Issue 107

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Multimedia News & Views

ISSN: 1039-2300

Print Post No. PP 255003/01403

Print edition published Monthly on first Friday with Website updates

New Anti-Terror Laws Explained

Issue # 107

Muslim Engineer Wins Award for Innovation





Friday 3 October 2014; 8 Dhul Hajj 1435


HikmahWay Course in Sydney

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War on terror overseas leading to widespread Islamophobia at home Zia Ahmad With the so called war on terror ramping up in the Middle East, and in the wake of the widespread police raids on Muslim homes in Sydney and Brisbane last month and in Melbourne this week, community tensions seem to be on the boil. Community leaders have warned that the alarming headlines and beat up stories in the media and vilification of Muslims by radio shock jocks and on social media is creating an atmosphere of fear and hatred in the Australian society that may lead to violence and rioting on our suburban streets. There have been a number of Islamophobic attacks directed specially on Muslim women who are easily identifiable with their Islamic dress code. Since the launching of the Islamophobia Register Australia, a large number of reports have been received ranging from verbal abuse, to threats and attacks on property as well as assaults on persons. An anonymous threat letter was issued purportedly by Australian Defence League threatening the bombing of the Lakemba Mosque, the Auburn Mosque and the Grand Mufti of Australia (see image page 7). Since the incident of stabbing of two Victorian police officers and death of the assailant, Victorian police have revealed a rise in unreported attacks on Muslim women. The NSW Police Force has urged the community to report all attacks, no matter how minor or trivial, to the police and has warned that it will not tolerate targeting of individuals on identifiable characteristics including race, religion, ethnicity etc. On 25 September a 21 year old man was arrested and charged after walking into Al-Faisal College in Minto armed with a knife asking if it was a “Muslim School.”



News ......................................1 • Islamophobia Register Boomerang ..................... 3 - 5 Community ........................... 1 • What to do if ASIO Visits You • Irresponsibility All Around • Poetry: The Weaker Sex • Open Letter from a First Australian Community ..................... 6 - 7 • Be Alert not Alarmed • Muslim Speaker Gagged Family ................................ 13 • Mover and Shaker is back Australia ..................... 14 - 15 • Brilliant Carr-Era Celebrations • Police Advice for the Community • Financial Planning • Multicultural Marketing Awards • ‘No to Terrorism’: Leaders Unite or email .

The register classifies Islamophobia incidents into the following groups: 1. Assaults or attacks on persons of Muslim background. 2. Attacks on Muslim property or institutions. 3. Verbal abuse and hate speech/social media abuse. 4. Unwarranted harassment or interrogation at airports by authorities. 5. Any form of discrimination in a public or private environment.

On 26 September a 66 year old man was arrested in Logan, South of Brisbane and charged for verbally assaulting a Muslim women wearing a niqab telling her “you are a Muslim, go back to your country.” To date there are three reports of Mosques being vandalised in Queensland, the Mareeba Mosque spray painted with anti-Muslim slogans, Logan Mosque in Kingston dumped with anti-Muslim flyers and Holland Park Mosque in Brisbane dumped with a dead pig head.

There have been attacks on mistaken identity as well. On 25 September, a young man with a beard, not a Muslim, was allegedly abused and threatened with beheading by a carload of Anti-Muslim teens at traffic lights on a Gold Coast Street. There have also been reports of false attacks. A 41 year old naval officer claimed last week that he was assaulted by two Middle Eastern men outside his Bella Visa home, but the police deemed the report to be false.

Islamophobia Register Australia has been launched to help capture all incidents of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiments in Australia. Submit a report (all information submitted will be kept strictly confidential) via the Islamic Register Australia Facebook page by sending a private message:

Ummah ............................... 16 • Media Scan: ISIS Dilemma • Rebuilding of Gaza Education .......................... 17 • Attributes of Allah - Part 2 • Message of Support from Bill Shorten and Michelle Rowland Business ............................ 18 • Review: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Social .................................. 19 • Media Hysteria Against Muslims




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Australasian Muslim Times

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Friday 3 October 2014






The new anti-terror laws How they will affect us as Australians



Multimedia News & Views

Lydia Shelly Australia, since 2001, has introduced over 54 pieces of anti-terrorist legislation. Professor George Williams AO called the increased powers of ASIO under the 2012 legislation as “…the greatest assault on civil liberties in Australia since World War II” and that “…the powers are more consistent with the apparatus of a police state, such as General Pinochet’s Chile, than the laws of a modern democracy”. With the final debate regarding the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) (“the National Security Bill”) occurring in the senate in a matter of weeks and the introduction of the Counter-Terrorism legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill, the civil liberties and fundamental human rights of ordinary and everyday Australian’s is under threat. They go further than the 2012 legislation. This is not an issue that concerns only the Australian Muslim Community, but has deep consequences for all Australians for generations to come. Australia has one of the most developed counter terrorism laws of the developed countries; however on 16 July 2014, the Australian Government introduced the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) (“the National Security Bill”). Day’s prior to the debate regarding this Bill, the Government conducted the biggest counter terrorism operation (known as Operation Hammerhead) in Australia’s history. The National Security Legislation is currently before the senate and is expected to become law in a very short amount of time. The Muslim Legal Network, along with the other organisations concerned with Civil Liberties, have made lengthy submissions in respect of the proposed laws and criticised the erosion of civil liberties. Some of the proposals in that Bill include: Changing the definition of ‘computer’ in relation to computer warrants including ‘more than one computer’ and ‘computer networks’. It is important to note that ‘computer network’ has not been defined in the Bill and would potentially evade the privacy of large groups of people who are not specifically subject to the warrant, but part of the same ‘network,’ including an entire workplace or uses of the same ‘wifi’ network. To create new disclosure offences and increase the maximum penalties for offences where intelligence officers disclose confidential information. (Otherwise known as ‘the whistleblower offences.’) The creation of a ‘named person warrant.’ This would enable ASIO to seek one warrant specifying a number of powers against the identified person. Currently, the law


Issue # 107





Friday 3 October 2014;

8 Dhul Hajj 1435

Irresponsibility all around requires ASIO to separately justify and apply for different types of warrants, such as telephone intercept warrants, optical device warrants, computer warrants etc. This further raises concerns of privacy and lack of accountability within intelligence agencies. Providing ASIO officers and their human sources with immunity from criminal and civil liability for certain conduct within the course of authorised intelligence operations. The Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill was introduced to parliament on Wednesday 24 September, one week after the largest counter-terror operation in Australian history. The parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security has commenced an inquiry into this Bill. A Bill is a document of the proposed laws, however it does not become law unless it is voted on in parliament. The explanatory Memorandum of the Bill states that the purpose of the Bill is in “response to fighters who have fought overseas alongside listed terrorist organisations may “return to Australia with enhanced terrorism capabilities and ideological commitment”. The Bill addresses the issue of foreign fighters and makes the following proposes: The Minister for Foreign Affairs has the right to suspend a person’s travel documents temporarily (14 days) if ASIO suspects on reasonable grounds that the suspected person may leave Australia to engage in conduct that might prejudice the security of Australia or a foreign country”. This essentially lowers the threshold for ASIO to satisfy. There will also be no notification of your passport’s suspension. After 14 days, ASIO would need to apply for the cancellation of the suspected person’s passport. The power of Customs Officers to detain somebody is also significantly expanded. The power of detention will now be on the basis that they are satisfied on reasonable grounds that the person “is, or is likely to be, involved in an activity that is a threat to national security or the security of a foreign country”. Again, the threshold test is lowered. Making it a crime to travel to any area designated by the Minister because a terrorist organisation operates within that area. The designation power is expansive, with the possibility of entire countries being designated areas. This offence carries a maxi-

It is amazing how the vicious circle of ter- tralian history, 800 police and ASIO ofrorism and the war on terror can trans- ficers raiding a couple of dozen Muslim form a peaceful society into one of fear houses, arresting 15 and releasing all but and hate followed by violence in a matter one on the same day. Some lessons can be drawn from this exercise. Such a huge of weeks. It all started with reports of atrocities operation netting only one person and a committed by ISIS against its Muslim op- sword allegedly to be used for beheading. ponents and minority communities and Was this an intelligence failure? Well the positive side is that our police force then the highly publicised beheadings does not make trumped up charges of Western journalists. The US sudunlike police in many other parts denly woke up to the threat posed EDITORIAL of the world. by ISIS and Tony Abbott happily Assalamu Then came the stabbing of volunteered to drag Australia to two police officers and the join the coalition of War on TerAlaikum shooting death of the assailant ror 2. Greetings in Victoria. Government politiConcern was now raised that a of Peace cians had a field day by saying, number of Australians who have I told you so and quickly moving left to join the US supported coaforward on the new anti-terror laws. lition to fight the Syrian repressive reThe media went into yet another frenzy gime were in fact ending up with ISIS. This caused the alarm bells ringing and the rush with headlines “Jihadists Amongst Us”, to revise the national security bill, the so “Jihad Joey”, “How Many More”, “Face called anti-terror laws giving unprecedent- of Hate”, “Driven to kill”, even before all ed powers to security agencies to monitor the facts of the incidents were known. The result of this irresponsible behavcitizens. A number of Government politicians iour by some politicians, tabloid media found the opportunity to play the divisive and shock-jocks is a surge in Islamophopolitics of us and them, Team Australia and bic attacks, tensions between commuthe Non-Team Australia, burqa policemen nities, all around fear and as community and anti-sharia vigilantes. Some sections leaders have warned, this could lead to of the mainstream media together with the snowballing of hatred, violence and ultiusual shock-jocks ramped up their vilifica- mately rioting in the streets. Responsible behaviour from all sections tion of Islam and demonisation of Muslims of society can only save us from a potento whip up the frenzy of hate. Then came the largest police raid in Aus- tially disastrous outcome. mum of 10 years’ imprisonment. To avoid prosecution and/or conviction, you would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you travelled to a designated reason for a legitimate reason (such as visiting family, performing aid work or journalism). This has effectively shifted the burden of proof from the prosecution to the accused person and signals a major departure from the principle that the prosecution has the onus to prove you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Alarmingly, this could have grave effects on journalists and charity workers. If you return to Australia after engaging in “hostile activities”, you could be subject to control orders and could include restrictions such as curfews, reporting requirements and telecommunications restrictions. You do not need to be convicted of an offence to be placed under a control order, but a court will need to be satisfied that a control order is “reasonably necessary and reasonably ap-

propriate” to protect the public from a terrorist act. Centrelink payments can be cancelled if your passport or visa have been refused or cancelled on national security grounds. There is no obligation to serve notice or reasons for cancellation. A new offence of “advocating terrorism” that would have a chilling effect on political discussions and the right to protest and criticise oppressive regimes, not to mention on whistle-blowers and journalists. It carries a term of imprisonment. The Muslim Legal Network will be making our concerns known to the Australian parliament regarding our deep concerns over the erosion of civil liberties and the potential impact of the proposed legislation on the Australian Community. Lydia Shelly is a Lawyer from Osborne Howell Lawyers, community activist and a member of the Muslim Legal Network.

What to do if ASIO, the AFP or State Police come to visit Muslim Legal Network

The Muslim Legal Network stands firmly with the Australian Muslim community and the Australian non-Muslim community against terrorism and all forms of hate crimes. We also respect the legal safeguards of the Australian legal system and believe in the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Every Australian deserves to be afforded due process and the full protection of Australian law. Whether they are anti-Muslim terrorists who threaten to blow up mosques and behead Australian Muslims or pro-ISIS terrorists threatening to behead Australians, they must be informed of their rights and afforded due process so that these serious allegation are proven in a court of law and not a court of the prosecutors’ opinion. We owe it to the peaceful majority from both the Australian Muslim and non-Muslim communities to ensure fairness and even-handedness defeats the politics of hate and hysteria.

