Issue 105

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Multimedia News & Views

ISSN: 1039-2300


Print Post No. PP 255003/01403

Print edition published Monthly on first Friday with frequent Website updates

Global Outcry for Gaza


Islamic Finance for Australia FINANCE PAGE 13


Issue # 105 Friday 1 August 2014; 4 Shawaal 1435

Popular Iftars during Ramadan


Joy of Eid marred by violence in the Middle East Zia Ahmad Eid was celebrated in Australia last Monday and Tuesday at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with prayers, thanksgiving and feasting with family, friends and neighbours. Eid prayers were offered in mosques as well as in open grounds in Australia with tens of thousands of people attending the congregations. The Eid Khutba (sermons) exhorted the believers to be steadfast and while celebrating Eid think of those who are in no position to celebrate as a result of poverty, wars and sickness. Prayers were offered for the sick, the needy and the refugees and appeals were made to provide aid to the best of one’s ability to the unfortunate ones. However even on Eid day many were still glued to their smart devices, computers, laptops and phones sharing information and discussing the news from the Middle East over social media. With no end in sight to the relentless Israeli bombardment of Gaza from air, land and sea with a death toll of more than hundred people being killed and thousands injured on a daily basis. Hospitals have been bombed, refugee centres destroyed and the sole power plant in Gaza has been destroyed. The Gazans have been surrounded, squeezed and subdued with nowhere to go with the Israelis literally getting away with murder, no one dare stop them. Gaza, a small strip of land populated by a very large number of people has been an open air prison under siege by Israel for the last seven years and has been pounded on a regular basis. However this time Gazans are facing an unprecedented scale of misery with death toll mainly women and children climbing over a thousand with tens of thousands injured and internally displaced.




MEFF Souvenir Lift-out with Map MEFF PAGE 9 - 12 News ................................1 - 2 • Global outcry for Gaza • Photos Boomerang .....................13 - 5 Community ........................... • Cartoon: Home & Away • Open Letter re Gaza Community ..................... 6 - 7 • Creative Arts Classes • Events Calendar Family .................................. 8 • Judaism is not Zionism • UWS Iftar Photos Australia ..................... 13 - 14 • CRC Chairman Resigns • Music for Refugees Ummah ....................... 15 - 16 • Media Scan • Mufti’s Eid Message Education .......................... 17 • Book Review: Bible & Quran • Broadening of Thoughts Social ................................. 19 • Twitter Hashtags • Facebook Statuses

The town of Shajaiyya- Gaza before and after the Israeli bombings


FAIRFIELD SHOWGROUND 494 SMITHFIELD RD, PRAIRIEWOOD An activity of the Australian MEFF Consortium a non-profit Muslim enterprise

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NEWS 1-2




Global outcry for Palestinian victims in Gaza A. Meerah

Tens of thousands of people in cities in Australia came together in solidarity, joining pro-Palestinian protesters around the world in countries such as India, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, France, London and Hong Kong, after Israel’s most recent attacks on Gaza. The protest was for an end to Israeli illegal occupation and military strikes. In Sydney, over the three days, numbers higher than 5000 men, women and children in the Muslim and non-Muslim community marched together in Sydney CBD waving flags and signs, calling: “In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians.” At the Sydney protest on Sunday 27 July at Town Hall, Australian independent journalist, author and Guardian columnist, Antony Lowenstein said “We all have a responsibility as citizens, human beings to support boycotts, to put pressure on governments and institutions and companies who do business with the Israeli state and to cut that support immediately. It does have an effect. Boycott the Divestment and Sanctions in a non-violent way to put massive pressure on Israel.” Israel has rejected a 7 day cease-fire, but on Friday 25 July, both sides agreed to a ceasefire for 12 hours for humanitarian organisations to step in to allow trapped Palestinians in combat zones to seek shelter elsewhere and medical workers to treat the wounded. The death toll has now reached to over 1000 Palestinian deaths with thousands wounded since Israel’s Operation “Protective Edge” (This number is due to increase since publication). In the past few weeks, Israeli Military have continued to focus on “destroying Hamas’ tunnel network’ in Gaza, escorting journalists on a tour. The human suffering and misery of Gazans continues against the Israeli onslaught, while the world is paralysed to do anything about this great injustice. In his speech at the Melbourne Rally on 26 July, Nazeem Hussain said “Today, it is only ordinary people like us and the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people around the world in London, in Paris, in New York, in Chicago, in Chile, all across South America, across Asia, across the African continent, and the tens of thousands of Palestinians who are now risking their lives to protest in the West Bank, despite being shot at and killed – Today, all of us across the world are willing to stand up and say 
• NO to Israel, 
 • NO to apartheid,
 • NO to ethnic cleansing,
 • NO to the murder of children playing on a beach, 
 • No to the massacre of entire families,
 • No to Israel’s 66 year war against the indigenous people of Palestine and • NO to our government’s complicity in this war.” Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinians marched from Ramallah to the Qalandia checkpoint in East Jerusalem, clashing with


Israeli forces in the Old City, Silwan and neighbouring areas. Two protesters killed and 100 wounded. Protests were also reported in Nablus and Bethlehem. West Bank. Palestinians protesting Israel’s military operations were held for a second day demonstration across the territory during Laylat-ul-Qadr. Palestinian officials said that Israeli soldiers have killed four Palestinians in the protest and a fifth was fatally shot by an Israeli settler. New York, USA. 2000-3000 demonstrators protested in the busy streets of Times Squares on Friday 25th July, calling “1,2,3,4, stop the killing, stop the War!” London, United Kingdom. Hundreds of thousands strong gaza march was planned for Saturday 26th July by activists from Stop the War Coalition, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and a number of Muslim groups. The march will star at the Israeli Embassy before heading to Westminster. Paris, France. Thousands took part in a rally in Paris, France despite the government issuing a complete ban on Pro-palestine protests, after protesters attempted to storm synagogues. Francois Hollande, the French President said that the ban was required to preserve public order after clashes between protesters and police. French riot police responded to the protests with tear gas. Authorised rallies did take place in a number of other French cities. New Delhi, India. In the Indian capital New Delhi about 100 protesters, mainly students, gathered outside Israel’s embassy carrying placards stating “We are with you Gaza” and “Say no to Zionist

Australasian Muslim Times

Protesters also gathered in a number of other cities including Hyerabad and Kashmir. Indian Police has killed a kasmiri teenager as they began firing on anti-Israel protesters who were also angry about injuries suffered by other protesters during earlier demonstrations. Jakarta, Indonesia. 500 people marched

calling ‘Allahu Akbar’, carring Palestinians flags and placards. Activist, Adityo Nugroho said “This is a show of solidarity for our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza who are being oppressed by Israeli occupiers. We Indonesian Muslims share their suffering and pain.”

Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16






Multimedia News & Views





Issue # 105 Friday 1 August 2014; 4 Shawaal 1435

Australia’s favourite online guide to restaurants and eateries offering halal food, halal groceries and restaurant reviews. Covering all major capital cities in Australia Visit us at Restaurateurs, mention AMUST and receive 20% off yearly advertising on our site!!

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AMUST greeted with great enthusiasm

The recommencement of AMUST in the leader, it was a pleasant Ramadan surprise new format was greeted with great enthu- that he found very impressive. He admired the inclusive design of AMUST logo with siasm within Australia and abroad The print edition of AMUST July/Rama- expressive Australian colours. Professor Stewart Truswell from dan Issue #104 dated Friday 4 July was the University of Sydney liked widely distributed via newsagents the editorial especially the idea nationally and Australia post and EDITORIAL of sharing of good news by by hand at mosques and business Assalamu AMUST compared to mainoutlets as well as at various Iftar Alaikum stream media that are all about events throughout Sydney. news on murders, wars and poA newsletter edition of AMUST Greetings litical disagreements. was sent to tens of thousands of of Piece Professor Jamil Farooqui and people globally as well as a user Dr Mumtaz from International Isfriendly website is being maintained lamic University, Malaysia who were being updated on a frequent basis. Interesting comments were received from regular readers of AMUST in the past wela wide cross section of readers of AMUST comed its revival with promise of contrithat included a variety of community mem- bution of articles. AMUST was also distributed by hand at bers, professionals and politicians. Further advice, Cooperation and support was of- numerous Iftar dinners in Sydney and was fered that was very encouraging for the enthusiastically received. Young people were found to be extraordinarily excited AMUST Team. Anne Fairbain, a popular Australian poet about AMUST and its new multimedia and icon who used to contribute towards format that was considered very much AMUST in the past found revived AMUST user friendly for them not only to read but a superb newspaper to be read by many also to express their ideas by contribution Australians of all background and promised of articles, photos, videos and social meto continue her contributions to AMUST on dia commentaries. a regular basis. For Mr Abbas Alvi, an Indian community

Mufti’s Eid Message on Page 14

Friday 1 August 2014

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2

Letters to the editor






AMUST is on sale at your local newsagent Managing Editor: Zia Ahmad Superb newspaper to be read AMUST logo appreciated in Sydney and most of other major cities of Graphic Designer: Rubinah Ahmad It is a pleasant surprise in Ramadan to re- Australia. Price $1 by all Australians My heartfelt congratulations to you and the AMUST Team on the publication once more of the Australasian Muslim Times. It is a superb newspaper and should indeed be read by many Australians of all backgrounds and religions in order to understand and appreciate the fellow Australians who are Muslims and who are contributing so very much to our country. The first edition published on 4 July is very interesting. Headlines speak of Australian journalist Peter Greste and his very moving message from prison in Egypt. There is also a very moving Ramadan message from the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Muhammad. Also thank you so much for publishing my poem ‘The Muslim Contribution to Australia. which indeed is a great contribution. Having met so many Muslims over the years both here and in the Arab world I find them always to be so very hospitable, generous and creative - their poetry superb. I look forward so very much to seeing many Muslims again at MEFF on 10 August. Anne Fairbairn AM Sydney, NSW.

Well done Team

Thanks for resuming the publication of AMUST. May Allah give you courage and ability to continue this project and with great acumen. Congratulations to all team members. Professor Jamil Farooqui Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Positive News

I was very pleased to obtain the first copy of the reborn Australasian Muslim Times, AMUST. I have been interested to read it. You will need political skills , as well as writing skills and business skills, a mammoth task and I wish you great success. I specially liked the editorial, especially “While mainstream media highlights only negative news regarding Islam and Muslims, AMUST will share the good news, Positive developments in the community.” (AMUST Issue#104, 4 July 2014). It’s not only news about the Muslim community that’s more negative than positive. These days I often turn off the ABC radio news . It’s all about murders, wars, political disagreements. Alan de Bouton, a popular philosopher has recently written a book “The News” that sets out how the news could be made more positive and interesting. I have a copy and have enjoyed reading it. I am sure you will enjoy reading it too. I wish the AMUST Team great success. Professor Stewart Truswell Sydney, NSW.

ceive the complimentary copy of AMUST, issue #104. It is very impressive. I do look forward to seeing good articles in AMUST which are original and of high standard. I liked the idea of information on the 100th issue of the AMUST remember the efforts of those who were associated in past as volunteers and workers for AMUST. The logo of AMUST is very nice and expressive based on Australian colours. Congratulation to those who were involved in its design work. From time to time , I hope to share my thoughts through AMUST by contributing my articles. I also want to mention that during the last 20 years the configuration of the Muslim Community in Australia has changed drastically . Needs of Muslim community in Australia have changed and we are passing through a difficult phase . Internal differences, occasional violence, clash of the egos are hurdles that we need to cross in order to flourish as a successful community. In my opinion a true media representation of Muslims in Australia should provide all views without bias towards any particular community presenting all views equally. I would also love to see a balanced representation of various sections of the community in your editorial board too. Abbas Raza Alvi Sydney, NSW

