TEMPUR Main Brochure Saudi Arabia

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Changing the way the world sleeps! 速

reduce your back, neck and joint problems The unique pressure relieving properties of the TEMPUR Mattress and Pillow not only pro­ vides the most comfortable night’s sleep, but also guarantees to help relieve back and neck problems, aching joints and circulatory problems. When choosing a bed, people often do not consider their posture. Bad posture and pressure is the main contributor to back, neck and joint problems. The wrong mattress can worsen these conditions if it is too hard or too soft.

RELIEVe PRESSURE WHERE YOU NEED IT MOST The conditions listed on the opposite page can be caused by improper support, incorrect posture and pressure. TEMPUR provides proper support and pressure relief over the entire surface area of your body, helping to prevent and relieve these conditions.

PROVIDe MAXIMUM SUPPORT FOR THE WHOLE BODY The TEMPUR Mattress moulds to the exact shape and position of your body giving your neck, back, shoulders and legs the proper support they need. Your entire body is supported in the correct anatomical position, allowing your spine to have the best natural sleeping posture. Pressure is evenly distributed across the entire contact area between your body and the mat­ tress. Used alongside the TEMPUR Pillow, superior pressure relief is achieved as their anato­ mically correct shape provides comfortable and proper support for the vertebrae of the neck.

– while others offer

– we offer you

you products which

products which are

are designed to

designed to take

remain in its shape.

your shape.

Tempur makes back and neck problems history

HEADACHES/STIFF NECK: Tension in the neck muscles is often aggravated by a poor sleeping posture, which can cause headaches. FIBROSITIS: Poor bed posture often causes tension in back and shoulder muscles. BACK PAIN: Pain and stiffness are often aggravated if the mattress forces the spine into an unnatural position.

PAINFUL HIP JOINTS: A hard mattress can worsen painful hips and lead to discomfort and inflammation of the joints. ACHING KNEES: Pressure and touch can make aching knee joints even more sensitive and vulnerable. CIRCULATORY PROBLEMS: Swollen feet and calves can benefit from a mattress which relieves pressure.

tempur - changing the way the world sleeps

YOU FEeL WEIGHTLESS The weight of your body is evenly distributed over the entire lying surface. This experience is often described as a feeling of weightlessness.

Your spine and joints rest in their natural positions Physical discomfort, soreness and stiffness can often be traced back to incorrect or unna足 tural sleeping positions. The most important task of a mattress is to adapt to the body, never the other way around, and the most important function of a pillow is to support the neck. When you sleep on a TEMPUR Mattress, your spine and joints rest in their natu足 ral positions. By relieving your muscles and nerves you sleep more peacefully. It is impor足 tant to support the neck and the top part of the natural curve of the back.

Tempur mattress

Ordinary spring mattress

The TEMPUR Mattresses and Pillows allow the spine and

An ordinary spring mattresses and pillows often cause

joints to rest in their natural positions, causing the least

pressure and unnatural sleeping positions, resulting in

possible stress on muscles and nerves.

decreased circulation, numbness, pain and discomfort.


WHAT IS TEMPUR? TEMPUR is an open celled visco-ela­ stic, tem­perature sensitive material that conforms to the exact contours

Unique Cellular Structure

of your body. The open cells allow

Unlike ordinary polyurethane which features irregular cell shapes

air to flow through the mattress

that simply compress under weight, the TEMPUR Pressure Relieving

maintaining the body tempe­rature.

Material is composed of billions of visco-elastic spherical shaped, open

The spherical cell structure gently

cells. The cells respond to your body temperature and weight and

moves around the curves of your

mould to the exact contours of your body.

body giving you total support where you need it but with no counter pres­

The TEMPUR Pressure Relieving Material becomes softer in warmer

sure. When you lift your body from

areas (where your body is making the most contact with the surface)

the TEMPUR Material it returns to its

and remains firmer in cooler areas (where less body contact is being

original shape.

made). Imagine a mattress that’s firm where you need it and soft where you want it, giving you a feeling of weightlessness. It’s like having a custom designed mattress.

PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION COMPARISOn The difference between a TEMPUR Mattress and a spring mattress is TEMPUR Mattress

scientifically documented and it can be demonstrated by means of an electronic measurement system. Using an elastic blanket with pressure sensors connected to a PC, we have compared the pressure relief. The two illustrations show what happens when a person weighing 90 kg lies on a TEMPUR Mattress, compared to what happens when they lie on a high-quality spring mattress. The measurements show that the TEMPUR Mattress is by far the best at relieving the body of pressure.

Spring mattress

(Test persons were lying on their back).

SEE THE COLOURS AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE The light blue and the blue show areas of low pressure. Yellow, orange and red show areas where the body is subjected to a high, uncomfor足 table pressure that means reduced blood circulation. You will recognise this as 足troubled sleep in which you toss and turn throughout the night.


Sleep is a physiological necessity for all living beings. Sleep is essential for the body’s regeneration, and lack of sleep can affect both immune response and functions such as learning and memory. The unique TEMPUR Mattress and Pillow range is revolutionising the bedroom. By impro­ ving the quality of sleep we are changing the lives of millions of people throughout the world. Experience TEMPUR - and find out how our mattresses and pillows can change your life... forever.

What happens when we sleep? l

During the night we pass through four different sleep phases and two types of sleep: REM and non-REM sleep


Our energy reserves are recharged and our nervous system, immune system and musculoskeletal system recover from the stresses and strains of everyday life


Scientists believe that the different phases of sleep support different memory functions


REM sleep is supposed to promote unconscious learning processes, such as acquiring motor skills


Deep sleep helps the higher cognitive functions and plays an important role in allowing the brain to memorise facts or solutions to difficult tasks

l Acute lack of sleep can cause mental problems, such as anxiety attacks or hallucinations

Sleep is vitally important for you!

You’ll sleep like a log

PEACEFUL AND QUIET SLeEP TEMPUR Material absorbs motion so you don’t feel your partner’s movements and you will sleep more soundly. Each of you are supported independently and will not roll together like you may on your current mattress. Your partner’s movements will never disturb you again.


Less Tossing and Turning The elimination of pressure-points on a TEMPUR Mattress will decrease the need to toss and turn during the night, resulting in undisturbed and restfull sleep.

LESS SNORING Many get their sleep disturbed by snoring partners. Independent studies show that snoring is heavily reduced by using TEMPUR Pillows. This will help both you and your partner to a better night’s sleep.



A healthier night’s sleep

Have a breath of fresh morning air When you invest in a TEMPUR Mattress or Pillow, you are investing in your own wellbeing. Quite simply, you will get a healthier body and more energy because you will wake up fresh and rested every morning. TEMPUR Mattresses and Pillows are simply the most comfortable and supportive sleep products on the market today. They promote comfort, enhance support and relieve the pressure that can cause pain. No other mattress and pillow that is available for consumer use is as widely acclaimed.

Individual Comfort With the TEMPUR Mattress, each person’s body weight and motion is perfectly absorbed and distributed evenly, eliminating “peaks” or pressure points that may cause pain and tossing and turning. The TEMPUR Mattress does not transmit motion, enabling you and your partner to sleep comfortably, without disturbing one another.

Environmentally friendly material TEMPUR puts it’s pride in supplying environmentally friendly products. The covers meet the Ökotex 100 standard and the mattress material has been approved by the independant German institute, LGA, as environmentally friendly.

Anti-mite treatment The TEMPUR Pillow and Mattress come complete with removable covers which are anti-mite and anti-allergy treated.


Adjustable bed bases We have combined the highest quality, trouble free adjustable bed with the unique TEMPUR Mattress. With one simple touch of a button you can raise your head, body and legs without creating pressure or any strain on your body. The TEMPUR Mattress easily moulds to the shape of the adjustable base to perform like no other adjustable bed mat足 tress can. Dual system users will marvel at the virtually undetectable separation between the mattress and the base. Reading, watching TV or listening to music has never been easier or more relaxing than with the TEMPUR Mattresses and adjustable beds.