Friday 3 October 2014

We must protect innocent civilians regardless of their religion from all forms of terrorism and hate crimes. The following guidance is provided by MLN Victoria and MLN Western Australia for those seeking information on their rights when ASIO, AFP or State Police come to visit? 1. Remain calm; 2. Ask them to identify who they are and to explain what they want; 3. If they want to search you or your premises, ask to see their warrant; 4. If they do not have a warrant, tell them that you object to being searched; 5. If they insist, make your objections clear but do not attempt to stop them; 6. If they are ASIO officers and they do not have a warrant for questioning, you do not have to answer their questions. But if they do have a warrant for questioning or detention, you have to cooperate; 7. If they are AFP officers or state police officers, you should provide your name and address. “You are not obliged to make a statement or give an interview to

the police, particularly if you have not talked to a lawyer first”; 8. If possible, contact a lawyer or ask someone in the house to contact a lawyer immediately. You can call 0426 845 306 or email contact@muslimlegalnetwork. com for help finding a lawyer. Make it clear that you need URGENT assistance; 9. Request that a friend sit in with you; 10. If you have any trouble understanding anything they say, always ask for an interpreter. In the meantime do not say anything, except to confirm your name and address; 11. If they say they have a warrant, ask for a copy; 12. If they have a warrant, check that the warrant has not expired; 13. Take note of exactly what the warrant authorises the officers to do; 14. You do not have to do any more than what is stated on the warrant; 15. Check if there are any restrictions or conditions on what the officers can do; 16. Keep a record of the names and identity numbers of the police officers visiting

you, the date and the time; 17. Keep a detailed record of any contact, touching, harassment or intimidation by any officer that you experienced. The above information reflects the law as it stands on 1 January 2007 an and may have changed since then. You must check with a lawyer for changes to the law. Disclaimer: If you find yourself in a difficult situation, always seek advice from a a lawyer. This is not intended as legal advice, and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice. We exclude liability for any loss suffered by any person resulting in any way from the use of, or reliance on, this material or its text.

Australasian Muslim Times




The Weaker Sex Nav K Samir We must be respectful in our discourse to the woman. For she may be the fire that burns a thousand suns, but it is never below her to sacrifice for love. For Allah granted her a strength we may never possess. And for all our brawn and the beating of our chests, it is upon her heart that our iman stands the test.

And so blessed is her gift, as she dons the hijab and steps forth into the world. How she, in her efforts to express her beauty understands that it truly is reserved for the one who she believes deserved. And, that in itself, deserves our respect. Yah Allah Rabbi, how wise you were for granting the woman with an undying resolve and the heart of an ocean. For the woman wears her faith upon her shoulders; the weight of which no man could ever carry. Respect our sisters, my brothers. Forget not our duty to them. Recognise that Allah knew best when he made us the weaker sex.


Letters to the editor


AMUST at a very interesting time at daggers drawn. I was pleased to receive the AMUST issue #106 dated 5 September. The next day I sat down to read it, expecting this would take 15 minutes, and it was so interesting it took half the evening. I think I read every article, and they were very well written. I started thinking it’s a shame many pieces in the Sydney Morning Herald aren’t as well written. The most remarkable article was “Gandhi’s view on Palestine”,written before WW2 and the Holocaust. I believe most in Australia know very little about the history of Palestine in the first half of the 20th century. I noted too your reports that government ministers didn’t consult the Muslim community: they were exercises in “rubber stamping”. I don’t think that was the impression one got from the ABC news. You have restarted AMUST at a very interesting time, in some ways too interesting, for your main readership. Professor Stewart Truswell Sydney, NSW.

Rational approach to understanding

I am happy and impressed as well to see the rebirth of AMUST. It is the need of the time to show it the light of the day. It will inform the world of the true picture of Muslims and their correct world-views and approaches to the national and international issues. Now the humanity is passing through a critical stage where people have no respect of other human beings, and they can go to any extreme to fulfil their ambitions and satisfy their egos. It results into human suffering, exploitation and suppression and endangers the human survival. It also divides humanity into various groups and cliques, and each of them considers others dangerous to humanity. It creates unnecessary hatred and conflict between them, and they are

As such our dream of a world community where people of different faiths and shades of opinion could help each other, live in peace and harmony and make this world worth living, is jeopardised. The media can play a positive role in creating such situation where people can understand each other’s disposition, tolerate differences, share each other’s ethos and live in peace. I am confident that AMUST unlike commercial media, will promote understanding between all Australian, thereby contributing towards peace and harmony. I appreciate you for taking a bold and courageous step of starting this publication again and communicating to the world a rational approach to problem solving. My best wishes and cooperation are with you. Professor Jamil Farooqui Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Anti-terror raids

Regarding Sydney raids, it indeed makes a mockery of Australian security agencies. After months of intelligence gathering, as many as 800 police officers raided a dozen houses, interned 15 people and within 48 hours all those arrested were released except a 22 year old man. The Uncle of this young man, a university professor, is not convinced and seriously doubts his involvement. A few years ago, a young medical student from University of New South Wales was arrested on terrorism charges and was harassed for months before being cleared of any wrongdoing. Arrest of Dr Muhamed Haneef, an Indian national in Brisbane following London bombing, accompanied by the media circus had drawn much anger in India against Australia, as he was later found to be innocent. In all of the above instances, the whole Australian nation was shaken by the hype created by the media and the government officials. Muslim leadership found themselves cornered and the ordinary Muslims wondered how to face such situations which made them out of place at their work and in

AMUST Memory Lane Fri 2 April 1993




Managing Editor: Zia Ahmad Graphic Designer: Rubinah Ahmad Chief Adviser: Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Journalist: Mobinah Ahmad Columnist: Dr Abul Jalaluddin (Finance) Columnist: Bilal Cleland (Victoria) Columnist: Manarul Islam (ACT) Promotion: Dr Wali Bokhari Web Developer: Shadow Approved Multimedia: iMoby Productions Printers: MPD printing the news everyday Distributers: Wrapaway Transport Pty Ltd


PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg (Sydney), NSW 2177 Australia. Email: Ph: 9823 2063; Fax: 9823 3626

public. Certainly, security agencies need to be vigilant in times when a few people may get carried away due to very disturbing situations in their countries of origin. It is high time that operations of security agencies be made more professional so that they are able to target the criminal elements than harassing innocent people. I believe Muslim leadership has been working hard on Muslim youth over past few years and it is bearing positive results. I must congratulate ABC’s Q&A programme on 22 September for bringing in well qualified panellists who were able to bring in some balance to the otherwise one sided opinions circulated by several talk back radio presenters. Zahid Jamil Sydney, NSW.


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Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 3 October 2014








The Abbott Version of An open letter to the Australian Nationalism Muslim community Bilal Cleland Not since Billy Hughes, the British born Australian PM during the First World War, used sectarian hatred and xenophobia to divide the country over conscription, have we had such an outburst of right-wing nationalism. Hughes used fear of Catholics, especially Irish republicans, of socialists in the WW1 and foreigners, especially those with German heritage to try to get the mainstream community to back his policies. If he had been able to articulate it, he would have proclaimed the “Team White British Empire.” As Shaun Crowe stated in The Conversation” 18/9/14, “Abbott’s “Team Australia” fits into the nationalist tradition of World War I and the 1950s.” It is a nationalism framed in terms of external threats. This time around it is ISIS and to a lesser extent and declining in significance, Russia in Ukraine. The sudden emergence of a terror threat just as the new anti-terror laws are about to be presented to parliament, with huge police raids in Sydney, Brisbane and Logan, gave the shock jocks and all of the mainstream media a field day. The whole Muslim community suddenly became subject to attack. The usual “unable to assimilate” into Australian society, to “home-grown terrorists” to “ban the burqa “ from Liberal Senator Bernardi and PUP Senator Lambi were trotted out as they have been for the past thirty years. Lambi unknowingly insulted a woman who stood up for justice against the Taliban and paid with her life in her Facebook posting. Evangelical oracles like the Sydney Anglican Dean Jensen quickly pronounced :

“It is time to face the truth that Islam itself is in part to blame, and to help our fellow Australians, especially those from Islamic background, to understand that Islam is false. This can only come from an open and free explanation of the truth – something not allowed in Muslim countries – but available to us.” Abbott’s statements that the Muslim community is not to be blamed for the terror suspects’ behaviour, rings hollow. As Rossleigh points out in The Australian Independent Media Network 19/9/14: “After all, how strange would the following sound: Christian serial rapist, Wayne Kerr was taken in to custody today. Police acting on DNA evidence were able to identify Kerr as the man behind a number of attacks. The Premier praised the work of police in catching him and wanted to stress the vast majority of Christians weren’t rapists and found his actions abhorrent. OR Presbyterian investment banker I. G. Reedy was arrested after it was discovered that he had defrauded the company of over $3 million dollars. The Prime Minister said he hoped that people wouldn’t hold all Presbyterians responsible for this shameful act. So why do the words Islamic or Muslim have to be attached to these stories at all? Particularly when there seems to some sort of understanding that it’s more about politics than religion.” Perhaps, like Billy Hughes’ campaign against dissidents, it is all noise meant to hide unpalatable truths. According to Bob Ellis: “But he (Abbott) isn’t serious, he’s making mischief. He’s lost most of the policy battles of his first year and he’s thought a joke by many people, by many others a disgrace, and he’s embarked on the biggest ‘scare campaign’ since the Yellow Peril.” (,6917)

Politics of racial and religious divide must stop Shaoquett Moselmane Australia’s Islamic community, for reasons beyond its control, is under attack yet again. What happened on that fateful day of September 11 was not the act of Australia’s Islamic community nor were the two bombings at the Boston Marathon, the killing of 31 civilians in China’s western Xinjiang’s region and the violent acts of Martin Bryant and Anders Breivik. For that matter, the Islamic community is not responsible for what the Islamic State stands for. Australians of Islamic faith are peaceful people in the same way that Australians of Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto, Jewish and other faiths, including those of no faith, are peaceful. Australians of all persuasions want a peaceful and secure Australia. Migrants travel hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to come to this great land to live in peace and to provide for their children a happy and safe future. We must not blame them for the deeds of others. We must work with them rather than blame them, speak to them, consult with them, respect them, and in this way we will win them onside. Radicalised Australians sought to join the fight against the Baathist government and they were allowed to leave unchecked, some would argue encouraged to go. The research paper written in December 2013 by Edwin Bakker, Christopher Paulussen and Eva Entenmann for the International Centre for Counter Terrorism titled “Dealing with European Foreign Fighters in Syria: Governance Challenges and Legal Implications”,

Friday 3 October 2014

Shaoquett Moselmane, MP notes that the Washington Institute for Near East Policy reported that between 140 and 600 Europeans were estimated to have gone to Syria since early 2011. In the first half of 2012, 700 to 1,400 fighters had entered Syria and by winter of 2013 most experts were estimating there were between 1,100 and 1,700 individuals from Europe. Others entered Syria to fight on the side of the government and some were sponsored by Iran, ( Others) Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and other regional players. The number of foreign fighters with a jihadist agenda participating in the Syrian civil war increased exponentially and alarm bells began to sound for policymakers, as they would have for our own Government. Our governments would have known and ought to have known of the probability that returned Australian fighters, hardened and exposed to war, would pose a potential threat to Australia’s national security. The blame and responsibility for the radicalisation of some therefore cannot lie with Australia’s Muslim community. Our governments failed to take the necessary proactive

Sol Bellear, Chairman, Aboriginal Medical Service Redfern, Sydney

Australia is, in many ways, a great and peaceful nation. We have built a society that affords people the chance to live a happy and prosperous life. United Nations statistics consistently rate Australia as one of the most advantaged paces on earth. That is, and should be, a source of great national pride. Of course, in the process, we’ve also built a very unequal society – the circumstances of my people, the First People of this land, are the living, dying proof of that. It’s not surprising given our past. One of the first Acts of the Australian Parliament was the ‘White Australia Policy’, legislation which was designed to keep Australia for the white man, in the words of our Prime Minister and others at the time. That policy endured for the better part of a century, and we are still feeling its affects today, because sadly, since that shameful Act, attitudes in some sections of our community have not advanced a great deal. We’ve built a nation that can, occasionally, be very intolerant. Modern Australia’s greatest blind spot has always been a fear of ‘the other’. With that fear comes a long and unfortunate history of demonising people from other lands. In our nation’s past, we’ve hated the Chinese, the Greeks, the Italians, the Vietnamese, the Lebanese, the Sudanese and all sorts of asylum seekers. At the moment, it seems, it’s the turn of Muslims to feel the brunt of Australian xenophobia. But history shows this will change. Australians will come to realize over time that Islam is not here to change their way of life, that true Islam is a religion of peace. Just as Australians have accepted and embraced the Chinese, and just as we’ve come to value the contribution of Greeks and Italians and other races, we will eventually realize that Islam is not here to hurt us, nor is its goal to change the way we all live. We will realize that Islam is here to enrich our nation, to contribute to its multiculturalism and to live peacefully beside Australians from all faiths and all walks of life. Aboriginal people, of course, have known this for a very long time, because we’re no strangers to Islam. We have had a long and peaceful association with your religion, an association which precedes the arrival of the white man by hundreds of years. The Maccassans traded peacefully and respectfully with Aboriginal people in the north of Australia for hundreds of years. measures prior to the radicalisation of a few of our citizens and the potential realisation of danger. Furthermore, the anti-terror laws under which this Government could have acted were already in place. People should not blame the Islamic community for what is currently unfolding. Key representative organisations are doing their best and have spoken out. The Australian National Imams Council believes that all citizens have a vested interest in the ongoing safety and security of the country. The president of Muslims Australia, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, noted that as law abiding citizens Muslims are conscious of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to the safety and security of Australia. Darulfatwa Australia noted that Darulfatwa’s constitution rests on actively rejecting all forms of extremism, especially those who unlawfully use the name of Islam. The Lebanese Muslim Association notes that Australian Muslims are as much concerned as non-Muslims, if not more, for the security and safety of our country. Almabarat Australia notes that all Australians from all different religions, multicultural backgrounds

