Issue 104

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Multimedia News & Views

ISSN: 1039-2300

Print Post No. PP 255003/01403

Print edition published Monthly on first Friday with frequent Website updates

Muslims & the Media FAIR DINKUM PAGE 3


What is Ramadan?

GST on our food items




Calendar Lift-outs

PLANNER PAGE 10-11 RAMADAN PAGE 19 News ................................1 - 2 • Ramadan for Sonny Bill Williams • Radio Host Axed Boomerang .....................13 - 5 Community ........................... • AMUST Memory Lane • Muslim Contribution to Australia Community ..................... 6 - 7 • CAR Refugees • Events Calendar Family ............................. 8 - 9 • The Meaning of Ramadan • Poem: Dreaming Australia ..................... 12 - 13 • MCCA: 25 Years On • Mufti’s Ramadan Message Ummah ....................... 14 - 16 • Media Scan • SAMAA - Jashne Buzurg

More death sentences en masse in Egypt al-Sisi, has refused to intervene. The court verdict is widely seen as being dictated by the Egyptian military regime ruthlessly suppressing any form of dissent and its reporting by international media organisations. The judiciary in Egypt is not considered independent and toes the dictates of the regime led by General al-Sisi, who deposed the democratically elected President Mohamed Mursi on 3 July last year and has since ruled with an iron fist killing thousands and putting tens of thousands behind bars. More than 2,000 unarmed protesters camped in Al-Adawiyah Square were killed by the military in August last year including women and children who took refuge in the Al-Adawiyah mosque. The notorious Egyptian judge Said


Youssef has been giving death sentences en masse to people arrested for supporting AlIkhwan al Muslimoon, Muslim Brotherhood that won the free and fair elections held in 2012. On 21 June in Minya, he gave death sentences to 183 defendants accusing them of supporting Muslim Brotherhood. The same judge caused international outrage when he pronounced death sentences on 529 people on 29 March. Human rights organisations have decried these sentences and called on the Egyptian regime to adhere to the rule of law. However this ruthless suppression is widely considered as a means of eliminating any opposition to the regime in general and the popular Muslim Brotherhood in particular. Full message of Peter Greste on Page 2

Professor Shahjahan Khan


Fairfield Showground, 494 Smithfield Rd, Prairiewood

Education .......................... 17 • Integral Teaching & Learning • Ramadan Reflections Business ..................... 18 - 19 • Homebush Halal Meats A Success Story

AFIC initiates constitutional reform Celebrates Golden Jubilee



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Issue # 104 Friday 4 July 2014; 6 Ramadan 1435

Jailed Australian journalist speaks from Egyptian prison Zia Ahmad Peter Greste, the award winning Australian journalist jailed by the Egyptian regime has passed a message via his brothers, Mike and Andrew, showing his outrage at the verdict against him and pledging to do all he can to overturn the conviction. He also conveyed that he was grateful for the extraordinary public support he has been getting for his ordeal. While working for Al Jazeera, Greste was arrested in Cairo last year with two other colleagues Mohammad Fahmy and Baher Mohammad while reporting on the military crackdown against unarmed demonstrators. They were accused of news reporting which was “damaging to the national security”. Greste’s application for bail was repeatedly refused and, after months of solitary confinement, on 23 June he was found guilty by the court and sentenced to seven years in prison. The news of the verdict followed swift international condemnation, outrage by the journalistic fraternity and demands for justice by human rights organisations such as Amnesty International. Despite representations by many politicians including US Secretary of State John Kerry who termed the sentence “chilling and draconian” as well as by the Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, the Egyptian strongman, General Peter Greste




The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) branded Muslims Australia celebrated golden jubilee of its formation and promptly initiated a review of its constitution in order to bring about democratic reforms in the umbrella body of Muslims in Australia. The Golden Jubilee (50th) Congress of AFIC was held in the Old Parliament House, Canberra on 27 May 2014 under the chairmanship of the current AFIC President, Mr Hafez Kassem. Fifty years ago Muslims in Australia created the national organisation to look after the affairs of the growing number of followers of Islam in the continent. In 1963, communities of Muslims in the country united under an organisational structure to integrate the Muslims at the grass root level

Proudly Printed in Australia by MPD - Unit E1, 46-62 Maddox Street, Alexandria NSW 2015

under the Australian Federation of Islamic Societies (AFIS). The main purpose of AFIS was to serve the basic religious needs of Muslims through building mosques and providing Islamic education to children. Later the Australian Federation of Islamic Continued on Page 2

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NEWS NRL Rooster champion prepares for Ramadan AMUST

Usman Siddiqui The NRL champion Rooster forward, Sonny Bill Williams, a Muslim Australian will train and play while fasting during the month of Ramadan. He will play a 3pm game against the Panthers on 19 July while observing the fast. The Roosters train in daylight hours at least three days a week but may even adjust the schedule so Sonny can train after sunset, a sign of standing and respect that his colleagues and his club has for him and his faith. Sonny Bill has spoken to dietitians and the Roosters’ sports science staff to carefully plan his diet and training for the next four weeks during Ramadan. His diet will include breads, cereals and other grain products, fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and poultry, milk, cheese and yoghurt and lots of water. Another NRL star, the former goalkicking champion Hazem El Masri, playing for the Bulldogs used to do the same, training and playing while fasting during the month of Ramadan. “If you’ve got the will and belief you can achieve whatever you desire,” El Masri said. Ramadan started on Sunday 29 June and will end after 30 days on Sunday 27 July with thanksgiving and Eid-ul-Fitr celebra-

Roosters Sonny Bill Williams Source: News Limited

tion on Monday 28 July. Fasting during the month means abstaining from meals and drinks from dawn to dusk, 5.30 in the morning till 5 in the evening. Sonny Bill Williams tweeted at 5am on Sunday 29 June, first day of Ramadan: “Good luck to the brothers and sisters out there doing Ramadan, inshallah, Allah makes it easy for you.”

NEWS 1-2




Radio host of 2GB axed A. Meerah

Michael Smith, radio host of 2GB has been given the axe just after being booked to present an afternoon program for three weeks due to offensive comments made about the Prophet Muhammad (s) on air when speaking with Mr Ben Fordham on Thursday 26 June 2014. On his website, Smith posted a blog titled “Why I won’t be on 2GB on Monday” where he mentioned that David Kidd, 2GB program director called him the night before and said “We won’t be needing you, you can’t call a deity a pedophile.” This is not the first time Mr Smith has made a rant against Islam that has landed him in hot water. In 2011 he was investigated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority for expressing the same sentiments, but was later cleared. Mr Smith used this to justify himself “I’ve got an ACMA finding in relation to something I said a while ago, so I can say it with confidence!”. ‘‘The prophet Muhammad was a paedophile, a pederast, a sexual offender, a man who promoted the idea that it was OK to marry a six-year-old and consummate the marriage when the little girl was nine. And that’s written into their books, it’s part of the philosophy ... the Koran. It’s factually correct.” In a press release from the Lebanese Muslim Association, President Samier Dandan said “The fact that someone can be given a regular platform on air, which he uses to in-

sult a figure passionately loved by one quarter of the world’s population is reprehensible in any modern society built on ideals of compassion and acceptance.” The press release mentioned that Smith “offers nothing new to the diatribe that is thrown onto the Islamic faith..” and “To imply that the Prophet was [a pedophile or sex offender] is abhorrent and a highly disrespectful misrepresentation of his life. The portrayal ignores the facts..”. “We urge Mr Smith to better educate himself on the tenets of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad.” and commended 2GB on their decision to cancel Michael Smith’s afternoon program slot. In the interview, Mr Smith brought up the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, saying “What is the difference with the radical Islamists, with Hizb-ut-Tahrir, things that they do as normal, how the hell do we tolerate Islamism as a legitimate ideology and give it any sort of breathing space?”, he then said “Uthman Badar is a person who promotes paedophilia.” Amongst calls from listeners outraged by Mr Smith’s comments, Veteran presenter Ray Hadley criticised Smith’s comments ‘‘I want to go on record today and completely distance myself from Mr Smith’s comments… I was insulted by what was said ... and I’ve got to speak out against it.’’ Smith’s response to criticism over his comments has not impacted his decision to recant or apologise for causing offence.

Greste Message from prison AFIC initiates constitutional reform “I am devastated and outraged by Tuesday’s verdict. Throughout this trial, the prosecutor has consistently failed to present a single piece of concrete evidence to support the outrageous allegations against us. At the same time our lawyers have highlighted countless procedural errors, irregularities and abuses of due process that should have had the entire case thrown out of court many times over. That is why I intend to do everything I can and consider all possible measures to overturn the conviction. The verdict confirms that our trial was never simply about the

charges against us. It has been an attempt to use the court to intimidate and silence critical voices in the media. That is why I know that our freedom, and more importantly the freedom of Egypt’s press will never come without noisy, sustained pressure from individuals, human rights groups, governments and anyone who understand the fundamental importance of a free press to Egypt’s fledgling democracy. We are all grateful for the extraordinary and unprecedented public support that countless people have offered us throughout this ordeal. It has kept us strong and continues to do so. We must all remain committed to fight this gross injustice for as long as necessary.”

More news page 15 Ramadan Message

by Mufti of Australia Page 13

Continued from page 1 Councils (AFIC) was set up in 1976 to allow for a three tier structure – Federation at the national level, Councils at the state level and Societies at the local level. The congress dinner was held at the Great Hall of the Parliament House. The Governor General of Australia, Honourable Peter Cosgrove was the chief guest. It was attended by the congress delegates, federal ministers, leader of the opposition, members of the parliament, representatives of diplomatic missions, religious and community leaders. According to the AFIC homepage, “The main role of AFIC is to represent Islam and Muslims of Australia as one “Ummah” to the government and other bodies nationally and internationally. AFIC coordinates and provides resources for activities of its State Islamic Councils and member Islamic societies.” Over the years AFIS/AFIC has supported establishment of many mosques in different parts of Australia, and has engaged in numerous humanitarian and charity activities at home and abroad. Currently AFIC runs eight Islamic Schools/Colleges in New

Caged Peter Greste in Egyptian court

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Australasian Muslim Times

South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, and ACT. These institutions are making great contributions to the community and in the country in preparing future generation of Muslim professionals and leaders. AFIC also runs a Halal Service. The Congress amongst other resolutions passed the following motion moved by Professor Shahjahan Khan of Islamic Society of Toowoomba, Queensland: “The Congress resolved that a special Congress be convened within eight months from today to finalise the review of AFIC constitution. The review committee should be headed by the secretary of AFIC. The Special Congress will have no other agenda to discuss on that day.” The Congress also agreed that the next election of AFIC will be held in 2015 on the basis of the revised constitution to be adopted by the special Congress. The AFIC Constitution Review Committee (ACRC) is headed by the Secretary of AFIC, Dr Shahabuddin Abdullah of South Australia, and the other members on the Committee are Mr Suliman Sabdia and Prof Shahjahan Khan (QLD), Dr Ameer Ali and Dr Rateb Juneid (WA), Mr Keysar Trad (NSW), and Mr Shujat Mantoo (VIC). One of the main concerns about the current AFIC constitution is the provision of election of its Executive Committee by only nine delegates representing the State Councils. As a consequence its elections have been systematically manipulated by a small group of people in recent years. Essentially the resolution of the Congress calls for the institution to be democratic and inclusive, compliant with the corporate governance laws of Australia thus making it, transparent, accountable and engagement of its constituents to be participative in the democratic functioning of the organisation. To meet the new challenges and reflect the current realities of Muslim communities in Australia, the Committee will invite submissions on constitutional review from the State Councils and member societies of AFIC as well as the wider community of Muslims. Based on the submissions and community consultations, the Committee would come up with draft recommendations to amend the constitution to be considered during the special Congress. Full report, photos page 12

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16


BUSINESS 18 - 19

Muslims and the Media FAIR DINKUM

Abu Anees

While Muslims have been in slumber, a revolution took place in the field of mass communication and transfer of information during the 20th century. Starting from the invention of the printing press and right through to the development of radio, television, computers and satellites, we saw how these tools empowered those who could competently use them in moulding the attitudes and behaviour of individuals and societies. While Muslims were still busy with outof-date Daawah methodologies of knocking on doors and sermonizing in mosques, others had harnessed these modern tools of communication and completely monopolised mass media. Thus in spite of all the enthusiasm about Islam, the Ummah stood powerless, not being able to express their ideas and views on a mass scale. What we thought and how we reacted was directed by what CNN had shown in its news coverage during the night, what BBC had transmitted through the radio in the morning, which topic had been put on the front pages of Time magazine during the week and which Hollwood movie we saw last weekend. It seemed that Muslims as individuals and as a society had lost control of themselves and their affairs. Because Muslims had not given due importance to education and progress they had fallen behind in the development of modern organisations and institutions in tune with the times and and in accordance with a modern lifestyle. Due to the lack of expertise in media management, Muslims throughout the world including, Muslim governments, Is-

lamic movements and Muslim communities were dependent on global media networks monopolised by a few for all information on the affairs of the Ummah. Perhaps Aljazeera may have been an exception that did break the monopoly of a few, but keeps on paying the price where its offices have been bombed and its journalists put behind bars. However the 21st century brought about yet another revolution in mass communication starting with common access for all to mobile phones, email and finally the internet. Now the multimedia technologies have empowered individuals and societies to convey their messages through a variety of mediums, words, images, audio and video, beyond national boundaries, and break the monopoly of global media corporations. However this great development and empowerment of ordinary people in the field of mass communications has brought another casualty, the end of privacy. Personal information, records of communication and documents can not be only accessed by internet technology providers, intelligence agencies and governments, but also by organisations with vested interests and dodgy agendas. As always there is some bad news together with the good news.