Regular reader

Thank you very much for starting AMUST again.This is really good news. I will be a regular reader inshallah. It is good for us to have it her in KL. Dr Mumtaz Ali Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Launching appreciated

It was a real pleasure to learn through your email launching of Australasian Muslim Times. May Allah help you and grant you success in this noble project. Prof. Dr. Anis Ahmad Islamabad, Pakistan

Subscribe to AMUST in order to get surely and promptly by Australia Post. Subscription rate: Australia $20 for 12 issues- 1 year Subscribe at


PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg (Sydney), NSW 2177 Australia. Email: Ph: 9823 2063; Fax: 9823 3626

Chief Adviser: Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Journalist: Mobinah Ahmad Columnist: Dr Abul Jalaluddin (Finance) Columnist: Bilal Cleland (Victoria) Columnist: Manarul Islam (ACT) Promotion: Dr Wali Bokhari Web Developer: Shadow Approved Multimedia: iMoby Productions Printers: MPD printing the news everyday Distributers: Wrapaway Tansport Pty Ltd

Letters to the editor Have your say via our website at

AMUST Logo & Masthead The Australasian Muslim Times, AMUST logo and masthead are modern interpretation to represent the dynamic relationships and exchanges that are at the core of its Australasian identity. The logo is representative of the inclusive but diverse thoughts, voices and opinions expressed in Multicultural Australia. The overall colour scheme of the AMUST masthead has been designed around the Australian colours of green and gold. The AMUST logo is comprised of three elements, each one representing an area of identity for the newspaper. The logo is composed of a crescent moon representing the Muslim identity, a boomerang and the stars from the Southern Cross representing past and present Australian identity. Boomerang – In solidarity with Aboriginal people, AMUST acknowledges the traditional owners of the land and pays respects to its elders, past and present. In the sense of Multimedia and the sharing of news and views, the boomerang forms a representation of throwing ideas, opinions and news to the community and anticipates the return after having collected responses from the community. Southern Cross – The Southern Cross stars representing our land down under, as de-

picted on the Australian flag representing, the four moral virtues of justice, prudence, temperance and fortitude, principles that Australians should live up to. Crescent Moon – The crescent moon symbolises the Muslim Australians, our solidarity with the Muslim world and our neighbours and the news and views presented from an Islamic perspective. Shape – The orientation of the three elements creates a shape of unity, togetherness and combined values and principles. The three identities all combine to work together in solidarity and balance respecting each other. Colours –The red colour represents the passion the Australasian Muslim Times has in producing quality news and good news sharing in the community. The two tone orange symbolises warmth, optimism, freedom, social communication and two way conversations AMUST has achieved in connecting with its readers. The colour green in the branding represents growth and balance. The Australasian Muslim Times has the goals of continual growth and providing a balance of ideas and opinions, thereby following the middle path away from extremes.

AMUST Memory Lane

Keys to success for AMUST

Congratulations for this comeback edition of a much needed newspaper for Australian Muslims! Please convey my salaams and doa to all involved with its production. As we all know, other than good circulation and pricing, a good newspaper is one with relevant and speedy news, professional editorship and attractive formatting. You guys must find ways of establishing a good team, good network, and good production and financing policies. Be steadfast, get strong sponsorship, and continue the struggle - and leave the rest to Allah. Professor Hussin Mutalib Singapore

AMUST remembered

Congrats for starting AMUST again. I remember reading it in the past as a child and loving it. Ameena Asif Merrylands, NSW


Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16




Two Jews, Two Palestinians: An open letter on the simple truth Michael Brull, Samah Sabawi, Peter Slezak and Randa Abdel-Fattah The enduring international silence around Israel’s assault on Gaza has prompted a passionate plea from four prominent human rights activists. We are writing this letter, Jews and Palestinians together, in the hope of making a simple point: the fighting between Israel and Gaza right now is not an even-handed clash. Both sides are not equally to blame. The Israeli army is committing mass murder against an overwhelmingly innocent and mostly defenseless population in Gaza.

There are 1.8 million people in Gaza. Most of them are children, and two-thirds of them are refugees. They have lived under Israeli occupation since 1967, and a brutal siege since 2006 which limited the amount of food, medicine and other supplies entering the city. This siege is a form of criminal collective punishment directed at the entire population and described as the ‘civilian levers’ by the Israeli security cabinet. Ariel Sharon’s chief advisor, Dov Weisglass described the siege as ‘an appointment with a dietician. The Palestinians will get a lot thinner, but won’t die’. This official Israeli policy, has resulted in the devastation of Gaza. According to Oxfam, over 40 per cent of Gazans are unemployed. According to UNRWA, 80 per cent of the population is dependent on international aid. The siege on Gaza has ‘decimated lives and livelihoods, resulting in the impoverishment and de-development of a highly skilled and well-educated society’. According to UNRWA over 90 per cent of water in Gaza is unfit for human consumption. The former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, observed of the siege: “Their whole civilization has been destroyed. I’m not exaggerating…. It’s almost unbelievable that the world doesn’t care while this is happening.” As for the issue of Israel’s security, it is worth noting that even as Israel grinds the people of Gaza into the ground, the Palestinians have delivered Israel greater levels of security and peace than Palestinians themselves have ever known under Israeli rule. It was Israel that breached a ceasefire with Hamas in the lead up of the war on Gaza in 2008. According to the Israeli government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamas had upheld the ceasefire effectively, except when in response to attacks by Israel on Gaza. After that war, in which Israel killed 1,400 Palestinians in Gaza, Hamas observed another ceasefire with Israel which also held for years until Israel once again intensified its killing of Palestinian civilian… and so on, a deadly pattern that seems to repeat itself every time. The lead-up to Israel’s latest attack on Gaza was similar to previous attacks. In response to the murder of three Israelis by unknown parties, Israel launched raids throughout the West Bank, arrested hundreds of Palestinians, and engaged in what a coalition of 11 human rights organizations called ‘collective punishment’ against Palestinians. Since then, the fighting has flared up again. By fighting, we mean Israel has dropped over 1,500 tonnes of bombs on a tiny strip of land, which is densely populated, primarily by children. Their borders with Israel and Egypt are closed: Gazans have nowhere to go. While Hamas shot thousands of its primitive rockets indiscriminately into Israel. It must be noted that over the years, Israel has bombed schools, hospitals, homes, UN shelters, and just about any target one could think of. Hamas has offered a 10-year truce to Israel.

Friday 1 August 2014


Australian birds gather to celebrate the 30th Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair Anne Fairbairn

Do you not see how Allah is praised by those in the heavens and those on earth? Australian birds praise Muslims as they wing their way across Australia. Footage of a Gazan which emerged last week. He was hit by an Israeli sniper while searching for family. The sniper shot him two more times while he lay wounded.

Its 10 terms are entirely reasonable: they include freeing the Palestinians arrested in the mass raids that human rights organizations condemned in June. They include ending the brutal blockade on Gaza, and posting international monitors on the border, to help prevent future ceasefire violations by Israel, and easing the conditions Israel imposes on Palestinians who want to pray at the al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. If Israel accepted it, it could guarantee for its citizens far greater security than could be achieved by its military onslaught. Instead, Israel has ignored this offer. It is true that Israel has offered a ceasefire to Hamas: its condition is that the Palestinians continue to accept the blockade and Israel’s right to continue attacks on the West Bank at will.

“We do not think that the Palestinians in Gaza should have to accept their subjugation, in order for Israel to stop bombing them.” Israel’s rejection of Hamas’s ceasefire offer means that all of the dead and suffering – on both sides, though the dead are always overwhelmingly Palestinian – should be attributed to the Israeli government. If the Israeli government was willing to limit aspects of its oppression of the Palestinians, and take meager steps to remedy their desperate situation, it would simultaneously guarantee the safety of its citizens, as shown by the many ceasefires it has accepted in the past with Hamas, and which Israeli leaders have openly agreed have been effective.

What makes the current situation

shameful is not only are atrocities being committed, but there is a conspiracy of silence in the international community about Israel’s war crimes. Indeed, among some countries, including our own, it is worse than that. Israel’s war crimes – the slaughter and maiming of children, the bombing of hospitals, and the destruction of homes – are justified as ‘self-defense’. Palestinians in Gaza are penned in like lambs to the slaughter, unable to flee the bombs. Nowhere is safe, not even hospitals. Children are either being murdered or watching their parents be murdered. Do the world’s leaders not see that an entire population is being psychologically traumatized and terrorized? How many murdered Palestinians will it take to evoke the compassion and conscience of our government? At what point will our government recognize that its unqualified support for Israel is akin to providing Israel with a license to kill? This senseless massacre cannot be allowed to continue. With over 565 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians, and 27 Israelis killed, 25 of them soldiers, it is crystal clear who the victims in this conflict are.

We appeal to the Australian government to take a constructive role in bringing this conflict to a just resolution by calling on all parties to abide by international humanitarian law. This would mean that all parties adhere to a ceasefire that at a minimum addresses the basic rights and needs of the civilian population by ensuring the lifting of the inhumane crippling siege of Gaza. It would also mean ensuring all human rights violations are investigated by relevant United Nations bodies, and that perpetrators of war crimes finally be held accountable for their actions. This letter has been provided by Australian Jews Michael Brull and Peter Slezak, and Australian Palestinians Randa Abdel-Fattah and Samah Sabawi. All four are prominent activists against the atrocities committed by Israel. Courtesy of Since this article, the death toll has risen to over 1,200 Palestinians dead, mostly civillians, and 56 Israelis killed, 53 of them soldiers.

Through shadow-drifting veils of time and distance, A faraway Hoopoe Bird – Messenger of the Way, Called to her Southern counterpart one day To arrange a gathering of Australian Birds Down Under to celebrate thirty years of Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair And the contribution of Muslims to Australia. Her cousin, a Spinifex Pigeon, soon replied. ’Oh Hoopoe, you call to me down the years You who have passed over an abyss of fears, Crossed by a bridge finer than human hairs, … As you say, only those Birds which peck away At their souls to know the highest love can truly Know Tariqat. - Help us Oh Hoopoe, for on your beak is etched the blessed word Bismillah, for all to see! King Solomon, known as Sulaiman in the Qur’an, Could speak to you in your warbling tones, So you understood each other heart to heart. You would carry messages from his court to Belquis, Sheba’s Queen. For your courage He honored you with a golden-feathered crest. Now we must learn from you about your quest Along the spiritual path seeking Simorgh the Bird King so long ago. I too, my cousin, have a Treasured crown, so I shall gather my country’s birds Today from scorching deserts and sullen swamps Of this vast forbidding land - the pounding seas, - Relentless skies and steely trees. With faith we shall beat our wings as one, Flying in our hearts towards the Light, Seeking for our darkest sins forgiveness - With quiet resolution,’ Thus spoke the Pigeon, while calling coo-whoo - To the Hoopoe’s budud, Then he flew down from the unforgiving blue - To settle near a lonely billabong. A soft wind rippled the water as the Pigeon - Welcomed a Willy Wagtail, ‘You always sing sweet pretty creature - To yourself in the moonlight, Yet like Moses on Mount Sinai, you can see the Bush-fires burning; you know this austere land - From shore-to-shore. Now gather thirty birds together! You’re vain, with your silly song so make amends.’ The Wagtail flew away to find his friends; Soon a Crimson Rosella from Wombat Creek Arrived, his outspread tail a gentle green below - His body’s scarlet livery, A halo of fiery fluff around his head. ‘A little less pride,’ the Spinifex Pigeon said - ‘Would serve you well.’ When a Squatter Pigeon strutted towards him, - He added, ’you too!’ Suddenly, swooping down to join his shadow Landed a Peregrine Falcon, talons extended. ‘The sun may rise and set in you brilliant eyes My friend, but try to grasp eternal love. Take heed, you who have eyes and you will see The expanding radiance of eternity….’

