was an unprecedented year for
the travel industry, with economic damage orders of magnitude larger than the last big shock to the industry after the 9/11 attacks. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and the governmental response to it, average
travel agency business income was down 82 percent in 2020 as compared to 2019 according to ASTA member surveys.
Even factoring in the relief programs created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (P.L. 116-136) and successor legislation, the average travel agency has laid off
...the average travel agency has laid off close to 60 percent of its staff
close to 60 percent of its staff. And due to industry economics (i.e. commission payment schedules), there will be a substantial time lag between a return of travel bookings and a corresponding return of business income – an anticipated average of eight months’ delay. Pandemic or no pandemic, ASTA fights to protect the interests of its members and the broader travel agency community at all levels of government – federal, state and even local governments. Between 2012 and today, ASTA’s efforts led to legislative and regulatory “wins” that saved the industry an estimated $630 million in new taxes, fees and other costs.
These wins include:
Securing small business financial relief related
December 2020, including
to COVID-19 as part of the CARES Act in March
“second draw” PPP loans
2020, including access to the Paycheck Protection
for hard-hit businesses, a significant
Program (PPP), Economic Injury Disaster Loans
expansion of the CARES Act’s Employee Retention
and expansion of unemployment benefits to
Tax Credit (retroactive to 2020 and more generous
include independent contractors (ICs) and the
for the 1st half of 2021) and a continuation of
self-employed. According to member surveys, 78
expanded unemployment benefits for ICs and
percent of ASTA’s 14,000 members received relief
furloughed agency employees.
under at least one of these programs.
In 2020, won a four-year fight to compel the
Securing additional relief related to COVID-19 as
U.S. Department of Labor to rescind an arbitrary
part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act in
regulatory “blacklist” that blocks travel agencies
from utilizing an exemption from federal overtime
outlawed the independent contractor model
rules designed for retail businesses.
in California, saving agencies there at least $25
In 2020, worked with cruise line partners and
million per year.
ASTA’s grassroots network to press the U.S.
In 2018, ASTA won a fight against burdensome
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
new consumer disclosures contained in the
to replace its draconian “No-Sail Order” with a
five-year Federal Aviation Administration
“framework for a phased resumption of cruise
reauthorization bill, saving our industry $29.8
ship operations,” which it did in October 2020.
million per year in “talk time” and lost sales.
In 2020, led a grassroots campaign to force the
In 2015, 2017 and 2019, working in coordination
Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL)
with local members and chapters ASTA
to abandon a proposed 25 percent increase
successfully opposed proposals in Connecticut,
in annual Sellers of Travel fees, which it did in
Illinois, Maine, Nebraska, Ohio and Utah to
November 2020.
expand state sales taxes to travel agency services,
In 2020, led a grassroots campaign to compel New York State to change its mandatory two-
saving agencies in those states almost $72 million a year collectively in new taxes.
week quarantine policy so as to allow returning
Working with our insurance partners, starting in
travelers, including those from international
2012 ASTA helped reform costly and complex travel
destinations, to “test out” of the requirement.
insurance licensing in 48 states plus the District
In 2019, working with ASTA’s consortia, host agency and local chapter leadership, secured an exemption for travel advisors in California
of Columbia. Annual agency savings in licensing costs and training time for these states alone totals almost $10.2 million a year.
Assembly Bill (AB) 5, which would have effectively
ASTA stands as One Voice for Travel Advisors
Dear ASTA Members: We are so heartened by the fact that during 2020
As the new 117th Congress convenes, the
– the most challenging year our industry has ever
relationships cultivated on Capitol Hill by ASTA
faced – we were able to raise almost $320,000
headquarters, ASTA chapters and members using
for ASTAPAC. With the exception of our record-
ASTAPAC resources remain invaluable. ASTA
shattering 2019 haul, this is the most money
continues to be invited to “sit at the table” on a
ASTAPAC has ever raised!
broad range of issues which will affect each and
Your generosity during these trying times is truly appreciated, by us and everyone in the ASTA family. We believe this success is fueled by our
every one of our businesses, not least of which is the need for continued relief for the businesses hit the hardest by COVID-19.
members’ recognition that ASTAPAC is a critical
We look forward to building on our past success
tool in the Association’s advocacy toolbox, and
and encourage you to make 2021 the year you
that advocacy for our industry has never been as
take your involvement beyond writing a check
important as it was during 2020. The PAC allows
or donating online. Please respond to ASTA
our members to pool resources, engage in the
grassroots alerts for e-mails and phone calls
political process and influence public policy.
to members of Congress and state legislators;
Thanks to strong support from ASTA chapters and
volunteer to testify before state legislative
members across the country, we continue to grow
committees or to represent ASTA at fundraisers
our cash-on-hand, even in the face of a global
for Members of Congress in your district. Most
importantly, encourage your fellow ASTA members
As co-chairs of the Government & Political Affairs Committee, we are proud of not only this
to make an investment in advocacy through ASTAPAC.
