Issue 122 January

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Multimedia News & Views

ISSN: 1039-2300

Print Post Publication No. 100021354

Print edition published Monthly on first Friday with Website updates



AMUST Issue # 122

Phone: (02) 8006 2063 Email:

January 2016; Rabi’ul Awwal 1437

Peter Greste Wins Award

Recognition for Dr Rahman

Rolemodel: Farah Babaa

Dragonbones & Incense






Mariam bags two awards at AMAA Zia Ahmad The founder of the Islamophobia Register, Mariam Veiszadeh was the winner of two awards in categories, “Role Model of the Year” and “Women of the Year” at the 9th Australian Muslim Achievement Awards 2015 held on Saturday 19 December at The Bryan Brown Theatre in Bankstown. “It was extremely humbling to receive the Woman of the Year and the Role Model of the Year Award at the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards this evening. I’m truly overwhelmed by it all”, Mariam said. She thanked her whole family, specially her mother, “an epitome of courage” and her husband Ehsaan Veiszadeh “my rock” for his support during tough times. “I’d also like to thank those who have been instrumental in providing me a platform - without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. Congratulations also to all of the other nominees and award winners”, she added. AMAA event is held on an yearly basis to honour high achievers in the community in a large number of categories. The event is coordinated by Hanan Dover of Mission of Hope and is sponsored by various community organisations and businesses. Mariam, a lawyer and community rights advocate has been leading the charge against Islamophobia. During her keynote speech she shared the trauma she had to go through and the challenges she faced during her advocacy campaign for the last two years. Other speakers at the event included Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Mufti of Australia, and Ghaith Krayem and performances were given by Hameed Attai, Nasheed

Photo by iMobyProductions

Mariam Veiszadeh speaking at the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards 2015. Singer and Zohab Khan, a Spoken Word The People’s Choice Award 2014 was won so make our society a better place. CongratArtist. by Osman Korolia, Deputy Principle at Uni- ulations to Hanan Dover and the team at The Lifetime achievement Award was ty Grammar College who had the following Mission of Hope and their sponsors for this won by Mrs Mona Abdel-Fattah, the princi- comments “An inspiring evening though incredible event and dinner that followed. ple of Australian Islamic Academy at Strath- with some amazing people here who all do continues on page 7 field campus. amazing in their everyday life and in doing with more photos

Australian Islamic scholars emerge from ISRA Mobinah Ahmad

Photo by iMobyProductions

From Left: Three Graduates with Masters of Islamic Studies: Sana Ajaj, Nazlia Nina Ajaj, Dr Zuleyha Keskin (Course Coordinator & Lecturer) and Samira Din. Proudly Printed in Australia by Spotpress Pty Ltd

The Centre for Islamic Sciences and Civilisation (CISAC) at Charles Sturt University in partnership with Islamic Science & Research Academy (ISRA) held its third yearly graduation presentation on Saturday 12 December at The Waterview, Sydney Olympic Park. Twenty-two successful graduates received their Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Bachelor degrees, Graduate Diploma and Master degrees handed by Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Grand Mufti of Australia. The formal event was also attended by ISRA and Charles Sturt University academics, community leaders and families of the graduates where, in addition to brief comments by staff, the graduates also shared their feelings from the stage in a one minute speech, many of them shedding tears of joy at the completion of their unique educational journey. The successful candidates were from a

very diverse background in terms of ethnic background, faith, language, professions, religious training and ages. CISAC is a unique institution where its courses are designed to synthesize modern academic excellence in combination with traditional Islamic learning. Associate Professor Mehmet Ozalp, the Director of CISAC during his keynote speech stated the raison d’etre for his unique institution in these words, “Ultimately we have a duty that we need to understand Islam from its sources, from its traditions and restore that tradition in an Australian context, and transmit that to future generations. This is a momentous task, and it requires all generational learned Muslim scholars who will confidently come out and speak and write about knowledge and traditions.” “We have to really express Islam in a self-evident authentic way, but in a fresh language for the people of this country,” he added. continues on page 7 with more photos

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Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17






Does Islam need reformation or restoration? Every Tom, Dick and Harry now seem to reformation. have an opinion on the need for Islam to Waleed Aly in his column in the Sydney go through reformation. Morning Herald on 10 December argued While on the other side we have every that Islam had its reformation during the last Ahmad, Bakar and Zaid who are in a state two centuries as a reaction to colonization of denial and reject the very notion of ref- and hegemony of the West on Muslim lands ormation of Islam. and the results have been disastrous with the The Egyptian military dictator al-Sisi emergence of violent movements from time after deposing an elected government fol- to time and now Al-Qaida and ISIL. He conlowed by ruthless suppression of Islamic cluded that it was best that Islam was better opposition called for reformation of Islam left un-reformed. while speaking at Al-Azhar University in In a brilliant opinion piece on 11 DeJanuary 2015. cember in ABC, The Drum, Sheikh Ahmad A number of writers and politicians parAbdo said that what Islam needed was ticularly in the West have echoed his restoration and not reformation. call for the reformation of Islam as However he admitted that if he represents the entire Muslim EDITORIAL “there is scope for continuous Ummah or is a scholar of Islam. development within Islamic leAssalamu Early December, the former gal theory and practice, but we Alaikum Prime Minister of Australia Tony must know what is up for negoGreetings Abbott waded in this debate and tiation, and what is not.” while quoting al-Sisi, Mr Abott He further added “Abbott has of Peace said, “We’ve got to work closeplayed the card of reform, but ly with live-and-let-live Muslims what he really appears to be sugbecause there needs to be, as President gesting is that the principles of Islam Al-Sisi of Egypt has said, a religious revo- are backward and less civilised. He appears lution inside Islam.” to be suggesting that Islam is not fit for the “All of those things that Islam has never modern world.” had – a Reformation, an Enlightenment, a The response from various quarters wadwell-developed concept of the separation ing in this debate can be categorized in simof church and state – that needs to happen, ple cohorts as follows: but we can’t do it; Muslims have got to do 1. Toms: There are a small group of ulthis for themselves, but we should work tra-extremists who are totally against with those who are pushing in that direcIslam and reject the right of 1.5 billion tion,” Mr Abbott added. Muslims to live and practice their faith Muslims as usual had a knee jerk reaction as they see fit. to these comments and while ridiculing his 2. Dicks: There are extremists, who believe calls for reformation, the overwhelming rethat Islam needs to be reformed to their sponse was that Islam does not need any wishes and Muslim can only live if they

He is originally from Palestine and was born in the 11th century when the Muslim world was one of division. Not only was the Abbasid Empire feeding off a dying power, and the Seljuks establishing domains across modern day Syria and Iraq; there was also a growing Empire in North Africa. And by 1097, the first Crusaders were entering Muslim territory. The initial Muslim response to the invasion was poor as the Muslim rulers were more concerned with fighting each other over territory than stopping the foreign threat. However, the imminent need to unite was realised when town after town began to fall to the surging Crusaders. Imad ad-Din Zengi was the first ruler to really stand up to the Crusaders to become

AMUST Issue # 122 Friday 25 December 2015; 13 Rabi’ul Awwal 1437 News .................................1 - 2 • Mariam Bags Two Awards at AMAA • Aussie Islamic Scholars from ISRA Boomerang ..................... 3 - 5 • Our First Nations People • Islam Absent from Pro & Anti Rallies Community ..................... 6 - 9 • Alpha Omega Rank 50th in State • Draw the Line at White Ribbon Day • Multicultural Mawlid Concert

. become just like them. 3. Harrys: There are moderates who pick and chose what tenets of Islam should be practiced by Muslims and what should be abandoned by them. 4. Ahmads: These are a small group of ultra conservatives who are in a state of denial rejecting any reformation of Islam. 5. Bakars: This is the vast majority of Muslims who wish to restore and practice Islam in accordance with the authentic resources of Islam. 6. Zaids: These are the modernists who want to present Islam in the language of today and practice Islam in context with time and place. Associate Professor Mehmet Ozalp on 12 December had this to say in contextualizing Islam, “Ultimately we have a duty that we need to understand Islam from its sources, from its traditions and restore that tradition in an Australian context, and transmit that to future generations.”.

Imad ad-Din Zengi Ummah Legends


successful. He was the ruler of Aleppo and Mosul and led a well-disciplined army into the city of Edessa in 1144. While it was a small fort, because of the emphasis Imad alDin placed on the unity of the Muslims, they succeeded. Alas, he met his end at the hand of a Frankish slave, but his legacy; his hold on Edessa, was upheld when the ownership was passed on to his son, Noor ad-Din. Noor ad-Din bin Imad ad-Din would later form an alliance with a name we are more familiar with, the Sultan of Damascus, Salah ad-Din ibn Ayyub. Courtesy of Ummah Legends: A journey to discover and celebrate the gems in Islamic history. Created by Peter Gould, Illustrated by Iman Ayoubi.

Z I Ahmad

Australia ....................... 10 - 11 • ACT Celebrates Multiculturalism • CALD Support for RECOGNISE • Sydney Siege Anniversary Lifestyle ...................... 12 - 14 • Parents and Marriage • Who are The White Coats? • Aala and Ahmed’s Wedding Ummah ........................ 15 - 17 • Sewing Seeds for the New Year • Abbott, Tories and Enlightenment • Dr Anisur Rahman gets Award Education ..................... 18 - 20 • Young Role Model: Farah Babaa • Social Reality in Islamic Doctrine Travel .................................. 21 • Dragonbones and Incense • My Couchsurfing Experience Business ............................ 22 • Secure your IT Social .................................. 23 • Canadian Kids Sing Talaa Al Badro

Don’t tell me that the truth is no longer relevant! Fazlul Huq Don’t tell me that the truth is no longer relevant, Just because treachery and lies are so rampant. Don’t tell me the goodness will no longer provide, Just because the vileness continues to derail and blind. Don’t tell me that the smile will no longer energize, Just because the frown continues to drain the life blood. Don’t tell me that the dialogue will no longer serve, As the monologue and coercion continue to deprive. Don’t tell me that death will mark the final ending, As it only serves as the gate way onto a new beginning. Don’t tell me words will no longer provide the guidance, Just because many have gone astray beyond redemption. Don’t tell me love and affection will no longer augment, As hatred and aversion continue to divide and fragment. Don’t tell me mercy and compassion will no longer thaw and melt, As selfishness and greed have transformed into a hardened rock. Don’t tell me that the might is always right and trusting, When it is them as well that repeatedly blunders. Don’t tell me that the Universe has not got a Sovereign, When the Sovereignty belongs to the Creator, The God in Heavens and the God on Earth, The One and the Only One, The Timeless and the Constant, The Creator and the Sustainer, The Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate.

Associate Professor Fazlul Huq is based in Sydney and leads the Biomedical Science Cancer Research Group in the School of Medical Sciences, Sydney Medical School. A PhD from Imperial College London, he is author of over 220 peer reviewed publications and HSC textbooks. He is also an accomplished poet with over 1400 compositions in Bengali and English and has also been involved in various community projects including establishment of mosques in NSW, Australia.