Australasian Muslim Times




New exciting creative arts and performance classes

Mobinah Ahmad The Australia Nasheed & Arts Academy (ANAA) is an institution providing Aboriginal arts classes, halal ballet, daff and many more dance classes at Bankstown Arts Centre, Sydney. ANAA is uniting the local community of in an Islamic educational environment with high moral standards. The main idea is to fill the gap in the recreational space for the youth and the diverse community in Western Sydney. The ANAA aims to inspire young people to aspire to dream and exercise their right to express themselves creatively through arts no matter what religion or race. ANAA meet the needs of the local multicultural community in providing a foundation for the lifelong skills, fitness, emotional and physical wellbeing of our children and to increase positive aspects of multicultural arts to the youth and the wider community. Success - ANAA have received enormous support from the community in increased number of students attending. With a humble beginning of 5 classes in 2013, ANAA have grown to an incredible 20 classes per

The power of expression through Islamic arts

AUSTRALIAN NASHEED & ARTS ACADEMY Performing and Creative Arts for children & teenagers 3 - 16 years old CHOOSE FROM A VARIETY OF CLASSES

Singing Aboriginal Arts Mullcultural Dance Calligraphy Marral Arts

Daff / Drums Leadership Ballet Tap Photography

Sewing Public Speaking Visual Arts Drama / Accng Contemporary Dance Animaaon ALFIRDAUS QUR’AN COLLEGE BANKSTOWN ARTS CENTRE GREENACRE AUBURN


week in the coming Term 3 this year to cater towards the numbers from interested members of the community. ANAA, have worked with a number of prominent organisations such as One 4 Kids and Mercy Mission Australia and many of ANAA students have continued to participate in competitions around Australia as well as being recognized by the Sydney Youth Writing Competition in Parliament House and one was featured in a Zain Bhaika documentary. ANAA cooperates in partnership with our community, local authority and schools to gain many more achievements for their present and future students for the benefit of the community. Aboriginal Art Classes – ANAA’s intention is to expand the children’s knowledge of aboriginal culture. Educating non-Aboriginal Australians could help eliminate racism and discrimination in today’s modern society. Students create an art using ochre and bark, acrylic and canvas, story telling , aboriginal cooking, cultural talks and indigenous history. Capoeira is a unique Brazilian art form combining martial arts with elements of dance, drums and acrobatics. 
Capoeira also encourages a positive body image and develops confidence, self- esteem and team skills.
 ANAA teach a wide range of styles and ages and the students are really developing quickly. 
 Public Performances ANAA foster self-confidence developed from encouraging and supporting students to perform in front of audiences, skills required for life and that inspire children to have a career in the field of the creative and performing arts. Each class at ANAA will participate in putting together a showcase event at the end of the year to show off their skills, gain confidence and to inspire the community and parents. Past Performances and Achievements: ‘Sounds of Light’ concert, AFIC congress dinner at the Parliament House Canberra, The Eid Show, LMA, Bankstown Council’s events, Daar Aisha Sharia College events, Malek Fahd Muslim School Multicultural Fair, Bankstown Mosque Project, S.O.D.A , HDMS, Orphan Child, Al – Firdaus Qur’an College, ISRAA, World Hiab Day, AFIC Congress Dinner and many other community events. ANAA also wish to provide sponsorship for talented disadvantaged or disabled children who would like to attend classes. They want to enhance the children’s recovery and healing process by providing an opportunity to express feelings through performance, creative arts and gain self-confidence. Ages: 3-16 years old, boys and girls. Location: Bankstown Arts Centre Australian Nasheed & Arts Academy, Website: Contact: 0423 084 806 | info@nasheedarts. 
 Facebook: AustralianNasheedArtsAcademy

Australasian Muslim Times

NEWS 1-2




Intensive activities at mosques during Ramadan Shafqat Ali Traditionally mosques become intensive centres of Islamic activity during the month of Ramadan. In addition to daily prayers and Taraweeh prayers, Iftar parties, quranic classes and a number of educational and social activities are organised during the month of fasting Relatively the newly established Bankstown and Campbelltown mosques under the management of Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims (IFAM) and Saarban Islamic Trust held Taraveeh prayers during Ramadan where the whole of the Quran was recited. Dr Waliullah Bokhari lead the Taraweeh prayers at the Bankstown mosque with celebration of Khatme-Quran on Sat 26 July while the celebrations of Khatme Quran was held on Thursday 24 July at Campbelltown mosque. The Bankstown mosque is now being expanded to include a youth centre, an urgent need for the area. Funds are being sought to build a facility that will provide services to young people in the area and beyond. Ramadan Diary Programme

A unique programme was organised at the Campbelltown mosque in order to intensively engage young people in the area during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan Diary is a 6 week programme that started with a Welcome to Ramadan, a week before the start of the fasting month where a motivation talk was given by Shaikh Luoay Abdulbaki. A Ramadan planner/diary was distributed amongst young people to facilitate recording of plans and their implementation during the month of Ramadan. During the four weeks of Ramadan, participants were asked to fill in the diary with their daily activities recording daily prayers, fasting regime, recitation and study of Quran, good deeds etc. Adhan, recitation and naat competitions were held on Saturdays to further encourage young people to engage with the Ramadan Diary programme. The programme ended with a Eid get together party for all participants and their families with awards to the best performers and Eid gifts in the form of “Eidi” for all.

Urdu section at Auburn Library Tariq Mirza

Urdu International Australia has negotiated with the Auburn Library to allocate a section for Urdu books and all details regarding collection and cataloguing the books have been finalised with library staff. A campaign to collect books has been started and about 250 books have already been pledged. We target to collect 1000 books this year. For Donation of books, please contact Ms Kaneez Fatima Ali (0279015960), Dr. Ayesha Saeed (0411209572), Tariq Mirza (0411854981) or any member of the UIA Executive. Launching the book of Arif Rana The Sydney launch of ‘Aadha Kunwan’, the first collection of short stories by Arif Rana, the Honorary Life Member of UIA, will be held in Auburn Council Hall on Sunday 31 August at 2:30 pm. A video of the book launch ceremony in Islamabad, including the speeches on the book by Tariq Aziz and other dignitaries, will also be played. The entry is free and light refreshments will be served. Urdu International Quarterly (Magazine) The magazine is almost completed and we are waiting for contributions from our members in Australia. We have some good contributions from overseas and the magazine have some exclusive and unforgettable writings of Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Quratul Ain Haider, unpublished poetry of Ahmed Faraz and articles on Josh, Firaq and Ibne Insha.

The history of Urdu International when it was first published from Toronto and activities of Urdu International and the world’s literary news will also be included. The magazine will be distributed worldwide to leading literary personalities and to major libraries First Annual Mushaira ‘Bayad-e-Jalib’ The first Mushaira ‘Bayad-e-Jalib’ will be held on Saturday 20 September, 2014. The centrally located Sydney Bha’i Centre at 107 Derby Street, Silverwater with 700 seats is booked. The famous TV personalities, intellectuals, Syed Wasi Shah and Mujahid Barelvi, are invited to participate along with other notable poets. The entry is free and by invitation only. We are looking for individual sponsors ($100 with 4 invitations and free membership) and business sponsors. Please email all your materials to Arif Sadiq at or or post it to Urdu International Australia, P O Box 105, Pyrmont, NSW 2009. Website:

Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16



Popular Iftars build social cohesion


Event Calendar

Mobinah Ahmad

Corporate and community iftars are a mark of recognition and cross-community understanding where Ramadan is settling into the Australian public landscape. Many federal government institutions, organisations, businesses and community Iftar events were hosted this year during the fasting month of Ramadan welcoming Australians of all backgrounds. The way in which Ramadan is perceived by Australian society at large has shifted greatly. There has been a heightened awareness and education about what Ramadan is and what it involves. These Iftars, whilst increasing more awareness of Islam, is a great dawah opportunity for people to come together during this blessed month. A record number of Iftars were organised this year and participated by Australians of all background sharing meals together in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. While Iftars generally brought people together, there was one exception this year affected by community outcry in the face of Israeli attacks on Gaza. The Premier Mike Baird hosted an iftar at Parliament House of NSW. However Sydney’s Muslim and Arab leaders boycotted the event over pro-Israeli comments made by the chairman of the Community Relations Commission, Mr Vic Alhadef who subsequently has now resigned. This display portrays the level of influence the Muslim community has within Australian society and serves as a representation that Australian Muslims and Arabs can come together to make a point that they will not support a Premier who does not strongly expel racism and oppression for Palestinians. Boycotting the iftar was the ideal opportunity to show that there are con-

Event: Eid Show Organisation: Human Appeal Annual Islamic Eid Show Date: Fri 1 - Sun 3 August 2014 Location: Bankstown Showground

Jihad Dib with the Vice Chancellor of UWS. Photo by David Marshall Photography

Sturt University, Prof. Andrew Vann, ‘Why should a secular university be interested in religious education?’ SalamCare Iftar aimed to promote the advancement of our their local LGA through opportunity and education. Attended by Tony Abbot, Prime Minister of Australia. Muslim Legal, in collaboration with Law Society of NSW held their inaugural Iftar where the keynote speakers included Chielf Justice of NSW, Mr Tom Bathurst and University of Sydney lecturer in Law, Ms Ghena Krayem. Canberra Iftar Dinners: ACT Chief Minister Ms Katy Gallagher hosted its annual Iftar dinner at Notaras Multicultural Centre, Civic attended by more than 180 guests that included community leaders of all faith breaking bread together. The Pakistani community also hosted an Iftar dinner for almost 650 guests at the Canberra Islamic Centre.

Australian Relief Organisation (ARO) Iftar Attendees included a number of politicians and leaders in community organisations and businesses. ARO President Ahmet Aydogan welcomed the dignitaries along with around 290 guests in attendance and introduced ARO’s vision and mission. He thanked all the hardworking directors, advisors, members, volunteers of the Australian Relief Organisation and the wider community for their moral, physical and financial support in the second year of operations. Muslim Women’s Association Ladies Iftar Michelle Rowland MP with Tanya Plibersek MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadown Minister for Foreign Affairs hosted an Iftar raising funds for the Muslim Women’s Association ‘Domestic Violence Refuge’. The event was a tremendous success. Amongst the amazing women who spoke, Maha Abdo and Sarah Interfaith Iftar Dinner was hosted by Father Antonios Kaldas, the Parish Priest from Archangel Michael & St Bishop Coptic Orthodox Church at El-Phoenician Restaurant in Parramatta attended by community leaders and young people of Muslim and Christian faith. A good dialogue ensued with networking between the two communities. Affinity Iftar, held at Parliament House of NSW was an opportunity to reach out to NSW MPs, Keynote address by Professor Kevin Dunn from UWS, “The Ordinariness of Australian Muslims”, speaking on how Australian Muslims are living peacefully and integrating into the community. City of Canterbury Iftar, The Mayor of Bankstown, Cr Khal Asfour and the Mayor of Canterbury, Cr Brian Robson hosted an Iftar for leaders of Muslim community organisations and businesses. Cr Khal Asfour warmly greeted attendees as they walked in. The room was filled with a vast majority of male attendees. More Iftar photos on next page

