Issue 200 - July/Eid ul-Adha 2022

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Multicultural News & Views

JULY 2022; DHUL HAJJ 1443

Extending One Eid in One City to One World BOOMERANG PAGE 4


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Celebrating 200 issues of AMUST




A tribute to my dadi: Mrs Jamal Ara Ahmad LIFESTYLE PAGE 14

Fatima Payman: Australia’s youngest senator and the first hijabi in Parliament Zia Ahmad She loves coffee, spicy chicken burgers and exclamation marks, and rocks a hijab. And on Monday 20 June 2022, Fatima Payman was confirmed as Labor’s newest Senator from Western Australia to sit in the Australian Federal Parliament in Canberra. The election of this 27-year old Muslim Australian to Senate breaks some records: the first hijab-wearing member of Parliament; the first person of Afghan origin in Parliament; the youngest sitting Senator (and the third youngest Senator in Australian history). Being an Australian Senator is a long way from the beginning of her story as a young child aged 5 in 1999, when her father fled Afghanistan into Pakistan, and then “jumped on a boat and travelled

the Indian Ocean to find a better life for his three children and his wife.” Fatima speaks with pride of her parents. She describes her mother as “her biggest role model and superhero”, explaining that she established a driving school to teach multicultural women how to drive. It took three years for her, her mother and her siblings to join her father in Perth, where the family struggled hard to settle in their new homeland, and to provide Fatima with the foundation to reach to the skies i n

Fatima Payman.

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their new land of opportunity, Australia. Politics runs in Ms Payman’s blood. Her late father was the son of a politician in Afghanistan’s parliament. Politics was a topic of long discussions around the dinner table. Her father had a vision for more inclusive environment, and for helping those less advantaged. His dream was for Fatima to one day make life better for people in Afghanistan by becoming a member of the Afghan parliament, because he never imagined that to be possible for his daughter in Australia. Fatima is a former head girl of Australian Islamic College in Kewdale, obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Sociology and Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Western Australia. She is currently studying for Masters in Public Policy at Macquarie University. She has a background in unions and the Labor movement where she started working as a volunteer for an upper house MLC in the WA Parliament, and also worked as a political organiser in a workers’ union, advocating for fair pay and better working conditions. Fatima’s priorities are centred on giving everyone a fair go. She believes in her party’s motto of “no one held back, no one left behind”. Particular priority areas include helping aged care workers and early childhood educators get more resources and better working conditions, getting people from more diverse backgrounds in politics, and climate change. continued on page 3




NSW Budget 2022-23: Full of sweeteners BUSINESS PAGE 29

AMAN lodges legal complaint against Twitter

Mohamed Ainullah The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN), known for its landmark legal win against former Senator Fraser Anning, has lodged a religious vilification and discrimination complaint against Twitter. The action is being lodged against Twitter’s global and Australian companies in the Queensland Human Rights Commission. The action alleges that Twitter is liable as a publisher for vilifying third-party content following the landmark HCA Voller decision involving Meta and the recent Barilaro decision involving Google. There are 419 hate artifacts in total, including 29 tweets inciting hatred and 390 comments and quotes on those tweets, all published by Twitter. AMAN also alleges direct and indirect discrimination by Twitter. Twitter directly discriminates by allowing accounts to vilify Muslims even where there is extensive evidence in the comment threads of the effects. continued on page 3

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NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

India turning into a brutal police state Zia Ahmad Delhi Police arrested Mohammed Zubair, 39, co-founder of fact-checking website Alt News, on Monday 27 June 2022 supposedly on a tweet he posted in 2018 with no notice or reason given before his arrest and was then taken to an undisclosed location. Zubair, a former telecom engineer from the Bengaluru, and Sinha, a software engineer from Ahmedabad, founded Alt News in 2017 and have since exposed numerous fake news pushed by Hindu right-wing cells through mainstream or social media in support of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Two days before Zubair’s arrest, Teesta Setalvad, prominent Indian rights defender was picked up by the anti-terrorism wing of the police in Gujarat and was formally arrested on Sunday 26 June, with rights group Amnesty International calling it a “direct reprisal against those who dare to question” the government’s human rights record. Teesta Setalvad’s arrest by the Gujarat Police was called “direct reprisal against those who dare to question” the government’s human rights record by Amnesty International.

Mohammed Zubairm, Alt News, was arrested by Delhi Police and taken to an undisclosed location. It was Zubair who exposed BJP national spokeswoman Nupur Sharma and Delhi media operation head Naveen Kumar Jindal who vilified Prophet Mohammad (s) and his family in a TV debate and on social media towards the end of May. Global social media outcry, particularly in the Middle East led a number of Muslim countries to question the anti-Muslim policies of the Modi government in India. Muslims staged protests in many parts of India that also led to clashes with members of the BJP goons and police, particularly in UP where scores of young Muslims were arrested and threatened with the demolition of their homes. A number of videos went viral on social media showcasing widespread police brutality against Muslim protestors in various cities of India and several cases of severe beatings under police custody and threats of demolition of the family homes of hundreds arrested since Friday 10 June.

“The government of India is selectively and viciously cracking down on Muslims who dare to speak up and peacefully express their dissent against the discrimination faced by them,” said Aakar Patel, chair of Amnesty International India Board. There has been a trend for several months now called “bulldozer justice”, where heavy machinery has been deployed to demolish houses, shops and community establishments targeting the Muslim minority in several cities of India. A widely publicised case has been the demolition of the family home of Javed Mohammed, the leader of the Welfare Party in India in the state of UP ruled by a monk Yogi Adityanath, well known for his Islamophobic outbursts. Javed’s young daughter, Afreen Fatima, 22, a student activist has been vocal about laws they consider discriminatory to Muslims and the bulldozing of their family home last week by the government was considered

Muslim Lawn

as a punishment for their activism. In a media release dated Tuesday 14 June, Amnesty International India said, “Indian authorities must immediately put an end to the excessive use of force in response to large scale protests in the country that has resulted in the death of at least two people, including a child, and in many others suffering injuries since last Friday.” The organization also called for the immediate and unconditional release of those arbitrarily arrested solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. A number of Australian organisations including ANIC and IFAM issued statements condemning the abusive outbursts by the former BJP officials as well as highlighting the increase in vilification of Islam and demonisation of Muslim in India since Modi and Yogi came to power, nationally and in the most populous state of UP respectively.

Kemps Creek Memorial Park has a dedicated lawn for the Muslim community with peaceful rural vistas.

