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MPs calculate own slavery footprint ahead of government announcement

Jane Jeffes


Thursday afternoon, 24 September 2020, NSW State Parliament: the NSW MP for Prospect Hugh McDermott MLA urged parliamentary colleagues in the Legislative Assembly to calculate the number of people their individual lifestyles keep in slavery. (You can do the same by scanning the QR code.)

Prompted by not-for-profit project War on Slavery to take the Slavery Footprint survey, Mr McDermott expressed abject horror at discovering his family’s lifestyle depends on 63 slaves. ”The phones in our pockets, tea and coffee we drink, clothes and jewellery we wear, tinned tuna and chocolate in our kids’ lunch- Scan QR code for boxes…. all these things and much more Slavery Footprint have known slavery in their supply chains,” Calculator he told AMUST.

“When the NSW Modern Slavery Act was passed two years ago, an estimated 42 mil- tabled on March 25 recommended the Act lion people – roughly five times the popula- be enforced by 1 January 2021 with a few tion of our state – the combined population minor amendments to ensure legal comity of London, New York and Tokyo – were with the Commonwealth. The six-month believed to be in slavery around the world. window in which the Government must taMore people in slavery than ever before. It’s ble its response ends today, Friday Septema number that shouldn’t exist and not one ber 25. person in NSW can confidently say they have a slavery count of zero. We are all complicit.” We are all “ Concerned that the government will say the 12 remaining sitting days are not enough to get amendThe impassioned speech was delivered against a backdrop of concern that the Government has abandoned its commitment to ments through parliamentary process in 2020, anti-slavery campaigners, NGOs, survivor support groups and lawyers lobcomplicit. “ the NSW Modern Slavery Act, unanimously bied MLAs and MLCs yesterday. passed and assented in June 2018. The modern-day abolitionists – including

The legislation is regarded as a descendant of one of the great British aboground-breaking but after the 2019 election, litionists more than 200 years ago – told the instead of bringing the Act into force the parliamentarians that the people of NSW do government referred it to an Inquiry. not want to be funding this $150 billion a

The Inquiry received over 100 submis- year crime and hope that enforcement of the sions overwhelmingly urging the imple- Act without further delay will mean NSW mentation of the Act as world-leading leg- can come out of COVID with real and lastislation. The Inquiry Committee’s Report ing improvements to the way we do busi-

Hugh McDermott MLA, NSW Member for Prospect and UNSW Emeritus Professor of Law Paul Redmond with campaigners including War On Slavery, Baptist World Aid, Hope for Justice and Be Slavery Free.

ness and society in NSW.

War on Slavery’s Becky Honey said “The numbers of people in slavery have shot up in the two years since the parliament unanimously passed the Act and the effect of the COVID pandemic now increases the risks for the vulnerable exponentially – affecting the millions in supply chains overseas and the growing numbers of people who are socially and economically marginalised in our region and here including ‘ordinary’ workers in NSW – people doing it really tough – people we might previously have called Aussie battlers.”

Campaigners say that the NSW Modern Slavery Act is world-leading legislation which if enforced would provide a new benchmark for other governments and would provide NSW with a modern slavery equivalent of a carbon offset to begin reducing our slavery footprint.

“Business cannot afford not to comply,” Ms Honey continued. “The mood is changing amongst investors, shareholders and consumers and they’re making themselves heard. They want and are demanding human sustainability alongside climate sustainability.”

The first-ever NSW Parliament ePetition has been launched by Greg Donnelly MLC to support the NSW Modern Slavery Act being brought into force.

Anticipating the government does not accept the Inquiry recommendations and prioritise bringing the Act into force on January 1, 2021, the ePetition requires 20,000 e.Signatures by November 3, 2020 to trigger a debate in the NSW Parliament. The number of signatures is expected to exceed 10,000 by Friday. Previous paper petitions required 10,000 signatures.

Please sign and share the petition. You will find it here: https://bit.ly/3haI3el

The Hansard recording of Hugh McDermott’s Private Members Statement can be found here https://spaces.hightail.com/ space/SqPBoRAdEt.