ACT Chief Minister’s Iftar Dinner

sequences to blatant support for Israel. UWS Iftar is considred to be the most popular iftar where 400 places were snapped up with a day of announcement. Keynote speaker was Mr Jihad Dib, Principal of Punchbowl Boys High School. Jihad shared his journey with the school, from a ‘Principal’s battle zone’ to one where ‘good men grow’. Vote of thanks given by Mehar Ahmad, President of the Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair. Creating Connections Iftar Dinner was hosted by LMA for the purpose of discussion, networking with media personalities, and community leaders. Supported by the Australian Government Department of Social Services through Empowering Local Communities. Spirit of Ramadan Iftar was hosted by ISRA. Keynote speaker, Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Muhammad on ‘The Role of Religious Education in shaping Australian Muslim Identity’. Another speaker was the Vice Chancellor of Charles

Friday 1 August 2014


Event: Still Alive: Asylum Seeker Exhibition Organisation: The Refugee Art Project Date: Tue 5 August 2014 Location: Stanley Street Gallery, Darlinghurst. 6pm - 8pm The Refugee Art Project are proud to present Still Alice: A new exhibition of original artworks by asylum seekers and refugees in the Villawood detention centre and the Western Sydney area. Event: AFP Eid Dinner Organisation: Australian Federal Police Date: Thu 7 August 2014 Location: Westella Renaissance, Lidcombe, 6:30pm The theme is “Generational Change” Event: Story Night with Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Organisation: Reflect Promotions Date: Fri 8 August 2014 Location: Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre 7:00pm The theme of the event is how the Quran has the incredible style of divine story telling. Nouman Ali Khan is an American Muslim speaker. Event: Coffee with a Cop Organisation: Fairfield LAC Date: Fri 8 August 2014, 10am Location: Bonnyrigg Plaza Shopping Centre, Food Court Coffee with a cop involves Police and community members coming together and enjoying an informal neutral space to discuss community issues, build relationships increase trust, and drink a cup of coffee together. Event: Liverpool Eid Festival Organisation: The Eid Festival in the Park Date: Sat 9 - Sun 10 August 2014 Location: Woodward Park, Liverpool Event: Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair Organisation: Australian MEFF Consortium Date: Sun 10 August 2014 Location: Fairfield Showground. 10am - 8pm Celebrating 30 years, MEFF is the first, largest, longest running Eid Festival in Australia. With over 150 market and delicious food stalls, thrilling rides, entertainment, cultural performances and an Animatronic Dinosaur!

City of Canterbury Iftar with Mayor Khal Asfour (right)

Australasian Muslim Times



NEWS 1-2


Judaism is not Zionism AMUST

MOBYDAYZE Mobinah Ahmad I drove over to Haldon St, Lakemba to buy some hijabs and check out the street food. When I arrived, I saw a black 4WDtruck with its flashing high beams and heard chanting on a loud speaker. I immediately put my foot on the break and started driving a little slower, I was being blinded by the lights and was worried I’d hit a pedestrian or the car infront of me. I couldn’t see or hear clearly what was happening. I took a right turn and parked my car, not sure what the commotion was about. Five men holding up signs and large flags billowing in the wind, were walking on the busy road, with the car behind them. This stopped traffic and people looked on what was going on. They said they were from Hizb-Ut-Tahrir and were having a protest for the people of Gaza. I was disappointed at how they tried to ‘build the hype’ for

the protest on the road. It was dangerous, ill-planned and not executed strategically to ensure safety to drivers and pedestrians. I decided to stick around, as they were making announcements that there would be speeches. The speeches were moving and well spoken. After the protest, a large group had gathered and began walking up and down the active part of Haldon St. As I made my way to leave, I heard one of their chants, “If Jews kill one, we will kill 1000”. I couldn’t believe such ignorance, and it made me wonder how many Australian Muslims had the common sense to see the difference between Israel and Judaism, between Jewish People and Israelis, between Israelis who are protesting in Israel and the Military, between the young people who are fighting and being jailed for refusing to join the Israeli Military. Because just as complex as the Israel-Palestine conflict is, it’s not that simple to just assume that only Palestinians and Muslims are protesting the occupation and military strikes. There are a coalition of

Israeli NGOs who are writing open letters to the government, protesting Israel’s attacks upon and occupation of Palestine. There are also young Israeli teenagers who were jailed for being conscientious objectors declaring their refusal to serve in the Israeli Military. Judaism is a 1000 year old spirituality to serve God. Zionism is only 100 years old and is the transformation from religion to nationalism created by using the name ‘Israel’ and the star of David hijacking the identity of the Judaism in order to get a legitimacy for their existence and put fear and intimidate those who spoke against them by calling them an anti-Semite. It’s a political and selfish movement that has no legitimacy to exist. To steal land, to kill, to oppress, to banish them from their homes, contradicts everything that Judaism teaches. Israel uses the Jewish identity to create a rift between Jews and Muslims. This is critical to un-



derstand about the absurd purpose Israel is fighting for. I saw a video posted of Australian independent journalist, author and Guardian columnist, Antony Lowenstein speech at the Palestine Rally in Sydney on 27 July and he said “What is so important, is discussion with Palestine, is that this is not an issue against Judaism, … it is an issue about occupation, discrimination, racism and war… There are a number of Israeli Jews themselves who say who are protesting now and being attacked by far right neo-nazi Jews. I use that expression correctly. Neo-nazi Jews. This is what Israel is creating at the moment…Israel does not speak in many Jews name.” It is so important to not play the blame game, and misdirect your anger and abuse towards people who don’t deserve it. After all, isn’t that what we’re all protesting for?

UWS VC with Muhammad Khan & Family. Photo by David Marshall Photography

Zia Ahmad, AMUST with Cr Susai Benjamin. Photo by David Marshall Photography


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Friday 1 August 2014

Message from Message from Chris Hayes MP Dr Q Ashfaq Federal Member for Fowler It gives me great pleasure Ahmad to join with you and provide this letter of support for the annual 30th Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair 2014. I would like to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of the organizing committee and volunteers, who put on this major event every year in our local community, for all of us to enjoy. The Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair continues to grow and spread the word of peace and social harmony, whilst at the same time combining fun and family entertainment. The festival also provides an opportunity for all Australians to join with those of the Islamic faith to celebrate the diversity and vibrance of our culture and traditions; and in doing so, showcasing the benefits of our multiculturalism. The Australian MEFF Consortium is to be congratulated on its excellent community reputation, which comes from the great work of a dedicated team, who work tirelessly to encourage social inclusion throughout our local community. As the Federal Member for Fowler, I am honoured to represent such a vibrant and diverse community, and the Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair is an event that my wife, Bernadette, and I always look forward to attending. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Eid. Eid Mubarak!

Message from Mehar Ahmad President of MEFF

As we complete the end of Ramadan, a blessed month that reminds us of humility, empathy, patience and respect, we welcome in open arms the big celebration of Eid Ul Fitr. As we celebrate however, our hearts are filled with sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people suffering in Gaza, Syria, Iraq and around the world. We stand with them in solidarity that they may have peace one day inshaAllah. It is my absolute honor and privelege to be leading the celebration of the Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair into it’s 30th year. We have come so far in being the first, largest and longest running Eid Festival in Australia. I look back and am amazed at all the challenges we have overcome and all that we have achieved during these years. MEFF has been very successful with the blessings of Allah and the hard work of our committee members and volunteers. My sincere thanks to their dedication and commitment in serving the community. MEFF has continued to grow in so many ways and developed over the years to keep providing bigger and better festivals every year. We are so blessed by Allah, as we are given the opportunity to celebrate Eid on such a large platform for the Australian multicultural community. All praises to Allah,

Friday 1 August 2014

MEFF Patron and IFEW Trustee

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Eid Mubarak I welcome you to the 30th year of the Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair (MEFF). MEFF was instigated by the Islamic Foundation for Education and Welfare (IFEW) and was then transitioned to the Australian MEFF Consortium an independent not-for-profit body with an open membership and fully transparent accountability. MEFF is no accident. It is the result of constant hard work by a team of dedicated volunteers and the blessing of Allah. Through this MEFF has gone from strength to strength and finds innovative ways to engage the public and spread the joys of Eid. As we know and appreciate Eid is a time of great happiness. It comes at the end of the holy month of fasting and remembrance of Allah, Ramadan. There are, however, a great number of Muslims for whom there is very little joy. The family of Rizk Ahmed al-Hayek, aged 2 killed on Friday July 18 in Gaza City, one of hundreds of children killed or wounded during the Israeli bombardment, do not have much cause for celebration. Similarly there are the thousands upon thousands who are suffering at the hands of their fellow countrymen, in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Nigeria and other largely Muslim nations where moral corruption and short term personal gain has triumphed over justice and humanity. So whilst you celebrate today and this week, remember them. Remember them by name and pray for them. They cannot be left behind under the dust of human history. In times like this it is easy to despair. In fact, especially for last 15 years, I’ve been very concerned about world harmony and peace. Yet I am convinced now that this wish of mine can be accomplished only by the mutual cooperation and real friendship at least among the main important faiths of the world. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the melting pot of the south western suburbs of Sydney which is represented here today. Living within this community for the last 30 years, I have experienced first-hand how understanding, empathy and engagement can bring together disparate cultures and even world views. May Allah bless all those who seek justice and peace. May Allah show patience of those who have suffered and show them the light of Hope. May Allah soften the hearts of the aggressors and show them the light of Humanity. Ameen

Message from Mike Baird MP

Message from Chanthanith Chittasy Public Officer of the Lao Buddhist Society of NSW

Premier of New South Wales

Lao Buddhist Society of NSW Incorporated has had a great relationship and a project partnership with the Australian MEFF Consortium for many years and will continue to support in the future. I believe the Australian MEFF Consortium and the festival is not only benefit a multicultural Australia, but also to provide an opportunity for people of all backgrounds to come together. This is one way to bring people out of social isolation and to build confidence and making people feel comfortable to learn about other cultures.

I am delighted to send my best wishes to the Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair on the occasion of Eid al -Fitr. The end of the holy month of Ramadan is a special time for Muslims across the world to celebrate with family, friends and the wider community. Through its focus and reflective nature, Ramadan supports our community’s way of life - our spirit, values, principles and freedoms. NSW enjoys a rich multicultural and multi-faith society, and the Australian-Islamic community has contributed to the very foundation that supports our State today. On behalf of the NSW Government, I wish everyone celebrating Eid al-Fitr a joyous occasion, and offer my best wishes for the year ahead.

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The Almighty who has given us this opportunity to gather here to share our happiness, network and socialise with our friends, families, and the community in this joyous festival.

1300 724 734 Australasian Muslim Times





P1 A11 A10 A9




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G4 G3

H4 H5

D17 D16 D15 D14






E16 E15 E14 E13




S1 S2


H7 H8






G2 G1 G0


Supported By

Stall No.