Adjustable and enjoyable

MULTIPLE CHOICE OF ADJUSTABLE POSITONS 91% of users say that the TEMPUR Mattress is extremely comfortable. This is also due to the TEMPUR bed’s multiple adjusta­ ble positions, which allows you to raise and rest tired swollen legs or simply regenerate in an anatomically correct sitting or lying position.



TEMPUR – HEALTHIEST FOR THE BACK Relaxing the spine in a natural position during sleep is essen­


tial for the body’s regeneration during the night. The spine

TEMPUR was originally introduced in the healthcare sector to

has a natural, double S-shaped position. When forced in an

prevent pressure sores and relieve back pain. Today, TEMPUR

unnatural position this can cause pain or discomfort. When

is familiar to millions of people in over 60 countries throug­

you lie on the TEMPUR Mattress, you have total pressure

hout the world who enjoy, every night, TEMPUR’s phenom­

relief. Your body is not subjected to high-pressure anywhere.

enal ability to improve sleep. We achieve this through pres­ sure distribution and energy absorption which prohibits any restriction of blood flow.


RECOMMENDED BY 30,000 MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS Over 30,000 Medical Professionals recommend the TEMPUR Products to their patients suffering from sleep dif足 ficulties, back, joint or neck problems. Our products are also recognized and purchased by hospitals, nursing homes and sleep centres across theworld as a result of the unique pressure relieving properties.


take me to the moon… Join the technological revolution

The One and Only TEMPUR The unique TEMPUR Mattress and Pillow ranges are revolutionising the bedroom and have been heralded as the biggest breakthrough in sleep technology in the last 75 years. They’ve proven that a restful and “body-friendly” bed should not be hard or soft, but yielding and above all pressure relieving. The mattress you sleep on shouldn’t force your body to conform to it – your mattress should and needs to conform to you. The TEMPUR Mattress is the only mattress that accomplishes this. The result – the best night’s sleep of your life!


Conceived by NASA The TEMPUR Material was originally developed in the early 1970’s at NASA’s Ames Research Center, to relieve the pressure build up from the G-force experienced by astronauts during lift off.

Perfected by TEMPUR TEMPUR scientists realised the enormous potential of this material and began experiments in the early 1980’s to perfect it for consumer use. After large investments in research, the TEMPUR Material we know today was developed. It is an open-celled, temperature-sensitive, visco-elastic material able to distribute pressure and body weight evenly. 19

NEw sleep new day new life



SBC SUPREME chocolate



The TEMPUR Mattress Collection

INDIVIDUAL COMFORT The TEMPUR Mattress is the world’s easiest mattress to use and maintain. The TEMPUR Mattress never needs turning, a great plus for back pain sufferers. The TEMPUR Combi Mattress can be placed directly on any bed base or well ventilated surface. The range of TEMPUR Combi mattresses comes in four different models, the DeLuxe, 25, 20 and 15cm and has an upper layer of visco-elastic temperature sensitive TEMPUR Material lami­ nated to a high quality polyurethane foam base. To increase the comfort of your existing mattress we offer a 7cm TEMPUR overlay.


Overlay Mattress 7 cm Tempur visco-elastic temperature sensitive material is placed on top of any conventional mattress in good condition to improve pressure relief and comfort. When you have invested in a good quality mattress but you are not getting the comfort that you need, the TEMPUR Overlay Mattress transforms any ordinary mattress to give you a more suppor­ tive and comfortable night’s sleep.



15 cm Combi Mattress


An upper layer of 7 cm visco-elastic temperature sensitive TEMPUR Material is laminated to an 8 cm high resilient polyurethane foam base. The airflow system between the TEMPUR layer and the foam base provides additional in-depth resilience and greater ventilation throughout the mattress. Ideal for low, modern bedsteads.

A. 7 cm TEMPUR visco elastic temperature sensitive material B. 8 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam




20 cm Combi Mattress An extra 2 cm “soft-touch” TEMPUR top layer laminated to 7 cm TEMPUR


visco-elastic temperature sensitive material, which is then laminated to 11 cm high resilient polyurethane foam. The mattress is suitable for any ventilated bed base.