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Break-fast At Mobinah’s Sunday 6 July - 6:30pm ABC 1 - Compass




Multimedia News & Views





Issue # 104 Friday 4 July 2014; 6 Ramadan 1435

AMUST resumes its publication

On the Australian media landscape, in their grievances and share their achieveaddition to mainstream newspapers and ments. While mainstream media highother media outlets, there are a large lights only negative news regarding Isnumber of ethnic and multilingual com- lam and Muslims, AMUST will share the good news, positive developments in munity newspapers representing the the community. AMUST will proAustralian multicultural community. EDITORIAL mote dialogue, communication and interaction amongst people However there is no credible Assalamu from different faiths, indigenous newspaper currently produced Alaikum groups and ethnic communities professionally in Australia with a building tolerance, understandwide circulation amongst all AusPeace be ing and appreciation between tralians presenting news and views upon you them in order to build an equitafrom an Islamic perspective as well ble, fair and just society and mainas serving the needs of the fast growtain Australia as a land of opportunity, ing Muslim community whose first language now is English. AMUST now aims peaceful and harmony. AMUST will reach its readers using to fill this gap and, moving with the times, resumes its publication in a new format as multiplemedia technologies. The printed a community newspaper using multime- edition will be produced on a monthly dia technologies in order to reach a global basis on sale at newsagents throughout market in general and whole of Australia in Australia on first Friday of every month as well as distributed via mosques, centres particular. AMUST started its publication back in and business outlets. The AMUST web1991 as a multilingual community newspa- site, social media forums will be updated per Australian Muslim Times, published on frequently together wiith fresh news transa fortnightly basis that was later renamed mitted through regular email newsletters Australasian Muslim Times and produced during the month. on a weekly basis. However under extreme- AMUST Issue # 104: ly unfavorable circumstances, it ceased its publication mid 1994. At various times at- Ramadan/July tempts were made by various groups to re- AMUST restarts at the beginning of start a similar publication, but these could Ramadan, the month of fasting, self discipline, reflection and training. Appronot be sustained. However based on the rich experience priately this issue is devoted towards gained during its first four years of publica- highlighting the great humanitarian tion, on popular demand, and under better services that our community aid orfavorable conditions and advances in mul- ganisations are providing in their own timedia technology, the original publishers unique way and complementing each of AMUST are reviving the Australasian other. In this month of giving, please think of those unfortunate people who Muslim Times after a long gap. AMUST will be inclusive, not for just do not have the means to support themMuslims but all Australians as well as the selves, the poor, the disabled, the refuglobal community. It will provide a forum gees, the victims of famine and wars and for young people to express their ideas, air donate generously.

What is Ramadan? Mobinah Ahmad

Ramadan is a month of fasting, where a Muslim goes without food or drink from dawn to sunset, repeated everyday for 29 or 30 days, depending upon the Lunar Calendar. After having a pre-dawn breakfast to sustain themselves during the day, Muslims then fast till sunset. An Iftar is the meal taken by Muslims after sunset during this month of Ramadan. The traditional meal to break fast is by following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (s), which consisted of dates and water. After the iftar, a lavish meal is prepared, with special traditional foods depending on cultural background and it is significant to share this meal with family members and loved ones. The reason why Muslims fast is primarily because it is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is decreed by God for Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan, as a devotion and love for God. Ramadan also inspires empathy for those who are suffering in extreme poverty with little or no food. It is this love of God, this obedience, why millions of Muslims around the world have continued this act of worship for hundreds of years. During Ramadan, there are physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual components that interplay in proving that this experience is of mental and physical benefit. There is a great wisdom in over-

Friday 4 July 2014

coming struggle and strengthening your willpower. Those who are excused from fasting include women who are pregnant or menstruating, anyone who is sick, the elderly and children. Ramadan is scientifically proven to provide great physical and mental benefit and does not jeopardise a person’s health. If a person’s health or wellbeing is in danger, they are permitted to break their fast. The DOS and DONTS of Fasting. Fasting does not just involve being without food or drink, but it is also a time for Muslims to concentrate on their own spirituality and practice self-reflection. The concept of self-control, discipline and patience are key to establishing the basics of behaviour during Ramadan and to continue these improvements post Ramadan. DOs Praying all five daily prayers on time Study and learn Islamic knowledge Recite and understand the Holy Quran Remembering God Donate to charity and help the poor Treat others with forgiveness and love. DONT’S No eating food or drink whilst fasting No arguing and fighting No Sinning No swearing, lying or backbiting No Smoking No Wastage of Time on Technology

Australasian Muslim Times





Australasian Muslim Times, AMUST is a community newspaper for all, presenting news and views using multimedia technologies in the following formats: Monthly Newspaper: Monthly full colour print editions published on the first Friday of every month and distributed through newsagents throughout Australia in general and Sydney in particular. It will also be available at Mosques and Islamic centres, business outlets and posted to organisations and subscribers in Australia and overseas. It will also be available for on-line reading on computers as well as via an app on mobile phones and other smart devices.

NEWS 1-2

Frequent Website update: AMUST website will be frequently updated with latest news together with photos and videos and upcoming community events. Periodic Email Newsletters: Multimedia emails will be sent to subscribers registered with AMUST on a regular basis highlighting latest news and community event. Social Media Forums: AMUST will have presence on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ YouTube etc for networking, comments and discussion. Mass Distribution: AMUST will be distributed in tens of thousands at community Mega-events and festivals such as the Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair (MEFF).

AMUST Memory Lane


Australasian Muslim Times



AMUST is on sale at your local newsagent in Sydney and most of other major cities of Australia. Price $1 Subscribe to AMUST in order to get surely and promptly by Australia Post. Subscription rate: Australia $20 for 12 issues- 1 year Subscribe at


PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg (Sydney), NSW 2177 Australia. Email: Ph: 9823 2063; Fax: 9823 3626




Managing Editor: Zia Ahmad Graphic Designer: Rubinah Ahmad Chief Adviser: Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Promotion: Dr Wali Bokhari Columnist: Dr Abul Jalaluddin Journalist: Mobinah Ahmad Web Developer: Shadow Approved Multimedia: iMoby Productions Printers: MPD printing the news everyday Distributers: Wrapaway Tansport Pty Ltd

Letters to the editor Have your say via our website at

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16



BUSINESS 18 - 19


The power of giving Muslim contribution to Australia Joel Brown

Even after obtaining what may be considered as ‘enough’ for personal fulfillment, many still feel a void inside them that yearns to be filled. This is where the power of giving is then realized. Anyone Can Give Some people would be inclined to think that only those who are sufficiently endowed financially should give to charity. But one must always remember that giving starts from personal will or from the heart, a thing that every human being has, no matter their financial or material standing. So long as whatever is given, whether a service or material gift, makes a positive impact and difference on the life of the recipient, it qualifies to be a charitable gift. But it must be given unconditionally without any expectation of a reciprocal action from the receiver. At the same time, you do not have to move far from where they are in order to find a worthy cause in which to exercise charity. Numerous statistics are produced each year that show various problems people face all over the world. These people are all around us. They are hardly a few meters away. For example, statistics show that one out of four people in the world are facing starvation. This means that starving people are just within our reach. What then prevents us from engaging in acts of charity? Why Don’t Some People Give? While a good number of people will give out selflessly despite their meagre capabilities, others who may even be more endowed do not give to charity. They claim that they first have to achieve substantially at a personal level before they can give to others. They seem to follow the idea developed in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In this, one rises through several levels of needs. After one need is fulfilled, then they move to the next level until they reach the peak in this pyramid of needs. This kind of outlook would be too narrow to allow someone to give. This is because the complex nature of the human being forces us to seek for more, no matter what we may already have. As such, the urge to get more may never end. This is why some people never give to others. They do not realise

that the path of self-fulfilment starts right at the bottom of the pyramid and that is where giving should start, not after you have fulfilled all of your possible personal needs. The reason why some people do not give is because they act out of a consciousness of scarcity. They believe that they do not have it in them to give, that they have nothing of value to share with the rest of the world and that they have to be a certain type of person to give or that there is not enough to go around. All of this is far from the truth. Anyone and everyone has something they can offer one another. Giving Has Immense Personal Benefits As stated earlier, giving does not necessarily mean giving out money or material items. People give not because they have but because they have that inherent urge to give. In fact, many well-known philanthropists did not start their charity work when they got rich. They probably didn’t know that they would become rich even when they started charitable work. Even without any material gift to offer, sharing your ideas can have immense personal benefits. Ideas can transform others greatly. Many great things that have been achieved in the world emanated from simple ideas. The benefit of sharing your ideas is that the effect will somehow boomerang back to you. By listening to your own ideas repeatedly as you share with others, you may eventually be inclined to put them in practice yourself with wonderful results. You will be unlocking your own potential of self fulfilment. It may eventually seem like a miracle but that is how selfless giving works. By giving out what you have without expecting anything in return, you start living a meaningful life. You get to realise your true calling in a life and world full of challenges. If you find meaning in the lives of those in need and do something about it, you will also find meaning in your own life. You find yourself in better health and peace and you achieve more happiness. That is the magic of selfless giving. “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” - Khalil Gibran (Courtesy:

Anne Fairbairn

- Dedicated to all Muslim Australians Here in our eternal Dreaming The pulse of life is free. Beneath a brimming feast of stars - We live in harmony. While Wattles whisper to the wind, ‘This land’s magnificent,’ Our circling seas sing to the sun, - ‘May these shores be innocent.’ Our early settlers toiled outback To feed our population, So we all reap the benefits - Of their determination. Wise men argued, then agreed To form a Federation They also argued and agreed - To frame our Constitution. Galvanized at Gallipoli, ‘Mate-ship’ - our Aussie way, Eased those agonies endured - Day after blood-soaked day. Waratahs, Wattles and Eucalypts Are symbols or our nation Enduring bushfires, droughts and floods - They remain an inspiration. Today in our multicultural country We strive to maintain what’s right. A Fair Go for all and Mate-ship

- We uphold with all our might. Today in cities and outback, We’re sensing new vitality, As Muslims who choose to settle here Are enriching our diversity. Out of a very true love for Allah, And aware of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, They follow the pathway of piety, Thus always treating people gently And respecting one another constantly, While keeping their promises faithfully. With hearts free of malice, hatred and envy. They believe in the importance of family And of good manners and sincerity. With patience and true sense of justice, Their Immense generosity, Honesty and hospitality, Which I observed during my many Visits to Muslim countries. Also they’re masters of poetry Which is seen as the voice of the soul. So Muslims contribute to social harmony - Thus they’re welcomed here constantly. We live in peace within The Dreaming Warmed by our Southern sun, With Australia’s vast and vital heart - Beating for everyone. Note: The Indigenous people of Australia believe we are all part of an eternal Dreaming.