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Part of the local community 2


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ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25



SOCIAL 30 - 31

Fatima Payman: Australia’s youngest senator and the first hijabi in Parliament Continued from page 1 “Yes, I am the first hijab-wearing woman in parliament,” she says, “but it was my Labor values that carried me here.” But she also hopes that her election will help normalise the idea of wearing a hijab. Many hijab-wearers around Australia will identify with the pivotal moment that Senator Payman describes as leading her to politics. She was the only hijab-wearing person at an event with 200 people, when a senior lady came up to her and said, in a kind of condescending tone, “So how do you fit in all of this?” Until that point, Fatima had not thought of herself as different from other Australians, but that comment made her feel “like a sore thumb sticking out and I thought that needs to change”. Entering Parliament is part of driving that change. “Not only because Islamophobia has been rife in the media, but I want young girls who do decide to wear the hijab to actually do it with pride.” Fatima will inspire young people from diverse backgrounds, saying, “I hope to be an inspiration to many other young Australians, that just because you believe in God, or just because you look different, it shouldn’t

prevent you from being involved in such an important institution.” This vibrant, well-educated young woman, with the support of an Australian pub-

No end to misery in Afghanistan Zia Ahmad While Australia celebrated the election of 27 year old Fatima Payman on Monday 20 June as the first Senator of Afghan origin, the long suffering of the people in her home country continues with yet another setback, a devastating earthquake on Wednesday morning 22 June 2022 that has killed more than 1000 people with injuries to thousands more. Afghanistan has been a failed state as a result of the invasion by the Soviet Union during the late seventies followed by a long spell of civil war and then 20 years of “War on Terror” and occupation by US that ended last year. With the restoration of power to the “New Taliban” the initial hope that Afghans will get a break from their miserable conditions have been dashed where the current regime has not delivered on an end to lawlessness, violence, discrimination and isolation from the world community.

With half the population, their females restricted from taking part in public life including education, freedom of movement, development of life skills and active participation in good governance, no wonder Afghans are suffering from starvation, homelessness and poverty. A large number of Afghans are the victims if internal and external displacement, millions of refugees in neighbouring Iran and Pakistan while some of the diaspora have been lucky to escape to the West including Australia.

JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200


New BBC Studios Doco-Series Kayla Groombridge BBC Studios Australia is making an observational documentary series following the unique and fascinating tradition of cultural matchmaking. The word ‘matchmaker’ might spark cringe but in many countries, matchmaking remains the preferred way to find Mr or Mrs Right. In today’s dating world of apps and social media, how do these human algorithms serve contemporary Aussie singles? Is cultural matchmaking an antiquated practice or simply old school common sense? This series deep dives into a unique and very private world. Where old traditions jump the hurdle of family acceptance only to collide with intergenerational beliefs of love and marriage. The series follows leading matchmakers as they navigate the dating process to find a partner for one or several Australian singles and their families. We’ll follow the process as matchmakers set about to find a suitable partner for several of their suitors … and their families. This heart-warming yet confronting series re-writes the book of love. With individual choice and preference heavily embedded the process, family expectations and life ambitions are explored against a backdrop of cultural expectations clashing against intergenerational change. With such high stakes, and failing marriage rates throughout Australia, can more be learned from an approach that refuses to leave love to chance alone? BBC is looking for both singles who would be open to being a part of this series and previously matched couples who would be open to sharing their experience. If you would like more information or would like to get involved, please contact:



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AMAN lodges legal complaint against Twitter Continued from page 1 Twitter indirectly discriminates by failing to apply Australian standards of vilification, including Queensland law, which bans public acts that incite hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule of a group based on a protected characteristic. This is a term that Australian Muslims cannot comply with without suffering discriminatory harm. Disinformation portraying groups as subhuman or inhuman based on their religion or race has the effect of inciting hatred and therefore violates Australian standards. The action follows two years of work by AMAN, beginning with a year of direct engagement with Twitter. In 2021, AMAN successfully sought orders to remove 141 hate artifacts by former Senator Fraser Anning. Twitter published 55 of those artifacts but refused to take them

lic that voted for change and diversity, has exceeded her father’s dream. She says, “I know he would be proud of me.” She sums up by saying, “You can’t be what you can’t see, and if that [Parliament] is not reflective of the general Australian public then how can you have complete faith that they can hear your voice, and be your voice in power?”


down until after AMAN’s legal win. AMAN also has a race discrimination and section 18C complaint on foot through the Australian Human Rights Commission against Meta, proceeding despite Meta’s efforts. These actions are the only avenue the community has, but they come at a tremendous cost to the community and human rights bodies. The Federal Government can change this by penalising platforms that don’t meet Australian legal standards. The Federal Government must bring unlawful vilification within the scope of the Online Safety Act. During a Parliamentary Inquiry into Social Media and Online Safety earlier this year, Labor Senators called for this reform.













NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

Extending One Eid in One City to One World Dr Mohammed Naushaduddin For Muslims, since the time of Prophet Mohammad (s) time-keeping was important. The sun or the moon were important tools in a larger template of time-keeping, which itself was meant to give order and meaning to life. While the world fought battles over calendars and the dates on which to base their rituals and festivals, Muslims celebrated Eid in serenity, content with simple but meaningful concepts that sustains their world. That is how 1400 years went by. The Fiqhi Issues Qur’an Islam does not attach any religious significance to the moon, the sun, or in fact, to the time itself. They are all considered the tools for human comfort – be it spiritual or material. “It is he who made the sun to be a shining glory, and the moon to be a light and measured out stages for her; that you might know the number of years and the count. Nowise did Allah create this but in truth and righteousness. He does explain his signs in detail, for those who understand.” (Quran 10:5) Ahadeeth And Ahadeeth (sayings and practices of the Prophet) need to be seen in context; otherwise, they seem inconsistent: • “Whenever you sight the new moon observe fast, and when you sight it break it, and if the sky is cloudy for you, then observe fast for thirty days.” (Sahih Muslim, 2378) • “Do not begin the fast until you see the new moon, and do not break the fast until you see it. If the new moon is obscured from you, then work out.” (al-Muwatta, 18.1.1). • “Abu Umayr: Some men came riding to the Prophet and testified that they had

sighted the new moon the previous day. He, therefore, commanded the people to break the fast and to go out to their place of prayer in the morning.” (Abu Dawud, 1153) Context We know that Qur’anic commands are principles and Ahadeeth are contextual. It is now up to us to figure out the intended hikmah of Allah. If the early Muhadiththoon had not worked out the Sahih Ahadeeth, we would have never agreed which is true and which is a fabricated hadeeth today. It was a human effort. Why moonsighting controversy today? Internet The urge to celebrate Eid on one day is driven by globalisation of world, through the internet and social media. Now, one can constantly relate to events happening on the other side of the world in real time. These events become acutely significant when family or friends live far away, yet are very close to heart. Mass migration The appeal of the internet would not have been significant if related people had not settled in widely different parts of the world. Today, it is not uncommon for families and friends to live and work at extremes of the

world and still feel connected. It is understandable they want to celebrate Eid together. We are social beings; it is Fitrah. Speaking the global language After opposing European languages in the 19th century (when language was weaponised to subjugate), the ulema warmed up to the modern world in the later 20th century. Now all Muslims have an easy access to Arabic traditions and modern sciences simultaneously. The paradigm is shifting. Options available Astro-Eid (Global Eid) The Turks were the first to use the astronomical data to celebrate Eid. In the early 20th century, the socialists of Modern Turkey had accepted the astronomical data as a good evidence. Islamists ruling Turkey today find no contradictions with this practice. Science tends to unite people. The French has been using the astronomical data to celebrate Eid since 2013. Many societies in the US and UK too. For the many Muslims, finding a link between the tradition of sighting Hilaal (new-crescent) and establishing the credibility of the astronomical data is a challenge. It is as much an emotional issue as Fiqhi. If one can use astronomical data to keep times for the salah, one may as well use the same for