A. 2 cm TEMPUR "soft-touch" B. 7 cm TEMPUR visco elastic temperature sensitive ­material C. 11 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam



25 cm Combi Mattress C

An extra 3 cm ”soft-touch” TEMPUR top layer laminated to 7cm TEMPUR visco-elastic temperature sensitive material, which is then laminated to 2 x 7,5 cm high resilient polyurethane foam. The double airflow system between the TEMPUR layer and the foam base provides


additional in-depth resilience and greater ventilation throughout the mat­ tress. Most ideal for deep bedsteads and can be used on any ventilated bed base. A. 3 cm Tempur "soft-touch" B. 7 cm Tempur visco elastic temperature sensitive material C. 7.5 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam D. 7.5 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam


TEMPUR Deluxe Mattress The TEMPUR Deluxe Mattress combines the unique pressure relieving qualities of TEMPUR, with a luxurious feel that is unparalleled in the bedroom. It not only looks luxurious, but also offers enhanced comfort. This 22 cm mattress is constructed differently to the TEMPUR Combi Mattress. The TEMPUR Deluxe Mattress has a quilted velour cover with a 2 cm layer of sumptuous TEMPUR Material embedded within it. Underneath the quilted cover lies a 9 cm layer of TEMPUR Material, on top of 11 cm of conventional polyurethane foam. The TEMPUR Deluxe Mattress works in perfect partnership with the TEMPUR bed range, or any well ventilated bed base or frame. 28




The Deluxe Mattress features the new TEMPUR-TexTM Cover with in-built humidity control.

A. Quilted cover with 2 cm of TEMPUR embedded within it B. 9 cm TEMPUR visco elastic temperature sensitive material C. 11 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam


TEMPUR Celebrity Mattress The Celebrity Mattress has been designed to add even more luxury to our pressure re足lieving technology than our existing ranges. Extra deep and with more TEMPUR Material, the Celebrity Mattress is a delight to sleep on. The ultra-plush design contains even more TEMPUR pressure relieving material than our Deluxe Mattress and is 11 cm 足taller than our standard 20 cm Mattress at 31 cm deep. The TEMPUR Celebrity Mattress not only offers extravagance, but also provides the same pressure relieving comfort as all TEMPUR Products. The Dual airflow system provides ventilation throughout the mattress. The Celebrity Mattress has a non-slip bottom and like all the TEMPUR Mattresses never needs turning. The TEMPUR Celebrity Mattress comes with handles for easy transportation. The Celebrity Mattress is available from selected stockists only. 30




The Celebrity Mattress features the new TEMPUR-TexTM Cover with in-built humidity control.

A. 5 cm Tempur "soft-touch" B. 7 cm Tempur visco elastic temperature sensitive material C. 8 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam D. 11 cm High Resilient Polyurethane Foam


TEMPUR Adjustable bed bases 4 zones For optimum pressure relief. The frame is divided into four zones. The springs have different degrees of firmness in order to absorb the different levels of pressure. The pressure is distributed evenly across the entire surface area.

Zone 1 Head zone The spring elements in this zone have shorter, stiffer springs to provide additional support.

Zone 2 Shoulder zone The springs used for this sensitive area of the body are soft.

Zone 3 Back zone In this area all the spring elements have a medium level of firmness. The back zone is firmer than the shoulder zone in order to accommodate the heavier load.

Zone 4 Foot zone As in zone 1, firm, supportive springs are used in this area.


TEMPUR SYSTEM FRAMES AND FLAT FRAMES The combination of TEMPUR Mattresses and TEMPUR System Frames or flat frames distributes the load evenly across the whole surface of the bed. This means that the spine, muscles and ligaments are correctly aligned and the blood circulation is impro­ ved, resulting in a refreshing and relaxing night’s sleep. This is made possible because the frame consists of a large number of spring elements which are not rigidly linked to one another. The individual elements, together with the base plate which has been specially developed to distribute the pressure from the TEMPUR Mattress, absorb the constant pressure in the same way as a joint, both lengthways and crossways. Because the frame consists of flexible individual elements, this is described as a ”differential surface”. The regular gaps between the elements guarantee that the TEMPUR System has the best possible ventilation. To provide additional fine adjustment of the spring elements, optional lumbar inserts can be used to support the lumbar vertebrae. Optional legs and mattress holders can easily be fitted at a later date to transform the system frame or flat frame into a bed.