tremendous fundraising total for 2020, but of
Our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all who
the story that these numbers tell about ASTA’s
donated in 2020. Given what our industry faced,
growing grassroots participation. Thanks in part
tour contributions inspire us to advocate tirelessly
to our inaugural ASTA Advocacy Awareness Day
for the entire travel agency industry and the travel
virtual event in September, our PAC participation
consumer at all levels of government.
rate more than tripled in 2020 as compared to
With warm regards,
2019, to 26 percent. Further, with over 80% of our donors giving $100 or less (up five percent from 2019), ASTAPAC is truly one voice representing
Chris Seddelmeyer
Co-Chair, Government & Political Affairs Committee
Jennifer Wilson-Buttigieg Co-Chair, Government & Political Affairs Committee
2020 ASTAPAC Government & Political Affairs Committee
Chris Seddelmeyer Travel Concepts 334 Ponderosa Trail Lima, OH 45805 Phone: 419-222-2121 chris@travelconcepts2121.com Jennifer Wilson-Buttigieg Valerie Wilson Travel, Inc. 475 Park Ave. S, 35th Floor New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-592-1210 jenniferwb@vwti.com
Alvin Adriano Travelwise International 9201 Livingston Road Fort Washington, MD 20744 Phone: 240-493-8210 alvin@itravelwise.com Joshua Bush Avenue Two Travel 789 East Lancaster Avenue, Suite 100 Villanova, PA 19085 Phone: 610-243-1100 joshua.bush@avenuetwotravel.com Brian Chapin 950 N. Michigan Av. Suite 3604 Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: 312-951-7494 brian.chapin@att.net Jay Ellenby Safe Harbors Travel 126 S. Main Street Bel Air, MD 21014 Phone: 800-344-5656 Ext. 1408 jellenby@safeharbors.com John F. Haskins Viking Travel Service 610 N Washington St Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: 630-983-1766 jhaskins@vikingtvl.com
Mike Julius Carnival Cruise Line 3655 NW 87th Ave Miami, FL 33178 305-599-2600 mjulius@carnival.com Toni Lanotte-Day Toni Tours, Inc. 9 Circle Ln Levittown, NY 11756 516-369-5738 toni@tonitours.net Natalie Volin Lehr Carlson Companies 701 Carlson Parkway, Suite 1500 Minnetonka, MN 55305 Phone: 763-762-2275 Natalie.VolinLehr@ carlsoncompanies.com Vanessa McGovern GIFTED Travel Network 425 E. Statesville Ave Suite 101 Mooresville, NC vanessa@giftedtravelnetwork.com Kate Murphy Wings Travel Group 702 DeKalb Pike Bluebell, PA 19422 Phone: 215-628-3322 KateM@WingsTrips.com Mary Peters Friendly Travel 1506-D Belle View Blvd Alexandria, VA 22307 Phone: 703-768-6020 mary@friendlytravelonline.com Isaac “Ike” Reynolds Reynolds Travel, Inc. 8934 Commerce Loop Dr Columbus, OH 43240 Phone: 614-847-8008 ike@reynoldstravel.net
Dave Hershberger Prestige Travel/Travel Leaders 9895 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 Phone: 513-793-6586 Ext. 1021 dave@prestige-travel.com Marc Casto FCM/Casto 2560 N 1st St., Ste 150 San Jose, CA 408-984-7000 Marc.casto@us.fcm.travel Zane Kerby ASTA 675 North Washington St., Suite 490 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-739-6804 zkerby@asta.org
Staff Liaisons
Eben Peck ASTA 675 North Washington St., Suite 490 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-739-6842 epeck@asta.org Genevieve Strand ASTA 675 North Washington St., Suite 490 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-739-8711 gstrand@asta.org Lou Altobelli ASTA 675 North Washington St., Suite 490 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-739-6825 laltobelli@asta.org
How Does ASTAPAC Decide Which Candidates to Support?
Deciding which candidates to support in a given year is a process involving the cochairs and members of the Government & Political Affairs Committee and ASTA’s Advocacy staff, which analyzes and interprets Congressional voting records and is able to pinpoint who is who in the area of travel and tourism policy and who best understands and supports the travel agency industry.
ASTAPAC Fundraising 2016-2020 $322,063
$230,392 $200,599
Among the criteria used by the Government & Political Affairs Committee to determine which candidates to support are the following factors: 1) Is the candidate sympathetic to 2) If an incumbent, does the
3) If a nonincumbent, will the
the goals of travel advisors? Has
candidate hold a key position
candidate pursue assignment
the candidate supported specific
of responsibility (i.e. chair or
to a key committee or
proposals or policies advanced by member of important committee subcommittee, or likely to be in a the industry?
or subcommittee; member of
position to assist the profession?