the moon too. The ever widening ‘local’ Modernity has introduced the word local, national and regional hilaal. However, the Ulema could never define what ‘local’ means. In the remote past, ‘local’ meant few kilometres covered by the human foot or animal transport. In the 20th century, mechanised transport brought the news of the sighting of the Hilaal to the cities from few hundred kilometres away. When telephonic and telegraphic communication arrived, the meaning of ‘local’ was further widened to mean the whole country – then under the influence of colonial empires. During this dawning of new realities, the ulema rightly agreed to widen the definition of ‘local’ to a geographic land ruled by a sovereign government. This was the age when trans-national trade or mixing of the population was banned by mercantile colonial powers. That meant the information on the newmoon was limited to the national boundaries. Eid united people, uplifted them, information flowed, progress was slow but spread. Today we live in a global village, in the age of the internet. Today, the borders are meant to keep only the people out. Ideas move around easily. Australia, more than twice the size of India, is considered as ‘local’. Why should a person living in Darwin accept a Hilaal in Sydney (~ 4,000 km south) and not East Timor (~700 km north)? Is current confusion ‘Permissible’ It will be very difficult to accept the current divisive scenario as desirable. Islam came to make life easy and wither contradictions in life. The practice of Prophet Mohammad (s) was quite clear: celebration of one eid on one day in the same city (Abu Dawud, 1153). One Eid around the world, in our connected global village, will be a welcome legacy for our children. Dr Mohammed Naushaduddin is a General Practitioner in South West Sydney, Australia.

Circumambulation is a cosmic law

Sukoon Quteifan

Allah Almighty says, “And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float, each in an orbit. (Quran 21: 33) This glorious verse refers to a scientific fact concerning the system of the universe. Scientific discoveries have proved that we live in a huge universe that depends on revolution. The earth revolves round the sun once a year, the moon revolves around the earth once per lunar month, and the other planets of the solar system also revolve round the sun, each in its own orbit. Besides, most of these planets have moons that revolve around them, each, also, in its own orbit. Astronomers have discovered more than 60 of these moons so far. The solar system, likewise, orbits the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. This galaxy consists of more than 130 billion stars. Galaxies, in turn, revolve round a center that only Almighty Allah knows. The law of revolution applies also to atoms, the smallest units of elements that cannot be seen even by microscopes. An atom is composed of a nucleus whose diameter is less than a millionth of a millimeter surrounded by electrons that move round the atom in an orbit. Since all matter in the universe, whether solid, liquid, or gas, consists of atoms, this


means that the law of revolution applies to everything: stars, planets, moons, animals, plants, sand, seas, air, and so on. This includes cells as well. The cytoplasm in the cell moves around the nucleus. There is a common factor between the orbital movements of all these objects that their revolution is counter clockwise. Contemplating the above lines, we come to realize that revolution is a cosmic law. With a believer’s meditation upon such a scientific fact, another image of revolution is brought to one’s mind: the pilgrims’ circumambulation of the Ka`bah, which is a basic ritual of Hajj in Islam. Circumambulating the Ka`bah is a symbolic act of worship, whose wisdom may be hidden from some. It indicates the believers’ utter submission to Almighty Allah alone. The pilgrims go to Hajj in response to the divine order that Prophet Abraham (a) conveyed to people. Allah Almighty says, “And (remember) when We prepared for Abraham the place of the (holy) House, saying: Ascribe thou no thing as partner unto Me, and purify My House for those who make the round (thereof) and those who stand and those who bow and make prostration. And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage. They will come unto thee on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep ravine.” (Quran 22: 26-27) This signifies that the Ka`bah is the spiritual centre of the believers. It refers to the close bond that should be between a believer and his Lord. A believer turns toward the Ka`bah five times a day during the pre-


scribed ritual Prayers. A pilgrim circumambulates the Ka`bah as if he or she is a celestial body orbiting another greater body. Circumambulation of the Ka`bah is to be performed counter clockwise. This indicates that there is a joint factor between a pilgrim’s expressing his ultimate faith in Almighty Allah by circumambulating the Ka`bah in that way and between the cosmic law of revolution discussed above. This indicates that there is consistency between the obligations of worship in Islam and the natural laws that govern the universe, which indicates that they all belong to only one source, that is, Almighty Allah. This proves the truthfulness of the call of Islam that there is no god but Almighty Allah and that Islam is the true religion that


provides humankind with a comprehensive view in conformity with the divine truth that is apparent in the natural laws of the universe. This art work is influenced by an article for: Prof Dr Ahmad Fouad Pasha, Cairo University. Read More on islamonlin : /en/tawaf-is-a-cosmic-law/ Sukoon Quteifan is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Sydney, Australia. She is the creator and the illustrator of “Sukoon Al Quloob - Peace of Hearts”, an Islamic Cartoons facebook page. You can follow her on facebook @SukoonQuteifanArt.

ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31

AMUST enters 9th year of it’s re-publication with Issue # 200

With the publication of Issue #200 July refugee rights, rights 2022, AMUST enters into the ninth year of people with disaof its re-publication as a community bility while working positive news platform. towards an inclusive Starting in January 1991 originally as the society. Australian Muslim Times, a multilingual However it indeed community newspaper, it was restarted as an has been a tough year English only full colour monthly print news- for the AMUST team paper from July 2014 renamed the Australa- so far. sian Muslim Times AMUST. Starting the year AMUST is well established as a multi- 2022 with a family cultural multimedia platform run by Seena wedding in January, Incorporated, a not for profit organisation we encountered three producing in addition to the monthly news- funerals within our paper in print, monthly digital e-Newspa- close family. per, weekly Email Newsletter, a dynamic AMUST’s most frequently refreshed website and presence valuable team memon major social media platforms in order to ber, Dr Qazi Ashfaq disseminate positive community news about Ahmad, starting as Editor-in-Chief back in our Australian multicultural community and 1991 and later as Chief adviser, columnist and global affairs. proofreader passed away in February at the AMUST continued its publication age of 91 after a few days of hospitalisation. throughout the two and a half years of COVHe was a constant companion, colleague, ID-19 pandemic with regularity and admirer, supporter, well wisher of punctuality even during the strict AMUST and of course my dear faSydney metro lockdown from ther through whose blessed presJuly to October 2021. ence, prayers, encouragement Although AMUST prides and advice we remained steaditself to be a positive news fast in producing AMUST. Zia Ahmad platform, however it does My younger sister, Fauzia not shy away from seeking passed away towards the end Assalamu out truth and boldly raising of Ramadan in April after a Alaikum awareness of injustice, corprolonged illness that did trauGreetings ruption, persecution and abuse matise our whole extended famof power and wealth while proily. of Peace moting corrective action in order to My mother, Mrs Jamal Ara Ahmad, build an equitable, fair and just society, almost 90, although remained in a stable locally and globally. condition even after the loss of her husband AMUST is largely managed and produced and daughter, but gradually needed hospitaliby a dedicated core team of volunteers sation and finally passed away on Monday 13 helped by an Australia-wide network of vol- June, Queen’s birthday holiday. unteer writers, contributors and distributers. In addition to being my parents, both of It promotes dialogue, communication and them played a significant role throughout meeting of people from different faiths, in- these long years since 1991 as AMUST team digenous groups and ethnic communities members with their blessed presence within as well as championing women’s rights, our home/office and moral and physical sup-



