1 minute read
CeReBRaL aneuRYSm: A Bulg e in the Human Br a
from The Liberty
Other symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm cited by mayoclinic.com are: nausea and vomiting, stiff neck, blurred or double vision, sensitivity to light, seizure, a drooping eyelid, loss of consciousness, and confusion.
Safety valve against aneurysm
Your laptop’s battery that has begun to swell can cause issues, such as pushing the trackpad out of place or otherwise mars the computer’s body, causing it to shut down. However, un like your gadget’s battery, human life cannot be replaced once it has been damaged, nor can it be taken to a tech repair shop once it suddenly stops working. If you take care of your device, your battery is unlikely to swell. The same goes for your health. You can ’t always prevent brain aneurysms, but you can lower your risk by maintaining healthy blood pressure and taking steps to reduce and manage tress well. Remember, our brain acts as humans ’ battery and once it is overcharged, it stresses out, allowing the battery to degrade.