January 2016

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2


Readers comments HAVE It is interesting to see Islam being discussed in Western media all the time. The main reason for this scrutiny is because the terrorist groups call themselves “Islamists”. In my opinion, the terrorist groups are using the name of Islam in order to take revenge for Western onslaught on Muslim countries over past few decades which have resulted in hundreds of thousands of death in Muslim lands. It is a reaction to unprovoked wars, at times based on false premises. I understand that Osama bin Laden and his organization Al-Qaida were involved and inspired a whole range of terrorists attacks during the last two decades. There has been a revival of religious following among ordinary Muslims of all schools of Islamic thought since the Iranian revolution but none of these advocated terrorism. The debate on reformation of Muslim societies, or for that matter among other religions, should be encouraged as long as there is no political agenda. Unfortunately that seems to be the case in all current discussions on Islam. The racist claim that terrorists are against Western values and therefore they are carrying out terrorist attacks in Western countries, is totally wrong. The terrorist attacks largely are a reaction to wars in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and the authoritarian and despotic rule in Muslim countries. Muslims pride themselves for a great past, in particular for the golden age of Islam between 7th and 12th century when they led the world in learning, innovation, administration, justice and living in harmony. Muslims need to stop reacting and proactively work towards making this world a place to live and let live and bring about harmony amongst all societies in a positive way. Zahid Jamil

SMC2: Divine rights in the modern world

Assalamoalaikum, JazakAllah for a clear roundup and summary of the conference for people like me who unfortunately could not attend. Wassalam. Moe Khan

Silma Ihram interview on ABC

Great words of wisdom from our sister. If people think Islam represses women they should talk to a few sisters! So Tony Abbott thinks his culture is better than others... wow. I know a few white men like him and their tunnel vision is astounding and amazing. I was a Catholic so I know his attitude is completely wrong as far as Christian teachings go. He is just trying to appease his right-wing Liberal MPs so he can get back one day. Rod Shearing

Amazing, May Allah bless them all. Atiya Ali

ISRA Graduation

I had the privilege of attending the graduation ceremony today and I must admit that it was a unique intellectual, emotional and spiritually stimulating moment. I shed a few tears as well in resonance with the tears of joy shed by the proud graduates during their i minute of speech. Well done ISRA and thanks to Charles Sturt University for facilitating this unique educational journey, a great inspiration for all. Waassalam. Zia Ahmad Congratulations to all of the graduands. Always wonderful to hear the emotion of knowing that you finally made it and all of

Send us your thoughts about news or current events to be published in the next issue of AMUST

Email us at the struggle that it took to get you there. The only University I know where students get that opportunity to reflect on such an important journey and to thank those that helped them get there. Australian Muslim Women’s Association

Women’s Support Centre Women’s Support Centre

Time:: 12 noon10 - 5pm Date Sunday January 2016 To book anoon stall:10 069 2016 161 Time: - 0435 5pm Date : 12 Sunday January 0413 341 494. 8809 2966 To book a stall: 0435 069 161 Time: 12 noon - 5pm Email: 341 494. 0435 8809 069 2966161 To0413 book a stall: Email: 0413 341 494. 8809 2966 Email: Sausage Sausage Sizzle! Sizzle! Sausage

Australasian Muslim Times

Mona Abdel-Fattah wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Alf mabrouk. You have had such a positive influence on us for many years Mrs Mona. We will always remember, fondly the time spent under your care, guidance and direction. It is only now that we are older do we truly understand your sincerity and value your wisdom. Forgive the many times we caused you grief :) Barakallahu feyki ew alf mabrouk to you both xoxox. Ahlam H Faour


 Food Women’s Support Centre Ladies ONLY ! ! !  Food  Mehndi/ Henna Ladies ONLY ! ! ! Boys under 8 allowed. Food  Mehndi/ Henna  Art and Craft Ladies ONLY8!allowed. !! Boys under  Mehndi/ Henna Art and Craft  Clothes Boys under 8 allowed. Art and Craft  Clothes  Jumping Castle Clothes  Jumping Castle Location :  Jumping Castle Plumpton Location :Neighbourhood Centre 337 Rooty Hill Rd Nth, Plumpton, NSW Plumpton Centre (Entrance from Bottles Rd) Location :Neighbourhood 337 Rooty Hill Rd Nth, Plumpton, NSW Plumpton Neighbourhood Centre (Entrance from Bottles Rd) 337 Rooty Hill Rd Nth, Plumpton, NSW Date : Sunday 10 January 2016 (Entrance from Bottles Rd)

Rod Shearing


Come and have some fun at House of Sakinah’s FUN DAY!



us on

Come and have some fun at House of Sakinah’s FUN DAY! Come and have some fun at House of Sakinah’s FUN DAY!




Canadian Children Greet Refu- Wonderful! I well know how much time and gees with Tala’ al-Badru ‘Alayna’ effort goes into study.




Managing Editor: Zia Ahmad Graphic Designer: Rubinah Ahmad Chief Adviser: Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Multimedia Journalist: Mobinah Ahmad Journalist: Rouba Issa Columnist: Dr Abul Jalaluddin (Finance) Columnist: Bilal Cleland (Victoria) Columnist: Manarul Islam (ACT) Columnist: Lydia Shelly (Sydney) Columnist: Anne Fairbairn (Sydney) Promotion: Dr Wali Bokhari Web Developer: Shadow Approved Multimedia: iMoby Productions Printers: Spotpress Pty Ltd Distributers: Wrapaway Transport Pty Ltd Distributers: Abul Fateh Siddiqui, Shujaat Siddiqui, Usaid Khalil, Aamir Ahmad, Ibrahim Khalil, Usman Siddiqui, Zahid Alam, Shahab Siddiqui, Mahmoud Jaame, Mateen Abbas, Rashid Idris, Kamrul Zaman, Sakinah Ahmad, Anjum Rafiqi, Hasan Fazeel, Dr Quasim, Ismail Hossain, Hanif Bismi, Zohair Ahmad.

Contact AMUST PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg (Sydney), NSW 2177 Australia. Email: Ph:(02) 8006 2063; Fax: 9823 3626

Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in articles, and Letters to the Editor, Website Comments are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Australasian Muslim Times.


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Fairy Floss & Snow Cones!! Fairy Floss & Snow Cones!! Fairy Floss & Snow Cones!!


AMUST is building a network of correspondents in Australia and overseas in order to share the good news, positive developments and achievements in their community. Your contribution will be published on the AMUST website and will be included into the following print edition of AMUST, which is circulated throughout Australia.


AMUST is building a network of correspondents To sign up, visit in Australia and overseas in order to share the good news, positive developments and achieveJanuary 2016 ments in their community. Your contribution will be published on the AMUST website and will be included into the following print edition of

UMMAH 15 - 17






Our First Nations People Lydia Shelly The idea that Australia was peacefully “settled” is a myth. The foundations of this country were built on racism and on dispossessing the rightful custodians of the land. The reality is that there were frontline wars and resistance to the violence and sexual exploitation waged by the British against the First Nations people. The racism experienced by our First Nations brothers and sisters is not just a historical hiccup that happened in 1788; it has continued up until today. Australian Muslims need to appreciate that when we are advocating for equality and Islamophobia, we also need to support the struggle of the First Nations People and not be complicit in the oppression of the traditional owners of the land. The relationships between the Muslim community and the First Nations community is being encouraged and recognised as being integral to the struggle of both communities. Uncle Ken Canning, an Elder and strong Anti-racism advocate, recently had a message for the Muslim community: “Do not let them demonise you. Once they demonise you, then it is easier for them to silence you. And then they can do what they like with you. If you want to learn about the struggle against racism, learn from us. We have been fighting for over 227 years and we are still fighting”. The Lebanese Muslim Association held


Oh Desert

Dr Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al Qusaibi Selection from ‘Feathers and the Horizon’, anthology of Arabic poetry by Anne Fairbairn

an evening that allowed people from both communities to engage and listen; with Imam Zaid Shakir meeting several First Nation Elders and advocates when he was here. The support from the First Nations People in rejecting Islamophobia has been overwhelming. There are many struggles that the First Nations people are fighting-racism was not a historical hiccup. In 2008, the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered an apology to the First Nations people and said sorry for the “… laws and policies of successive Parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians…for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country. For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations”. Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR), a collective of strong First Nations women, are concerned that the rate of

removals of Aboriginal children from their homes by the New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services are creating a new stolen generation. Australia has the highest rate of child removals in the world and the rate is higher than what it was during the Stolen Generations. GMAR are concerned that the system is creating a new stolen generation. “Our children, they have silent voices,” said Gunnedah grandmother Aunty Hazel. “We as their grandparents, as their families, we need to be their voices for our little babies. We want our babies home, this cannot be continued.” When you walk on the land, remember that its traditional owners are still experiencing racism, inequality and dispossession. GMAR are calling for a protest at the Tent Embassy in Canberra on 11 February 2016 at 12pm to coincide with the anniversary of the Stolen Generation Apology.

I came back to you, oh desert, sea-spray on my face; in my mind, a mirage of tears, a shadow moving in the sea before dawn and a golden flash of braided hair. On my lips, two lines of poetry -  a song without echo.

Islam absent from the anti and pro Islam rallies

I came back to you .. and laid my anchor  on the sand. As I washed my face with dew it seemed you were calling me.

Irfan Yusuf It was a ridiculously hot afternoon. I was in the passenger seat of my photographer friend’s car. We were driving back from the Melbourne suburb of Melton after attending the Reclaim Australia rally against the building of an Islamic school and a counter rally against racism. “Any news about what we just saw?” he asked. I grabbed the phone. The headline read: “Melton protests: Pro and anti-Muslim groups clash”. The sub-editor who wrote the headline clearly standing next to me among crowds shouting and jostling and swearing and throwing punches. From where I stood, Islam was strangely absent in all but name. I spent much of the day in the Muslim-hater’s section, within eye shot of the ute on whose back the speakers stood. The MC, Rosalie Crestani (a local councillor from Casey and Deputy of the RiseUp Australia Party), started by mentioning the traditional owners of the land on which we stood. Quite a few people squirmed. But soon they were cheering when she welcomed all real Aussies whom she described as people who (amongst other things) enjoyed bacon and opposed religious slaughter. You’d think they were protesting against a synagogue. Crestani introduced Reclaim Australia representative John Bolton. I couldn’t help but notice his distinctly English accent. Bolton reminded us about the need for every Australian to “vilify, insult, denigrate and put down Islam … five times a day if you can remember”.

January 2016

I’ve searched the world..without finding land more barren, love more pure, or rage more fierce than yours

I came back to you, disenchanted. I’ve found there’s  no trust between human beings. I came back to you deprived, the world’s like a rib cage without a heart. Love is a word devoid of love. I came back to you defeated; i’ve been fighting life’s battles  with a sword forged from filing.

Then you whispered: “Have you come back to me, my child?” Yes .. mother .. I came back to you. A child, forever grieving, flew to God’s countries; unable to find his nest,  he came back to search for his life in you. I came back to you, oh desert. I’ve thrown away my quiver and creased war I daily in your night-web of my mystery, breathing on the soft winds of the Najd the fragrance of Araar In you I live for poetry and moons • Najd:  Province of Saudi Arabia • Araar: A sweetly-scented white flower growing in Najd

John Bolton speaking at the Reclaim Australia rally in Melbourne. On the allegedly pro-Islam side were an assortment of hard-Left unionists, anarchists and socialists from various factions. Separating the two sides were a line of police, including quite a few on horseback. The horses made contributions not only to our overall security but also to increased carbon emissions. The footwear of protesters and reporters couldn’t avoid the sh*t on the ground. And I had trouble avoiding the sh*t broadcast from the loud halers, including on the “my” side. I imagined the content of pro-Islam speeches would include references to how all Australians have the right to worship in this land. And about how the human rights of asylum seekers being respected. Instead I heard tirades against capitalism and against the “bosses”, calls for a workers’ revolution. It’s unlikely that Melton mosque parishioners are all hardened socialists and/or an-

archists. A fair few would be self-employed – professionals, shopkeepers, tradesmen and women. Muslim bosses buttering the bread of fellow Australians, paying taxes and donating some money to the mosque. Not the sort of bosses I’d like to see overthrown. I appreciate that there are people who felt strongly enough about the issue to spend a Sunday in the Melbourne heat facing the ire of neo-Nazis, bigots, halal-certification-phobes and theocrats. I don’t appreciate that some of these people turned up itching for a brawl, yearning to throw a few punches and behaving at times in a manner even worse than the far-Right. We see enough brawls inside mosques at election time. Irfan Yusuf is a lawyer and an award-winning writer and reviewer. His first book, “Once Were Radicals: My Years As A Teenage Islamofascist”, was published in 2009.

Note by Anne Fairbairn AM PhD (Hon): Dr Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al Qosaibi (Al Gosaibi) was a poet, scholar, administrator, politician and diplomat, typifying the blend of men of letters and men of affairs that is all too rare today in the Arab world. A graduate of the Universities of Cairo, Southern California and London, he served his country, Saudi Arabia, in a number of high Governmental posts and Ministries and was Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Bahrain where I met him when I was a guest at the university in Bahrain. He published several volumes of poetry and several anthologies of Arabic verse. He helped me over a number of days in Bahrain, selecting and translating Arabic poetry for my anthology of Arabic poetry ‘Feathers and the Horizon’. His poem ‘Oh Desert’ is in this anthology. He agreed with me that poetry helps bridge differences and brings many together in harmony. He died in August 2010.

