1 minute read
Dandrick Eldridge
up and keep trying to better myself, I mean that I want to keep doing those things even when I feel tired. I still need to get up and go to work; I still need to take my kids to school even when I’m tired or frustrated from my job. If something bad has happened, I still need to think positive and find a better outcome for that situation. I want to set a good example for my children. I can’t let them think that when something bad happens, they should just quit and try something else. If I want to set a good example, I have to keep going and striving no matter how hard or how bad it is until I succeed.
AMPS: What would you tell your younger self, now that you’ve made it this far?
Dandrick: You’re going to hit blocks, you’re going to hit humps that you don’t think that you can get over, and you’re going to want to change course. You’re going to want to do something else other than that because you can’t get past it. Don’t give up. Don’t get discouraged, because those things happen in life. If you’re striving toward what you want to do in life, it’s only going to get better. Don’t do something that someone else wants you to do, do it because it’s what you want to do. In the long run, that’s what’s going to be best for you.
AMPS: What would you say to someone who’s holding back on pursuing what they want to do in life because of what someone else thinks?
Dandrick: I would ask them: Do you love and enjoy what you do? You should never let anyone discourage you from doing what you love to do because at the end of the day, it’s your life and you have to live it to the fullest. No one controls your life but you and you being happy is all that should matter.