Sol Bellear When they arrived, they didn’t seek to oppress our people. They sought trading partners, and friends. And then Christianity arrived. With it came our first experience of ‘foreign terror’. White men poisoned our water holes, they impregnated our food with diseases and they slaughtered our people. They stole our land, our women and our children. They murdered and beheaded our men. They even raided our dead, stealing thousands and thousands of the bodies of our ancestors for sale to foreign museums and institutions. It was a barbarism almost without parallel in human history. And of course, the terror continues today. Every day, Aboriginal people are harassed by police; we’re denied jobs through institutional racism; we’re used as a political wedge to further party agendas; we’re targeted by the media simply because depicting us as dumb and dangerous rates. We continue to live in poverty, and we suffer third world diseases on a scale that shames us in the eyes of the world. So it’s not surprising that today, Australia is seeking to demonise you and your religion, given our nation’s refusal to accept its own barbaric past. Aboriginal people understand better than anyone the sting of Australian ignorance and racism because we’ve been enduring it since invasion. So my advice to you is that as ugly as it is – and as hurtful as it can be - it will pass. Modern Australia will accept Islam and the role it can play in strengthening and enriching this nation. In the meantime, Aboriginal people look forward to continuing our long and respectful relationship between my countrymen and yours. Mr Sol Bellear is the long-serving Chairman of the Aboriginal Medical Service Redfern. He is also a long-time political activist for Aboriginal rights.

and origins must work to protect Australia from harm. Finally, in addressing a community fundraiser in support of the Iraqi Chaldeans, a Christian community, Sheikh Azam of the Rahma Association of Australia Inc. condemned the terrible acts of terror and stood in solidarity with all innocent people in Iraq. The rotten politics of racial or religious divide must stop. All Australians are on “team Australia” and it should not be a “them” and “us” mentality with a good guys and bad guys division. Playing to the polls on the back of your community’s fears is a shameful act. I condemn the labelling. To me those who play the race card are as abhorrent as those who play the religious divide. I respect all faiths. I encourage all people to practise their religion in peace and security and I condemn those who politicise religion and speak of sectarianism such as Catholic versus Orthodox or Sunni versus Shia. It is abhorrent. For a harmonious Australia that must stop now. Mr Shaoquett Moselmane is a Muslim member of Parliament of NSW.

Australasian Muslim Times







Muslim Engineer wins AMU Alumni selects a major innovation award new team


Zia Ahmad

Zia Ahmad Dr Azhar Nomani, Water Treatment Specialist working with Sydney Water Corporation has won the Engineers Australia Excellence Award 2014 for the Innovative Development of Ozone Trailer for the Disinfection of New Water Mains. The award was presented to him on 19 September at the Engineers Australia awards event held at Westin Hotel, Sydney attended by more than 500 engineers and professionals. Dr Nomani developed the Ozone Trailer supported by the Water Quality Team within Sydney Water and in collaboration with external stakeholders that included professionals from Civil Delivery and Oxyzone Pty Ltd. Rather than using the conventional disinfection method of chlorination, use of ozone, a strong oxidant, for disinfection is considered easier, safer and environmentally friendlier. Dr Nomani’s team has developed and field tested the Ozone Trailer for the disinfection of water mains successfully and now has the potential for commercialisation. The patent for the Ozone trailer is jointly held by Dr Azhar Nomani and Mr David Hiscock from Oxyzone. Originally from India, Dr Nomani is a product of the Aligarh Muslim University having completed his masters and doctorate in chemistry and worked in Saudi Arabia as director of research and development for a number of years before migrating to Australia in 1997. He has worked as a consultant with Australian Water Technologies from 1998 till 2004 and then joined Sydney Water in 2004 first as a senior consultant and later promoted to specialist. He has more than 65

Dr Azhar Nomani publications to his credit that includes papers in journals, reports and reviews. In addition to his professional career, he has a high profile in community work. He was the President of the Aligarh Muslim University Alumni of Australia from 2004 to 2006 and Chairman of its Scholarship Committee from 2012 to 2014. He has taken a leading role in initiating scholarships to students at Jamia Millia, New Delhi, school scholarships, vocational scholarships and electronic workshop construction at Faizabad India.

In its AGM held on 30 August 2014, Aligarh Muslim University Alumni of Australia elected a new executive committee to carry out its social and educational programmes for the next two years. The AMU Alumni has been working for more than 20 years and one of its main tasks is to grant scholarship to economically disadvantaged students in India from a scholarship fund established in Australia. Initially the Alumni granted scholarships to students at the Aligarh Muslim University, but has now expanded the programme to include Jamia Millia in New Delhi as well as to school students in Faizabad, UP. The Alumni also helps in infrastructure projects to establish School buildings, classrooms and scientific laboratories for technical education. During the AGM, the outgoing President, Dr Fasihuddin Khan listed a number of achievements of the Alumni during his two year term: 1. Representation at various Multicultural Functions, Community functions and Dinners. 2. Wide media coverage (SBS, Rabitah magazine, India Link, and Sada-EWatan) 3. Promotion of AMU Alumni and its activities at various levels. 4. Introduction of Educational Achievement Award for bright students of HSC. 5. Invited renowned academics and personalities as speakers and guest. 6. Introduction of Professional Engraved Plaque and souvenir. 7. Fully sponsored BBQ events. 8. Publishing and releasing of AMU Alumni Magazine. 9. Program improvements by organising events in the state of the art Hall and Venue. 10. First ever Fund Raising Dinner organised in a Five Start Hotel. 11. Drastic change and improvement in the standard of programs and events. 12. As a part of Business engagement, signed the MOU with MCCA. 13. Initiated the interactive information session via Skype.

Aale Ali

Khursheed Anwar

14. Largest collection of fund ever. 15. First time Introduction of Scholarship for Vocational Courses and construction of Electronic Lab. 16. First time invited diplomat of India and Pakistan in our Fund Raising Dinner program. The new executive committee of the Alumni is listed below. President: Mr. Aale Ali Vice president: Mr. Riyaz Akhtar Secretary: Mr. Khursheed Anwar Joint secretary: Mr. Syed Ryazuddin Treasurer: Mr. Siraj Akhtar Joint treasurer: Mr. Ibadurehman Executive Members: Mr. Syed Hamid Ali Mr. Yusuf Mustafa Mr. Arif Qureshi Mr. Shabih Haider Dr. Samiuddin Syed Dr. Azhar Nomani Mr. Faiz Ahmad Ms. Saba Rasheed Mr. Farough Zaidi Mr. Zamir Khan For further information, please contact the Secretary: Email: Web:

Bandaged Bear Breakfast at Fairfield Police Station Zia Ahmad

Ozone Trailer for the Disinfection of New Water Mains

Do you need a visa to Live, Work or Holiday in Australia?

A well organised and lavish Bandaged Bear Breakfast was hosted at the Fairfield Police Station on Wednesday 17 September in order to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney. The sponsorship was provided by a number of local businesses and organisations and was attended by a large representation of the areas multicultural community, business leaders and police officers.

Superintendent Peter Lennon, Commander of the Fairfield Local Area Command welcomed the large contingent of guests and thanked them for their support. Senior Constable Ece Hasan named the sponsors and said that the funds raised will go a long way in helping sick children at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Special Halal meal provisions were catered for the Muslim attendees and the event provided a great opportunity for networking with people of different faiths, cultures and professions.

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Australasian Muslim Times

Isabel Doyle Grad. Cert. Mig. Law MARN 1461161 Superintendent Peter Lennon, addressing the guests at breakfast

Friday 3 October 2014







Be alert not alarmed MOBYDAYZE Mobinah Ahmad

I was at a café waiting for my coffee to be made, when I looked over at the giant television displaying morning show news. All I saw was how easily the words Terrorist and Muslims were rolled up into a nice neat package. I look away and switch my attention to Facebook, and I see statuses and shared posts on vandalism, physical and verbal abuse directed towards members of the Muslim community, the ones I had read were mainly of Muslim women being threatened and attacked. It is impossible to deny there is a sense of tension within the community. Despite Muslims being unfairly targeted by the media being nothing new, this is the first time I’ve seen such a large amount of physical assault taking place in cities around the country. And what’s worse is that there doesn’t seem to be any indication that it’s going to stop anytime soon. There are so many complex issues floating around and being discussed, which includes identifying what kind of language is used to describe members of the Muslim community, and how should it be clarified? Should the Muslim community engage with the government and media? What are the internal issues that our own community needs to face up to? What should you do when faced with any kind of verbal or physical assault? What are your rights when it comes to Police harassment or mistreatment? It seems that Australian Muslims are expected to take on the responsibility to apologise for extremists and satisfy the media, politicians and the general public. But what we really need to do is shift the focus back onto our community and assess the impact the most recent events had on us. Local forums have taken place for community discussion of the recent police raids. Events likes these are much needed within our community in order to have a more unified approach in engaging with the government and media. How we engage as a community is crucial, it’s not about being fatalistic, the fact of the matter is, whether we like it or not, more laws are being formulated that will affect our community. We as a community need to be prepared as to how to deal with the situation from a legal perspective. Aside from Muslim leaders and the Muslim community publicly opposing the laws, we need to established professional organisations such as the Muslim Legal Network. We need to utilise the services by professionals within the community who work behind the scenes and understand what consequences will emerge from these

laws. We as a community need to be more unified and organised so that we may be informed about what our rights are. Having these set structures and strategies in place would provide fast-acting quality leadership and strengthen the community as a whole. Then there’s the political perspective. How does the community respond to the media, the government and to the general public. It’s so difficult to address these issues when you’re already on an uphill battle. On the one hand, we don’t want to be apologetic, playing into the idea that we are responsible. Yet on the other hand, we do need to address what is happening abroad because Threat letter from the Australian Defence League there are direct consequences to our comPolice are provided with control to enact munity. violence as long as they do not kill, cause There is a lot of tension and confusion as serious injury to the person or damage to to how Muslim leaders are overtly voicing their property. their ideas on the issues. The key is that Police may interrogate people for a week we are strategic in the timing and the way without any charges being placed. in which we respond. It needs to be well According to the Muslim Legal Network, thought out, planned and agreed upon. this legislation is “ill considered, hastily It is imperative to understand the context pursued, and stated without the engagement of the situation. Look at the timing of what with the very community it would affect the is happening right now, the terror alert is most.” raised to high, we have 600 Australian DeThe way in which members of the Musfence Force troops sent overseas, the terror lim community respond is paramount to laws are being debated, the context is heav- how we’re going to deal with the current ily politicised. The raids are fully televised situation. Don’t allow the media and propand the media had full access to photograph aganda from the government and media to and spin their own sensationalist beat up instil panic. Muslims must not be afraid to stories. speak out when they are harassed and make This compromised the right of the indi- it publicly known. viduals affected to a fair trial. There level of Don’t just take the abuse and be complacivil liberties to all Australians are severely cent about it. If there are any cases of harasscompromised. The media have perpetuated ment, abuse, assault from the public, report a strong frenzy of hysteria and panic. it to police and community leadership. Its so The most significant parts of the terror important not remain quiet or passive. Doclegislation are as follows: ument your innocence as much as possible, It is an offence to travel to certain coun- take photos, note down numbers, locations tries where there is a terrorist organisation, and timings and report it. You have right to and based upon pure suspicion, authorities go and complain. Thanks to social media may stop you. providing a platform for people to convey It is easier for the Australian Federal Po- their experiences, put your complains on the lice to obtain control orders, and restrict Islamophobia Register Australia Facebook movement. page. It is much easier to arrest a suspected terRemain positive that with every hardship rorist without a warrant. comes ease. Look at any opportunity to proASIO may request the suspension of your vide daawah, be kind, open, composed and passport for three weeks based purely on peaceful. And finally, remember the greatest suspicion without any further reasoning re- power of prayer, supplication and worship. quired.

