EXORDIUM amsa-undip 2014 // October 2014 // design: Sarah Fauzianisa // 2012 //
Chairperson's Letter
Representatives Words
National Leadership Training 2014
Musyawarah Nasional 2014
AMSA Joglosemar
AMSA-Undip Gathering
AMSEP Singapore
CHAIRPERSON’S LETTER ABDI MARANG GUSTI ALHAQ REGIONAL CHAIRPERSON AMSA-INDONESIA 2014-2015 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Halo para calon dokter muda FK Undip! Menjadi dokter bukan hanya tentang diagnosis dan treatment, menjadi dokter juga tentang bagaimana bisa mengerti kondisi pasien dan memberi apa yang mereka cari. Kadang beberapa calon dokter lupa bahwa ada satu hal penting selain etiologi, epidemiologi, pato-genesis, atau pun manifestasi klinis. Satu hal tersebut dinamakan komunikasi. Seseorang dapat belajar komunikasi melalui organisasi. AMSA menyediakan wadah komunikasi untuk bertemu para calon dokter lainnya dari aceh sampai ambon. Di AMSA, 27 universitas saling berinteraksi untuk mencapai visi misi AMSA-Indonesia. Tiga prinsip dasar yang dimiliki AMSA-Indonesia adalah knowledge, action, friendship. Knowledge, kita bisa belajar tentang ilmu pembuatan publik poster, scientiďŹ c poster, desain graďŹ s, atau pun ilmu kewirausahaan. Action, kita dapat mengimplementasi ilmu kedokteran melalui aksi sosial sekaligus melatih empati kepada masyarakat sekitar. Friendship, AMSA menyediakan jasa buka koneksi internasional dan nasional melalui exchange program, 2 acara internasional, dan 5 acara nasional. Secara pribadi, saya menganggap AMSA sebagai keluarga baru. Di UGM, saya menemukan banyak pengalaman yang tidak saya dapatkan di kuliah. Oiya, tentunya penjelasan singkat ini tak mungkin cukup untuk menjelaskan AMSA secara detail. Silahkan kunjungi website AMSA atau search di google tentang AMSA. Atau, coba kalian tanya pada kakak kelas atau pengurus di AMSA-Undip. Saya tunggu kalian di AMSA-Indonesia! Semoga kita semua dapat menjadi sebaik-baiknya manusia, yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain. Dan juga menjadi dokter yang peka dan dapat berempati kepada pasien. Salam kebermanfaatan, Abdi Marang Gusti Alhaq
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CHRISTIAN TRICAESARIO Greetings, Magnum! It is my pleasure to introduce AMSA-Undip to all of you. First of all, what is AMSA? AMSA stands for Asian Medical Students' Association. Yup, it is an international-scale organization whose members are medical schools all over Asia-Pacific and beyond. Joining AMSA is one of my biggest yet unexpected achievements in my life. I never imagined before that I would become a representative despite the fact that being a part of AMSA had been my dream since high school. Getting good grades in academic and actively participating in AMSA, moreover becoming the leader of AMSA-Undip are beyond blessings that I couldn't ask for more. Even though it is amazing enough to be a medical student, it isn't enough to prepare you for being a doctor. AMSA can give you experiences you need: to communicate with others, to have a wide network, to make friends with other people you will never see if you don't join AMSA, to learn educating community, and to bring betterment to people around you. If I had not joined AMSA, I would not have had the chance to travel every big island of Indonesia (except Papua), you can say that AMSA gives you reasons to do and to experience something you wouldn't do by yourself. My conclusion is, it is super fun to be a part of AMSA, having awesome people as my friends and my family. For me, AMSA is something worth fighting for. See you next semester as my new family in AMSA! :) Christian Tricaesario
