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RFID: parking and tolling
RFID: innovative parking and tolling
New high-security products for automatic vehicle identification in two applications: efficient monitoring of parking permits and toll collection
Words | Kai Schnapauff, Schreiner PrinTrust, Germany

The family of RFID-windshield labels from Schreiner PrinTrust enables contactless automatic vehicle identification (AVI) for multiple applications. Reliable access control and electronic billing for toll roads or parking facilities are matched by equal efficiency in vehicle identification in fleet management or in innovative car-sharing systems.
Secure performance for tolling
Customized developments are currently in progress primarily for major tolling projects in the Arab region, Spain and South America. User fees for infrastructure such as roads, tunnels or bridges will become increasingly important to support new construction projects or to maintain existing traffic routes. Besides standard vignette solutions, Schreiner PrinTrust offers a portfolio of RFID labels for AVI and tolling purposes for which multi-level security concepts are available, depending on customerspecific requirements. Maximum security is delivered by the ‘Global secure’ version, with encryption and anti-counterfeiting technology. Holograms, void effects and color-shifting inks are just some examples of diverse integratable security features in a portfolio of solutions that take the protection of the label’s physical integrity into account as well as ensuring the security of data storage and transmission. Dynamically encrypted radio transmission across several meters enables efficient processes and absolute confidentiality. Using counterfeit-proof security chips, vehicles are clearly identified for reliable access control.
Efficient monitoring of parking
Schreiner PrinTrust’s RFID-Windshield Labels are an ideal identification solution for modern parking management systems covering both off-street and on-street parking. The reliable technology and numerous user benefits of its ((rfid))Parking Permit development made it appealing to Vienna’s city administration. In use since September 2016 for on-street parking throughout the Austrian capital, this solution has considerably reduced the administrative workload for the city, its inspectors and vehicle owners, who can simply stick the high-tech label on the inside of the windshield in a one-step process. The label can remain there for years, even if parking authorizations change, for instance when permit owners move within the city limits or sell their cars. Annual extensions can be issued more efficiently too, because the ‘sticker’ no longer has to be replaced. Stored on the chip is an ID number that inspectors scan using handheld readers and automatically match with the license number, type of vehicle, the permit’s scope and expiration date stored in the database. As the database contains no personal data, privacy protection is consistently guaranteed. Thanks to ultra-high frequency, vehicle identification is contactless across a distance of a few meters without line of sight, which enormously reduces the effort spent checking parking permits. n

Above left: The newly designed ((rfid))-
Windshield Label Global Secure from Schreiner PrinTrust with its security chip meets the most demanding security requirements
Above: The ((rfid))-Parking Permit for the