Visit our website for the latest news and views /AMUST.AU

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Are we really reading him? Yousef Saddik

Prophet Muhammad (s) is naturally dear to all faithful Muslims. He is the one through whom Muslims learnt belief in one God; he is the channel through which final divine message reached us; and the one who opened a spiritual path to God for the entire humanity. His Sunnah is a source of guidance not only in religious matters but also in all aspects of human life. Yet when was the last time you read the life of Prophet Muhammad (s)? Or the question for many should be, did you ever read his life from beginning to end? In an era plagued with excessive consumerism, human conflict and spiritual drought, the Prophet (s) and his Sunnah offer fresh solutions to the predicaments of contemporary society. As Bernard Shaw admiringly remarked, ‘If Muhammad were alive today, he would succeed in solving all those problems that threaten to destroy human civilization as easily as he would drink a cup of coffee’. The Encyclopaedia Britannica calls him ‘the most successful of all religious personalities of the world’. Most Muslims proudly quote Michael Hart’s listing him on the number one spot in his 100 most influential humans in history. If the Prophet (s) has been so successful in solving problems, his Sunnah is still alive and Muslim world is plagued with numerous problems in our time, then we either do not read his life often enough or we read it but we lack proper understanding or we do not know how to map his example to contemporary human condition. It is no wonder

Friday 4 July 2014

we tend to oscillate between materialism and mysticism; neglect and extremism; religious bigotry and agnosticism. The Prophet (s) holds the key for balance and the acquisition of that key lies in our willingness to study his life. At a time when the world is engulfed in the World Cup fever, ISRA Australia is launching quite a different contest, a contest where every participant is a winner. This is a competition designed to lift the spirit of the contesters, a competition not only with generous prizes but also with priceless spiritual and personal benefits. This is a contest to study and read the biography of the Prophet (s) and immerse in understanding his life and character. With the title ‘Everyone’s Reading Him’, the contest is a first of its kind and focus. ‘Everyone’s Reading Him’ suggests two meanings. First, it alludes to the nature of the competition in that it involves reading a selected book on his life (sirah) and sitting for a multiple choice test. The second meaning is equally significant. It means reading him as a person, implies knowing his character and reflecting on his example for today. It is recommended that all Muslims, primary or high school student or adult alike, join in this campaign of reading the life of the Prophet (s) and register in the contest by visiting ISRA Australia website at au. Even if you read his life before, his epic story always presents rich examples and fresh insights. His sirah should be reread at least once a year.

Australasian Muslim Times


Did you know ?

842 million

do not have enough to eat

827 million in developing countries 14.3 % undernourished HUNGER & POVERTY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES


? here


500 million 24.8 %

Sub Saharan


85 % 783 million



out of


out of


children are underweight

of population

of the world population live in the driest half of the planet

4 stunted

children are

primary school-age children attend classes hungry,

23 million in Africa alone

80 %

have no access to clean water

66 million

What can I do?

of stunted children live in just 20 countries

3.2 billion

per year needed to reach 66 million hungry school-age children

45 %

of deaths in children under five


3.1 million every year

caused by poor nutrition

The index finger and the middle finger. Together. That was the gesture made by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he said: I, and the one who looks after an orphan, will be together like this in Paradise.

This Ramadan join Be One and help us reach people in need

It is the symbol of unity and the inspiration for our Be One campaign this Ramadan. It is to show that as part of the Ummah and as part of humanity, we each have a responsibility to help those in need.







Niger & Mali




family of 6 for 30 days

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Founded in the UK 2003 by a group of young people

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Central African Republic

by poverty and suffering. Islamic Help still remains a youth led



and youth driven organisation. At its helm are experienced and dedicated leaders in the field of international development



determined to make a difference to the lives of those afflicted

work. Having grown exponentially over the last seven years,






Fidya / Kaffara



Credit card number:


Name on card:

Islamic Help is committed to engaging in grassroots initiatives that are often neglected in the sector. Our work with acid attack

Sadaqah Orphan sponsor



Girls’education & mentoring






victims, for instance, won an Oscar and two Emmys in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Islamic Help has now been established as a wholly Australian registered charity and international


NGO, as part of a network of sister organisations throughout the world.

More about Islamic Help Australia ...


It’s easy to make a donation



Islamic Help Australia

Direct debit

+61 2 97462312 0404 935 619

PO Box 4007 Strathfield South NSW 2136

Account name: Islamic Help Australia Bank: Westpac BSB: 032361 Account #: 437351

Australasian Muslim Times

@IslamicHelpAust CFN 2316 ABN 23167088753

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16


Ordeal facing Refugees in Central Africa Oussama Mezoui

“There is no greater catastrophe than seeing someone you know being killed in front of you. A human slaughtered like an animal? There is nothing uglier than that.” The images and trauma are still etched sharply in the mind of Idris Musa as he recalls the terrifying ordeal which forced him to abandon his home, family and everything he has known to seek refuge in a safe haven. It’s a common theme among the thousands who, like Idris, have fled the Central African Republic and become refugees in neighbouring states as ethnic and religious violence sweeps their nation. Idris and others like Zaitoune, Mariam and countless more all tell similar tales of tragedy and woe to Islamic Help officials in Cameroon where we are preparing a major programme to help CAR refugees. Mention the words ‘refugees’ or ‘humanitarian tragedy’ and the first words likely to come to mind are probably Syria, Iraq or Palestine. Yet while the conflicts in those regions, in particular Syria, dominate the international headlines, the tragedy of CAR is unraveling in the heart of Africa and its effects on those caught up in it is just as acutely devastating as those in the Middle East. THE STRUGGLE FOR SECURITY The Central African Republic has been beset by internal strife, rebellions, military coups and economic woes for decades. Ever since independence from France in 1960, it has struggled to find security and stability for its population. Communal and religious conflict has been simmering for the last decade and in 2012 it erupted in an explosion of ethnic cleansing, violence and brutality of unimaginable proportions. Paradoxically, CAR has been home to refugees from neighbouring countries like Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo but is now experiencing an exodus of its own population. The United Nations estimates that: • about 550,000 people have been internally displaced • nearly 375,000 have fled CAR to neighbouring countries • More than 1 in 5 of CAR’s 4.5 million population is displaced • 2.5 million in the country are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Food and clean water remain in scarce supply in many of the affected areas. Hospitals and clinics have been vandalised and looted and health care provision remains a priority for relief agencies working in the area. The refugee camps and makeshift shelters in neighbouring countries are overcrowded and under resourced. Living conditions in the camps are dire and food and water scarcity are giving rise to real fears of the spread of disease and epidemic. Many victims of the atrocities have been Muslims, with documented reports of the slaughter and expulsion of tens of thousands of Muslims from the capital Bangui alone at the hands of the anti-Balaka militia. Yet despite the scale of the atrocities and warnings by UN officials of “ethnic-religious” cleansing, it has been dubbed the silent or forgotten conflict because of the relative lack of international intervention. For example, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it requires US $239 million for its work with the CAR situation. So far, mid-way through the year, it has received just $28 million from donor nations.


BUSINESS 18 - 19

aid but establish facilities which will allow 200 refugee families to establish a degree of security and safety, while maintaining their dignity and self-respect. As well as food for the 200 families for a year, the facilities will range from toilets and showers to a mosque and school. Working with the Islamic Development Bank and the Centre Cultural Des Musulmans Pour Le Developpement (CCMUD), land has been acquired in Garoua-Boulai and the first stages of clearing it in preparation for construction has started. The facilities will include: • 200 shelters • a health centre and supply of medicines • 2 water wells with associated chlorination and hygiene • a temporary school, equipped, for 400 children • a semi-permanent wooden mosque • 91 toilets and showers Islamic Help’s executive officer Oussama Mezoui, who traveled to Cameroon to prepare the programme, said: “I’ve been to the Syria border and to the Philippines after the typhoon but the suffering and pain I witnessed on the border with CAR is perhaps the worst I have seen. “The situation is nearly hopeless - thousands of traumatised refugees fleeing violence with nothing but the clothes on their backs, the flesh wounds from the machetes of the anti-Balaka still to heal. Very few NGOs are here on the ground. The world has abandoned these people “Hundreds continue to arrive each day but the international community is silent. This year the 20th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide was commemorated - we cannot afford to make the same mistakes with CAR.” • Donate now to reach those in need in CAR. Visit DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Event Calendar Event: Home Iftars Organisation: Affinity Intecultural Date: All Month Location: Local Homes

toman attire if possible and join a program that includes trivia, light entertainment and prizes.

Event: Iftar Dinner Organisation: City of Canterbury Date: Wed 2 July 2014 Location: Croation Club, Punchbowl Mayor of Bankstown, Cr Khal Asfour and Mayor of Canterbury, Cr Brian Robson (Hosts). Event: Women’s Iftar Organisation: Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multculturalism Date: Fri 4 July 2014 Location: Himalayas, Granville Michelle Rowland MP (Hosting the Event), with Tanya Plibersek MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadown Minister for Foreign Affairs, $30 (Proceeds to the Muslim Women’s Association ‘Domestic Violence Refuge’. Event: HT Australian Annual Iftar Organisation: HT Australia Date: Sun 6 July 2014 Location: Granville Youth Centre Brothers Only Iftar, Sisters Iftar is upcoming. Event: Ladies Fundraising Iftar & Dinner Organisation: ISRA Date: Sun 6 July 2014 Location: Stars Palace, Fairfield $50 per person. Please attend in Ot-

Event: Ramadan at Al Andalus Organisation: MSANSW Date: Wed 9 July 2014 Location: Emporium, Bankstown Lectures, activities, prizes and a fully catered Iftar. Event: Fasting For Love Organisation: Seekers Hub Global Date: Sun 12 July 2014 Location: Online Webinar A Special Ramadan Webinar between Toronto, San Francisco, London and Sydney (8:00 AM). Featuring 14 esteemed Muslim leaders. Event: Brothers Iftar Organisation: UMA Date: Sun 12 July 2014 Location: UMA Lakemba Event: Sisters Iftar Organisation: UMA Date: Sun 12 July 2014 Location: Emporium, Bankstown Event: Honouring Ceremony: Quran recitation competition Organisation: ISOC, UNSW Date: Wed 16 July 2014 Location: Square House, UNSW The Quran recitation competition will take place at the Square House at UNSW and will be daily from 1 to 3 pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (12, 13, 14 July), respectively. Contact isocqurancompetition2014@ Event: UTS:Insearch Organisation: UTS Date: Sat 19 July 2014 Location: Student Lounge BB, Ground Floor, UTS Event: UWS Ramadan Iftar Organisation: UWS Date: Sat 26 July 2014 Location: UWS (Parramatta Campus) This year our guest speaker will be Mr Jihad Dib, Principal of Punchbowl Boys High School. Jihad will share with us his journey with the school, from a ‘Principal’s battle zone’ to one where ‘good men grow’. Event Sponsored by UWS Muslim Harmony Project. Register: Event: UTS Ramadan Dinner Organisation: UTSMS Date: Sat 12 July 2014 Location: Carnarvon Golf Club, Lidcombe $30 each. Tickets must be purchased prior to the event. Event: Strengthening Marriage & Family as a Foundation of Peace Organisation: UPF Sydney Date: Sat 2 August 2014 Location: Oceania Peace Embassy, Chippendale

ISLAMIC HELP and CAR REFUGEES Islamic Help is leading an international coalition of charities to help CAR refugees in Cameroon, a nation which now houses more than 200,000 refugees (source: UNHCR June 2014). The aim is not just to provide immediate

Friday 4 July 2014


Australasian Muslim Times


Ramadan Mubarak

Our Projects d the Fas Fee ti

at Al Fitr k Za

Gift & Clot d i h E

l Maal at A k a

n Spons pha or r O

Water Wel a l ld

ergency Rel m i E


To Donate Online: Visit To Donate by Phone: Call 1300 760 155 DIRECT DEPOSIT DONATIONS: Human Appeal International BSB: 062191 Acc No.: 00903948 Commonwealth Bank of Australia


Australasian Muslim Times

Sydney Office: 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 PO Box 406, Lakemba NSW 2195 P 02 9750 3161 F 02 9750 2524 E

Melbourne Office: 149 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 PO Box 149, Moreland VIC 3058 P 03 9386 4677 F 03 9386 4688 E

NSW - CFN17891 VIC - 12875 SA - CCP2001

Please Donate Generously this Ramadan. May Allah bless you and your wealth and your family.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Allah aids His slave, as long as His slave is aiding his brother.”

Bu i

This Ramadan, you can choose to donate to any of our Projects which include: Zakt Al Maal, Zakat al-Fitr, Feed the Fasting, Eid gifts, Orphan Sponsorship, Water Wells & Sadaqa Jariya.

ip sh

Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Central Africa, Lebanon, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Niger, Senegal, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo and Indonesia.


With your support and donations, in Ramadan we are able to reach over 250,000 of the most vulnerable in 24 countries:


Seize this opportunity during this great month and do more acts of goodness so that you may be rewarded, as the suffering of the Muslims are a lot, their orphans are many, and the weak among them are in need of you, and Allah commanded us to help them and stand by their side.

