AMREF corporate brochure

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Nurturing Africa’s Future

This is who we are

The African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) is an international African organisation . AMREF was founded in Kenya in 1957, and our headquarters are in Nairobi. We strive to ensure better health for Africa. We have major programmes in Ethiopia, Kenya, Southern Sudan , South Africa, Tanzania

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This is who we are

and Uganda. In addition , our training courses, outreach services and diagnostics strengthening programme provide health knowledge, specialised treatment and capacity building support across the continent and beyond.

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This is where we began

AMREF started life as the Flying Doctors of East Africa. From a curative, implementing organisation , AMREF, quickly progressed to focusing on preventive, community-based health care. Beginning with planes in 1957, we have al ways used ‘the tools of our time’ to bridge the gap between health systems and communities.

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This is where we began

Today we use eLearning, telemedicine and mobile phones to spread health knowledge and care.

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This is why we’re here

AMREF is committed to improving African health. By linking informed communities with skilled health workers in stronger health systems, we aim to ensure that every African has access to the good health that is theirs by right. We believe that we are change agents for African health, and are optimistic about Africa’s potential to find

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This is why we’re here

solutions to its health challenges, given the right support.

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This is our focus

AMREF believes that by focusing on the health of women and children , we can improve the health of the whole community. We are concerned with skilled care of mothers before, during and after childbirth; prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, and proper management of childhood illnesses. Our main areas

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This is our focus

of intervention are maternal and child health; HIV and Tuberculosis; safe water and sanitation; malaria; and essential clinical care.

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This is how we do it

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AMREF shares knowledge gained from our grassroots programmes with others and uses it as evidence to advocate for appropriate change in health policy and practice. In all our programmes, AMREF partners with communities, civil society organisations, health practitioners and the private and public sectors to establish a participatory health care system .

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This is how we do it

The building blocks of our approach are in three key areas: • Human Resources for Health – this includes training and re-skilling of community and other cadres of health workers • Health Management Information Systems – we believe in the use of health information for planning and programming

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This is how we do it

• Community Systems Strengthening – this includes giving communities knowledge and skills to promote good health, engaging with grassroots structures and strengthening linkages between communities and health facilities

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These are our values

At AMREF, we believe that health is a human right, that the solutions to better health can be found here in Africa, and that the community is all-powerful . AMREF identifies priorities and allocates resources on a pro-poor basis, giving support to people and communities that we believe to be the most vulnerable

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These are our values

and marginalised. We believe that strategic partnerships with like-minded organisations are essential to conducting successful and sustainable interventions.

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This is our support

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AMREF’s programmes depend on funds raised from governments, foundations, trusts, individuals and companies. To support our operations in Africa, AMREF has offices in Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Monaco, Spain , Sweden , the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

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AMREF Headquarters P O Box 27691 - 00506, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 699 3000 Fax: +254 20 6009518 email:

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