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3M Transportation Safety Division (Inside Front Cover)
At 3M we are dedicated to improving transportation infrastructure and mobility so motorists can arrive at their destinations safely. Our high-performance materials combine with innovative systems and services to help you bring the best roadways systems into reality. For more than 80 years, we have shared in your mission to make our roadway safer.
Contact details:
Tel: +44 870 536 0036 Web: www.3m.co.uk
Adaptive Recognition (page 25)
Adaptive Recognition develops and produces software and hardware based on computer image processing technology. The company’s agship product is CARMEN, a globally recognized, market-leading automatic number plate recognition (ANPR/LPR) software. Adaptive Recognition also designs and manufactures ANPR cameras and IoT devices specially made for access control, tra c monitoring, and speed and tra c enforcement. Adaptive Recognition is also present on the identity veri cation market with innovative identity document readers, passport scanner devices, and related optical character recognition software.
Contact details:
Tel: + 36 1 201 9650 Email: requestinfo@adaptiverecognition.com Web: www.adaptiverecognition.com
Avery Dennison (page 59)
Avery Dennison re ective technology has been making highway and street safety solutions bright with prismatic signs for nearly one hundred years. The company is one of the preferred suppliers to professional sign shops worldwide and service the tra c and safety market with one of the industry’s most comprehensive range of re ective sheeting.
Contact details:
Tel: +1-877-214-0909 or email Email: re ective.orders@averydennison.com Web: re ectives.averydennison.com
Carrida Technologies (page 109)
Carrida Technologies is a provider of ALPR software and solutions. Its product portfolio ranges from Carrida SDK, a hardware-independent software library that runs on any PC, edge device or server/cloud to edge solutions with onboard data processing. The company was founded in 2017 and is based in Germany and Austria.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 6331 259 9795 Email: info@carrida-technologies.com Web: www.carrida-technologies.com

Circontrol (page 151)
Circontrol is a company with in-house technology where innovation is a constant objective. It was founded in 1997 to provide solutions toward developing mobility or, more speci cally, toward e cient solutions for mobility in car parks, and e-mobility, with smart charging solutions for electric vehicles.
Contact details:
Tel: +34 93 736 29 40 Email: circontrol@circontrol.com Webs: www.circontrol.com
congatec (page 158)
congatec is a rapidly growing technology company focusing on embedded and edge computing products and services. The high-performance computer modules are used in a wide range of applications and devices in industrial automation, medical technology, transportation, telecommunications, and many other verticals.
Contact details:
Tel: +49-991-2700-0 Email: info@congatec.com Web: www.congatec.com

Easylux Retrore ectometer (page 141)
Easylux develops innovative, small and lightweight retrore ectometers powered by AA batteries, designed for people that do not want to carry heavy devices on the road.
Contact details:
Tel: +55 11 3438 3448 | +55 11 2564-4868 Email: vendas@easylux.com.br Web: www.easylux.com.br
Geveko Markings (page 51)
Geveko Markings develops, manufactures, and distributes horizontal markings in any size, material, colour, or form that meet the requirements of the segments the company serves. Geveko mainly focuses on areas of application where its products must perform to either strict performance, durability and safety standards, decorative requirements or under demanding circumstances. The company provides guidance and safe travel for road users of all types, improves ow of tra c, assists the visually impaired and o ers decorative and aesthetic properties. Its markings enable safe, sustainable, and e cient mobility in more than 80 countries around the world.
Contact details:
Tel: +45 63 51 71 71 Email: sales@gevekomarkings.com Web: www.geveko-markings.com
Grupo Etra (page 167)
Etra is an international industrial group providing turnkey solutions and services in the elds of tra c, transportation, smart lighting, energy e ciency, security, water management and communications. The company covers the whole value chain, from technological research and innovation, to development, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and operation. Etra combines innovative technologies with a pragmatic approach, providing advanced, environmentally friendly solutions and services for both smart cities and technological infrastructures.
Contact details:
Tel: +34 9631 34082 Email: grupoetra@grupoetra.com Web: www.grupoetra.com
Haenni Instruments (page 127)
Haenni Instruments is a leading supplier of mobile wheel load scales, with more than 45,000 units sold worldwide. Its mission is to provide the best solution for mobile weight enforcement. Haenni’s scales are thin, light, robust and reliable. The variety of types, sizes and ranges enables their use in di erent applications.
Contact details:
Tel: + 41 31 506 5400 Email: info@haenni-scales.com Web: www.haenni-scales.com
Green Center (page 157)
Green Center is a producer and developer of smart parking technologies, parking systems, automatic barriers, license plate recognition technologies and parking guidance systems, veri ed by hundreds of parking systems installations worldwide and almost 30 years of experience. Green Center is also focusing on new trends in smart software solutions.
Contact details:
Tel: +420 266 090 090 Email: export@green.cz Web: www.green.cz