Muslim speaker gagged under external pressure at the University of Sydney Zia Ahmad An open forum organised by Sydney University Muslim Students’ Association, SUMSA, last month had to be postponed in the wake of media hysteria against Mr Uthman Badr. The event “Grill a Muslim” was to be held on Thursday 11 September at the University of Sydney main campus as part of the Islamic Awareness Week in order to remove misunderstandings about Islam and Muslims. The panel to answer questions included Sheikh Wesam Charkawi and Mr Badr. SUMSA president, Ziyad Serhan has alleged that The Daily Telegraph had previously contacted the Vice Chancellor Dr Michael Spence and threatened to run a front page report on the day of the event highlighting that the University was allowing Mr Uthman Badr to speak at the campus. Mr Serhan told AMUST that he received

Friday 3 October 2014

a phone call from Dr Spence on the eve of the event showing his concern over Mr Badr’s inclusion in the panel and told that the event could go ahead but without Mr Badr in the panel. After consultation with the SUMSA Shura (committee), it was Uthman Badr decided to postpone the event and post a statement regarding the issue on its website, part of which reads as follows: “We are disappointed with the atmosphere of fear-mongering surrounding Muslim speakers, and we believe this decision does not help diffuse the situation. We do however accept that it is in the best interests of the University at this time to postpone the event, and wish to work collaboratively

Event Calendar

SUN 05 OCTOBER Wear A Hijab Week: Australian Non-Muslim and Muslim Solidarity March

Capital Cities around Australia Sunday 05 - 12 October at 12:00pm

TUE 07 OCTOBER Public Meeting: Islamophobia and the war on civil liberties

Socialist Alternative Sydney, 246 King St, Newtown Tuesday 07 October 2014 | 6:30pm Speaker: Omar Hassan, Palestine Action Group


Gift of EID for Indo-Pak Flood Victims | Islamic Relief Parra Village Function Lounge | 42 Campbell St, Parramatta Friday 10 October 2014 | 6:30pm – 11:00pm Tickets: au/4242/pak-tickets/

FRI 10 OCTOBER Annual Islamic Eid Show

Bankstown Showground, 178 Eldridge Rd, Bankstown. Friday 10 - Sunday 12 October 2014

SUN 12 OCTOBER Freedom From Fear – MQ Refugee Conference

Macquarie University, University Avenue, Macquarie Park Sunday 12 October 2014, 9:00am – 5:00pm Tickets: https://freedomfromfear.


with the Union to ensure both student harmony and free intellectual discussions are both promoted on campus. We look forward to a time where we can speak about such topics without being subjected to Dr Michael Spence partial criticism before given the chance to speak”. Mr Uthman Badr has a long association with the University of Sydney having obtained his degree in economics from there and served as SUMSA president and member of its Shura for a number of years. He has been an accomplished Khateeb, leading Juma, Friday congregational prayers and a popular speaker at the campus on a regular basis.


Discerning The Sacred in The Secular

Lebanese Muslim Association, 7175 Wangee Rd, Lakemba Sunday 12 October 2014, 11:00am

SUN 12 OCTOBER Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival & Fair

Fairfield Showground, 494 Smithfield Rd, Prairiewood. Sunday 12 October 2014, 10:00am - 9:00pm

Event Calendar is frequently updated at

Australasian Muslim Times


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Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 3 October 2014



Message from Message from Matt Thistlethwaite John Robertson Federal Member for Kingsford Smith

NSW Leader of the Opposition

Warmest wishes for Eid Ul Adha. This is a time for families to gather, for friends to share meals and for gift giving to loved ones. To those gathered at the Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival and Fair I know you will enjoy a day of celebration, coming together in peace, unity and harmony. Australia’s greatest asset is our diversity and multiculturalism, and our respect for each other. I thank you for your contribution to our community. Festivals and events like this are an important part of what makes multicultural Australia such an amazing place. I wish you a blessed and joyous celebration. Eid Mubarak.

I extend a warm welcome to everyone attending the Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival & Fair at Fairfield Showground, and I wish you all a happy celebration in the company of friends and loved ones. Eid Ul Adha brings so many Muslim Australians together - but also reaches out to Australians of all backgrounds, as a reminder that Islam is a religion of inclusion and peace and that NSW is a diverse place where we are free to practice our beliefs - or none at all. Muslims have come to this nation from every corner of the world to help create the miracle of multicultural Australia - a place where all people live in peace and freedom is a tribute to their efforts. Know that Labor will always stand with the Muslim community in the cause of a society free from racism and discrimination, because everyone in Australia deserves to feel included and valued, regardless of circumstances and background. My congratulations to the Australian MEFF Consortium on another fantastic festival. I wish you all a joyous day and Eid Mubarak.

Message from Mehar Ahmad President of MEFF

We as human beings have something special that connects us together. It doesn’t matter how we look, where we come from and what culture we belong to. A true living example where this is portrayed is when at this time of the year, Muslims from around the world gather for Hajj, the pilgrimage in memory of Prophet Abraham for the sacrifice he and his wife made to prove their love and devotion for their God. Eid Ul Adha in simple terms, brings a message for us that we should have the love of Allah and be willing to sacrifice everything for Him. It also reminds us to sacrifice for others, to smile, love and care for each other, all being acts of worship. Giving is one of our best human qualities and we should treasure and focus on the power of giving as it brings benefit to the giver and as well as the receiver. Eid Ul Adha is a reminder for us to rethink the path we have chosen, ponder on what message prophet Abraham has left for the whole of humanity and how can we benefit from that message. In today’s world, materialism and greed have seeped in and the bi product of these are wars, terrorism, fear mongering, famine, poverty and much more. We need to rise above, in unity and solidarity to be there for one another as one humanity. The world needs to change and we all know that this change can only take place if we think and change ourselves first. Allah has given us the wisdom to think and chose and take the right path. The path that would be beneficial for us and the mankind. We need to keep striving for peace and harmony in our society, so we can live in tranquillity and so can our future generations.

Friday 3 October 2014

Message from Laurie Ferguson

Federal Member for Werriwa Many politicians and community leaders in this time of tension over the religious fascism of ISIL, speak of multiculturalism and diversity. The MEFF has pioneered these sentiments. Their activities have encompassed Australian Muslims’ celebration of this crucial yearly event, but also a keenness to display the wonderful nature of Muslims’ contribution to Australia and the very diversity of the community. I salute the management for their hard working endeavours and join in being thankful that Australia does not thwart but actually encourages people to follow their religious beliefs and culture.

Message from Sharon Bird Federal Member for Cunningham

I am very pleased to extend my very best wishes to everyone participating in the Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival and Fair this year. In my own area of Wollongong we have a very vibrant and active Muslim community who participate in many


Message from Chris Hayes

Message from Bill Shorten

Federal Member for Fowler

Leader of the Opposition

and Michelle Rowland Shadow Minister for Citizenship & Multiculturalism

It gives us great pleasure to congratulate the Australian MEFF Consortium on the occasion of its Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival and Fair. The Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival and Fair is one of the major events held to celebrate Eid Ul Adha and is keenly anticipated by the Islamic community of New South Wales. This year the Festival celebrates its 30 year anniversary and has grown immensely since the first festival took place in the playground at Bonnyrigg Primary School. The Festival is an inclusive, family event that attracts thousands of people each year, providing an opportunity for people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to come together and celebrate with each other in harmony. The Festival is known for the development of cross-cultural and cross-religious initiatives by forming partnerships with multicultural organisations and community groups. The Australian Labor Party has always recognised the extraordinary contribution that the Muslim community makes to our country. With the Muslim population in Australia growing each year it is hard to imagine the shape of our nation today without the valuable contributions that Islamic Australians have made. This reflects modern Australian multiculturalism: a story of cultural enrichment, social cohesion and economic growth and it is a story that the Labor Party is committed to and will always defend. We strongly believe that multiculturalism has transformed Australia into a vibrant and prosperous nation. We have communities such as yours to thank for this transformation. On behalf of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party we congratulate all who worked so tirelessly to make the Festival a success, and wish everyone attending a joyous and memorable day. Eid Mubarak! similar activities of celebration and activities that work to build common understanding and support across all faiths and cultures in our local area. I was very pleased to participate in a number of Iftar dinners in my local area and to share in friendly meals and conversations with families and community representatives. Eid Mubarak!

It gives me great pleasure to join with you and provide this letter of support for the Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival and Fair. I would like to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of the organising committee and volunteers, without whom this festival would not be possible. The Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair continues to grow and spread the word of peace and social harmony, whilst at the same time combining fun and family entertainment. It builds social cohesion by providing an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to come together to experience cross cultural and cross religious initiatives. Given the current tensions across the globe and also those impacting on our community, I congratulate the Australian MEFF Consortium on their strong leadership and commend their work to encourage social inclusion throughout the community. As the Federal Member for Fowler, I am honoured to represent such a vibrant and diverse community, and the Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival and Fair truly symbolises multiculturalism and all it has to offer. Eid Mubarak!

Message from Sam Dastyari

Senator for New South Wales I would like to extend my warmest greetings and best wishes for the inaugural Multicultural Festival and Fair (MEFF) for ‘Eid ul Adha’, the ‘Greater Eid’, signifying not only the end of the Hajj holy pilgrimage, but also symbolising the sacrifice and selflessness of Abraham with the sharing of food. As thousands of Muslims will be returning from Hajj to their homelands, I congratulate them on their life changing pilgrimage. May it revive, inspire, and deepen your faith and service to others. For over 30 years the festival has been celebrated on ‘Eid ul Fitr’, at the end of Ramadan, by more than 35 different ethnic and national communities. I extend my congratulations to everyone involved for their fantastic work building communities and fostering cross-cultural understanding. The rituals of Hajj and Eid are a reminder of our common humanity, our shared values, and our sense of service and sacrifice to one another, particularly those in need. They renew and revive our commitment to unity and harmony, peace and prosperity, and our work for the good of all. Eid Mubarak, and may this Eid ul Adha be an opportunity of devotion and dedication to your community, your family and your faith.