majority or minority leadership)? ASTAPAC makes financial contributions to candidates for Federal office, regardless of party affiliation. We do not support candidates in presidential, state or local elections. It is worth noting that a campaign contribution through ASTAPAC is not a means of buying votes. It is a “no strings attached” way of ensuring that responsible and dedicated legislators who understand and support the travel agency industry remain in or are elected to office. To ensure the money is well protected and properly spent, many detailed reports are required by the Federal Election Commission from both ASTAPAC and the candidates it supports. Both must account for the sources of their funds and the purposes for which these funds are spent. For a complete list of 2020 ASTAPAC Contributions, please contact Lou Altobelli at laltobelli@asta.org
ASTAPAC Campaign Contributions House Senate
$52,000 $47,500
$42,000 $35,000
Since 2010, ASTA’s Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) has funded the ASTAPAC Charitable Matching Program, which provides chapters who reach PAC fundraising and participation goals with matching funds to the charity of their choice. The goal of the program is twofold: to stimulate PAC fundraising and support ASTA’s advocacy work while allowing our chapters to give back to their local communities. Below are the chapters who qualified for matching funds based on 2020 fundraising.
2020 ASTAPAC Charitable Match Program
Prerequisite – To qualify for charitable matching funds, a chapter must have an overall chapter participation rate of at least 7.5 percent and have raised a minimum total of at least 50% of their fundraising goal. Unless a chapter meets this first test, it will not qualify for charitable matching funds.
$250 in matching funds to each chapter meeting the prerequisite. Alabama Arizona Central Florida Charlotte SBN Connecticut SBN Greater Atlanta Greater Dallas-Forth Worth Hawai’i Long Island Long Island SBN
Midwest New Jersey New York City Ohio Orange County Orange County SBN Raleigh Rocky Mountain San Diego Southern California
$1,500 in matching funds for the first five chapters to hit their fundraising goal; San Diego Ohio Long Island SBN Midwest Hawai’i
$1,250 in matching funds for the three chapters with the best participation rates; Ohio (147.06%) Arizona (79.51%) Long Island SBN (78.38%)
$500 in matching funds for the next four chapters with the best participation rates; Raleigh (65.22%) Charlotte SBN (54.69%) Alabama (46.11%) Hawai’i (34.29%)
$750 in matching funds for the next five chapters to hit their fundraising goal; Long Island New York City Raleigh Greater Dallas-Forth Worth New Jersey
$500 in matching funds for the two mostimproved chapters measured by percentage increase in total fundraising from 2019 to 2020; Central Florida (14,680.00%) Orange County SBN (1044.19%)
$250 in matching funds for four the mostimproved chapter measured by total overall funds raised in from 2019 to 2020; New York City (+$5426) New Jersey (+$5195) Orange County SBN (+$5033) Central Florida (+3670)
2020 ASTAPAC Donors CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE By law, ASTAPAC can accept corporate contributions and personal contributions in excess of $5,000 for the purposes of defraying the PAC’s operational costs. Chairman’s Circle members have elected to take their investment in our advocacy work to the next level by funding these important activities.
Signature Royal Caribbean International
DIAMOND ($5,000+)
$20,000+ Virtuoso
ASTA South Florida Chapter Marc Casto Margaret Haskins Lauren Matthews Steve Orens
ASTA SE Michigan SBN Chapter Mike Cameron Jeff & Cindy Coggin Bill Coyle Cruise Planners Robert Duglin Helen Enriquez Susan Fertitta Stuart Godwin Troy Haas Lisa Hale Robert Hale Debra Harris Zane Kerby Jenn Lee Kevin Loveless Jim Mazza Rick Mazza Mark Meader Anne Moebes Eben Peck April Perez Roger Block Patricia Thorington Travel Insured International Rick Zimmerman