AMUST ISSUE # 200 FRIDAY 1 JULY 2022 1 DHUL HAJJ 1443 News


- Senator Fatima Payman - India: A police state



- One Eid in One City to One World - AMUST enters 9th year - Ethnic supremacists target Muslims

9 - 13


- Symposium on social cohesion - Australia’s women’s festival - ‘Rahat’ Music CD


14 - 15

- Pacific nations and climate security - Future Entrepreneur summit 2022

FEATURE port for our projects. During the last few years when they were frail, where we looked after them while managing and balancing our time with AMUST production, they were still a source of moral strength and prayers for AMUST. As soon as the print copies were delivered at our premises, I would proudly give the first copies to Abbu and Ammi seeing their face lit up that would be my reward after working 18 hours per day during the last few days of its production. During the production of this 200th issue, alas they were missing and it is not the same without them after these long years of companionship where we have lost their blessed presence. It is indeed end of an era for AMUST as well as for our family and although they are not with us anymore but with the skills and training they provided for us and the projects they initiated, our mission continues as their Sadaqa Jaria Inshallah. Please pray for my parents and for all our family and the continuation of our mission.

16 - 17

- AMUST Milestone: Celebrating 200 issues of Australian Muslim Media


18 - 23

- Modest Fashion: Elegant & Modern - Tribute to my Dadi - Check your hearing


24 - 25

- Chinese government imprisonment - Voices against Islamophobia


26 - 28

- Legacy of Dr Ashfaq Ahmad - Islamic Outreach Forum


Business - NSW Budget 2022-2023 - Sustainability even in prayer


30 - 31

- Social spotlights - #StopBuildozingMuslimHouses

Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in articles, and Letters to the Editor, Website Comments are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Australasian Muslim Times.

Readers comments AMUST Team Re: Why is Hajj getting so ex- it’s worth paying to be a Guest of Allah?” It need my son as my mahram with me. is dreadful to reduce the once in a lifetime Donia S pensive A valid question but unfortunately your article doesn’t really get to the heart of the matter. Sure you can rattle off some of the elements that have increased, but the real issues are: - what programs are there to accomodate low income earners and people from poor countries. - Why do muslims in some countries wait for years on a hajj waiting list to see if they will be allowed to enter the holy cities to perform their religious obligation, whilst people from wealthy countries can go every year. - who is profiting from hajj? Why is it not run in a not for profit way? A lot of the expenses can be saved by reducing the time spent (hajj is not a month long activity). And above all I most disagree with your closing remark “ How much do you think

spiritual journey to a monetary transaction especially when the beneficiaries of our spending for hajj are global hoteliers and institutional shareholders and other individuals who collectively operate this “religious tourism” sector. Sadly I think hajj is expensive because there are people taking advantage of Muslim’s who will pay. Chada Z

His article says that people say they will wait for it to get cheaper. I don’t think that’s the case. For me, I’ve been saying I need to wait to save up for the cost. But by the time I save up, the price has gone up again. And I’m not just paying for myself. I need to pay for each family member as well because I

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Editor-in-Chief: Zia Ahmad Managing Editor: Mobinah Ahmad Graphic Designer: Rubinah Ahmad Multimedia Journalist: Mehar Ahmad Columnist: Dr Abul Jalaluddin (Finance) Columnist: Bilal Cleland (Victoria) Columnist: Manarul Islam (ACT) Columnist: Dr Daud Batchelor (QLD) Columnist: Zahid Jamil (NSW) Columnist: Shahjahan Khan (QLD) Promotion: Dr Wali Bokhari Web Developer: Printers: Spotpress Pty Ltd Distributers: Abul Fateh Siddiqui, Shujaat Siddiqui, Usaid Khalil, Ibrahim Khalil, Usman Siddiqui, Zahid Alam, Shahab Siddiqui, Mahmoud Jaame, Mateen Abbas, Rashid Idris, Sakinah Ahmad, Anjum Rafiqi, Hasan Fazeel, Dr Quasim, Ismail Hossain, Hanif Bismi, Luqman Landy.

Contact AMUST Post: PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg (Sydney), NSW 2177 Australia. Email: Web: Phone: (02) 9158 3020 Facebook: @amustnews Instagram: @amustnews Twitter: @amustnews





NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

Your Piety Their Joy With utmost delight, Human Appeal Australia would like to congratulate you on the expected arrival of Eid Ul-Adha. During the Qurban campaign, Human Appeal Australia sacrifices hand picked, high quality livestock from suppliers and distributes your Qurban meat to the needy in 28 destinations around the world. In addition to the sacrifice being an obligatory Sunnah and a great act of worship, it also provides meat to poor and needy families who don’t normally have access to meat. Donate your Qurban so you may attain multiple rewards and be a source of happiness for the poor & needy.

‫ إليكم بأح ّر التهاني وأصدق التبريكات بقرب‬Human Appeal Australia ‫تتقدم‬ ‫حلول عيد األضحى المبارك الذي هو فرصة يتقرب فيه كل مسلم مقتدر إلى اهلل‬ ّ .‫ كونها سنة مؤكّ دة ومن شعائر اهلل التي يجب تعظيمها‬،‫وجل بذبح األضحية‬ ‫ع ّز‬ ‫ بشراء وذبح األضاحي وتوزيع لحومها على‬Human Appeal Australia ‫تقوم‬ .‫ وجهة في مختلف أنحاء العالم‬28 ‫الفقراء والمحتاجين في‬ ‫ لتنالوا ثوابها العظيم‬Human Appeal Australia ‫تبرعوا بأضحيتكم مع‬ .‫ولتدخلوا السرور عي قلوب الفقراء والمحتاجين‬

90 130 200 350





Qurban to be sacrificed locally in the following destinations:

Qurban to be sacrificed locally in the following destinations:

Qurban to be shipped (frozen or canned) to the following destinations:

Qurban to be sacrificed locally (fresh) in:

Somalia, Ethiopia, India, Sri Lanka & Nepal.

Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Azad Kashmir, Indonesia, Sudan, Eritrean Refugees, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Philippines & Burmese Refugees.

Lebanon, Syrian Refugees, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Egypt, Fiji, Tunisia & Solomon Islands.