Australasian Muslim Times





A8 A7 A6 A5





B4 B3



C8 C7





C11 C10 C9



A3 A2 A


7D Cinema


A9 A5 A1 C11 A7 C9 B8 B4 B2

Aisha Zheng Islamic Clothing All Toys & Showbags Bubblegun | Glowlights | Balloons Alpha Omega Education Flyers | Quran School Enquiries | Lollies Amal Makki Islamic Wear Ayah Fashion Dresses | Hijabs | Tops | Jelbab | Skirts Azaysha Home Decor | Quilts Sets | Towels | Pillow Cases | Tapestry | Cushions | Tea Towels | Homeware Products | 3D Wall DĂŠcor Divine Jewellery Silver & Fashion Jewellery Helium Balloon Helium Balloons | Hand Made Knitting HikmahWay T/A Sunnah Inspirations Inc. Registrations Holy Teaching Books IP Media TV Jadoo TV Islamic Relief Australia Donations ISRA Australia Books | Enrolment Forms | Course Catalogues Laurelle London Australia Pty Ltd Perfume

Stall No. Stall Name LycaMobile Pty Ltd Sim cards | Vouchers | Balloons | Handsets | Leaflets MARIA TAIYAB DHINOJWALA A8 Clothing Mashal Garments A3 Clothes Medine Pazzari (Islamic Realm) A4 Scarfs | Clothes Modest Designs B3 Hijab & Accessories Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association NSW Inc C10 NESB Disability Information C7 PREROGATIVE C8 Clothes R S FASHION B1 Jewellery | Clothing Saarban Islamic Trust A2 Pamphlets Sue balloons A10 Balloons The Best Family Day Care Sydney Pty Ltd C4 The Best Family Day Care | Fairy Floss The Emina Shop C6 Dresses | Jelbabs | Hijabs | Tops | Skirts Tooba Fashions A6 Clothes | Henna Walid Sports Clothes C5 Afghani Traditional Clothes | Bags | Soccer Gear | Scarfs



Stall No. Stall Name F4

ACWA - Aust Council of Women Affairs Falafel Rolls | Drinks | Tea | Coffee | Cake | Corn


Fresh Sugarcane Juice Fresh Sugarcane Juice | Fresh Young Coconut

F6 F7

Galaxy Foundation Limited Gozleme | Drink

F13 F14

Himalayas Pakistani and Indian Restauran Tandoori Chicken | Naan | Seekh Kebab | Currie


Limonada Lemonade


Mr Kernal Corn | Fairy Floss | Coconuts | Drinks | Snow Con


Pearls Gozleme and Potato on Stick Gozleme | Drinks | Potato on Stick


Sydney's Best Fresh Juice Fresh Juice


Tall Cane Grass Juice Fresh Pressed Sugarcane Juice


Vu Tuan Nguyen Grilled Fish Chips and Salad | Calamari Chips a Dutch Pancakes


Zeyno Turkish Gozleme Gozleme

F1 F2


2014 MEFF2 MAP













C2 C1





nt es

F9 F10 F11 F12


Stall No. Stall Name V9 V10




and Salad | Chips |

F13 F14



V7 V8 V1 V2

Christies Icecream Ice Cream Including Soft Serve | Cold Drinks | Milkshakes | Hot Coffee Sweets with Coffee First Class Kebabs Chicken Burger | Chicken Chips | Chicken Shish | Chips | Drinks | Falafel | Hot Dog | Pluto Pop | Kebab Gozleme & Kebab House Turkish Gozleme | Beef & Chicken Kebab | Cans & Water | Hot Chips | Pluto Pups | Hot Dogs | Charcoal Adana & Chicken Shish Wrap | Charcoal Adana & Chicken Plate | Chicken Skewers | Jordan Kebabs Beef Kebab | Chicken Kebab | Chicken Chips | Chicken Stick | Pluto Pup | Spring Rolls | Meat Pie | Hot Chips | Hotdog | Cold Drinks | Hot Drinks Jungle George Icecream Ice Cream | Coffee | Ice Slushie | Popcorn | Fruit Juice | Pastries Linoga Trust Hot Chips | Dagwood Dog | Chicken Chippies | Chicken Fillet Burger | Works Burger | Fish & Chips | Calamari & Chips | Sweet Chilli Tenders Sub | Roast Beef Roll & Gravy | Chicken Kebabs | Water | Soft Drinks | Slushy | Gatorade | Pop Tops M & M Kebabs Kebabs | Hot Chips | Cold Drinks | Hot Food Nadia's Kebabs Food Nikki’s Kebab Take Away Food Sydney Ice Cream Ice Cream

RIDES Music Trip . Wild Chairs . Dodgem Cars Cha Cha . Round Up . Rocket ride Crazy Flyer . Cup & Saucer . Super Slide Happy Clown . Circus Train . Looney Tunes Train Ride . Water Balls . Pony Rides Fire Engine Ride & More!


Cultural Entertainment Malek Fahd Islamic School Quran Recitation Team 9 Lives Acrobatic Performance Islamic Quiz Prizes available An Nasheed Arabic Songs Moustafa Sherrif Arabic Singer & Performer

Tarek The T-Rex Take a look out for Tarek the T-Rex roaming around the festival! A life size animatronic baby Tyrannosaurus Rex will display for petting! Don’t worry, he won’t bite... hard!

Prayer Timings Zuhr Azan Zuhr Prayer

12:45pm 1:00pm

Asr Azan Asr Prayer

4:15pm 4:30pm

Maghreb Azan Magreb Prayer

7:05pm 7:15pm



at The Multicultural Eid Ul Adha Festival & Fair


Prophet Abraham (as) is the Arch Prophet between Judaism, Christianity & Islam. The speakers will explore the Abrahamic narrative from the traditions of their own faiths.



Mr Jeremy Jones AM Father Brian Vale Mrs Maha Abdo OAM


Cost: $25 per person

Includes Lunch and entry to the festival


On the day we first met you soon said to me We’re two sides of a coin surely you agree? Yes I do, I replied since undoubtedly We are both striving for human harmony. With interfaith dialogue you bless many With mutual respect which soon brings empathy, Thus forgiveness, compassion and clemency. While I with the voice of the soul poetry, Hope in our now multicultural country, Soul-voiced newcomers will constantly Help harmonise our growing diversity. Our ongoing bridge-building may hopefully, Help heal the deep wounds of humanity, Inflicted by greed and avarice constantly. - A primitive passion for power with money?


The Arch Prophet

An activity of the Australian MEFF Consortium a non-profit Muslim enterprise

Dedicated to all those attending MEFF Interfaith Forum at the Multicultural Eid ul Adha Festival and Fair





Anne Fairbairn AM PhD (Hon)

So let’s all with love now serve one another And treat those on earth as our sister or brother. May the years ahead prove fulfilling for you, Doing what you now miraculously do. For with faith-to-faith understanding your goal, You draw many together now, soul-to-soul. For as you always say so very wisely, To be truly religious it’s necessary To be understanding of all faiths surely, So you’re inspiring many including me, - Thus we are indeed coin-close spiritually.

The Australian MEFF Consortium Presents

Two sides of a Coin


11:30am - 2:00pm



Australasian Muslim Times



UMMAH 14 - 16





Mover and shaker back in Australia



Fadlullah Wilmot is the Deputy CEO and Head of International Programmes for Islamic Relief Australia since June 2013 where he is in charge of institutional funding and managing the international programmes funded by Islamic Relief Australia. Prior to this he was Director, Islamic Relief Afghanistan where he worked on programmes involving women empowerment and education, vocational training, health, drug rehabilitation, orphans agriculture, livelihood, water, hygiene and sanitation. He was able to help increase funding from £1 million to £20 million and expanded programmes from four to 13 provinces. He worked closely with ACBAR (Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development) as member of Steering Committee and Chairman of the review committee for the review of the Code of Conduct for NGOs working in Afghanistan as well as Chair of the committee to review the Constitution of ACBAR. He was also elected NGO Co-Chair for National FSAC (Food Security and Agriculture Cluster). Fadlullah Wilmot converted to Islam while a student in Tasmania in 1967 and was one of founders of the Australian Federation of Muslim Students’ Associations (AFMSA). Later he was in the early days of the development of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC). He joined Australian Volunteers Abroad in 1970 and was posted to Aceh, Indonesia. He came back to Australia in 1975 and in Perth helped found the Islamic Council of Western Australia, the Perth Muslim Association and the second mosque in Perth at Rivervale. He also helped found the Islamic Council of Christmas Island before being posted to Canberra but then he left for Ma-

Fadlullah Wilmot with victims of the 2010 floods in Pakistan

laysia in 1977 where he worked with the Islamic Da’wah Foundation of Malaysia and later with the Regional Islamic Da’wah Council of Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) led by Malaysia’s first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman aimed at supporting Muslim minorities in the region. He later joined the International Islamic University as Head of the Rector’s office. He has also been involved in business and as a management trainer and spent some time as Director of Academic Administration for a Design Centre. Fadlullah first became involved in humanitarian work after the tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia. Initially responsible for managing Muslim Aid’s tsunami response to provide housing for coastal communities through an agreement with Oxfam, the programme expanded to include other projects like capacity building for local NGOs, livelihood recovery, orphan care and economic development as well as a multi-million dollar

project to repair and improve the drainage in the central business district of Banda Aceh. Also in Indonesia he lead the emergency response and later the recovery effort after the 2006 earthquake in Yogyakarta, floods in Jakarta and earthquakes in West Sumatra and Bengkulu and able to obtain funding from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, UNICEF, UNDP, UNOCHA, and IOM. He was appointed as a member of the Governor of Aceh’s Economic Advisory Team to plan the future economic development of Aceh after the conflict and the tsunami. He was co-organiser of a peace initiative in Sri Lanka – Lessons from the Aceh experience together with UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). He also presented papers at several international conferences on lessons learnt from the Aceh peace process. Prior to his transfer to Afghanistan he was appointed Country Director, Islamic Relief Pakistan after the 2010 floods and

Fadlullah facilitating home based education program for women in Afghanistan

was in charge of IR’s flood response and the rehabilitation programme that followed implementing IR’s integrated village rehabilitation programme as well as responding to the 2011 floods. He worked in DRR, microfinance, community capacity building, education, health, nutrition, and livelihood. In the past, he was In Bangladesh as Country Director of Muslim Aid Bangladesh after cyclone Sidr he was involved in disaster and emergency response, DRR, microfinance, community capacity building, education, health, nutrition, livelihood, refugees, vocational training, women’s development, microfinance, education, skills training, capacity building, child sight, education for school drop outs, WASH, emergency relief, livelihood, health, nutrition and agriculture as well as refugees. He was also the Secretary of the Committee to establish the INGO Forum of Bangladesh and the Code of Conduct for INGOs in Bangladesh.

HikmahWay course on Women Companions AMUST Media

HikmahWay is conducting a new course “Women Companions of the Prophet (s)” Australia-wide for the first time ever, and is coming to Sydney for a weekend on the 18 & 19 of October 2014. Same course is also being conducted in Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne. The course will cover the lives and legacies of the four women who perfected their religion, the wives of the prophet Muhammad (s), and other women who were instrumental in progressing the cause of Islam. The courses are conducted by the HikmahWay Institute who offer Islamic educational courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives. Established in 2008 and the Institute strives to provide a quality teaching, learning and research environment with its team of dedicated and qualified scholars and staff.

With a line up of qualified Sheikhs with over 25 years experience of gaining and teaching Islam such as Shaykh Aslam AbuIsmaeel, Shaykh Arshad AbuJafar, Shaykh Salmaan Parkar, Dr Ahsan AbuYusuf, and Shaykh Safdar Parkar, each with their own unique method of teaching and delivery, HikmahWay is well equipped to deliver Islamic courses and classes to help Muslims in all walks of life in order for them to gain ‘Wisdom for the Best of Both Worlds’. By enrolling in this course, you can immerse yourself in a world of piety, dedication, conviction and humbleness, and learn more about how and why these exceptional women have become role models for women of all times. Enrol now at Fee includes notes & lunch on both days. School students- $10 | under 15 free Uni students|Concession|Unemployed- $50 Full Price- $80

HikmahWay use up to date methods of educational course delivery

Friday 3 October 2014

Australasian Muslim Times






Brilliant Carr-Era celebrations Aisha Amjad

On Thursday 18 September, almost 200 people came together to celebrate the brilliant CarrEra, more than 40 years of service to the party and its people. The event was hosted by John Robertson, Leader of the Opposition and Senator Sam Dastyari. Bob Carr joined the Australian Labor Party as a 15 year old boy in 1963. He went on to become NSW Leader of the Opposition for 7 years until finally becoming the Premier in 1995, and New South Wales’ longest serving one. After retiring, he came back as a Senator in the Federal Parliament and represented Australia on the global stage as a first class Foreign Affairs Minister.

“Bob Carr was one of the first politicians to subscribe to AMUST.”