RUBY ($1,000 - $2,499)
PLATINUM ($500 - $999)
American Express Travel ASTA Arizona Chapter ASTA Long Island SBN Chapter ASTA NYC Chapter
Altour Rick Ardis ASTA Hawaii Chapter Wendy Burk Direct Travel
ASTA New Jersey Chapter BCD Travel Carnival Cruise Lines Commonwealth Business Travel Group Enterprise Holdings PAC Jackie Friedman John Haskins Denise Jackson Ovation Travel Group Professional Association of Travel Hosts (PATH) Travel and Transport Travel Experts Travelink/American Express TravelStore Jennifer Wilson-Buttigieg
EMERALD ($2,500 - $4,999)
Ensemble Travel Group Gifted Travel Network Internova Travel Group
Jay Ellenby Fox World Travel Gabe Garavanian Betsy Geiser Globus Family of Brands Robbi Hamida Alan Hess Joanne Hunt Scott Koepf David Lovick Mary Beth O’Donnell Jean Paugh Mary Peters Joan Qualls Olga Ramudo Eric Reader Jorge Sanchez Chris Seddelmeyer Jennifer Walker Colin Weatherhead John Werner
GOLD ($250 - $499) James Abel Alvin Adriano ASTA Alabama Chapter ASTA Delaware Valley Chapter Richard Beck Debra Belchak Christina Boyce Craig Bush Nanci Cairns Brian Chapin Jade Chiarini-Gallagher
Chris Dane Debra Dimit Judy Duke Melinda Fortunato Valeri French Cathie Lentz Fryer Mary Funkhouser Shayla Gerling Matthew Gill Bobby Godwin Wendy Goodenow Michael Graham Eleanor Hardy Dave Hershberger Meredith Hill Tiffany Hines Susan Kelly-Costello Ken Kimi Amanda Klimak Toni Lanotte-Day Paul Largay Bonnie & Walt Lee Julie Lemish Damian McCabe Mark McCowan Vanessa McGovern Heather McIntyre Nancy Merrill Cassandra Marcella Metzger Melvin Payne Virginia Peterson Lynda Phillippi John Rees Laura Rodriguez Andrea da Rosa
Chris Russo Susan Sinclair Nancy Stein TAMS Data LLC Stephen Thomas-Schulere Matthew Upchurch Ann Waters Angie Wilson
SILVER ($100 - $249) Lynne Adams Keisha Adriano Cynthia Albright Celeste Auger-Munshi Nancy Van Allen ASTA Greater Atlanta Chapter ASTA Orange County SBN Chapter Susan Becks Cathy Bell Patrice Bell Debra Bennett Kelly Bergin Anne Berry Marcia Bethea Philip Blackwell Kim Boivin Jen Boles Lucy Borokowski Julie Buchanan Donna Campbell Claire Canady Kathy Cannizzaro Carolyn Carlson Yolanda Carneiro Thomas Carpenter Erica Carr Ralph Celento Matthew Cervone Parminder Chadha Kristin Chambers Wendy Chambers Nadine Chang-Dunkley Catherine Chiappa Jade Chiarini Jennifer Cochrane Lisa Cohen Barbara Colombo Paul Coleman Audrey Cooper Tony Cosenza Joann Costagliola Denise Coubarous-Payne Emer Coughlin Sarah Cox Roseann Coyle Wendy Crawley Mary Crider Dan Crumpton Paul Crumpton
Shannon Cunningham George Cuthbert Isaac Cymrot Leila Dada Csilla Dali Laura Davis Jacqueline Day Martha Day Nancy Decker-Davidson Phara Depadro Rachel Dicker Maureen Dinnocenzo Josette Drobek Erika Dulmaine Kerry Dyer Lisa Edenfield Yannette Edwards Karen Ellison Jonathan Epstein Cindy Erickson Maxine Ezra Sharon Fake Esther Falde Joseph Fehlen Kimberly Ferguson Mary Pat Flanagan Lisa Fletcher Skip Fortier Sharon Fritz Cathie Fryer Patricia Fulton Jo-Marie Gagala Paul Gentile Kareem George Claire Gilbert Russell Glasheen Joelle Goldman Lillie Golson Brian Green Kristi Green Rochelle Grey Jesse Guerra Suzy Gustafson Wendy Guth Nita Haas Marie Hager Gail Hannon Julie Ann Hargett Anna Harrison Amy Hartline Gwyn Hay Kiki Hoener Carole Hoffman Mark Hollywood Diane Horan Patricia Horvath Lois Howes Melinda Webb Huggan Kiyoko Ikeda Ray Jackson Barbara Jathas
Marilyn Johnson Ivaline Joseph Marielle Kabin Carol Kalisz Kim Kelly Ginger Kemp Judy Keslik Joel Klein Larry Knox Kathleen Kocharhook Debora Kolnick Debra Kopeshke Mary Krueger Judy Kurzban Julie Kusco Shannon Lamarche Kathryn Lamphier Ashley Lancer Denise Lang Monica Lang Wayne Lee Lee Lennon Pamela Lewis Michelle Liliedahl Marilyn Lindberg Amy Little Sarah Longoria Stacy Luks Brandee Martin Vicky Mary Eric Maryanov Lynda Maxwell Lorrie McCans Carol McConnell Ellen McDannel Carol McKee David Mellon Sandy Milis Joan Miller Ginger Minoletti Raymond Miyashiro Tina Montana Timothy Nall National Transaction Corporation Eleanor Nelson Dennis Nienkerk Helen Nodland Ann Nordeen Jane Norman Patricia Ogle-Collins Amie OShaughnessy Mary Pace Ann Palu Sandy Parten Kathleen Paulson Mona Perkins Shelly Phillips Alex Pinelo John Pittman Olga Placeres