Food Par an ce d a


“Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the most generous of people. He was especially generous in Ramadan...” (Bukhari)


Do more this Ramadan

Adelaide Office: 1/53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031 PO Box 187, Torrensville SA 5031 P 08 7200 2882 F 08 7131 9209 E

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16



BUSINESS 18 - 19

Do more this Ramadan Ali Kadir

Alhamdolillah, the month of Ramadan has arrived. In this month, the beginning is mercy, the middle is forgiveness and the end is salvation from the fire. This is the month where good deeds are multiplied and sins are forgiven. The team at Human Appeal International would like to congratulate you with the arrival of this blessed month. We ask Allah (swt) to make us from those who are successful in benefiting from the blessings of this month. We pray that it comes back again and again with security, goodness, and high faith, and we ask Allah to remove the misery of our Ummah, and guide us to the

righteous path. Ramadan is the month of charity and excellence; it is the time when families gather around and bond; it is the month when the generous people spend from what Allah blessed them to ease the life of poor, the weak, the orphans, and the widows. Allah the most High says: “And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and captive, (Saying) “We only feed you for Allah’s sake: We do not wish from you neither reward nor thanks” (Al-Insan:8-9) We remind you of the words of the Prophet Muhammad (s): “The believer’s shade on the Day of Res-

urrection will be his charity, until the judgment of the people finishes.” (Hadith, Narrated by Ahmad) Seize this opportunity during this great month and do more acts of goodness so that you may be rewarded. The suffering of the Muslims are a lot, their orphans are many, and the weak among them are in need of you. Allah has commanded us to help them and stand by their side. With your support and donations, in Ramadan we are able to reach over 250,000 of the most vulnerable in 24 countries: Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Central Africa, Lebanon, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma,


India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Niger, Senegal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Indonesia. To contribute to our projects of Ramadan: Zakt Al Maal, Zakat al-Fitr, Feed the Fasting, Eid gifts, Orphan Sponsorship, Water Wells, and Sadaqa Jaariya. Please visit or call 1300 760 155 or visit our Sydney Office at 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 We ask Allah to bless you, your wealth, and your family.

What Ramadan means to me “ MOBYDAYZE Mobinah Ahmad Not being able to have food or drink is not easy, especially for me, as a well-respected foodie. This is the only month in the year, when food doesn’t take up 90% of my thoughts, Alhamdolillah. The first few days of Ramadan are testing. It’s when the usual habits of drinking coffee and eating delicious brunch meals are stopped overnight and cravings begin to creep at you. After an entire year of eating during the day, I have to remember that, I can’t. There is a wisdom in overcoming struggle. There are physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual components that interplay in proving that this experience is for mental and physical benefit. It not only revives the drive of pushing ourselves for the sake of God, but also serves as a reminder of how strong our will is. There is a joyous happiness in knowing your internal strength and willpower. Its a king of rejuvenation for your soul and body. It does not just impact my food and drink, I tend to reflect on my character, and behaviour, practicing self-discipline and control especially during Ramadan. When I was a child, Ramadan meant sweets! Lavish Dinners! Seeing friends! and towards the end, Eid! Presents! New clothes! However, as I matured I began to realise there is so much more to this blessed month. I appreciate how it brings the best out in people, and the opportunity to spend time appreciating your family and loved ones. Ramadan brings about a change within my household. I live in a house of 10 people, and coming from an Indian background, there were a number of traditions that we follow, particularly special foods

Friday 4 July 2014

that we eat. The specialty dishes that only come out for Iftars during Ramadan reminds the blessings of my mum’s cooking. As I grew up, I began to understand the decree and the wisdom behind why we are asked to fast. My grandfather would tell me that we fast in order to feel empathy for those who are suffering in extreme poverty, where people either had no food, or at most, one simple and basic meal a day. Ramadan is a month of deep meditation and reflection where the idea of self-control, discipline and patience are key to establishing the foundations of my faith. Above all reasons, ultimately the reason I fast is because it has been asked of me by God and I fast for the devotion to my faith and for the love of God. Through out the years, I have discovered the physical and spiritual impact that Ramadan inspires within me. Ramadan is the time when I can focus on self-improvement, and exercising patience in order to be a better human being. It is an opportunity to reflect on behaviour and personality, to start good habits and end bad ones; an opportunity, one month every year where faith can be renewed. This process of self-improvement starts with Ramadan, but it does not only remain for this one month, it is in preparation for the rest of my life. During the month of Ramadan, that is when I am the busiest, working tirelessly day and night in organising the Eid Festival for the Australian Multicultural Community. I see how much I can push myself during Ramadan, how strong I feel without food or drink for twelve hours. I find myself working more efficiently when I am fasting, without distractions of food, it makes my senses a lot more sharper. In the final days of Ramadan, I feel as though something of

great significance and love is leaving. It is bitter sweet, because as Ramadan ends, the big celebration of Eid is right around the corner! Being able to celebrate Eid with my family is the biggest highlight of the year. Seeing the smiling faces of the Australian Multicultural Community during the Eid Festival, being able to see how all my hard work contributed to a successful Eid Festival is a feeling that cannot be described.

I find myself working more efficiently when I am fasting, without distractions of food

” Dreaming Saminah Ahmad First dream. Then dreaming, but to find yourself really escaping. Escape to something out there, real out there, something that is more lasting. But dreams all end no matter if your awake or sleeping. And desolation is what follows and slowly comes creeping.

So then you wake with sorrow, sorrow for what you have been missing. You’re missing that dream that you are no longer dreaming. That sorrow you felt turns into helplessness, and comes out weeping. To understand that the dream you’ve had is something you are leaving. In heartache, the dream will lie there teasing. So then isn’t it a nightmare which you have just been dreaming.

Australasian Muslim Times




Fairfield Showground, 450 Smithfield Rd, Prairiewood














Always with you on the road to goodness

Ph (02) 9799 7049


Fax: (02) 9798 0635 • Mobile: 0413 171 172

8 Charlotte Street Ashfield NSW 2131

Arrangements for Aqiqa, Sadaqa & Qurbani

Luncheon Meats. Polony, Corned Beef, Sucuk, Biltong, Pastirma, Frankfurts, Pizza Topping, Cabanossi, Pepperonl, Dry Salamis, Parisers, Sausages Smoked Turkey, Smoked Beef, Smoked Chicken Breakfast Turkey, Breakfast Beef Halal Gelatin, Beef Luncheon


Beef, Veal, Lamb, Goat, Venison, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Chicken & Offals, Chicken Chips, Burger Patties, Nuggets, Corn Rolls, Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls

4 3


28 27






19 17

26 24






25 21



18 14



11 7





26 22

19 15

12 8


27 25

20 18

12 10 MEFF 13 11



30 29

4 30

27 23

20 16

13 9

6 2

28 26

21 19

14 12

7 5

Bank Holiday


29 28 Eid ul Fitr

23 22

Last day for MEFF Stall - Late Fee

22 21

First day of Term 3

16 15

9 8

2 1

Last day for MEFF Stall - Standard Fee


15 14



EID Festival

21 20



14 13





Gregorian Date

Ramadan Begins

29 29

Islamic Date







28 24

21 17

14 10


29 27

22 20

15 13



24 23

17 16

10 9


6 2

29 25

22 18

15 11

8 4

1 28

23 21

16 14

9 7

2 31

25 24

18 17

11 10

7 3

30 26











Last day of Term 3

23 19

16 12

9 5

2 29

24 22

17 15

10 8

3 1





Laylatul Qadr

26 25

19 18

12 11

5 4





*See NOTES below


Islamic Planner Calendar


4:10 5:34 11:50 3:16 6:02 7:21

4:21 5:44 11:53 3:15 5:57 7:15

4:31 5:54 11:55 3:14 5:52 7:10

4:41 6:04 11:58 3:12 5:47 7:05

4:50 6:13 12:00 3:10 5:43 7:01

4:59 6:22 12:02 3:07 5:38 6:56

5:06 6:30 12:04 3:04 5:33 6:52

5:13 6:38 12:05 3:01 5:28 6:48

5:19 6:45 12:06 2:57 5:23 6:44

5:24 6:50 12:07 2:53 5:18 6:40

5:28 6:55 12:07 2:49 5:14 6:36

5:30 6:58 12:06 2:46 5:09 6:32

5:32 7:00 12:05 2:42 5:05 6:29

5:32 7:01 12:04 2:39 5:02 6:26








1435 1436



30 YE







Telephone: (02) 9759 9531

For Bookings/Parties/Functions

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Serving families and community for the last 30 years

Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare



Amal Helpline Fri & Sat 9am-9pm ..........1300 787 257

Interpreting & Translation.........1300 651 500

National Security Hotline ..........1800 123 400

DFAT Travel Advice ...................1300 139 281

Racial Vilification Complaints .. 1300 656 419

Police Complaints ..................... 1800 622 571

Police Assistance Line....................... 131 444

Emergency................................................. 000



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Ph: (02) 9823 2063






Apply now at

Stall Bookings Close Monday 21 July 2014




14 9

21 16

28 23








19 14

26 21








6 30

Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare

A Non-Profit Community Initiative by







Advertising enquiries Shujaat Siddiqui 0418 204 251 Email:





29 24

22 17

15 10



24 19

17 12

6. Predicted global Hijri dates and therefore the start of Ramadan, Eid ul Fitr & Eid ul Adha may occur a day earlier than given in this calendar.

5. Islamic dates in this calendar are based on the astronomically predicted sighting of the crescent in Sydney.

4. Islamic dates are subject to the visibility of the new moon and variation can take place if this sighting of the crescent is done globally, regionally or locally.

3. Islamic Dates start at Sunset the previous day.

2. Asr timing is for Shafi’i Juristic Method.

1. Prayer times relate to the Tuesday of the corresponding week in the same row.

Public Islamic School Holiday Event Holidays


28 23

21 16

14 9

7 2

30 25

23 18

16 11


10 5


26 22

19 15


9 4

2 28

25 21

IFEW Planner Calendar 2015


27 22

20 15

13 8


29 24

22 17

15 10



24 20

18 14



12 7



30 26

25 Hijra New Year

23 19


17 13

12 8

First day of Term 4

11 7

Eid ul Adha Labour Day

5 Daylight Saving Starts 10 6

16 12

for the







Auburn Musallah 12-16 Harrow Road Auburn 2144 Phone: 02 9820 3553

Auburn Gallipoli Mosque 15-19 North Parade Auburn 2133 Phone: 02 9646 5972 Fax: 02 9643 1758

Ashfield Musallah 1/27 Holden st. Ashfield

Artarmon Musallah 35 Hampden Rd Artarmon

Arncliffe Mosque (Masjid Fatima Al Zahrah) 3 - 5 Wollongong Rd Arncliffe 2205

Ahl Al-Sunna Wal-Jamaah Association Musallah 132 Haldon St Lakemba 2195 Phone: (02) 9758 3406

4:02 5:46 1:03 4:43 8:14 9:53

3:57 5:42 1:00 4:40 8:11 9:51

3:55 5:39 12:56 4:36 8:08 9:47

3:54 5:37 12:53 4:33 8:03 9:41

3:56 5:37 12:50 4:30 7:57 9:33

4:00 5:39 12:47 4:27 7:51 9:25

4:05 5:42 12:46 4:25 7:44 9:16

4:12 5:47 12:44 4:23 7:37 9:07


4:20 5:52 12:44 4:22 7:31 8:58

T (02) 9729 0484

Smithfield Mosque 30 Bourke Street Smithfield 2164 South Hurstville Musallah 18 Culwulla Street South Hurstville 2220 Surry Hills Mosque 175-177, Commonwealth St Surry Hills 2010 Phone: 02 9281 0440

Prospect Musallah 420 Blacktown Road Prospect 2148 Punchbowl Musallah 27 Matthews Road Punchbowl 2196 Redfern Mosque 328 Cleveland St Surry Hills 2010 Phone: 02 9698 4149

Tempe Mosque Rooty Hill Mosque 25-29 Woodstock Ave 45 Station Street, Tempe Phone: 02-95588533 Rooty Hill 2770 Phone: 02 9625 4716 Town Hall Mussalah 167B Castlereagh Street, Rydalmere Mosque Town Hall, Sydney 465 Victoria Rd, Cnr Primrose Ave Uni of Western Syd, Rydalmere 2116 Macarthur (UWSMA) Musallah Phone: 9638 7788 UWS Macarthur Campus Campbelltown Ryde Musulah 120 Blaxland Rd, Ryde