Scan the QR code above to do the Slavery Footprint Calculator or visit slaveryfootprint.org

Jane Jeffes is a producer and director and former head of ABC Religion & Ethics. A UK-Australian dual national she is based in Sydney, Australia.

Lebanon needs our ongoing help

Chris Hayes MP A man reacts at the scene of an explosion at Beirut’s port, Aug. 4. Ibrahim Amro / Getty Images. fivefold and with inflation so high that people are unable to afford the basic necessities and put food on the table. ‘By not engaging with Despite this, Lebanon has been extremely the roots of dispossession generous, opening its borders to over a miland conflicts, interna- lion refugees who have fled the decade-long tional powers promote civil wars of both Syria and Iraq. Added to short-term versions of these issues it has also had to grapple with resilience, stability and an unprecedented health crisis, as the already humanitarian protection. overstretched Lebanese healthcare system atThis papers over dysfunc- tempts to provide care and support to those tional institutions and de- impacted by the Coronavirus. teriorating livelihoods.’ This is a statement by Tamirace Fakhoury, an associate professor of political science and The “ If these issues are not strong enough to command the attention of the international community, then we must question our collective humanity. As part of the international community we must show an enduring international affairs at the Lebanese American University. It puts into explosion will to help return a stable and independent government in Lebanon, one that is focused on its people and their welfare and one that perspective the need of international communities to assist in the longin Lebanon will help Lebanon achieve the transformative changes that it so desperately needs. Given the fact that Lebanon is still hosting term transformation of Lebanon. was the assist Lebanon and its The explosion in Lebanon was the last straw millions of refugees and struggling to cope with its own mounting internal issues, as part In August this year, Lebanon was rocked by a catastrophic explosion which ripped through the heart of its capital, last straw... “ people to get through this catastrophe. Unfortunately, it has now been more than two months since the when considered alongside the ongoing turmoil of a dire economic situation—an economy on the brink of collapse—widespread corruption, homelessness and poverty. The collapsing Lebanese economy is testof the international community we must be prepared to lend our ongoing support and share in this humanitarian responsibility. Mr Chris Hayes MP is the Federal Member Beirut. At the time we saw an outpouring of calamity and Lebanon and its people seem ing the Lebanese people like never before, for the NSW seat of Fowler and Chief Opposupport by the international community to to have disappeared into a distant memory. with the value of the Lebanese pound reduced sition Whip.


LIFESTYLE Canberra’s Muslim youth trainer joins marathon

Amadu Barrie

The nation’s capital is not only the most active and healthy Australian city but also home to arguably one of the fittest Muslim families.

Husband and father Bilal Berjaoui was among hundreds of fitness consciousness minds that participated at the 34th Weston Creek Half Marathon & 10K Community Fun Run held on Sunday 18 October, 2020. Competitors participated at different categories of the gruelling race.

Bilal Berjaoui participated at the Half Marathon category.

When asked why he chose to participate at the event, he said he hoped it will inspire him to participate at the 42.2 km full marathon race next year. He also revealed that he was actually planning to participate at a different event; The Canberra Times Marathon Inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon Indeed we belong to Allah and to Allah we shall return. (Quran 2:156)

On Monday 24 August 2020, Pakistan Australia Women’s Association (PAWA) lost one of its very beloved founding member and President Azra Ahmed. She was farewelled with the tears of grief to her final resting place.

May Allah grant her special place in Jannat-ul-Firdoos (Ameen)

Azra Ahmed also adorably referred by many people as “Aunty Azra or Azra Baji”, she was the epitome of PAWA’s core purpose and beliefs. She selflessly supported Festival that was scheduled on 8 November this year but has now been postponed to 11 April 2021 citing COVID-19 restrictions.

“I didn’t want to miss out on a race this year so I decided to opt for the Weston Creek Half Marathon race even though it came a month earlier than my initial practice schedule.