Dr Anne Fairbairn AM is an accomplished poet and writer. She is passionate about First Nation peoples, Muslims and Arabic literature and culture. She is based in Sydney.

Australasian Muslim Times


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Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17






Mariam bags two awards at AMAA Continued from page 1 Above all I wish to express my eternal gratitude to my wife Salima Hawli Karolia, this award is dedicated to her and her endless and unwavering support for all that I do.” The Media Outlet of the Year award winner Randa Abdel-Fattah said “honestly stunned to win media personality award. So humbled and grateful to those who supported me. I’m very conscious of the enormous responsibility media engagement demands. Thanks for supporting me during the good ones and the brutal cringe worthy stuff ups! And thanks Hanan Dover and the Mission of Hope team for putting on a really inspiring night. Blessed to have shared the night with my family and mother who won Lifetime Achievement Award.” Sean McNulty and Soumayya Najjarine acted as the masters of ceremony with their usual entertaining style. The winners in various categories were as

follows: Best New Community Project - Brothers In Need Creative Artist of the Year - Ahmad Sabra Falafel and Photography Business of the Year - Nadine Bakka Mobile Speech Therapy Services Community Organisation of the Year - Islamic Relief Australia Event of the Year - Eid Show People’s Choice 2014 - Osman Karolia Abyssinian of the Year - Damian Ridgwell Role Model of the Year - Mariam Veiszadeh Media Outlet of the Year - Randa Abdel-Fattah Professional of the Year - Nooria Mehraby Lifetime Achiever Award - Mona Abdel-Fattah Woman of the Year - Mariam Veiszadeh Man of the Year - Dr Yassir Morsi Youth of the Year - Yassmin Abdel-Magied People’s Choice for 2015 - Julide Turker


Photo by iMobyProductions

Dr Ibrahim Abu Muhammad with Lifetime Achiever Award Winner Mona Abdel-Fattah at the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards 2015.

Photo by iMobyProductions

Winners of the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards 2015 at Bryan Brown Theatre, Bankstown, Sydney.

Australian Islamic scholars emerge from ISRA Continued from page 1 In his one minute speech, Samar Alsayed Ibrahim who obtained his Masters in Islamic Studies said, “What an amazing experience it is to reach your dreams and capture them. ISRA has given me the opportunity to allow a small dream to grow into a long achievable dream. Three years of hard work have passed by so fast. I would like to thank all my teachers at ISRA and what a wonderful moment to get my certificate by Dr Ibrahim (Abu Mohammad, Grand Mufti of Australia). Thank you very much to my family, supportive husband, lovely children. Thank you

to my parents for their supplication. I make dua to Allah to give me the strength to serve this religion and my community” While ISRA has a strong educational and research emphasis, it also focuses on community building and cooperation in religious, social, environmental and other major areas for Australia and the global society. ISRA courses prepare its students to get actively involved in dealing with issues facing the Australian society and, in the process, assist in the development of local religious and scholarly leaders. There will be a special information ses-

sion on Sat 15 January 2016, 7-9 pm for those interested in ISRA courses. This will be a great opportunity to meet the Director of CISAC and other lecturers and understand what ISRA offers in face to face discussions, For further information and registration for the information session call ISRA by phone 9649 9040 or contact via email info@ . List of successful candidates at the 2015 Graduation Presentation: Diploma of Islamic Studies: Gurel Ismail

Associate Degree of Islamic studies: Amira Hawwash Bachelor of Islamic Studies: Mehtap Aydemir, Gulse Gulseven, Ali Ozcelik, Fouady Sakar. Graduate Diploma of Islamic Studies: Syed Ahmed Al-Attas, Hussain Baabud, Huda Baluel, Inas Khudruj. Master of Islamic Studies: Mohammad Ahmad, Sana Ajaj, Nina Ajaj, Samar Alsayed Ibrahim, Dalya Ayoub, Rania Basheer, Ayesha Bhuiyan, Samira Din, Erol Kaso, Zainab Naqvi, Diana Sedlarevic, Lisa Tribuzio.

Photo by iMobyProductions

January 2016

Australasian Muslim Times




Events Calendar Mawlid An’nabi - Birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Saturday 2 January, 2016 10:00AM - 10:00PM Progress Park, Auburn, NSW 449797235207772

NEWS 1-2





Alpha Omega Rank 50th in state out of 1000 Schools Mobinah Ahmad

Alpha Omega Senior College has scored an impressive 50th rank in the state amongst almost 1000 schools. Students have achieved outstanding results in the 2015 HSC. Alpha Omega Senior College instill the importance of inner growth and strength in their students, ensuring they achieve their full potential in their HSC exams and beyond.

This year, students achieved 86 band 6 results, 2 state rankings, 5 all-rounder students achieving above 90 in every subject, 4 students receiving an ATAR above 99, 29 students achieving an ATAR of above 90. Alpha Omega Senior College believe that success is not achieved through chance but through change and this year, in just under 2 years, they have seen a vast improvement in the development of their students’ character and inner self. Their hard work and dedication has

been reflected in the amazing results they achieved this year. The Australasian Muslim Times and Alpha Omega Senior College congratulate all of their students who have achieved remarkable results this year. Don’t miss out on your chance to find success and achieve your true potential. Alpha Omega Senior College - Your Next Move. To contact Alpha Omega, call 9199 3900 or visit our website on

Shaykh Walead Mosaad – Pathway to renewal tour Friday 8 January, 2016 All Day Lebanese Muslim Association. 71-75 Wangee Road, Lakemba, NSW 1196465493702749

Ya Uhkti Character In Islam Friday 8 January, 2016 3:00PM Melbourne Madinah, 47 City Rd, Southbank, VIC 160039224355883

Fun Day at House of Sakinah Sunday 10 January, 2016 12 Noon - 5:00PM 337 Rooty Hill Rd Nth, Plumpton, NSW 0435 069 161

ISRA Youth College Holiday Program Monday 11 January, 2016 12:00PM 3:00PM Level 3, 128-132 South Parade, Auburn, NSW 436794339845172

From left: Top scoring students: Adla Mhajer (99.4), Helmond Khan (98.4), Mariam Hijazi (99.5), Aatiqah Aishah Ali (99.2), Sheema Entezami Rudsari (99.7).

“Draw the Line” on White Ribbon Day Rouba Issa In order to mark the “White Ribbon Day”, Muslim Women Welfare of Australia (MWWA) brought members of the community together over a family barbeque  on Sunday 29 November at Salamah College Complex in Sydney to raise awareness of domestic violence with the theme “Draw the Line”. “White Ribbon Day” on Wednesday 25 November 2015 was declared as the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women. Domestic violence is a pressing community issue, for this year alone there have been 63 deaths, all of which are linked to domestic violence in Australia. Hajjeh Faten El Dana OAM, President of MWWA shed light onto the work that the Muslim Women’s Welfare of Australia is

THE YOUTH - Between Hope and Despair Tuesday 19 January, 2016 8:00PM - 10:00PM 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, NSW 1205307209483328

Sir Syed Day Saturday 30 January, 2016 7:30PM 65 Homebush Rd, Strathfield, NSW

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Australasian Muslim Times

the conversation on domestic violence and considering the cultural overlays, complexities and deeper factors that make up domestic violence. Shadow Minister Sophie Cotsis offered her input by highlighting the role of changing attitudes, changing the social stigma and spreading awareness in the prevention process for the eradication of domestic violence. Police Superintendent Dave Eardly shared a very valuable perspective from the police point of view, suggesting that men have an important role in nurturing a strong relationship with their wives and daughters. Rouba Issa is a Sydney based AMUST contributor with a Bachelor of Arts (Media, Text and Writing) and is currently doing a Masters in Education.

Sir Syed Day SAT

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doing to assist women in the community in order to prevent domestic violence.  “MWWA hopes by this event to not only to reduce the level of domestic violence in our community but also to help prevent its occurrence in the first place and we also hope to start an important conversation in a safe environment that welcomes the input and experiences of both men and women to raise awareness for ultimately combating domestic violence in the community,” She said Sheikh Ibrahim El Shafie offered the attendees an insight onto the work that they are doing to advise, teach and educate the men in the community using Islamic teaching on respect for women and their kind treatment.  Invited guests Senator Concetta Fierravanti Wells and  Senator Michaelia Cash voiced their support for involving men in +AmustAu


Venue: Strathfield Town Hall, 65 Homebush Road, Strathfield, NSW Australia Contacts: President, Mr. Aale Ali (0422183035) Secretary, Mr Khursheed Anwar (0421753240)

Jan 2016

Organised by: Aligarh University Alumni of Australia (AMUAA)

7:30 PM

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17







Multicultural Mawlid Concert 2015: bigger and better AMUST Media The annual Multicultural Mawlid Concert Australia was held for its eighth year on Sunday 20 December at the Sports Centre, Sydney Olympic Park, organised by Darulfatwa - Islamic High Council of Australia supported by Muslim Community radio 2MFM. The event with free entry was attended by a large crowd of Australian Multicultural community together with invited guests from overseas, community leaders, politicians and diplomats. The multicultural performances included nasheeds in honour of the Prophet Mohammad (s) by artists in Arabic, English, Bosnian, Urdu, and Malaysian languages. The Governor General of NSW, The Honourable David Hurley during his keynote address emphasized the importance of coming together. He related of his experience in Malaysia where he worked alongside a Muslim battalions. “My ancestry came as a convict and now I am the governor. All my life, 60 years I’ve spent time in a multicultural society”, he said. The high profile overseas guest Dr Abbas Shuman, Vice Chairman of Al-Azhar Uni-

versity, Egypt was impressed to see an event with people from a diverse multicultural background and the presence of the Governor General and a large number of politicians and government officials in support of the celebrations. “We are all on the same earth and look on to the same sky. We have different belief systems but we can work together to build peace  and harmony on this earth. Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, representing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said “we are a culturally diverse but a cohesive society. Other politicians in attendance included Mr Luke Foley MP, Mr Philip Ruddock MP, Ms Julia Finn MP and Senator Sophie Cotsis. The VIP reception was opened by Sheikh Ibrahim El Shafie Chairman of Darulfatwa, Islamic High Council. The event was also attended by embassy officials and consular diplomats from Morocco, Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. Among the community leaders were Sheikhs and Imams, academic and professionals including Dr Ahmad Aboud, Dr Mohammad Taha Alsalami and Mr Aziz Akbar.

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A beautiful performance by young boys and girls in multiple languages.

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The Governor General of NSW, The Honourable David Hurley.


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Looking for something new in education?

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Crowds in their hundreds came to the event for the concert.

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Dr Abbas Shuman, Vice Chairman of Al-Azhar University, Egypt.

January 2016

44 Westmoreland Rd • Minto Contact us on 9820 1766

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ACT Celebrates Multiculturalism with Awards AMUST

Manarul Islam The President of Aussie Forum, Mr Mohammed Ali has won the 2015 ACT Outstanding Multicultural Volunteer of the Year Award. Mr Ali, who has been the driving force behind Aussie Forum over the last ten years, received the award from Yvette Berry at the ACT Multicultural Awards ceremony held in the Theo Notaras Multicultural centre in Civic Canberra on Friday 11 December. Also Jeeven Nadanakumar, a speaker at the Mixed Up! Forum earlier this year, was named Multicultural Young Person of the Year The winners were: • Premier Capital Properties for the Business Enterprise Award; • Health Care Consumers’ Association of the ACT received the Community Organisation Award; • Bunyarra Children’s Centre for the Edu-

cation Award; • “CityNews” arts editor Helen Musa for the Media Award; • Dr Krishna Nadimpalli was the Multicultural Advocate of the Year; • Jeeven Nadanakumar was the Multicultural Young Person of the Year; and • Mr Mohammed Ali was named Outstanding Volunteer of the Year. The winners received a engraved crystal trophy, a bunch of beautifully arranged multi-coloured roses and a voucher for a hot air balloon ride across Canberra, selected for its “uplifting” nature. This years awards also marked the 10th Anniversary of the Theo Notaras Centre and coincidentally the 10th Anniversary of Aussie Forum. Mr Mohammed Ali has a long track record of volunteering for a large number of diverse organisations rendering social, welfare and literary services to the community. He has been the coordinator of ACT Red Cross Food Drive 2015 for refugees and asylum seekers in Canberra as well as a campaigner for ‘ Diversity Goes With Our Territory Campaign’ launched by ACT Hu-

Mr Mohammad Ali with Yvette Berry, MLA. man Rights Commission. He is an executive Health, Canberra and is a visiting lecturer at member of “Friends of Fred Hollows” Can- Canberra University. berra and has been instrumental in a large Mr Mohammed Ali is an accomplished number of fund raising campaigns for vari- poet, writer and public speaker having ous causes beneficial to the community. founded a number of literary organisations Professionally Mr Mohammed Ali is a and publications particularly in the promobiochemist having obtained first class first tion of Urdu language. with gold medal for his Bachelor and MasHis wife Mrs Nasim Ali has been an acaters degrees from Karachi University where demic in the field of psychology and the couhe lectured for a number of years before ple have three sons and two grand daughters eventually migrating to Australia in 1991. Sana and Myra. Currently he heads the Export Medicines For more photos: Unit at the Commonwealth Department of

Mr Mohammad Ali with his award. From left: Nick Manikas, Executive Director ACT Office of Multicultural Affairs, Manar Ahmad, Mohammed Ali and Yvette Berry, MLA at the ACT Multicultural Awards ceremony.

