Amrita Issue 1 - September 2009

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[Cover Feature]

The Message of Ramzan With our Muslim brothers celebrating Eid Mubarak this month, let’s take a look at what Swami says about the significance of Ramzan to all of us. | pg 4



Satwic Corner

A I nd


A Recipe from Swami! Pg 19

Pg 10

A Dose of Sai Ambrosia

August 2009 in Pictures

Pg 13

Pg 17

Volume 1 – Issue 1 | August 2009 Your Monthly Dose of Sai Ambrosia

Amrita is a monthly E-Newsletter published by the Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Seremban. For suggestions, queries & contributions in the form of articles please email us at: Page 2 of 21

Please consider the environment before printing this E-Newsletter.

Volume 1 – Issue 1 Our loving Sai greetings to you!

Many of you will be wondering to yourselves, “Why on earth have the editorial team changed the magazine from Volume 1 to Issue 1?” It’s confusing at first, so sit back and let us explain.

Volume stands for the year and Issue stands for the month. So Volume 1 literally means we’re in year 1 of this ENewsletter’s publication. And Issue are the number of months. Last month’s issue was an Inaugural issue (You can count it as Issue 0).

Okay enough of all the brain racking! We’ve got 2 very good news for all of you! First good news: The centre is now officially on Facebook and on Twitter! Be a fan of the centre at: and follow us on Twitter at:

That’s good news No.1 for you. Now on to good news No.2. In this issue, we’ve added a new segment called “A Dose of Sai Ambrosia”. It’s a segment where readers are welcomed to share any inspiring books, movies, or songs that they read, watched or heard. This month’s reviewers are Bala & Harisuthan.

Okay enough of my lecture. I hope you enjoy reading Issue 1 as much as we enjoyed making it!

Love & Warmth,

The Editorial Team Page 3 of 21

Unity and purity: message of Ramzan “WHOEVER speaks, the expression begins with 'I' and revolves around 'I'. 'I am walking', 'I am sitting', 'I am eating', 'I am going', 'I am listening, 'I am seeing' .... 'I' is ever forward. 'It is then that man manages to live. 'I' am the doer, whatever the deed, whichever and whenever.�

Discourse on Ramzan, Prashaanthi Nilayam, 12-7-1983 By Swami

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The Aathma is immanent all over the world EMBODIMENTS of Love!

Who exactly is this 'I', the agent, the doer? There are three aspects connoted by the 'I'. 'I am this body' is the first; 'I am the life-force in it' is the second; 'I am the Aathma (Divine Self)' is the third.

'I am dark', 'I am fair', 'I am short', 'I am tall' these are statements generally made. 'I am young,' 'I am old', 'I am a Braahmana', 'I am a Non-Braahmana"---these statements too are indulged in. 'These qualities concern the body only. When a person is unconscious or in deep sleep, or dead, he is not aware of any of these characterisations regarding his body. They are extraneous to the real 'I', for the attributes adhere or fall off when time elapses or when circumstances change.

Next, the Jeeva (individual being) principle or Life Force: The incessantly active consciousness is ever wayward and restless. We say, "My intelligence is not clear," "My mind is perplexed." These apply to the second facet of the 'I' only. This facet too is linked with the body through the objectssenses-mind-reason complex.

Now, the third, the Aathma (Divine Soul): "I am Sadhaanandh, Nithyaanandh, Sathchithaanandh! I am Nirmal, I am Nischal. I am all. I am Brahman. Aham Brahmaasmi." The body is mortal; the Jeeva-principle undergoes transformation; but the Aathma is Immortal. The Aathma persists in unaffected glory in the waking, dreaming, sleeping and the fourth level beyond. The gross body is active in the waking stage; the subtle 1-consciousness is alert in dreams, the Causal Aathma is dormant as 'I' in sleep. The real I or Aathma has no exclusive affiliation to one body, one country, one nation or one sex. It is in every being everywhere, in bird and beast, plant and tree. Each of these reveals its existence. The Aathma is all pervading and immanent in Bhaarath (India), Russia, America, England, all over the world. All founders of religions have heard this impersonal Voice of God revealing the Aathma that activates the entire Creation. Just as the Vedhas (revealed sacred scriptures) were 'heard' and propagated as 'heard' (Shruthi), the Quran too was 'heard' by Hazrath Muhammad. The Quran has Salat and Zakat as the two eyes. Salat means prayer; Zakat means charity. Those who consider charity as a high duty and elevate their consciousness through prayers and continuous meditation on God are Muslims. Islam is a word which denotes not a particular religion but a state of mind, the state of total surrender to the Will of God. Islam means dedication, surrender, peace, tranquillity.

