IMSTC 2013 by Ahmad Masyfuq
HERBAL FOR BETTER ELDER CARE Ahmad Masyfuq Hasanuddin University Abstract The human condition is becoming increasingly older, the lifestyle of modern people take custom away from the urban to the natural diet food such as fresh fruits and vegetables. It takes creative measure to realize the importance of being away from meals in fat, salt and flavoring, and more natural foods, full of fiber, many minerals and vitamins like vegetables and fruits are fresh. In this photo illustrates and contains vegetable seller who even though he was already ahead of the old but he is still campaigning on top of fresh natural food by selling vegetables to a mother whowas very seriously looking vegetables good for families. This photo wascalled on the observer of the older people to get back into the habit of eating foods that are natural and non-fat and favoring substances. In this photo the photographer expects the awareness of older people to be more envious of the green grocers for his ability to consume all-natural as well as more careful to choose foods that are good as it looks on the expression of serious looking buyer for the best vegetables for her family.Sol created this abstract picture. withall due respect I say many thanks having me rate images.
IMSTC 2013 by Ahmad Masyfuq
DISABLED AND IGRNORED Ahmad Aulia Rizaly Hasanuddin University Abstract According to World Health Organization, Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure: an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life Situations. Elder people has higher risk for disability. Disability for elders is commonly causes by Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis, Stroke, damaged nerve system. Diabetes, and many others. Due to ageing, the number of disabled elders is also increasing massively. According to WHO, around 785 million persons (15.6% of world population) is cumently living in disability. With disability, these elders can not enjoy their old days at its fullest. They can only enjoy their old days in suffer and burdened by their physical condition. The respond of the society is not even making the situation better and giving psychological burden for the elders. The society doesn't seem care and aware about disabled people, especially elders. For xample, we oftenly see that some normal people use facility that is intented for the use of disabled people, such as toilet and parking lot. The society also seems to ignore that there are disabled elders living among them. The society may not realize that one day in the future, they may become disabled as well. The disability of elders and the respond of the society are the main topics of this photograph that I have captured. We're trying raise awareness and concem of the society about the issue of disability in elderly. We're trying to show the society that these elders who are living among us have been ignored We're trying to show to the society that these disabled elders need caring and compassion and they should not be ignored. We're also trying to raise awareness and concem that we are ageing as well and one day we may also be disabled as well. That is why the society and we as young generation must treat the disabled elders with caring and compassion in order to ease their burden.
IMSTC 2015 by Amy Tryabto Arifin
Do Not Ask Me To Remember, Just Remember that “I Need You” Amy Tryabto Arifin_Hasanuddin University This photograph captures an elderly person that has alzheimer’s disease which is a progressive brain disorder of the elderly. This disease is able to make someone gradually lose their memory bit by bit, starting with the smallest things like forgetting where you put things, forgetting some family members and relatives, forgetting ways to do some basic activities, and on a more extreme level, can be able to even not recognize his/herself one day. On this stage, the patient really needs presence of someone else to help do some daily activities and also to act as the patient’s memory in case the patient forgets something because an alzheimer’s patient can go to a depressive state when he/she fails to recall a memory that they find important to them. But it’s unfortunate that until this day, a precise cure is not found yet. Which makes the best that we can do to help the society now is to prevent this disease to grow even more severe by showing that we do care these patients and always give our love, and show patience in guiding the patient.