Angela Porter Vicki Powell Helen Prochilo Jeanette Quetel Debra Quinn Alex Ramsey Sara Rawlings Andrea Rensvold Mary Reporto Isaac Reynolds Andrew Rocchio Vicki Rogers Mary Ryberg Sandy Saburn Laney Sachs Iris Salazar Giselle Sanchez Robin Sanchez Danny Santacruz Marge Santo Monique Sattler Mary Ann Schneider Crystal Seaton Allen Seigler Whitney Shindelar John Smith Marie Smith Barbara Snyder Jocelyn Sontag John Sposato Ruby Stanfield Cynthia Stimmler Christine Strauss Charles Sturm Mary Sturm Judy Sumka Kathy Takushi Beth Taylor Patricia Tervola Mary Anne Thoman Greg Tomlinson Renaud Urban Monica Varri Ralph Vasami Matt Wahlgren Kathy Walden Daniel Webster Shirley Webster Mickey Weill Cheryl Weldon Donna Welke Juliet Weller Linda Wendler Stephanie Werner Lise-Marie Wertanzl Stephanie Whaley Jennifer Whitney Jim Wiedeman Tina Williams Amy Windham Liz Wolak
Guy Young Jessica Younginer Kayla Zeigler Lorrie Zinda Alex Ziselman
BRONZE ($1 - $99) Ellen Abbott Charlotte Ackerley Jan Acorn Gail Adams-Arnold Bernard Adriano Ledger Adriano Olivia Adriano Paxton Adriano Cheryl Agodini Karen Aikman Rosalya Aizenberg Brenda Ajay Alice Alcala Marie-Jose Alce Lisa Alfano Robin Alinkofsky Marianne Allen Trudy Allen Hans Allgeier Katharine Allman Patricia Alsobrook Chris Altman Enrique Amaro Jr Mary Anderson Randi Anderson Ellen Anderson Eileen Anderson Alicia Anderson Cynthia Anderson Dawn Anderson Cynthia Andrade Kayla Andrews Angel Anger Susan Antoine Ignacio Arellano Buffy Aronstein Sandy Arostegui Andrew Arrington Blythe Asagi ASTA Mid-Michigan SBN Chapter Claire Auger Jennie August Geraldine Augustine Laura Avital Lucinda Ayer Hooma Azizi Christina Bafumo Laurie Bahna Paul Bahna Virginia Baim Gloria Bajek Jackie Baker
Stacey Baker Lisa Balek Aramayis Baloyan Sharon Bame Arika Banghart Frank Baquero dominique barba Michelle Barboza Albert Barkov Sondra Barkov Kathryn Barns Kristin Bartkus Frank Bastone Nancy Bauman Susan Baxter Patricia Bean Linda Beason Robin Begun Kimberly Beland Bryan Bell Beth Benedetto Sally Benhar Charles Bentivegna Mary Bernard Susanne Berres Jennifer Berry Dan Beschloss Sheila Bethel Latoya Bibbs Kelly Bigel Claudine Billoir Ann Bishop Gail Black Nancy Bloch Sande Bloom Eileen Blum Leita Boatman Gerda Boehlert Brianna Boglin Windy Bondch Pamela Bonin Jennifer Booth Sutra Borgeson Jean Borne Patti Borrell Henry Boryczki Kevin Borzenski Eric Bowden Cheryl Bowie Tracey Bowles Anna Braatz Natalie Bradford Shaia Bragg Debby Bragiel Leslie Bramlett Carl Brandtonies Dan Brantley Jessica Brekke Michelle Brenke Susan Brennan Myra Brennan
Erin Brent Leslie Brindley Brandi Brister Kathy Brock Carlotta Brown Ruth Brown Christy Brown Dionne Brown MacKenzie Brumley Susan Bruno Laurel Brunvoll Leslie Bryant Heidi Buckler Lisa Bulfon Marija Bumgarner Kelly Burchett Crystal Burriss Donna Byrd Preston Caddell Darlene Caimotto Tracy Caldwell kathleen callahan Sandra Callahan Aurora Calonico Petra Calvaruso Dorian Cameron Jodi Campbell Kimberly Campbell Kenneth Cannizzaro Sheila Cannon Sienna Cano Ginny Caragol Ann Caraway Paula Carey Pam Carlson Susan Carlson Juan Carrillo Pam Carter Bridgette Carter Terrie Cassidy Andrea Caulfield Christopher Caulfield Linda Nicholson Chabot Judi Chaitman L.A. Chancey Lauren Chase Phyllis Chavies Marie Chiaino Yvette Chin Eugenia Chinsman Lucy Cichon Rob Clabbers Jaydell Clark Laura Clark Janet Clarke Mary Clifford Robin Cline Roby Clubine Maria Coesens Debi Colavito Marisa Cole
