guests, so why not come to Gantleys and cherish a piece of Queenstown's past with a truly memorable dining experience, for your departments next group meeting.


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How safe is Cushionfall® playground mulch? .

Cushionfall ® is New Zealand’s only 5-star rated playground surface: .

ŸProven performance: Cushionfall ® has been the market-leading playground mulch since its launch in 1996. A big reason for its strong performance is the extensive 2 year product development and testing programme it underwent prior to launch. .

ŸRigorous playground testing: It took 3 years of testing in 5 playgrounds by 3 different Councils for Cushionfall ® to earn the Councils’ approval. .

ŸSuperior in international impact tests: As well as meeting New Zealand and Australasian standards specific to playground safety (AS/NZS 4422:1996 and NZS 5828:2004), Cushionfall ® also performs exceptionally well in international impact tests. These include the UK and European standards BS7188 and EN1177 and the United States ASTM F129 standard. Some of these international tests are more rigorous than the NZ testing authorities. .

ŸOngoing quality testing: Safety is vital when it comes to playground surfacing. That’s why we’ve been undertaking continual product testing: that’s more than 50 tests in the last 10 years alone! .

ŸThe preferred safety surface: Councils, the Ministry of Education, Kindergarten Associations, Play Centre Associations and Preschool Centres prefer Cushionfall ® to other playground wood chips. Servicing: Auckland, North Shore, Hamilton, Waitakere, Albany, Papakura, Manukau, Whangarei, Tauranga, Taupo, Rotorua, Napier, Palmerston North, Wellington, Waikato

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Author: Pacific Medicare Ltd - 27 October 2014

First Aid a Life skill or Compliance Cost! Once the Health and Safety Reform Bill is passed and comes fully into force in 2015 as the new Health and Safety at Work Act, it will herald one of the most significant shifts in workplace responsibility and accountability seen in New Zealand since the introduction of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. Prompted by the Pike River Coal Mine disaster, the Bill is based on Australia's health and safety model and shifts the focus from employers and employees, to workers and workplaces with significantly higher penalties for offenders. With far-reaching duties of care applied to PCBUs (person conducting a business or undertaking), the end-game is all about reducing the risk for workers with clear and formal obligations for workplaces to acknowledge and address worker concerns about risks. The tragedy of Pike River embodies the most final of failures in workplace health and safety, and the challenge for many workplaces – large and small – may lie not in the inherent change of duty of care but in the practical reality and prioritisation of up-skilling versus business as usual. Arming workplaces and workers with the skills to manage risk themselves, particularly in the area of physical health and safety, is now a key pillar for Work Safe programmes as they aim to help workplaces meet the incoming requirements of the Bill. The spotlight has been placed on the first aid training sector by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) over the last three years and there is acknowledgment that unlike many certified courses for up-skilling, getting it wrong in the delivery of first aid can have fatal consequences. As a result, there has been a concerted consolidation of the first aid training sector, the ultimate aim of which has been to raise the overall quality of delivery of first aid training and recognition of what is a core life skill. In the United Kingdom, about 140,000 people die every year in situations in which their lives could have been saved if somebody had known first aid. According to a campaign by St Johns UK, this is as many deaths as there are from cancer. Population numbers notwithstanding, the proportional

statistics for New Zealand would be about the same despite our exceptional emergency care service deployment. The main reason for this: complacency. In New Zealand, we have the benefit of a comprehensive and well organised deployment of emergency care services whenever and wherever we need them. Whether this is by land, sea or air, this sense of a 'safety net' has perhaps contributed to a lack of prioritising first aid. In addition to this is the fact that for most of us, the most serious workplace first aid emergency we are likely to experience is something as mild as a paper cut or the need for an aspirin. We have a misconception that it is not really necessary for us to engage in learning a skill that, in fact, could enable us to save another person's life. Due to the regulatory changes, there are specific sectors that will feel the legal imperative for upskilling their workers in first aid more acutely than others. There will also be those that see it as unnecessary compliance and an increased business cost.

From this perspective, it is wise to take a moment to reflect and look at New Zealand in an international context, starting with its neighbours. Let's start with the Pacific, which can be assumed to be our 'casual' cousin of regulatory environments. Throughout the Pacific, regulatory frameworks have already flipped the duty of care obligation of a workplace to one of direct culpability. Fiji is the first off the rank, with a number of island nations looking to follow suite. This essentially means that in the case of a medical emergency caused by a possible lapse in health and safety management, it is a case of guilty until proven innocent for workplaces and businesses. Granted, this has been driven for the most part by the need to make profitable tourism businesses (which are owned by absentee New Zealand, Australian and overseas owners) invest in upskilling their local staff. These staff tend to earn well below what we would classify as a minimum wage, thereby affording owners a 'return on investment' opt-out rationale. That is until now. The reality for the Pacific tourism industry as a sector is that clients (visitors on holiday) have a high expectation that the same level of emergency care services as are available in New Zealand or their home country will be available and deployed in countries such as Fiji and Rarotonga. The stark reality is that they are not. A call for an ambulance is just as likely to herald a taxi in Fiji, and there is no target response time for ambulances. Public health care services are well below the level we are used to and private hospitals such as Suva Private will not accept patients without full insurance cover already in place. Therefore, the importance of first response emergency care intervention on a resort becomes all the more critical. This has been highlighted by a number of high profile tourism injuries and fatalities, all of which were the outcomes of poor health and safety risk management and an absence or low level of emergency care skills and equipment. Regulations and enforcement are now a very sharp stick to address a perceived reluctance for acceptance of duty of care.