Objectives : Amy Tryabto Arifin Amy3abto@yahoo.co.id +6282393983602
PCC AMSC 2015 by Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
Title Author University Contact
: The Challenge : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin : +62821 9574 9292 / rizaly.aulia@gmail.com
According to WHO, number of people aged 60 years or over is increasing to more than 2 billion in 2050[1]. As it happens, challenge in providing healthcare gets bigger. Unfortunately, the world is not ready. For example, in Indonesia, over 243 Puskesmas (Primary Healthcare Facility) are heavily damaged and not capable of providing service to patients[2]. Even in proper Puskesmas, there are only general physicians with basic equipment that are taking care of geriatric patients. If we cannot provide proper healthcare today, are we ready to face the challenge in 2050? This is the case I’m portraying in my photograph. Reference: 1.! United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013). World Population Ageing 2013. http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/WorldPo pulationAgeing2013.pdf 2.! Kurniawan, Bagus. 243 Puskesmas di Indonesia Rusak Berat. detikNews. http://news.detik.com/read/2015/03/06/171313/2851910/10/243-puskesmas-diindonesia-rusak-berat
PCC AMSC 2015 by Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
Title Author University Contact
: The Neglected : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin : +62821 9574 9292 / rizaly.aulia@gmail.com
This is a photograph of a neglected and suspected-to-have-mental-illness elderly in Jalan Sulawesi, Makassar Around 2.8 millions of people aged 60 years or older in Indonesia alone are being neglected by their families[2]. Neglect is one of form of elderly abuse that may lead to depression and more severe complications. To make it even worse, the abuser is oftentimes the family of the elderly himself[1] To reduce the number of elderly abuse, the government must act to take care of these 2.8 millions elderlies. It also requires the understanding and care from the families to improve the status quo. Reference: 1.! Setiati, Siti. Geriatric Medicine, Sarkopenia, Frailty dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Usia Lanjut: Tantangan Masa Depan Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Kedokteran di Indonesia. Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. http://journal.ui.ac.id/index.php/eJKI/article/viewFile/3008/2467 2.! Raharja, Karta. 2,8 Juta Lansia di Indonesia Terlantar. Republika Online. http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/13/12/14/mxscwz-28-juta-lansiadi-indonesia-terlantar
PCC AMSC 2015 by Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
Title Author University Contact
: The Successful Ageing : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin : +62821 9574 9292 / rizaly.aulia@gmail.com
This is a photograph of an elderly couple on the Hong San Tang Temple in Surabaya during Chinese New Year. This is one of the real example of Successful Ageing. Successful Ageing is multi dimensional concept that is connected to physical, psychological, and social function of an elder[1]. As shown in this photograph, the elderlies are showing compassion to each other, which reflects good psychological state. In other words, they both experience Successful Ageing. If the government can somehow help other elderlies to have Successful Ageing, then embracing The Silver Tsunami will no longer be a problem. Reference: 1. Setiati, Siti. Geriatric Medicine, Sarkopenia, Frailty dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Usia Lanjut: Tantangan Masa Depan Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Kedokteran di Indonesia. Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. http://journal.ui.ac.id/index.php/eJKI/article/viewFile/3008/2467
PCC AMSC 2015 by Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
Title Author University Contact
: The Working Old Man : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin : +62821 9574 9292 / rizaly.aulia@gmail.com
This is the photograph of Daeng Naba, 70 year old man who has been selling newspaper since the last 25 years everyday from 11 am to 9 pm. In such age, this elder is making himself vulnerable to abuses and infections[1]. The loss of hearing and sight[1] makes the risk even higher. For the young, the moving car in the night may look clear, but for the elder, it may look like a light trail, as shown in photograph, due to the loss of sight. Being active in old age is important, but keeping the elders safe is above everything. Reference: 1. Setiati, Siti. Geriatric Medicine, Sarkopenia, Frailty dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Usia Lanjut: Tantangan Masa Depan Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Kedokteran di Indonesia. Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. http://journal.ui.ac.id/index.php/eJKI/article/viewFile/3008/2467
IMSTC 2016 by Amy Tryabto
Stop smoking-would you do if you already know? Amy tryabto
Abstract "Quit smoking", "smoke kill", "stop smoking for a review of the lungs the healthy" is a few examples of warning signs that we find in every been used general society. Rarely did not even conducted socialization to review stop smoking. The level of knowledge society and felt that the hearts any different cigarettes contain hazardous substances that may endanger yourself and others are enough. But all things whether the true ability to make 'stop people smoking? The answer is no. Photo capturing the phenomenon successful husband looks a hospital visitors the permanent smoke, although with clearly visible signs stop smoking. Wants to convey hearts husband photo is very simple, that effort away 'society from danger cigarette not be only conducted with only install alerts. An effort is needed to review more thing can realized. It seems that the problem has been realized posted initials also hospital officials with establishment of the regulation the regulation confirms the smoking ban. But the realization of such regulation was not maximum yet to be realized in society, posted therefore expected that future regulation concerning a smoking ban not just be a discourse, but can with neither realized under strict supervision for a review of health the 'society in the future.
