This is the sixth issue of AMPS Magazine, Ohio Edition. I wanted to take this time to congraulate A.M.P.S. (American-Minority People Succeeding) Cleveland franchise on a great job they are doing in the community in providing good stories and educating the community.
This is where Substance and Style meets Su preme Standards. Our mission is “superior application development through dedicated professionalism while maintaining a cus tomer-centered focus to lead the industry in ideas and creative solutions”. Our events marketing and promotions department is designed to present positive entertainment and events that the Louisiana communities deserve.
We specialize in helping brands create a unique connection with consumers at our events as well as create an opportunity for you to meet other business owners, exec utives, present and future customers, and other socialites. Simply put, “We’re Accom plished By Making You Successful.”
Gerald D. Wright, CEOWelcome to the sixth issue of AMPS Ohio Magazine. Thank you to every one who contributed time and effort to get this issue out! The support I have received is simply amazing. Thank you to everyone who put together an arti cle, submitted an ad, did interviews, or made calls. This was a real team effort and look at the results. What you have helped to create is invaluable. With AMPS Ohio Magazine we are offering something new and exciting. We will be showcasing businesses with beautifully put together Ads, every issue will feature a section on our Missing Children, there is a section on our Great Legends, every issue will feature articles on everything from music, sports, entrepreneurship and more. So Ohio get ready, AMPS Ohio Magazine has arrived. Thank for being a part of this journey. You are truly appreciated.
Lonett “Cookie” Williams, Founder/CEO of Woman Unsilenced, however, more widely recognized as star of BET Plus, American Gangster trap Queen. Her story is one of triumph and resilience. Ms Williams, one-time multi-million dollar real estate mogul built an empire for herself and her family that, like a house of cards, eventually came tumbling down. This single mother pleaded guilty to white-collar charges of fraud in 2012 and was sentenced to 10 years in Federal Prison. She began her road back to society long before she returned, building her relationship with God. Then came counseling and mentoring other women, empowering them with the tools to withstand the fight and to forge ahead. She says it was actually counseling oth ers that kept her sharp and strong, this, she says is the catalyst in her becoming a motivational speaker, certified master life coach with a niche in entrepreneurship, also certified in mental health 1st aid, upon her return. Through adversity and her past experiences, Cookie, as she is affectionately known, has built and established platforms to empower women.
As Founder/CEO of Woman Unsilenced, Ms. Williams birthed a women’s organization that serves to empower trauma-impacted women with the tools and support to help women regain their sense of self-worth. Grassroots research shows the need for entrepreneurship skills in our black and brown communities. In the wake of the mass incarceration of women, untreated generational trauma has led to our sisters, daughters, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers becoming the survivors of compounded trauma. Ms. Williams says the group is determined to help heighten self-awareness, and assist in rediscovering the authentic self in preparation for the return to society.
“The Sisteration Room”, where Cookie is the host of her Podcast says, it is where the conversa tion happens, that the Sisteration Room is a forgiving, healing, safe space. A judgment-free zone in which to share. In this space, she explains, the goal is to reveal your passions, aligning them with your self-ascribed purpose.
With goals and aspirations of ending recidivism and homelessness, Cookie raises her bar and sets her sights on reentry housing across America, one state at a time. For this ambitious entre preneur, family, moving forward, and the release of her 1st book, Success, Approval, and Being Enough is her primary focus.
Brandy Bugatti was born in Shrevport, Louisiana. She spent most of her childhood either there or in Miami, Florida, as her mother was, tooBugatti’s mother was a singer and would be going from one city to the other. Growing up with plenty of musical influence, Bugatti began singing when she was two years old, starting with her grandmother’s choir. At fourteen, Bugatti did her first professional recording and had some music on tapes and CDs.
As far as actually getting into the professional side of music, it started when Bugatti was in high school. She was already known to the city of Shreveport, Louisiana as a great singer after winning a couple of talent shows in middle school, she was featured in their little newspaper. So naturally, it was a really big deal when Lynch by Lynch records heard her sing and contacted her. Bugatti was put on the radio and she got to travel. This was all just her singing, as no one knew at the time she can also write. Currently, Bugatti is planning a five-song EP that she wants to be more of a story, using each video as part of a sequence.
Bugatti said that to be an artist who stands out, one must put enough time and money into their art. Artists need to believe in themselves and what they’re doing, which separates them from other artists. Also, they want to avoid the “starving artist” stereotype. Bugatti talked about other artists such as Beyoncé and Meg the Stallion, saying that she is different from themshe just can’t put her finger on how.