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What about the situation in New Zealand? One crucial statistic that shows the importance of basic first aid skills being deployed correctly at the time of need is cardiac arrests. Cardiovascular disease is the single leading cause of death in New Zealand, resulting in 40 per cent of all deaths annually [1]. Each month, around 860 people die from cardiovascular disease in New Zealand and more New Zealanders die of cardiovascular disease than cancer, diabetes and infectious diseases combined, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health [2]. Some technical context: A heart attack occurs when a blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching a section of the heart. Unlike with sudden cardiac arrest, the heart usually does not stop beating during a heart attack. Sudden cardiac arrest however occurs suddenly and often without warning. It is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). With its pumping action disrupted, the heart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs and other organs. Death occurs within minutes if the victim does not receive treatment. These two distinct heart conditions are linked. Sudden cardiac arrest can occur after a heart attack, or during recovery, and heart attacks increase the risk for sudden cardiac arrest. Most heart attacks do not lead to sudden cardiac arrest, but when sudden cardiac arrest occurs, heart attack is a common cause. Everyone should know the two-by-two rule: you can survive two weeks without food, two days without water and two minutes without oxygen.

That means when the human heart stops pumping oxygen carrying blood to the brain, you have two minutes to recover that vital flow. If you wait for an ambulance, the cardiac arrest patient will die (even if the ambulance gets there in less than the average 12 minutes). But by performing HandsOnly CPR to the beat of the classic disco song “Stayin' Alive,� you can double or even triple a victim's chance of survival. Based on cardiac arrest statistics alone, every New Zealander should know CPR and be encouraged to refresh their CPR skills regularly. CPR is included in the New Zealand school curriculum but is an optional subject and most workplaces only have the minimum number of trained first aiders on staff to meet legal requirements. Alongside the right skills comes the right equipment, and the key is having the right equipment in the right place at the right time. AEDs or Automatic Electronic Defibrillators are crucial to reducing cardiac arrest deaths. If a defibrillator is available within the first two minutes of the onset of a cardiac arrest, the

patient has over an 80 per cent chance of full recovery. Successful recovery from a cardiac arrest reduces by 10 per cent for every one-minute delay in use of a defibrillator. There are less than 4000 notified publicly accessible AEDs in New Zealand spread across 35,000 small businesses (6-19 employees) and 97,400 micro businesses (1-5 employees). So 97 per cent of all businesses in New Zealand and over 584,000 workers [3] are without access to an AED. AEDs could be classified as a big-ticket item for any business, but it is useful to look at how seemingly cash-strapped organisations such as United Nations agencies and NGOs in Asia Pacific focus their funds to service communities and businesses under huge threat of injury. We have had the privilege of training local UN agency teams in countries as varied and under pressure as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea. Emergency care training is often termed 'blanket cover' in that training covers all levels of staff from drivers through to management. This is based on the sensible rationale that you cannot rely on management being

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available (or alive) in an emergency – your driver is just as likely to be the person who saves you as your boss. This attitude to cost and benefit also applies to UN procurement of equipment. Pacific Medicare supplies tailored first aid and trauma kits to the UN and they may on first glance seem a bit sparse but in contrast they are targeted for efficiency and effectiveness. The common first aid kits in cars and offices in New Zealand are 60 per cent surplus to requirements. Bandages of varying size bulk out such first aid kits when the reality is that only one good-sized bandage is all that is needed to strap and transport a patient to a medical facility. Bandages of good quality have expiry dates as do plasters, saline and gauze pads, meaning you can quickly end up with a first aid kit which is out of date and redundant within 24 months. All of this doesn't mean you shouldn't have a first aid kit – everyone should – merely that if you know what you need and how to use it when you need it, you can be efficient and cost effective in your deployment and resources. 144

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In the end Bill, or Act or not, emergency care training and equipment are like insurance and a good pilot. No one complains about the cost of either when they are needed. As such, we believe the changes to workplace health and safety legislation will evidence themselves in our communities as being for the greater good and an opportunity for workplaces and workers to gain a life skill, as opposed to being viewed as an unnecessary compliance cost. Dennis Mundy is the Director of Pacific Medicare Ltd a registered PTE providing emergency care training and supplies to organisations and individuals in New Zealand and throughout Asia Pacific. [1] -arrest .

[2] Ministry of Health (2014) Mortality and Demographic data 2011. Wellington: Ministry of Health 2

[3] MBIE - the-small-business-sector-report-2014

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Workplace Health and Safety Directory EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS



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Workplace Health and Safety Directory TRAINING PROGRAMMES


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Workplace Health and Safety Directory TRAINING PROGRAMMES - FIRST AID User friendly Ÿ Try our "Triple One On Line" First Aid ..... Course Ÿ Check our kit contents for YOUR first .... .aid compliance Ÿ FREEPHONE 0800 487 475 any ..... enquiries or ..



Extra value

Welcome to Triple One Care Triple One Care will ensure your business, organisation, company, school, club or home has the first aid skills and supplies on hand, to respond to incidents fast and effectively. Ÿ A First Aid Kit for every occasion Ÿ First Aid Courses Ÿ Comprehensive First Aid Supplies Ÿ Specialist Equipment & Medical ......Products Ÿ Medical Cover for any Event Ÿ Company First aid Consultancy Ÿ MNZ Ships Medical Stores Part 50 ......Supply & Servicing (approved) Ÿ Sporting Events First Aid Services Ÿ Conference-Employee-Sporting Group ......Seminars & Lecture Services

What's Special About Us? All first aid services under one umbrella From defibrillators and first aid courses to bandaids or replacement stock in your home cabinet. One contact, all services. We are the best!

We don't expect accidents and disasters to happen to us, but they do, and the simple truth is being prepared is the only way to face the future with confidence. Triple One Care, is both an innovative and award winning New Zealand company, with an unrelenting focus on being the best.

33 McAlister Street, Whakatane

First in First Aid 0800 4 TRIPLE Telephone: 07 307 8223


Highest Level of Trained Staff All ready and willing to pass on our skills and knowledge. Take a look at our first aid hint pages on our website. .