IMSTC 2016 by Muh. Arham Harun
Appreciate the Rest Time Muh. Arham Harun Abstract The key for the recovery of the patient is not only determined by the proper care from the doctor, but also by the conditon of the hospital when the patient need time to rest. And this condition can only be achieved if there is a good cooperation between the hospital, the doctor, patient, and also the family of the patient One way to make sure this happen is by making a schedule to visit the patient when they still in the hospital. The purpose is to make sure that the patient have enough time to rest, that really needed to ensure the recovery of the patient How to make sure this can happen? This photo show you how. You can see that the security is try to prevent the visitor that want to visit he patient outside the schedule that already being placed in the door. What we want to show you that these rules will not work without good cooperation from all the stake holders. We hope these can be implemented in every hospital so we can make sure that the recovery of the patient will be good !
PCC AMSC 2016 by Fidelia Cita Arini, Ahmad Aulia Rizaly, Immanuela Yoel B
Title 1st author 2nd author 3rd author University/Chapter
: The Neglected Child : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : Imanuela Yoel Biring : Fidelisa Cita Arini : AMSA-Unhas/AMSA-Indonesia
Photo details: Print size Location Consent
: 8x10 inch : Jl. Sangir, Makassar – Indonesia : As attached
Description & Background: This is a photograph of a boy named Rahman. He spends his time on the street begging for money. His parents are divorced. He’s living with her mother who has no source of income. This is portrait of most of neglected children in Indonesia. They are lacking of physical, emotional, educational, and medical need. These conditions may lead to potential harm; infection due to the lacking of hygiene, nutrition, and education, and personality disorder due to lacking of emotional need. This condition is threat for Indonesia for it affects physical and psychological health and may decrease quality of future generation. Reference. 1.! http://www.who.int/macrohealth/action/Indonesia_finalreport.pdf 2.! http://news.detik.com/berita/2916183/mensos-ada-41-juta-anak-terlantar-diindonesia 3.! http://www.ilo.org/jakarta/areasofwork/WCMS_126134/lang--en/index.htm Note: Technical data: Canons EOS 5D Mark III, ISO 500, Shutter Speed 1/2500 sec, f/2.8 The aperture is not digitally shown because the lens that is used is a manual analog lens that doesn’t support such feature. The lens that was used: Samyang 35 f/1.4
PCC AMSC 2016 by Fidelia Cita Arini, Ahmad Aulia Rizaly, Immanuela Yoel B
Title 1st author 2nd author 3rd author University/Chapter
: A Kid on The Street : Fidelisa Cita Arini : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : Imanuela Yoel Biring : AMSA-Unhas/AMSA-Indonesia
Photo details: Print size Location Consent
: 8x10 inch : Flyover Jl. Urip Sumoharjo , Makassar – Indonesia : As attached
Description & Background: This is a photograph of child sleeping in a cold night by the pavement. He sells newspaper to drivers that pass by. He doesn’t receive formal education, live under the flyover with his parents. There are over 4,1 million children that are living as this boy. In Indonesia, parents who are living in poverty oftentimes use their children as source of income. Such situation will make these children to be lacking of education since they spend most of their time working to earn money. No education means that they will be living in poverty for the rest of their lives. Reference. 1.! http://www.who.int/macrohealth/action/Indonesia_finalreport.pdf 2.! http://news.detik.com/berita/2916183/mensos-ada-41-juta-anak-terlantar-diindonesia 3.! http://www.ilo.org/jakarta/areasofwork/WCMS_126134/lang--en/index.htm Note: Technical data: Canons EOS 5D Mark III, ISO 500, Shutter Speed 1/2500 sec, f/2.8 The aperture is not digitally shown because the lens that is used is a manual analog lens that doesn’t support such feature. The lens that was used: Samyang 35 f/1.4
PCC AMSC 2016 by Fidelia Cita Arini, Ahmad Aulia Rizaly, Immanuela Yoel B
Title 1st author 2nd author 3rd author University/Chapter
: Smoking Kid : Imanuela Yoel Biring : Ahmad Aulia Rizaly : Fidelisa Cita Arini : AMSA-Unhas/AMSA-Indonesia
Photo details: Print size Location Consent
: 8x10 inch : Jl. Talasalapang, Makassar – Indonesia : As attached
Description & Background: More than 30% of Indonesian children smoke before age of 10. Indonesia holds one of the highest rates of smokers and often begins at young age. This phenomena are caused by cheap cigarette, massive promotions, and lacking of law enforcement. Smoking is considered to be "an ingrained part of Indonesian culture". One of the victims of this complexity is Ilham, 14 years old boy who has been smoking 2 packs a day since the age of 10. Children like Ilham have been destroying his lung since very young age. If this problem continues, tobacco will kill future our generation. Reference. 1.! http://abcnews.go.com/Health/age-children-smokingindonesia/story?id=14464140 2.! http://en.people.cn/90001/90782/90880/7122690.html 3.! https://web.archive.org/web/20100905224404/http://uk.news.yahoo.com:80/4/ 20100903/twl-toddler-who-smoked-40-a-day-kicks-hi-41f21e0.html 4.! https://books.google.co.id/books?id=KTGjgqhjx0IC&pg=PA123&redir_esc=y &hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false Note: Technical data: Canons EOS 5D Mark III, ISO 320, Shutter Speed 1/1250 sec, f/2 The aperture is not digitally shown because the lens that is used is a manual analog lens that doesn’t support such feature. The lens that was used: Cosina 55mm f/1.2
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Andi Muh. Firshan Makbul
: Can I have more water?