Some favorites of Bugatti’s: neo-soul is her favorite genre of music to listen to and she loves any kind of chicken. She also loves Tony Chachere’s seasoning- “If you ain’t sneezing, you ain’t seasoning.” Her favorite city would be Atlanta, as its trees, smell, and people all remind her of Shreveport. Drake and Kendrick Lamar are two of her favorite celebrities, with Drake being her celebrity crush, and she loves listening to Missy
Outside of music, Bugatti also has a cleaning business that does monthly cleaning and disin fecting for elderly people and people who can’t afford to hire somebody for free. This includes disinfect ing homes after a Covid exposure, once the quarantine period has ended. “Everybody just doesn’t have it, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about life,” she said. Bugatti doesn’t currently have a website for her business- she doesn’t talk about it much. “I’ve learned that it’s sometimes it’s better to just have a repre sentative,” she answers when people ask why she doesn’t talk about it much.
Bugatti’s favorite quote, “Spiritual Wealth is Golden. Knowing That Time Is More Valuable than money,” can be found on her Facebook page with the hashtag “#WhatsA��ToA�� ” She said that while most people align themselves as the goat, she sees herself more as the lion. “So a lion would eat up a goat any day. Are you sure you want to be a goat?” Bugatti said. The encour aging words Bugatti would give to people who want to be in the entertainment business is that “everything is not going to go right off.”
Bugatti said that she is big on learning history, that she is “really big on finding out the truth of who I am and where I came from.” So it makes sense that she supports the Black Lives Mat ter movement. “Why? ‘Cause I am black.” Bugatti talks about how people can point fingers all day, but it’s more important to reflect.
You can learn more about Brandy Bugatti by visiting her In stagram, Facebook, Twitter, and website. Visit the link in her Instagram bio to preview her EP on her website.
My name is Segura Nino. I was born and raised in a small town in Texas.
I live outside of Houston in the country with my Husband and two beautiful kids. I am originally a city girl, so it took me a while to adapt to the country lifestyle.
I love it, it is a wonderful place to raise a family, less crime, more space, and more privacy.
I am a stay-at-home mom, bonus mom, blogger, brand ambassador, fashion model, entrepreneur, salon owner and business owner of multiple businesses.
I have a background in Journalism and communication, I am currently finishing my bachelor’s in journalism while working on my salon.
In my spare time I am out doing interviews, studying, creating pod cast, networking, thinking of new entrepre
neurship ideals or spending time with my amazing kids and husband.
I am maintaining this entire lifestyle while being 7 months pregnant, a lot of people ask me how I do it, but I am a nat ural born achiever with an overly ambitious personality.
If you would like to keep up with my achievements and new ventures you can follow me on Instagram @seguraninotv and through my blog https://lifewithseguranino.com/
Charkia Campbell is the CEO of He Loves Curves Boutique and franchise. One of the hardest working entrepreneurs in the City of Cleveland, Ohio. This Entrepre neur, author, motivator and philanthropist has taken the over the city with her savvy business sense, innovation and determination.
Charkia opened He Loves Curves Boutique in Cleveland, Ohio in 2014 and hasn’t looked back. Her vision for He Loves Curves, “Is to assist women of all shapes and sizes with feel ings confident and beautiful…”
Charkia has inspired so many women by giving them the confidence to know that they are sexy, beautiful and can be stylish at any size. The bou tique offers sizes from small to 6x.
Diagnosed with Lupus, Charkia didn’t sit still she used her voice to empower women across the city. She hosts one of the largest Curvy Fashion Shows the city has ever seen; giving local, regional and national designers, boutiques and Curvy models the opportunity to showcase their designs, businesses and walk the runway. A portion of the proceeds are donated to the Lupus Foundation. AllStar Weekend 2021, she hosted one of the most dynamic fashion shows to hit the runway in Ohio.
With 3 Locations including a franchise of He Love Curves as well as her online boutique it is truly a Curvy Girl take over. Her boutiques are known for quality customer service and continues to draw customers loyalty from not only local customers but is a much sought after shopping destination from out of town visitors and celebrities.
Her brand not only includes clothing but accessories, beauty care services and products. Charkia newest project her book: Thoughts of a Married Woman.
When you mention the name Akin Affrica one of the first things you hear is Entrepreneur and he cares about his community. A native of Cleveland Akin is the driving force behind some of the most successful businesses in the Cleveland area. He comes from restaurant roy alty, he is the son of Angie’s Soul Food Restau rant founder, Angie that was opened in 1986.