1 Islam / One 4 Kids D12 Books | DVDs | Kids TShirts | Canvas Frames | Zaky Merchandise E16 AAN and Surayah Clothes | Scarfs | Accessories

Absolute Showbags G12 Showbags | Jjs Snakes | Yupi | Ghost Drops | Hubba Bubba | Chupa Chups | Fizz | Curly Wurly | Lollymix E11 Accan Brochures/Pamphlets H2 All Toys & Showbags Kids' Toys

Amal Makki D10 Islamic Wear Atour hamide G9 Bond | Cotton Scarfs | Pins | Clothes | Perfume | Candles


Cherish instyle Brooch | Handbangs | Swimwear | Womens Clothing Costco Wholesale

E10 Membership B2 D3D4 E3E4

CovaU Pty Ltd Electricity Plans | Gas Plans Darussalam Islamic Books and Items


Diversity Services, Dept of Attorney General & Justice Brochures | Booklets and Dvds


Divine Jewellery Jewellery Enyuan Zheng


Australian Taxation Office Tax Information


Galaxy Foundation Limited


Ayah Fashion Clothing | Hijabs | Body Tops

C16 GWS Giveaways

Boutique Nour Al Houda Muslim Clothing | Muslim Headwear | Muslim Homewear

A5 Human Appeal International B1 Sound of Light DVD

Greater Western Sydney Football Club

Hassan Sabourne D14 Gifts | Jewellery Helium Balloon C4 Helium Balloons |Knitt Clothes G6

Henna By Hura Mehndi Designs Painting | Jewellery | Clothing


Laura's Tattoos Showbags | Toys | Glow Sticks Limaniya


Lush Women Kaftans |Shoes

H5H6 H7H8

Iman Projects Canvases | Perfume | Books | General Gifts


Lycamobile $10 Sim Cards | $2 Sim Card |


International Development Organisation Vouchers | #FreeGaza


Malsi Islamic Clothes Clothes

IP Media TV

A6 Islamic Council of New South Wales Honey | Donations | Games

Faza Fashions Dresses | Kurtas | Shalwar Kameez | Jewellery

Khushnuma Fashion

E17 Clothes |Jewellery

G11 African Dresses and Jewellery E14 Homemade Article E15 Scarves |Scarf Accessories (Pins,Bonds, Broaches) Afghani Dress

Fashionize D13 Scarves G3

A7 A8

Holy Teaching G8 Quran | Injeel | Zabur and Tavrat

B3 Jadoo TV

Australian Relief Organisation Books etc.

Best Australian Family Day Care Pty Ltd B6 Training Information

Books | Stationaries

C15 Islamic Clothing | Jewellery


G10 Ayse Uquz (Islamic clothing) Clothes

Hijab Ho

D6 Clothings | Hijabs –Scarves |Hats | Children

C5 Islamic Online University


A10 Mbrace New Muslim Supp Books | Salah Kit | Flyers | Hija

Brochures | Flyers | Banners |Books

S1 S2

MCCA Islamic Finance

Islamic Relief Australia


Medine Pazzari (Islamic Re Scarfs | Clothes

ISRA Australia

C18 Merage Group Pty Ltd

Forms | Course Catalogues

Mission of Hope G2 NFO Booklets | Brochures

C17 Donations for Charity

A3 Books |Folders |Enrolment Forms | Interest D17 J & J Collection Pty Ltd E18 Clothes D5

D16 Mashal Garments

Jans Engineering/Desi Style Fashion Bangles Kaftan Designs

H3 Kaftans | Head Jewllery

College Promotional Materia


Modest Designs Scarves | Hijab | Caps | Jilbab Accessories


Multicultural Disability Ad Pamphlets | Brochures


Stall No. F6 F21 F14 F7 F10






F16 F3 F4





F9 F15


F19 F20

F12 F13



F1 F17 F18

F13 F14 F15

FOOD STALLS DIRECTORY ACWA - Aust Council of Women Affairs Falafel Rolls | Corn | Drinks | Tea/Coffee Authentic Turkish Gozleme Gozleme | Drinks Buried in Chocolate Chocolate Fondue | Fresh Juice ergin orhan Wrap with Drink Fairy Floss Shack Fairy Floss | Snow Cone Food Lover Zone Samosa Channa | Butter Chicken with rice | Tandoori Chicken with chips | Fish & chips | Fairy Floss | Drinks Fresh Sugarcane Juice Fresh Sugarcane Juice | Fresh Coconut Fujiyama Japanese Cuisine Japanese Food Meals | Drinks Galaxy Foundation Limited Gozleme | Kofte Himalayas Pakistani Indian Restaurant Pakistani & Indian Food | Tandoori | Curries | Naan | Chicken Kadiwala Catering Tea | Samosa | Pakoda Mr Fondue Chocolate strawberry/Banana/Marshmallow/Waffle stick | Drinks | Slushie Mr Kernal Corn on a Stick | Corn in a Cup | Fairy Floss | Falafel Sandwiches Pantastic Turkish Pastry Gozleme | Baklava | Turkish Delight Pearls Authentic Hot foods Gozleme Served with Garden Salad | Drinks Sri Melayu Ayam Percik Meal | Roti John Lamb | Roti Canai & Dhal/Chicken Curry | Goreng Pisang | Bandung | Teh Tarik/ Old Town Coffee | Sate meal | Coke/diet/ Zero | Bottles water Tall Cane Grass Juice Sugarcane juice Tandoori on Church Chicken/Lamb Tikka Boti | Seekh Kebab | Naan | Drinks | Lamb Cutlets Biryani

Stall No.

F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21


Christies Icecream Icecream | Cold Drinks | Milkshakes | Coffee | Sweets First Class Kebabs V12 Chicken Burgers/Chips/Shish | Chicken/Beef Kebabs | Hotdogs | Pluto Pup | Falafel | Drinks Jordan Kebab V2 Chicken/Beef Kebab | Hot Chips | Chicken Chips/Stick | Hotdog | Pluto Pup | Meat Pie | Spring Roll | Can/Bottle/Hot/Energy Drinks Jungle George Icecream V8 Icecream | Popcorn | Juice | Coffee | Pastry Cakes | Drinks | Slushee Kenya Tea Bags Pty Ltd V7 Chips on Stick | Corn on Stick | Hot Chips | Water | Slushie M & M Kebabs V9 Beef/Chicken Kebab | Hot Chips | Pluto Pup | Hotdog | Hot/Cold Drinks Nadia's Kebabs V10 Food | Drinks Nikki’s Kebab V1 Beef/Chicken Kebabs | Chicken Sticks/Chips | Hotdogs | Pluto Pup | Gozleme | Pide | Hot/Cold Drinks V5 Sweet Choice Icecream | Soft Drinks | Slushies | Chips Sydney Ice Cream V3 Icecream The Waffle Shop V6 Waffle on Stick | Fruit/Marshmellow Sticks Dipped in Chocolate | Showbags Galore P1 Showbags Sweet/Savoury Crepes | Nutella Pizza | Lemonade | Hot Drinks V4 YOCHEF The Aged-care Rights Service (TARS) Frozen Yogurt | Cold Drinks | Water | Juice | Coconut Water G1 Brochure | Pens | Posters V11


y | Soccer Clothes |

| $10 Voucher | Leaflets

port abs



D7 E7

Muslim Aid Australia Brochures | Banners | Booklets | Refugee Camp Display


My Allure Organic Body Products


National Training and Development Education


Nectar DesIgns Islamic Artwork on Canvases & in Small Frames


Niffiz Fashion Boutique Scarves | Indian Fashion


Office of the Children's Guardian NSW Working with Children | Check Brochures |OCG Promotional Materials


C9C10 C11


Kidswear | Ladies Clothing | Mens Clothing

C14 Public Forums Incorporated

The Islamic Bookstore Islamic Books/Frames | Kids DVDs | Prayer Mats Together For Humanity Foundation Education Materials Tooba Fashions


UAE Exchange Australia Giveaways - Bags | Giveaways - Pens | Giveaways Balloons | Giveaways - Business Brochures


Ummah Health Black Seed - Oils | Soaps | Capsules | Seeds | Lozenges | Creams | Honey | Himalayan Salt | Mugs |Frankincense | Oil Burners | Toothpaste | Toothbrushes | Abayas


University of Technology Information Flyers | Banner | Dvds | Pens

PR Pacific International/Indian Emporium

C12 Bangles | Jewellery | Accessories | Scarfs | Scarf Pins |

The Islam Project Pamphlets | Books

D11 Clothes | Jewellery | Mehendhi

Oxfam Australia Information Brochures

Parfum World E12 Perfume Oils Cushion Covers Other Embroideries Eg. Table Cloth

XM Services (Australia) Pty Ltd


D15 Leaflets | Posters Tote Bags | Pens |Keyrings | Balloon

Saarban Islamic Trust Books


Yashica Business & Beauty Services Bangles | Artificial Jeweller | Suit | Sarees

G13 Showbag Warehouse


Zara Maryam Trading Company Clothes


Zenat Henna Art Henna Art

E1 E13

| Makeup | Pins |


dvocacy Association NSW Inc A1


Showbags & Things Showbags & Novelties

THRILL RIDES Break Dance | Techno Jump | Ali Barba Energy Storm | Monster Truck | Sling Shot Gravitron | Big Ferris Wheel | Bungee Tramps Claw | Dodgem Cars | Round Up Sizzler | Body Rock & More!

KIDS RIDES Motor Bike Ride| Super Slide Rockin’ Tug Fantasy Cups | Pirate Ship | Crazy Flyer Happy Clown Combo | Water Balls Circus Train Obstacle Course | Rocket Ride Jumping Castles | Trains | Mini Ferris Wheel Flying Elephant And More!


Cultural Program Co-ordinator – Mobinah Ahmad

Zuhr Prayer (Adhan 12:05 pm; Prayer 12:20 pm)

Zuhr Adhan - Shujaat Siddiqui

Zuhr Salat - Imam Saleh Majallah

Session 1: 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm MC:

Abrar Al Saleh

Welcome ............................................................................................................. Abrar Al Saleh Quran Recitation ................................................................................................ Mustafa Ashrafi Quran Meaning .................................................................................................. Talib Bismi Arabic Nasheed & Song ...................................................................................... Moustafa Sherrif Traditional Bosnian Dance .................................................................................. Kud-Zambak Jaranan Horse Theatre Performance..................................................................... Kerabat Jawa Inc. Arabic and English Nasheed & Poetry ................................................................ Australian Nasheed & Arts Academy Open stage ......................................................................................................... Spontaneous Entertainment End ..................................................................................................................... Abrar Al Saleh

Session 2: Main Ceremony 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm MC: Mobinah Ahmad

Welcome .........................................................................................Mobinah Ahmad, Master of Ceremony Australian National Anthem............................................................Australian International Academy, Oznur Aydemir Year 5 Acknowledgement to Country ........................................................Ziaul Islam Ahmad, Patron of MEFF Quran Recitation ............................................................................Hafiz Walliullah Bokhari, MEFF Executive Member Quran Meaning ..............................................................................Sakinah Ahmad, MEFF Executive Member Welcome Address ............................................................................Mehar Ahmad, President of MEFF Indonesian Peacock Dance ..............................................................Kerabat Jawa Inc. MEFF Patron’s Speech.....................................................................Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Turkish Folk Dance.........................................................................Bonnyrigg School of Turkish Language and Folkdancing Group Premier’s Message ............................................................................Premier’s Representative Instrumental Music .........................................................................Yagoona Band Thanks & End.................................................................................Mobinah Ahmad, Master of Ceremony Asr Prayer (Adhan 3:05 pm; Prayer 3:15 pm)

Asr Adhan - Affaan Siddiqui

Asr Salat - Shujaat Siddiqui

Session 3: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm MC:

Talib Bismi

Welcome ............................................................................................................. Talib Bismi Quran Recitation ................................................................................................ Syed Mustafa Taheri Quran Meaning .................................................................................................. Aftab Bismi Arabic Nasheed & Song ...................................................................................... Moustafa Sherrif Arabic and English Poetry .................................................................................. Australian Nasheed & Arts Academy Book Launch “The Truth Will Set You Free” ....................................................... Zainab Naqvi Islamic Quiz Prizes .............................................................................................. The Australian MEFF Consoritum Latin Folk Music ................................................................................................. Duo Jiminez Turkish Folk Dance............................................................................................. Bonnyrigg School of Turkish Language and Folkdancing Group Human Appeal Interntaional............................................................................... Gold Sponsor Childrens Nasheed .............................................................................................. Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims. MCCA................................................................................................................ Gold Sponsor Acrobatic Performance ........................................................................................ Team 9Lives Kids Meet & Greet Performers ............................................................................ MEFF Showground Entertainment Qirat ................................................................................................................... Daar Ibn Abbas Thanks & End..................................................................................................... Talib Bismi

Maghreb Prayer (Adhan 5:15 pm; Prayer 5:25 pm)

Maghreb Adhan - Shujaat Siddiqui

Maghreb Salat - Imam Waliullah Bokhari

Spectacular Firework Display at 7:00PM

Our Projects Include: Orphan Sponsorship Water Well Digging Emergency Relief Sadaqa Ramadan Projects Qurban & Aqeeqa Medical Aid Income Generation Zakat Al Maal Education & More


Australasian Muslim Times

Sunday 12 October Fairfield Showground

Donate Today. Call 1300 760 155 or visit Sydney 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 - PO Box 406, Lakemba NSW 2195 P 02 9750 3161 F 02 9750 2524 E Melbourne 149 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 - PO Box 149, Moreland VIC 3058 P 03 9386 4677 F 03 9386 4688 E Adelaide 1/53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031 - PO Box 187, Torrensville SA 5031 P 08 7200 2882 F 08 7131 9209 E

Charity No. NSW CFN17891 VIC 12875 SA CCP2001

Providing humanitarian aid to the poor & needy for over 20 years.