Sydney CBD Musalah Riverwood Musallah 1st Floor, 54 Thurlow Level 2, 84 Pitt Street Street, Riverwood 2210 Sydney 2000

Sefton Mosque 11-13 Helen Street Sefton Phone: 02-9645-1313 Penshurst Mosque 445 Forest Road Penshurst 2222 Phone: 02-9580-3390

Zetland Mosque 932 Bourke Street Zetland 2017 Ph: (02) 9319 6733

York Street (opp Grace Hotel). 36 York Street Sydney 2000 Phone: 02-9299-2798

Wynyard Mussalah Ask in the Convenince 60 Clarence Street Sydney 2000

Westmead Hospital Mussullah Hospital Chapel. cnr Darcy & Hawkesbury Rds Westmead 2145

Uni of Sydney Musallah L3, Old Teachers College Main Campus

UNSW UniMosque 3rd floor, Square House, UNSW Kensington 2052 Phone: 02-9385 5957

Contact: Dr. Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Phone: (02) 9823 8208 Email:

Expression of Interest is required to participate in a program for understanding Quranic directives & Prophet's (s) Mission


Sunday: 2:30PM to 4:30PM Ph: Ϗϰώϰ ϭϰϳ ϴϲϭ ͝ ϾϳώϾ Ϗϰϴϰ

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IFEW Weekend School

M 0411 081 624




Contact: Dilyar 0430 274 300 / 02 9649 9085

Trading Hours: Open 7 Days - 11:30am - 9:30pm Mon - Thurs: Closed 2:30pm - 5:30pm

105 Rawson St, Auburn

Tarim Uyghur Restaurant

4:29 5:59 12:44 4:20 7:24 8:49

4:39 6:07 12:45 4:19 7:18 8:41

4:49 6:16 12:46 4:18 7:12 8:34

5:00 6:25 12:48 4:17 7:07 8:27

Dee Why Mosque Gwynneville Mosque Liverpool Mosque Merrylands Friday Prayers 12 South Creek Road 9 Foley Street Lot 12, Camden Hall Dee Why 2099 Gwynneville 2500 Valley Way. Merrylands Community Phone: 02 4353 1451 Edmondson Park. Centre, Miller St Erskinville Mosque 2174 Merrylands 2160 Hornsby Musallah Campbelltown (Minto) 13 John Street Phone: 0401 761 991 Phone: 9682 6280 Farouk Bankstown Masjid Erskinville 2043 373A Pacififc Hwy Mosque Mobile: 0408 094 445 Mobile: 0414 826 280 30 Meredith St 44-48 Westmoreland Rd Phone: 02 9516 3039 Asquith 2077 Bankstown 2200 Mobile: 0414507255 Nepean Mosque Liverpool Musallah Phone: 0433 998 344 Leumeah 2560 Gladesville Musallah Phone: 02 9820 2536 Mill Road Community Cnr Luxford Rd & Hythe St Cowell Street Car Park Illawarra Mosque Fax: 02 9603 2576 Mount Druitt 2770 Centre Bankstown Mosque Gladesville 6 Bethlehem Street Phone: 02-9832-2546 Liverpool 2 Winspear Ave Cringila 2502 Carringbah Musalah Phone: 02-9601-3645 Bankstown 2200 Global Islamic Youth Phone: 02-4274-6232 Newcastle Mosque Phone: 02-9707-4842 28 Frosbisher Ave Centre Carringbah 2229 6 Metcalf St, Wallsend Lurnea Mosque 265 George St Islamic Education Centre (Islamic House) Phone: 02-9525-6694 Phone: 02 4950 0099 Bankstown Musalla Liverpool 2170 Bld 50, University of 108 Adnum Lane 9 Brigalow Avenue Phone: 02 9602 1900 Wollongong, Central Coast Mosque North Sydney Musalah Bankstown 2200 Casula 2158 Fax: 02 9602 1511 Gwynneville 2500 (Wyong Mosque) McMahons Point Mobile: 0416100005 Phone: 02 42215911 13A Howarth Street Macquarie University Community Centre, Gosford Musalah Fax: 02 42215912 Wyong 2259 165 Blue Point Rd Al Azhar Mosque, Musalla Narrara Road Mobile: 0422332539 172B Burwood Road Phone: 02 4353 1451 Building E#A, Grd Floor North Sydney Gosford 2250 Belmore 2192 Macquarie Uni 2109 Kensington Musallah Charmhaven Musallah Omar Mosque - Auburn Granville Musallah. 1/178 Cnr of ANZAC Pde Mascot Musallah 18 Pacific Hwy 43 Harrow Road Blacktown Mosque 3 / 23-25 South St. & Todman Avenue Charmhaven 2263 Cnr Prince and Forth St Upstairs 1215 Botany Auburn 2144 Granville 2142 Kensington 2033 Phone: 02 4393 1599 Blacktown 2148 Road, Mascot 2020 Phone: 02 9643 7711 Fax: 02- 9788 3367 Phone: 02 9662 4410 Fax: 02 9643 5700 Mobile: 0402 342 486 Lakemba Mosque Chatswood Musalah Bonnyrigg Mosque 65 - 67 Wangee Road Masjid Darul Imaan Paramatta Mosque 1 Albert Ave 44 Bibbys Place Green Valley Mosque Lakemba 2195 Chatswood Bonnyrigg 2177 Cnr Princess Hwy & 1st Floor, 150 Marsden St, 264 Wilson Road Phone: 02-9750-6833 Parramatta NSW 2150 Phone: 02-9823-4126 Eden St, Arncliffe Green Valley 2168 Chatswood Musallah Phone: 02-9607-4074 Victor Street Cabramatta Mosque To notify of changes or errors, email Chatswood 20-22 Water Street For up-to-date information go to Cabramatta West 2166 Phone: 0404 459 916

10 Campbelltown Masjid 10 Kingsclare St Leumah 2560 Contact: 0424 162 564

9 2

Mosques & Islamic Centres


Boxing Day

2 26












Last day of Term 4

24 19

17 12

10 5

3 28

26 21

19 14

12 7

5 31

28 24

21 17

14 10

New Year’s Day

8 1

Christmas Day

1 25

23 18

16 11

9 4

2 27

25 20

18 13

11 6

4 30

27 23

20 16




NEWS 1-2


AFIC Celebrates golden jubilee Muslims Australia - AFIC Media To mark its 50th anniversary, Muslims Australia AFIC’s Executive committee resolved to hold a stellar event making sure that Australian Muslims stamp a lasting vivid impression on Australian politics and Australian society. Muslims Australia AFIC celebrated its 50th anniversary on the 27th May 2014 at Australia’s Parliament House in Canberra. This was the event where leaders of the opposition, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, put the final nail in the coffin of the highly controversial government proposal to repeal S18c of the Anti Discrimination Act projecting some of the concerns of Muslims and other Australians. The result was quick, the very next morning, Attorney General George Brandis QC made the announcement that he would abandon the move to repeal S18C. This monumental event for Australian Muslims was marked by the attendance of Excellency the Hon Sir Peter Cosgrove Governor General of Australia and lady Cosgrove and more than 50 senators and members of parliament and ten ambassadors and diplomats representing different countries from around the world. Keynote speaker, His Grace Bishop Kevin Manning outlined the very notable similarities between the teachings of Islam and the teachings of Christianity highlighting in particular the sharing of the five pillars of testimony of faith, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. Bishop Manning also highlighted our shared concerns about a humanitarian treatment of asylum seekers, the sanctity of marriage and family and the drive to promote peace on earth. Bishop Manning, the winner of the 2010 prestigious international Islamic Friendship Association of Australia prize “Champion of Cultural Inclusion” also highlighted the tremendous contributions of Muslim in the area of interfaith dialogue and

the efforts by Vatican Councils over years to work together with Muslims in the field of mutual understanding and in seeking partnerships to better this world. In delivering the Prime Minister’s message, Senator the Hon Concetta Fieravanti-Wells, congratulated AFIC, wished it well and conveyed the government’s support for diversity and the rights of all Australians and praised the contributions of Muslims and the friendships established. Muslims Australia President, Br Hafez Kassem stressed to the members of parliament and the ambassadors in attendance, the crucial need to end violent conflicts in our world and to start by bringing a just end to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. Br Hafez Kassem added that the world community must divert some of its weapons spending towards humanitarian aid. He said that instead of producing the means of destruction the world community must produce means of saving lives and the environment. President Hafez Kassem concluded his speech by asking the guests to hold hands and make a prayer to God to bless Australia and its people and to bring peace on earth. His Excellency Nabil Al Saleh, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also congratulated AFIC and wished it well and praised its contributions to Australian society and in particular to Muslims in Australia and elsewhere. The event honoured a small number of brothers and sisters who have contributed to Australian society over the years, especially, his eminence Sh Taj Aldin Alhilali, the first Mufti of Australia. Sh Alhalili held the post for 18 years before handing the post to the National Imam’s Council which he established in 2007. Sh Alhilali travelled to war torn Iraq in 2005 to procure the release of Australian hostage Douglas Wood at tremendous risk to his personal safety. The evening saw performances from the



must protect Medicare “andWeits universality and we must keep education affordable.” - Dr Abdullah, AFIC Secretary

Islamic College of Canberra choir singing the Australian national anthem, Matilda House performing the a welcome to country and nasheed by Ali Nabulsi and Stephanie Kurlow from the Australian Nashid and Arts Academy. AFIC Secretary Dr Shahabuddin Abdullah drew tremendous applause when he asked in his word of thanks the MPs present to convey a message to the government that we must protect the rights of minorities, we must protect Medicare and its universality and we must keep education affordable. The president of the Australian National Imams Councils, Dr Abdel Aziem Afifi concluded the evening with a prayer to Allah Almighty to keep Australia safe and secure and to grant us the wisdom and compassion to do more for the betterment of our world.

President of AFIC, Mr. Hafez Kassem addressing the gathering

MCCA: 25 years and going strong! Mobinah Ahmad

Car Operating Lease Finance Lease

MCCA, Islamic Finance and Investments (Australia) has provided socially responsible, ethical and Islamic financial services to the Australian community successfully for the last 25 years. MCCA held its 25 year celebration on Friday 13 June 2014 at the Renaissance in Lidcombe, Sydney. The event was attended by more than 250 community leaders, sheikhs, professionals and business people. The chairman of MCCA, Professor Akhtar Kalam highlighted MCCA’s history, its success and its future. MCCA has also expanded their product range by introducing Retail Superannuation through First Guardian and introduced car

finance. These new products were launched at the event. MCCA’s aim is to be a one stop shop for the Muslim community’s Shariah Complaint financial needs. They have other new products in development that will be launched within the next 6 to 12 months. MCCA is a community based organization that have supported various community organisations and events with close to 2 million dollars in donations and sponsorships since commencing 25 years ago. MCCA is proud to have served the community over this time period and as Australia’s first ethical financial provider, they can only continue its good work with the support of the community.

Novated Lease


1300 724 734 Professor Akhtar Kalam, Chairman MCCA


Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16


BUSINESS 18 - 19

GST on our food items


Badar demonised yet again

Dr. Abul Jalaluddin

We do not pay GST on most food, vegetables and drinks for human consumption. GST at the rate of 10% is payable on prepared food as well as food consumed at restaurants or selling outlets. Alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and spirits are taxable and hence, GST is payable on them. The relevant legislation on this matter is the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. The following foods are GST-free: Bread and bread rolls without a sweet coating (such as icing) or filling; all meats for human consumption (except prepared meals or savory snacks); fruit, vegetables, fish and soup (fresh, frozen, dried, canned or packaged); fruit or vegetable juice (of at least 90% by volume of juice of fruit or vegetables); tea and coffee (unless ready-todrink); cooking ingredients, such as flour, sugar, pre-mixes and cake mixes; fats and oils for cooking; un-flavoured milk, cream, cheese and eggs; spices, sauces and condiments; bottled drinking water; baby food and infant formula; spreads for bread (such as honey, jam and peanut butter) and breakfast cereals. GST is payable on the following foods: Bakery products, such as cakes, pastries, pies, sausage rolls (but not including bread

A. Meerah The media spokesperson for Hizb-utTahrir, Uthman Badar has had his name and face plastered all over the media last week over his upcoming speech at Sydney’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas (FODI). The title of his talk advertised as “Honor killings Are Morally Justified”, sparked a huge backlash from Islamaphobes and radio shock jocks.

and bread rolls); biscuits, crisp breads, crackers, cookies, pretzels, cones and wafers; savory snacks, confectionery, icecream and similar products; carbonated and flavored beverages (including flavored milk, flavored water and sports drinks) unless at least 90% by volume fruit or vegetable juice; all food and beverages sold in restaurants or for consumption on the premises on which they are supplied; hot food (takeaway); food marketed as prepared meals and some prepared food, including platters; any food not for human consumption and pet food or any food labeled or specified for animals. There is a current debate on changes in

the rate and tax base of GST. The Australian base is narrower and the rate is lowest compared to the average Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of 18% applied in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Australian GST rate of 10% is applied to approximately 70% of the tax base. The debate is to either increase the rate or broaden the tax base. Food will be a prime candidate for broadening the base for GST. Any change to GST including food items will require an amendment to the GST law. All States and Territories must unanimously support the change for it to take effect.