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gerry susanto Selamat datang calon-calon anggota AMSA-UNDIP 2014! Aku Gerry, sahabat baik AMSA-UNDIP yang berasal dari Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, dengan membaca paragraf singkat ini, artinya kalian memiliki kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan AMSA, dimana kalian dapat mengolah banyak skill dan belajar hal-hal baru yang tidak akan kalian temukan bila hanya duduk berdiam mendengarkan kuliah, tidak lupa juga memperluas koneksi dengan calon rekan sejawat se-Indonesia di event-event AMSA yang berlandaskan 3 ďŹ losoďŹ : Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. Setelah 1 tahun berkecimpung sebagai member dan menjalani kehidupan sebagai Representative AMSA-UNS baru-baru ini, sudah banyak hal yang aku pelajari seperti ikutan bakti sosial di berbagai tempat (dari acara lokal hingga acara nasional), manajemen interpersonal, tata cara berbicara yang baik dan benar dengan pihak luar, belajar bekerja sama dengan orang-orang yang berbeda latar belakang dan cara kerja yang variatif. Oh iya! hampir saja kelupaan, semenjak aku ikutan acara nasional AMSA, relasi dan koneksi ku bertambah mendadak, nggak sebatas Jawa Tengah aja, semua relasiku ada dari Sumatera hinggga Maluku! (hayo kalo belajar di kampus melulu mana bisa dapet beginian kan?). Ingat, menjadi dokter bukan hanya tergantung pada IP dan AMSA bisa mewadahi kalian untuk mendapatkan hal-hal esensial yang mendukung profesi kalian mendatang di luar kegiatan akademis! Pesanku untuk calon member AMSA-UNDIP: "Learning to Do, Living to Serve" Join AMSA and feel the beneďŹ ts yourself! Viva AMSA! Gerry Susanto
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YOLANDA PRISCILLIA HELLO! MY FAMILY, AMSA-UNDIP! Senang bisa satu distrik dengan kalian. AMSA itu diartikan oleh segelintir orang hanya sebatas organisasi anak kedokteran belaka, tapi ada juga yang mengartikan AMSA sebagai wadah bertumbuh dan menjalin kekeluargaan. Ya, benar. Buat aku, AMSA itu bukan cuma organisasi doang, dan juga bukan cuma wadah untuk bertumbuh dan menjalin kekeluargaan saja. Tapi dimata aku AMSA itu adalah guru besar. Kenapa? Karena dari AMSA aku banyak dapat pelajaran berharga yang belum tentu bisa aku temui di tempat-tempat lain. Dari AMSA aku bisa belajar lebih peduli dengan kegiatankegiatan aksi kemasyarakatan, lalu aku juga belajar banyak hal, belajar bergaul dengan saudara-saudari dari AMSA univ lain yang terkadang kurang cocok bahasa karena perbedaan suku. Namun di AMSA, siapa pun kamu, bagaimana pun kamu, tidak ada bedanya. Kita semua sama dan kita tetap satu keluarga. Dan aku tertarik masuk AMSA di banding organisasi-organisasi di kampus aku karena AMSA kok kayanya kece dan cetar. Mau tau bagaimana kekecean dan kecetarannya? Kalian mesti masuk perduniaan AMSA. Maka temukanlah jawabannya :) dan temukan jati dirimu. Kami tunggu di AMSA! Yolanda Priscillia
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AMSA itu organisasi udah paket lengkap banget. Dapet ilmu pengetahuan yang luar biasa, dapet pengalaman sosial yang menyentuh, dan dapet banyak banget relasi yang udah serasa keluarga sendiri. AMSA itu organisasi yang bisa membuat aku lebih bisa bersosialisasi. pokoknya ga pernah nyesel udah jadi bagian AMSA :)) Let's be the part of AMSA! Novandika Kurnia Akbar
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RETRACTION National Leadership Training is an annual event held by AMSAIndonesia in different university all over Indonesia that has affiliation with AMSA Indonesia. This year, on last May 2014, the event named RETRACTION stands for Representative Training and Action, held in Brawijaya University in Malang. The theme of the event it self was “Learning to Lead by Doing with Our Soul for Societies”. It was very interesting event to combine the leadership training by actually giving something to the society in action through giving free medical treatments, delivering health promotions and also living with the local society in the village. The event supports the AMSA's philosophy of Action, Friendship and Knowledge very good by all of those activities done during the event. The first day of the event began with the Opening Ceremony in the Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University.
