3 minute read
Graduate Faith Sheppard
By: Kingston Davis
Faith Sheppard is a native of Louisiana. She was born in New Orleans and raised in Monroe. When Faith was three years old, she took interest in ballerina. The older she got to more she loved to dance. In 2019 Faith was named outstanding dancer with Dazzle Dance studio in Monroe, La. Faith was very active in school she played on the junior Varsity soccer team, she was a part of Neville’s orchestra, youth symphony and she also plays golf. She was a member of the Honor Society; she received awards like the Madison Healthcare award, and the awards of excellence. Faith graduated May 13, 2021 from Neville High School with a GPA of 3.50. Faith will be attending Xavier University in New Orleans, La in the fall. she will be majoring in Chemistry per-pharmacy.
AMPS: What is your dream school, and why? Faith: Loyola University of New Orleans, because of the diversity black, white and all different kind of races. I never really just wanted to go to a school that was just mainly dominant in one race.
AMPS: What has been your favorite experience in high school for the past 4 years? Faith: In my junior year I was able to visit Ivy League schools and you know those are best of the best so that might be able to tell you what kind of person I am in the classroom. My favorite one out of all of them though was Princeton because of the minority women and what it would mean.
AMPS: What are four things that you would give freshman advice on to survive high school? Faith: 1. Stay organized, and focused because it is very easy to get lost and frustrated in high school. 2. When you have open, opportunities take advantage of them. 3. Try to be the first for those chances so you can set yourself up for success later in life. 4. Also just for the last one ENJOY! Do not try to be grown to fast because the years will fly by fast.
AMPS: Who is Faith Sheppard as a person? Faith: I am a very Outgoing person who likes to be very helpful. I’m very quiet and introverted, and I’m very determined. When it comes to goals and accomplishing things, I seem to move faster.
AMPS: What are some future goals and accolades that you hope to achieve? Faith: I want to get my Bachelor’s in Psychology and get my master’s in business, so I can start my own business and be able to give back as a business that helps the communities. AMPS: The one thing that I loved about this question is that she wants to leave a legacy behind. She wants people to know what she did and talk about her for years. She has the drive and passion to be talked about for the next one hundred years.
AMPS: How did you start molding Blush Label Boutique cloths? Faith: They reached out to me on social media and wanted to partner up with me by modeling their clothes. Also they liked the look I gave with natural looks, and natural beauty of a young women who do not have to use make-up.
AMPS: What advice would you give to younger girls/boys striving to achieve what you have achieved? Faith: NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!! Show people you deserve to be here, and always keep your head up. In high school there are going to be a lot of people who are going to try to get in your way. Never let that stop you from your goals no matter what they are, because you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to. Congratulations Faith we look forward to seeing you doing great things in the future.

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