TEMPUR static Specifications l

System frame, 10.5 cm high


No adjustment

SYSTEM FRAMES & ACCESSORIES SPRING ELEMENTS The spring elements are the key feature of the fra­ mes. They are designed to work like a ball-and-socket joint. As a result they can move in all directions and their movement is not determined by the direction in which the force is applied. The pressure of the body is supported by the large number of spring elements and distributed evenly over the entire surface.


with two motors for continuous variable adjustment

Specifications l

Splash protection


Safety in accordance with EN 60529

l P owered

LOWERING THE SHOULDERS The integrated shoulder zone allows the shoulders to sink gently into the mattress, whilst still providing sup­ port for the neck. The firmness of the shoulder zone can be increased later by using harder springs.

by two motors for

­continuous variable adjustment l M ains

cut-off, emergency lowering

feature l

Reset function

MATTRESS HOLDERS If the TEMPUR system frame is used as a free-stan­ ding bed, mattress holders are necessary to prevent the mattress from slipping. We recommend using five holders: one in the foot area and two on each side of the frame.


INFRARed remote control The infrared remote control is standrad on the Superflex.

with four motors for continuously variable adjustment and infrared remote control

Specifications l

System frame, 10.5 cm high

l P owered

by four motors for

­continuous variable adjustment l M ains

cut-off, emergency lowering

Legs and mattress holders can easily be fitted to the system frame at a later date to turn it into a bed.

universal leg

feature l


Reset function

l N eck,

back, thigh and foot areas can

be separately adjusted l K nee

and foot areas can be moved

to the relaxed position

Item No.




Mattress Holder

5 x Type 1


Mattress Holder Set B

6 x Type 1


Mattress Holder Set D

4 x Type 1, 1 x Type 2


Mattress Holder Set D

4 x Type 1, 2 x Type 2


Universal Leg 19 cm grey

1 Set - 4 Pcs


Universal Leg 24 cm grey

1 Set - 4 Pcs


Universal Leg 29 cm grey

1 Set - 4 Pcs


Dual Leg 19 cm grey

1 Set - 4 Pcs


Dual Leg 25 cm grey

1 Set - 4 Pcs


Design Leg 28 cm grey

1 Set - 4 Pcs

Dual leg

Design leg 35


the tempur pillow collection

Anatomical design The TEMPUR Pillows can relieve pain, snoring, and sleep problems. Their anatomical design in combination with the pressure relieving effect of the TEMPUR Material provide maximum comfort to the neck area, allowing neck and shoulder muscles to relax com足 pletely. TEMPUR offers a range of pillows, which fulfils different cravings to the best sleeping position.


How do I know which pillow is right for me? A pillow is a very individual choice. All the TEMPUR Pillows work in very much the same way offering maximum support.

TEMPUR Original Pillow The Original TEMPUR Pillow was developed together with physi足 otherapists to ensure that it moulds perfectly to the exact 足contours of your neck and head, giving excellent support and relief to the neck and shoulder muscles. The Original Pillow is 足a support pillow and is recommended to those suffering from back or neck pain or those who prefer a support pillow.

TEMPUR Millennium Pillow The forward-tilting edge gives ideal support to the upper vertebrae whether you sleep on your back or your side. The Millennium Pillow has been designed as a support pillow and is recommended to those suffering from back or neck pain or those who prefer a support pillow.

TEMPUR Classic Pillow The TEMPUR Classic Pillow combines a traditional pillow shape with optimum neck support. The Classic Pillow is a support pillow and is recommended to those suffering from back or neck pain or those who prefer a support pillow.


TEMPUR comfort Pillow The TEMPUR Comfort Pillow combines support and comfort in a new and radical way. A traditional shaped pil足low made from a patented TEMPUR envelope and containing shredded TEMPUR Material gives a soft luxurious feel whilst maintaining the pressure relief.

