A smart city is not just a matter of technology. Surely it requires smart citizens as well?
City residents are living longer. How can we guarantee their quality of life?
Amsterdam has one of the most diverse populations in Europe. How can we keep the city attractive and enjoyable for everyone?
Climate change and increasing population density are making the city vulnerable to extreme weather. How can we keep our feet dry?
30% of the cars in Amsterdam are used less than once a week. Shouldn’t we start sharing cars?
Last year Amsterdam welcomed millions of visitors. Can the city remain attractive for both tourists and residents?
An Amsterdam household produces about 550 kilos of waste per year. How can we reduce and reuse this waste?
What will future energy look like? Will we generate it at home?
Smart City here we come! As cities grow, new opportunities and challenges emerge. The rapid growth of urban populations is driving a demand for smart ideas and solutions for the city. The challenge here is to guide this growth efficiently and sustainably. That’s why Amsterdam Smart City was established.
• The self-reliant neighbourhood
Facts & figures 130+ partners
110.000 unique visitors to each year
Join in!
90+ projects
Open data • Sharing economy • Connectivity • Internet of Things •
2 Amsterdam as a Living Lab
4.400+ followers
If you’d like to contribute to Amsterdam Smart City or you have an innovative idea, then share it with our community: @adamsmartcity
3.800+ likes
Amsterdam Smart City is the innovation platform where public authorities, businesses, citizens and knowledge institutes team up to tackle urban issues. Amsterdam Smart City collaborates intensively with partners in fields ranging from mobility, digitisation and energy to waste. The result: innovative projects that are making the city progressively smarter.
collaboration with start-up accelerators
1.800+ members
• Sensoring
#2 Smart City of Europa
Energy • Water •
5.500+ newsletter subscribers
• Mobility • Domestic living • A balanced city
• Room for private initiatives • Knowledge economy • Safety • Care • Waste • Greenery
Approach connecting
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Amsterdam Me tro p
ideas & challenges
accelerating do i
ng / l e ar ni n
st e
citiz e n s
A rdam an M e t ro p o l i t
Smart Citizens & Living
Circular City Amsterdam Smart City platform
• Smart solutions • Market development • Business models • Replication
Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
Amsterdam: Europe’s #2 Smart City “In recent years, Amsterdam has stepped up its pace to be a leading smart city. Amsterdam Smart City is a public private partnership focused on using the city as an urban laboratory for the use of open data, new mobility solutions and ultimately improved quality of life for all residents and visitors”. Boyd Cohen,
Smart Energy, Water & Waste
Smart Infrastructure & Technology
Smart Government & Education
eleratin g
Being thé innovation platform in Amsterdam, Amsterdam Smart City is aware of all that is happening around urban development in the city. This way ASC is able to connect partners and accelerate the start up of smart city projects. Additionally, knowledge obtained is spread out and used to scale up projects to create an impact in the city.
“Cities will become smarter, but in different ways than many people expected. Whereas top-down projects are struggling, some existing cities are getting smarter from bottom-up. Amsterdam is considered to be a leader of the pack.” The Economist
Smart Mobility
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Focus areas
What do others say? Amsterdam is listed among the top five most innovative cities worldwide, after London, Helsinki, New York and Barcelona. Amsterdam applies an open approach to problems, with a lot of attention for its residents. The city initially concentrates on the challenges requiring urgent attention – such as energy issues – and involves citizens in the process. Model techniques are used to determine the economic impact of problems. This contributes more to building a sustainable city infrastructure than pursuing the latest technological advances, which are often outdated by the time you catch up. Amsterdam moreover uses a partnership model to ensure that all resources are used as efficiently and effectively as possible. Based on research by Accenture, Nesta and Catapult
Where to find us Connect with Amsterdam’s Smart City Innovators
Connect with Amsterdam’s Smart City Innovators
Visit the Smart City Experience Lab
What can you do in and for the smart city? is the online platform for smart city innovations in Amsterdam. Check our website to see what’s happening in Amsterdam and is are helping to make the city smarter. Whether you want to look at projects, events or innovations in Amsterdam, to post a request or to share an innovative idea of your own – it’s all possible here! Go to our site and share your idea with the community.
The Smart City Lab is a showroom located at the Marineterrein in Amsterdam exhibiting innovative solutions for urban challenges. Pop in and contribute whatever you like to the Amsterdam Smart City’s Experience Lab! We organise various activities and are open for visitors from Tuesday 12:30 – 17:00 and Fridays from 09:00 to 16:00. If you wish to come with a group or would like to organise an event, then send a message to