Hectronic (page 155)
With its headquarters in Bonndorf, south Germany, Hectronic GmbH has specialised in the development of intelligent system solutions for the areas of parking, petrol station and tank content management. Since the establishment of the “primordial mother” Kienzle in 1928, Hectronic GmbH has evolved into an internationally active industrial enterprise. With more than 380 employees, eight locations and 70 partners in sales and service, the company holds a top position worldwide today.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 7703 9388-0 Email: mail@hectronic.com Web: www.hectronic.com
Hog Technologies (page 90)
Hog Technologies manufactures solutions for the roadway and airport industries. Solutions include the award winning Stripe HOG water blaster to remove markings and rubber deposits from surfaces, along with multiple various equipment for pavement marking, grinding, grooving, and rumble strips, hard surface cleaning, hydro demolition and more! Their equipment is owned in 56 countries and working in over 80 around the world. Hog’s customer service provides excellent technical support, training, and spare parts promises while bringing value beyond the quality of each hand crafted product.
Contact details:
Tel: +1 772 214 1714 Email: sales@thehog.com Web: www.thehog.com
Ibotech (page 7)
Ibotech is, together with its partner company Ibomade, one of the biggest providers in Germany for developing, manufacturing and service providing in the elds of safety in tra c construction sites and road markings. As manufacturer for mobile road barriers, LED tra c jam warning systems and individual tra c signs, the company’s mission is to identify potentials for more sustainability, e ciency, and security, and to transform them into innovative technology.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 6205 28 672 10 Email: info@iboholding.eu Web: www.iboholding.eu

International Road Dynamics (page 77)
IRD’s tra c monitoring/management products and solutions measure tra c, collect data and provide information on operations and performance of transportation infrastructure and systems. Along with providing advanced technologies to detect and weigh vehicles at highway speeds, IRD integrates other ITS technologies into web-based solutions to improve safety and mobility.
Contact details:
Tel: +1 306 653 6600 Email: info@irdinc.com Web: www.irdinc.com
Jenoptik (page 17)
Jenoptik is a global leader in road safety, smart mobility and civil security solutions providing innovative technology to make mobility safer and easier, with enforcement technology including speed and red-light cameras, and ANPR solutions for various applications such as border control and crime prevention. With global experience based on more than 30,000 delivered systems worldwide, in-house engineering and design along with local know-how supported by a strong partner network in more than 80 countries, Jenoptik helps to make roads, journeys, and communities safer.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 2173 3940 -0 Email: tra c-solutions@jenoptik.com Web: www.jenoptik.com/tra c-solutions