There were a number of politicians including Senator Deborah O’Neill, Ernest Wong MLC, Cherie Burton MP, Kaila Mur-

Bob Carr with Jihad Dib (extreme right) and other admirers nain NSW Labor Assistant General Secretary; (former politicians/colleagues) John Della Bosca, Henry Tsang, David Campbell, Sandra Nori, Reba Meagher and Bob Ellis. Dignitaries included Izzat Abdulhadi (Ambassador of the State of Palestine), and Arvinder Singh Ranga Indian Consul. It was great to also have Mayor of Auburn Hicham Zreika as well as some of the outstanding candidates in the upcoming State election: Clr Julia Finn (Granville); Ryan Tracey (Baulkham Hills) ad Jihad Dib (Lakemba). The crowd was diverse and a marvellous

Harmony Walk 2014 On Sunday 26 October, Sydney will again host the annual Harmony Walk, a wonderful celebration of life, encouraged by people who reflect the true Australian core of compassion and togetherness. The Harmony Walk brings together Australians from diverse national, ethnic and religious backgrounds to build an inclusive society, and to acknowledge and celebrate the enduring principles of fairness, harmony and respect. Mr Ernie Friedlander, founder and CEO of the Harmony Projects, said: “Harmony Day - Everyday is promoting the common values of Australia’s decent majority. In the process it addresses prejudices, discrimination, vilification and hate mongering. These inciting and damaging actions lead to conflict and violence.” The walk gives people the opportunity to stop and consider other human beings, helping each other for greater fulfilment and satisfaction in the process. It also gives people the chance to network with other groups of people whom they normally would not meet. The Harmony Day will be fun: Starting at 2pm at Cathedral Square, College Street, Sydney, this free day is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. There will be multicultural food stalls, lots of entertainment, and



Police advice for the Community NSW Police Force

Mehar and Zia Ahmad presenting AMUST framed memorabilia to Bob Carr

Philip Feinstein


of course the walk itself. The walk is easy with staff monitoring every step of the way. And people can choose their own pace and distance, as it ends where it starts, at Cathedral Square. The Harmony Walk, a project of the Moving Forward Together Association, is supported by the NSW Government and Opposition, NSW Police, Sydney City Council, NSW Community Relations Commission, White Ribbon, NSW Teachers Federation, NSW Centre for Volunteering, STARTTS, Music for Refugees organisation, International Students Association, Australian MEFF Consortium, Australian Bahai Community and the SBS Foundation. The Patron of Harmony Walk is the Governor of NSW, Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO. Harmony Walk Ambassadors include the highly respected Jihad Dib, Principal of Punchbowl Boys High School, leading neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo, Associate Professor of Aboriginal Health at University of Sydney Lisa Jackson Pulver, and highly acclaimed journalist and TV presenter Hugh Riminton. With the walk approaching very soon, everyone is encouraged to register now. All the necessary information is on

Australasian Muslim Times

mix of former colleagues, politicians, dignitaries, personal friends of Bob’s, friends from Unions NSW and Transport Workers Union, Irish friends of Labor, Arabic friends of Labor and Chinese Friends of Labor. Mr. Zia Ahmad the Managing Editor of Australasian MusIim Times, and Mrs Mehar Ahmad President of Australian MEFF Consortium, organisers of the Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair made a special presentation to Bob Carr. When AMUST was launched more than 20 years ago, Bob Carr was one of the first politicians to subscribe to AMUST back in 1991. At that time he was the NSW Leader of the Opposition and also wrote a special message for the Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair, which appeared on the front page of the paper on 2 April 1993. Having dug out the old issue of AMUST dated Fri 2 April 1993 and together with the front page of the current issue of AMUST, Zia and Mehar a framed copy to Bob. Mehar read out the message which showed how his words on multiculturalism are still so important and relevant today. Bob Carr thanked Mr Zia and Mrs Mehar and also spoke in detail on the Palestine issue and how important it is for Australians to do the right thing at the right time and stand up and speak out on issues that go to the heart of this Multicultural nation.

The NSWPF takes all crimes seriously, including those motivated by hatred or prejudice towards any group. The NSWPF will not tolerate the targeting of individuals based on identifiable characteristics, including race, religion, ethnic/ national origin, sex/gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or homelessness status. If you believe you have been targeted based on one of these characteristics, it is important that you report all matters to your local police, no matter how minor or trivial you may feel it is - it is not trivial to us. All matters reported to the NSWPF will be fully investigated and appropriate action taken. If you feel that you are in immediate danger or a crime is happening dial ‘000’. If you are not in immediate danger or the crime is not currently occurring you can make a report by calling the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or by contacting your local police station. If you have information relating to a crime contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. If you information concerning National Security the National Security Hotline 1800 123 400. Fairfield confidential anonymous recorded message service is 9728 8444, Fairfield Police Station is 9728 8399.

Aisha Amjad is the Director of Community and International Relations in Senator Dastyari’s office.

Harmony Walk 2013

Friday 3 October 2014







Financial Planning: A rewarding prospect for Muslim professionals FINANCE Dr. Abul Jalaluddin Financial planning has a great role in managing wealth and life savings of Australians including Muslim Australians. It is a process of determining how to best meet one’s financial goal through the proper management of financial resources. A Muslim financial planner can advise and add value by thoroughly considering relevant circumstances and developing strategies to help reach desired goals in accordance with the norms of Islam. Increasingly, Muslim financial planners are required to advise the clientele of Islamic financial services providers in Australia. Wealth management and financial planning are highly regulated in Australia. Unfortunately, it is a bit hard to understand the intricacies of State and Federal legislation as well as ever-changing rules and regulations. Hence, you might need a level of professional advice to gainfully manage your wealth. Muslims may obtain advice and benefit from Islamic financial planners in a wide range of issues including finance, investment, superannuation, self-managed superannuation funds, taxation, insurance and estate planning. All this requires specific knowledge and expertise in legislation, regulations, markets, finance including Islamic

finance. An appropriate financial advice can simplify your life and provide a sense of security about your current and future financial position. For a proper financial advice, one should investigate if the planner is licensed, has the required qualification with possible specialisation, is a member of a professional body, who owns the financial product and how they are remunerated either charging a fee for service or receiving a commission on the sale of the product recommended for clients. Generally speaking, service fees are preferred as upfront or trail commissions may have conflict of interest with product issuers. Australia has a large financial planning industry. More than 4,500 licensees are authorised to provide advice, with almost 3,300 of those authorised to provide personal advice. More than 4,600 licensees are authorised to deal in financial products including deposits, insurance, managed investment schemes, securities, superannuation and margin lending. Almost 93% of licensees are authorised to undertake more than one financial services activity. Of these, more than 70% are authorised both to offer financial advice and to deal in a financial product. Australian banks and AMP control 80% of the financial planning market. The Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) law is operative as of 1 July 2014 which regulates the financial planning industry in Australia. FOFA rules require a financial adviser to

‘No to terrorism’:

Muslim and Christian leaders issue a joint statement AMUST Media A senior delegation of Muslim and Christian religious leaders last month visited Chaldean Arch Bishop Gabriel Kassab to express their compassion for the Christians and other indigenous communities being persecuted in Iraq. The group has issued the following statement: • We condemn the oppression and forced expulsion of the Christian, Yazidi and other minority communities from their homes and homelands. • We denounce all forms of violence, sectarian discrimination and terrorism, especially in Iraq and the Middle East, as these acts undermine the peaceful co-existence of the diverse religious and ethnic communities in the Middle East. • We stand in solidarity with the displaced families in the region who have every right to live free from fear, and we pledge any support that eases their hardship. • We uphold the safety of our homeland Australia and Australian people, with our

cultural and religious diversity, as this is an integral part of our divine teachings. • We affirm our commitment to continue this solidarity and maintain open lines of communication with each other and with the Australian government. The signatories were: 1. Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, Grand Mufti of Australia. 2. Arch Bishop Gabriel Kassab, head of the Chaldean and Assyrian Catholic community in Australia and New Zealand. 3. Bishop Robert Rabat, head of the Melkite Catholic Church in Australia and New Zealand. 4. Bishop Antoine Cherbel-Tarbay, head of the Maronite Diocese in Australia. 5. Sheikh Yusuf Nabha, Imam at Al Rahman mosque. 6. Sheikh Malek Zeidan, Lebanon Fatwa Council. 7. Sheikh Khaled Taleb Amin, NSW secretary to Australian National Imams Council and representative of the Lebanon Fatwa Council in Western Sydney. 8. Father Paul Menika, Chaldean community.

Muslim and Christian leaders making a joint statement

Friday 3 October 2014

act in the best interest of his or her client by identifying the subject matter of the advice sought; identifying the objectives of the client; making reasonable inquiries to obtain complete and accurate information; declining to provide advice in the absence of required expertise; conducting reasonable investigation to meet the objective of clients and providing advice relevant to client’s circumstances. A financial planner does not have to use his or her expertise to advise other areas of potential risk or benefit for the best interest of clients. Under FOFA, if the remuneration paid to


advisers could not reasonably be expected to influence the choice of financial product recommended, then it would not be a conflicted remuneration and hence, not banned. All payments related to the provision of general advice are prohibited unless the adviser operates under the business name or trademark of the product issuer. Australian Muslim population as well as their level of wealth are on the rise. These demographic and economic phenomena represent opportunities for Muslim financial planners to create wealth and achieve higher living standards for all Australians.

Australian Multicultural Marketing Awards launched Zia Ahmad Minister for Citizenship and Communities, Victor Dominello and the CEO of the Community Relations Commission, Hakan Harman launched the Australian Multicultural Marketing Awards (AMMA) for 2014 at NSW Parliament last month. The awards, conducted by CRC, recognise the achievements of government agencies, businesses and community groups which successfully implement marketing strategies tailored for culturally diverse communities. “These awards having been running successfully for 25 years and have become a great institution of our multicultural state”, said Mr Harman. The Australasian Muslim Times received the CRC Multicultural Marketing Award for small business back in 1992. This year’s award categories include: Big

Business, Small Business, Business Innovation, Arts and Culture, Communities, Youth, Communication, Public Sector and Education. Nominations close on 10 October 2014 and winners will be announced at the Gala Presentation Ceremony to be held at the Sydney Opera House on 25 November 2014. Mr Dominello also announced the appointment of seven part time members of the CRC Advisory Board. “The make-up of the new Advisory Board truly reflects the changing face of multicultural NSW and for the first time includes representatives from across Aboriginal, Anglo-Celtic, Indian, Korean, Chinese, Jewish and Egyptian backgrounds, among others, said Mr Dominello. The newly appointed board members are Devpaal Singh, Steven Widders, Ken Hong, Cathy Guo, David Knoll AO, Margaret Piper AM and Dr Eman Sharobeem headed by the Board Chairman Dr Hari Harinath OAM.

Members of the Advisory Board of the CRC/ Multicultural NSW – (left to right) Dr Eman Sharobeem, Angelique Ristwej, Amna Karra-Hassan, Margaret Piper, Cathy Guo, Dai Le, Ken Hong, Minister Dominello, Hakan Harman, Hari Harinath, Devpaal Singh and Felice Montrone.

Australasian Muslim Times






ISIS Dilemma: How to respond? Dr. Javed Jamil In a global community where faith plays a greater role, qualitatively as well as quantitatively, than ethnicity, a movement cannot hope to succeed unless it has a visible link, true or pretended, with the faith. This tendency predominant in Muslims is used both by their friends as well as their foes. The distinction between claims and counterclaims about the link sometimes becomes so difficult that even the most wise find it hard to make a definitive opinion. The rise of ISIS too has confused the global Muslim Ummah. Initially, many Muslims particularly the Sunnis welcomed it; as it was largely presented as a movement against the predominant Shia government of Iraq. But soon its appeal began to wither. The situation has now come to appoint where many Muslim governments, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Yemen and Qatar, are engaged in war against it along side United States. Mass movements that emerge through social, political and ideological campaigns need to be supported. Such movements can fail, but they have certainly the greater chance to succeed. The Islamic Revolution of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah and the Ikhwan Movement in various Arab countries are movements that need to be supported even if with some reservation. The militant movements, even if their concerns and grievances are genuine, tend to fail often resulting in hugely disastrous consequences for the people as well as their active members. Still more unfortunate is the truth that the global forces of hegemony use them for their own ends. They initially support them, and when their mission is accomplished, they abandon them or support rebels in opposition to destroy them. This happened with al-Qaidah, which came into being as a consequence of West’s proxy war against the Soviet Union. The Soviet Empire disintegrated, and when it started expanding into countries which were of economically or politically strategic importance to West, they invented or found a pretext to destroy

these countries. In this process, hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghans and Iraquis lost their lives. ISIS too was initially used by the US and its regional allies, especially Saudi Arab, to weaken the position of Nurul Maliki, the leader of the democratically elected party in Iraq because of his growing closeness to Iran. A stretch of land from Iran to Lebanon (including Syria, Iraq and Palestine) and extending to Egypt along with an increasingly Islamic Turkey nearby could spell doom for the state of Israel. The total failure of West in Syria had unnerved the West. The rise of ISIS was therefore initially not as unwelcome as it subsequently became. Its stupendous successes were attributed to the discrimination against Sunnis by Maliki government. Maliki was soon replaced. One major part of the mission was achieved. But in the meantime, ISIS started threatening the cities that were important to West. ISIS was meant for challenging the opponents, not for taking reins of total power in their own hands. Their expansionist campaigns worried the neighbouring countries. Suddenly ISIS were made to look like the villains, of the Muslim world as well as West. Sunni-Shia talks ceased. Videos showing beheading of journalists, were enough to turn them into despicable devils. The international media came into action. Obama turned furious. A coalition was soon assembled primarily involving “Sunni” states. Sunnis fighting Sunnis will help the US to avoid suspicions of larger sinister aims. Another pretext. Another attack on another Muslim country. The US goes again, pounding targets in Syria, apparently to destroy ISIS, the latest villain created by West. The Nobel Laureate of Peace has done it without even caring to take Congressional approval, and without even proving that there was an “Imminent Threat” from Syria, the technical term used to justify American military engagement in another country without Congressional approval. This is another matter that Bashar-al Assad, the person West had loved to hate for years, must be enjoying. The country, and its regional

Rebuilding of Gaza Ahmed Bassal In recent months we have seen shocking attacks on the population of Gaza, Palestine. Human Appeal International Australia has been connected to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, as we have two offices in Palestine. One office in the West Bank, and the second in Gaza. Through this live link to what is happening on the ground, we are well placed to act fast and respond to the needs of victims in a very short timeframe. In addition to financial and medical aid, Human Appeal is also at the forefront of innovation, creating new ways to support the victims of the bombings.