Lebanon, Palestine (Gaza, West Bank)


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It can be any form of charity or worship including sacrificed sheep. from

Obligatory Zakat Al Maal providing relief to those in need.




per family

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Brisbane Office: 16 Queens Rd, Slacks Creek QLD 4127 P 07 3493 4222

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ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31

Ethnic supremacists target Muslims to eradicate Islamic value system Bilal Cleland

Those of us who thirst for justice are perhaps more aware in these times than ever before of the growth of predatory exploitation of the poor, of ethnic and religious minorities and the vulnerable. We witness the growth of Hindu fascism in BJP India, fomented by the most extreme fanaticism and aimed at Muslims, and also Christians. Apostles of Hate from this movement were granted visas by the Morrison government to preach their anti-Muslim message here in Australia. Muslims in India suffer daily atrocities perpetrated against them by these fascists. The world knows of the treatment of the Uyghurs in China, where some variety of Han supremacy appears to have taken root under the Xi government. Han culture is being imposed and Islamic culture and Islamic practice demonised, under the guise of “fighting terrorism.” The illegitimate military government of Myanmar is carrying out genocidal attacks upon its Muslim Rohingyas and Christian Karen minorities, in the name of ethnic Buddhist supremacy. The attempted expansion of the Russian Orthodox Czarist Empire by Putin, presently into Ukraine but with other targets in mind, possibly in response to the expansion of NATO to the Russian border, is costing many lives of both Ukrainians and Russian conscripts. In the Middle East we see Lebanon, deeply divided decades ago by the French imperialists into warring sects, staggering


towards collapse while Syria continues massacring its population on behalf of the Alawite ruling group. Meanwhile the Saudi and UAE regimes, seeking allies against Iran, have cosied up with Israel despite its aggressive attacks on Palestinians. What is stunning to most Muslims is the degree to which their religious affiliation is being targeted in so many places, in India, China, Myanmar and by other Muslims in the Middle East. That the Ummah is in a weakened state goes without saying. Islam as such does not appear to represent a threat to any political entity or empire.

Why is it subjected to such aggression? The enemies of justice, those who wish to enjoy the fruits of exploitation of others, understand the potential of Islam even if Muslims are not fully aware. Corrupt rulers and palace scholars use Islam as a figleaf behind which they hide their agendas, just like so many religious hypocrites. However they are aware, as are the open enemies of Islam, that the Islamic value system is a great threat if it should come to fruition. The rights of human beings are guaranteed by God, who decrees we have been given special favours above a greater part of Creation.[Ref Quran 17:70] Ethnicity, language differences, skin colour are totally irrelevant to the civilised as variation in languages and colours are but signs of God [Ref Quran 30:22] The most important characteristic of the human is righteousness, defined in Surah Al Baqarah as belief plus action, specified as: • “to spend of your substance out of love for

Him for your kin for orphans for the needy for the wayfarer for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves; • to be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity; • to fulfil the contracts which you have made; and • to be firm and patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic.” Such virtues do not sit well with predatory exploitation. “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the desires (of your hearts), lest you swerve,

and if you (distort) justice or decline to do justice, truly Allah is well acquainted with all that you do.” [Quran 4:135] This righteousness extends to the effort to overcome any hatreds you might harbour. Racism is struck dead by such attitudes. Islamic values are an ever present threat to those who seek to rule others based on fear and notions of ethnic or cultural superiority. Contemporary predators are terrified and seek, in the most extreme cases, to eradicate them through genocide. They will of course fail. Bilal Cleland is a keen reader, a prolific writer and a regular columnist of AMUST based in Melbourne.

Australian engagement with Malaysia on moonsighting Dr Daud Batchelor An Australian Muslim delegation invited by Malaysian Government’s Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) visited Malaysia from 29 May to 3 June 2022 to conduct official moonsighting exercises towards determining commencement of the month of Dhul-Qa’dah. The group was led by Mirza Uzair Akbar, President, Council of Imams QLD and Imam of Holland Park Mosque, accompanied by Ahmed Nafaa, Al-Azhar scholar, Youcef Kouidri, Imam, United Muslims of Brisbane, Dr Shabbir Ahmad, Coordinator, Moonsighting Australia, and Imam of Mt Druitt Mosque and Dr Daud Batchelor. Imams were warmly received by JAKIM and State Mufti Departments while the Prime Minister’s Department provided transport. They conducted moonsighting at Teluk Kemang, Negri Sembilan (30/5), Khwarizmi Observatory, Tanjung Bidara, Malacca (31/5), and the 250-metre-high KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur (1/6). The moon was not sighted on 30 May as the sun set before conjunction. It was however, sighted by telescope on 31May, establishing that Dhul-Qa’dah 1443H commenced on 1 June. The hilal was sighted by telescope and naked eye on 1 June evening. This tour was very enlightening and established closer relations between Australian and Malaysian ulama’ and astronomers, and strengthened Australian Imams regarding use of regional moonsighting. Imams discovered Malaysian experts are genuinely Islamically exercising the Sunnah of moonsighting, as well as displaying competence in Islamic astronomy (falak), to the extent that Imams believe Malaysia can be world leader in moonsighting. JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200

Opportunities for discussion and engagement with Malaysian falak experts in theory and practice, provided knowledge, experience and benefit for all imams, including Dr Shabbir, who clarified the situation regarding past Hijri determinations. It provided them confidence in the validity of the Malaysian approach. Dr Shabbir will share his experience with other imams who follow local moonsighting and discuss the applicability of regional moonsighting. Imams of certain Queensland mosques

have begun incorporating consideration of sightings from neighboring South-East Asian countries into their Hijri calendar determinations. A major issue in Australia is that hilals are younger so difficult to sight. Hilals from neighboring Asian countries are easier seen because firstly, the moon is older compared to East Australian sites, secondly, because of the numerous observer sites, 29 in Malaysia and 99 in Indonesia, and thirdly, because of the sophisticated astronomical equipment, telescopes and theodolites, and

training of observers in the expected azimuth, altitude and hilal movements using precise astronomical calculations. Initial collaboration began a year ago with Dr Zambri bin Zainuddin, Professor of Islamic Astronomy, at the Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya, which the group also visited. In Malaysia, JAKIM D-G hosts a twice-yearly meeting of the Expert Falak Panel to discuss calculated dates for Ramadhan and the Eids, and decides for each. Subsequently, a regional meeting of Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore (MBIS) representatives discusses and agrees upon forecasted dates, which are used by their governments to pre-determine festival dates, subject to actual sightings. For Eid-ul-Fitr 1443H this year in Australia, the earlier than expected regional sightings of the Shawwal moon brought coincidence in Eid determinations between the Queensland Imams and ANIC, which resulted in 80% of Australian Muslims celebrating Eid together. With the conviction of the Islamic validity and benefits from incorporating regional moon-sightings for Hijri date determinations in Australia, clearly the cherished aspiration for unity based on an Islamically sound methodology, is achievable if ANIC can contribute in the field of best practice Imkanur-ru’yah calculated (hisab) sightings for the region. Consequently, together with increasingly sophisticated astronomical instrumentation and guidance regionally, should facilitate the highly probable regular coincidence of forecasted dates and actual sightings, which would be a great blessing for all Australian Muslims providing joy and ease on their celebration days. Dr Daud Batchelor, holds an MA in Islamic and Other Civilisations and a Diploma in Islamic Studies from the International Islamic University Malaysia, PhD from University of Malaya, MSc from the University of London.