A commercial focus Quality, service, reliability, flexibility and competitiveness are our trade mark to success.

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Helping Canterbury Recover, One Business at a Time .

Written by Kirsty Lawrence On behalf of Recover Canterbury .

Recover Canterbury's first business recovery coordinator started work on 21 February 2011. Little did they know that just over 24 hours later an event would occur that would change the city of Christchurch forever, and leave the local business community in need of more support than ever before. Recover Canterbury was established after the September 2010 earthquake and grew significantly after the February quake. The organisation was established to help businesses recover from the earthquakes and prepare for future growth. Recover Canterbury brings together two of the largest South Island business support agencies, the Canterbury Development Corporation and the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce, alongside various Government agencies such as the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Social Development, Inland Revenue, Department of Labour, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and ACC. Recover Canterbury supports businesses by offering a wide range of services and resources to earthquake-affected businesses, such as business recovery planning, mentoring, referrals to professional services, access to training and assistance with business issues such as raising capital or insurances. Financial assistance is also available for eligible businesses through the Red Cross Independent Advice for Small Business grant and the Canterbury Business Recovery Trust. Since its establishment Recover Canterbury has been in contact with around 6200 businesses, with about 1200 receiving in depth support. The organisation has helped 279 businesses access financial assistance through the Red Cross Independent Advice for Small Business grant and has helped more than 540 Canterbury businesses access training through New Zealand Trade and Enterprise's Capability Building Scheme. Recover Canterbury has also provided more than 325 businesses with financial support through the Canterbury Business Recovery Trust. The Canterbury Business Recovery Trust was established by Recover Canterbury to help businesses survive and thrive again in

Christchurch's new business environment. The Trust is administered by Recover Canterbury and provides money to viable but earthquake-affected businesses. So far more than $5 million has been distributed through the Trust. The key expenses which businesses have received assistance for include sales and marketing, relocation and fit-out costs, business operations and operating costs. Other smaller expenses include recruitment and training and development. Delivering these services is a team of 20 Business Recovery Coordinators, who work with individual businesses and groups of businesses to get their recovery on track. Recover Canterbury spokesperson Pip Tschudin says their business recovery coordinators can add real value to a business.“Our business recovery coordinators have a vast collective knowledge in the commercial sector and really understand the challenges businesses are facing,� says Mrs Tschudin. Those challenges include loss of clientele, worsening cash flow, skilled staff shortages, increasing relocation costs, insurance, stress and mental

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Workplace Health and Safety Directory WORKWEAR

Made for kiwi feet on kiwi soil Founded in 1894 by Tomas Bata in Zlin, Czechoslovakia Bata continues to pioneer innovation and design in more than 70 countries, employing more than 33,000 people worldwide to this day, while still remaining a family owned business. Bata New Zealand was established in 1948 and began producing slippers in 1951. It was the mass production of the Bata Bullets in the late 1960s however, that made this brand a household name with the 10 millionth pair of this iconic shoe made in April 1974. Bata's PVC gumboots have also been an industry staple since local production began in 1965 and continue to be a popular item for this country's largest footwear manufacturer, says Sales Manager Francis Hammond. "Our industrial gumboots are used extensively in meat and dairy production, fisheries, construction and farming," he said. "They are also regularly seen on the sidelines of sports fields throughout the country on Saturday mornings.” The Bata Shoe Organisation has shown great faith by investing time and money into the New Zealand economy to ensure that their manufacturing base remains here for many years to come. "Last year we purchased a new PVC injection machine and new moulds to stay ahead of the competition – particularly product imported from China – and to keep manufacturing here in New Zealand, “ Francis said.

“Our new gumboots have been designed from the ground up through consultation with our customers since they are the ones that wear them. We can truly say they have been designed by kiwis for kiwis, and are made by kiwis.” Features of the new boots include; wider fit, wider toecap, tallerwider shaft, two sole designs-one for outdoor use and one for indoor use – all available in sizes 4 to 15. Being a local manufacturer gives Bata the ability to guarantee quality; all boots have a lifetime guarantee against manufacturing faults; Bata can offer quick and efficient stock delivery, in most cases stock can be delivered overnight and with reps covering the length and breadth of the country, any problems can be handled quickly and efficiently.

Helping Canterbury Recover, One Business at a Time - cont... .

tiredness as well as infrastructure issues and funding difficulties. “It's a fast-changing business environment here in Christchurch and we spend a lot of time tracking the issues businesses are facing and identifying any new trends or potential challenges. We then do what we can to develop tools and resources that our businesses can use to help conquer the challenges ahead,” says Mrs Tschudin.


An example of this is a business resiliency service, which was launched in April this year. The service was developed in response to the increasing number of businesses citing stress and fatigue as major issues. Funded by the Ministry of Economic Development, the service provides resiliency coaching and stress management services to businesses at no cost. “The last two years has been a roller coaster ride for business, and for some it's not over yet. Combine that with the personal issues people are facing and the drastically altered physical environment we are all working in, and that makes for some stressed people. “This service enables business owners to access any individual help they need as well as the resiliency coaching for their team, which will result in happier, more effective and more productive people and workplaces”, says Mrs Tschudin. Recover Canterbury has also worked with the Red Cross to develop the Independent Advice for Small Business grant, which was launched in January 2012. The grant of up to $750 helps small and family run businesses access professional, legal and accounting advice in relation to the effects of the earthquake on their business or access engineering and building reports. “One of the key pieces of advice we give to the businesses we work with is that business is a team game and that they need to speak to their lawyer, accountant and mentors to get the professional advice they need to make good business decisions moving forward. The Independent Advice for Small Business grant helps businesses to do just that,” says Mrs Tschudin. An example of a business Recover Canterbury has helped recuperate after the earthquakes is Haka Tours, an Christchurch-based tourism operator. Recover Canterbury worked with Haka Tours to prepare a strategic plan and to apply for funding from the Canterbury Business Recovery Trust. This funding allowed Haka Tours to put in place an online marketing campaign, and within two months of this campaign going live the business could see the benefits, with a 12% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in bookings.