CALD organisations show support for RECOGNISE AMUST Media Nine national Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) organisations have joined forces to declare their support for the recognition of Australia’s first peoples in the Constitution. Signing the RECOGNISE CALD Accord the organisations have pledged their support in promoting the RECOGNISE campaign in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Signings of the Accord took place in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne in mid December 2015. Vivi Koutsounadis signed the Accord on behalf of the National Association of Multicultural and Ethnic Children’s Services.  Tim Gartrell, RECOGNISE Joint Campaign Director was delighted to have strong backing from nine national CALD organisations.  “The RECOGNISE CALD Accord ensures that RECOGNISE engages with CALD communities in a respectful manner and in a way that will resonate with the communities,” Mr Gartrell said. RECOGNISE is the movement to raise


Vivi Koutsounadis, Lucy Morgan, Tim Gartrell and RECOGNISE campaigners. awareness of the need to recognize Aborigi- communities and 24,280 Australians. nal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the The alliance includes the Migration CounAustralian Constitution and build support cil of Australia, National Ethnic Disability for change ahead of any referendum. Alliance, Settlement Council of Australia, Its role has a very specific focus: to raise Refugee Council of Australia, National Welawareness of the need to end the exclusion fare Rights Network, National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peo- of Multicultural and Ethnic Children’s Serple from the Australian Constitution and vices, Australian Multicultural Foundation, deal with racial discrimination in it. Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network and Momentum and support for the RECOG- Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils NISE campaign continues to rise, with over of Australia.  284,700 Australians affirming their support. For more information about the campaign Since 26 May 2013, the Journey to Recog- head to nition relay has engaged with more than 235

Australasian Muslim Times

Sydney Siege anniversary Rouba Issa Hundreds of Sydneysiders gathered in a twilight ceremony at Martin Place on Tuesday 15 December 2015 to mark the Sydney Lindt Cafe siege last year that resulted in the loss of two innocent lives. The 16 hour siege on 15-16 December 2014 by gunman Man Haron Monis involved taking of 17 hostages and resulted in the death of Sydney barrister and mother of three Katrina Dawson, 38, and cafe manager Tori Johnson, 34. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull while addressing the crowd said “A whole city grieved, a whole city woke in shock, a whole nation resolved to answer hatred with love in answer to those who seek to divide us.” It was a night that was filled with love in honouring the innocent lives lost and people stood in solidarity as a choir sang a beautiful song moving the audience while creating a scene of peace and tranquillity. “Last night we stopped to remember Katrina and Tori, and also to reflect on the powerful way this city came together a year ago in Martin Place,” Mr Baird, the Premier of NSW said the following day. “The lighting display on the Lindt building will continue for the next 4 nights. The lights project a beautiful selection of images of the sea of flowers and written tributes that were placed in Martin Place in the days following the siege.” he said.

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17







Greste wins Human Rights Medal Mobinah Ahmad Peter Greste won the Human Rights Medal at the Human Rights Awards 2015 held on Thursday 10 December at The Westin Sydney organized by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Greste, an Australian journalist working for Al-Jazeera spent 400 days in an Egyptian prison after being arrested for terrorism related offences while reporting on removal of the elected Morsi government by the Egyptian military strongman Al-Sisi in mid 2013. Since his release in February 2015, Greste has been campaigning for freedom of speech and the importance of a free and encumbered media in properly functioning democracies. In his acceptance speech Greste thanked his family, professional colleagues, media, politicians and the Australian public who wrote about the case with “incredible passion and vigor”. Peter Greste warned that the government’s anti-terror legislation may put the nation in danger of heading down the same path as Egypt. He used the opportunity to address the impact of national security laws on press freedom and freedom of speech. “The kind of thinking that put us in prison in Egypt - using national security as an excuse to lock up a bunch of journalists because they were reporting from across the political spectrum - is the road we are in danger of moving down in our own country,” he said. Greste specifically cited section 35P of the ASIO Act, which makes it an offence for any person to disclose information about special intelligence operations (SIOs) conducted by the head security service. He said the foreign fighters bill and data retention laws should also be cause for concern. Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Human Rights Commission during her keynote address ‘The Future of Human Rights

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Peter Greste, winner of the Human Rights Medal 2015 with Professor Triggs Hoddinott (left) in Australia”, said “I believe one of the being enacted in that will undermine pergreatest challenges for our political leaders sonal freedoms and human rights in those is to ensure that counter terrorism measures countries. does not diminish our humanity for those The gala event organized annually to seeking protection from conflict and perse- mark the Human Rights Day by the UN on cution. We must avoid the false stereotype 10 December was attended this year by althat Muslims seeking our protection are po- most 500 people with ABC Chaser’s Craig tential terrorists. It is imperative that we do Reucassel acting as the MC while entertainnot equate violent terrorism with the peace- ment was provide by Abe Nouk Australian ful religion of Islam.” Poetry Slam champion and a former refugee She also raised concern about counter ter- from Sudan. rorism laws, data retention laws, refugees, The shortlisted runners up for the Human asylum centres and those detained at Nau- Rights Medal included Muslim Women Asru, and the over representation of aboriginal sociation leader, Maha Krayem Abdo, MenAustralians in jail. tal Health Commissioner Professor Pat DudProfessor Triggs said that she was in Paris geon, former Australian of the Year Adam during the terrorist attacks last month visit- Goodes and Australian Marriage Equality’s ing her daughter’s family and was shocked national director Rodney Croome. by the scale of killing of innocent people. Winners of the various categories of the However she was much concerned about Human Rights Awards 2015 included: the backlash of the attacks on restrictions Racism. It Stops With Me Award - Tasmaon refugees and asylum seekers entering nian Students Against Racism, SAR from Europe and extent of raids and legislation Hobart.

(right) and last year’s winner Dorothy Business Award - Coles. Media Award - The Storm by Kirsti Melville (ABC Radio National) Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Award - Ludo McFerran, Advocate for dealing with Family Violence from Victoria. Law Award - Genevieve Bolton, Community Human Rights Lawyer (Canberra Community Law). Young People’s Human Rights Medal - Yen Eriksen (23), LGBTIQ Issues Campaigner from Canberra. Human Rights Medal - Peter Greste, Journalist. Notable finalists included: Maha Krayem Abdo - Finalist for the Human Rights Medal for help towards empowering women and youth from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Sarah Malik - Finalist for Media Award for ‘The Extraordinary Detention of Sayed Abdellatif’ with Ben Doherty’ in The Guardian.

Photo by iMobyProductions

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Maha Abdo, finalist for the Human Rights Medal with Gillian Triggs.

Family supporters for Maha Abdo.

Photo by iMobyProductions

Photo by iMobyProductions

Peter Greste with Zia Ahmad, Managing Editor of AMUST.

January 2016

Abe Nouk, spoken word artist, author and poet.

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2





Darakshan Jamshaid’s inspirational story Mobinah Ahmad Like many Pakistani parents, they hoped their child would become a Doctor, however when Darakshan Jamshaid took her first step towards a pre-engineering course, she received a lot of criticism from her extended family for choosing a male oriented field. Darakshan said “In our culture, girls normally get engaged at 16 and married at 20 years. Normally the career of a women after getting married goes no-where in our culture but in my case, the different thing happened.” Her parents fiercely faced all a lot of criticism from extended relatives, however they strongly supported her enrolment into the University for Computer Engineering. “I was always passionate to indulge technology into people’s life, to make it more easier to handle things” Darakshan said. Back in 2000, the computer sciences was emerging in Pakistan and most of the organizations and offices used the paper based system for employee check-in details. Darakshan made various software to automate the medical and banking systems. One of the softwares, particularly used for employee check in using a fingerprint reader biometric device received high recognition from the University and software houses. Darakshan Jamshaid became a pioneer in her field of computer engineering. She was the first to introduce biometrics in every day life at the university. She received a Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours (Distinction) and a Masters in Information Technology. She said “My parents felt that all of their prayers for my success were answered inspite of being criticised for enrolling me in university.” Coming from a traditional Pakistani background, Darakshan shares her story of determination in pursuing her passion for education. With an incredibly supportive and loving family, she has successfully attained everything she has ever wanted. Darakshan is a wonderful representation that Pakistani women can receive education in all fields of modern sciences, and leaves a

Darakshan Jamshaid with her husband and children. great impression to anyone she meets. When Darakshan got married and moved to Australia in 2004, she became increasingly determined to dream bigger and achieve a higher education in computer engineering. Her father in law and husband, supported her passion for education, and encouraged her to take the opportunities to excel in her field. “My father in law was a person who always believed in educating girls because he thinks only the education laid the tremendous impact on upbringing of children from generation to generation. His wisdom was transferred to my husband who let me pursue my goal with full eagerness and enthusiasm.” said Darakshan Jamshaid. “My previous accomplishments are just because of my supporting mother who always believed in educating girls. She raised me and my sister with the belief to always try your best to achieve something, be confident with your success and never lose hope. As Allah swt always help those who helped

Who are The White Coats? Rouba Issa

In  2012 Bilal Islam, a father of two, supported by his wife, established Homeless Run in order to provide essential needs to the homeless in Sydney. The motivation for this move was the idea that Muslims should  create a positive difference in the  community by helping the venerable and downtrodden irrespective of their faith, colour or cultural background.  The International Development Organisation highly appreciated this unique service and decided to team up with them in partnership as the  IDO Homeless Run. Three years later the project has become a success story with a highly motivated team of  enthusiastic members  maintaining this essential service to the Sydney’s homeless. They are popularly known as The White Coats. Regardless of what the weather throws at them, every Friday and Saturday night The White Coats in their flowing white Abayas travel in their vans  and deliver aid to the homeless, single elderly mothers and the elderly in Sydney. The White Coats  provide hygiene packs, snack packs, food pack and health packs during their weekly run on Sydney’s streets. “It’s become a routine. The homeless  know when we’ll arrive and where we will be. Other people contact us through Facebook or through our website” Bilal says. “This is a form of sadaqa (charity) from us. Islam pushes us to do good and to be ac-


themselves.” However, Jamshaid shares the challenges of balancing her education and raising three children. “With the load of family responsibilities and kids most of the time seems hard to accomplish. My mother always encourages me and acts like a backbone of my life.” Among all of her responsibilities, Darakshan continued to volunteer at Rockdale public school, helping students in reading once a week and HSC students for maths and IT related projects. In 2010, Darakshan enrolled in a Masters of Professional Accounting, but due to family commitments, was not able to complete it. She did not lose hope, her husband and mother told her that her time for further study will come one day. In 2012, Darakshan enrolled into a Masters of Information Technology at the University of Sydney. However this time, her husband had the idea of calling her mother from overseas for

whole year to provide moral support and assisting with family care. “My whole family felt so excited that I got a Distinction and especially my mum who left her relatives, in-laws, friends and my dad overseas just to make my dream come true. I felt exhausted with three young kids under 7 and trying to achieve this journey of success. But my mother always kept my morale high and motivated me.”” she said. After seeing her struggling with all of household activities and kid’s education, her husband began to take a bigger role in most of the kid’s duties. Her eldest son Junaid, only 8 years old at the time would usually pack her bag or printed out her assignments if she was running late for university or busy. In 2013, Darakshan Jamshaid went onto the High Honour Roll with the support of her family. “It is hard to believe for my local Australian/English friends and University teachers that I am from Pakistan and received such an honour with three kids. The normal perception about Pakistani and Muslim girls is that they usually stay at home and didn’t attend colleges and universities.” “I believe every woman possesses an in born talent of management skills from managing home to working in offices. They usually lack self-confidence and determination to pursue their studies while juggling around with so many responsibilities.” Darakshan believes that every women should at least try to set their goals such as start with little things instead of thinking about “can’t do because of so many reasons” and eventually, one day, they will become able to manage it all. “For my kids, I try to set an example that by hard work and determination you can achieve anything. Being a mum I always try to encourage and motivate my kids to make small steps to achieve your goals instead of giving up. And education is only vital assets of the life that will always benefits you, your family and lead to success by all means.” Her whole family was behind her; including her husband, kids, father in law, parents, friends. “The only key is to believe in yourself and never loses hope. I am always thankful to Allah (swt) who has blessed me with such wonderful people.”