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Islam denotes the social community whose members have achieved supreme peace through surrender to the All-Merciful, AllPowerful God and who have vowed to live in peace with their fellowmen. Later, it came to be applied to communities that considered themselves separate and different and so hostile to the rest. Islam taught something higher. It directed attention to the One in the Many, the Unity in Diversity and led people to the Reality named God.

The Aathma can never be hurt by insult

Every human being has three needs: food, clothing and shelter. Seeking to fulfil them, man has developed a variety of foods to fill his little stomach ignoring the purpose of eating them. Clothing has to be worn to

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protect the body from cold. But we are attaching enormously exaggerated value to clothing. Of course, one must have a house to live in and lay the body down for rest. The Muslim, Gibran, asks why build these gigantic dwellings then? They are erected not for oneself but to hoard one's treasure and riches. Gibran says these mansions are tombs erected by the dead for the living. Hazrath Muhammad announced the message of God that he had heard to the townsmen of Mecca. At that time, people did not give heed to the Divine Declarations. They forced him to leave the place. But, Hazrath Muhammad, knew that truth will win and God will prevail. He knew that the insult and injury were only for the body; the Aathma can never be hurt.

During Ramzan month rivalry is avoided The Ramzan month is set apart for the holy task of bringing into memory and practice the teachings that Hazrath Muhammad conveyed and attaining that stage of unity and purity which is truly Divine. Islam gives importance to the Moon which regulates the months. Hindhus consider the Moon as the deity presiding over the mind. With the dharshan of the New Moon, the Ramzan fast begins and when the New Moon is seen again, the fast ends. 'Fast' does not consist in merely desisting from food and drink. The fast starts at sunrise and is broken' only after sunset and is observed most rigourously.

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Waking as early as three or four, in the Brahma Muhuurtha, prayer is started, and throughout the day, the constant presence of God is sought to be experienced. This is the meaning of Upavaasa (fast). Also, during the Ramzan month, rivalry is avoided, hatred is suspended. husband and wife live apart though in the same home, mother and children both follow the same spiritual regimen and an atmosphere of brotherhood is maintained. The body, the senses and the mind are subject to rigourous discipline. Periods of fast 'comprising a month are prescribed in all religions. The Hindhus observe it in Maagha and Shraavana months. Zoroastrians and Christians have allotted for themselves months for the same purpose.

Unity is the basic teaching of every religion Prayer, in Islam, is also a congregational activity. Prayer in a group produces beneficial vibrations. Islam promises a greater flow of ecstasy when God is adored by a huge concourse of yearning: hearts. All of them bow low at the sight of the Masjid. They sit in rows on their bended knees and lean forward until their palms and foreheads touch the ground in humble submission to God’s Will. Misunderstanding, conflict and enmity should not disturb the serenity of the occasion.

The Quran lays down that all men should cultivate the sense of unity, of interdependence, of selfless love and of the immanence of Divinity.

Generally, all men take food of some kind or other for the body five times a day: an .early cup of coffee in bed, breakfast two hours later, a heavy lunch at noon, tea at four and a fat dinner at nine. Islam prescribes food for the spiritual nature of man and directs that it be taken five times a day, as prayer. For the arousal of the Aathmic consciousness, for earning spiritual joy and for promoting the manifestation of Aathmic illumination, prayer is prescribed as many as five times a day, from the dawn of discretion up to the moment of death.