“I have worked out my schedule around the The Canberra Times Marathon training program by doing 30 minutes of run 4 times a week and on Sundays I try to increase on my previous distance starting with 6 kms right to the race distance. Unfortunately, I had to run this race more than a month earlier and without been able to complete my training program. This said, All Praises to God, I am very happy with my performance. I went into race aiming for under 2 hours but ended it just 5 minutes more than the time I anticipated. On the positive side and by the Grace of God, I think overall, the race has not only inspired but made me better prepared for the big one in April next year”.

Bilal Berjaoui is an avid runner and sports enthusiast. He regularly participates at the 5 and served the Indian Subcontinent communities for over 15 years.

She was one of the founding members of PAWA which started as a small social support group in mid 90’s, it was incorporated into an Association in 2010. The group was supported by Advance Diversity formerly known as St George Migrant Resource Centre Rockdale.

PAWA played major role in mentoring and aspiring emerging communities in the St George area with following objectives; • Promote the awareness of South Asian women and their families on issues of concern and available services; • Provide social support to house bound women; • Establish interactive networking opportunities with other communities and organisations • Advocate on social issues in the community Executive Board Member of Advance Di-

Bilal Berjaoui running the 34th Weston Creek Half Marathon & 10k Community Fun Run on Sunday 18 October 2020.

km Tuggeranong Park Run, a Brazilian jujitsu practitioner and enjoys bike riding with his family.

He said his love for running made him join the Park Run in 2014. He also reveals that his best time at the 5 km run is 20 minutes 39 seconds. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions Bilal Berjaoui provided Jujitsu training to Youths at the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC) in Monash.

Bilal is employed by the Citadel Group as a Data Migration lead.

His wife, Linda Berjaoui holds a certificate IV in Personal training and have her own fitness business ‘Sista PT’. Linda currently trains women out of the family’s home garage and at the CIC.

The President of the CIC Executive Committee Suhail Khan described Bilal as “an old and respected member of the CIC community and someone who is contributing greatly to Youth development through his Jujitsu lessons”.

Amadu Barrie is an ICT Systems Analyst

Tribute to Late Azra Ahmed

Rana Syed

Fortune and Future

Dr Reginald Naulty

What matters, is what the gold puts in the soul, not what it buys. The riches that go inside to the inner reaches of the heart , are from some other art: wisdom, gratitude, forbearance, build the soul; in the end, the soul is all that goes over to the other side. The soul is where the fortune and the future reside. Crossing over is a short, lonely journey; on the other side is company.

Dr Reginald Naulty, originally from Adelaide, has taught at Charles Sturt University and has been a prolific writer since 1972.

Azra’s distinguish role in serving to lo- Azra Ahmed (second from left) at the cal sub-continent communities was so well Faith Conference University of South recognised that she was twice elected as an Australia, Adelaide. with the Department of Human Services. versity Services. a sister and a friend in a time of need. She community events, fundraisers and projects

She was a source of inspiration and sup- helped countless vulnerable women re- in the St George area. port. She was a guiding light for new mi- gardless of their ethnic and religious back- Azra helped the community gain recoggrants. For many women, she was a mother, ground. She played a leading role in various nition through Quran classes, she ran the weekly Quran classes with special focus on Azra Ahmed (right) with then-Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian reading with Tajweed. Indeed Azra’s love of and Rockdale MP John Flowers, at Arncliffe station, for the lift the Quran will continue to light the lives of approval in 2014. Picture: Jane Dyson. the many children to whom she taught its passages and its meanings. Azra’s community work was not only limited to subcontinent communities. Despite her health issues, she tirelessly worked for the general community especially in her local Arncliffe area; she successfully played a prominent role with Sydney Alliance in lobbying the NSW Government to install lifts at Arncliffe Railway station. Now thousands of people especially with wheel chairs and seniors are benefiting with the lift access to station, May Allah rewards her for the community work (Ameen). We surly have lost a wonderful and truly remarkable human being. This loss is irreplaceable and she will be immensely missed. We take comfort in knowing that she is at peace. We pray to Allah to grant her forgiveness and reward her highest rank in Jannat-ul-Firdous. May Allah also grant sabre-jameel (patience) to her family and friends (Ameen).