Sleeping Bags for the Homeless Rouba Issa

countable for our actions. This is why we do this,” he added. The IDO Homeless Run service is provided by volunteers who sacrifice their time and comfort and is funded by  donations by the community.  Apart from their street run, The White Coats also aid the elderly, those that are infirm, those that are over the age of 60 and the disabled in helping them with household chores  from lawn moving to changing a light bulb their houses. The future aims of IDO Homeless Run includes establishment of a Soup Kitchen, Recreational Farm to house those suffering from substance abuse and the youth in general. IDO Homeless Run  wishes to expand its services by establishing  branches in all Australian states and territories and possibly in other countries as well. If you wish to volunteer your time or donate to the IDO Homeless Run please visit their website or Facebook page:

Australasian Muslim Times

An estimated 130,000 people sleep roofless in harsh conditions every night in Australia of which 30,000 are estimated to be in NSW. Sleeping Bags for the Homeless is a charity group that distributes sleeping bags for the homeless in Sydney. In August on a cold, wet, windy night, Mal Mac Rae was inside his house feeling thankful for the very fact that he had a roof over his head on such a night. His thoughts drifted to those who weren’t so lucky and he began to imagine what is must be like to sleep outside in such harsh conditions. He created a Facebook page entitled ‘Sleeping Bags for the Homeless’ and started to buy sleeping bags and transport them to community groups for distribution to the homeless. Sleeping bags are very useful for the homeless for being portable, warm, and comfortable and suitable for all four seasons of the year. The aim behind campaign is to lighten the suffering of the homeless in Sydney. Mal Mac Rae encourages supporters to buy a $50 sleeping bag on eBay and get it delivered to his postal address. “It has a simple formula. Buy a sleeping bag on Ebay and put my address as the delivery address and I will arrange to get it to a group that works with homeless people,” he said.

Sleeping Bags for the Homeless currently works alongside Brothers in Need, The Whitecoats, Exodus Foundation and The Wayside Chapel, all of which are Sydney based community organisations helping the homeless and needy. Sleeping Bags for the Homeless, however needs extra support to give aid to homeless and will be happy to co partner with other distribution groups to turn this into a national project. To find out more please find them on Facebook: Sleeping Bags for the Homeless

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17






Parents and marriage

Zeynab Gamieldien | Love Haqtually

In an ideal world, parents and children would all hold hands and embark on the wonderful road towards marriage in harmony and sync. The fact that I couldn’t even write that sentence with a straight face should tell you that this is not always the case. Unfortunately, parents and children are frequently at loggerheads over who to marry, when to marry and how to marry. Even in the absence of serious conflict, your parents may not necessarily be all that helpful in the search for a partner. This may be through no fault of their own, but it only serves to make a complex process that much more awkward, icky and painful. Parental obstruction or lack of assistance can take on any number of forms. Let’s take a look at some of the most common forms: 1.) The Inflexible Parents ‘She must be Lebanese’ ‘He must have a house and a bank balance of $100,000.’ ‘No one from that part of Pakistan.’ These are just a few examples of conditions set by parents. Sometimes these are communicated through direct warnings and ‘advice’ sessions, and sometimes they are entirely implicit. Some of their suspicions are grounded in prejudices about other cultures. Sometimes they just can’t be bothered dealing with anyone or anything outside of their comfort zone. Sometimes there are real fears about loss of control and identity if their children were to marry into the unknown, and very frequently, it’s all of these things mixed together. Whatever the case may be, their inflexibility is going to leave you with the choice of either falling in line and abiding by their rules or trying to open up a space for negotiation. 2.) The Clueless Parents These parents are supportive in theory, but can’t or won’t offer much in practice. They just aren’t quite sure how it’s all supposed to work. The way they met and got married either just doesn’t work in your context, and their suggestions are just not all that applicable to you. This is often because they lack know-how and social connections i.e. there’s no waiting auntie brigade to make suggestions. Maybe your parents aren’t practising Muslims or into the cultural scene. Maybe your parents aren’t Muslim at all. Whatever the case may be, you’re pretty much on your own here. 3.) The Hands-off Parents These parents expect you to do all the legwork. This may be because they just think it’s your life and you should decide what

Marriage Bureau

Seeker & Sought For

An initiative by the Islamic Foundation for Education and Welfare (IFEW)


F1510: Female, 58, Fijian Australian widow from Indian background, Administrative officer. I like to Travel watch soccer, cook, socialise and help people. I am looking for a down to earth, loving and caring person. Someone to be my life partner and is willing to accept my son (19 years) who also lives with me.

you want to do and how you want to do it, or maybe they just don’t really care if you get married or stay single. Bring them in towards the end when you’ve already made up your mind and they’ll be fine, but again, don’t expect much help from them along the way. (But if you’ve been raised by hands-off style parents, you’re probably used to doing things of your own volition in any case.) 4.) The Pushy Parents These parents are keen to get you married off. Embarrassingly keen. They’ll take any opportunity to push you in the pathway of eligible prospects and have little regard for whether the person is actually compatible with you or not. They’ll guilt-trip you into meeting just about anyone who ticks their boxes, regardless of whether the person ticks any of yours. They think you’re ‘picky’ and immature, but you think they just don’t get it. 5.) The Inconsistent Parents These parents send mixed messages. They claim to be fine with someone of a different culture, but if you actually bring it up they’ll

shut down the idea entirely. They’ll say the guy must come over and formally ask for your hand, but then freak out if any guy actually wants to come over. There’s one rule for one sibling and an entirely different rule for another. I don’t want to paint a picture of parents being horrible bogeymen out to destroy their children’s lives. It’s not easy for parents to see their children diverge from their traditions and accepted norms, but it’s certainly easy to be a child whose parents are inflexible and difficult to communicate with. Some compassion and empathy is required on both sides to make the situation work. What are your parents like when it comes to marriage? Are they very involved or are they more hands-off? Zeynab is an Australian lawyer, social inquirer, traveller and chronic human observer. She created Love Haqtually as a space for Muslims (and anyone interested) to discuss relationships, love, the weirdness of being a Muslim in the 21st century.

Mohammad Abir weds

Mr Kamal Asad and Mrs Fatina Asad announce the engagement of their son, Mohammad Asad (26) to Abir Berri (26), daughter of Mr Mohammad Berri and Mrs Wafaa Berri. Mohammad is a construction manager and Abir is a primary school teacher. Their engagement was on 23 May 2015 at the home of Abir’s uncle. The wedding will take place on 3 January 2016 at the Berri residence. January 2016


F159: Female, 27 medical doctor, Indian residing in Saudi Arabia. I apply Islam in my day-to-day life. I have performed Hajj twice and Umrah numerous times. I am soft spoken, humble and well cultured. I respect elders and very adjusting by nature. I am seeking for a life partner who is an educated and practicing Muslim. F158: Female, age 35, an Australian from Bangladesh An accountant working as a finance manager. Enjoys reading books, likes cooking and loves to travel. Seeking for an educated and practicing Muslim who comes from a good family. F157: Female, 23, New Zealand-Indian, Engineer I enjoy reading books, learning more about Islam, exercise, cooking, watching tennis and socialising with friends. I am a practicing Muslimah and enjoy attending community Islamic events. I work for a multinational company. I am seeking an educated, honest, caring, loving, upright and religiously compatible life partner who is committed to grow with me to achieve our dreams of fulfilling life together. M1511: Male, 37, divorced, Bangladeshi Australian, Masters in professional accounting. I am a practicing Muslim, interested in attending Islamic and Educational seminars and socialising with friends. I am seeking a practising Bangladeshi Muslimah who resides in Australia. M156: Male 58 divorced Pakistani Australian. I have been in Australia for 30 years and worked in IT and now I am retired. I am seeking for a Sunni muslimah widow or divorced from any culture. M154: Male, 42. Pakistani Australian, Accountant I come from a respectable family, I have been brought up with traditional Pakistani culture. I am a Sunni Muslim. I like reading Islamic Books, attending Islamic seminars and meeting friends of a similar background. I also like watching movies, listening to music and watching various sports. I am looking for a Sunni Muslim Pakistani woman who is educated and comes from a respectable family background.

See More at listing_types/seekers/ Placing/Responding a notice If you would like to place or respond to a notice, fill out the matrimonial form at: All information is held in strict confidence

Australasian Muslim Times



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Aala and Ahmed’s wedding AMUST


Saltanat Bora

One of my favourite types of wedding is a small, intimate affair with a garden setting and Aala and Ahmed’s wedding fits the bill perfectly. Aala and Ahmed always knew that they wanted an intimate outdoor wedding, however they didn’t have their sights set on any specific location. After countless visits to estates, hotels and receptions they eventually found Terrara House Estate in Nowra and immediately fell in love with it. A breathtaking location heritage, breathtaking scenery, secret gardens, horses and complete privacy, it as the perfect place to host their vision. Planning the wedding though wasn’t exactly stress free, with both the bride and groom trying to juggle studying and working amidst the planning. Attempting to DIY their wedding invitations to add a personal touch proved to be a nightmare, as Aala reflected that, “unless you have the time and means we wouldn’t recommend making your own invitations. It took countless nights of planning, waiting, printing and packaging the cards. Not to mention the distribution and due to our lack of experience and naivety we ended up delivering the invites only 2 weeks before the wedding while some of our guests did not even receive an invite at all!” I can certainly attest to this as my sister and I also made the same mistake, and believe you me, it was hell! Despite this, and other time-constraint hitches, all seemed to come together with their preferred photographers, and make-up artist serendipitously having openings for

their wedding. What resulted was a truly beautiful day that encompassed their initial vision and also, their views on marriage… “Marriage to us is honesty, trust, respect, love, help, support, and understanding one another. Building a life and family with your best friend. Going on journeys and adventures together. Marriage isn’t easy-it requires effort, patience, sacrifice and compromises but it is easier when both of us are willing to make it work. Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.” Of the day, Aala said that it was “the best day ever- it was like a fairy tale. No day will ever mean more to us.” Vendor Details Photography – Wedding Soul Story Videographer – Story of us Event planner/stylist – bride and groom Stationary – handmade by bride and groom Florist – Abdo florist and Terrara house estate Ceremony venue – Terrara house estate Reception venue – Terrara house estate Catering- Terrara house estate Cake and other desserts – made by bride, groom and bridesmaids Bridal gown – Pronovias via Fashions by Farina Veil -Pronovias via Fashions by Farina Headscarf styling – Bridesmaids Shoes –Tony Bianco Makeup – Amelia Axton Bridesmaids dresses- Forever New, asos, Needle and Thread, Carla Zampatti. Groom’s Suit – Montago Cufflinks – Armani Groomsmen suits – Myer This article was originally published on