One such project is the building of temporary transportable homes for families who have lost their homes in Gaza. It is a difficult thing for any of us to imagine, losing one’s home and belongings in an instant. Imagine the shock and horror of having nowhere to sleep, no shelter from the elements, and no storage or provisions for yourself and your family. At a cost of $6,500 each, Human Appeal has committed to building 50 of these units immediately, with possible plans to build even more, with your support. Our UK office has also followed suit and committed to another 50 with the support of their donors. The Human Appeal International network is coming to the aid of those who need it most

Making clean water available to Gaza kids


Australasian Muslim Times

allies, that sought to destroy him are now set to destroy his opponents. The arguments stated above are not meant to generate any sympathy for ISIS. On the contrary the events have shown that they have acted not through the call of faith but through the tacit support of the very people who are hurling missiles on them now. They did not learn any lesson from Al-Qaidah which is largely believed to have parented but subsequently abandoned by them. The lessons for Muslim masses too are unambiguous. Think hard before supporting a militant movement. They may be thoroughly justified in thinking that the West led by the US has caused them enormous harm. But supporting such movements only weakens the Ummah. “Political Islam”, irrespective of what West thinks about it, is surely a part of the comprehensive Islamic system; but militancy has very little if any role in the ideals of political Islam. Political Islam can succeed only through a battle of ideas, an ideological revolution followed by a social revolution.

Turkey becomes the third largest international donor after the US and UK in 2013, accounting for 7.3 percent of the total level of humanitarian assistance, according to the Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) Report 2014. Turkey’s humanitarian spending increased by $591 million (TL 1.3 billion) to $1.6 billion in 2013. A significant part of this increase stems from Turkey’s assistance to Syrian refugees inside the country, amounting to over 1 million people, the report says. Turkey also provides a substantial of amount finance to Gaza to help them rebuild the ravaged infrastructure, after Israel’s recent military onslaught on the Gaza Strip. Turkey has also opened its doors to various ethnic groups fleeing from the ISIS, with the Yazidi community being one of these. According to estimates, 10,000 Yazidis crossed the border into Turkey.

Indian satellite reaches Mars

India’s low-cost mission to Mars successfully entered the red planet’s orbit on Wednesday 24 September. With a spacecraft around Mars, India joins the United States, the former USSR and the European Space Agency in having successfully sent a probe to orbit or land on Mars. The US, the USSR, China, Japan and the ESA all suffered failures in their initial Mars attempts.


Transportable homes for Gazans in Palestine. An option is available on our website – – to fund one of these homes yourself. This would make a fantastic project for a family, or even a group of families, to come together and fund one house for a family who has lost everything. Human Appeal has also stood beside Al Shifaa Hospital in Palestine. Gaza’s electricity production facilities are now in ruins, with mains electricity nearly impossible to get. Imagine what is must be like for hospital staff to treat patients with no electricity. Recently, Human Appeal International Australia has transferred $75,000 for the purchase of diesel fuel, to power the diesel generators that now have to power the hospital full time. Without the selfless generous contributions of our donors, we would not be able to save lives in Gaza. We urge all readers to not only donate, but to engage with their friends, family, and social networks, to raise funds for these projects. Let us show the people of Palestine that we have not forgotten them, and will never abandon them. Ahmed Bassal is the Chief Operating Officer, Human Appeal International Australia.


Turkey third largest donor

Media Scan

Dr Javed Jamil is India based, medical professional, thinker, writer and with over a dozen books including his latest, “Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough” and “Muslim Vision of Secular India: Destination & Road-map”.


Foreign Fighters

The report of the American Soufan Group, which provides strategic security intelligence services to governments and multinational organisations, says that there are around 2,500 fighters from Western countries fighting for ISIS mostly with ages 18-19 who go straight to the front lines without having any military training. The foreign fighters are taking part in these wars with the justification of fulfilling their duty in protecting their religion by helping the organisation they empathize with and in protecting the people with whom they share the same religion, the report states. Christians, Jews and Muslims are among the 130 Austrians who went to Syria and Iraq to fight, and 20 were killed, according to official statements. At least 30 European Christians have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight against ISIS.

Protests against Modi’s US visit

Hundreds of people, including human rights activists, professionals, students and people from all walks of life attended a protest rally in New York on 28 September against Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit to US. Protesters were a large and spirited group of Indian Americans comprising of people of all faiths and ideological persuasions, with one thing in common: they were demanding justice and accountability in the case of Mr Modi for his role in killings of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 and an end to repression of minorities and crony capitalism in India under his government. A US Court issued summons against Indian PM Modi ahead of his arrival last week for his role in anti-Muslim riots in 2002.

Friday 3 October 2014








The 99 Divine attributes of Allah Part 2 - Attributes 1-7 of Allah BEYOND THE BOX Dr Q Ashfaq Ahmad This issue continues the series exclusive to AMUST on the 99 divine attributes of Allah. Read Part 1 at http://www. the-99-divine-attributesof-allah-part-1-introduction/

1. Al-Rahmān – The All-Compassionate He is the only Being Whose mercy and compassion is overreaching, enveloping the whole universe. Each and every entity gets the benefit of His compassion. There is no one else in the whole universe having such overall unlimited and unique Mercy.

Part 2 - Attributes 1-7 of Allah “He is Allah – There is no deity but Him. He is the Knower of the unseen and the Witnessed. He is All-Compassionate(01), All-Merciful (02) He is Allah – There is no deity but Him. He is the Sovereign (03), the Most Pure (04), the Bestower of Safety (05), the Granter of Security (06), the Protector (07), the Exalted with Might (08), the Compeller (09), the Supreme (10). Exalted is Allah above whatever they ascribe with Him.” (Al-Hashr, 59:22-23)

2. Al-Raheem – The All-Merciful Any other being’s mercy is partial and limited. . Furthermore it is also not performed by it as its own virtues but mercy bestowed upon him-her-it by the Creator for a particular reason or necessity. Any part of mercy bestowed upon any human being by Allah is to enable that human to help and guardi. This itself is also because of Allah’s overreachingl mercy. Here Allah is Compassionate and Helpful to all human beings. 3. Al-Malik – The Sovereign Arabic word Al-Malik means the Sovereign in English. It connotes two perspectives. One is that Allah is the only One Overall


To whom it may concern,

We have been very distressed by recent reports about the Australian Islamic community being wrongly blamed for the crimes of ISIL, including assaults and other forms of vilification.

Labor stands shoulder to shoulder with Australia’s Islamic community and, now more than ever, we are committed to tolerance, social cohesion, mutual respect and multiculturalism. Labor will continue to work with you to stop misinformation, bigotry and prejudice directed at the Australian Islamic community.

Regrettably, some in our community, including a very few elected representatives, have made comments which have the potential to damage community harmony and inflame tensions. Labor strongly opposes these ill-informed and dangerous views and we will continue to speak out against them. We know that the twisted ideology of ISIL bears no relation to a faith of peace, love and tolerance which is followed by millions around the world – and we will continue to make this point. ISIL has no right to use the name of Islam.

We will work with you to help stop ISIL spreading division, radicalising disaffected and vulnerable young people. We will not allow them to nurture intolerance and create a world where people fear the unknown and resent differences. The Islamic story in Australia has a rich history and grows stronger each year. Australia’s Muslim community continues to do our nation a great service by fostering enduring cultural and religious harmony, and making a substantial contribution to our national prosperity.

This reflects modern Australian multiculturalism: a story of cultural enrichment, social cohesion and economic growth and it is a story that the Labor Party is committed to and will always defend.

Sovereign. The other is that It points out that He is not confined to any particular region, treaty or planet. His rule and jurisdiction encompasses each and every corner of the universe. He owns everything. Everything is under His power, jurisdiction and control. There is nothing to limit His sovereignty. In Al-Quran, His sovereignty has been mentioned in different aspects at different places according to the context. His Sovereignty is further elaborated through the following ten (4 to 13) attributes mentioned in the above verses and in verse 59:24. 4. Al-Quddus – The Most Pure Al-Quddus is the exaggerative form of the infinitive Arabic Al-Quds. Quds means the elimination and negation of all evil and un-holy things. Quddus is the superlative degree of Being, totally devoid of any deficiency, defect, imperfection or impurity. Hence Allah is most pure in attributes never even thought of having any evil phenomena. The quality of being Quddus is the essential requirement of Sovereignty. The nature and root of humanity totally abhors any immoral, discourteous or unkind being having the attribute of sovereignty. Any sovereignty by dictatorship, democracy, socialism or any other means can not be considered ultimately equivalent to the Arabic word Quddus. 5. Al-Salām – The Bestower of Safety The Arabic word Al-Salām means the quality of peace. Instead of categorising the attribute as the peaceful being in classical literature this word is used with the climactic value. Allah Himself is this attribute personified. For example, in describing a very beautiful person that person then becomes beauty personified. Hence Allah is Peace

personified. His very presence is the assurance of peace. 6. Al-Mu’min – The Granter of Security This Arabic word is the infinitive of Amn (safety), to be devoid of any obvious danger and become fully secure and safe. The mu’min in Arabic literature also means the one who is the provider of safety and security to others. Allah is Mu’min in the sense that He is the Granter of security to every one. As there is no object of such security it does not indicate any particular person to whom Allah provides security and peace. Hence it indicates that Allah Himself desires all His creatures to be safe. If any person becomes insecure, it may be because of his/her own wrong actions or wrong dealings. 7. Al-Muhaimin – The Protector This Arabic word has three different meanings to be used simultaneously or together for Allah, as the case may be. • Watch-keeper or caretaker; • Observer who meticulously observes any dealings or actions no matter how minute; • Guardian or warden who has taken responsibility to fulfil all the needs and requirements of his dependants or wards. Here also it is not mentioned who is the person for whom Allah is Muhaimin. Hence it automatically connotes that Allah is watching and taking care of all His creatures. Allah is also watching all the actions, thoughts and plans of all His creatures and Allah has also taken the responsibility of providing all the sustenance and provision to all His creatures. Continued in AMUST issue #108

Visit our website for the latest news and views


We are keen to engage with you and your organisation, to listen to you about how we can further these goals together. Please contact Ms Rowland’s office on 02 6277 4833 or if you would like to make such arrangements. We look forward to hearing from you. Finally, on the upcoming occasion of Eid Ul Adha, we wish you, your family and your community a heartfelt Eid Mubarak.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Shorten Leader of the Opposition

Friday 3 October 2014

Michelle Rowland Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism

0411 081 624

Australasian Muslim Times

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Review: The Surface Pro 3, a university student’s new friend AMUST