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The welcoming party theme was traditional of Indonesia so we were proudly wearing Batik dress for the dress code. During the night, we stayed at the local village house with one host family. So about 10-20 students from different university were lived in with the host family in one house. Then the next day, we did the morning workouts and some fun games together. It allowed us to get to know each other better and having fun together with also learning to make a good teamwork. Then during the day we did a simulation for the free medical treatment in which we were divided into three groups, there were the doctor assistant, vital sign, and patient assistant. But we get a chance to be in all of the groups since we took turn to be part in different group. Being the patient assistant we learn how to anamneses the patient, recalling the patient history about their illness while we can learn how to cure their illness by being the doctor assistant.
While in the vital sign, we were improving our skill to measure the heart rate and anthropometry. After the simulation we did the actual free medical treatment for the local people in that village and that was a good mass of people coming to our event. After that, we were also divided again into groups and coming to the house of the people to do a health promotion to inform them about the upper respiratory tract infection and scabies. During the night we still have more seminar about SWOT and Organization Development and Proposal Writing.
Then we get ready to wake up early to see sunrise in Bromo. It was freezing in the early morning but it was an unforgettable experience to see the beautiful sunrise in Bromo and enjoy the sceneries. Back to village we did a farewell with our host family and then we moved again to Jambuluwuk Resort. During the night, we did a farewell party and district 4 performed a poem entitled “We are the People of Tomorrow� named after the AMSA theme song, followed by Motivation training and released Lanterns. The next day there was NHC Seminar of Interpersonal Education and it pretty much ended up the event. It was a really priceless event :)
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Munas (Musyawarah Nasional) - an annual national meeting that is attended by all AMSA University members to discuss important matters democratically. To represent the interest of each AMSA University, several delegates were sent for the event.
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What makes the 29th Munas exciting is that this year, it was hosted by Syiah Kuala University, Aceh (6th June – 8th June 2014) and AMSA-Undip sent 3 delegates consist of Garda Widhi Nurraga (2011)—who was the Regional Chairperson of AMSAIndonesia 2013-2014 tenure, Christian Tricaesario (2012), and Helena AK Cantika (2013). Unexpectedly, Munas this year was not as hectic as usual. First day, we got a chance to visit Zainal Abidin Hospital and then followed by election of Presidium. The day was ended by Welcoming Party in which the delegates were welcomed by Aceh traditional dances and Aceh typical food.
Second day, we had a full mee ng since 7.30 a.m. un l 6.30 p.m., consisted of accountability reports from AMSAIndonesia's Regional Chairperson and the whole Execu ve Board, also from AMSAUniversi es that held na onal events and E A M S C d e l e ga o n . T h e Re g i o n a l Chairperson candidates also did oral campaign and received direct ques ons from the delegates. A er that we had a Farewell Party including AMSA-Indonesia Award.
For the last day, we did an elec on for the new Advisory Board for this period and we also discussed the new Regional Chairperson of AMSA-Indonesia for 2014/2015 tenure which is one of the most important agendas in Munas, and Amgah from AMSA-UGM had successfully got our voice! The next schedule is City Tour and it was awesome ge ng the chance to see the beauty of Banda Aceh. Once-in-a-life me chance, huh? :)
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AMSA JOGLOSEMAR? It is an annual regional event of District 4 of AMSA-Indonesia which participants consist of the following name, Joglosemar, as an acronym of Jog ja, Solo, Semarang and Palangkaraya. For those who're new to these words, to put it simple, AMSA-Indonesia is divided into 6 District all around Indonesia, and District 4 consists of AMSA-UGM, AMSA-UNS, AMSA-UNPAR, and also AMSA-UNDIP, there comes the name AMSA JOGLOSEMAR. Every year, this event is hosted by different university around district 4 and the event is 3 days and 2 nights long. On early 2014, AMSA Joglosemar took place in Solo, and AMSA-UNS was the host, and back at 2013, AMSA-UNDIP hosted this event.
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What will you get from this event? This event mainly support the AMSA's philosophies, Knowledge, Action, and Friendship at its most amusing way together with our neighboring universities, where you'll get these 3 together in one event. At this event there were lectures about a topic from the hosting university, social act like public education of some health issues in community, events that bond the 4 universities together, and of course city tour! In solo, we learned to make intip (Solo's original snack). On 2013, we had our lecture about HIV/AIDS, we had socialized about emergency management in front of senior high students, and we also had city tour! We spent lots of time together, building up connections, but we didn't forget to share what we had to our society. Come join and expand your horizon with us!