Grand Mufti of Australia: Ramadan Message Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed All praise is due to ALLAH, and may His peace and blessings be upon the final messenger (s). Over the last few days, a number of respected scholars and imams that form the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) gathered to adopt a unified position, and by the Grace of ALLAH swt they have succeeded in agreeing on a methodology that unifies our position. ANIC adopted a unified methodology for identifying the start of the month of Ramadan, which is the clear evidence of the birth of the new moon after the setting of the sunrather than before or during the sunset-. So that methods of physically witnessing it are available if the conditions allow it, such as time of day, angle and clarity of the sky ... etc. After many meetings and discussions in person and over the phone with the members of ANIC around Australia. The following was decided: Firstly: It will be impossible to physically see the crescent on Friday the 27th of June 2014 AEST. This will also be the case for the majority of Muslim countries according the Islamic Crescent Observance Project this year. A definitive eyewitness account of the crescent cannot take place in Sydney during sunset on Friday. Therefore, Saturday the 28th of June 2014 will mark the end of Sha’baan, which makes Sunday the 29th of June 2014 the first day of the month of Ramadan for the Hijri year of 1435. Secondly: Myself along with scholars and imams representing ANIC reiterate the importance of working side by side in the community, and to avoid involving people -and especially the youth-in matters of contention even amongst scholars. It is not helpful and would only serve to exacerbate rather than remedy Thirdly: We assert our acknowledgement and appreciation of the positions of the scholars and imams who do not share our opinions, and respect their points of view. We remind that it is important to continue

Friday 4 July 2014


Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed in this conversation concerning such dynamic issues which affect the future of our community. We believe dialogue is the only way forward. Through it, we can understand and appreciate each other until ALLAH swt blesses us with complete agreement and unity in heart and mind. We pray that ALLAH help us to make ourselves better.

We assert our acknowledgement and appreciation of the positions of the scholars and imams who do not share our opinions, and respect their points of view.

My dear brothers and sisters: Ramadan comes to us this year full of tragedies that weigh heavily on our hearts. We see the Arab Spring has not born the fruits of freedom and justice for which we had hoped. We see the powers of oppression and tyranny doing their best to keep their people from living freely. We see clear instigation towards division, sectarianism and tearing apart the fabric of unity that defines the Muslim Ummah .

Racism and double standards are applied against whole nations, while others are above the law, free to engage in horrific abuses of humanity without any accountability. We see countries occupied and colonized for years and decades. Their people humiliated and kept from their rights to live freely and justly. Worse still, we are seeing those who would justify and defend this brutal oppression. There are regimes launching all out wars on their own people, and what is even more gruesome is their allies support them militarily and politically to massacre innocent men women and children . Therefore I, in my position as Mufti of Australia, and the respected members of ANIC call on the Muslims of Australia to remember their fasting brothers and sisters in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Burma, and all the lands and nations of Muslims around the world, and to provide them with all the channels of support available to us here. We pray for them and remember them in our dua’s, and ask ALLAH swt to bless and protect our home, Australia, and all the countries of the world. Ramadan Mubarak.

“It is no secret that both

media and politicians seek to polarise the community into ‘moderates’ and ‘radicals’ and exploit these divisions for their agenda” Postdoctral Researcher for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding, Dr Yassir Morsi said “Islamophobia is the exploiting Muslims for one’s own fantasies. In that sense Badar was both victim and its unwilling accomplice.” The article mentions that “the festival’s organisers were so insensitive… they exploited the feelings about victims and those left to deal with honour killings” and basically used Badar as a publicity stunt, although “Badar ought to have intuitively known better…about the industry of stereotyping.” Although the FODI organisers and Badar himself explained their intentions behind the speech, the Australian media were relentless in propagating the misunderstanding that Badar was going to justify and defend honour killings. Displaying images of a close ups of his face next to texts of “Hizb-ut-Tahrir”, “Honour” and “Killings”, it almost seemed like a set up to drag Uthman Badar’s name and reputation in the mud. He was used as a means to start up controversy and sell tickets. The momentum and extent to which the controversy led up to, was incredibly telling about how Muslims are so easily demonised as extremists. Badar has responded on social media with “I read the Daily Telegraph’s article claiming that “Australian Islamic leaders” were criticising Hizb-ut-Tahrir and demanding that we stop voicing “vile sermons” and “inflammatory messages”, early this morning.” Badar decided to confirm the alleged comments, as “It is no secret that both media and politicians seek to polarise the community into ‘moderates’ and ‘radicals’ and exploit these divisions for their agenda” and confirmed with the the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Muhammad that these alleged comments were false. There were a number of beat up propositions from the media and that cancelling the talk was not enough and that Hizb-utTahrir was a Muslim extremist organisation and that FODI was just desperate to uphold its “dangerous ideas”, but were not prepared for the backlash. Ruby Hamad, writer for Daily Life said “Cancelling the talk is not enough. The Festival owes an apology to the Muslim community who have once again been tarnished through no fault of their own. It owes an apology to victims of honour crimes, and -as much as I disagree with the views of his organisation- it even owes an apology to Badar.”

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2




ARO’s local & international relief work Fouzia Bismi

Established in August 2012, the Australian Relief Organisation Limited (ARO) is a voluntary, nonprofit and non-government organisation that is involved in development, relief, and advocacy activities both locally and internationally. It is endorsed as deductible gift recipient (DGR) and hence is able to provide tax deductible receipts to donations that support its local projects and operations. Local Activities ARO is working towards overcoming social exclusion of the people in aged care centers, hospitals, correction facilities, rehabilitation and detention centers, assisting the elderly, sick, disabled and needy, assisting the orphaned, abandoned and destitute children, assisting the rehabilitation of the people affected by alcohol abuse, substance abuse and gambling addiction. People from all ages, backgrounds and professions can volunteer with ARO. ARO’s recent local work includes assisting the victims of NSW Bushfires. With ceremony held in May 2014, ARO handed over the proceeds of its bushfire appeal to the Rainbow Preschool in Winmalee as its back yard was burnt down during bushfires that affected the Blue Mountains area. ARO also operates a charity shop at its headquarters located at Unit 2, 10 Newton Street South, Auburn NSW 2144, where it sells new and pre loved clothing, shoes, jewelry, gifts, toys, homeware and manchester. At its premises, ARO also welcomes clothing donations from women, men, children of all ages, as it organises clothing appeals to needy countries. International Activities In the international context, ARO is engaged in the following activities: • Qurban Appeal : Meat donations to the needy overseas

• Fitr, Zaqat, Sadaqa Donations : Alms to poor overseas • Ramadan Iftars and Food Packs : Providing iftar meals and food packs to the needy overseas • Development Activities : Establishment of orphanages, schools, hospitals, aged care centres, public facilities and public utility services • Sponsorship Appeals : Financial support to orphans and needy students overseas • Emergency Human Aid Relief : Providing monetary assistance for those affected by natural disasters, wars and regional conflicts • Clothing Appeals : Distribution of new and second hand clothing to the needy overseas Current Projects and Appeals At present, the Australian Relief Organisation is running the following projects and appeal campaings: • 2014 Ramadan Appeal – Collecting iftar and food pack donations, which will be distributed in Asian countries • Bosnia Flood Appeal – Collecting donations for the victims of Bosnian floods • Soma Mine Explosion Appeal - Collecting donations for mine explosion victims and families in Turkey • Water Wells – Establishment of water wells to provide clean water solutions to global communities • Orphanage Refurbishment – Collecting donations to refurbish an orphanage in Cambodia where 77 orphans reside • Orphan Sponsorships – Collecting sponsorhips to support orphans and needy students overseas • For more information, visit www.aro. / projects / ongoing projects / international Donations Support our local operations and activities: Bank: ANZ Bank, Auburn Branch

BSB: 012 220 Acct Number: 3818 66237 Acct Name: Australian Relief Organisation Ref:Name Surname Donations over $2 or more are tax deductible to this account. Support our international activities and campaigns: Bank ANZ Bank, Auburn Branch BSB 012 220 Acct Number:3818 66288 Acct Name:Australian Relief Organisation

Ramadan food packs

Charity No. 21816

Mohamed Kandil



Australasian Muslim Times

Ref: Name Surname After your donation, please contact us for your receipt. Contact AddressUnit 2, 10 Newton Street South, Auburn NSW 2144 Tel 02 8065 8469 Web Email Operating Hours (Donations, Charity Shop and Clothing Donations) Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm

This Ramadan, we at Islamic Relief are grateful. Grateful for the 92 million people we’ve helped in the last 30 years, We are urging the Muslim community and the wider public to give thanks and look at charity in a new light and realize that they are powerful. Their support of our vital humanitarian work in the midst of conflict around the world (their zakat) is more than just an obligation. It changes lives. Islamic Relief is implementing innovative food solutions all over the world. Children are often hit hardest by food shortages. So we start feeding programmes to fight malnutrition, preventing countless health problems in the future and saving lives. We have started food banks in Niger, opened feeding centres in Bangladesh, treated malnourished children in Somalia, irrigated farms in Gaza…the list goes on. The Prophet, (s), said “There is a reward on giving food and drink to every living creature.” (Bukhari) In Yemen, Kenya, Somalia and Niger: where there are food insecurities, Islamic Relief has increased the nutritional value of the pack to help mitigate against malnutrition levels. Islamic Relief believes prevention is the best approach for protecting people’s wellbeing and livelihood, especially children’s. The Ramadan food pack will last a family at least two weeks or more. It can make a significant difference to people’s lives as they can focus on the holy month, and not worry about sourcing food for a few weeks. Islamic Relief aims to select families who are the most vulnerable and in need, such female-headed households, people with disabilities, and families consisting of orphans. Islamic Relief teams distribute food packets in impoverished communities to provide relief during Ramadan. Each food packet holds up to 40 Kilograms of food that is im-

portant to the local diet of the recipients. It is designed to help a family of five to seven people. This generally includes rice, wheat, lentils and oil, and often also sugar, canned fish and meat, and dates. Foods are procured locally within each country whenever possible, to ensure that they’re appropriate for the recipients and to help the economy as well. The Ramadan program is designed to complement longer-term relief and development projects that provide sustainable assistance in improving living conditions. The Price of a Family Food Pack starts from just $30. YOUR ZAKAT IS POWERFUL with Islamic Relief. The people that have received the 2,700,000 food packages we’ve distributed during Ramadan alone in the last 30 years, would agree. Visit to find out more or send a Family Food Pack to a needy Family this Ramadan.

