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Our Missing Children
It’s alarming the number of children that’s reported missing across the United States and the State of Ohio eac:h year. last year over 16,000 children were reported missing across the state, and it was reported that 97% by year end were accounted for, Leaving close to 1,000 children not found. The number of children that are actually missing is not always accurate there is a large number of unreported missing or presumed runaway Youth. The sheer number of young adults 18 to 21 that are missing and are listed as adults goes unnoticed and are not always searched for in the same manner. The numbers for 2021 have not been released but it is up to each of us as individuals, organizations, businesses and the community to do our part to bring each of them safely home.
Over the past year AMPS Ohio magazine has posted photos of missing children across the State of Ohio. Including this issue, 19 children have been highlighted and 13 have been found safe.
Ohio is also a hub for Sex Trafficking and we are the eyes and ears that can change th is. Ohio is the 2nd highest ranked state in terms of new offenders. In October 2021 the largest Sex Trafficking bust in Ohio history occurred, helping over 51 sex trafficked victims and arrested 161 offenders.
It has been reported that out of every 7 females that are in foster care 1 will runaway. We do not want to deliver our children into the hands of predators in the streets, we must keep our eyes and ears open in our community. Sex Trafficking does not discriminate again gender or age. Help to keep our youth safe by saying something if you see it no matter how small it may seem.
In the month of August 2021 over 150 new ca.ses of mi ssing and endangered children were reported in Ohio, with 40 cases being from the Cleve land/ Akron area according to the Ohio Attorney General.
Special training is being given to the state, local and federal officers to better equip them in ways to help find missing and Sex Trafficked youth, In August 2021, the Attorney General David Yost and Adam Walsh of the National Center for Missing and Explorted Children hosted a seminar here to help combat this. It is important to stay a head of the predators wrth all of the social media avenues that are available. It is vital to be able to talk with your youth about the dangers and pitfalls of social media. Know and have access to your child’s accounts, know their friends and habits. Know what your child is wearing and have an updated photo of your child. There is no reason why half of the posters for our missing youth have no pictures.
We are the eyes and ears for our youth and commumty, let’s work together to bring our youth home and keep them protected.