Intercomp (page 115)
Intercomp is the world’s largest manufacturer of portable vehicle weighing solutions and has been serving the industry for more than 35 years. It manufactures weigh-in-motion, wheel load, axle load scales and complete systems for weighing and classifying vehicles.
Contact details:
Tel: +1 763 476 2531 | +1 800 328 3336 Email: info@intercompcompany.com Web: www.intercompcompany.com
Kathrein Solutions (page 81)
Kathrein Solutions GmbH is manufacturer of RAIN RFID hardware, also referred to as passive UHF RFID Technology (860 – 960 MHz) and thus a partner for ITS Integrators and tolling providers worldwide. Kathrein’s modular portfolio is perfectly suited for barrier solutions (Stop & Go), multi-lane free ow, as well as for parking and smart city scenarios.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 (0) 8036 90831 0 Email: info@kathrein-solutions.com Web: www.kathrein-solutions.com
Kistler (page 35)
Kistler is the global market leader for dynamic pressure, force, torque, and acceleration measurement technology. The company features more than 20 years of experience in the weigh-in-motion quartz technology. It is based on piezoelectric measurement, which Kistler rst applied in its invention of the charge ampli er some 60 years ago. Today, Kistler employs around 2,200 employees at more than 60 locations worldwide.
Contact details:
Tel: +44 1256 741 550 (UK) Email: Kristina.Pal y@kistler.com Web: www.kistler.com
Oriux (page 9)
Oriux is a technology innovator of intelligent transportation systems and tra c management solutions, providing the world with safer roads and better mobility. The company is the manufacturer of the rst and most widely used ATC tra c controller in the world and provides a broad range of other products among three di erent product lines: data collection, detection, and intersection control. The company employs more than 1,000 people in the Americas.
Contact details:
Tel: (281)-928-4497 Email: gustavo.delapena@oriux.com Web: www.oriux.com
Lector Vision (page 119)
Lector Vision designs, develops and manufactures ALPR systems and other applications based on computer vision. Its systems are used in di erent environments related to tra c management and car parking, providing the ability to monitor and control vehicles, improving management and increasing road safety and infrastructure e ciency.
Contact details:
Tel: +34 91 651 06 44 Email: info@lectorvision.com Web: www.lectorvision.com
Parifex (page 71)
Parifex o ers a wide range of applications suitable to the great projects of intelligent cities. Indeed, the company has developed intelligent transportation systems, allowing vehicle identi cation, speed measurement, tra c lights detection, automatic number-plate recognition, intelligent counting, etc., using 3D-lidar technology and arti cial intelligence including machine learning techniques.
Contact details:
Tel: +33.1.39 20 80 60 Email: info@parifex.com Web: www.parifex.com
Meiser Straßenausstattung (page 63)
For more than 35 years Meiser Straßenausstattung GmbH has been dedicated to the development, production, assembly and worldwide distribution of a wide range of restraint systems. Our product range covers all requirements of modern restraint systems – both on motorways and on federal and country roads. Steel crash barriers clad with wood, steel sliding walls for securing construction sites and noise barriers round o our delivery options. For more than 20 years, this company has also specialized in the installation of protective equipment, fall protection systems, railings and noise barriers. We can guarantee a professional and smooth assembly of our products by e cient assembly teams, which you can nd everywhere in Germany.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 68 87 30 90 Email info@meiser.de Web: www.meiser-group.com

projekt w (page 149)
Projekt w is a medium-sized company founded in 1984 with headquarters in Salzkotten, Germany. All production steps are carried out in its 12,000 m² factory. The two main product groups are divided into Integra Safety Barriers – dynamic safety barriers for multi-storey car parks, and Urban Systems – system housings for storage areas, carports, pavilions and pergolas.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 5258 9828-0 Email: info@projekt-w.de Web: www.projekt-w.de
Quercus Technologies (page 153)
Quercus Technologies is a consolidated company in the parking sector with installations worldwide in more than 60 airports, 80 shopping centers, hotels, and universities. The company offers optimal parking solutions for any type of parking facility, maximizes the efficiency in its management and improves the customers’ parking experience.
Contact details:
Tel: +34 977 300 377 Email: info@quercus.biz Web: www.quercus-technologies.com
Reflective Measurement Systems – RetroTek (page 61)
RetroTek’s technology offers the next generation of dynamic vehicle mounted retroreflectometers. It collects road marking/striping data across full lane widths in one pass. Efficient and safe, it identifies essential maintenance areas with interactive mapping and video for analysis. It is evaluated to CEN EN1436 and ASTM E1710.
Contact details:
Tel: +353 1 254 9261 Email: info@reflective-systems.com Web: www.reflective-systems.com

Saferoad Group (page 45)
Saferoad is a leading supplier of road safety and road infrastructure solutions in Europe. The group’s core business comprizes design, manufacturing, sales and installation of a wide range of products and solutions that improve the standard of road safety and road infrastructure.
Contact details:
Tel: +47 70064000 Email: mail@saferoad.com Web:www.saferoad.com
Sernis (page 43)
Sernis is a Portuguese company that manufactures and supplies a wide range of high-quality road safety solutions. Its effort on continuous research and development have been recognized and awarded several times worldwide. It is the world’s leading road studs specialist and develops and manufactures flexible bollards, ITS, LED signs, controllers and VMS. Visit the company at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022 on Stand 01.207.
Contact details:
Tel: +351 253 300 440 Email: sernis@sernis.com Web: www.sernis.com

