The Asian Medical Students' Association (AMSA) International is a peak representative organisation for medical students from across Asia, the Asia-Pacific and beyond. We gather future healers from 17 Full Members, 2 Associate Members, and 9 Observer Members, to be academically-competent, initiative-driven, and socially ethical.
AMSA International was officially founded at the sixth Asian Medical Students' Conference (AMSC), which was held at Manila, Philippines in 1985. Enthusiastic AMSA members from nine different nationsAustralia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand, gathered at the conference and founded the prestigious international organisation. The member nations increased gradually as the founding members of AMSA inspired neighbouring countries with its admirable vision.
Today, AMSA International has grown into a dynamic student-led, not-for-profit, non-political organisation. With members and friends spanning the globe, AMSA International has branched and introduced many exciting subsidiaries and activities to be undertaken regionally and nationally within the member nations. With our amazing partners and sponsors we are able to have inter-organisational collaborations of academic, sociocultural, and public health coverage, not to forget the exchange projects that have managed to foster trans-continental long-lasting friendships.
The AMSA Vision is Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. Three areas we continuously strive to further in our members and peers through our organisation missions :
We promote scientific and medical activities to increase and expand our knowledge whilst training to become the medical professionals of the future.
As future doctors, we aim to build and maintain a good relationship among our colleagues of the Asia-Pacific and beyond.
As medical students, we are concerned for the community around us and endeavour to do things for the benefit and improvement of our fellow citizens.
Asian Medical Students' Assoclation Indonesla (AMSA-Indonesla) is the peak representative body for medical students in indonesla. Established in Yogyakarta, August 10th 1996, AMSA-Indonesla has been actively participating in a plethora of national and internatlonal events.
Currently, AMSA-Indonesia comprises 37 member unlversities in six districts with over five thousand active members and over two thousand new members annually. Its contribution to AMSA International as the roots of the organization are impressive, having hosted four Asian Medical Students' Conference (AMSC) In 1990, 1996, 2003, and 2010, and East Asian Medical Students' Conference (EAMSC) in 2006 and 2015.
AMSA-Indonesia as an organization where members can gain immense experiences while striving for the betterment of themselves and their surrounding and create a meaningful impact to society, through Knowledge, Action, and Friendship.
Synergizing members to achieve AMSA-Indonesia as a sustainable organization and given welfare to society.
Giving a platform and facilities needed for members as competent and highachieving future doctors.
Providing members with facilities and information needed to gain equal opportunity for each member to conjointly grow as part of AMSA-Indonesia.
Encoraging members to nuture solidarity towards each other.
Expanding exposure, enchancing communication, and conducting collaboration of AMSA-Indonesia to external parties.
Secretary of Academic Secretary of Research
Secretary of Community Outreach
Liaison Officer for NGO Liaison Officer for GO
Secretary of Membership and Development
Secretary of Publication and Promotion
Secretary of Media Information and Technology
Secretary of Finance and Promotion
Director of AMSEP
AMSA-Universitas Sriwijaya
AMSA-Universitas Syiah Kuala
Muhammadiyah Palembang
AMSA-Universitas Jambi
AMSA-Universitas Batam
AMSA-Maranatha Christian University
AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran
AMSA-Universitas Jenderal
Achmad Yani
AMSA-Universitas Swadaya
Gunung Jati
AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya
AMSA-Universitas Airlangga
AMSA-Universitas Hang Tuah
AMSA-Universitas Muhammadiyah
AMSA-Universitas Jember
AMSA-Universitas Mataram
AMSA-Universitas Islam Negeri
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
AMSA-Universitas Indonesia
AMSA-Universitas Katolik
Indonesia Atma Jaya
AMSA-Universitas Tarumanagara
AMSA-Universitas Trisakti
AMSA-Universitas Pelita Harapan
AMSA-Universitas Pembangunan
Nasional Veteran Jakarta
AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia
AMSA-Universitas Kristen Krida
AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada
AMSA-Universitas Sebelas Maret
AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
AMSA-Universitas Palangka Raya
AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin
AMSA-Universitas Muslim Indonesia
AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi
AMSA-Universitas Muhammadiyah
AMSA-Universitas Halu Oleo
AMSA-Universitas Tadulako
AMSA-Universitas Pattimura
AMSA-Universitas Alkhairaat
AMSA-Universitas Bosowa
AMSA-Universitas Khairun
DISTRICT 01 DISTRICT 02 03 04 05 06AMSA-Unhas was founded in 2002 by three founders: dr. Yose, dr. Akhtar, and dr. Dimas.
The observer just needed 6 months to accept AMSA-Unhas as a member of AMSA-Indonesia. AMSA-Unhas has been developing very quick. In 2004, our members were accepted as a board in AMSA-Indonesia, and a year later, as a board in AMSA International.
Enhancing AMSA-Unhas as a home for each member to explore and expand their potential with a remarkably esteemed sense of belonging to become an impactful member of the society through AMSA’s philosophy; friendship, knowledge, and action.
To develop members’ expertise, soft skills, and hard skills through empowering activities.
To maintain relations between members and alumni of AMSAUnhas.
To contribute to communities and society through impactful and inspiring work programs.
To strengthen the relationship and collaboration between AMSA-Unhas and external parties/stakeholders.
"Explore Countless Possibilities, Shine in Ever More Excellency."
AMSA-Unhas Community Service and Education (ACTION)
A training program for AMSA-Unhas members to learn and practice basic life saving skills that is required on dealing with emergency situations.