Aala and Ahmed

Venue: Terrara House Estate in Nowra


Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17






Sewing seeds for a New Year


Lucy Butler Physical access is the tip of the iceberg of food scarcity in Afghanistan, limited accessibility to a diverse range of nutritional foods required for a balanced diet has resulted in the collective malnourishment of the Afghan people. The loss of farmland and resident displacement as a result of the war devastated local agricultural infrastructure and broke down vital food networks in communities. Rural communities sparse and limited access to essential food groups including vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy and the lost knowledge of traditional agricultural techniques has resulted in the diminished health of residents. Women and children are the community members most effected because of their limited access to jobs suited to their capabilities and the structural inequity of their status in Afghan society. At Mahboba’s Promise we believe that the women and children of Afghanistan should be provided equal access to the full range of nourishing food required to live a healthy and fulfilling life. 2016 is a year of new beginnings and what better way to show appreciation by providing the women and children of Afghanistan with a fresh start that only nutrition-rich and sustainable fresh produce can afford. Mahboba’s Promise Permaculture Farm Project empowers women to take an active role in community development by growing yields of organic fruit and vegetables to diversify the diet of local community residents. In Afghan society widows are expected to grieve their husband’s death for the duration of their human life, unable to move forward. The new year and the end of winter signals a break in the cycle, offering widows supported by Mahboba’s Promise a sustainable future cultivated through the financial independence

Afghani woman cultivating produce to be traded at market stall, project supported by Mahboba’s Promise. of being able to sell and trade produce at market-stalls. To expand widow’s entrepreneurial endeavors Mahboba’s Promise has expanded the project to include a dairy cooperative that supplements the diet of community residents to include poultry, eggs, milk and yoghurt. The Permaculture Farm Project is beginning to see shrubbery emerge through the rubble of war-torn Afghanistan, signalling a new year of growth and development. Despite its success, the Permaculture Farm’s impact is limited to

Bendigo mosque appeal thrown out of court The City of Bendigo approved the building of Bendigo’s first mosque in June last year. A small group of residents supported by Islamophobes from outside Bendigo has been crowd-funding their battle against the mosque for more than a year. Last month, Victoria’s highest court has thrown out the protracted legal bid by the group to stop the mosque being built. It is expected that the Bendigo mosque construction will go ahead now hopefully to be completed within a couple of years. In October, Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews met with community leaders

the geographical confines of the village outside Kabul where it operates. Mahboba’s Promise is looking to expand the beneficial impact of permaculture to the Parwan province of Afghanistan by employing women and children to tend to a community garden that provides sustenance for the most disadvantaged households in the community. The garden will aim to promote collaboration and support in the local community by providing a safe haven for children to play and women to develop and share their knowledge

and skills. The women of the Parwan community will be expected to hone traditional agricultural skills to produce a range of vegetation to support the dietary requirements of the local community. Information on how the Mahboba’s Promise Permaculture Program provides women and children with access to a nutritious food source and an environment that fosters positive community growth, and how you can contribute can be found online at permaculture-farm-project

Australian Jewish extremists terrorizing Palestinians

Media Scan

amid of anti-mosque protests, describing as “hateful” the campaign against the mosque and pledging to stand with local Muslims. City of Greater Bendigo planning and development director Prue Mansfield said the objectors had failed to prove the mosque would bring negative social impacts to the city.

There are a number of Australian Jewish extremists living as settlers in the occupied West Bank who are constantly terrorizing the Palestinian population. There are hundreds of Palestinians in Israeli jails detained without trial for months and years, a measure known as “administrative detention”. It is believed, for the first time, Jews who have been detained under the provisions

of administrative detention suspected of involvement in the fire bombing in Duma, a West Bank village. Four members of the Dawabshe family died in the attack. Recent reports in the press have highlighted the case of three members of the extremist group “The Revolt” who are under detention, a dual Australian-Israeli national Evyatar Slonim and two American-Israelis Mordechai Meyer, 18, and Meir Ettinger, 24. Slonim was previously arrested on suspicion of setting fire to a home in the Palestinian town of Khirbet Abu Falah in November 2014.

Officials in the state of Virginia, US, cancelled lessons on Arabic calligraphy and shut schools early for winter break after complaints from parents that their children could be indoctrinated with Islamic beliefs. Over 10,000 students were affected by the closures, which officials said they were forced into after receiving thousands of hostile emails and social media posts. The calligraphy assignment that caused the outrage asked students of Riverheads High School to draw out the Islamic declaration of faith - or Shahada - as part of a comparative religion class. The lesson was intended to help students appreciate the Arabic calligraphic style, often expressed in Islamic religious texts. The controversy was a symptom of an-

ti-Muslim sentiment that was fuelled by the ongoing Republican presidential race.


Muslim Women Bear the Arabic Calligraphy school Brunt of Islamophobia competition scares Americans An independent Dutch citizen initiative established in January 2015, has released its first half-yearly report on Islamophobic violence in the Netherlands. The report presents findings collected between January – June 2015 and the findings mirror research conducted elsewhere in Western Europe that reveals that Muslim women (in Hijab) bear the brunt of Islamophobic abuse. It is believed that these abuses spiked after Charlie Hebdo attacks and again after the 13 November attacks in Paris. Similar findings have been reported through the Islamophobia Register in Australia. There has been a three fold increase in the reported incidents of Islamophobia.

January 2016

Australasian Muslim Times




NEWS 1-2





Abbott, the Tories & the Enlightenment Bilal Cleland Tony Abbott’s call for a ‘religious reformation in Islam’ included at its core the claim: “All cultures are not equal and, frankly, a culture that believes in decency and tolerance is much to be preferred to one which thinks that you can kill in the name of God, and we’ve got to be prepared to say that.” Quoting as an authority President al-Sisi of Egypt he said that Islam needed “a Reformation, an Enlightenment, a well-developed concept of the separation of church and state.” [The Australian 8 December 2015] He seems unaware that there is no Muslim church. The separation of church and state and the “Enlightenment” are hardly what Abbott is about. The hypocrisy of his statement is breathtaking. He and Cardinal Pell both see B.A. Santamaria as their mentor. In the Jesuit publication Eureka Street, Paul Collins wrote: “Essentially Santamaria embraced a form of theological integralism which sees everything in the world as tainted unless it is ‘integrated’ or brought into the orbit of Catholicism. Integralism assumes that the Church has an unchallengeable, complete and accessible body of doctrine that gives guidance in every possible eventuality — social, political, strategic, economic, familial and personal. …ImageIntegralism has much in common with Italian Fascism, Franco’s Spain or Salazar’s Portugal. It is also at odds with the Vatican II Declaration on Religious Freedom: ‘Freedom means that all are to be immune from coercion ... in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs.’ It is a real threat to democra-

cy and to the freedom that Catholics have to make their own decisions on a whole range of issues, particularly political.” [17 August 2010] Hal Wootten, QC and emeritus professor of law at the university of NSW, summed up how many of us felt in the Canberra Times [11 December]. “How ironic and embarrassing that Tony Abbott, of all people, should present himself to the world as our champion in defence of the values of the Enlightenment, of the reformation, and “Western civilisation” generally. For years we have squirmed with discomfort and sometimes shame as he trashed or mocked these values, first as leader of our national opposition and then as official leader of the nation.” For centuries the political streams in Western civilisation have been categorised as re-

actionary, conservative and liberal. Historically the reactionaries, the Tories, supported divine right monarchy, religious intolerance and aristocratic privilege. Tony Abbott with his NCC supporting background, his restoration of knights and dames, his ridiculous knighting of Prince Philip, and his denigration of Islam fits the Tory category. Fear campaigns and anti-Islamic bigotry have been part of the political armoury of the Tories for centuries. In opposing the trend of public opinion towards religious toleration, the seventeenth century Tories claimed there was an international conspiracy between radical Protestants and Muslims. Allegedly, these infidels plan to overthrow Christendom, renew the English Civil War, and welcome an Ottoman invasion. As late as 1693 the call for toleration was por-

trayed as a path which would result in the destruction of the royal family, the ruin of the Protestant religion and the civil liberties of England. Religious toleration is of course part of the Enlightenment. We see that the Tories were terrified of it and we can see that fear still reflected in the attitudes of Abbott and the extreme right. Anti-mosque movements illustrate their hostility to freedom of religion. Some of the LNP politicians are no doubt opportunists getting onto the bigot bandwagon, but some are true believers. Abbott is most likely one of them. The constitutional monarchy, with which we still live, is another fruit of the Enlightenment. The Tories supported the succession of James II, a Roman Catholic, and a believer in the divine right of kings. The Whigs and their allies, who demanded he be excluded from the monarchy, were portrayed as allies of the subversive Protestant rebels in Hungary who supported the Ottomans against the aggressive Catholic divine right Hapsburgs. The Tories were thus claiming that the notion of constitutional monarchy being supported by radical Protestants was “…founded on Islamic innovation rather than Christian tradition.” [Garcia, Humberto. Islam and the English Enlightenment 1670-1840. p.51]. The Tories and their minions calling for an “Islamic Enlightenment” are probably unaware of their own history and ignorant of the role played by the “Protestant Mahometans” in the achievement of these two great pillars of our modern system – religious freedom and constitutional monarchy. That is the result of a shallow education system and a narrow “Western world” orientation in thinking. Educated Muslims need to inform them of what happened. Bilal Cleland is a keen reader, a prolific writer and a regular columnist of AMUST based in Melbourne.

HELP INDONESIAN CHILDREN Education Project by JIMS Foundation

150 Islamic Schools

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In Java, Lombok and Sumatera, Indonesia

Luqman Hakim Landy, an Australian Muslim revert has been serving the people of Indonesia through his JIMS Foundation in the field of daawah and education for more than 15 years. Luqman was born in Syndey and was introduced to Islam at a university in Canberra. He converted to Islam in 1975 after a six year search for TRUTH in Australia and a supernatural experience in Jakarta. He performed Hajj in 1979, worked with AFIC in 1979 - 1982 and was Mudir of a government Islamic Orphanage in Sabah, Malaysia 1983-85. He has 10 years teaching experience in Darwin & 12 in Jakarta He did HIJRA to Indonesia 1988 and fell into DA'WAH activities, in remote village where people did not know Islam.

Website: or | Mobile: 0413 662 880 (Australia) Email: or Email:

Details: Name: Luqman Hakim Landy PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY Donation Account ANZ BSB: 012 341, A/C: 540 136 101


Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17






Dr Anisur Rahman recognised with Hamilton City Civic Award Zia Ahmad Dr Anisur Rahman, the veteran leader of the Muslim Community in New Zealand was presented with the Hamilton City Civic Award, one of the highest honours the city can bestow on its citizens. The award recognised people who had made a difference to the community with their outstanding contributions to the society. In a ceremony held on Friday 11 December the award was received by Anjum Rahman, daughter and Aaminah Ghani, grand daughter representing Dr Rahman, who although on the way to New Zealand to receive the award had to stay in Kula Lumpur due to some unavoidable circumstances. The event was also attended by Mustafa Farouk and Anwar Ghani representing Waikato Muslim Association. Dr Anisur Rahman, originally from India, has been living in Hamilton since 1972 when he joined AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton as a research scientist having moved from Vancouver, Canada. He finally retired this year from his position of Senior Scientist after an outstanding service spanning more than 43 years. There were hardly any Muslims residing

in Hamilton in 1972. The first contact Dr Rahman made was with Mahmood Bhikoo, President of NZ Muslim Association living in Auckland. Mahmood and his wife Fatima provided company and helped them to settle in. In 1973 he made contact with Amin Farooqui who was living in nearby Putarura with his wife Hanifa, his father in law Hafizur Rahman and his family. This developed into a lifelong family friendship where the second generation kids grew together. With the arrival of international students at the Waikato University, congregational prayers were held at the residence of Dr Rahman during the early seventies. Later Juma prayers were established at the same venue led by Dr Rahman 1975. In the same year Muslim Association of Waikato was established informally that was formally registered 1n 1979 as Wailkato-Bay of Plenty Muslim Association and joined the newly formed Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand (FIANZ). IN 1984 a three bedroom villa on half an acre plot was purchased by the association to function as an Islamic Centre with the commencement of regular prayers and Quranic classes. Construction work for a purpose built mosque in Hamilton started in May 1997 and an opening ceremony was held in February 1998 attended by Muslim community as well as mayor and councilors of the city

From left: Anjum, Qamar, Dr Anisur Rahman, Nekhat and Nadeem.