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16


Arrival of Muslims in early Australia

Few Australians are aware that the country’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had regular contact with foreign Muslims long before the arrival of European colonisers. And Islam continues to exercise an appeal for some Aboriginal peoples today. The white lines are faint but unmistakable. Small sailing boats, picked out in white and yellow pigment on the red rocks of the Wellington Range in Arnhem Land, northern Australia, tell a different story from the one most Australians accept as the history of their nation. They are traditional Indonesian boats known as praus and they brought Muslim fishermen from the flourishing trading city of Makassar in search of trepang, or sea cucumbers. Exactly when the Makassans first arrived is uncertain. Some historians say it was in the 1750s, but radiocarbon dating of beeswax figures superimposed on the cave paintings suggests that it was much earlier – one of the figures appears to have been made before 1664, perhaps as early as the 1500s. (MT)


BUSINESS 18 - 19

Iraq Turmoil — Divide Muslims and weaken the Ummah Dr. Javed Jamil With the two wars already in Iraq, failure in Afghanistan and severe blow to its plan in Syria, America is witnessing another blow to its global ambitions in recent developments in Iraq. With several trillion dollars spent in Iraq and Afghanistan wars and several thousands of soldiers lost, Obama administration planned an alternative strategy of fomenting sectarian trouble in the Muslim world. Its first laboratory was Syria, where thousands of foreigners were dispatched to wage a war against the Syrian government. It even planned to devastate the country with aerial raids. The plan failed because Iran and Russia came strongly in favour of the Syrian regime. The rebels have finally been almost annihilated in Syria. With failure in Syria, America started thinking afresh in terms of its relations with Iran. It had started believing that the several decades long efforts to isolate Iran in the Muslim world have only benefited Iran whose influence has continued to grow. Israel-American nexus wanted to remove Assad as they believed Syria to be an extension of Iran. They started fearing that Hezbollah-Syria-Iran nexus can become too strong to handle. With Iraqi regime too developing close links with Iran, America was seeing trouble for future. When you are in no position to defeat the enemy, better enter the treaty. Following this principle, the Western world changed its policy towards Iran, and the equations apparently seem to have changed remarkably in the last one year. But for America, this apparent gesture of goodwill towards Iran is only a ploy to weaken it. If an Iranian influence zone extends from Iran to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, this would signal a big reversal of power equations in the area. With Syrian experiment failing, America seems to have asked its long friend Saudi Arabia to focus on Iraq. Within a few days, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) seems to have

taken control of a large area of the country. The rapidity with which they have moved ahead ransacking the opposition, the weaponry they have used and the number of the soldiers they have commanded cannot have been possible without an outside support. The emphasis in the international media on calling ISIS “Sunni Terrorists” clearly gives an idea of what they are up to. The West is interested in fomenting Shia-Sunni hatred to the hilt so that divisions within Muslim community can be used to weaken the Muslim world. They are instigating Iran to get involved in the conflict so that the Sunnis may become further disenchanted with the Shiite Iran. The likely scenario which is going to emerge is that Iraq will go the Syrian way. There will be a civilian war, which can run for months if not for years. There will be a threat to the integrity of Iraq with attempts to divide it into three. But the plan will again fail like it failed in Syria. Iraq will remain united, and the solidarity of the Muslim community will triumph though at a big cost. It is a big test for Iran too. Iran cannot afford to look to be supportive of Shiites against Sunnis, as it would adversely affect its policy of avoiding Sunni-Shia rivalry. While the prospects of amicable ties with West with long period sanctions coming to an end can make its leadership vulnerable to the designs of West, it would better care for its reputation in Muslim world as a unifying force against the anti Islamic forces. Instead of openly supporting the Iraqi regime, it should endeavour to bring unity between the two sects. Keeping Iraq united will not only be in the best interest of Iran but also in the best interest of the Muslim World. The world as a whole can also not afford prolongation of the conflict in the oil-rich nation. Hopefully West will show greater wisdom in dealing with the conflict than it has demonstrated in the past.

Media Scan Ainullah

Brazilian Ex-Gangster Finds Islam

A Brazilian ex-gangster has reverted to Islam, taking the shahada (Islamic declaration of faith) and sharing his story with members of da`wah project WhyIslam who are currently visiting Brazil during the ongoing World Cup tournament.

“Everyone on the Street has faith,” Umair, who took the shahada only two months ago in Brazil, told members of WhyIslam da`wah team. “We just need to reach out to them to reform and accept Islam,” he added, sharing his story on transition from street life to Islam. His goal is to be steadfast in Islam and to invite others to Islam by doing dawah. (ICNA)

Dr Javed Jamil is an India based thinker, writer and commentator on current affairs.

“Fomenting Shia-Sunni

Attacks on Sri Lankan Muslims condemned

hatred to the hilt is leading to divisions within the Ummah”

Florida man demands right to wed computer

Chris Sevier, a man from Florida, USA believes he should legally be allowed to marry his Apple Macbook, a gadget he has fallen in love with. He told a court in Florida that over time, he began preferring the company of his computer rather than that of women. This appears to be not a passing holiday romance, but a lifelong commitment. Mr Sevier, who describes himself as “a former judge advocate and combat veteran”, is persistent, filing claims not only in Florida but also Utah. Mr Sevier apparently sought a marriage licence for himself and his “machine spouse”, but for some reason was denied. Mr Sevier cites legal precedents around the world - including a case where a woman married a dolphin and a Chinese man wed a cardboard cutout of himself. Unfortunately for Mr Sevier, the courts in Florida and Utah, found his legal arguments unpersuasive. (NFN&R)

Dr Sami al-Arian’s long ordeal

After facing an 11-year-long witch-hunt, US District Judge Anthony J. Trenga finally signed an order on Friday 27 June dismissing the indictment and dropping all charges against Florida professor, Dr Sami al-Arian. Dr al-Arian was wrongfully accused of being a supporter of terrorism in Palestine and constantly vilified and hounded by Islamophobes in the US. He was victimized for his political support for Palestinians and raising awareness of the plight of people living in hardship in Gaza. Muslim leaders in the US who have campaigned to raise the awareness among Americans of the plight of Palestinians suffering against Israeli occupation have constantly been hounded by the supporters of Israel. Similarly Aid organisations helping the needy in Gaza and other occupied areas in Palestine have been now and then accused of helping terrorists and dragged to courts in order to stop their humanitarian works. (CI)

Catholic college students join ISIS

All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, the apex body of Indian Muslim organisations, condemned the continuing attacks on the Muslim minority in Sri Lanka. Speaking in New Delhi on 18 June, Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, President of AIMMM, said the continuing attacks, murders and burning of Muslim localities and uprooting of thousands of Muslims by armed Sinhala extremists is a blot on the face of Sri Lanka and proves that the Sri Lankan government has not learnt any lesson from the Tamil revolt which was extinguished at great cost over three decades of blood-letting. Dr Khan appealed to the Sri Lankan government to check Sinhala extremists before the violence snowballs into a major conflict. (MG)

Friday 4 July 2014


Two students who attended St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College in UK went to Syria to join the group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). Two of the three British men in the recruitment video posted by ISIS had attended the same Catholic college in Cardiff. Nasser Muthana and Reyaad Khan, both 20, are seen in the 13-minute ISIS video calling on other British Muslims to join the fighting in Syria and Iraq. A third British man in the video is from Aberdeen. (BBC)

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2



SAMAA Celebrates Jashne Buzurg Zahid Jamil South Asian Muslim Association of Australia (SAMAA) celebrated the annual event ofJashne Buzurg at Novotel Hotel in Baulkham Hills on Saturday 10 May 2014. Well over 200 people including several dignitaries, health experts, community leaders and a large number of SAMAA elders packed the hall to its capacity and enjoyed the evening with enthusiasm and joy. The longest serving parliamentarian Hon Philip Ruddock attended the event along with several other federal and state MPs. These included Hon Julie Owens, federal MP for Parramatta, Hon Ed Husic, the first Muslim MP in federal parliament, Hon David Elliot state MP for Baulkham Hills representing Hon Victor Dominello, NSW Minister for Communities and the first South Asian Muslim NSW MLC Dr Mehreen Faruqi. The Consul General of Pakistan Mr Abdul Aziz Uqaili and several community leaders also attended the event. A team of dedicated SAMAA volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that all elders and guests felt comfortable and the programme ran in an orderly manner. Dr Mohamud Sheikh presented an informative talk about the risks of various types of flues amongst elders in coming months of Southern hemisphere winter. Dr Sheikh is a published international public health expert, with over 18 years of experience in infectious and communicable diseases control and currently works at the University of New South Wale’s centre for research excellence, at the school of public health and community medicine. He described the symptoms, risks and precautionary measures for elders to keep healthy during upcoming winter. Hon Philip Ruddock delivered an inspiring talk which received repeated applause

from the audience. He paid tribute to the leadership of SAMAA and was pleased to see it providing services to the community elders. He acknowledged the need of elders care to be religiously and culturally sensitive. He assured SAMAA that as the needs of South Asian Muslim community grows, government funding for organisations such as SAMAA will be forthcoming. Dr Mehreen Faruqi expressed her appreciation of SAMAA’s services to the elders. She said that she was very proud to be a South Asian of Pakistani origin and that she values the cultural traditions this community maintains. She congratulated the elders, members and volunteers of SAMAA in Urdu “Jashne Buzurg Mubarak”. Couple of days later, Dr Mehreen Faruqi also moved a motion in NSW Parliament which the house agreed to, congratulating SAMAA on its great work. Hon Julie Owens spoke about her interest in Indian music since her youth days and offered to help SAMAA in all its endeavours. Mr Phillip Ruddock presented annual awards to five SAMAA volunteers for their services to the elders and contribution to SAMAA activities. These included Mrs Naila Hassan, Miss Rubinah Ahmad, Mrs Sobia Ajaz, Mr Abu Bakar Sadazoi and Mr Mohammad Fayyaz. Mr Zahid Jamil welcomed the audience on behalf of South Asian Muslim Association of Australia and presented SAMAA report to the audience. “SAMAA has been coordinating with various service providers to extend available services to our elders. Under one such programme, CareConnect, a major service provider, with whom we have been coordinating for nearly 4 years, are currently registering SAMAA elders in western Sydney for some of their programmes. These services include HACC funded programmes such as Social Support, Respite service, Communi-

Dr Mohamud Sheikh, UNSW

Bankstown Masjid fundraising dinner A Successful Fundraising Dinner for Bankstown Masjid was organized on Sunday, 15 June 2014 at The Croatian Club, Punchbowl by Saarban Islamic Trust. The main speaker at the Dinner was Imam Uzair Akbar from Holland Park Mosque, Brisbane. A large number of Muslims attended the event from all over Sydney including many distinguished guests. Alhamdulillah $200,000 was raised at the event due to the generosity of those present and contributions from some who couldn’t attend. Saarban Islamic Trust, a division of Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims (IFAM) bought a commercial property at 30 Meredith Street Bankstown 2200 NSW in Sept 2011. By the Grace of Allah for the past 3 years Bankstown Masjid has been establishing five daily prayers, Islamic Lectures, Workshops, Quran Classes for Kids, Quran Classes for Men, Taraweeh Prayers, Iftar Arrangements etc. A full time Imam was also appointed earlier this year.


ty Aged Care and Extended aged care. We coordinate with such service providers in making the services culturally and religiously appropriate as much as possible.” “Through its quarterly newsletters, SAMAA keeps disseminating information about all the news from aged care industry including various government initiatives and various SAMAA programmes.” “While SAMAA’s agreement with Wallgrove aged care facility in Lakemba is still in place, we have been speaking to other groups as well to consider offering culturally appropriate care to SAMAA elders in their nursing homes and sign a memorandum of understanding with us. Unfortunately we have been encountering some resistance from them and there seems to be an element of bias in it, however we will continue to pursue such efforts.” He also sought support from the South Asian Muslim community so as to work towards better future of our elders. He also warned the community members that we will have to support ourselves increasingly in future as the governments will not be able to provide what they may be providing today. He said “The budget to be announced in couple of days is expected to contain huge spending cuts in many vital sectors including aged care. We may like it or not, the support system of the government will gradually only reduce in future…the argument is that we can not afford to live beyond our means as a nation, if we do we will end up in financial problems like many European nations….it may very well be true. So let us face the reality and be prepared for it. Let us try to become as self reliant individually and


as a community.” “The cuts in budgets will effect several aged care programmes and thus role of voluntary organisations such as SAMAA will become even more significant. We will therefore need more support from the community to reach out to our elders.” Talking about building our own facilities, he said “When it comes to building of aged care facilities, we need huge amounts from the community and from the government…. it will happen one day inshallah and we are exploring all different avenues.” He reminded members that donations to SAMAA are tax deductible.