Stall Bookings open Wed 13 August Book & sell to thousands of customers Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16




Islamic Finance: No longer foreign to Australian financial market FINANCE Dr. Abul Jalaluddin Islamic finance and Islamic financial products are no longer foreign to Australian financial services market. Since 1980s, these products are available in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and other cities of Australia. A wide range of Shariah compliant financial products are available to all Australians, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The retail Islamic products include home finance, leasing or hire purchase facilities, superannuation, fund management under managed investment schemes, property development trusts, Australian equities, international equities and cash management under Shariah principles. These products are offered by a number of Islamic financial services providers in Australia. There is an un-tapped capacity in the Australian Islamic financial services market, namely in the areas of Islamic banking and Takaful (insurance). Given the potential for high demand, a number of providers are currently panning as well as attempting to introduce Islamic banking and insurance in Australian. Australian financial services are marketed with Shariah advice and approvals delivered by various Shariah advisory boards. Prominent Australian and international Islamic scholars are members of these boards. Prior to offering a product in the market, Shariah scholars study the relevant products and, if appropriate, certify them as Shariah compliant. Australian Islamic financial services pro-

Sunday 13 July. Canberrans today braved single digit temperatures and gathered at short notice on the lawns of the Parliament House in the nation’s capital to condemn the ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Co-organiser Diana Abdel-Rahman of the Australian Muslim Voice said she was “proud of Canberra”, thanked those who attended in their hundreds and stressed the importance of demonstrating solidarity with the people of Gaza after painfully reading out the names and ages of those who had been killed so far in the Israeli attack. She attacked the recent flip-flop on the term “occupied” that the Federal Government had made a complete mess of in recent weeks which had made it “become a laughing stock” around the world. She urged all Australians to support the Australian Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Campaign for Palestine. Also addressing the rally was Dr Kevin Bray from Australians for Justice and Peace in Palestine who called for an end to the one-sided support by the United States for Israel at the behest of the pro-Israel lobby. He also thanked the attendees, particularly the Muslims who were in the middle of their fast. Izzat Abdulhadi, Head of the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, also expressed appreciation for the support from the Canberrans and condemned the Israeli aggression. He challenged the international community to respond quickly. “What are they waiting for . . . . 1000 dead?” he asked. He stressed that the root cause is not the rockets from Gaza, “the root cause of the problem is the Israeli occupation, the settlements and the seige of Gaza”, he concluded as the rally chanted “Free Free

Friday 1 August 2014

CRC Chairman resigns under pressure Abu Anees The Community Relations Commission Chairman Mr Vic Alhadeff submitted his resignation last Sunday that has been subsequently accepted by Victor Dominello, the NSW Minister for Citizenship and Communities. The Premier of NSW Mike Baird said that his government would take its time to select Mr Alhadeff’s replacement using the

viders are highly regulated by the federal and State regulatory authorities. Entities incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 are mainly regulated by Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and those established as co-operatives or friendly societies are administered by State/ Territory fair trading departments. These regulatory authorities issue, among others, Australian Financial Services Licences (AFSLs) and credit licenses to relevant entities in order to protect the rights of all parties involved. No official and public statistics is available on the Australian Islamic finance industry and its performance. From personal estimates and guesstimation, the size of Shariah compliant home finance market would be greater than $1 billion, the clientele for leasing/hire purchase is significant and recently

there is a high growth in the memberships of Islamic superannuation funds. Islamic finance has the potentials to economically and financially benefit Australia in several ways. It may attract foreign Islamic funds to be invested in Australian assets, encourage foreign Islamic banks to operate in Australia, Australian banks and fund managers may provide Shariah compliant investment products to mddle-eastern countries and Australian universities may offer academic programs on Islamic finance. With the increase in the Australian Muslim population and wealth, Islamic finance industry can only experience a high growth in the future, creating jobs and positively contributing to the economic growth of the Australian economy.

Canberrans rally for Gaza Manarul Islam


Palestine” and “Shame Shame Israel”. The rally concluded with Asr prayer and Salat al-ghaib for those who have died.

Photo by Jumanah Husna

Scan QR Code with your smartphone to see more pictures and video.

Stepan Kerkyasharian

Vic Alhadeff

Hakan Harman

criteria that the person is “passionate about this great state, passionate with working with every community and passionate about bringing harmony. The furore erupted earlier this month month when Mr Alhadeff an email accusing Palestinian militants of war crimes and justifying Israeli attacks on Gaza. Mr Alhadef is also the CEO of the Jewish Board of Deputies and a former editor of Australian Jewish News. Muslim and Arabic community leaders found the statement biased and one sided specially from his sensitive position of CRC Chairman. It was argued that he should not have been appointed in the first place to the CRC position while he was concurrently CEO of the Jewish Board of deputies due to the conflict of interest between the two roles. The dual roles of CRC Chairman and CEO were previously occupied by highly respected Dr Stepan Kerkyasharian who had a very successful track record in bringing about community harmony in NSW during his tenure of 24 years. On his retirement in December last year the two roles were split for the first time by the O’Farell government where Mr Alhadeff was appointed as Chairman and Mr Hakan Harman as the CEO. The Muslim Community unhappiness was displayed when Muslim community invitees boycotted the Premier’s Iftar Dinner on 24 July with photos of empty tables published in newspaper. There were calls from many in the community for Mr Alhadeff to be removed from the sensitive position at CRC. The Sydney Morning Herald in its editorial on 25 July concluded that Mr Alhadeff’s position as CRC Chairman was untenable. NSW Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi, a Muslim Australian said that “Mr Alhadeff’s comments regarding the war in Gaza were insensitive and unacceptable,” adding that the chairperson should “perform the role in the spirit of inclusiveness and peace”. Shas called on the government to appoint a Community Relations Commission chair who was committed to the spirit of the role and did not face a conflict of interest.

Photo by Jumanah Husna

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2

TARS Inc celebrating 26 years of Legal and Advocacy services to older people of NSW


Diana Bernard

The Aged-care Rights Service Inc (TARS) provides free, confidential advocacy, advice and legal services in New South Wales. TARS’ aged care advocates assist residents, and prospective residents, of accredited aged care homes, recipients of Community Care Packages and home care services their carers and family members to understand their rights under the Aged Care Act 1997 and to advocate for them to resolve issues and complaints with aged care providers. TARS’ services include the Older Persons’ Legal Service (OPLS) which provides legal advice, assistance and legal education for older people. TARS’ solicitors also provide assistance to the residents of self-care units and serviced apartments in Retirement Villages about issues arising from the Retirement Villages Act (NSW) 1999. TARS is also funded to provide information sessions to residents of aged care homes and recipients of care at home, their relatives, as well as carers’ groups and seniors’ community groups. TARS advocates and OPLS’ solicitors welcome your contact. We will listen to your concerns, provide information or speak up for you if you give us permission to do so. We use an accredited interpreter service to assist with any concerns where required. Contact us on 1800 424 079.

Music for refugees- a stress relief recipe Zia Ahmad Humanitarian Award winner from STARTTS*, Philip Feinstein has been implementing a unique programme for refugees in detention centres in order to provide them some relief from trauma. When Philip Feinstein migrated from South Africa to Australia in 1973, whilst fleeing the Apartheid regime of that country, little did he realise that he would be involved in helping refugees decades later. Although being a musician helped him with his own stresses at the time, he soon came to realise just how beneficial music could be when he embarked on his crusade to help our more recent refugees. Philip approached the staff at Villawood Detention Centre over 4 years ago to volunteer his talents as a music teacher. “I knew that music could help people under stress and realised that I could make a difference”. And coming from the standpoint that we can all help people locked up in detention, no matter what our political and religious position is, he embarked on his ‘Music for Refugees’ program. Villawood had no music instruments when he started the program, so the onus was put on him to find instruments. And this he did because Villawood has 5 sections. He needed to find many instruments so he persuaded members of the public to donate to the cause and was pleasantly surprised - within a couple of months each section had a piano, guitars, violins and various, percussions instruments. That was followed up by each section having a dedicated music room as well. He visits Villawood quite often and arranges jam sessions in all adult sections, whilst in the children and family section there are basic music lessons mixed in with personal growth tuition and games. Because of the boredom and trauma that refugees feel, Feinstein knew that making music could make a huge difference. Following his success in Villawood, Philip decided to take the program to all detention centres throughout Australia, plus Manus Island and Nauru. However, being Sydney based it was a challenge to arrange




NSW Police community update Fairfield LAC

“We are you campaign” The NSW Police want to let our Community know that “We are YOU” We are Part of the Community. Some of us live and work here; our families, our children, mothers; fathers; brothers; sisters; grandparents, aunts and uncles are all part of this place we call home, we want the same thing you want a ‘safe future’ for those we love”. Our message is very clear – we need your help- if you see something, it’s ok to ‘Say’ something- did you know you can make a report to crime stoppers anonymously? Your identity will not be given to anyone, but the information you provide could help in solving some of our recent crimes. The number is 1800 333 000. Did you know you can ring your local police station and confidentially speak to a Multicultural Community Liaison Officer, who is not a police officer but who can LISTEN and work with the Fairfield Police in following up information you have provided, the number is 97288407. Fairfield Police have a confidential phone line, you can ring and leave your information in your own language, you don’t need to leave your contact details, you just leave your message and the information you provide will be translated into English. The phone number is 97288444. Coffee with a Cop As part of the “We are You” campaign, implemented in 2012, Fairfield Police are seeking to minimise the perception that there is a separation between Police and the community. Fairfield Police Officers want to manage cultural diversity issues so that there is no negative impact during interaction between the community and police. Coffee with a cop involves Police and community members coming together and enjoying an informal neutral space to discuss community issues, build relationships increase trust, and drink a cup of coffee together. On Friday 8th August at 10am come along to Bonnyrigg Plaza Shopping Centre food court and enjoy of Coffee with a Cop in a relaxed atmosphere where officers from Fairfield will be engaging with the community. Contacting Police EMERGENCY: 000 For reporting a crime in progress, a life threatening situation or other emergency. 24 hour service FAIRFIELD POLICE: 97288399

Philip Feinstein

places where members of the public could leave donated instruments. And so he created drop-off points everywhere. “I am most appreciative to the various Uniting Churches, Synagogues and St Vincent de Paul centres that have agreed to be drop-off points to help with the plight of these traumatised people” he said. “No matter where the refugees come from, it is wonderful to see see Australians from all walks of life and all religions, Christians, Muslims and Jews, helping with the project. It is testament to us being a giving nation.” Feinstein recently received a Humanitarian Award from STARTTS for his work with refugees. He has now extended the ‘Music for Refugees’ project to include other centres that work with refugees no longer in detention. And with the expansion of the project, he is calling for more instruments to be donated. A full list of drop-off points can be found on the website *STARTTS – The NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors is one of Australia’s leading organisations providing treatment and rehabilitation to torture and trauma survivors.