Muslim cyclists for cancer research

Monique Cowper

The Great Cycle Challenge may be a big test of strength, endurance and resilience for your average bike rider like Tanja Kubitza and her daughter Mariam Moeladawilah – but it’s nothing like the challenge that kids with cancer face every day of their little lives.

Every October, tens of thousands of Australians take to their bikes to raise money for the ground-breaking cancer research being done in the labs at Children’s Medical Research Institute in Sydney.

In the eight years since the challenge started, the riders have raised more than $25million for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and ultimately finding a cure for childhood cancers.

Tanja Kubitza, Mill Park (VIC) has been an active advocate for the Challenge since the inaugural event in 2013.

Two years later, in 2015, Tanja’s daughter Mariam started riding with her. The passionate mother-daughter duo has been trying to train as much as they can during Victoria’s extended lockdown.

As official Ambassadors for the challenge, Tanja and Mariam have raised more than $36,000 for kids fighting cancer.

This year, the challenge has hit very close to home for 13-year-old Mariam:

“In July, I lost a friend to cancer so I know pretty well what the Great Cycle Challenge is all about. Losing a friend this way still came as a shock and has had a big emotional impact on me. No doubt 2020 has been tough and challenging for any one of us, and it’s even more so for kids fighting for their

IFAM Islamic Quiz for the year 2020 was held online on Saturday 25 July under restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 epidemic, but first time simultaneously all over Australia.

This year participants were not required to appear physically as required previously when quizzes were arranged face to face in some halls or auditoriums in various states of Australia.

Some 230 kids of various age groups and educational level participated. Four groups were formed from A to B, C and D from Year 1 through all grades up to year 10.

Islam Forum for Australian Muslim (IFAM) has been organising Islamic quizzes for the school students for several years now. IFAM first quiz was held in ACT some 14 years ago and due to its popularity and

Mariam Moeladawilah.

lives or those caring for them. This year, I am dedicating my rides to his memory, so the challenge has been much more personal. And we have been keeping our rides within the 5km radius during restrictions.”

Ms Kubitza said that it was important that her daughter understood both the charitable element to the ride as well as the impact a young person like Mariam can have to not only raise awareness for young cancer patients but also to better the lives of others.

“Mariam is very aware that kids should be living life, not fighting for it, and I think overwhelming support by the community, it was later started in NSW and Victoria too.

The purpose for these quizzes is to make our young people aware and familiar with Islamic information and teachings that enables them to educate themselves with important Islamic history, Islamic Moral values, life of Prophet Muhammad (s) and his companions, and importance of daawah work and upholding our Prophet’s Sunnah.

The quiz is also designed so kids can understand Islamic perspectives on contemporary affairs like environment, Climate change, sustainability and cosmology etc.

IFAM volunteers designed and prepared the booklets according to kids’ level of education and their age. Individual booklets were sent to all participants, for the preparation purpose, well ahead of this Quiz.

The IFAM team responsible for organising this quiz worked diligently towards the success of this event and used “Moodle” software for online implementations of this Quiz.

All the participants of quiz were given gift vouchers ranging from $40 to $ 200. However winners were awarded with special

For small kids in group A, the quiz was

Tanja Kubitza.

it’s particularly important at the moment for us all to realise, yes lockdown is hard, but fighting cancer is harder.”

“As long as cancer is still the largest single killer of children from disease in Australia, we will continue to be part of this annual fundraiser and the wonderful community of cyclists brought together by the challenge to support and ultimately help save little lives,’’ Ms Kubitza said.

Children’s Medical Research Institute’s scientist Dr Tony Cesare studies the causes of cancer from the time that our cells are forming. His lab, and many others at CMRI, are trying to stop cancer in its tracks from the very beginning of life.

He thanked all those who have taken part in the Great Cycle Challenge from its inception to today.

“I am enormously thankful for the community fundraising efforts in Australia,’’ Dr Cesare said.

“Every advance in cancer treatment started as a new research project which required funding to make the discoveries that unlocked a medical breakthrough.