Dr Mehreen Faruqi, MLC

Regular Taraveeh Prayers are being held during Ramadan at Bansktown Mosque led by Hafiz Dr Mohammad Waliullah Bokhari

The building now requires major refurbishment and extensions in order to accommodate the needs of the ever growing Muslim community. The total amount required for the new building is $1.2M. For those who could not attend the fundraising Dinner, contributions can still be made by direct transfer. Ramadan has commenced and the reward of every good deed is multiplied by 70 times. Contributions can be made to the following Account: Account Name: Saarban Islamic Trust BSB: 062334 Account # 10804738 Commonwealth Bank Contact Details Br. Muhammad Rashid: 0470 282 281 Br. Imran Hashmi: 0431 463 203 Br. Syed Navaid Karim: 0433 776 186

Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 4 July 2014


UMMAH 14 - 16


BUSINESS 18 - 19

The Integral Approach for Teaching & Learning Islam


Dr Q Ashfaq Ahmad

This article presents how Islam is best understood through learning via an integral approach. This approach, as developed in the Integral Tarbiyah Project (ITP) allows the teacher to lead the student through the stages from inspiration through to application utilising the synergy of belief and action to strengthen each other. Introduction The One Creator Allah (swt) sent the basic message of Islam to all of humanity, beginning with the first Prophet, Adam (as), and ending with the last Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh). The same basic message of Islam came from Allah (swt) via the Archangel Jibrail (as) to his Prophets in different times, in different languages and to different generations. The human species did not undergo much difference in their physical functions; however many changes took place in their mental, psychological and spiritual faculties, and their development in knowledge, experience and thinking. With the advent of the last Prophet of Allah (pbuh) came the last stage of Divine Guidance to humans, with the full preservation of the Qur’an, and the elaborate life history of the last Prophet (pbuh). “Say, (O believers): We believe in (One) Allah (swt) and (in) all that has been sent down to (in the Qur’an); and (in) all that has been sent down to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and to the (prophets of the) Tribes (of Israel); And in all that was given to Moses and to Jesus; and (in) all that was given to (all) the (other) prophets from their Rabb. We do not differentiate (in faith) between any of them. Thus are we Muslims, in willing submissions to Him (alone). “Then if they believe in the same (creed) in which you have believed, then, truly, they are guided (aright). But if they turn away from (Ad-Deen), then it is they who are (the ones) in schism (with the Deen of Allah (swt). Thus Allah (swt) shall suffice you, (O Prophet), against them. For He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Al-Baqarah;2:136,137) The words of the Qur’an are a miracle in many senses. One of the most special characteristics of the Qur’an is that through this, the relation between belief and action becomes incredibly binding. There is no belief that can be attested by any sincere person unless they intend to act upon it. Therefore, the student who studies Qur’an for the sake

of accepting Islam automatically learns the practice of action for each and every article of belief. “O you who believe! Why do you say what you do not do? It is greatly abhorrent (in the sight of) Allah (swt) that you say what you do not do!” (Al-Saff; 61:02-03) Integral Approach through The Quran and the Prophet’s (pbuh) life. It is evident that Islam can easily be understood through the technique of Integral Approach applied to the Qur’an. In Islam, beliefs and actions are inseparable, and a believer can never claim a belief if he/she does not demonstrate it in practice. Archangel, Jibrail (as) taught the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the full text of the Qur’an and Al-Hikmah, the Wisdom of Prophethood. This Wisdom is the technique of learning the strict adherence or bondage between the belief and action related to that belief. The Prophet (pbuh) taught his companions the same way as he learnt from the Archangel Jibrail (as). According to the directive of Allah (swt), the teaching by Jibrail (as) and the learning by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) clearly indicate the special stages for Islamic education as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:129: 1. Inspiration and wonderment (ãyah, or sense of cosmology). 2. Self-purification, preparation and motivation (tazkiyah, or soul axiology). 3. Construction and acquisition (Ilm, or moral psychology). 4. Proper application and use of knowledge, known as wisdom (hikmah, or hand/body technology/know-how).

The Integral Tarbiyah Project (ITP) uses this Qur’anic paradigm as the basis for its instructional model. The urgency of teaching vision to Muslim students Muslims are supposed to claim for themselves the responsibility to serve as caretakers of creation, and to provide inspired leadership to the world. This is the Islamic notion of ‘amanah, or stewardship/vicegeregency. However, in order to fulfill this responsibility, Muslims need a system of education that is capable of producing young people who can identify, analyse, understand and then work cooperatively to solve the problems that face their community and humanity at large. According to Islam, a person’s life is to be established on the principles of belief and action together in such a way that beliefs must be translated into action and reflected into his or her conduct. The Kind Prophet (pbuh) emphasised that our dealings and actions with other people are, in fact, the truest reflection of our deen (way of life). The prevailing social norm of a practicing Muslim must reflect the teachings of Islam in action, giving great regards to the notion of good conduct, orderliness, appointments, timeliness, equality, due process and other etiquettes of a productive society. Hence, Islamic teaching cannot simply be an appendage to an otherwise secular and fragmented curriculum. Nor can it be merely a prescriptive or parochial litany of moral do’s and don’ts. Instead, it must be woven skillfully and articulately throughout the curriculum into the daily experience of our children.

Ramadan Mubarak: Reflection, understanding and community harmony Ziaul Islam Ahmad Alhamdolillah, we thank Allah Subhanotaala that He has given us the opportunity to observe fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan again this year. May Allah accept our efforts and shower His blessings during this great month of training and devotion. The Ramadan eve also brings about issues as to the start of the month and the day of the Eid. Usually most of us sleep over for the last eleven months relatively with calm in the community and suddenly wake up and engage into arguments and bickering just before Ramadan starts. Ramadan is supposed to bring about better relations in the community but the reality is otherwise. Realising my position, neither being an aalim, nor an astronomer and certainly not in any kind of administrative authority, as an Islamic activist, I would like to share some

Friday 4 July 2014

of my thoughts on the issue, provide some relevant data and views at this juncture and appeal for some reflection, understanding and community harmony. We must do a reality check and realise that there are differences of opinion in the Ummah on the issue of determining dates for the Islamic calendar in general and the beginning of Ramadan and Eidain in particular. Rather than just thinking locally, we should think globally and act locally. We should appreciate the various views on the issue, show understanding, follow what we feel is best without condemning others. It should not be the case of my way or the highway. We should note that all members of the Ummah are sincere in adhering to Islamic principles and differences can occur due to a number of secondary reasons. Each of the various opinions on the issue will have strengths and weaknesses and till our ulama, scientists and administrative authori-

ties come up with a solution on the Islamic calendar, all the views should be considered Shariah-compliant for the time being. It would be highly desirable that we observe these dates together as much as possible in order to maintain unity and social harmony on global level, regional level, national level, city level, mosque level or at least on a family or household level. With an initiative taken on time this year by the Grand Mufti of Australia and in cooperation of the Imam’s Council, Sunday 29 June was declared as the first day of fasting and beginning of Ramadan. All communities in Australia have complied with this decision except the Turkish and Bosnian communities who follow a calculated global calendar and therefore started Ramadan on Saturday 28 June. Ramadan and Eid dates for 2014 (1435 Hijra): Islamic dates are subject to the visibility of the new moon and variation can take


All this requires a comprehensive and holistic approach to learning, and a unifying principle of education. The aims and objectives of the Integral Tarbiyah Program (ITP) A. This vision of Islamic education makes an important distinction between teaching “about Islam” (information) and learning to “be Muslim” (transformation). The goal of Islamic education is not to fill our children’s minds with as much information about Islam as possible; its goal is to guide and assist them in becoming Muslim, and inspiring them to transform themselves in the process. This paradigm shift from information-driven to transformation-oriented education is essential if we hope to revitalise Muslim society. B. TheWW vision of Islamic education, advocated by the Tarbiyah Project, is based on a dynamic rather than static view of Islam and Islamic education. This view is rooted in the belief that the mission of Islam is to positively affect and transform the world by first transforming ourselves and, its purpose is to prepare young men and women capable of living out this mission- emotionally, morally, intellectually and collectively, To achieve this high level of education, Muslim educators, parents and other responsible adults must be committed in their purpose, and thoughtful in their approach. C. The strength of the Tarbiyah Project is in its holistic and integrated vision of education, its broad view of Islamic educational reform and its focus on character development and human relations. D. The Project approaches educational improvement and reform based on two key principles: 1. Genuine reform will only be achievable to the extent that we transform its key stakeholders, namely, the students, staff and parents. 2. Sustainable improvement will only result through a partnership that empowers the stakeholders themselves, and make them directly accountable for the learning that takes place. Therefore, the Integral Approach of Teaching and Learning Islam through the Integral Tarbiyah Project aims to deliver a comprehensive Islamic education with a great focus on human development, curriculum development, staff development and community development. In order to achieve these aims and objectives, it is imperative that all who are involved in administering the project or assisting in its administration, be they teachers, lesson planners, evaluators or parents, to understand its purpose and work seriously and cooperatively to fulfil all aspects of the project to ensure its success. Courtesy: Comprehensive Integrated Learning - ACSOMOR, Najia Khalil More info at

place if this sighting of the crescent is done globally, regionally or locally. The following possible scenarios can occur this year: 1. Global Sighting (or prediction of sighting). Ramadan (30 days) starting Saturday 28 June and ending Sunday 27 July with Eid on Monday 28 July. 2. Regional Sighting. Ramadan (29 days) starting Sunday 29 June and ending Sunday 27 July with Eid on Monday 28 July. 3. Local Sighting. Ramadan (30 days) starting Sunday 29 June and ending Monday 28 July with Eid on Tuesday 29 July.

Australasian Muslim Times




The Success Story of Mohammed

NEWS 1-2





Mobinah Ahmad

Mohammed Israil is an Australian-Fijian owner of Homebush Halal Meats in Ashfield, Sydney. With an exceptional reputation of providing the best and freshest quality meat, Homebush Halal Meats has successfully been serving Australian Muslim families for the past 28 years. Originally from Suva, Fiji, Mohammed came from a large family and worked closely under his father who was a reputable businessman and owned several butcheries in Fiji. After coming to Australia with his wife and young children in the early 70s, Mohammed took on the legacy of his father and so began his passion in the meat industry. He humbly began working as the slaughterman at Homebush Abattoirs for The Australian Federation for Islamic Council (AFIC). Mohammed was the sole provider for his growing family, and as a very hard-working man, passionate about providing quality products to the Muslim community. When the Abattoir had closed down and after many years of experience as a slaughterman, Mohammed had the ambition to open up butchery, working his way up into establishing his own business: a retail butchery at Croydon Park. As the word had spread of the quality and taste of the products, the business’s success was steadily growing and it was time to relocate to Ashfield, the current premises. Homebush Halal Meats provide a delectable variety of lamb, beef, goat, poultry and game meat. Halal small goods are made and sold on premises using secret family recipes. The wide selection of small goods includes but are not limited to berliner, chicken rolls, hot & spicy rolls, polony, Hungarian salami, corned beef, smoked beef, turkey bacon,


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beef bacon, smoked turkey, smoked chicken, pastirma, sucuk, biltong, pizza topping and so much more! Homebush Halal Meats can also supply to restaurants, cafes and retail outlets. After 28 years of success in providing meat to Australian Muslims, Homebush Halal Meats is the most sought after source of Halal meat for their reputation and quality products. Head over to Homebush Halal Meats, meet Mohammed himself and try their wide range of tasty products.

Australasian Muslim Times

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Friday 4 July 2014

My Choice

Ramadan Calendar

1435 Hijra

Indicator: Tick

running val ns!

Jun/ Jul



Emsak & Fajr





Iftar & Maghreb



Jun/Jul 2014

It was the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was (first) sent down as Guidance for all people, having clear proofs of guidance and the criterion between (right and wrong)… (Quran 2:185)














































































Dua at Emsak























Allahumma Bisaumi ghadin nawaitu min Shahr-e Ramadan























Dua at Iftar























Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamunto wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ‘alaa rizqika aftartu







































































































































































































SAUM O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for those before you so that you may be ever Allah-conscious. (Quran 2:183)

O Allah! I intend to fast this day for the whole day in the month of Ramadan.

O Allah! I have fasted this day, for your sake and believe in you and, having confidence in you, I open my fast by your sustenance.

Islamic Dates Islamic dates are subject to the visibility of the new moon and variation can take place if this sighting of the crescent is done globally, regionally or locally. The following possible scenarios can occur this year: 1. Global Sighting (or prediction of sighting) Ramadan (30 days) starting Saturday 28 June and ending Sunday 27 July with Eid on Monday 28 July. 2. Regional Sighting Ramadan (29 days) starting Sunday 29 June and ending Sunday 27 July with Eid on Monday 28 July. 3. Local Sighting Ramadan (30 days) starting Sunday 29 June and ending Monday 28 July with Eid on Tuesday 29 July. When you are notified of the commencement of Ramadan through your community, indicate the dates you will follow under the relevant “Ramadan” column. Please stay in contact with your local mosque for announcement of Ramadan and Eid dates.

* Ramadan dates start at Maghreb the previous day

MEFF AD An activity of the Australian MEFF Consortium - a non-profit Muslim enterprise with the cooperation of the Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare

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Friday 4 July 2014

Australasian Muslim Times







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An activity of the Australian MEFF Consortium - a non-profit Muslim enterprise with the cooperation of the Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare


Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 4 July 2014

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