BOOMERANG Why is Prophet Muhammad (s) described as a mercy to worlds? AMUST

Dr Aslam Abdullah He was an Arab, spoke the Arabic language, traveled mainly in Arabic-speaking areas, and spoke with tribes in Arabia in their language. Still, Islam’s holy scripture, the Quran, describes him as “Mercy to the worlds.” What is so special about the seventh-century Prophet born and raised in Arabia? Why does Islam identify him as a role model for humanity that professes more than 4,500 religions? Non-Muslims can easily argue that Muslims have exaggerated the status of their Prophet and elevated him above all. After all, they say every religious community considers its leaders the best. However, Muslims counter the argument by asserting that Allah described Prophet Muhammad (s) as mercy to the known and unknown worlds. Yet, Muslims’ responses puzzle many. Why should a non-Muslim accept the Quranic claim, and what have Muslims done to prove to the world that Prophet Muhammad (s) is mercy to them as he is mercy to Muslims? Mercy is a trait that helps individuals and communities overcome their deficiencies and weaknesses. When Muslims describe Allah, the Creator of the universe, as the most merciful, they believe that by following divine guidance, they can control their deviations and overcome weaknesses.


Similarly, they think that the message shared by the Prophet and the life he lived can help people, regardless of their faith, to overcome their deficiencies. Islamic literature attributes four significant reasons for this unique qualification of Prophet Muhammad (s). 1. He is the only Prophet in the history of prophets who ensured that the divine words he received through the angel Gabriel (a) were preserved in memory and writing during his lifetime under his supervision. 2. He is the only Prophet who introduced the idea of equality in its broadest sense at a time when almost every human society followed discrimination based on caste, creed, race, ethnicity, language, and geography. Furthermore, he was an Arab, and his primary audience in the seventh century consisted of Arabs. Still, he taught them that an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab, and in the eyes of the Creator, the noblest is the one who commits to good deeds and character. 3. To him goes the credit for convincing a male-dominated chauvinistic society of Arabia that women are not inferior and occupy the same dignity and respect in human society and in the eyes of God that men enjoy. 4. He focused on human dignity and argued that religious commitment has no meaning without preserving the human rights of the weak in the society. A history of the world’s ancient religious texts reveals that almost none of the religious leaders had the opportunity to compile in writing what they attributed as divine guid-


NEWS 1-3



ance. Long after their departure, their followers or disciples attributed words to them and were not alive to verify and approve them. Prophet Muhammad (s) was an exception to this precedence. He ensured to preserve every word of divine guidance in his lifetime. Without the preservation of the Quran, the world would have never known the revealed words. With the advice of God preserved in writing, anyone can refer and relate to them to make their choices. It is the most significant contribution a Prophet can make to the world. Without authentic and authoritative words attributed to God, humans would always be skeptical about their origin and truthfulness. The other three reasons emerge from his understanding of divine teachings, and his life is living evidence of that. Unfortunately, in general, Muslims have not projected him as a mercy to the world



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in their actions. Instead, their literature often promotes unsubstantiated stories that raise questions in the eyes of non-Muslims about his character and message. Instead of giving preference to divine words that he is a mercy to the known and unknown worlds, they give credence to writers who, based on their limited knowledge and research, denied him the status he deserves. Despite their claims of the Prophet’s universality, they project him as a Muslim or Arab Prophet, indeed a great disservice to him and the world. Dr Aslam Abdullah is a resident scholar at He is also the editor of the Muslim Observer published from Detroit, MI, USA. He is based in the USA and is a trustee of the American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin. He has taught at several colleges and universities in India, England, and the USA.

ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31


Symposium on faith and social cohesion Gulen Azra Polat Affinity Intercultural Foundation together with Macquarie University hosted a one-day interfaith symposium on Wednesday 15 June 2022 at the university campus on the topic ‘Faith, Social Cohesion and Community Resilience’. The symposium provided a high-level forum for leaders from diverse backgrounds and faiths to come together and share their experiences and the lessons learned over recent years. Religion is one of the most powerful forces in human culture. For millions around the world, their faith is a primary source of personal, social and even political identity. New South Wales in particular is one of the most religiously diverse places on earth. Despite the challenges posed to our social cohesion by the global pandemic, we remain a highly successful and resilient society, with much to be proud of and to teach the wider world. During his welcome address, Mr Ahmet Polat, Executive Director of Affinity Macquarie University for their collaboration as well as the NSW Government for supporting this symposium. “We are all from Adam, and Adam was created from dust. So we are all from the same clay. Regardless of how believers of different religions follow their faith in their daily lives, all religions promote life-sustaining values, such as peace, love, tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, human rights and justice,” Mr Polat said. He further added, “Humanity has three common enemies. These three enemies – ignorance, poverty and disunity – are shared between religious, racial and national ties. Therefore, various groups of people must come together and be able to form common causes to fight them.” “Thank you to each and every one of our distinguished moderators and esteemed panellists, some of whom have joined us from around the world. We are proud to host exemplary thought leaders on this platform.

Unfortunately, Uncle Zia Ahmad and Cousin Dr Rattan Virk will not be with us today. I send them my deepest condolences and wish them comfort and peace as they have sadly lost a very dear family member this week,” Mr Polat concluded. The Symposium commenced with a Keynote session, with speakers joining virtually from the US, India as well as NSW. The audience heard from Professor Dr John Esposito, Professor of Religion, International Affairs, and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University, Tushar Gandhi, great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi & Maha Krayem Abdo OAM, CEO of Muslim Women Australia. The symposium Hosted 35 national speakers over a series of seven panel sessions. Panel speakers varied from academics, faith leaders, youth members, and moderators including various distinguished media members and academics. The audience was enlightened to hear from exemplary thought leaders on various topics that included: • Definitions and Intersections: The power of faith in building social cohesion • How is Covid-19 being used by extremists within faith groups and what are the social impacts of Covid-19 and misinformation,

disinformation, and conspiracy theories? • How can faith communities respond when symbols of faith are appropriated by hate groups? • How can religious actors build bridges across communities impacted by recent crises? • Interreligious and cultural dialogue approaches and solution examples in solving these problems • Youth Leadership Perspectives on Extremism & Belonging • Empowering religious leaders & communities: What is the role of faith in building social cohesion? The one-day interfaith symposium aimed to make a valuable contribution to social cohesion by highlighting and strengthening the positive role of faith traditions and cultures as an integral element of countering violent

extremism efforts. Furthermore, to promote grassroots-level community dialogue to establish mutual understanding, respect, trust, and cooperation in the educational process of interfaith dialogue. This symposium brought people of different faith traditions, and cultures, together to establish good relations and address common challenges while focusing on peaceful coexistence and interfaith dialogue in society. An underlying theme of the symposium was regardless of how believers of different religions follow their faith in their daily lives, all religions promote life-sustaining values, such as peace, love, tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, human rights and justice. Gulen Azra Polat is an intern at Affinity Intercultural Foundation and is based in Sydney, Australia.


Eid Al Adha is an important celebration of love and sacrifice. On this day, I extend my warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous Eid.




