Need for mobile app developer The first few mobile apps were launched in 2008 with the launch of the Apple App store. It had 500 apps and to many, was a revelation. The few apps that were available were calendars, ringtones, calculators, arcade games etc until the Apple App store came up with a few modern day applications. Therefore the building of mobile apps opened up opportunities for all software developers. It was the execution, scale and scope of Apple's new App store that changed the software industry. With the growing need for mobile apps, android also came up with an app store and the need for more mobile apps was on a rise. Thus creating a need for mobile app developers. Mobile apps have not been around that long but will be dominant in the future. Apps have changed the way the world works. With the growing demand for smartphones in the world. The demand for mobile apps are expected to increase. Mobile application development should be the number one priority to think about. Competition is growing among all industries, and you definitely don’t want them to take over your services or products. There is a scope of doing better business and being ahead of everyone. A billion smartphones have been sold this year. Think about it. How big your target audience can grow. That’s twice the number of PCs sold. And it is expected that over 10 billion mobile internet devices in use by 2016. These figures depict that there is a need for more and more developers. It has opened up a good opportunity for people in terms of employment and a career option as well as business idea. With the rise of mobile app market, companies have become dependent on these apps. It has helped businesses be more creative and effective at the same time. In the future there will be many companies which will rely on mobile apps to efficiently run their company which create a need for more software developers. There are about 18.2 million software developers worldwide, a number that is due to rise to 26.4 million by 2019. Out of these 18.2 million, 50% of them are now focused on creating apps for mobile devices.