Another business that has received support from Recover Canterbury is Deep South Ice Cream. Deep South Ice Cream lost more than $200,000 of income when the Christchurch earthquakes forced the closure of a number of its outlets. The company is looking to replace that lost income by increasing its retail outlets in both the South Island and North Island, but each new outlet requires an investment of up to $6,000 in freezers and point of sale materials. “Our aim is to gain 20 new outlets throughout New Zealand with the majority of these being in the North Island and the support from the Recover Canterbury team and the Canterbury Business Recovery Trust should help us get there. It's definitely been a huge boost,” says Deep South Ice Cream Co-owner / Director Mike Killick. Pip Tschudin says it's stories like these that drive the Recover Canterbury team. “We're here for one thing – to help businesses recover, revive and grow. It's our job to help businesses weave their way through the mountain of information out there, pluck out the best bits of support and then set them on a path towards recovery, sustainability and growth,” says Mrs Tschudin.

Any earthquake-affected business can ask for help from Recover Canterbury and its services are free and will be available until April 2013. For more information go to or call 0800 50 50 96.


Hammonds Collision Centre Ltd provides a full range of services that are available for you and your vehicle.


Below is a list of the some of those services we can provide:



All insurance work Full panel and paint services Structural repairs Rust repairs Plastic welding Full respray’s Wheel alignment and balancing Chassis Straightening 3D Measure system (Car align) Mag and steel wheel repairs Complete Mechanical services Tyres WOF MTA Approved IAG Approved


Sandblasting Spoilers and flares Vehicle lowering Stripes and decals Motorbikes, boats, caravans and ....trailers

We also offer: Ÿ Salvage assistance (tow) if necessary or

free pickup of your vehicle Ÿ Free no obligation quote to get your insurance claim underway Ÿ We offer free courtesy cars throughout your vehicles repair time so you don’t have to suffer any more inconvenience Ÿ A free drop off service Ÿ

Hammond’s can do it all, and all in one place, saving your department both time and money!

20 Southwark Street, Christchurch

Phone: (03) 366 1809 Fax: (03) 365 6104 Email us at: Or Visit our website: 154

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68 Montreal Street, Christchurch Freephone 0800 99 99 76 Fax 03 962 0036


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Cracked Windscreen? Then call the experts now! ŸBUSINESS CARDS










Autoglass Specialists Ltd Staurt Riach Telephone: 03 379 8935 418 Tuam St Christchurch 8011

(South Island)

NO SET UP COSTS! From your supplied file

Contact Peter Jordan

Phone: 03 312 6278


Email: LGRAPHIC@XTRA.CO.NZ 469 Mill Road Ohoka


NZ Purchase & Supply Directory



Contact our shelving experts for your storage solution Hydestor is a New Zealand owned and operated company designing and manufacturing steel shelving for over 60 years


Ü .



Our ‘Anti-Tilt Track’ helps prevent toppling of Mobile shelving during seismic events Use our Safety-Infill-Floor to avoid any tripping hazards Keep it green using our 100% recyclable shelving All installations guided by NZS4104 5 year warranty on all product and installations

Make a Solid Steel Investment with Hydestor Shelving Phone 0800 493 378 |



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What are your storage requirements? One size does not fit all. Alongside our standard Hydestor products, we design and manufacture custom built options to meet your needs, so talk to one of our experienced consultants to ensure you get the best storage solution for you. This is a no obligation service provided to all our customers. . Hydestor adjustable shelving systems are versatile, durable and constructed from high quality New Zealand steel which is 100% recyclable. Our hard wearing powder coat finish is available in a range of designer colours to complement any dĂŠcor. . Hydestor's advancements in design, manufacturing technology and installation techniques have all contributed to ensure we lead the market in satisfying regulatory requirements and enhanced customer safety giving Hydestor customers substantial protection from personal harm, serious damage and expense during recent seismic activity. . Hydestor is proudly New Zealand owned and operated, supporting local business wherever possible. Our experienced team has been engaged by local government, large retailers, the tertiary sector and the corporate market sectors to assist with site evaluations, equipment relocations and ongoing development. .

Case Studies Avonside Girls' High School was seriously damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. To get back up and running they had to build prefabricated buildings in their grounds. This meant space was at a premium. . The library is now housed in co-joined prefab buildings. Because of the space issue Avonside Girls' decided to go with the Hydestor Rollaway Library System, allowing the library to be used as a multipurpose space by simply rolling the units back against the walls. Hydestor offers an extensive range of Library shelves which are compatible with all of our library systems.

In their Food Technology and Textile Rooms Avonside decided to go with Hydestor Longspan shelving which is a heavy duty, bulk storage system with a wide clear-span for easy access. We recommended longspan as it can house both their large awkward products as well as small items. In the Food tech room, restraint beams can be added to stop small items being dropped from the shelves. Longspan is easy to clean and durable in this tough environment. Beams clip on to a welded frame that supports the shelves. This system is easy to assemble and the shelf levels can be adjusted in 25mm increments. Longspan shelving can be converted to mobile in the future if space becomes an issue. Avonside have put mobile compacting shelving in one classroom. This is a multi use storage system which can hold any type of file and resource material. Running on tracks it can be condensed to make better use of the available floor space. Like a 'bookcase', this system has options for dividers, pigeonhole storage, security doors, hanging storage rails and pull-out reference shelves. Our other types of shelving can also be mounted on mobile bases. Christchurch City Libraries have also been affected by the earthquakes. Their new Tuam Street temporary Library is also a Civil Defence backup centre in Christchurch. This means the space needs to be versatile. It was decided that the majority of their shelving should be on Library Rollaways so that it can be rolled to one side leaving a large open space when necessary. All Hydestor Library Rollaways have performed excellently through recent seismic events. NZ Purchase & Supply Directory


National Trades Directory PLAYGROUND RESURFACING

How safe is Cushionfall® playground mulch? .