Office: Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196 Phone: (02) 9750 9088 Email: Tony Burke MP @Tony_Burke Authorised by Tony Burke MP, Australian Labor Party, Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196

JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200







NEWS 1-3





FEATURE 16 - 17

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Africa Asia (Rohingya)


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ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31

Muslim Agenda


Australia’s first Muslim women’s festival Sana Afiouni The inaugural Australian Muslim Women’s Festival was held over 3-4 June with over 60 speakers and artists from different backgrounds, disciplines and denominations coming from Australia and abroad. The name of the Festival, ‘Muslim Agenda’ is a “tongue-in-cheek subversion of the narrative that every Muslim-led event is a trojan horse for the ‘Muslim agenda’ – ours being empowerment, enrichment and elevation”. The festival not only hosted interstate speakers but also international ones, including Linda Sarsour & Noor Tagouri. The

same was for attendees who for some, travelled from all parts of Australia whilst others came all the way from Chicago, US. The opening night on Friday 3 June 2022 welcomed over 200 guests at the Bankstown Arts Centre and was a night of speed networking, poetry performances and a reading by Amani Haydar from her book ‘Mother Wound’. It was only a taste of what was to come the following day. From trailblazers & community leaders to celebrities & quiet achievers, the festival day brought together Muslim women from a range of different fields including academia, medicine, law, the arts and education. This gave a platform for their stories and experiences to be told and in turn, an opportunity for all to build networks, draw connections and foster collaborations that go beyond the day itself.

Whilst some tuned in to the range of panel discussions taking place, others enjoyed a session of paint n sip on the lawn or an Islamic Calligraphy class. The Festival had it all covered. This could not have all been said without mentioning Sara Mansour, founder & director of Muslim Agenda and a trailblazer herself. “It was an incredible success. Across the two days we had hundreds of women attend who gave back overwhelmingly positive feedback. One woman sought me out just to

give thanks and say ‘This is therapy. I wish we had this when we were younger’.” The outlook of Muslim Agenda from Sara is that it becomes an annual event where she will also “consider other satellite events”. Sana Afiouni is a recent graduate of The University of Sydney who studied a Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences. She is passionate about all things community development and interfaith dialogue as well as bridging the gap between Muslim & non-Muslim communities.

Minhaj-ul-Quran hosts Sydney youth conference Muhammad Wasiq Hundreds of people from various communities living in Sydney attended a youth conference with the theme of “Dealing with the challenges faced by Muslim youth living in Australia” on Friday 10 June 2022 at the Bryan Brown Theatre Bankstown organised by Minhaj-ul-Quran International Australia. The conference started with the recitation from Holy Quran by Qari Shaykh Youssef and the English translation by Mr Mohammad Adnan from the renowned translation of the Holy Quran “Irfan-ul-Quran – The Glorious Quran” by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. Sydney’s famous Naat reciter Mr Fazl-ur-Rehman Qadri presented a beautiful bilingual Naat followed by an Arabic Nasheed “Ahbab Al Mustafa”, a soulful performance with the Daff by Sydney’s popular group “Ahbab Al Mustafa” lead by Qari Shaykh Youssef. The guest speaker Ayesha Bux gave a talk on the topic of “Social Life in Australia”. She is a Pakistani Australian Muslim who grew up here in Australia and shared her experience and challenges she faced growing up here. She also shed some light on the approach that Muslim youth can take to deal with similar challenges. Dr Jan Ali gave a talked about the ideas around engaging with the opposite sex in university situations. He said sometimes the families living in Western societies don’t have the knowledge about Islamic rulings or guidelines about gender matters or they don’t care. “And this is where the institutions and organisations like Minhaj-ul-Quran come into play who organize events like this conference to educate the families and youth about these matters.”, he said. He praised Minhaj-ul-Quran NSW team on taking the initiative of organising this conference to help educate the youth and their families. The keynote speaker Dr Hussain Mohi-udDin Qadri gave a soulful and thought-provoking speech on the subject of the purpose of our lives, which the audience listened to with great involvement and appreciated the guidance provided through various valuable points to the young generation living in Australia. Dr Qadri gave the example of a honeybee that even though it is a small creature, it still knows the purpose of its creation, which is taking the juice from various flowers and JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200

converting it into honey for the benefit of humanity. While we the human-beings do not realise our purpose until after 20-30 years, or sometimes even after that because we spend our initial years of life sorting more of our worldly matters because of the environment and information around us as the young learners. He pointed out that sometimes we have

to stop listening to the voices around us and start listening to the inner voice – the voice of our heart – to realize and understand the purpose and goal of our life. He told the audience that Minhaj-ul-Quran International and its founder Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri are spreading the same message of peace, integration, and creating true connection with our Lord

since last 45 years and anyone who believes in teachings and guidance of Islam is always welcome to join this organisation. He concluded his speech by congratulating the management of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (NSW) in holding such a beautiful conference with the objective to guide our youth and helping them navigate the challenges they face in the modern society. Mr Zaffar Khan, President Minhaj Asia Pacific Council presented the vote of thanks to all the speakers and guests who attended the conference before dinner was also served The attendees had the opportunity to buy several books written by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri and Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri from the book stall set up at the conference venue. Muhammad Wasiq is the President of Minhaj ul Quran Australia NSW and is based in Sydney, Australia.

Wishing you and your family a happy Eid. ANNE STANLEY MP



Authorised by Anne Stanley MP,Australian Labor Party, Shop 7,441 Hoxton Park Rd,Hinchinbrook NSW






NEWS 1-3

Release of ‘Rahat’ music CD at NSW Parliament

Fasihuddin Khan

A unique collection of music on a CD album named “Rahat” was released on Tuesday 17 May 2022 at the NSW parliament in the presence of politicians, community leaders, creative artists and businessmen. The event included speeches on social cohesion as well as short video clips of the VIPs reviewing the Rahat Project and acknowledgements of the creative artists who put it together. Rahat CD comprises of 2 CDs and contains a 28-page booklet which elaborates information on WAACI, profiles of poet Rahat and artists and seven poetry tracks written in Hindi, Urdu including an English summary of 7 music tracks. The Rahat Project by ‘We Australians Are Creative Inc’, WAACI involving 65 artists is conceived as a musical tribute to the friendship, deep respect and affection Mr Om Krishan Rahat, a senior Urdu/Hindi poet in Australia who passed away in 2018 in Western Sydney. Rahat, an Australian initiative has been produced in collaboration with creative artists of ethnicities from Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Spain, Fiji, UK, Malaysia, Spain and Cambodia The music composed and arranged by Abbas Raza Alvi breathes life into the poetry se-

lections of Rahat’s lyrics, superbly sung and performed by creative artists. Rahat’s poetry, influenced by the good and bad times, is laced with themes of childhood memories, childhood friends, backyards, dreams, lost friends, multiculturalism, peace and harmony. These songs capture the poet’s lifetime experience, describing the history of life-changing turbulent times during the post-WWII period, especially in the Indian subcontinent. The Rahat CD sets a new approach to assist inter-nation cooperation. A message stick of soothing music reminding the values of brotherhood and peace that once prevailed in pre-partition communities. Rahat project produced by WAACI (We Australians are Creative Inc), a not-for-profit Australian organisation, networking Creativity in Australia. Rahat is a digital quality Australian album recorded and produced in Australia, which includes the most popular and melodious voices of Australian talents. • Music curated by Abbas Raza Alvi: connect at • Presented by WAACI, ‘We Australians Are Creative Inc’: website: • Project Production support Team: Haider Naqvi, Iqtedar Abdi, Michael Raj, Mohammad Jafar, Omila Bir, Simran Gulati, Sudesh Sud, Wahab Siddiqui and Zafar Siddiqui. • Singers & Creative Presentations: Abhijeet Srivastava, Akanksha Srivastava, Aman Pal, Anup Kumar, Avijit Sarkar, Heena Sachdeva, Kartik Mohandas, Mehreen Javed, Neha Kapoor, Parkash Pal, Pupinder Min-

Type A

• • • •



tu, Pushpa Jagadish, Rachna Bhatnagar, Sanket Tiwari and Sumeet Malhotra. Music Instrument players: Aditya Apte, Aman Pal, Kamrul Ahmed, Mayank Singh, Saeed Hasan, Selim Ahmed, Vikas Pawar. Sound Design & Music arrangements & Mastering: Remo, Rajbir, Rehan Jeffery, Waseem Raza. Visual Media Coordinator: Taufeeq Ahmed Video. Media Producers: Abbas Zaheer, Harjot Singh, Kamran Afzal Mirza, Mussawar

Dr Fasihuddin Khan is the Secretary of ICSOA.