Akin has been an asset to so many in the Cleve land Area. He was the owner and co-owner of businesses such as Zanzibar, Angie’s Soul Food Café, The Cleveland Breakfast Club and The Vegan Club which is located under one roof.
He was one of the first restaurant owners to make one of his restaurants cashless. Akin is also a successful Real Estate Investor with his company Three Black Knights LLC, he is investing, renovating and rejuvenating locations and businesses across the city from Buckeye to Shaker Square.
Akin believes in giving people 2nd and 3rd chances and hires ex- felons at his busi nesses. The magnitude that he has continued to give back to the community through investing and freely giving advice and opportunity to those that are willing to receive it, is amazing and here at AMPS Ohio Magazine we want to salute him. Akins states, If I Can…You Can.
This native of Cleveland continues to reach back and help create wealth in our communities by teaching others how to invest and make their dreams a reality. He emphasizes that we should own real estate and own our own businesses and he is a prime example of how this can be done. As this Entrepreneur continues to give back, mentor, invest and grow his businesses we will continue on this journey with him and support him.
This education enabled Billups to become an Ohio State Trooper. While pursuing his bachelor’s degree he returned to Tri C to study and prep for something that had always interested him: opening his own business.
Ten years later, Billups is now the proud owner of a popular food truck featuring his spe cialty, the Gusher Burger. His food truck’s success has allowed his business to thrive and grow. He is now open for business
Billups continues to give back to Tri C, even teaching criminal justice courses at the Metropolitan Campus. He credits the experience and training he received throughout his educational and professional life for his ability to run a successful business.
Doors continue to open for our youth today. So many of our talented melanated young people have the opportunity to now see themselves in roles that perhaps as adults we didn’t always see…this includes in business, entertainment and yes sports.
Meet the Dream Detroit Skate Academy founders Candice Tamakloe and Angela Blocker-Loyd the first black female owned skating academy in Michigan. Both are trained figure skaters, friends and now business owners. They grew up skating in Detroit Michigan. One of the things they did not see coming up was a lot of youth that looked like them. Today as adults they want to give the youth of Detroit that chance to thrive and excel in an environment where they will be comfortable and confident. Dream Detroit Skate Acade my.
According to the Dream website the skating club accepts children as young as 4 years old as well as adults who wish to learn or haven’t been on the ice in a while. There are individ ual lessons as well as group lessons.
The Academy has a team of the best African American Coaches in the City. These 7 coaches all come with different levels of experience and a great love of skating.
According to an interview with Good Morning America, Angela and Candace would like for youth to know that there are careers in skating outside of competitive skating or the Olympics as the end goal; “…there is coaching and profes sional shows”, says Candace. They themselves have aspira tions to put together professional shows on ice.
Angela also stated “We want the kids to go home excited to tell their parents about what they learn... We want them to leave with smiles on their faces while at the same time boost ing their confidence so that they know their self-worth.”
These founders are doing a phenomenal job of giving the youth of Detroit a platform to explore an activity or sport that is not always readily available to them.
Known as the most talked about community in Austin, Texas; this village is home to over 200 former ly homeless residents. What began as an idea of Alan Graham the founder of Mobile Loaves & Fish, who’s mission states: We empower communities into a lifestyle of service with the homeless, brought 1 RV to help one homeless person soon blossomed to 51 acres of land 100 RV /Mobile homes and 130 micro homes for the homeless by 2019. Developed by this nonprofit organization the Community First Village allows homeless residences the opportunity to have a home, work to earn income and more. The village consists of:
• 5 Laundry/Restroom/Shower Facilities
• 5 Outdoor Kitchens
• Capital Metro Bus Stop
• Community Art House
• Community Cinema
• Community Concessions & Catering
• Community Inn
• Community Market
• Genesis Gardens Organic Farm
• Memorial Garden and Prayer Labyrinth
• Topfer Family Health Resource Center
• Walking Trails
• Woodworking Shop
This answer to helping get the Austin homeless off the streets will soon be getting an expansion that will include expanding the present village and building a new one giving the entire project over 178 acres and 1,400 new homes. This effort to help their homeless neighbors is hoped to inspire other cities in other states to do the same to fight the homeless epidemic that is surrounding their cities. The village is kept running by volunteers from within the village and surrounding communities. Graham stated: Our only goal is to show people what’s possible and to demonstrate to them the hopefulness that exists out here in this community…” This village has given many a “helping hand not a hand out” and has established a sense of family and pride among the displaced that have been so often overlooked.