Karen Coleman-Ostrov Jennifer Collins Kristian Collins Lisa Collins Kenia Collins Cami Collison Jill Combs Karen Conditt Tabatha Contorno Karina Conway Julie Cooke Penny Cooper Shaneka Cooper Deann Cooper Arlene Corace Roni Cormier Carmen Coronel JoBeth Corsi Marissa Cortes Lovell Cossins Robert Cote Joy Cottrill Dawn Courtney Larry Covi LouAnn Covi Jean Coyle Katie Crago Sherry Crawford Patty Crichton Keely Culpepper Wade and Paula Cunkelman Nancy Cushing Valerie Cusumano Wendy Dall Deanne Dallo Sandra Dandy Angela Darro Annette Davage Alison Davis Janice Davis Christen Davis Cindi Debons Angela DeCoursey Noreen Deiss Vivian deLeon Donna Delpier Margherita Demaio Paul Demers Diana Demers Catherine DeMichiel Mary Demouy Kanetta Denk Wendy Denny Karen D’Entremont Jason Deramus Lori Derauf Katie DeShano Stefany Di Manno Ceccato Kerri Dickson MaryAnn Dillon Audrey Dismuke
Nancy Dodson Marita Domingo Linda Donaldson Tracy Donley Susan Donnelly Victoria Donovan Mary-Ellin Doolittle Valerie Dorsey Cathy Dorton Tom Dougher Jason Douglas-Harris Jim Drennan Katherine Driscoll Lois Dudley Hajnal Dumitrescu Kathy Dusenbery Cheryl Dworman Elaine Dwyer Danielle Dybiec Cindy Dykman Pamela Eaton Michelle Eden Vickie Edwards Stephanie Edwards Lisa Eidman Cynthia Elizondo Leonard Ellis Connie Emanuel Denise Emory Lisa Enden Kristie England Becki Ernst Kari Eskridge Kimberly Espino Vickie Everhart Joel Ezra Margaret Fallone Jasper Fanfalone Kecia Farrish Kathryn Fazzalaro Juliette Feffer Carlina Fernandez Patricia Ferrari Lisa Fey Nancy Fine Sandy Fisher Mary Fisher Lisa Fitzgerald Michael Forrester Elizabeth Foss Soldi Foster Dora Fouchea Brigitte Foulke Jennifer Fowlkes Marina Foy Dianne France Janet Francis Melanie Frank Susan Frapart Amy Fraser Sandy Freeland
Amy Freyder Debra Fritts Summer Fritz Sharon Furlong Kelly Furtado Linda Gaddy Cheryl Gagon Rowanne Gallo Judy Gamble Carolyn Gann Genevia Gano Nancy Gany Kathy Garbarino Gina Garera Kira Gartner Ashley de la Garza Shelley Gatlin Vanessa Genger Mitzelle Gentry Anabela George Mark Gerling Alexandra Ghiozzi Carolina Giardina Melissa Gilbert Adrienne Gillespie Susan Glover Amanda Goddard Rae Gold Stephanie Goldberg-Glazer Matthew Golia Jane Golonka Angel Gomez Veronica Gonzalez Donna Goodman Katherine Gould Susan Granger-Sandals Elizabeth Gras Wendy Graziano Adrienne Greben Susan Green Vickie Greenlee Donna Greenspan Laura Gribben David Guerrero Ron Gulaskey Stephanie Gulley Carissa Gulyas Chasity Haberecht Patricia Hager Kristin Halford Donna Hall Jeremy Hall Steven Ham Fiona Hamilton Jan Hammond Monica Hammonds Patricia Hand Michael Hannan Sandra Harbison Mariam Harnan Tammy Harney
Kellie Harper Patrice Harris Julie Harris Melissa Hartley Staci Haug DeAna Haywood Rochelle Heap Christy Henges Brandon Henry Maria Hernandez Mariam Hernandez Ester Herz Marianne Hessler April Hicks Stephanie Hicks Cynthia Hill Glenda Hills Kari Hines Tami Hiraoka Debbie Hires Michelle Hlinak Sarah Hole Caroline Hollar Leander Holston Steven Hook Debbie Horres Heather Houtman Andrea Howard Julie Howell Karen Howland Shirley Hudson Valaryee Huffman Wilson Hughes Matt Hughes Krista Hull Annie Humble-Gougler Cheryl Humpherys Connie Humphrey Brenda Hunt Tracy Husted Diane Hutchins Cheryl Huysman Whitney Hyde Sharon Hyland Pamela Imbimbo Liz Ingram Elizabeth Ingram Melissa Irion Michelle Irvin Angela Isherwood Claire Isquith Robin Isquith Ronald Jackson Kristine Jacob Robin Jacobs Angela Jacobus Denise Jahn Philip James Tillie James Shanyn James Emily Janjanin
Gena Jenkins Pauline Jennings Courtney Jensen Elizabeth Jernigan Patricia Jevorutsky Jennifer Johnson Erika Johnson Waikikse Johnson Christopher Johnson Laurie Johnsrud Julie Johnston Akiyo Johnstone Valarie Jolly Terrence Jones Cheryl Jones Pam de Jong Susan Joorfetz Keith Jorgensen Christina Joslin Max Kabin Elizabeth Kapel Manon Kaplan Lynne Kaplan Julianne Kaplani Carol Karp Lori Kashgegian Julia Kasid Scott Katsinas Brenda Kaufman Dana Keller Ruby Kelly Senora Kelly Viengsavanh Keomany Cynthia Kerford Kimberly Kernc Rachel Kerr Joyce Khalaf Hannan Khan Josh King Jared King Karen Kirk Amy Klein Shannon Kline Susan Runtz Knoll Kati Knowland Cathy Koenig Patricia Kollar Nena Komarica Klara Konovalova Timothy Krenzien Joanne Kreuscher Kathleen Krinkie Lynda Kroll Terri Kunau Judy Kusserow Alana LaBissoniere Jamo Ladd Bonnie Laferriere Monica Lahr Loretta Lamberth Martha Langan