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Thus Islam emphasises the One in the Many, the urge for God which manifests in various degrees in various minds. Unity is the basic teaching of every religion. Faith in Unity is cardinal. Without it, no system of belief and conduct can be a religion. God is One and the teachings in all faiths that exalt Him are all on Love, Compassion, Tolerance and Sympathy. The tragedy is neither the Muhammadans, nor the Hindhus, nor the followers of other religions are practicing these qualities in daily life.

Islam teaches that God's Grace can be won through justice and righteous living; wealth, scholarship and power cannot earn It. Holy Love alone can please the Lord. This is the message of every religion. But mankind has ignored this crucial point. Ramzan brings together in bonds of love kith and kin, near and far, friend and foe. This type of negligence is happening in every religion. The followers adopt the rules they like and

break those which they find exacting. So, they become narrow-minded and crooked. And, they rationalise their defects and justify their failings. They have become habituated to this practice of self-deceit.

Demonstrate love and tolerance in daily activity Since Islam means surrender to God, all who in a spirit of surrender and dedication, live in peace and harmony in society, do really speaking, belong to Islam. Islam insists on full co-ordination between thought, word and deed. Muslim holy men and sages have been emphasising that we must inquire into the validity of the 'I' which feels it is the body and the 'I' which feels it is the mind and reach the conclusion that the real 'I' is the Self yearning for the Omniself, God.

The Ramzan month, the fast and the prayers are designed to awaken and manifest this realisation.

“Whichever may be the religion, its emphasis is on unity, harmony, equalmindedness. Therefore, cultivate love, tolerance and compassion, and demonstrate the Truth in every daily activity. This is the Message I give you with My Blessings.�

Happy Eid Mubarak to all our readers! Page 9 of 21

S A I haring



A friend is like a flower, a rose to be exact, Or maybe like a brand new gate that never comes unlatched. A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise. Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost, whose spirit never dies. A friend is like a hearth that goes strong until the end. Where would it be in this world if we didn’t have a friend.

Wish to contribute as well? Email to us at Page 10 of 21

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By V.Vijendran

An interesting and provoking article in the Sunday Star dated 6.8.2006 entitled “Growing Old Pains” by Seah Chiang Nee did send shock waves into the minds of it’s readers! These are true happenings in a neighboring country of ours. Who knows this could be also happening in our own neighborhood too!

Just an extract from the article: “the skeleton of an elderly woman who had lived alone for two years was found on the toilet floor of her home. She had died probably a year earlier, according to the date when her water and electricity were last used!!” None of her so-called neighbors bothered to find out if she was still living there, as piles of letters and bills were found at her doorstep. This is the WORLD of TODAY each one minding one’s OWN BUSINESS at his own space of time!! We all are becoming self-centered, mentally worn-out with the day to day affairs of the human chain of miseries and expectations– thus the sufferings and the well-being of the others is totally switched from the grey matter of ours!

It’s becoming a trend to “dump” the aged parents in the old folks home while those who are better off, send them to the socalled nursing homes. The duty and moral ethics towards the aged parents is slowly but surely eroding away!

Sathya Sai Baba says ‘Duty is God” and he further summarizes duty as: “tend your parents with love and reverence and gratitude”. Thus, we should emulate the teachings and preaching’s of Swami who is here to guide us and pull us through from12the approaches of Page of mundane 21 mankind.

Swami emphasizes that “the parents gave you this body and fostered the intelligence and love that are embedded in it; so, gratitude is their due. If you do not honor the parents who are the creators in human form, how can you learn to honor the Creator in Divine Form? Moreover, the parents reveal to you the glory of God and the means of worshipping Him; they are the first representatives of the authority which you meet with, authority modified by love and care. Learn to bend before that authority and you will learn how to submit before the Lord.”

HE further adds “the World today is in a very bad state. The situation can improve only through Asthikas, who are believers in Divinity. They should become Prema Swaroopas or Embodiments of Love and by their Sadhana, backed by patience, forbearance and compassion, play their role in serving Society and contributing to the betterment of the World. God is present in you and is visualizing through thousands of eyes what you do. Even when no one is seeing, God is watching your actions always. Do everything with this awareness.”