This Legendary Great is the CEO of AMPS Magazine. A Mechani cal Engineering graduate of Southern University and A & M College. A.M.P.S. (American Minority People Succeeding) Magazine was started in 1999, currently owned and operated by Gerald Wright. The website states that “AMPS delivers information about the minority community that is seldom discussed elsewhere. Some subject matters are unknown to the general population, but should undoubtedly be highlighted. This company powers the community by being a voice for the positive events going on in the African American communi ty…”
With Gerald’s extensive experience in the media industry, what began as a magazine has transcended into a multi-media platform, reach ing over 6 million readers and subscribers. This advertising magazine gives the local business owner the opportunity for exposure locally and across state lines. Wright stated , “We’re Accomplished By Mak ing You Successful.”
There are AMPS Magazine franchises in 7 States: Louisiana, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Texas, Indiana, and California. The publication is in both hard copy and digital allowing the magazine to reach audienc es across the globe. The AMPS businesses consists of AMPS Radio, AMPS Television, Diverse Hair Magazine, TAM (Teen AMPS Maga zine), Digital Media, A Daily Newsletter, the AMPS App and Apparel. The business continues to flourish with no end insight.
The AMPS Magazine franchises have covered everything from the Bronner Brothers Hair Shows to All-Star Weekend, there have been interviews with celebrities such as Usher, sports figures like Tia Nor fleet, political candidates, models and more. Wright states, “This is where Substance and Style meet Supreme Standards and the Mission is superior application development through dedicated professional ism while maintaining a customer centered focus to lead the industry in ideas and creative solutions.” This Legendary Great has achieved that and with every new avenue and door that open AMPS will be there to document the success of minority people.
Many of us learned about this legendary great though out our child hood. She was born a slave March 1822 (not a fact) and was given the name Araminta Ross, by her enslaved parents. Who knew this little slave girl would go on and become one of the most well known abolitionists in history. After years of being a slave beaten and seeing her friends and family sold. She decided to escape, leaving behind her family and husband John Tubman. With visions she experienced she found her way to freedom in Philadelphia and soon was making her way back to enslaved states helping other to escape to freedom. She chose the name Harriet Tubman, but those she brought to freedom called her Moses. Following the Underground Railroad the northern star and her visions she went on to free dozens of slaves…including many of her family members. When she went back for her husband he had remarried…but she never let this stop her. In history she freed the most slaves by one individual… many said she couldn’t but she proved them wrong. Harriet never lost a passenger as she guided them to freedom through the underground railroad.
Harriet worked with the Union Army as a scout and cook. She also had one daughter Gertie. This legendary great Harriet Tubman lived to be 91 years old.
Michealla is from Indianapolis, Indiana. She has been modeling since she was two years old and is a se nior in high school. Michealla also works as a Certified Nursing Assistant ( CNA) student, which means she takes care of the elderly in nursing homes. Michealla is extremely passionate about her work and loves giving back to those who have given her so much.
Michealla is a social butterfly who loves meeting new people. She enjoys networking and connecting with different individuals from all walks of life. Her favorite events to attend are Indie fashion shows because she appreciates the artistry and creativity behind them. Michaella also enjoyed going to the Black Expo before it stopped allowing kids in, as she loved interacting with all the different exhibitors.
Michealla is a driven young woman who wants to make a difference in the world. After she graduates, she plans to go to college and study nursing or Health Science, with the eventual goal of becoming a sexu al health educator. Until she reaches that point, she wants to work as a CNA. Michealla wants to attend a HBCU for her undergraduate education.
Michealla is a determined young woman who wants to make a difference in the world. She chose to attend an HBCU because, she feels they don’t get as much recognition, and she wants to help change that. Michealla is intelligent and ambitious and will undoubtedly go on to do great things.
Michealla is a creative and insightful person with many interests. She loves to write poetry, and her favorite genre of music is hip-hop or rap. She values helping others grow and develop. Michaella has served in the military and held leadership positions. She is a kind and compassionate person who wants to make a differ ence in the world.
Michealla has a deep love for music. Her celebrity crush is Bryson Tiller, an up-and-coming R&B artist. Micheal la loves learning new things and wants to visit Jamaica someday.
Michealla is an exciting person with a lot of depth. She loves spending time with her family and friends and en joys reading and watching movies. Her favorite movie is “All the Bright Places,” and one of her favorite quotes is, “You only live once.” Michealla also likes to quote, “If they wanted to, they would,” - which is something she tells
herself when she’s feeling down or struggling.