Cushionfall ® is New Zealand’s only 5-star rated playground surface: .

ŸProven performance: Cushionfall ® has been the market-leading playground mulch since its launch in 1996. A big reason for its strong performance is the extensive 2 year product development and testing programme it underwent prior to launch. .

ŸRigorous playground testing: It took 3 years of testing in 5 playgrounds by 3 different Councils for Cushionfall ® to earn the Councils’ approval. .

ŸSuperior in international impact tests: As well as meeting New Zealand and Australasian standards specific to playground safety (AS/NZS 4422:1996 and NZS 5828:2004), Cushionfall ® also performs exceptionally well in international impact tests. These include the UK and European standards BS7188 and EN1177 and the United States ASTM F129 standard. Some of these international tests are more rigorous than the NZ testing authorities. .

ŸOngoing quality testing: Safety is vital when it comes to playground surfacing. That’s why we’ve been undertaking continual product testing: that’s more than 50 tests in the last 10 years alone! .

ŸThe preferred safety surface: Councils, the Ministry of Education, Kindergarten Associations, Play Centre Associations and Preschool Centres prefer Cushionfall ® to other playground wood chips. Servicing: Auckland, North Shore, Hamilton, Waitakere, Albany, Papakura, Manukau, Whangarei, Tauranga, Taupo, Rotorua, Napier, Palmerston North, Wellington, Waikato


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National Trades Directory POWER SOLUTIONS

ŸSpecialist UPS Sales and Service company ŸLease

UPS available Service ŸProven trace record working with NZ Government Departments ŸProven track record working with NZ Government Agencies ŸNZ Distributor for Eaton UPS Products ŸEaton Authorised UPS Service Provider Ÿ24/7

7 Glover St, Ngauranga, Wellington Ph: 04 477 4717 59 Maurice Rd, Penrose, Auckland Ph: 09 622 2482 Level 1,11 Picton Avenue, Addington, Christchurch Ph: 03 348 2482 -

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NZ Purchase & Supply Directory

Auckland Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS

PAPAKURA AUTO ELECTRICAL LTD A Family Tradition Richard Brooks carries on the tradition his father Richey started in 1952. At the time it was only the second business on East Street and the heart of the business was predominantly starters and alternators. As times have changed, Richard has focussed on keeping up with the pace of technology. Being part of both the Bosch and Hella partnerships enables access to the best training, equipment and expertise direct from leading industry manufacturers which is also complemented by a comprehensive nationwide backup and support.

Our Products & Services Include: ŸAuto Electrical ŸFuel Injection ŸCar Alarms & Stereos ŸBosch Car Service ŸBatteries ŸStarters, Alternators ŸAir Conditioning ŸABS Brakes ŸMarine Wiring and Service ŸTune Ups ŸWiring Restoration ŸLighting / HID Kits / Day Runners ŸCommercial Auto Electrical ŸMobile Auto Electrical Service

Battery Town No appointment needed to call in for a free battery test. We sell Hella Endurant batteries and belong to the nationwide Battery Town network. We will diagnose your vehicle battery and only replace it, if it is needed. There are over 100 Battery Town outlets throughout New Zealand, so you have access to warranty assistance, no matter where you are.

Phone: 09 298 6105 Bookings: Web: Visit Our Extensive Aftermarket Parts Outlet

35 East Street, Papakura 2110, Auckland (opp the rear entrance of the Library building)

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Auckland Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS - GREY LYNN

Ÿ Tyres Ÿ Wheel alignment Ÿ Puncture repairs Ÿ Mechanical repairs Ÿ WOF

Visit our professional service workshop at our handy Auckland locations For convenient and reliable service in repair and maintenance Eurojap Automotive and Tyre Service specialises in mechanical repairs and services, WOF and tyres at our service workshop based in Auckland. Our qualified and experienced technicians offer full computer diagnostics, WOF checks and maintenance service. When it comes to fixing your vehicle, we understand the importance of utilising modern tools and having a team of friendly and knowledgeable staff. No one wants to have their vehicle malfunction. However, when it does happen, you can trust Eurojap Automotive & Tyre Service Ltd to ensure that repairing your car is a smooth and effortless process.

20 Mackelvie Street, T: (09) 555 9926 Grey Lynn, M: 021 028 46841 Auckland

T: (09) 555 9926


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Professional and friendly staff We employ a team of professionals who are experts in their fields. We are passionate about cars and understand the high standards that go into repairing them. Our specialists will repair your vehicle to the manufacturer’s standards and ensure that the safety and quality are not compromised in any way. So, for a reliable service workshop, contact Eurojap Automotive & Tyre Service Ltd in Auckland today! We'll fix it fast and thoroughly. At the same time you'll be pleasantly surprised by the level of service we provide.