TEMPUR Deluxe Pillow The TEMPUR DeLuxe Pillow is the softest, most luxurious TEMPUR Pillow ever created. An ultra-soft layer of TEMPUR pressure relieving material is quilted right into the pillow cover. Beneath this layer, thousands of TEMPUR micro-cushions provide the perfect combination of softness and pressure relieving support. The TEMPUR DeLuxe Pillow features an exclusive dualsensitivity cover. The satin side offers a slightly cooler, firmer surface. The revolutionary TEMPUR-TexTM side provides a slightly warmer softer surface with inbuilt humidity control features. The DeLuxe Pillow comes in one size and will fit into a standard-sized pillowcase.

TEMPUR symphony Pillow The TEMPUR Symphony Pillow is made from a super soft TEMPUR Mate足 rial. The Pillow can be used on both sides. One side for additional support and the other side for a more traditional pillow feel that works well for those who sleep on their side.



The tempur small Product Collection Pressure relieving cushions and supports for every day life

TEMPUR Travel Pillow 31 cm

Take your favourite pillow with you when away from home - it has the same shape and function as the TEMPUR Original Pillow but half the width. A practical pouch compresses the volume 70% when packed. Travel Pillow

25 cm

25 x 31 x 10/7 cm

TEMPUR TRANSIT PILLOW Your neck companion when travelling or whenever you need extra neck support. The shape cradles the neck and holds the pillow in place. 28 cm

30 cm

Transit Pillow

30 x 28 x 11 cm

TEMPUR Travel Set The TEMPUR Travel Set offers a portable sleep system for all those who can’t leave home without their TEMPUR Mattress and Pillow. This lightweight set consists of a Travel Overlay Mattress and a Travel Pillow packed into a convenient carrier bag. Travel set

70 x 200 x 3.5 cm

36 cm

TEMPUR Lumbar Support Fits perfectly to the curve of the spine as a result of the variable height adjustments,

36 cm

the anatomical shape and the pressure relieving properties. Ideally combined with the TEMPUR Seat Cushion or the TEMPUR PC Seat Wedge. Lumbar Support

36 x 36 x 7 cm

TEMPUR Transit Lumbar Support 25 cm

A handy lumbar support to use whilst travelling or at home. Simply insert it between the chair and the back in the preferred position. Transit Lumbar Support 30 cm


30 x 25 x 6 cm

TEMPUR Seat Cushion Distributes your weight evenly over the entire sitting surface making you sit comfortably 42 cm

for extended periods of time. Can be used on any chair. 40 cm

Seat Cushion

40 x 40 x 5 cm

TEMPUR PC Seat Wedge Relieves the back in a natural way. Due to its shape, the seat wedge pushes the pelvis forward, which automatically brings your back to an upright posture. Ideal for everybody

40 cm

working in a sitting position, especially PC users.

40 cm

Seat Wedge

40 x 40 x 9/1 cm

TEMPUR Bed Back Support  Used on an ordinary mattress the TEMPUR Bed Back Support provides support and relief 70 cm

to the lumbar area. Ideal for pregnant women. Bed Back Support

40 cm

70 x 40 x 1/5/1 cm

TEMPUR Multi-Pillow This pillow is designed for multi-purpose use to support and relieve different areas of the body from pressure, discomfort and pain. Ideal for pregnant women.

68 cm


68 x 30 x 8/1 cm

30 cm

TEMPUR Universal Pillow 50 cm

A semi-circular pillow for all-round use when you need pressure relief and support. Ideal for use under the knees, arms, ankles, the lumbar region or the neck.