Ibrahim Khalil

If you’re a university/college student who needs a new laptop to help you move into the new age, this is the device for you. You’ll find yourself wanting to do more with it than just web browsing and document writing. I am a medical science student who travels via public transport to university almost every day. I also tutor both locally and over Skype. I like to game and will be using a laptop as a laptop, not a tablet, for extended periods of time. All these factors were taken into consideration when I invested in the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (i5 Processor, 128GB HDD) As a university student, I needed something light, with a long lasting battery. As this was going to replace my 5 year old ASUS UL30V, it had to have decent power. Price was also something that I had to consider. At $1200 including the keyboard and student discount, this isn’t a cheap solution but it is the best device you can get in the market for that price range. Trust me, I checked. But nothing prepared me for how this device has changed the way I study. I use pre-installed OneNote to take notes during lectures. For most lectures I use the handwriting recognising keyboard. This is because, I like my notes to be converted to text so they’re searchable later on and also because I like to be able to physically handwrite like I would do in an exam, personally my brain remembers better that way. I could technically do that with any windows tablet, but the 3:2 ratio allows me to have so

much more screen real estate visible when the handwriting recognition panel is open. It makes everything so much less claustrophobic, like the typical displays, while allowing me to look and see any drawings I may have made during the lecture. That gets me to the second point, drawing. The previous Surfaces used Wacom technology for their screens and pens. The SP3 uses N-Trig. While this sacrifices the pressure levels you’re capable of using from 1024 down to 256 (something you’ll probably never notice anyway) and requires you to use a single AAAA battery, the pros far outweigh the cons. Since there’s no digitiser over the screen, the distance from pen tip to screen is virtually non-existent. It looks and feels like you’re writing directly onto the screen, like you would on paper, smooth, glassy paper. The weight from the battery makes it feel like a real pen. I have accidentally tried to write on paper with it more than once. The pen also comes with two buttons on the side. One as an eraser, the other a lasso tool to select the vectors in your drawings. It also has a purple button on the top of the pen. This is used to rapidly launch OneNote, even while the device is locked, and if double tapped, to take a screenshot to be cropped and edited in the program. All of these combine to create an amazing drawing experience. I exclusively draw while making anatomy notes. The massive range of colours provided by the OneNote app, neatly arranged in a palette-like circle, along with the accuracy and ease of use provided with the pen allows me to draw and annotate diagrams perfectly. I also handwrite, directly onto the screen without any problems with legibility. OneNote lets you bring up lines like normal notebook paper. The 3:2 ratio makes it the same dimensions as a legal pad. Best part, if I make a mistake,

one click of a button and it’s gone. A lot faster than pencil and paper and god forbid you make a mistake with a pen. I took pictures and sent them to my friends, they thought it was real paper. Microsoft uses a stunning 12-inch 2160x1440 ClearType display. This makes everything look incredibly sharp and is very useful, again, while drawing. There are quite a few problems with scaling though. MYOB had me squinting with how tiny everything was. This is not so much the fault of the display as much as developers needing to catch up to high DPI screens. Brightness is very adjustable. Low settings good for a dark lecture theatre or at night and bright enough to use in a well-lit room. Haven’t tested it in full daylight as of yet, but I would expect some glare from the gloss screen. The SP3 weighs in at 0.8 kg, which is next to nothing compared to having to carry multiple books or a full laptop, even a Macbook Air. The exterior cloth lining of the keyboard makes it easy to hold and move around. The kickstand goes anywhere between 0 and 150 degrees, allowing you to adjust it however you want. I found myself using it with the keyboard on my lap very easily and often. Though needing to pick it up and show someone something on the screen can take a bit of practice. But then again, you can always detach the keyboard. The aluminium body seems incredibly sturdy and feels very premium. Speakers are decent. I use earphones most of the time, though. I also had an issue where the device would take a few seconds to recognise that earphones were plugged in. Doesn’t happen anymore, so I’m guessing an update fixed it. The charger is connected via magnets, like Apple’s laptops and feels very sturdy. It also charges incredibly fast. Probably the biggest drawback of the SP3 is the lack of

USB ports. There is only one. If you’re like me and you have a wireless mouse, that port is already taken. There are also no decent Bluetooth mice on the market. I can see it being a potential problem, and will be purchasing a USB hub to keep stashed in my bag. There is also a Mini DisplayPort (same as Macs) next to the single USB port and a microSDXC reader underneath the kickstand. A lot of thought is evident in the new Type Cover keyboard. It is backlit with 4 different settings. The feedback is nice. Might be a bit noisy. Travel is good. It clicks up against the screen to provide you with a raised, tilted platform for typing much like a conventional laptop. The cloth texture feels nice and comfortable. The keyboard is definitely a must. I have no idea why Microsoft doesn’t include it in the package. Performance is where I have some regrets. The i5 Processor 128GB HDD version has only 4GB RAM. I have copped the occasional ‘not responding’ and when the fan kicks in, it kicks in. I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to sound and it is definitely noticeable to me at least. Most of the time, the fan is dormant and you won’t hear it. If I could choose again, I would opt for the i5 256GB version which has 8GB RAM as future-proofing. It is significantly more expensive though (+$340). The Surface Pro 3 is my new baby. I show it off to anyone willing to listen and I absolutely enjoy using it. It is perfect for a university student. Been using it for almost a month now and I have never had it die on me, even when I stay back at uni till 8. It is incredibly practical, robust and very easy on the eyes. I would buy it again in a heartbeat.

Final Score Score Breakdown: Design

•Display • • • • • • • • • •Performance • • • • • • • • • •Software • • • • • • • • • •Battery • • • Life • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


8.4 / 10 9 9 7 9 8

Ibrahim Khalil is a medical science student at the University of Sydney.

Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 3 October 2014

#SOCIAL Here’s a quick recap of how Australian Muslims have been treated like complete garbage last week AUSTRALIA 14 - 15





Alex McKinnon Last week Fairfax were made to look like a right bunch of bellends after it turned out the “teenage terrorist” on the front page of several of their major newspapers was just some kid at a party. Twitter jumped all over it, naturally, because a newspaper getting something very important very wrong is often quite funny, especially when they even screw up the apology they make for the original screwup by pairing it up with a picture of Jamie Durie for some reason. The bollocking Fairfax is receiving is entirely justified — a young guy has been branded a terrorist on the front pages of some of the country’s largest newspapers because someone at the editorial desk can’t tell brown people apart — but it’s also completely unsurprising given that the last week or so has seen so much Muslim-bashing it’s almost like we’re back in 2001 again. Or 2005. Or 2006 — look, the point is, we’ve fallen back really, really hard into our nasty old habit of treating Muslims — or anyone we think is a Muslim — like the aliens in District 9. The last week alone has seen almost too many instances of hatred and violence towards Muslims to count, and they’re not just coming from some fringe group. Senior Australian politicians, media outlets, police, the general public — everyone’s jumping on the “gotta vilify dem Muslims” bandwagon. Apologies for any that I’ve missed; I honestly don’t think I could find them all in time to get this published. Politicians Let’s start with the politicians, because this is going to be an exercise in masochism anyway. Jacqui Lambie continued her run of being a stellar human being by sharing an image on Facebook of a woman in a burqa holding a gun that strongly implied the woman was a terrorist. That woman, in fact, was Lieutenant-Colonel Malalai Kakar, Afghanistan’s first female policewoman who was killed by the Taliban outside her home in front of her young son; the image had been repurposed by the far-right UK party Britain First. Cool. What a classy-as-heck thing to do, use a picture of a dead lady who fought for her country and paint her like the people who shot her. Nice one. The original photographer called Lambie out not only for disgracing Kakar’s memory, but for using the image to promote the “ban the burqa” campaign; a movement recently given some high-profile boosts from Lambie’s fellow Gronkimentarians (Adj., Aus. En., “Parliamentarians who are gronks”) George Christensen and Cory Bernardi, both of whom want to Free Them Brown Womens by legislating what they can and cannot wear because that is how Freedom works. On Tuesday, Christensen admitted his opposition to the burqa was mostly because he

Friday 3 October 2014

Spot the odd one out: A glimpse of front page headlines in the media feels it “instils fear” in people — because there ain’t nothing scarier than a woman choosing to wear an article of her faith, apparently. To be fair on him, Muslim women who wear the burqa in this country do have a history of unnerving activities, including “going to the shops”, “buying food” and “walking around”, which must be quite alarming if you are a conservative politician, a small, fragile bird, or a combination of the two.

It’s about time we came “ out and said the blatantly, nauseatingly obvious: Muslims get treated like garbage in Australia. Absolute garbage.

Lambie also continued her Crusade against Sharia law, accusing those who practise it of being “bullies and thugs who impose their culture on us” despite not possessing the faintest, remotest, am-I-somewhere-in-the-ballpark idea of what Sharia law actually is, as she revealed so sweetly on the ABC’s Insiders on Sunday. It’s easy to dismiss Lambie as “that Tasmanian who asked for some sweet dick on the radio once”, but she — along with Bernardi, Christensen and a whole whack of others — are the people who Australia has gifted with the power to make laws. Make.

Laws. I wouldn’t trust Cory Bernardi to make a cheese sandwich without slipping some creepy macho-religious crap into it, let alone a bill in the friggin’ Senate, but it’s kind of difficult to dismiss his views as “fringe” given he was literally the Liberal Party’s first choice to represent their values in the great state of South Australia at the last election. If I were Muslim, I’d take a whole heap of confidence from a senior figure in my country’s ruling party bringing up a piece of cloth worn by some adherents of my faith in a discussion about terrorism raids for literally no reason at all. Heaps. The Media Alright, I cut corners here a bit. I could have gone through every news website and painstakingly found every article that drummed up fear about Teh Muslimzz over the last week, but I just went and made a fun collage instead. Spot the odd one out and you win a prize (see image above) If you said “Hang on! One of those pictures isn’t a hateful, fearmongering front page at all! That fourth one is a cat!”, then you are correct! Your prize is a one-way ticket to a country with a media that isn’t run by fat rich old white men who are scared of things they make no effort to understand. Please take me with you in your suitcase. Please. I’ll be very good.


Just Everyone. Seriously, Just Everyone Everywhere. Hoo boy, this just keeps on going, doesn’t it. Let’s see: There’s the three “men of Middle Eastern appearance” who were detained by police at a football match because someone thought the way they were checking their phones was “suspicious”. There’s the Muslim guy who was detained by the cops for filming in the Melbourne CBD (read his account over the The Drum if you read nothing else; it’s mildly terrifying). There’s that mosque in far north Queensland that was vandalised, that mosque in Brisbane that was vandalised, those Muslim ladies in Queensland being told to “fuck off back to your own country” and having coffee thrown on them, and that carload of white guys on the Gold Coast who threatened to behead a brown person in the street because they thought he was Muslim (seriously, Queensland, you are not covering yourself in glory on this one). There’s the guy who walked into an Islamic school in Sydney armed with a knife, forcing children to be locked inside their classrooms and hide under their desks. There’s the spat-upon mum, the kicked baby’s pram, the vandalised car and the pig’s head on a spike — the pig’s head on a spike — that have been reported in WA. There’s the rape and death threats being made against Muslim women, and the indifference it’s been met with. At this point, who are we kidding when we tell ourselves Australia is an equal society? Based on the last week alone, it’s obvious Muslim Australians have a very different lived experience to Anglo Australians — one in which they are perpetually regarded with suspicion and fear that often escalates into outright hatred, abuse and violence, and in which they are continually expected to justify their own existence. Catholics don’t have to constantly reassure people that they aren’t child molesters; young white guys don’t get checked for firearms by police every time they’re around a school; but a Muslim? If a Muslim’s not screaming #NotInMyName and constantly apologising for the latest atrocity committed by a band of thugs half a world away, we assume they’re complicit, if not an active participant. And all the stuff you just read about? That happened over one week. One week. Imagine living that. Imagine growing up with it. When a ten-year-old kid feels he doesn’t belong in the society he’s grown up in — to the point where he feels compelled to ring up a national radio station and talk about it — maybe “radical Islam” isn’t our biggest problem. It’s about time we came out and said the blatantly, nauseatingly obvious: Muslims get treated like garbage in Australia. Absolute garbage. Instead of asking Muslims to “prove” their loyalty and give up their religion, maybe we should be focusing on why that is, and what we can do about it.

Australasian Muslim Times






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Australasian Muslim Times

Friday 3 October 2014

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