“Community efforts, like the Great Cycle Challenge, have provided my laboratory with essential funding for new cutting-edge projects. Without community funding, I worry the well of new ideas can run dry and sacrifice the potential of improved treatments for our older selves and our children. The positive impact of community efforts inspires our work and gives hope to cancer patients.’’

The Great Cycle Challenge can be done anywhere, anytime throughout October! You can hit the road or do it inside on a fixed bike. You choose how many kilometres you want to aim to ride and how much money you’d like to raise – then you just ask your family and friends to sponsor you.

To support Tanja and Mariam, please visit https://greatcyclechallenge.com.au/Riders/ TanyaKubitza

Donations can be made online until late November 2020.

Monique Cowper is the Communications & Media Manager at Children’s Medical Re-

National participation for IFAM’s first online Islamic Quiz

Usman Malik

prizes as well. Nawal Usman from ACT won first prize in group D (Years 7-10).

search Institute in Sydney. noncompetitive however all participants Usman (ACT) won the first prize which was and businesses like Qartaba Homes, ICFAL, were given gift vouchers. It aimed at en- a Umrah ticket (worth $1500), Israa Mu- UAK designs and construction (Sydney), couraging them and building their interest hammad and Mariam Akra got second and Dzine Kitchens, Pacifik Halal Meats (Canfor future too. third prize, $200 and $100 gift vouchers re- berra and Queanbeyan), AAA Rapid homes

However in group B (Year 2 & 3), Aaisha spectively. Sydney. Akra (NSW) won the first Prize which was Brother Nazim Farooq Khan from IFAM All the prizes were posted to the kids and a laptop of worth $950. Hamza Imran and ACT, who was the in charge of this Quiz were appreciated greatly for their involveHaya Majid got second and third position competition, has mentioned that three kids ment. were given gift vouchers of $200 and $ 100 from the same family have got distinguished IFAM President Mr Rais Khan has vowed respectively. achievements in their respective groups. on consistent efforts for doing such activ-

Similarly in group C (Year 4-6), Saliha It is an indication that the household en- ities which promotes healthy competition Zameel (from VIC) was declared winner. vironment and parents educational interac- among kids and put their energies towards She was awarded with a laptop of worth tion with their kids can give highly inspiring valuable learning. $950 as well. Jana Akra and Maira Shaikh overall results. So it is extremely important stood second and third were also given gift to develop healthy intellectual atmosphere Usman Malik is the MGM of IFAM. He is vouchers of $200 and $100 respectively. at homes for good upbringings of kids. based in Sydney.

In the last group D (Year 7 -10), Nawal This Quiz was sponsored by individuals


UMMAH Travesty of justice: Babri mosque demolition accused acquitted

Mohamed Ainullah

On Wednesday 30 September 2020, the special CBI court acquitted all the 32 accused belonging to the ruling BJP Hindu nationalist party, some of whom had publicly admitted and boasted of their involvement in the 1992 demolition of 16th century mosque in Ayodhya in India.

In November 2019 the Supreme court, although called the demolition of the mosque illegal, paved the way for the construction of a temple on the same land whose foundation stone was laid by PM Modi on 5 August 2020. Muslim and opposition groups have claimed both verdicts as a result of compromised judiciary in India under the Modi government.

After the demolition of the mosque on 6 December 1992 by extremists of Sangh Parivar, a coalition of Hindu Supremacist organisations led by a number of BJP leaders, on 16 December 1992, the Union home ministry set up the Liberhan Commission to investigate the destruction of the Mosque, headed by retired High Court Judge M. S. Liberhan.

After hundreds of sittings over 16 years, the Commission submitted over a 1000 page report to the then Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 30 June 2009 concluding that the events of 6 December 1992, in Ayodhya were “neither spontaneous nor unplanned”.

In April 2017, a special Central Bureau

steadily with morning commuters. None slow or glance at the dirty sugar cane sack lying on its side in the middle of the median strip. Two street dogs lay guard at the foot of the sack. Next to them, cold ashes of a makeshift fire flutter in the breeze. At the approach of two strangers, the dogs bare their teeth and pulling flat their ears, let out a rumbling growl deep within their chest.