Dr Anisur Rahman with the Imam of Kaaba while on a visit to Hamilton, NZ. of Hamilton together with Church leaders and Maori community leaders. Tragically in August 1998 the first mosque in Hamilton was gutted by arson where the Police never caught the culprits. However this resulted in an overwhelming sympathy and great support from the wider community in Hamilton resulting in raising funds for the rebuilding of the mosque within a year. Today Hamilton hosts a vibrant Muslim community living in peace with all its citizens engaged in daawah activities from Tabligh gatherings to interfaith meetings,

womens activities, hosting of international conferences and providing Islamic education to all and in particular to the young generation. Dr Anisur Rahman supported by his wife Mrs Qamar Rahman, their children Nadeem, Anjum and Shadia together with their extended family have played a pioneering role towards the development of the Muslim community in Hamilton. Zia Ahmad is the Managing Editor of AMUST and is based in Sydney.

The rebuilt Hamilton Mosque after the arson attack in 1998.

Book review: Unveiling the Truth of Islam Z Naqvi In the current environment where Islam has been hijacked for varying agendas (creating not only misconceptions about Islam but also fostering animosity towards the religion itself and its followers), it has become imperative to disseminate the truth about Islam. Unveiling the Truth of Islam is a book published in 2015 which seeks to accomplish this task through providing a comparative analysis between the three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This book is a sequel to You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free which was published in 2013 and was a Bible research study in the light of the Holy Qurรกn. In Unveiling the Truth of Islam, a comprehensive review has been undertaken in regards to investigating the identity and role of Jesus and his original message. The

January 2016

historical and textual evidence against the crucifixion of Jesus is also examined and a critical analysis of the Bible as the Word of God is provided. Bible mysteries (including the identity of the Holy Spirit), have been also answered and the proofs for Islam and Prophet Muhammad in the Bible are discussed in detail. Some of the common misconceptions of Islam have also been clarified in this book such as the notion of Islam promoting terrorism; whereas, in reality in the Holy Qurรกn God has forbidden the killing of any innocent (Holy Qurรกn 5:32) and the act of committing suicide (Holy Qurรกn 4:29). This book is for anyone interested in comparative religion or would like to further enhance their knowledge about Islam and assist others in gaining this knowledge. The structure and the language of the book is very reader friendly and suitable for the academic and non-academic audiences alike. Scholarly sources are cited and textual evi-

dence is provided for all topics. By providing this platform of a comparative analysis between Judaism, Christianity and Islam with its commonalities and differences, this endeavour aims to build bridges through knowledge, dialogue and mutual respect and understanding. The author embarked on this journey through personal experiences and engaging in dialogue with Christians, which led to the publication of the first book. The second book includes further research on these topics. Through this journey of seeking knowledge, the author completed her Master in Islamic Studies with Charles Sturt University and Islamic Sciences and Research Academy Australia and is currently enrolled in a PhD in Theology with the same institutions. This book is available online at Amazon and also at Bukhari bookstore Auburn and Dymocks bookstore at Rouse Hill, Sydney.

Australasian Muslim Times



NEWS 1-2





A young role model: Farah Babaa AMUST

Farah Babaa has just completed year 12 having achieved a raw ATAR score of 98.15 that together with additional subjects bonus points will translate into a final ATAR of 99.95. She attended the Islamic college of South Australia and her year 12 sub-

jects included Chemistry, Biology, Arabic, English, Religious studies, Information processing and publishing and a research project. She is interested to pursue her university education in the medical field.   Farah belongs to a highly educated family of Palestinian origin sentenced to a

life of perpetual migration having moved from Palestine to Kuwait, then to Jordan and finally to Australia. Her parents are active members of the South Australian Muslim community. Her father Dr Akram Babaa is a medical doctor and businessman while her

Farah Babaa I thank Allah and my parents for my good upbringing.  Being raised by well-educated parents, I was taught since my first day of schooling the importance and significance of knowledge and education. The proverb “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity”, by Aristotle had been strongly entrenched in my ideologies ever since I had blinked open my eyes to consciousness. Education and seeking knowledge  as taught by the Prophet of Islam (peace upon him) had been greatly valued in my family. My grandmother, was expressively passionate about raising advocacy in regard to the education of girls, and was the woman who had opened the first ever girls school in the UAE in 1952. My father undoubtedly fell into her foot steps and rose in education to become a medical doctor. My mother, on the other hand, had decided to take the law field. She was also similarly fervent about education and had always been persistent to extend her reach. Hence, she was able to achieve two further master degrees in law and another in education.  My life had revolved around education; it was and still is the main priority for my parents and myself, and is the sole purpose behind our immigration to Australia. The Prophet of Islam, peace upon him, said, “Go to China, if you have to, to get knowledge.  My parents always sought to provide for their children better educational opportunities. However, the switch between two very diverse educational systems at a high school level was relatively challenging in the beginning. Going from a solely exam based learning to research and assignment based methodologies was certainly a shock. Nevertheless, and with the undeniable assistance from my teachers and parents I was able to fuse into the system and overcome this obstacle. Soon after, and with determination to excel I was able to top my class relatively quickly.  I have always aimed to constantly push myself beyond my limits. I believed in my abilities but I also believed that there is always a room for improvement.  Year 12 was relatively challenging to start with, specifically with the greater work load requirement in comparison with previous years. However, and as many might agree, what is most challenging at this stage is the idea that had been planted in the minds of the students that: “year 12 is a do or die” and the subsequent anxiety that results from

Farah Babaa with her parents, Dr Akhram Babaa and Luma Al Hammouri. such perception. and to prevent myself from getting affectWhile many might believe that fear might ed, I considered year 12 as any other school push student to do better, it in reality hin- year, definitely with a little extra effort, but ders and makes them prone to procrastina- the same approach nevertheless. I gave it tion and overthinking and hence wasting my all and prayed for the best.  precious study time.  To overcome this fear, Nevertheless, year 12 for me was not all about studying. Along school I had made sure to enjoy quality time away from the books. I had made sure to attend and participate in several social and cultural events, including the Palestinian day when I had joined the cultural group in organizing the event. My parents had managed to make sure that I had regular breaks and had my fair share of amusement. I had come to realize that a balance is the secret behind any success. Studying 24/7 can most definitely become daunting and any individual ,no

mother is Luma Al Hammouri is a lawyer specializing in family dispute resolution and currently the President of the Islamic Council of South Australia (ICSA).  This is her story in her own words.

matter how bright he/she might be, would eventually lose concentration. Hence, regular time out can help to refresh and motivate one to study harder with a more optimistic outlook.  I wish to send my sincere thanks to every individual that had been there and assisted me throughout my schooling journey: My parents and family who stood by my side every step of the way, my teachers who assisted me in reaching my goals, and my school representatives, the Principal, the College Board and the Chairman, Br Farouk Khan, who gave the green light to the principal and teachers to spare no efforts and resources for the College students, especially year 12. However, and most importantly, I bow and prostrate to Allah for He is the Most Generous, Most Merciful.  My family background My family had directly originated from Palestine. Both sets of my grandparents were born in the historical cities of Palestine. However, and due to the atrocities that had faced our holy land they had been forced to flee the country and migrate to several other regions of the world before they had settled in Australia. My paternal grandfather, migrated initially to the United States in the early 1940s in order to study a master degree in political science. Soon after he moved to Kuwait where he got married and stayed for the next 40 years of his life. Meanwhile, my paternal grandmother migrated from Palestine to the UAE where she  was the first to introduce the education system to women and hence was accordingly honoured by having herself on a postal stamp. Later on she moved to Kuwait where she worked as a principal for a period of 40 years during which she met my grandfather and got married. After the gulf war broke in the 1990s my father’s family decided to move to Jordan and it is where they lived until my father and our family moved to Australia. On the other hand, my grandparents from my mother side had both migrated from Palestine in 1961 to Kuwait where they grew and finished their higher education in mechanical engineering in the case of my grandfather whom soon after was able to construct a steel structure factory and a degree of teaching for my grandmother whom had a 20 years of work experience. Similar to my paternal family, my mother’s family was formed and lived in Kuwait for a long period of time until they decided to migrate to Jordan in 1986. My parents met in Jordan, lived and progressed there and then migrated to Australia in 2009 where my maternal family currently reside. During his time living in Australia my maternal grandfather had prospered in his business to become one of the largest exporter of halal meat to the Middle East. My family tale is the typical story of any Palestinian family whom had their land stripped off them and were sentenced for a life as immigrants. Nevertheless, they had always made sure to leave a print every where they go

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Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17







The 99 Divine attributes of Allah Part 17 - Attributes 68 – 70

BEYOND THE BOX Dr Q Ashfaq Ahmad

This issue continues the series exclusive to AMUST on the 99 divine attributes of Allah. Read previous parts at 68. As-Samad – The Only Unique One This has been presented with thirteen reflections of Al – Wahid and Al- Ahad published in the last AMUST issue no.121 December 2015, Safar 14th 37 under attribute no. 66 & 67 page 19. 69. Al-Qadir – The Supreme Power “There is no human being but has a protector1 Allah (in charge of each human being guarding him writing his good and bad deeds) So let man see from what he is created.2 He is created from a spurting fluid, issuing from between the backbone and the ribs.3 He certainly has the power to bring him back to his life.4 On the day when secrets are disclosed, man will have no power and no helper.”5 (Al-Tariq, 86: 4-10) 1. Protector is intrinsically Allah Himself who is in reality looking after every large and small creation. Everything has come into existence by His intervention and remains till Allah desires. Everything is created and controlled by Him and He himself has the responsibility to keep everything safe and sound up to the time allotted by Him. 2. Now the human being is invited to ponder upon one’s own self. How is he/she born? Who is the One who selects one of the infinite sperms of the male and one of the eggs of the female and gets them coupled together in such a way to create a non-existing human being born afresh? Then Who is the One that emits each of these created ones to come out of the female body as a non-existing human being? Then Who is the One who protects and watches every human being from the very birth to the last breath at the time of death? Who keeps the human beings away from disabilities and deficiencies and provides different means and provisions to continue their living in this world? Then O Human Beings! Is it possible to get all of the above performance with

full success and completion without the planning, creation and control by One and only One Supreme Allah (God). 3. The words used in Quran in Arabic are sulb and traib. Sulb is the backbone and traib are the ribs around the back. The fertility seed emits from the portion of the human body stationed between the back and the chest. Hence a human being is born from the fluid between back and chest. It is not correct to consider that the fluid exists in the whole main human body. The main portion of the body is the source of the fertility fluid. The main fluid is safely preserved, stationed and developed after being transformed from a dead fluid to a living being by the intention and order of the Supreme Being and Master of the whole world, Allah. When the process becomes complete in the womb of the female being, Allah brings life in the prepared body ready to be emitted and undergo as a new living being. The whole phenomenon can never be isolated as a chance to happen without much planning and completing to the full outcome in the end. 4. The very performance of creating human beings to come into existence from nothing and then to protect and control from the beginning up till the end of life is obviously and openly performed by Allah (God) who can bring the process of life even from death to life again. So Allah is capable of all these performances. An intelligent human being should believe and accept the second performance that is reversal of existence from death to life. To consider that the creation is started by chance is absurd. Creation is the process that needs well organised scheme, planning and execution of the whole process. It is absurd to call all the important parts of creation phenomena carried away without any other reason except created by Allah. He is the only one who can manage the complicated actions and performance carried on by different human beings in different times. 5. Hidden secrets are the actions of every person who has been born having a sort of obvious as well as secret non-obvious matters associated with every human being. So such performances are not clear by apparent manifestations can be considered as the intentions, aims, objectives and other unknown materials associated with every human being.