Lesia Latanation Justina Latimer Kimberly Launer Amalia Lazarov Lisa Leavitt Shannon LeBlanc Nicole LeBlanc Karl Leconte Shane Lefeber Karen Lentz Diana Leone Marina Leonov Maria Lesure Chanda Levy Ann Lewis Shawn Lewis Hervey Lewis Kari Lindberg Elizabeth Lindstedt Madeleine Linebarger Judy Litner Sarah Little Vicki Livingston Jesse Locks Josephine LoGiudice Joyce Lopez Ruth Louie Ane Lowe Tiffany Lucas Richard Lum Mary Lustgarden Donna Lyde Shelly Lynch Claudia Mace Sheri Machat Renee Maciejewski Stephanie Mack Virginia Mackay Debbie Madeo Alyssa Maisano Joseph Malinda Michelle Malloy Lee Mandoyan Virginia Manigo Pete Maniscalco Quinda Mann Rosalyn Manowitz Ria Maratheftis Beth Marino James Marino Nancy Marks Stuart Marra Lisha Marrow Laurie Marschall Patricia Martin Adam Martindale Tara Martinez Catherine Marucci Dlane Maselunas Jim Mason Vira Mastroianni
Julia Matheson Kristin Matthews Patti Maxwell Ann May Kirstin May Cindy McCabe Brenda McCafferty Laura McCarthy-Blatt Paula McCarty Samantha McClure Tina Mccollum Olivia Mccoy-Taylor Marion McDonald Kristen Mcdonald Tagen McEntire Victoria McFall Anne McGee Lisa Mcgowen Christi McGown Kathleen Mcgrath Mimi McGuire Harry McKenzie Kar Mcleod Brittany McNamara Jarod McNeill Jackie McPeake Tammy Means Dawn Means Kim Medelberg Karen Melillo Martha Mendoza Martha Merle Carmen Merlos Lorianne Merryman Shayne Messina Cassandra Metzger Melisa Meyer Robert Miksovsky Connie Miller Lillian Miller Kelly Millington Patti Mills-Roy Julie Minner Delane Mitchell Joani Mitchell Adrienne Mitra Leah Molinari Patricia Monahan Tammy Monroe Anatalia Montano Anisa Moore Peggy Morgan Deirdre Morgan Ann Morin Ashley Morris Carolyn Morrison Michelle Morrison Karan Morrow Melody Moser Patricia Moss Shynetria Moss
Randall Motley Michelle Mueller Gay Mullan Mike Mullan Carl Muller Craig Mungary Tammy Murphy Justin Murphy Gay Murphy Kate Murphy Teresa Murphy Jennifer Murphy Angela Musso Karma Muter Olja Muursepp Diane Myers Susan Nabors Lois Nadel Kimberly Nagowski Heidi Nanigian Timika Narine Sharon Nash Cindy Nelson Kathy Nesbitt William Neuman Bobbie Myers Newton Margaret Nichols Sophia Nicholson Henry Noble Susan Nochumson Cindy Nolan Mary Northrup Louise Nunn-Walton Rachael OBrien Elizabeth O’Brien Megan O’Hara Karlen Okamura Enitan Okusanya Cheryl Olive Teresa Olson Jenny ONeill Mary Orban Thomas Ormond Michelle Orr Annie Osolinski Julie Ott Amanda Overmyer Dolores Owens Linda Owens Margaret Ownbey Donna Pagano Cathy Pagano Julie Palasma Ciera Palmer Cindy Para Jen Parrott Lenore Passarella Latatia Passmore Michelle Pastarnack Pamela Patterson Robin Patterson
Ingrid Patterson Jamie Paul Dimitre Pavlov Jennifer Pearce Harry Pecunia Janis Peel Joetta Peoples Mary Pepides Laurie de Perez Devona Reynolds Perez Rita Perez Oreitha Perkins Kathleen Perkins Patty Perry Sandra Perry Angie Pessoa Colleen Peterson Ruth Petty Edward Phillips Megan Phillips Lisa Philpott Ralph Piazzo Julie Pigao Zachary Pinotti Jane Pombar Andrea Popovits Joyce Pors Aiza Camille Porta Eysa Portugues Celeste Powell Steve Powers Emily Prentiss Meredith Price Rhonda Prince Lucille Pucciarelli Mandy Pullin Nancy Purdin Janine Queenin Elizabeth de Quillacq Brando Quin Brandon Quinn Roberto Quiroz Irene Quisenberry Linda Radulich Susan Ragland Charnchai Raksriaksorn John Ramos Mary Ann Ramsey Keven Randolph Jenni Ransom Jo Ann Rapacciuolo Shelley Rapp Karen Rass Trisha Rathke Betty Ray Teri Raymond Shana Reed Kim Reed Jason Reese Valerie Reese Sharon Refuge