All of us, are here are on a mission thus we should complete the task that has been entrusted by the Divine with the concept of Caring, Sharing and Dutybound! |

“Man minus immorality is Immortality”

A Dose of Sai Ambrosia Your monthly review on inspiring books, movies & music.

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This Month’s Book Review! Do you believe in reincarnation? I ask. “Perhaps” What would you come back as? “If I had amy choice, a gazelle.” A gazelle? “Yes. So graceful. So fast.” A gazelle? Morrie smiles at me. “You think that’s strange?” I study his shrunken frame, the loose clothes, the socks wrapped fee that rest stiffly on foam rubber cushions, unable to move, like a prisoner in leg irons. I picture a gazelle racing across the desert. No , I say. I don’t think that’s strange at all.

-Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom There are not many good books out there that send out a feel good feeling when one reads. Such books are a rarity to find and Tuesdays with Morrie is one of them. Written by Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie is a true story of a beautiful relationship shared between a student and a teacher. Mitch Albom is a successful newspaper columnist who lost touch with his 78 year old professor, Morrie Shwartz. After learning about his proffessor’s disease on a late night tv show one day, he decides to pay his professor a visit. And the visit changes his life forever. This book makes a great inspiring read. It’ll make one laugh and cry and through this book, one will learn to appreciate and view the bright side of life. What struck me most was the fact that most of Swami’s message is encompassed in this book. Love, forgiveness and how money never brings about happiness. This is a good read and even more if one aspires to be a guru/teacher.

Read a good book that inspired you lately and you wish to share it? Write your review about it and send it to us at Page 14 of 21

This Month’s Movie Review!

This Month’s Movie Review! I'm not a fan of kiddy movies, and UP, the latest offering from Pixar Studios, seemed to be no different. Yet, I rallied the gang for a movie outing, and we decided to see if Pixar had outdone themselves again by topping up the good work done from their past works (Wall-E, Finding Nemo & Cars, amongst others).

UP is a simple story about grumpy old man who takes his last big adventure by flying off to South America in his own house (talk about low cost flying!) and the adventures he comes up with a Boy Scout who'd accidently tag along the way. Doesn’t seem like a mind blowing premise here, but after watching just 15 minutes into the movie, I was hooked. And so was the gang.

Its a simple story beautifully spiced with a lot of values that sometimes we overlook in our lives. Simple stuff like appreciating life as it is offered to us, seizing the moments as it is being offered to us, the age old enigma of timeless friendship, the spirit of adventure, all of these themes and more are wonderfully packaged in the film, and by jolly, this is not any kiddy movie. The movie deals with many adult issues which we all face in our real lives, like the treatment of the aged amongst us, being compassionate to all living beings, etc, etc.

Watched an inspiring movie lately? Why don’t you share about it with us Page 15 of 21 at

At the end of the movie, we all kept talking about the issues presented to us, and we all rooted for the grumpy old man and his new found friend. His zest for life is admirable, one which can be followed by the young and old alike. It is a movie that can be both ticklish, and heart tugging, wish a small dose of adventure peppered in. Its a movie that will appeal to all levels of movie goers, a safe watch for the family. Bottom line : Go watch it. Your spirits will definitely will be on the UP again. By Balamurugan Ramakrishnan

“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare!”

This Month’s Music Review! Sai ram, dear Brothers and Sisters. Just sometime back I had come across this song that brother Sukhbir had posted on Facebook entitled ‘Township Krishna’ from Krishna Das’s recent album, “Heart Full of Soul”. This song is basically a rendition of the well known Hare Krishna Maha mantra. And friends, it is set to such a catchy tune that you cannot help but fall in love with it!