The tests and experiments of the hidden performance could not be easily confined behind any person who has performed it. But it could also be exposed for the exhibit by others to understand the whole process of living in this world. On the day of Resurrection, all the hidden secrets would be exposed to inform their effects in this world in totality; how long they continued and what right and wrong they have performed. And also it will be well-known that what every human being has performed in this world, right or wrong, to help or destroy this world for the good or bad occurrence. 70. Al- Muqtadīr – The Power Possessor “And present to them the example of the life of this world, [its being] like rain which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of earth mingles with it. And [then] it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things. Perfect in Ability (having power over all things)1 Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Rabb, for reward and better for [one’s] hopes. And [warn of] the Day when We will remove the mountains and you will see the earth bare-exposed2 and We will gather them and not leave behind from them anyone3 And they will be presented before your Rabb in rows, [and He will say], “You have certainly come to Us just as We created you the first time. But you claimed that We would never make for you an appointment”4 And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminal fearful of that within it, and they will say, “Oh woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?”5 And they will fins what they did present [before them]. And your Rabb does injustice to no one”.6 (Al- Kahf, 18: 45-49) 1. Allah bestows life upon humans and also deprives them of life by death. He provides upgraded exaltation as well as damaging decline. Spring by His command and intentions conforms in the atmosphere by His order. If today you are enjoying in engagement and pleasure, don’t be in deception that that the situation will remain unchanged. Whatever you have received from Allah can be snatched

away from you by His decree and order. 2. When the whole of the earth will become loose and the mountain would flow like clouds, “you will see the mountain and the solid material still passing over as if the passing over for the clouds” Al-Quran (27:88). 3. It indicates that no matter how much growth remains on the earth that will seem like a barren flat plane. These the same thing as mentioned, “And indeed We will make that which is upon it as a barren growth.” Al-Quran (18:08) 4. It is declared that every human being born since Adam’s arrival to the last moment of Resurrection shall be enlivened, even if he/she has remained alive on earth with one breath only. All human beings shall be collected together at one time. 5. At that time the deniers of Resurrection shall be told, “Observe now. The information given to you by the prophets have been proved now. They used to confirm you in clear terms that Allah will create you exactly as he created you first time in the world. But you always denied their affirmation. See! Have you not been created again?” 6. Never shall it happen that a person has not committed any crime and it is wrongly recorded in his/ her register. Neither a person should be punished for more than their mistakes nor the innocent be caught for something they didn’t do. Continued in AMUST issue #123 February

Social reality in Islamic doctrine

Professor Jamil Farooqui Reality as generally perceived is the state of things that actually exists or that is actually experienced or seen. In scientific tradition, what is observable comes under the purview of reality but in its widest sense the term reality includes everything that is observable and comprehensible. Reality in an Islamic perspective is quite different. It is at once being, knowledge and bliss. It means that reality indicates actuality implying the state of existence, whether comprehensible or beyond our comprehension, but it has a force to persist and influence others. It is a source of consciousness and makes humans aware of himself and of the external world. It is linked with truth and goodness and as such most beneficial to human being. The fact is that reality is not limited only to the appearance of a phenomenon, or as it exists, but it also contains the spirit, power

January 2016

or force that gives it a distinct form, assign particular function and determine its purpose. There is an ontological structure behind it that determines its nature and functioning in a particular framework. The reality which we observe in everyday life is the reflection of a vital force that provides the former with vitality and buoyancy to exist and operate. The events and activities that take place or crop up in everyday life are the manifestation of human cogitation of transcendental reality in its true or deviational forms. In Islamic doctrine the principal, primordial and the Absolute Reality is Allah, the Most Powerful, the Most Knowledgeable, Just and full of Wisdom. The Qur’an categorically explains: That is because Allah is the (only) Reality, and because whatever else they invoke besides Him is falsehood; and because Allah – He is the Most High, Most Great (Qur’an, 30; 31). He is the Creator of the world and all things that lie in between heaven and earth reflect His attributes in one way or the other. They get vitality and strength to exist, persist, operate in the world and perform the

function allocated to them. The phenomenal world has two aspects: physical and transcendental. One is visible and the other is invisible. Both are integrated with each other and their integrated view gives the idea of the nature of the existence of objects, tangible and intangible. The phenomenal world which we observe by our senses is only the partial reality and not the whole. The other aspect of that world is the force and vitality that enables it to exist, operate and maintain its buoyancy. This directly links with the Absolute Reality which gives it a form and establishes a pattern according to which it operates and assigns a purpose which it has to fulfil. We are, thus, surrounded by two realities; phenomenal and transcendental. Phenomenal reality is easier to grasp as it can be observed and experienced by our five senses. Every individual directly comes in contact with it, develop certain set of ideas of how to face it, treat it and use it. Transcendental reality lies within the phenomenal one, provides it with vitality and activates it to operate. It can be identified by the sources of knowledge other than the senses. Humans can know it when they de-

velop extensive knowledge, ponder over the working of the phenomenal reality and have access to those twin sources of metaphysical knowledge and certitude, namely revelation and intellection. Humans are so much involved in the gratification of their bodily urges and in the fulfilment of the aspiration of their egos that they only consider phenomenal reality important and as such explore it. The catastrophe of modern particularly scientific knowledge is that it has reduced reality to the sense perceived world and consequently reduced God and in fact all spiritual realms of being to the category of the abstract and finally to the unreal. The result is that modern man has manipulated the interpretation of reality, removed it “as a category pertaining to God used it according to his/her own advantage and pleasure and constructed other realities accordingly. Dr Jamil Farooqui is the professor of the Department of Sociology at the International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Australasian Muslim Times




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Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17






Dragon bones & incense


MOBYDAYZE Mobinah Ahmad

In Chinese Buddhist temples, worshipers light and burn sticks of incense in small or large bundles, which they wave or raise above the head while bowing to the statues. Individual sticks of incense are then vertically placed into individual censers located in front of the statues or plaques either singularly or in threes, depending on the status of the deity or the feelings of the individual.

The Longsheng (Longji) Rice Terraces resemble a dragon’s scales, while the summit of the mountain range looks like the backbone of the dragon. This photo was taken after heavy rain, so the rice terraces were full of water and glistened like glass at sunset. Located 100 km north east from Guilin, Guangxi, China, the terraced fields are built along the slope winding from the riverside up to the mountain top, between 600 m to 800 m above sea level. A coiling terrace line that starts from the mountain foot up to the mountain top divides the mountain into layers of water in spring, layers of green rice shoots in summer, layers of rice in fall, and layers of frost in winter. The terraced fields were mostly built about 650 years ago.

My Couchsurfing Experience WAYFARER’S COMPASS Sana Gillani

As my husband and I planned our trip to Iran, we realised we had few personal connections there. I was registered on the Couchsurfing website and decided to get in touch with some local Iranians to meet up with. We decided to spend our first few nights in Tehran with host couple, Zahra and Mobin. We’d never couch-surfed, and didn’t know what to expect by staying at the home of what were, at that time, strangers. Couchsurfing is an online platform to connect with hosts and travellers across the world. The concept is that you can stay at the home of a local at no cost at all. The philosophy of the site is pretty brilliant, and

January 2016

encourages a really meaningful exchange of culture, friendship and hospitality. The ideal situation is that you find an appropriate host on their website by first following the safety procedures of reading their references and profile information. There has been a darker side to couchsurfing where guests or hosts have been mistreated, but generally, if practiced with caution, you can be hosted well, shown around, and save money on accommodation. I felt safe to couch-surf having my husband with me, and we carefully selected our hosts, feeling most comfortable staying with families rather than singles. We’d booked hotels for everywhere outside Tehran, but continued to meet up with Iranian Couchsurfers, leading to many positive experiences.

After arriving in Tehran, we had quite a bit of difficulty finding our host’s home. When we eventually did, we found they were at work since we had arrived late. We then got our first shot of incredible Iranian hospitality. Our host’s neighbour, a lovely older lady, took us in and served us tea and fruit, letting us pray, while she watched Quran recitations on television. Staying with Zahra and Mobin was a treat. On the first night, they cooked us Iranian style pasta, and invited their friends over. We shared our lives with them, connecting over similar interests, experiences, and teaching each other our respective languages. They asked my husband to recite Quran for them before we ate, and we bonded over our shared faith. When in Mashhad, we decided to meet up with Fereshte and Pezhman, a very jovial and warm couple who organised a dinner, cooking delightful traditional foods, and

who later insisted we abandon our hotel for one night and stay with them. And so we did, and would never regret it. In one night, we shared our life stories, our fears, ambitions, and became very close friends very quickly. Fereshte was our guide the next day of surrounding sights, and Pezhman delayed a train trip just so he could join us in the evening for dinner before we left for the next city. They were incredibly gracious, and we left feeling an immense admiration of Persian hospitality. It inspired us to revive the beautiful Muslim tradition of hospitality towards travellers, and we aim to pay it forward to travellers back home in Sydney, inshaAllah. Wayfarer’s Compass is a Muslim Travel Hub created by Sana Gillani. This article was originaly posted on

Australasian Muslim Times



Secure your IT AMUST

Shafqat Ali Run through this check list to make sure your computers, data and IT related services are secure while you are away and also functioning the same way on your return, or continue to function whilst you are away. Backup Create a full backup of important files and information to an external source and store it off-site or in cloud, away from your business. Include information that may be stored on desktops, laptops and servers. Out-Of-Office Reply Set an out of office reply on your last day in Outlook or Web Mail like Gmail etc. to let your contacts and customers know when you will be operating again in the New Year. Switch Off Turn off all non-essential computers and equipment prior to leaving to avoid any power issues while you are away.

Surge Protection and UPS Make sure all your IT related stuff is powered by surge protected power supply. All servers and fax machines link with UPS. So if power goes down then they can still function for little while or shut down safely. Remote Access If you are going away or live far away from your home or office and you are running mission critical operations then for urgency purpose it is good idea to setup remote access to control various operations like Alarm System, Security Cameras, Telephone Message bank, Main Computer/ Server etc. General Services Cancel non-essential services such as rubbish removal, cleaning and deliveries etc; until you are back to avoid any collection fees or lost items.  Family Holiday Checklist If you taking yourself / family on vacations. Please make sure you use some sort of family holiday checklist to avoid any mishaps. If you are driving anywhere this holiday period, drive safely.

NEWS 1-2








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Halal Food

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Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair MEFF provides stallholders the opportunity to sell or promote to the Muslim community. Stall bookings open on Monday 20 May 2015 Phone: (02) 9823 2063 Website:



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Australasian Muslim Times

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Great Wall Kitchen Great Wall Kitchen makes great Indian style Halal Chinese food. We are located at 154 Haldon Street, NSW. Phone: (02) 9759 9531 Website: Halal Square Australia’s favourite online guide to restaurants and eateries offering halal food, halal groceries and restaurant reviews. Covering all major capital cities in Australia Website: Homebush Halal Meats A halal butcher in Ashfield, provides you with the best and freshest halal meats in the area. We stock lamb, beef, goat, poultry and game meat. Phone: (02) 9799 7049 Website: Red Rooster Minto Tender loving chicken. Completely renovated with a new dining area. Suitable for the whole family. Chicken supplied by Baiada. Phone: (02) 9603 3696 Cnr Pembroke Rd & Brookfield Rd, Minto.

January 2016

UMMAH 15 - 17


TOP 5 Muslim Memes







To Watch

Instagram Accounts


Facebook Pages to Like


Demand a safe home for people in Syria @MuslimBrides


Amnesty International Australia, released a video comparing the life of two young girls. “There’s no such thing as a simple task for those struggling to survive in Syria.” The video forms part of Amnesty’s campaign which is demanding an end to the suffering taking place across the country. The video starts with two girls getting ready in the morning, each going about seemingly normal tasks: waking up and having breakfast. This split-screen video, compiled by Amnesty International with digital agency Longtail, shows an Australian girl’s everyday life compared to that of a young girl in Syria.

Young Black N Deadly Flooding Social Media with Black n Deadly Positivity to drive away all of the Negativity!

Please, donate today to help end the suffering: Video Link:


A re-purposed shipping container housing a commercial bakery to bring you one of our families best kept secrets.

@BridesHijab Canadian Kids Sing Tala Al Badru Alayna


Canadian children greeted Syrian refugees with the song sung to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he sought refuge in Medina. This video of a children’s choir singing a beautiful song in Arabic to their new neighbours surfaced. This is an amazing gesture at a time when leaders of other countries are trying to in still fear & hatred of refugees into the hearts of the people. Canada leads the way and shows the world the kind of humanity the West should be offering Syrian Refugees. The first plane of Syrian refugees landed and Canada has wasted no time in welcoming them. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was at the airport to personally welcome the 163 new arrivals from Beirut, helping distribute warm winter coats The traditional song ‘Tala’ al-Badru ‘Alayna’ is one of the oldest in Islam. It was sung by the Ansar (Helpers) to the Prophet Mohamed when he sought refuge in their city of Medina and its message is one of welcome and hope. Several commentators on social media said the gesture made them cry. Video Link:

January 2016

Luka Lesson

Spoken word and Hip-hop artist of Greek heritage.

Sounds of Light Charity Concert

Sounds of Light is an annual concert in Australia featuring Muslim nasheed & comedy artists.

Australasian Muslim Times


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Australasian Muslim Times

January 2016

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