Smartmicro (page 29)
At smartmicro, we design, develop and manufacture sensors for traffic management and automotive applications. We are the leading specialist in high performance sensor technology with more than 24 years of experience. Our key motivation is to make roads safer, optimize traffic flow, and enable greener, smarter cities. Visit us at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022 on Stand: 01.351.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 531 39023-0 Email: info@smartmicro.de Web: www.smartmicro.com
Sprinx Technologies (page 113)
Sprinx is an independent software vendor (ISV) specialized in designing and providing video intelligent software platforms able to analyse the mobility of vehicles and people. Sprinx is present with its technology in over 15 countries worldwide and has provided over 10,000 video analysis channels thanks to its added-value local partners.
Contact details:
Tel: +39 0362 341040 Email: info@sprinx.ai Web: www.sprinx.ai
Swarco (page 5)
Swarco improves quality of life by making travel safer, quicker, more convenient and environmentally sound. The Austrian traffic technology corporation provides a large range of products, systems, services, and turnkey solutions in road marking, urban and interurban traffic control, parking, public transport, e-mobility and CCAM. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022 stand numbers: 02.236, 02.222, 02.332
Contact details:
Tel. +43-5224-5877-0 Email. office.ag@swarco.com Web: www.swarco.com
SwissTraffic (page 75)
SwissTraffic is a planning and consulting firm operating internationally in the fields of mobility, road safety and signalisation. Since 2008, SwissTraffic is, furthermore, working within the topic of smart city – smart mobility, and of late also in the internet of things – Mobility 4.0. The company combines innovative planning with the latest technology, and meets the highest demands of quality as a result. Our strengths lie in customer orientation, a dedicated and on-time service, and the continuous search for optimal solutions.
Contact details:
Tel: 0800 180 000 Email: office@swisstraffic.ch Web: www.swisstraffic.ch

Triplesign (page 99)
Triplesign VMS can be installed in projects for tunnels, highways, toll stations, bridges, traffic management vehicles and portable traffic signs for road work. Triplesign 1W Solar standalone VMS save lives and meets the requirements of the sustainable society. Reduced costs with 70-90% enables more lifesaving installations. No cables enables lifesaving installations everywhere. Sensors warning system on time saves lives. Follow the guidelines of UN and a modern society for minimum carbon footprint. Avoid high power consumption of the LED lamps for sustainable 1W solar Triplesign VMS.
Contact details:
Tel: +46 8 6267350 Email: info@triplesign.com Web: www.triplesign.com
Telegra (Outside Back Cover)
For more than 25 years Telegra has been operating as a leading supplier of advanced traffic management system (ATMS). The company is a manufacturer of premium DMS (NextGen), video analytics (XAID) and ATMS software (topXview). Telegra has in-house software development team and expertise for on-time delivery of integrated software solutions as standalone systems, robust middleware, and complete platforms.
Contact details:
Tel: +385 1 33 88 500 Email: info@telegra-europe.com Web: www.telegra-europe.com
Tönnjes (page 53)
Tönnjes, from Delmenhorst, Germany, is a technology supplier and system provider that sells products for all areas of vehicle registration and identification from a single source, from number plate production to the creation of a central registry. With the IDePLATE (RFID tag) and IDeSTIX (RFID windscreen sticker), the company has developed solutions that protect against manipulation, fraud, and theft. Tönnjes distributes its services via equity holdings at 50 locations worldwide and, with its partners, employs around 2,000 people.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 4221 795-315 Email: pr@toennjes.com Web: www.toennjes.com
Vitronic (page 27)
Vitronic’s core competency in the traffic technology sector is to monitor vehicles. With over 30 years of expertise in traffic technology, Vitronic is the ideal partner for customized solutions on an international scale. For future mobility concepts Vitronic is working on using existing traffic infrastructure to control and optimize traffic flows as well as increasing road safety.
Contact details:
Tel: +49 611 7152 0 Email: sales@vitronic.com Web: www.vitronic.com
Yunex Traffic (page 19)
Yunex Traffic is a separately managed company of Siemens Mobility. It is a global leader in the field of intelligent traffic systems, offering the widest end-to-end portfolio of solutions for adaptive traffic control and management, highway, and tunnel automation, as well as smart solutions for V2X and road user charging tolling. Yunex Traffic has 3,100 employees from 58 nations and is active in more than 40 countries worldwide. Its intelligent mobility solutions are currently being used in major cities across the world, including Dubai, London, Berlin, Bogota, and Miami. Yunex Traffic has successfully concentrated its efforts on mastering technologies in the three segments of hardware, software, and service, and is subsequently the only supplier who can meet all major regional standards in Europe, UK, Asia and America.
Contact details:
Tel: +498978050 Email: contact@yunextraffic.com Web: www.yunextraffic.com