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GATHERING One big thing that differ AMSA with other BK or organization is FUN. We can be serious, we can work hard, but somehow the people who join AMSA tend to be easygoing, talkative, and a little bit (or maybe absolutely) crazy. AMSA-Undip Gathering is one of MnD's program to fulďŹ ll the need of these crazy people, according to one of our philosophies: Friendship. It was held for the ďŹ rst time in this year. The reason why we hold this event is because we want to make AMSA-Undip members closer to each others. The theme was all about Beach. This event was held at Kampung laut seafood restaurant and all participants are required to use the beachthemed clothes. This event was not only attended by the Executive Board and staffs, but also attended by the younger members (2013) and older members of AMSA-Undip such as Kak Citra (2009), Kak Sarah (2011) Kak Garda (2011), Kak Cita (2011), and kak Lathifa (2011).
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Here are some testimonies from the participants:
Finally we have some time to just be relax, have dinner together in one big table, and have fun! Wishing for another chance in the future to gather up like this” Christian Tricaesario, Representative
Great event! I went home with a full stomach and also full of laughter. Sure I'll wait for the next gathering!” Ashari Adi, staff of Community Outreach
We plan to hold another Gathering at least once more before the end of period. So wait for it and don't forget to join us next time!
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Hi there, future members of AMSA-Undip! Do you want to hear a great story? Here is one, check this out! Earlier this year, AMSA-Undip got an opportunity to send one of its members as a delegate in Asian Medical Students' Exchange Program (AMSEP). It was an awesome experience for me, Claudia Mary, as I went to Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore on February. the country!
Delegates of Indonesia
There were 16 delegates from Indonesia and we spent 7 days staying there with our host buddies from NUS. What did we do there? Awesome stuff! Firstly, we got to experience the feeling to be a NUS student! We went to classes and listen to some great lectures from the best professors in the country!
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Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore // February 2014
They go to classes wearing these!
We took a tour to their anatomy museum (psst, it was REALLY COOL!) and other parts of the campus, another tour to the teaching hospital – National University Hospital, and another to Singapore General Hospital where they showed us their research area (they were researching about sleeping zzz). As if those were not enough, they took us to their emergency laboratory where we performed emergency response training with LIFE DUMMY that blinks, breathes, has heartbeats, and when the heartbeat fibrillated, we revived him with a real defibrillator and saved the dummy's life! How cool is that!
Emergency response training with life dummy
Secondly, we got to show them our culture by performing traditional dances and singing traditional songs while wearing batiks proudly. In return, they took us on culinary tour to various types of restaurants and introduced us to the many races living with harmony in Singapore through their dishes. We had chilli crab – the famous dish of Singapore, roti prata, nasi biryani, murtabak and other Indian traditional cuisine, and the Chinese New Year salad – Lo Hei – consisting of salad and raw fish in a very large plate which we had to toss and toss using our chopsticks while wishing others good luck! The latter was so new to most of us it was more fun to toss them than to eat them!
Delegates of Indonesia and host buddies by the Marina Bay
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amsep 2014: sINGAPORE Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore // February 2014
Lastly, but is certainly not the least, we got to explore Singapore city itself! We had some soothing walk in the Garden by the Bay singing Westlife songs and had a really fun picnic in the Botanic Garden where a fellow host buddy demonstrated his opera singing skill (show off!). As you might have known, Singapore is famous for its shopping paradise and shopping is certainly one of the best attraction it offers, so we did! We roamed Orchard road from end to end until we felt like ying and had a massive dinner by the Marina Bay while watching the Light and Water (and laser) show at the end of the day. But, what is missing here? Indonesians must know that it is not complete if you go to Singapore without going to Universal Studios Singapore! So you know what happened next: we did!
Last photoshoot, goodbye :(
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Having fun in Universal Studios Singapore
Saying good bye is certainly not pleasing, but the journey was over and we had to go back home. It was time to say good bye and leave. We had lovely memories, awesome experience, and made new friends! That friendship certainly did not end there, but continues to this very day where we still tease and laugh at each other, but love each other deep in our hearts :)
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