: Andi Muh. Firshan Makbul
: AMSA-Univertas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
: +6281242622535/makbulfirshan@gmail.com
This photograph shows poor children who was in the slum where the water source was polluted and limited. Climate change challenges conventional reviews these assumptions and may alter the reliability of water management systems[1]. For Example, did you know what causes 800 deaths everyday in Indonesia? Sharks? Cancer? Sadly, it is water scarcity[2]. We are 60% made of water. If we don’t save water, soon we will miss it. Thousands have lived without love, no one without water.
References : 1. Bates, B.C., Z.W. Kundzewicz, S. Wu and J.P. Palutikof, Eds., 2008: Climate Change and Water. Technical Paper of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 pp. 2. Ministry of Health (2011): Laporan Nasional: Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010, Jakarta: Ministry of Health, National Institute of Health Research and Development.
GLOOMY EMOTION Dzakiyyah Marsuqah Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Do you know that life isn’t easy like we usually think? Like that little girl, she is a victim from flash flood in Garut 20 th September, 2016. She lost anything even her family, now she is adopted in orphanage. But when I saw her, I saw something weird in her feet. They aren’t look simetris, then she told me that because when the accident happen and she swept water and crushed by a big rod. Now because her orphanage can’t get donation to continue her injury treatment then she have an idea to do something, she decided to sell cakes near from her orphanage. Can we imagine that she was one of several victims because of this climate change in Indonesia right now. There’s many people outside had a same problem like her. Are we just gonna sit in our room or office even we already know that many people need us to help them out ? Let’s open our eyes and heart for better generation.
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Iin Fadhilah Tammasse
“Dead Zone of Global Drying” Iin Fadhilah Tamasse Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia Explanation: He is Baso. His sister died a month ago due to a chronic diarrhea. He used to see his reflection on the river. But now he couldn’t. Don't you know that climate change have drastically reduced the once-mighty river and human exposure to water-borne infections can occur as a result of contact with contaminated drinking water. The river is running dirty and dry each day. Help Baso to see his reflection back. Save your water, save your earth!
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Moh. Fauzan
" TEMPERATURE INSTABILITY " Moh. Fauzan Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia According to WHO, climate change can give a huge impact not only to human health, but also to social welfare. Even if the impact of climate change doesnt seem so huge by far, yet this phenomenon actually has lead to several changes. There are several weird changes that unpredictably occured by this climate change, like the moment when rain only occurs for minutes and suddenly stop, and not to mention also the moment when the weather is terribly hot even if the sky is cloudy. In the worse scenario, these unpredictable types of weather sadly can lead to the growth of particular microorganisms that can eventually lead to certain diseases
CLEAN WATER CRISIS Sausan Maulida Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia The earth is composed of 97,5% water but only 1% of the water is fresh water. Freshwater source comes from rainfall that are deposited into a lake, river and groundwater basins. The potential availability of clean water tends to decline from year to year due to environmental pollution. This condition is exacerbated by climate change and are starting to take effect causing Indonesia to flood in the rainy season and drought in the dry season. Clean water crisis can lead to widespread of diarrhea and skin diseases due to fungi.