Growing up, there wasn’t a specific celebrity that Michealla looked up to, but she always admired people who were confident in themselves and their abilities. Michealla loved how Zendaya carried herself and how Mariah Carey was unapologetically herself. She also really enjoys watching “Euphoria” because it feels like she’s getting an inside look into a teenager’s daily life.
Michealla is a young woman who knows what she wants in life. After completing her undergraduate studies, she plans to join an agency and freelance as a model. Wherever she decides to move to college, she will have something lined
According to a news release by MetroHealth, MetroHealth has appointed a new pres ident and CEO who will taking over the position on January 1 2023 following the retirement of the current CEO Dr. Akram Boutrous,
The new CEO is Dr. Airica Steed. Presently Dr. Steed is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Sinai Chicago Health System and President of Mount Sinai and Sinai Children’s Hospital.
Among her degrees and She has a Doctorate of Education in Leadership from Olivet Nazarene University, a Master of Business Administration from Governors State Uni versity and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Rush University.
Dr. Steed is a fourth-generation nurse and has been recognized for innovation and leadership. The Becker’s Hospital Review also put her on its lists of top female and Black health care leaders. She was named among Modern Healthcare’s “Top 25 Healthcare Innovators” in 2020 and among the “Top 25 Minority Leaders” last year. Dr. Steed has many first in her career. She was the first minority male or female to have the position at Mount Sinai and over a three year period she was able to imple mented over $200 million in improvements. She is now the first African American female to lead any major healthcare system in Cleveland.
In an interview with cleveland.com she was asked why Cleveland... Her answer she was drawn to MetroHealth’s focus on heath equality… she said, “When I actually had the opportunity to meet the people and meet the organization, I felt that engagement and I felt the difference that I will be able to make.” Steed is a bright star who’s vast experience will continue to take MetroHealth to the next level. We looks forward to meet ing the newest resident of Cleveland.
Continued from Page 22
up. Michealla is excited to start her next chapter and looks forward to all the new opportunities that come with it!
Michealla is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. She’s quiet and introspective, preferring to keep to her self most of the time. Little is known about her, re vealing that she is a complex individual with many layers. What Michealla likes in a person might not be what Michealla is looking for. Personality-wise, she tends to be drawn to more reserved people who don’t involve themselves in every aspect of life. These individuals understand the importance of boundaries and space and can prioritize them selves within a relationship.
Dancer and fashion designer Manou Jeanty spent about half of her child hood in Haiti. At the age of ten, she moved to the United States. The transi tion was a bit of a shock, as in Haiti, everything from cooking to cleaning was done for her. Looking back, Jeanty realizes how comfortable she was back in Haiti. She doesn’t resent this rough change- learning how to do everything on her own taught her how to be independent. “So I’m very grateful for that,” she said.
At seventeen, Jeanty would see other girls at school com ing to class with full faces of makeup. “I was like, I want to look just like her,” Jeanty said when recalling that time. She described one girl who seemed to literally be glowing. After some YouTube watching, an interest in makeup was sparked for Jeanty. By the time she turned eighteen, she decided to go to beauty school.
Cosmetic school taught hair and makeup and, as much as she liked changing her hairstyle, Jeanty just preferred makeup. She worked as a makeup artist until she was twenty-four when she found dancing. She worked at dancing places, but then Covid struck. Like many others, she turned to TikTok when the pandemic began.
“That’s how it started,” Jeanty said. After she began posting videos of her dancing, a music artist found her on TikTok and asked her to dance to his song; she did, and the video blew up. This prompted her to stop working on makeup full-time, deciding that she can do makeup for people in-person and dance online.
After a couple of months of dancing, Jeanty “started to get bored with [her] outfit.” Once again, she turned to YouTube. She learned how to make clothes and bought a small but good sewing machine, which she later replaced with a bigger one after discovering she’s actually good at sewing.
Jeanty calls herself an artist, and this is not just because of her makeup and fashion skills. She also paints and briefly
made wigs. Being an artist, Jeanty said, “is being creative. Never limit yourself.”
When asked about the Black Lives Matter movement that is currently happening, Jeanty said she supports it because she knows that anyone could be killed. “I mean, I’m black,” she said, “so it can be me that got shot one day and you know, it can be like my brother, it can be like my cousin. It can be my dad.” She said she has to stand. She brings up Haiti, where circumstances aren’t great. She never went back after moving because of her father. “He always tried to send me there to leave me there. So I never want to go,” Jeanty stated. She does concede that she’ll go soon.