Inside the sack is eight year old Sameer. Orphaned at five, Sameer’s parents were killed during the conflict that has gripped Afghanistan for the past four decades. Sameer has lived on the streets, scraping an existence begging for food and sleeping wherever he can. The two street dogs are his only friends, laying guard at his feet when he sleeps. With no access to school, adequate shelter or healthcare, Sameer never knows where his next meal is coming from. Malnourished and with little hope for a better life, he begs for long hours every day and of Investigation court framed criminal conspiracy charges against BJP leaders, L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharti, Vinay Katiyar, and several others. But on the court verdict delivered on 30th September 2020, all 32 accused including L.K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharti, Vinay Katiyar and several others in the case were acquitted on account of inconclusive evidence where the special court judge stating “The demolition was not preplanned.”

The witness testimonies, video cassettes, voice recordings, and photographs presented by the CBI were not considered as sufficient evidence to prove that the accused “gathered in a room to plan the scheme”.

Indian Muslims have accused the ruling BJP government of increasingly compromising the traditionally independent judiciary since Modi came to power in line with the idealogical agenda of converting India from a secular democracy towards a Hindu Rashtra or state.

This has been evident in a number moves by the government in passing anti-Muslim legislation, clampdown in Muslim Majority Kashmir, police and mob violence against protestors and sedition charges for opposition and Muslim individuals airing their opinions against government policies.

All India Muslim Personal Law Board and other prominent Muslim groups have sharply reacted to the judgment of the special CBI court, Lucknow saying it is another big jolt to the Indian judicial system after the 9 November, 2019, Babri Masjid title suit verdict.

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) also expressed disappointment at the verdict given by the designated CBI special court in the Babri Masjid demolition.

The JIH President, Syed Sadatullah Hussaini said even after 28 years, the justice that people were seeking has not been delivered.

He said the designated court has acquitted all the accused citing lack of evidence notwithstanding the fact that just 10 months back the Supreme Court of India had called the demolition a criminal act and a violation of the law.

“How the court arrived at the conclusion that there was no conspiracy to demolish the masjid and that the act was spontaneous and not pre-planned is difficult to understand.”

“The entire Ramjanmbhoomi movement and the Rath-yatra initiated by L K Advani one of the main accused in the case was nothing but a mission to construct a temple at the exact same site where the masjid stood. If the self-proclaimed mission repeated by the accused several times to replace

on the streets begging for food

the existing mosque with a temple, hundreds of times and recorded in full public view is not evidence of a conspiracy of the criminal act perpetrated by thousands of frenzied kar-sevaks on 6 December 1992, then what is?” Hussaini asked.

In its reaction, the Social Democratic party of India (SDPI) said the verdict was not unexpected in the present Indian political scenario which is highly frustrating and will shatter the hope of the common people in the Indian judiciary. MK Faizy, National President of SDPI said the Court observation that the demolition was not a planned activity and the accused were not involved in the crime is nothing less than mockery of justice. The nation has once again been betrayed. Justice in India has become a reverie, he said.

He pointed out that the Sangh Parivar through meticulous planning has gradually erased democracy and developed a strong network of pro-Sanghi bureaucracy and judiciary to support all their “illegal and an-

Afghanistan: Bringing Sameer home from the streets

Banafsheh Serov Eight year old Sameer was living On a busy Kabul street traffic moves and sleeping wherever he can

ti-democratic acts and activities”. falls asleep hungry and exhausted. COVID-19, dangers to children have com- the ball with other boys.