Composed and sung by the famous Kirtan(devotional song) singer Krishna Das, disciple of the Late Neem Karoli Baba, this track overflows with the ecstasy of the Divine name. With the accompaniment of stringed instruments, trumpets, synthesizers, western drums and tabla, the music is enticing to the ears. Nevertheless, the real strength of this track is the singing of Krishna Das and the chorus group. I feel that Krishna Das, even though a westerner, is blessed with a voice that is imbued with the ability to invoke a deep sense of Bhakthi and yearning for the Higher Self. Needless to say the amazing support that the chorus group lends to this track pushes the song to a different level with the appropriate energy and oomph.

Listen to Township Krishna here:

All these elements combine to make a song that makes us want to dance to the Divine rhythm of Krishna. To me, this song gives glimpses of Raasa Vilola, the raptures of bliss that the Gopikas shared, dancing with Krishna to the music of His flute in the Garden of Brindavan. Its makes us wonder at the joy of celebrating the oneness of being with the Divine partner. Once we are able to taste this nectarine bliss, we will never settle for anything lesser.

Chanting and remembering the Divine name is the best way to reach God in this time of age, according to our scriptures. And what a fun way to do it by listening to this song!

So friends, please listen to this piece; and when you do listen, try out the following: Play the song Loud. Close your eyes. Feel the melody. Feel the rhythm. Sing along. Forget the world. Immerse yourself in Krishna, Lose yourself in Him. You may find yourself dancing, do not fight it, just dance along.

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Be warned though, this song is highly addictive. But it is better to be addicted to the Divine Name than anything else in this world because this addiction does not give us lung cancer or a damaged liver but only gives us more and more and more Joy. By Harisuthan

August 2009 in Pictures Krishna Janmasthami – Launching of Amrita & Anushka’s Birthday! 14th August 2009

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Ganesha Chaturthi 23rd August 2009

Ganesha Chaturthi celebration at the old building and at the new building. We were fortunate to be blessed with Lord Ganesha visit at the centre’s doorstep. Page 18 of 21

August was indeed a Holy month.

Satwic Corner How to Recite the Food Mantra? Very easy only. This month we have a different sort of vege recipe. One that comes directly from Swami Himself. Let’s take a look at the recipe from Swami! Page 19 of 21

Preparation! YourSelf The food (obviously) And a focused mind!


Method (continued):

From the Bhagavad Gita 4.24 and 15.14

Aham Vaishvaanaro Bhutva

Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir

Praaninaam Dehamaashritha

Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam

Praanaapaana Samaa Yuktaha

Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam

Pachaamyannam Chatur Vidam

Brahma Karma Samaadhinaha



[This is 14th verse from the 15th chapter of Bhagavad Geetha] This sloka is a sort of acknowledgement and assurance to us from Brahman. "I am Vaishnavara, existing as fire God in the bodies of living beings. Being associated with ingoing (prana) and outgoing (apaana) life breaths, I will digest all the four different types of food (that which we bite and chew; that which we masticate with the tongue; those which we gulp; that which we swallow) and purify them.."

[This is 24th verse from the 4th chapter of Bhagavad Geetha] The act of offering is Brahman. The offering itself is Brahman. The offering is done by Brahman in the sacred fire which is Brahman. He alone attains Brahman who, in all actions, is fully absorbed in Brahman. (As we chant this prayer we are offering the different types of food to Brahman).

Swami's explanation of this prayer: We should partake food with a Sathwic mind. Our ancestors recommended the offering of food to God before partaking. Food so partaken becomes "Prasad" (consecrated offering). Prayer cleanses the food of the thre impurities; caused by the absence of cleanliness of the vessel, cleanliness of the food stuff, and cleanliness in the process of cooking. It is necessary to get rid of these three impurities to purify the food; for, pure food goes into the making of a pure mind. It is not possible to ensure the purity of the cooking process, since we do not know what thoughts rage in the mind of the man who prepares the food. Similarly, we cannot ensure the cleanliness of the food ingredients as we do not know whether it was acquired in a righteous Page 20 of 21 way by the seller who has sold it to us. Hence, it is essential on our part to offer food to God in the form of prayer, so that these three impurities do not afflict our mind.

End of Issue 1 | September 2009 Volume 1 Amrita is a Monthly E-Newsletter published by the Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Seremban Page 21 of 21

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