As far as role models, Jeanty said that she grew up look ing up to Beyoncé. This is because she started her career at a young age in a group and worked to become a solo performer. “Then look at her now,” said Jeanty. “She’s a queen. She’s running the game.” Jeanty said that Beyoncé inspired her to “become a better woman and to become a better version of myself.”
Some favorites of Jeanty’s include a Haitian dish called Diaz, which is white rice with bean sauce. She also loves chicken. Her favorite celebrity, of course, is Beyoncé. Music, on the other hand, has no limits. “I listen to anything,” Jeanty said. She listens to different genres of music and music that is in other languages, as well as Haitian music. “I listen to anything that sounds good in my ears.”
Jeanty lives by the philosophy “Be A Better Version of Your self.” She would tell people who are just getting started to nev er give up; never let anything else get in the way of what you want to do. You have a job? That’s just a job, there’s time out side of it. Don’t limit yourself, think positive, and be consis tent.
Jeanty said something that always surprises people is that she plays video games. “They never wanna believe me ‘cause I’m a female,” she said, something lots if not most girl gamers can relate to.
Video games are really just a hobby for Jeanty business-wise, she has a new clothing line being released. She’s also doing more with hair, mainly exploring colors. Meanwhile, she has new music videos coming out soon.
You can find Jeanty’s Instagram here, as well as her YouTube
Pamela J. Hagler rehab Real estate property commercial and residential, for the pur pose to lease or rent long or short term space for different types of business and events, while focusing and forming space to building our com munity with a brand new apartment complex 2-3 levels high with estimated 30-40 apartments, mixed-use com mercial and residential for seniors and small families to live with Comfort while caring for their parents all in one apartment unit, lower level front entrance multi small business to assist in everyone need as a convenience, all in one complex the one-stop shop FAMI LY4LIFE CORP, Pamela J. Hagler is visionary and obligat ed to lead and grow generational wealth in Real estate and business for our community and families, Pamela J is hired as a coach & personal consultant for business, real estate devel opment and inspiring woman and young adults with personal development, with kind gestures encouraging GOD spirit, and positivity, Pamela J, is counted on to connect the dots for business, family, and our communities, Pamela J. Being a hair designer and license instructor for cosmetology she has trained and coached thousands of hair stylists nationwide and created a platform and staged over 7 salons in communi ty senior high rises, nursing homes, and the city of Cleveland communities for 35 plus years, owning the Real estate and several businesses in her main headquarters, Proper Kreation Salon as her first birth business in the Collinwood area with three generations of Customers that’s on going to this day with Kalours Kreations hair product & cosmetic makeup and skin care line Pamela J.Hagler is known as one of the best hair & Real estate kreators in the city, she is now the founder of 2 city blocks with land in the surrounding area Kreating a master plan for the new St.Clair city development in five points Collinwood.
Following are pictures, letters of recommendation, future master the plans and achievements to view.
Book your Event, space it’s available in our new commercial building located 14820 & 14804 St.Clair Ave. with addition lower level VIP space @
7-Entertainers cafe & lounges , weddings, pop up mall retail events etc, patio available. Book your next coaching sections one-O-1 or personal coaching during your hair appointment and experience a difference of service in a Kreative environment hair nails messages, music, great food, cocktails coaching and inspi ration moments.
Scan, follow, book and stay connected.
3556 Fulton Rd. Cleveland Ohio, 44109
[Instagram @authentix_barbershop]
We are always accepting new clients here at Authentix Barbershop walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are highly suggested. We have some of the best barbers in Cleveland ready to service you:
Instagram @c.r.streetz216
Instagram @vance_vedo_dabarber
Facebook @ Vance Vedo Thomas We pride ourselves on customer service and paying close attention to detail. We have a 5* rating on Google and service all hair types, we give services that last with great professionalism so if your looking for a reliable barber that cuts hair come to Authentix Barbershop at 3556 Fulton Rd. We are educated on how to properly apply enhancements if you use them, and you don’t have to worry about your actual haircut being painted on your head. Services available (fades, tapers, designs, facial massages, hot lather etc…).
We are also looking for 2 motivated barbers to join the team, must know how to cut all hair types. Huge s/o to Romeo for blessing us with this opportunity to use & network on his platform.
Let’s continue to keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to finding our missing children Children across the nation continues to disappear. It takes all of us to bring them home safely. Let’s do our part.
Let’s continue to keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to finding our missing children Children across the nation continues to disappear. It takes all of us to bring them home safely. Let’s do our part.