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Sausan Maulida
EXTREME WEATHER CHANGES Sausan Maulida Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia The disease often occurs in extreme weather changes. This virus will target the human immune system. If the body does not have strong immune system, then the virus will easily enter and develop inside the body causing the illness. Although the disease is not dangerous, it can still cause discomfort in activities. Symptoms that usually occur in extreme weather changes among other are flu, headaches, fever, diarrhea, etc.
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Sausan Maulida
GREENHOUSE EFFECT Sausan Maulida Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia The industrial era has given birth to a new concept in the society and activities. Managing the production of goods using machine in large numbers have a negative and positive impact, one of the negative from industrialization is the water and air waste product. The carbon emission that are produced has filled the air and causing the unhealthy air so that it effects the health. Health related impacts for example are diseases spread air bone and newly created viruses. We can see factories in Makassar region having low management in their waste product.
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Sausan Maulida
OXYGEN CRISIS Sausan Maulida Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia As technology develops and population increases, the earth is slowly deteriorating. A concrete example in Indonesia is the forest loss that will continue to decrease. Even though the forest function is to control the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If more and more carbon dioxide left unprocessed by trees, It will cause the greenhouse effect that can directly impact to the environment and human health
PCC EAMSC 2017 by Sausan Maulida
PCC EAMSC 2018 by Arief Abdurazzaq Dharma
The First 1000 days: The Most Crucial Time of Mother and Baby Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia Arief Abdurrazaq Dharma The baby in the picture is 7 days old. There are 993 days left for the baby to grow and develop into healthy human being and prevent much of the serious and irreparable damage with lasting effects that can transcend generations happens to the baby. What is so important about 1000 days of life then? It is the most crucial time for an infant where optimum health, growth, and neurodevelopment is constructed. So a healthy diet during pregnancy, breast milk during the first six months if possible, nutritious weaning foods and then a balanced diet during toddlerhood are vital for the child[1] The mother’s role is very pivotal during this period of time to ensure the nutrition for the baby is adequate. Utilize every second, your baby’s health should be first, not the second. References: 1. World Health Organization. Essential Nutrition Actions: Improving maternal, newborn, infant, and young child health and nutrition. 2013. Geneva: WHO Press. Location: Preference Size of Print-out: 8R/10R
PCC EAMSC 2018 by Arief Abdurazzaq Dharma
A Simple Thing Can Affect Everything Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia Arief Abdurrazaq Dharma Adequate amount of physical activity is important for pregnant women, one of the reason is because it is associated with reduced length of labor and delivery complications. The ideal physical activity should concern minimal risk of loss of balance and fetal trauma.(1) However, there are many contraindications for physical activity even in the simplest of things in daily life of pregnant women, such as motionless standing. Motionless standing is associated with decreased cardiac output. It can lead to fatigues and even fainting. It was observed that women who were on their feet for longer periods of standing, the fetal growth rates were considerably slower. It is important to know what to avoid for the health of the mothers because it will also affect the baby. Treat the fetus with care, for the baby’s health won’t be rare. References: 1. World Health Organization. WHO Recommendation on Antenatal Care for Positive Pregnancy Experience. 2016. Geneva: WHO Press. Location: Preference Size of Print-out: 8R/10R
PCC EAMSC 2018 by A. Muh. Firshan Makbul
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PCC EAMSC 2018 by A. Muh. Firshan Makbul