Hannah Reitz Amy Kaufman Relihan Amy Relihan Laurie Ressler Leila Reyes Angela Rice Cyndi Richards Lauren Robbins Jessica Roberts Jill Roberts Yolanda Robertson Maria Di Rocco David Rodrigues Tishawna Rogers Cassandra Roma Darlene Roma Jill Romano Anna Romano Jenifer Rosa Iris Rosado Gail Rosenberg Irvin Rosenberg Lore Ross Amanda Ross Deborah Rouls Beverly Rowe Cathy Rowland Sabrina Royal Barrie Rubinstein Enazshia Russell Melissa Russo Kathleen Ryan Andrea Ryder Linda Safier Christina Salu Bianka Salvador Margaret Sanford Aileen Santos Lois Sarlo Bowden Sarrett Karen Good Satzman Jeannie Sauleau Tara Savage Richard Scadlock Paul Schaefers Sheila Schaffer Karl Schaulin Kristin von Schaumburg Julie Schear Janet Scheyer Susan Schiefferle Netty Schlack Jean Schlameuss Katie Schmit Hollie Schmitt Cheryl Schneider Marjorie Schneiderman Sherri Schreckenghaust Rose Schrock Mary Schroder Rose Schwartz
Carol Schwartz Megan Schwenker Erika Scofield Nancy Scorby Haleigh Scott Pamela Scott Raul Scott Joyce Seares Travis Seaton Mary Seifert Carolyn Sekerak Sheri Selkirk Jenna Severson Eugenio Sgroi Kecia Shackelford Keith Shafer Melissa Shafiqullah Leticia Sharo Karen Sharpe Kelly Shea April Shelton Sue Shiffman Rachel Shoemaker Denise Shorthouse Alton Showers Benjamin Shubitz Zachary Shumway-Jones Laura Shuping Wendy Sifford Donna Silliman Dottie Simmons Serena Simmons Deborah Simonen Marlene Singer Tardip Singh Megan Sipes Chris Siravo Christopher Sisemore Erin Smith Joanne Smith Mo Smith Jill Smith Pamela Smithgall Cathi Solla Tiffany Southard Nathasha Lee Soy Wayne Spector Christy Spencer Nichole Spitzer Tori Springate Linda Spurrell Linda Stack Kristin Staley Glenn Stark Dawn Stark Candius Stearns Diane Steele Alyssa Stevens Melissa Stevenson Katherine Stewart Dervila Stivers
Rebecca Storms Lukaz Stout Betty Worthy Strahan Carol Strauchler James Strong Jerolyn Strowder Sheryl Stypul Krista Suletic Barbara Sulhoff Becky Sullivan Maureen Sullivan Joyce Sullivan Jerald Summers Susan Surat Lorenzo Surianello Jessica Sutton Joanne Sutton Liz Sutton Linda Swidler Virginia Swift James Szymanski Hayman Tam Tammy Tam Deborah Taylor Johnna Tazzetto Karen Teichman Peter Teliha Becky Tessier Heidi Theis Luke Thomas Kari Thomas Amanda Thomas Randy Thompson Jana Thompson Kimberly Thompson Patty Thoringron Monica Tillotson Rhonda Tomlinson Cayla Toney Lorin Tooley Brenda Tosso Isabelle Toulouse Nora Townsend Lisa Townsend Janet Tracy Brenda Trainor Susan Trantham Deborah Traussi Ryan Trenn Karen Tyler Norma Ulrich Stephenie Updegraff Sandi Valente Nancy Valletta Lisa VanBuhler Dawn Vance Candis Varnell Darpan Vedi Marilys Villanueva-Ward Richard Walke Ellie Walker
Duane Wallace Kathleen Hope Wallace Lois Wallace Paula Walling Marsha Walser Barbara Walter Liz Walton Karen Walworth Stephanie Warner Arnetta Watkins Karen Watson Tiffany Watt Terri Waxler Lisa Weaver Louise Weaver Jodi Weaver Brandie Webb Grace Webb Terri Weeks Darcie Bolton Weiser Autumn Welborn Debbie West Pamela Westover Jennifer Wheeling Erica Whitaker Kelly White Abigail White Brandace White Owen Whitehall Estelle Wilkinson Sharon Williams Jacquelyn Williams Kate Williams Vickey Willis Clay Willoughby Susan Wilson Valerie Wilson Vicki Winters Michele Wirth Tricia Wischmann Jennifer Withey Jaime Wood George Woodham Eddie Woodham Delphine Wren Allison Wright Therese Wyatt April Yeung Jay Yokley Wesley Zabriskie Julie Zadeh Helaine Zagaro Sue Zambo Mateo Del Zoppo
CONTACT ASTAPAC Chris Seddelmeyer Co-Chair, Government & Political Affairs Committee (412) 222-2121 chris@travelconcepts2121.com Jennifer Wilson-Buttigieg Co-Chair, Government & Political Affairs Committee (212) 592-1210 jenniferwb@vwti.com Eben Peck ASTA Executive Vice President, Advocacy (703) 739-6842 epeck@asta.org Genevieve Strand ASTA Director, Advocacy (703) 739-8711 gstrand@asta.org
675 N Washington St, Suite 490, Alexandria, VA 22314 ASTA.org
Lou Altobelli ASTA Coordinator, Advocacy (703) 739-8711 laltobelli@asta.org