20 cm

35 cm

Universal Pillow 35 cm

35 x 20 x 10 cm

Universal Pillow 50 cm

50 x 20 x 10 cm

30,5 cm

TEMPUR Car Comforter Offers ultimate in-car comfort and supports your back where needed. The adjustable lumbar support can be pushed up and down to fit your back or it can be removed if you 105 cm

prefer to use just the TEMPUR comfort layer on your seat. 51 cm

Car Comforter

51/30,5x105x2*2 cm



tempur mattress and pillow covers

Easy Maintenance Everyone wants to sleep in a clean environment so unlike most mattresses, where the cover is an integrated part of the mattress, the cover on the TEMPUR Mattress as well as the TEMPUR Pillows can be easily removed to be cleaned or aired. The cover is anti mite treated and the treatment is an integrated part of the cover. The high density and the permanent memory of the TEMPUR Material allows it to return to its original shape every time. That is why the TEMPUR Mattress never needs to be flipped, rotated or turned.


Tempur guarantee


Guarantee 1 year

2 years

3 years

5 years

Washing 15 years** Cover - Washing

DeLuxe Mattress 22 cm


Not washable

DeLuxe Mattress 17 cm


Not washable

25 cm Combi Mattress


60° C

20 cm Combi Mattress


60° C

15 cm Combi Mattress


60° C

7 cm Overlay mattress Celebrity Mattress


60° C


Adjustable - Electric - 2 motors


Adjustable - Electric - 4 motors


Adjustable - Electric - 5 motors


Bed bases - Frame


Original Pillow Millenniums Pillow


60° C 60° C

Comfort Pillow - yellow velour


60° C

Classic Pillow


60° C

Deluxe Pillow Symphony Pillow


Travel Pillow


60° C

Travel Set


60° C

Transit Pillow


60° C

Lumbar Support


60° C

Transit Lumbar Support


60° C

Seat Wedge


60° C

Car Comforter





*Pro rata 0-5 years: Full guarantee

**Pro rata 0-5 years: Full guarantee

6-10 years: The guarantee is reduced by 1/5 per annum

6-15 years: The guarantee is reduced by 1/10 per annum



Quick guide to better sleep The unique TEMPUR Mattress and Pillow range is revolutionising the bedroom. By improving the ­quality of sleep we are changing the lives of millions of ­­people ­through­out the world. Experience TEMPUR - and find out how our ­mattresses and pillows can change your life... forever.

Make back and neck problems history

Feel weightless Imagine a mattress that’s firm

Unique cellular structure

when you need it and soft where

TEMPUR is an open celled visco-

The TEMPUR Mattress moulds to

you want it, giving you a feeling

elastic, tem­perature sensitive

the exact shape and position of

of weightlessness. It’s like having

material that conforms to the

your body giving your neck, back,

a custom designed mattress.

exact contours of your body. The

shoulders and legs the proper

open cells allow air to flow

support they need.

through the mattress maintaining the body tempe­rature.

Improve your quality of life

Peaceful sleep

Sleep is a physiological neces­

so you don’t feel your partner’s

TEMPUR puts it’s pride in sup­

sity for all living beings. Sleep is

movements and you will sleep

plying ­environmentally friendly

essential for the body’s regenera­

more soundly. Each of you are

products. The covers meet the

tion, and lack of sleep can affect

supported independently and will

Ökotex-100 standard.

both immune- re­sponse and

not roll together like you may on

functions such as learning and

your current mattress. Your part­


ner’s movements will never dis­

TEMPUR Material absorbs motion

Environmentally friendly

turb you again.

Ultimate Comfort


Reading, watching TV or listening

Over 30.000 Medical Professionals

Developed by NASA

to music has never been easier

around the globe recommend the

TEMPUR is a high-tech, visco-ela­

or more relaxing than with the

TEMPUR Products to their patients

stic material developed originally

TEMPUR Mattresses and adjusta­

­suffering from sleep difficulties,

by NASA for the US space pro­

ble beds.

back, joint or neck problems.

gramme in the 1970’s.



• The unique pressure relieving ­properties of TEMPUR will increase sleep comfort • Makes back and neck problems history • Number one selling visco-elastic mattresses and pillows in the world • Only mattresses and pillows recognised and approved by NASA • Recommended by medical professionals worldwide • Our own production facility has been ­manufacturing the unique TEMPUR Material to the highest standards for the last 18 years • Many clinical trials have proven the ­therapeutic benefits of TEMPUR • Millions of satisfied customers all over the world



Changing the way the world sleeps! ®

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