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Auckland Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS - GRAFTON

Centrally located Newmarket automotive workshop for all of your servicing and repairs Telephone: 09 307 1773 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Full mechanical services and repairs Cambelt replacement Brakes W.O.F Clutches ONLY $30 Exhaust Systems Full diagnostics of EFI Lube & Oil change Tyres

Courtesy car available, Bookings required. At CSL Automotive we've got your vehicle servicing and car repair needs covered. From car servicing, car repairs, warrant of fitness, brakes, tyres, and more, you know you've come to the right place when you visit us. Servicing your car regularly can help reduce future costly repairs, but it's not necessary to have a full service every time. So CSL Automotive has a range of car service options to suit both you and your car (and your budget) - everything from the sort of check-up that keeps things running smoothly to a comprehensive service that will put your mind at rest before, say, a major trip. All with the thoroughness, technical knowledge and work quality for which CSL stands by. Our comprehensive vehicle repair services will be conducted by a qualified mechanic or technician and will cover your engine system, braking systems, shock absorbers, exhaust systems and


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lubricant system to name but a few. We can also offer great deals on tyres… whether it's a single replacement tyre or a full set of tyres, and whatever your budget, we'll find something to suit your needs. Come and meet Mark and the team and you'll find out why we have so many regular customers… we listen to your needs and ensure you leave happy and confident that you vehicle has been in good hands. Conveniently located in Newmarket, just drop off your vehicle on your way to work. We're happy to give you a complimentary ride to the office, or if you get in early, prebook our courtesy car. Call us now on: (09) 307 1773 65 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket

Auckland Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS - MT EDEN


Welcome to the Car Care Centre We provide a large range of automotive services and repairs including WOF, fleet servicing, tyres, brakes, cambelt transmission servicing to all makes and models, old and new, petrol and diesel. Motorcycle WOF.

We pride ourselves on the following: Ÿ We have been in business in Papakura for over 18 . ....years Ÿ We have previous experience in fleet servicing Ÿ We are reliable and professional Ÿ Prompt, efficient service Ÿ Keeping in contact during the job Ÿ Collectively over 65 years experience Ÿ We are MTA members

371 Great South Rd Papakura 2113

ph/fax : 09 2980111

If your vehicle is in need of servicing, or you require repairs to your Brakes, Clutch, Cam Belt, Water Pump etc, give us a call today and we will be able to give you the best advice. Remember all Full Services come with a HALF PRICE WOF.


Servicing – basic and full Tuning Electric or electronic repairs Brake repair and overhaul Brake rotor/drum machining Clutch repairs and overhaul Supply, fit and balance tyres Clutch repairs and overhaul WOF – car, motorbike, trailer, light truck Cambelt replacement Cooling system – repair, maintenance, flushing Transmission repairs, maintenance, flushing Batteries – charge, test and replacement Engine repairs CV boot and joint replacement Exhaust repairs/replacement Oil leak repairs WOF repairs

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Auckland Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS - MANUKAU

EXCEL VEHICLE SERVICES Welcome to Excel Vehicle Services We carry out certification of New Zealand new and reregistered (used) vehicles to ensure the vehicle complies with legal standards of construction and mechanical fitness. We offer a whole range of services that take care of all your vehicle needs. Equipped with the latest technology machinery, it is our aim to provide the best solutions to all your vehicle problems. We believe in providing the finest customer service to all our clients so our experienced staff will guide you through with expert opinion. Our team at excel vehicle services are also in-house licensed custom brokers.

Our Comprehensive Service List Includes:

Vehicle Compliance Mechanical repairs and servicing Service & Maintenance Panel & Paint- including all insurance Ÿ WOF & warrant of fitness repairs Ÿ Brake and clutch repairs Ÿ Full tyre service Ÿ Transmission servicing Ÿ Suspension & steering Ÿ Vehicle diagnostics using the latest .....automotive scanning equipment Ÿ Fuel System Services Ÿ Coolant Systems Ÿ Emission Repair Facility Ÿ Electrical Systems Ÿ Fleet Maintenance Ÿ Brake disc machining Ÿ Chassis straightening & 3D ------------------- --measurement Ÿ Towing Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ



Address: 77F, Wiri Station Road Manukau City Auckland-2241 Telephone: 09 2630123 - Customs Clearance: 09 2634424 E-mail: or


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Auckland Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS - GLEN EDEN

D.C. Trial has been serving the West of Auckland for over 40 years. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Expertise for cars, trucks, marine and electrical Hella Certified Installer A/C Repairs & Servicing Stereo & Alarm Specialist Courtesy Vehicles WOF Latest Diagnostic Equipment Fleet Servicing Truck servicing

Solutions for Auto Electrical Parts, Accessories, Repair & Service for your Car, Truck, Bus, Coach, Tractor, Motorhome, Boat, Yacht, Forklift, Stationary Engine, Excavator or Industrial Machinery. An Auto Electrician for your every requirement!

17 wikaukau road, Glen Eden Email:

Phone: 09 818 3658


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Fleet Servicing Specialists


Welcome to Henderson Valley Automotive We are committed to providing Quality customer service with professionalism and dedication to deliver the best possible vehicle service and complete customer satisfaction. At Henderson Valley Automotive we have up to date and modern equipment and are capable of servicing all makes and models from headlights to tail lights and everything in between.

ŸVehicle Servicing and Inspection ŸWarrant of Fitness Inspections ŸCambelt Replacements ŸTyres ŸAuto Electrical Repairs ŸSteering and Suspension ŸEngines and Transmissions

Henderson Valley Automotive is conveniently located just behind the Mobil station on the corner of Henderson Valley road and Smythe Road. We are just across the road from the train station and Henderson Mall.

Our team of experts are all New Zealand trained with a combination of over 40 years in Car Repairs and Servicing. Make Henderson Valley Automotive your first choice for car repair in Auckland and your vehicle will be in trusted hands. With over forty years of experience in all aspects of vehicle repairs and servicing we’re confident that we can resolve any problem you have, at some of the area’s most competitive rates too.


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Email: Please visit our website:

Telephone: 09-8361333


AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS - GLENFIELD Welcome to the Burger Motor Works, a leading independent European service and repair provider.

BMW SERVICING Providing quality BMW servicing and repair. Burger Motor Works are committed to offering friendly service, top quality repairs and exceptional value. So why choose Burger Motor Works for your next BMW service and repair? Our mechanics have extensive experience working on BMW cars. Our BMW mechanics are highly trained and have been in motor industry for over 20 years.