Mother’s Hug Andi Muh. Firshan Makbul Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia Photo details : Location : Pasar Terong, Bontoala Street, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan A baby named Naila just woke up from her nap time, so her mother decided to take her an afternoon stroll. This picture was taken when they were about to go out of the house and they took a pose by the door. Naila's mother is carrying her daughter while embracing her with love and affection. Babies as young as two months know when they are about to be picked up and stiffen their body in preparation, according to new research. Research suggests, and perinatal educators experience, that misunderstanding newborn behavior can undermine a new parent's confidence, decrease breastfeeding success, interfere with bonding, and even contribute to neglect and abuse. When children are deprived of physical contact, their bodies stop growing despite normal intake of nutrients. These children suffer from failure-to-thrive. This growth deficiency can be improved when nurturing touches and hugs are provided. Hugging triggers the release of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. This feel-good hormone has many important effects on our bodies. One of them is growth stimulation. Studies show that hugging can instantly boost the level of oxytocin. When oxytocin is increased, several growth hormones, such as insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-1) and nerve growth factor (NGF), are increased as well. The nurturing touch of a hug can enhance a child’s growth. Giving hugs can help parents begin the adventure of parenthood with increased confidence, knowledge, and passion for their new baby. References : 1. ŚƚƚƉƐ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ƉĂƌĞŶƚŝŶŐĨŽƌďƌĂŝŶ͘ĐŽŵͬĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶͲŚƵŐŐŝŶŐͬ 2. ŚƚƚƉƐ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ŶĐďŝ͘Ŷůŵ͘ŶŝŚ͘ŐŽǀͬƉŵĐͬĂƌƚŝĐůĞƐͬWD ϮϰϬϵϭϲϯͬ Technical Data : Sony A7, ISO 64, Shutter Speed 1/100, f/1,8
PCC EAMSC 2018 by Moh. Fauzan
Baby On The Lens Hasanuddin University Indonesia Moh. Fauzan "As a mother i should be happy, my little blue eyes angel is sound asleep. Her face shines bright just like an angel. I hshould’ve approached her, but instead i did the opposite. All i wanted to do was stay away from and even run from the reality that i am now a mother". By Raidha Athira Having a baby is supposed to be a feeling that feels you with joy, but some mothers don’t feel this way when their baby is born.“Baby blues syndrome” also known as postpartum blues or postpartum distress syndrome is a condition where the mothers feel depressed after they’ve given birth. Almost 50% of mothers experience the baby blues syndrome. In addition to hormones, fatigue from caring from a newborn can be a cause of baby blues syndrome. Changes in lifestyle by the mother after giving birth can also cause the mother to feel depressed and show anxiety also fear that she is unable to care and raise her children well. Many of our societies have little understanding of this. In addition to doctors, the process of curing the baby blues syndrome also requires love and support from her family members. The role of the husband is to keep the attention and focus of his postpartum wives so she knows that she’s not alone in overcoming this syndrome. Location: Cahaya Medika Birth Clinic Preference Printed Size: 8/10R
PCC EAMSC 2018 by Sausan Maulida
The Importance of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) Hasanuddin University Indonesia Sausan Maulida this photo is a simple explanation on how important Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) after birth. Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) is an activity that initiates skin to skin contact between the mother and her baby. This procedure is recommended to be done as soon as possible. After baby’s umbilical cord has been cut and drained, the baby will be placed on the mother's breast. IMD's goal are to reduce infant and maternal mortality, stimulate the exclusive breastfeeding program and also strengthens the bond between mother and child. According to Makassar public health records, IMD has shown positive progress on local hospitals.
Preference of the photo print size: 10R Location where photograph was taken: Siti. Fatimah Hospital (Makassar, South Sulawesi)
IMSTC 2018 by Eddy Zulfikar
The Road to Helminthiasis Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia Eddy Zulfikar
According to WHO, over 267 million preschool-age children and over 568 million school-age children live in areas where these parasites are intensively transmitted, and are in need of treatment and preventive interventions. The photograph depicts children happily playing in a poorly sanitized environment in a small area of Makassar without comprehending the risks of them to be infected by helminthiasis. It is dangerous for children, because it can delay mental and physical development once they are infected. The lack of knowledge from parents and also the substandard environment is not helping and is clearly damaging. It should be within our concern that some issues are preventable if we are aware about the condition of our environment. Let’s close the road to helminthiasis, for so children can play happily without getting endangered.