Australasian Muslim Times

Superintendant, Peter Lennon networking with community members

Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16



Letter from Gaza by a Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert MD PhD

Dearest friends, Last night was extreme. The “ground invasion” of Gaza resulted in scores and carloads with maimed, torn apart, bleeding, shivering, dying - all sorts of injured Palestinians, all ages, all civilians, all innocent. The heroes in the ambulances and in all of Gaza’s hospitals are working 12-24 hour shifts, grey from fatigue and inhuman workloads (without payment all in Shifa for the last 4 months), they care, triage, try to understand the incomprehensible chaos of bodies, sizes, limbs, walking, not walking, breathing, not breathing, bleeding, not bleeding humans. HUMANS! Now, once more treated like animals by “the most moral army in the world” (sic!). My respect for the wounded is endless, in their contained determination in the midst of pain, agony and shock; my admiration for the staff and volunteers is endless, my closeness to the Palestinian “sumud” gives me strength, although in glimpses I just want to scream, hold someone tight, cry, smell the skin and hair of the warm child, covered in blood, protect ourselves in an endless embrace - but we cannot afford that, nor can they. Ashy grey faces - Oh NO! Not one more load of tens of maimed and bleeding, we still have lakes of blood on the floor in the ER, piles of dripping, blood-soaked bandages to clear out - oh - the cleaners, everywhere, swiftly shovelling the blood and discarded tissues, hair, clothes,cannulas - the leftovers from death - all taken away ... to be prepared again, to be repeated all over.

More then 100 cases came to Shifa in the last 24 hrs. Enough for a large well trained hospital with everything, but here - almost nothing: no electricity, water, disposables, drugs, OR-tables, instruments, monitors all rusted and as if taken from museums of yesterday’s hospitals. But they do not complain, these heroes. They get on with it, like warriors, head on, enormously resolute. And as I write these words to you, alone, on a bed, my tears flow, the warm but useless tears of pain and grief, of anger and fear. This is not happening! An then, just now, the orchestra of the Israeli war-machine starts its gruesome symphony again, just now: salvos of artillery from the navy boats just down on the shores, the roaring F16, the sickening drones (Arabic ‘Zennanis’, the hummers), and the cluttering Apaches. So much made in and paid by the US. Mr. Obama - do you have a heart? I invite you - spend one night - just one night - with us in Shifa. Disguised as a cleaner, maybe. I am convinced, 100%, it would change history. Nobody with a heart AND power could ever walk away from a night in Shifa without being determined to end the slaughter of the Palestinian people. But the heartless and merciless have done their calculations and planned another “dahyia” onslaught on Gaza. The rivers of blood will keep running the coming night. I can hear they have tuned their instruments of death. Please. Do what you can. This, THIS cannot continue. Mads Gilbert MD PhD Professor and Clinical Head Clinic of Emergency Medicine

Media Scan Ainullah

UMMAH English cricketer wears save Gaza wristband


Moeen Ali with his “Save Gaza” wristband

England cricket team all rounder Moeen Ali has been disciplined for wearing wristbands that read “Save Gaza” and “Free Palestine”, while batting during England’s first innings on dring the third test between England and India. Moeen Ali, a look alike of South African Cricket team skipper Hashem Amla both sporting long beards, is a practising Muslim of Pakistani descent. He has also been

helping raise funds for Gaza relief efforts in his home city of Birmingham in central England. Meanwhile Malaysian cyclist Azizulhasni Awang at the Commonwealth Games was warned for wearing gloves bearing the message “Save Gaza”. Mr Awang insisted his message was “humanitarian” rather than politically charged,

Lookalike Hashem Amla (left) and Moeen Ali (right)

Manipulation of internet data The power to secretly create government propaganda is among the many hacking tools revealed in the latest batch of Edward Snowden documents. Spies can manipulate online polls -- or trick the world into thinking a video or web page is going viral. A collection of hacking tools -- some of

which are specifically suited to spreading disinformation -- were exposed in a leaked 2012 document provided by Snowden The toolkit belongs to the U.S. National Security Agency’s British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ for short).

Dr Mads Gilbert (centre) at Al-Shifa hospital on July 17th, treating a wounded Palestinian child, after an Israeli air strike killed 4 children & wounded 5 others.

Jews with dual citizenship from US and Europe fighting for Israel Hundreds of youth from US and Europe and possibly Australia are serving in the Israeli military and some have been killed and wounded. The notion of Europeans and Americans serving in the Israeli army isn’t new. Before the creation of the state of Israel, thousands of western volunteers were recruited by the Zionist movement - in a process named Mahal or volunteers from abroad to take part in Zionist military operations in Palestine during the British Mandate.

Friday 1 August 2014

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2




Book Review: “The covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the world” Bilal Cleland

At a time when the name of Islam is being besmirched by extremists all over the planet, it is refreshing to come back to what the Islamic way of life is really about. Indeed the best antidote to both Muslim extremism and Christian-Zionist Islamophobia is the actual teachings of Islam. Even the most anti-rational extremist must be given food for thought in the very plain statement in the Holy Quran: To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged and truly Allah is Most powerful for their aid. (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right (for no cause) except that they say “Our Lord is Allah”. Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down monasteries churches synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for truly Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (Able to enforce His Will). (Quran 22: 39-40) It has become unfortunately commonplace to read in the venomous tracts of the Islamophobes that Islam teaches Muslims to exterminate non-Muslims and that they must engage in “jihad” (a term they use for religious war) against them. Again the Holy Quran is clear: Allah forbids you not with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith not drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly

and justly with them; for Allah loves those who are just. Allah only forbids you with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith and drive you out of your homes and support( others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances) that do wrong. (Quran 60: 8-9) This verse makes it a Muslim’s duty to treat peacefully coexisting persons with equity (qist) and birr. The term birr and its derivatives are the same expressions used in the Qur’an and Hadith to refer to one’s relationship with his or her parents. Such a relationship is more than kindness, since it includes also love and respect. Many English translations of the Qur’an have translated

Mufti’s Eid Message Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed

As we come to the festivity of Eid after completing our acts of worship; our celebration is not complete by the events of violence and state terrorism that are happening at the global stage, and especially the crimes of systematic genocide against the innocent people of Gaza by the hands of the brutal Zionist regime. This regime is systematically murdering children, women and unarmed civilians in their own homes. This war machine is using the most destructive and illegal weapons such as white phosphorus and depleted uranium. This enemy is practicing the most evil Nazi forms of genocide against innocent Muslims. We acknowledge that there is a similarity in what is happening in Iraq, Palestine, and Syria, in their being the same war machine, the same evil plans and the same devil in the background planning and playing. The Muslim community in Australia, amidst the celebration of the blessed month of Ramadan, has felt the grief at the loss of 298 innocent lives, including 80 children, and 36 Australians on the Malaysian aircraft MH17. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of the MH17 Australian victims. This grief is multiplied due to the horrendous crimes being committed against the innocent people of Gaza. Up until the time of writing this statement, the number of victims reached 1000 martyrs, including 208 children, and 6000 injured civilians, including 1561 children. We demand from the international community and the world’s conscience to bring to account those who have committed these


Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed

this Qur’anic term as kindness, a translation that falls short of the richer meaning of the original Arabic term. To ameliorate this problem, the bracketed statement (also love and respect) was added above. The term qist has been translated as “justice.” Justice, however, is closest to another Arabic word `adl. This word, however, refers to giving the other his or her rights, no less and no more. Other scholars argue that the Qur’anic term qist means “going beyond justice by giving more than what is due to others.” (Jamal Badawi, PhD April 5 2005 The recently published “The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World” begins with a reference to these mostly neglected “literary monuments in the history of Islam.” The author comments: ”Considering that the continued conflict between Christians and Muslims across the world has been artificially ignited by the forces of imperialism, especially in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, the content of these priceless historical documents can shed light on the early history of Islam. Via this information we are witness to the primordial relationship between Muslims and People of the Book. Thus, these covenants can serve as a source of inspiration for the establishment of insuperable harmony between the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.” Extremist of both the Muslim and Islamophobic non-Muslim varieties try to ignore, or even deny, the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad (S) but all accept the authenticity of the Constitution of Medina. There is no doubt that in this there was a clear paragraph: “6.2 The Jews of Banu ‘Awf are one community with the believers, the Jews have their religion and the Muslims have theirs, their freedmen and their persons except those who behave unjustly and sinfully, for they hurt but themselves and their families. The same applies to the Jews of the Banu alNajjar, Banur al-Harith, Banu Sa’ida, Banu Jusham, Banu al-‘Aws, Banu THa’laba, and the Jafna, a clan of the Tha’laba and the Banu al-Shutayba. Loyalty is a protection against treachery.” The second paragraph of the Covenant of /AMUST.AU

the Prophet Muhammad (S ) with the Assyrian Christians states: “To the followers of Islam I say: Carry out my command, protect and help the Nazarenes nation in this country of ours in their own land.” The significance of these words is that the Prophet Muhammad (S recognized the Nazarenes (Christians) as a people and a nation existing with the confines of the Islamic Ummah. As the author comments: “Rather than try to homogenize the Islamic world, making it all Arabic-speaking Muslims, the Prophet recognized that there were nations and peoples within the Muslim ummah. Such a concept never materialized in the West until the end of the twentieth century when countries like Canada finally recognized that Quebec was a nation within the country of Canada….Whether they were Jews or Christians, and later Hindus and Buddhists, these communities represented a kind of United Nations under Islamic rule.” The author asks (p.185) “If Muslims are prohibited from belittling the People of the Book and destroying their property, what are we to make then, of so-called Islamists who insult and abuse them and destroy, not only their material belongings, but their lives as well?” His answer is no revelation. Many thinkers have come to the very same conclusion about such people: “They are in most instances, conscious or unconscious agents of the enemies, not only of Islam, but of religion as a whole. If the imperialists used Islamic extremists for their own ends during the colonialist period, spreading Salafism and concocting Arab nationalism in order to undermine the Ottoman Empire, it would be naïve to believe that neo-imperialists of the 20th and 21st century are not doing the same. While most of their rank and file are unaware of the reality, many if not most of the world’s militant Muslim movements were created and remain under the control of US, British, French and Israeli secret services.” Morrow. John Andrew. The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with Christians of the World. Angelico press/Sophia Perennis. USA. 2013

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war crimes in Ukraine and in Gaza to justice. We condemn in the harshest possible terms these acts of aggression, injustice, racism and double standards. We warn the international community against the danger of racism and new forms of Nazism practiced by specific countries that consider themselves above the law, daily committing crimes without being punished or even being condemned. In this atmosphere, the Muslim mind should be mindful not to make issues out of minor juristic differences while disregarding the purposeful events that aim to stab the religion in the heart. We wish all Muslims in Australia to preserve the validity and confirmation of their fasting by continuing obedience to Allah throughout the remaining months of the year, and to pray to Allah for their brothers and sisters in Gaza, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen and other Muslim countries to ease their difficulties and suffering, bring victory to their wars, and peace and security to extend throughout Australia and the rest of the world.

Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16




Book Review: “You will know the The truth & the truth will set you free” need for Z Naqvi You Will Know The Truth & The Truth Will Set You Free: A Bible Research Study in the Light of the Holy Qur’an is a new book on comparative religion written by Zainab which includes an exploration of the historical Jesus (as), a thorough investigation of the alleged crucifixion of Jesus (as) and an analysis of the Bible as the Word of God. The author also shares her personal experiences in engaging with Christians and examines Christian proofs for Jesus’ divinity, while presenting her personal findings on obscure issues in the Bible including the identity of the ‘Holy Spirit’. This book also presents unique and compelling proofs of the prophet-hood of Prophet Muhammad (s) and Islam from the Bible. Each chapter in this book is presented in the light of the Holy Qur’an. All personal research with additional scholarly and other historical sources is also shared. The title of the book You Will Know The Truth & The Truth Will Set You Free is a famous saying of Jesus (as) recorded in the Bible in the Gospel of John. This book is the end result of the author’s five years of research and study on the Bible and Qur’an, which initiated from an interfaith dialogue with her Christian work colleague. This interfaith dialogue cascaded to her personal journey into the world of Christianity through the in-depth research into the origins of Christianity, the historical development of the Bible, and also led to the author having many experiences in engaging in dialogue with Bible-believing Christians and visiting Churches. Upon the request of Zainab’s Christian

colleague, she bought her first Bible—The New International Version from a Christian book stall at the Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair (MEFF) in 2008. She then read the whole New Testament over a period of time and found that the Jesus (as) she was familiar with from the Qur’an (and his message), was still present in the Bible today. Zainab compiled many documents for her Christian colleague, detailing her findings from the Bible in comparison to the Qur’an. These analyses have been incorporated in this book. Through her research, Zainab shows how Jesus (as) represents the bridge between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, where Islam being the middle way, acknowledges Jesus (as) as a beloved Prophet and Servant of

God; however, Judaism rejects Jesus (as) as such and at the other end of the spectrum, Christianity exalts him to divinity. The author presents historical and Scriptural evidence to prove that Jesus (as) is not God and never claimed to be. There is one decisive quote of Jesus (as) recorded in the Bible which the author shares in her book that substantiates the above conclusion, in turn negating his alleged divinity: Jesus said to her ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, ‘Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father, and your Father, TO MY GOD AND YOUR GOD.” (John 20:16-17) This book is for dawah purposes and can also be beneficial and enlightening for anyone interested in comparative religion studies. This book is available online at Lulu. com (with a full colour E-book option), at Dymocks Bookstore-Rouse Hill and also from Bukhari House Islamic Bookstore-Auburn. Zainab is currently completing her Masters in Islamic Studies from Charles Sturt University and she has also recently completed writing her second book (a sequel to her first), titled Unveiling the Truth of Islam: A Comparative Study of the Bible & Holy Qur’an. This book will be released later this year. Abbreviations: (s) : Sallalaho Alaihi Wassallam: Peace and blessing of Allah be on him. (as): Alaihis Salam : Peace be upon him.

Zainab (center) at Dymocks Book Shop for her book launch

broadening our sphere of thought Dr Q Ashfaq Ahmad

With the calamities confronting us today and the suffering many people, particularly Muslims, are having to endure, it is very easy to despair. It is ironic that such situations condition us to be more inward looking and running in circles when what is required is to be inspired by what came before us and thinking of innovative ways to solve problems.. For too long, we Muslims, in seeking to find solutions to our predicament, have limited ourselves to the final Revelation and the last Prophet (s). No doubt there are many signs and words of wisdom that can be gained through the words of Allah and the words and actions of Muhammad (s) and we should always seek to be consistent with theses teachings.. We Muslims have been ordained by Allah (Quran; 2:285) not to discriminate any of the prophets. Hence, we should seek out the wisdom of other faiths and their adherents and, as long as they do not contradict our core beliefs and teachings, we need to include these in our arsenal for solving the problems that plague us. We do need to concentrate towards the prophets of the five major world religions,that were directed by Allah. Jesus and Muhammad, the last two prophets, were the pioneers for the two most important virtues: Jesus for spirituality (Love of God) and Muhammad for the surrender to God working for His kingdom. Abraham and Moses were the prophets who accomplished peace and order by eradicating evil and incorrect ideas and actions. Krishna and Buddha taught and practiced wisdom and endurance of sufferings respectively. My study of most religious scriptures has made me to realise that an abundance of truthful and valuable directives and advices are found in the religion of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists (including the followers of Taoism and Confucius). All these world religions can work together with their basic ultimate faiths. Hence these can come together for finding general harmonious way of living if they start living and respecting each other with love and affection, relegating the bitterness and hatred to history. As Karen Armstrong, in her book “Muhammad: Prophet for our time” first published in Great Britain by Harper Press 2006, points out: “. . . the brief history of the twenty-first century shows that neither side has mastered the lessons of history. If we are to avoid catastrophe, the Muslim and western worlds must learn not merely to tolerate but to appreciate one another.” (Chapter 5-Salam, p.214)

Visit our website for the latest news and views Friday 1 August 2014


Australasian Muslim Times




With the total deaths now exceeding 1,100 and the wounded over 7,000, over 2,600 airstrikes and over 10,000 tonnes of bombs and artillery shells have pounded Gaza leaving over 200,000 people displaced! The people of Gaza are going through an extreme crisis these last few days of Ramadan. Even hospitals, a place to treat the wounded, have now fallen victim to airstrikes and missile attacks. Moving into its third week, Gaza is rapidly running out of medical and food supplies and quickly finding thousands in need of a roof to sleep under.


Statistics/Figures of what we have done in the past 3 weeks in Gaza. • 2 Trucks of medical aid and urgent medications to the Emergency and Intensive Care Units of Gaza hospitals. • 30 Emergency beds and trolleys to various departments of Al-Shifa Hospital. • Provided urgent needs at the Intensive Care Unit of Al-Shifa Hospital (fridges, medical blankets, IV stands, surgical kits, and others).


Provides a food parcel and a basket of fresh vegetables.


Provides urgent repairs to a partially damaged home.

• Installed a new air conditioning system at Al-Shifa Hospital. • The Human Appeal Emergency team has been working 3 shifts around the clock in Al-Shifa hospital. Each shift comprises of 12 paramedics. •5 health and medical staff to work in distributing medications. • Distributed over 23,000 iftars (hot meals) to families whose homes were destroyed. • 1,650 food parcels have already been distributed to families affected by the crisis. • Pillows, blankets and mattresses were given to over 1,000 families that have had their houses destroyed and are now in temporary shelters. • Implementing daily water distribution to over 8,000 people who are now in UNRWA shelters, and to Al-Shifa Hospital. • Working on removing some of the debris caused to help rescue people that are still under the rubble. We are also working to open access to roads that have been demolished. • During the last few days of the crisis 57,645 loaves/bags of bread were distributed to those


With Human Appeal International, your helping hand can stretch directly to the people of Gaza in need. HAI currently provides a number of packages and is working on developing more projects to provide relief for our brothers and sisters. Please select any of the below packages to help those who need you. May Allah give you on the Day you need it most


Online: By Mail: Please make all cheques & money orders payable to: HUMAN APPEAL INT. AUSTRALIA P.O.Box 406 Lakemba NSW 2195 By Direct Deposit: Human Appeal. Acc. No. 062191 - 00903948 Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Please mail or fax the deposit slip for receipt) By Phone: Call our donation line: 1300 760 155



Provides 1 tonne of flour to poor and needy households.


Provides medical supplies and medicines for hospital operation rooms.


Provides temporary housing for a family (whose home was destroyed)


Provides 1 bed in the emergency department of a hospital.



Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 1 August 2014


UMMAH 15 - 16



@Astro_Alex My saddest photo yet. From #ISS we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over #Gaza & #Israel



@unrwausa #Eid is a time of peace & celebration but for the people of #Gaza, yesterday was marked by displacement & destruction @unicefaustralia Another morning, another 8 children dead in #Gaza. They were playing in a refugee camp playground. No more.

FACEBOOK Will Abu Muezza An oppressor always has a sob story, ‘don’t mind me killing these kids, my parents had it tough’...

AMUST POLL When do you choose to celebrate Eid?

@SanaSaeed I cannot fathom how you can rationally call the physical, psychological torture currently (and consistently) happening in #Gaza self defense @Farah_Gazan This is in my area. I can’t stop crying. I might die tonight

According to the global moon sighting According to the local moon sighting Whenever my parents say All the days!

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@Klatif Subhanallah. May Allah grant them peace. Ameen. “New Photo of #Gaza looks like actual hell on earth” @AmmounAAY That’s not from a movie. That’s #Gaza apocalypse. @iFalasteen The siege has turned #Gaza into the world’s largest open-air prison and the genocide will turn it to a cemetery..


Fatima Xetroc On the eve of Eid al-Fitr (Feast of breaking the Fast) my heart is in solidarity with every being oppressed in our world today regardless of their faith, ethnicity, sex, and socioeconomic status. I pray that we are able to value the sanctity of life and act to preserve it. I pray that compassion emanates readily and we are able to stand up for what is right, not what is popular. To unite against war, oppression and the atrocities against our vulnerable non-combatant civilians. By the time I finish writing this, many children will not celebrate Eid tomorrow, nor will their families mourning their loss. If your conscious can’t extend to the world, then begin with your own family. If you can’t yet achieve that, then begin with your own heart. Find that peace, and Insha’llah it balms the pain of our bleeding world #Palestine #Israel #Iraq #Syria #Burma#SriLanka #China #Egypt #Sudan #Congo #Mali #Nigeria #Afghanistan#Philippines #Somalia #Peace #OpSaveGaza Sydney Rally Aamer Rahman I’m so happy that Muslims boycotted this iftar at Parliament House after NSW Community Relations Commission chair Vic Alhadeff’s disgusting comments about Palestinians. I hope we can extend this practice to banks, corporations, police and other organisations who try to score some cheap mileage out of the community every Ramadan by putting on a fancy dinner or two.

Friday 1 August 2014


Rafa McNulty There was a time when I really craved anonymity. I wanted so much to just blend into the mainstream, to be unidentifiable, to be just another face in the crowd. Without the veil, I thought, I would fit in. I would be better accepted, and therefore, I rationalized, better able to ‘represent’. People were more likely to understand me and my faith if I looked more like them. As an unveiled woman, I am hard to place ethnically, and as such, a lot more religiously ambiguous. But this whole internal dialogue was fundamentally flawed, because it played into the notion that the Western paradigm was superior, its dominance unchallengeable. It placed me precisely where I’d always been- as the marginalized other, the unintelligible foreigner whose onus it was to make herself knowable, intelligible, conformist. It took me a long time to realize that that was not being true to myself. Why should I sell myself short simply to fulfill a role that was defined for me? Now, alhamdulilah, irrespective of its religious significance, I wear the veil BECAUSE it marks me out as Muslim. I wear it because I want to be known on my terms. I wear it without shame, without apology and without feeling the need to justify my choice. I wear it and I go about my life as me. And those that choose to know me as I am, without judgment or assumption, I welcome and reciprocate their love and respect. As for those who still choose to view me through their narrow, subordinating, objectifying, limiting, labeling lens, I say this: I am not your object. I will not conform to your norms. I answer only to God. There is no greater freedom, no greater empowerment than that. Peace. Hamza Yusuf People have asked about my sentiments regarding the situation in Gaza. Chris Hedges is more of an expert in this area than I am, and I share the same beliefs about it as you will find in this video clip. We all need to pray for the whole region. And let us not forget the Burmese Muslims, who are suffering at the hands of radical violent Buddhists, or the Muslims in the Central African Republic, who are 15% of the population, and are being religiously cleansed. The irony is that Muslims are portrayed as violent perpetrators while the reality is that they are the brunt of violence everywhere. [Name Withdrawn] Dear ISIS, I have grown up with Christian Iraqis, I have eaten at the same table as Christian Iraqis and shared my home with Christian Iraqis and guess what? Their level of humility, decency and true belief could never be attained by such filth like you. #Iraqisunited

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Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 4 July 2014

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