AUDI SERVICING Regular Audi servicing is the ideal way to maintain both the smooth running and the resale value of your Audi. Audi is well known for its outstanding performance, safety and drive ability. However, Audi service and repair is generally costly and requires specialized trained Audi mechanics to repair and maintain your car to factory levels.

MERCEDES SERVICING Mercedes-Benz as a name is synonymous with quality and elegance. As a proud owner of a Mercedes-Benz, we understand you want to keep your car running at the highest standards. However, it’s recommended that you have it maintained and serviced at regular intervals to get the best out of your Mercedes.

VOLKSWAGEN SERVICING Burger Motor Works is also an independent Volkswagen service workshop in Auckland. German cars like the Volkswagen must be maintained at the highest level. At Burger Motor Works, we can give your Volkswagen service and repairs to the highest of standards.


Phone: 09 444 3965 95 Wairau Road, Glenfield, North Shore, Auckland -

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MCR AUTOMOTIVE From a women's prospective: We are a kiwi owned, family oriented company :) Geoffrey, my husband, is a car mechanic you can trust. He could do a cambelt replacement with his eyes closed. He developed a comprehensive car service list that will take care of your pride and joy. Or if you just need a car to get you from a to b, I'm sure Geoffrey, your north shore mechanic, will point you in the right car service direction. We have extra large Volvo as a courtesy car to accommodate a pram or a bike, or dogs in the back. Also available is a 24/7 tow service. We pick up work phone calls at home, for all our stranded customers standing next to a broken down car, unsure of what to do. Contact us today, to see how we can assist with the service or any mechanical issue you may have with your vehicle.

37 View Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland Telephone: 09 444 3489 Email:

Seatbelts 4 U Seatbelts 4 U are seatbelt repairs and fitting specialists based in Auckland Penrose. We offer free seatbelt checks: 타 Seat Belts Supplied and Fitted 타 All Vehicles and Coaches 타 Baby Anchor Mounting Replacement seat belts, NZ safety belt repairs, New Zealand lap seat belt, New Zealand car seat belts, seat belt, lap and shoulder belt seatbelts, seat belts, NZ seatbelts, NZ safety belts, NZ seat belt extensions, seat belts, replacement seat belts, retractable seat belts, retractable seatbelt, seat belt extenders, seat belt extender, auto seat belt, auto seat belt, New Zealand car seat belts, pass wof with new seat belt fit.


NZ Purchase & Supply Directory

Seat belts are available for most makes and models in a good variety of colours and configurations. Different types of seat belts include: Lap Belts: Fitted in many vehicles in the centre rear position. (In most cases these can be changed for a Lap / Diagonal or can be used in conjunction with a Child Harness.) Static: These are the older style which are fixed and do not roll away. Retractable: Common type of seatbelt fitted to most vehicles which retracts back when not in use.:

Call us on: 09 525 3627

55b Station Road, Penrose, Auckland E: W:

Auckland Trades Directory CARPET CLEANERS Ÿ Over 25 years of experience and

knowledge Ÿ Unsurpassable cleaning performance

using leading technology and unique processes across a vast range of surfaces We’re the No.1 in commercial carpet, curtain and upholstery cleaning maintenance programmes, using the very latest technology to: Ÿ Provide professional bespoke carpet

maintenance and cleaning programmes with minimal disruption Ÿ Protect your business assets and

investments Ÿ Enhance your company image and create the

right impression Ÿ Maintain a healthy, pleasant place to work for

you, your employees and visitors Ÿ Reduce downtime for businesses.

Ÿ A hassle-free service that won’t disrupt

your household or business Ÿ A safe and cost effective alternative to

replacement Ÿ A process that uses at least 1/5 of the

moisture some other processes use for faster drying times Ÿ An accredited, endorsed and green-

certified carpet and upholstery cleaning system for a healthy and hygienic environment.

Phone: 0800 145 145

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Auckland Trades Directory CLEANERS COMMERCIAL


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Auckland Trades Directory HIRAGE SERVICES

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PANEL BEATING SERVICES - MANUKAU 타 Insurance Approved Repairer 타 Insurance repairs, private work, fleet repairs,

rust repairs 타 Loan Cars available by appointment

Welcome to Manukau City Panelbeaters MCP is your local CRA Structural repair centre giving you quality and peace of mind in the making sure your vehicle is returned to its manufacturers recommendations. Our focus on customer service and quality repairs makes us the number one choice in working with you, making sure you will be back on the road with the least of inconvenience. With the latest in repair procedure technology and I-Car trained technicians from the smallest of scratches to the largest collision damage our experienced team will get it right the first time.


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Manukau City Panelbeaters 54 Grayson Ave Manukau City Email:

Phone: 09 279 7135



Neil Park Panel Beaters (missing)

650 Swanson Rd Swanson, Auckland Phone: 09 832 7600 Email: Web:

BIRKDALE PANELBEATERS All of our work is guaranteed

Panelbeating With Passion Take the hassle out of what can be a stressful experience when the unfortunate happens. Glenn and the team at Birkdale Panelbeaters take pride and satisfaction of giving our customers a "back to new finish".

Redwood Panel & Paint has been proudly serving as panel beaters in Auckland and the surrounding area for a number of years. Based in Swanson, they specialise in accident repairs, WOF and rust repairs, restoration, private work, and chassis straightening. Over the last 7 years they have been going through some positive changes to better serve their loyal customers. Redwood Panel & Paint has a very good reputation and has very strong recommendation from a wide variety of local & out of area businesses. Redwood Panel & Paint panel beaters are professional, experienced and are dedicated to looking after our customers in Auckland. Redwood Panel & Paint are always updating their equipment. We have the newest SEETAL bake oven that gives us a more professional long lasting finish. We also have a new, 2 Post clear floor hoist & a Caroliner Chassis machine, along with other machinery. And that is not all! We maintain a fleet of courtesy cars for your convenience.