Child labour in Afghanistan is a common pounded as they are locked out of healthcare Though he misses the street dogs, Sameer occurrence. Among this group, the most to keep the virus at bay. is grateful to have a warm bed, clean cloths, vulnerable are the children working on the Since rescued from the street by the staff plenty of nutritious food and new friends to street. According to UNICEF, decades of of Mahboba’s Promise, Sameer has joined play with. No longer forced to scrape an exconflict and instability In Afghanistan has the other boys and girls from the Hope istence, Sameer can once more dream of a eroded the family unit and the societal safety House in attending regular school classes. better future for himself. nets that protect the children. Access to ba- Dressed in new clothes and his hair cut, he ‘I’m glad I can study so one day I can besic services such as water, health and educa- looks refreshed. His brows crinkled at the come an engineer or a doctor.’ tion are seriously compromised. Additional- bridge of his nose, he copies the letters on Contributions to Mahboba’s Promise ly, the street children face daily humiliation, the blackboard. Later, playing football in the make a real difference in the lives of chilstigmatisation and physical abuse. Since yard, he’s brimming as he kicks and chases dren, such as Sameer. Rescued from a life


‘I’m glad I can study so one day I can become an engineer or a doctor.’ Sameer after being rescued by Mahboba’s Promise.

of poverty with no prospect of a livelihood, Sameer is given the chance to rewrite his future. He lives in a safe and secure home environment, has access to healthcare, nutritious food and education. He is given a second chance at life, to reach his full potential, and to be a major force in rebuilding his country.

You can help make a difference in the lives of children like Sameer. Please donate to our Rescue the Street Children of Afghanistan project and give the children a better future. Donate today at: https://mahbobaspromise.org/street-kids


LIFESTYLE 14 - 15 UMMAH 16 - 18 EDUCATION 19 BUSINESS 20 - 21 SOCIAL 22 - 23 UMMAH AMUST Destroying Democracy: Modi’s authoritarian rule in India Panelists of the Reclaiming India virtual conference.

Bilkis Dadi: Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in 2020.

Zia Ahmad

Indian Hindu nationalist BJP government has become authoritarian, destroying democratic institutions, undermining minority rights, equality under the law, freedom of religion, the right to dissent, independence of the judiciary and press freedom, leading jurists, civil rights activists, journalists and students have said.

Participating in various panel discussions last weekend 3-4 October at a virtual convaid Mir, Omar Abdullah, vice president of ference, Reclaiming India, panelists said the only way to combat the Modi government’s authoritarian conduct would be to strengthen the institutions, including the judiciary, and create South Asian solidarity.

Speakers also drew parallels between the ongoing struggle of India’s Dalit community with the Black Lives Matter movement while examining the similarities between Hindutva and white supremacist ideologies.

The diverse variety of speakers laid out the state of democracy in India providing vision and forward-thinking strategies to

Kashmiri leaders form alliance to restore Article 370

Kashmiri leaders, Farooq Abdullah with his son former chief minister Omar Abdullah and former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti during a joint press conference on Thursday 15 October 2020 in Srinagar.

Mohamed Ainullah National Conference and other senior leaders. Freed Kashmiri leaders, imprisoned for place at a meeting held at the NationalConthe past one year, on Thursday 15 Octo- ference chief’s residence to discuss ‘Gupkar ber 2020, have announced the formation Declaration’. of an alliance of political parties in Jam- ‘Gupkar Declaration’ is a joint effort of mu and Kashmir in order to campaign all the regional mainstream political parties for the restoration of the special status of of Jammu and Kashmir – the National ConKashmir before the abolition of Article ference, the Peoples Democratic Party, the 370 of the Indian Constitution last year. Peoples Conference, the Awami National

The announcement was made by the Na- Conference and the CPI (M) – to fight for tional Conference President and Member the state’s special status. Parliament Farooq Abdullah in the pres- “We have named this alliance as People’s ence of his son, former chief minister Omar Alliance for Gupkar Declaration. Our battle Abdullah and Peoples Democratic Party’s is a constitutional battle, we want the gov(PDP) president and former chief minister ernment of India to return to the people of Mehbooba Mufti during a joint press con- the State the rights they held before 5th Auference on October 15, 2020 in Srinagar, gust 2019,” Farooq Abdullah said. Kashmir. The alliance will hold talk with other

The BJP central government scrapped the parties and stakeholders on all issues reJammu and Kashmir’s special status last lated with Kashmir. Farooq Abdullah said year on 5 August 5 and has put the state into the alliance also seeks a dialogue between lockdown ever since. all stakeholders for resolution of the issue