AMSA-Unhas Life Threatening Emergency Training (ALERT)
A program handed out in the form of medical service activities such as circumcision, free health check-up, and consultation. Shown as an act of concern and social responsibility from AMSA-Unhas to be able to provide benefits to the environment
Nowadays, the ability to make academic works is much needed, especially for academic competitions that are often held by universities. Training was given for members of AMSA-Unhas to attain the ability to create academic works, such as scientific paper, scientific poster, public poster, public paper, and motivation letter.
A program created to prepare AMSA-Unhas members for any upcoming exam that they might have to face. Members are taught by senior members of AMSA-Unhas with reputable experience in their respective field.
English debate is one of the most common competitions done by universities. Besides the considerable amount of the english debate championships, members of AMSA-Unhas also have the eagerness and passion for english debate. Weekly practice with the english debater experts were made in order to train and prepare AMSA-Unhas’ members for future english debate competition.
With the high interest and capability found in AMSA-Unhas members regarding academic works, MICRO is designed to cater all of those potentials and interest so members can compete with other medical students while having the needed support of senior members who have the experience needed to guide them.
An appreciation program made for members of AMSA-Unhas who have submitted academic works of their own, as well as a way to compile all of the academic works done in one tenure as a reference for AMSA-Unhas members that are interested in making similar works.
A comprehensive training and simulation course given to members of AMSA-Unhas who are eager to become lecturer's assistant. Members will undergo a course which mimics the selection process of lecturer's assistant at Hasanuddin University so they have a headstart in preparing for the selection.
AMSA-Unhas Fair is one of finance division's top work program. With the concept of "One Day As A Medical Student", AMSA-Unhas Fair is publicly open, especially high school students and allows them to feel what it's like to be a medical student in one day.
One of the interesting things to look for every time you enter an organization is its special merchandise. AMSA-Unhas Essentials provides of making and selling attractive merchandise from AMSA-Unhas, such as lanyards, hats, card holders, stickers, tote bags, clothes, pins, and key chains.
In addition to supply the needs of AMSA-Unhas' members, the Finance Division also provides and sells campus equipment, such as medical notes, Clinical Skill Lab modules, and lab coats for Faculty of Medicine's students at Hasanuddin University and also for the general public.
To fulfill the needs of each AMSA-Unhas' work programs in each division, every month the finance division is responsible for collecting AMSA-Unhas' members contributions.
AMSA-Unhas needs a forum to strengthen the existence and trust of AMSA-Unhas as an organization engaged in the health sector. The collaborative relationship is expected to expand and maintain the mutually beneficial relationship between AMSA-Unhas and GO/NGO so that the existence of AMSA-Unhas will be more extensive.
Sending delegates who have been qualified based on established standards, and provide debriefings to the delegates about the national events to be participated in, and oblige the delegates to realize the Post Event Project.
AMSA-Unhas members have a high interest in participating in international events. It is necessary to collect files from AMSA-Unhas members as delegates to AMSA-Indonesia to participate in international activities. When the international event has ended as a form of accountability a PEP (Post Event Project) is required from the delegation which will be monitored and ensured to be running by the person in charge from AMSA-Unhas.
AMSA-Indonesia provides an opportunity for AMSA-university to be able to contribute and establish good relations between AMSA International and AMSA-Chapter International by becoming the host of AMSEP (Asian Medical Students' Exchange Programme).
This program is a forum for members of AMSA-Unhas and AMSA-universities to be able to work together in carrying out exchange activities by delegating and hosting with participating AMSA-universities with reference to 3 AMSA philosophies (friendship, action, and knowledge).
As a medium for general introduction to AMSA-UNHAS and as apromotional media to prospective new members of AMSA-UNHAS and GO/NGO institutions.
AMSA-Unhas Website
Providing information about the history and organizational structure of AMSA-UNHAS, publishing AMSA-UNHAS activities and delegates, and also increasing the knowledge of AMSA-UNHAS website readers through learning corner.
To send greeting in commemoration of religious days and important days in medical world.
AMSA-Unhas Podcast
To publish AMSA-UNHAS to the society and prospective members of AMSA-UNHAS, socialize AMSA-UNHAS activities to members and non-members, and also as a learningtools for members and non-members
To publish AMSA-UNHAS activities to the society and as a form of documentaries of AMSA-UNHAS events
AMSA-Unhas Event Report
Reporting AMSA-UNHAS activities as a form of publication, promotion, and documentation.
AMSA-Unhas Intervention For a Better Community (IMMUNITY)
To publish AMSA-UNHAS to the society and prospective members of AMSA-UNHAS, and as a learning tools for members and non-members
Database updating for all new members, board members, non-board members, and alumni of AMSA-Unhas to facilitate information dissemination.
Routine meetings are held twice by AMSA-Unhas and attended by all members of the board and non-administrators to discuss and resolve the problems being faced. This meeting is also one of the forums where all members of AMSA-Unhas can provide feedback, directions, and input regarding the work programs that will be and have been implemented.
The regeneration of AMSA-Unhas members which is expected to advance AMSA-Unhas and realize the three philosophies of AMSA.
An event with a variety of interesting, fun activity items and also a forum for mutual sharing between AMSA-Unhas members and alumni. This event also aims to get to know each other and establish friendships between all alumni, board members, non-board members, and new members of AMSA-Unhas. Then at the end of the event there will be a form of appreciation for the performance of AMSA-Unhas members and alumni
AMSA-Unhas Anniversary is an activity to celebrate the birthday of AMSA-Unhas every year. AMSA-Unhas members took part in a series of activities as a form of appreciation for the birthday of AMSA-Unhas.