ŸSmash Repairs - Insurance and Private ŸVehicle Re-Certification ŸChassis Straightening ŸRust Proofing ŸCourtesy Cars and Vans ŸFree Quotes Ÿ24 Hour Towing ŸSecure Indoor and Outdoor Storage ŸPick Up and Delivery ŸClean Waiting area with tea and coffee ŸRust Repairs ŸWOF Repairs ŸValet Services

20 Bay Park Place, Birkdale, Auckland

Phone: 09 482 1260 Mobile: 027 279 9392 Email: Website:

NZ Purchase & Supply Directory



1STOP DECORATE! Painting and PLastering 1Stop Decorate is a specialist painting and decorating company that you can trust to transform and maintain your commercial or residential property, cost effectively, securely and on time.

We also offer: !Water Blasting Services !Wallpaper Application !Spray Painting

We have an excellent reputation in the painting and decorating industry for quality workmanship, professionalism, project management, speed, and customer service.

!Paint Stripping !Landscaping Services !House Cleaning !Handyman Services

We are based in Auckland and service the entire Auckland region.

!Construction Painting !Concrete Cleaning

Our team are highly experienced in all aspects of painting and decorating. We pride ourselves on being punctual, tidy, and safety conscious, and produce quality work for satisfied customers time after time.

So what are you waiting for? Call Glenn to book your FREE quote on

Mobile: 027 489 1299

TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS Our machines for training: CounterBalance (most common), Reach & Stockpicker.

100% NZ Owned & Operated with Real Kiwi trainers Our “promo” prices will be only for this advertisement and includes GST; · Non-Driver Forklift Certificate: $200.00 usually $250.00 · Basic Forklift Certificate: $150.00 usually $180.00 · Refresher Forklift Certificate: $100.00 usually $120.00 (must have proof of expired cert) · Additional Machines (i.e. Reach, Stockpicker): $75.00 per machine usually $100.00 (must be added to any of the above costs and completed on the same day). These prices are valid for this publication only and will be subject to change after 31st June 2015.


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Classes are pre-arranged on Monday, Wednesday & Friday with limited numbers – so call to secure your booking with us. Other courses available: Class: 2-5, Endorsements: F, D, R, T, W, V & P. We also offer onsite training at no extra charge throughout New Zealand (provided you have a minimum of 5 staff and the necessary machines for practical assessment). UNIT 3, 43 Allens Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland Telephone: (09) 273 8992 Fax: (09) 273 8995 Mobile: 027 4860 189 Email: Website:

Waikato Trades Directory VEHICLE REPAIRS

NZ Purchase & Supply Directory



NZ Purchase & Supply Directory

Waikato Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES

0800 MAGS4U m Tyres Tyre Tyres - 8” to 26” most brands available m Suspension - FREE shock testing with huge range of shocks available m

Vehicle Servicing - Auth Mobil service Centre, most makes and models


Brakes - On site certified rotor matching Center (Disk machining)


Wheels - New Zealand's largest Range of wheels


Batteries - Small to large Maintenance Free, 24 month warranty

We can help you with, wheel repairs, wheel alignments, wheel balancing, puncture repairs, window tinting, alarms, CV boots/joints, steering, mechanical repairs and more. Mag & Turbo Tyre and Service Centre is proudly 100% NZ owned and operated, servicing the country since 1993. If you’re in the market for mag wheels, new tyres, or your vehicle needs servicing we are the people to see. With 14 stores nationwide, we have a huge range of products, all at very competitive prices. Mag Wheels, Tyres, Brakes, Servicing, Alignment, Suspension... It’s what we do.

101 Cameron Road, Tauranga Telephone: 07 571 5211

NZ Purchase & Supply Directory


Waikato Trades Directory AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS


WHITTAKER CAR PAINTERS LTD When you demand top quality workmanship' Go to Whittaker car painters in Whakatane. And don’t forget...we're not just car painters! Want to change the colour of your fridge - maybe your bedroom furniture ? Need fibreglass repairs done, WOF and COF rust, - we are panelbeaters as well. Free quotes and courtesy car available. If we don't stock it today, we will get it in for you as soon as possible. Car Painters, Bike Painters, Toyota approved paintwork, late model and Euro specialists. We repair all makes & models & offer a lifetime warranty on all paintwork! 2 Te Tahi St,Whakatane 3120 Telephone: 07 307 0513


NZ Purchase & Supply Directory

Waikato Trades Directory VEHICLE GROOMING

VEHICLE GROOMING SERVICES Company Vehicle? Corporate Event? Wedding? Or you may just want to give your vehicle a birthday! For a superior clean (inside and out) see Vehicle Grooming Services in Whakatane. Discounts available on fleet & monthly repeat work. FULL INTERIOR DETAIL Vacuum and dust, seats and carpets shampooed, dashboard and vinyl's cleaned and detailed, door jams and rubbers cleaned. FULL EXTERIOR DETAIL Shampoo wash, dry and wax. Tyres, plastics and rubbers dressed, windows cleaned. CUT AND BUFF Off scratche's, minor scrapes and paintmarks.

FABRIC PROTECTION Protect your seats and carpets from spills, stains and soil. PAINT PROTECTION Advanced high gloss paint protection, with a written guarantee. AIR CONDITIONER DEODERISING Please enquire about our fleet and regular booking discounts. Gift vouchers available. Give Vehicle Grooming Services a call to polish and detail your vehicle to ensure the best possible presentation and price. Contact us! 50 Valley Road, Whakatane 3120 t: 07 307 1338 m: 0274 766 094

Hawkes Bay Trades Directory TRANSPORT OPERATORS

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.