The alliance meeting was attended by pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir. “We will Mufti, Peoples Conference chairman Sa- be informing you about the future course of jad Lone, CPIM leader Mohammad Yousuf action in due course,” the Jammu and KashTarigami and Peoples Movement leader Ja- mir’s NC president added. The formation of all-party alliance took

save democracy and protect human rights India and Supreme Court lawyer Ms Indira and religious freedom in India. Jaising said “criminal procedure has been

The conference was organised by Global eroded and become a plaything in the hands India Progressive Alliance, Hindus for Hu- of [Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s] govman Rights, India Civil Watch International, ernment.” Power in the legal profession was Indian American Muslim Council, and Stu- now “emanating from the executive, and the dents Against Hindutva Ideology. judges know this.”

Bilkis Dadi from Shaheen Bagh, who was Condemning the arrests of activists unrecently featured in Time Magazine among der the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) the 100 most influential people in 2020, Act (UAPA) on charges of conspiracy in made a video appearance in which she stat- violence in Delhi that killed 50 people, ed, “We are not begging the government to two-third of them Muslims, last February, give us alms. We are only asking for equal she said protesting the Citizenship (Amendrights. Modi is also my son. If I didn’t give ment) Act did not amount to a “conspiracy birth to him, my sister did. Women have to undermine the sovereignty and integrity achieved (in these protests) what men were of India.” not able to do.” Renowned journalist Ms Arfa Khanum

Speaking on the topic Sherwani added, “I of “Independent Judici- would classify the Shaary Under threat”, Vet- heen Bagh movement eran civil rights activ- as a feminist movement ist and Supreme Court because I saw for the lawyer Mr Prashant first time women who Bhushan came down had never been to any heavily against Prime political protest or site, Minister Narendra Mr Hamid Ansari. making the journey Modi’s government. from their kitchens to

“This government has singularly tried to the protest site within 24 hours.” subvert the independence of the judiciary, Congress party’s Member of Parliament firstly, by not making the appointment of Shashi Tharoor said, “I am glad that the orindependent judges and getting independ- ganisers of the Reclaiming India conference ent judges transferred,” Mr Bhushan said. have chosen to focus on some of the most “This government is using post-retirement important issues confronting India’s democjobs to subvert the independence of the ju- racy, and pluralism today.” diciary and, worst of all, it is using agencies Mumbai-based human rights lawyer Mito blackmail judges… If the judiciary has to hir Desai who is the convenor of People’s be saved, this government must go.” Union for Civil Liberties in Maharashtra,

Former Indian Vice-President Hamid An- said the Modi government had “mastered sari said the mass protests by Muslim wom- the use of these [draconian] laws to turn en against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act victims into the accused. in Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh had been “unique Congress party leader, Salman Soz, said in more than one sense. One, that it was all the CAA and the National Register for women; two, it was spontaneous; and three, Citizens (NRC) were “wrong” and it was the majority, but not the totality, of partici- important to criticize them openly. “If you pants were Muslim women.” don’t say it, it may seem like it’s politically

He said that the same Muslim women the right thing, but actually you’re empowwho were being said to need “saviours” just ering the other side.” a couple years ago “had suddenly turned out Sunita Viswanath, Co-founder of Hindus to save India’s democracy… It was a very for Human Rights closed the conference powerful movement [and] it sent a very with, “Over the past two days we witnessed powerful message.” so much courage from frontline activists,

Mr Ansari said the way the government politicians, intellectuals from India; and responded to the anti-CAA protests by at- also the fierce unwavering solidarity from tacking campuses showed that the police all of us, your brothers and sisters in the was “more politicised” than earlier, the me- diaspora. Reclaiming India was born over dia was “communalised to the core”, and these two days and we pledge to stay tothe bureaucrats were “literally airing their gether and grow our coalition globally and views” in support of the government’s auto- be back for our second conference this time cratic and ideological response. next year: ReclaimingIndia@74.”

Former Additional Solicitor General of

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