Dengue Fever: A Bite Can Beat You IMSTC 2014 (Fadhilah Putri W, Siti Nurul Magfirah, Atikah Purnamasari) https://youtu.be/7AMTYtko_ls
Typhoid Fever IMSTC 2014 Amelia Victoria Tamsil, Narisha Smaradhantia, Aulia Giffarinnisa
link of the video : https://youtu.be/L8KHdCnbh-I
Title: “ Fight HIV/AIDS, not people with HIV/AIDS. “ Name of University and Author : Hasanuddin University, Author: Amelia Victoria Tamsil
Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
Narisha Smaradhantia
Background: This is a Heath Promotion video with the theme of Sexual Transmitted Infection blab la bla, with our main focus is HIV AIDS in Indonesia. In this video, we divide it into 3 parts. The first part of the video is an explanation of HIV/AIDS, and the high number of HIV/AIDS incidence in Indonesia. The second part of our video, we tried to interview some people about their knowledge of HIV and how it’s transmitted. Besides, we also interviewed the people whether they are ready to interact with HIV/AIDS patients, or even going away from them. Mostly, people would stay away from HIV/AIDS patients, and we explain some of the reasons why people with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia does not have a chance to socialize. And the last part of the video, we show to the audience that we do an interaction with HIV/AIDS patients. and we are still doing fine. Besides, we invite the community to support us by spreading this information as widely as possible, that it's okay to interact with HIV/AIDS patients. Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the humanimmune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV
is transmitted primarily
via unprotected
intercourse (including anal and oral
contaminated blood transfusions,hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV. Since its discovery, AIDS has caused an estimated 36 million deaths worldwide. As of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people are living with HIV globally. HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. Many people know about it HIV/AIDS, but still afraid to talk about it, even they know how it’s transmitted but don’t want to make any contacts with HIV/AIDS patients. The message that we are trying to spread through our video is to open people’s eyes that make an contact with HIV patients will not make you infected too. We are trying to raise more awareness to the people about HIV/AIDS. By paying more attention to those issues, we believe we can help HIV/AIDS patient to live their live. Yes we should fight HIV/AIDS, but we shouldn’t fight people with HIV/AIDS.
Geriatric Disease: Osteoporosis IMSTC 2015 Falensia Dwita, Rahmi Islamiana Heri, Andi Rukminah link of the video : https://youtu.be/1BGPqjHdkx8
You Decide Osteoporosis IMSTC 2015 Anaztazia Ande, Fahmi M. Ibrahim, Iin Fadhilah Utami link of the video : https://youtu.be/vKydTlZVZgc
Water For The Future Hasanuddin University by Safara Nurul Laela Wairoy, Karina Jesslyn Sung, Richard Holman Matanta, and Esther Yuliana Natalia Background Human’s body is 60% consist of water, which make it necessary for our survival. With almost everything we do is related to water, contaminated or lack of water is a real threat. Properr water safety planning is highly needed to ensure availability and sustainable management of health and sanitation for all. Even so, WHO stated that 663 million people (1 of 10 people in global population) lack access to safe water that could lead to water transmitted disease. Diarrhea, cholera, dysentry, typhoid, and polio are some water transmitted disease and contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 502.000 diarrheal deaths each year. Indonesia as the 4th most populated country has to improve concern in water problem. It is already proved that 80% of illness in developing country are linked to poor water and sanitation problems. However, common people still have low awareness in conversing water we use everyday. Realising it’s a problem, water safety is urgent problem to save not only for now, but also for future needs of human race. Objective 1. To make people realise how important water is and imform the impact of lacking water 2. To raise awareness about conserving water 3. To show people some simple way to conserve the water 4. To decrease the prevalence of water transmiteed disease
Water For The Future PCC EAMSC 2017 Safara Nurul Laela Wairoy, Karina Jesslyn Sung, Richard Holman Matanta, Esther Yuliana Natalia link of the video : https://youtu.be/OZcQDT8fQms
Communication Improvement to Prevent Accidents in Medical Field PCC EAMSC 2017 Reskiana Ridwan, Felia Lairensia, Tiffany Baby Sentosa link of the video https://youtu.be/1vw4G8fhnfo
Maternal Mortality PCC EAMSC 2018 Dzakiyyah Marsuqah, Batara Caya Karim, Muh. Azhar Fawwas, Puteri P. Abigael
link of the video : https://youtu.be/slUaaIs19ak
A Simple Thing That Opens The Door PCC EAMSC 2018 Syahla Syafira Khanzany, Nurul Khairurrizki, Andi Aynina, Chelsie Vionanda link of the video : https://youtu.be/Drpj307z9DM
Unplanned Pregnancy, Unplanned Future PCC EAMSC 2018 Muhammad Reyhan, Ahmad Ezra Saleh, Amila Saliha Mustarin, Nabila Zhavirah P.A
link of the video https://youtu.be/VX25TI9mK7A