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Chughtai, Mayur Vikram, Naseem Khan, Pankaj Upadhayay and Shahid Chughtai. • Music Video Cast: Gagan-deep Sigh Jassal, Megha Sevekari, Mehak Sikka Bhatnagar, Nripesh Ahuja, Ranjeet Manjrekar, Rupanti Akid, Sankalp Bhatnagar & Shriya Gandhi. • Video production support: Jyotsana Sharma, Sarfaraz Iqbal & Teh Thai.

Distribution in East Indonesia (Makasar, Gorontalo, Palu, Maluku, Manado, Buru Island and Luwuk)

Type B


$ 150 Goat ( + 15 - 18Kg) Distribution in Java and NTT ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31


Sierra Leonean community marks 61st Independence Anniversary

Amadu Barrie

The Sierra Leonean Community in Canberra and Regions (SLCCR) ACT Inc marked their native country’s 61st Independence Anniversary on Saturday 28 May 2022 attended by guests from a diverse range of people from different faiths and background. The night witnessed elegance in dress, food and cultural performances. Certificates of appreciation were handed to volunteers, service providers and community organisations in recognition of their contribution to the community. Some members of the executive committee also received medals in recognition of outstanding leadership. Sierra Leone’s Minister of Social Welfare Madam Baindu Dassama-Kamara was Guest Speaker of the event. Other key speakers were the ACT Minister for Multicultural Affairs Tara Cheyne. Madam Baindu and Tara Cheyne sent in pre-recorded video messages that were played to the audience. In her speech Minister Baindu Dassama-Kamara thanked the community for extending invitation to her as Guest Speaker and conveyed greetings to the community on behalf of the president, vice president, first lady, government and people of the republic of Sierra Leone. She reminded the community about the importance of unity saying “the commonalties that bind us together are more than those petty, petty things that divide us a nation”. Minister Baindu concluded by saying she’s looking forward to coming to Australia to meet her compatriots. In her remarks Minister Tara Cheyne said,

Members of the executive committee showing their certificates of appreciation.

“the Sierra Leonean community is a valued part of the Canberra community and has helped make Canberra the diverse and vibrant community that we enjoy today.” She went to say “The Sierra Leonean community has helped new arrivals from Sierra Leone and other parts of the world settle in the Canberra region and you have actively engaged with the broader community so they feel welcomed from the time of their arrival.” The ACT shadow Minster for Multicultural Affairs Giulia Jones MLA was represented by Peter Cain MLA Liberal member for Ginnindera. For his part, the chairman of the SLCCR ACT Inc Amadu Barrie said “he is humbled for been elected as leader of the great Sierra Leone community and encouraged by the fact that the community is sticking together since it was setup in 2008.” Amadu went on to say that his executive committee has the record of having more women then men and that it is befitting that his administration has the honours of launching the Women’s Committee. He credited the

success of his administration to the hard work of his team and supporters in the community. Chairlady of the newly launched Women’s Committee (WC) Madam Fatmata Conteh described the event as a success. Ms Conteh said one of the objectives of the WC is to “create a unique and enabling platform for our women to support each other and where our children can learn about our rich culture and know each other”. She called on both women and men to support the community so it can implement what it sets out to do. The president of the AAC ACT Inc Dr Yvette Poudjom Djomani who helped cut the cake for the launching of the Women’s Committee and also in handing out certificates and medals said, “As president of the AAC ACC Inc. it was important to show my support to the Sierra Leonean community on the celebration of the 61st anniversary of their independence. This was a great event that showcased the multiple of talents of the Sierra Leonean people. I was also honoured to witness the

launch of the Women’s Committee. I commend them for this great achievement.” The Master of Ceremonies was Pastor Charles Koker with DJ Hasten dishing out the music. Sierra Leone gained her independence from Great Britain after 153 years of colonisation on 27 April 1961. The event was rescheduled to 28 May due to the Islamic month of Fasting (Ramadan) to allow for proper celebrations. However, the community was able to organise Islamic and Christian prayers on the 27 April for the event. Muslim prayers were offered at the Sabah Al-Ahmad Masjid and Islamic Education Centre on the night of the 27 April which coincided with the Night of Decree (Laylatul Qadr) and the completion of the recitation of the whole Quran as part of the month of Ramadan Taraweeh (night) prayers. The night also coincided with the award ceremony of the masjid’s 2022 Qur’an Memorisation Competition that was held the masjid on 20 April. Chief Imam of the Sabah Al-Ahmad Masjid Sheikh Adama Konda used the occasion to pray for Sierra Leone and for global peace. Similarly, the Christians in the community held a thanksgiving prayer service at the Gospel Faith Ministries International at the Harrison Primary School with Pastor Charles Koker as guest speaker. The Sierra Leone Community event was held on the same day but different times as the Africa Day event that was organised by the AAC ACT Inc of which the SLCCR is a member. The Nigerian High Commissioner Ambassador Anderson N Madubike was guest speaker of the Africa Day event. Amadu Barrie is an ICT Systems Analyst with the Department of Human Services.

AMU Alumni elects new EXCO team

awareness. I take my role as President seriously, and will heed your advice.” The past president, Mr Khursheed Anwar served for four years and while passing AMU Alumni of Australthe mantle thanked all donors, sponsors, ia conducted its AGM on friends, families, and well-wishers for their Sunday 29 May 2022 at generous contributions and excellent supRegents Park Communiport to AMU Alumni of Australia. ty Centre electing a new “During covid pandemic, the period was executive committee for badly disturbed and stressful but AMU the next two years 2022Alumni’s projects were still running suc2024. The election was cessfully because of all your marvellous conducted by Dr Anas support,” Mr Anwar said. Nadwi as the Presiding officer. AMU Alumni of Australia has been workThe elected president is Mr Syed Hamid ing for the last 26 years and one of its main Ali who has been the Alumni’s objectives was promoting highactive senior and experienced er education and helping finanmember having worked in varicially disadvantaged students ous capacities in the past. to achieve their academic goals While accepting the role of at university level. Later on, the President, Mr Ali vowed to this program was extended to achieve the overarching objecprimary and secondary school tives of the Alumni of improving students. AMU Alumni of Austhe standard of education and tralia have been successfully status of Muslims. extending educational proHe further added, “The politjects in India with the commuical climate in India grows dire nity’s support. with each passing day, and In- Mr Syed Hamid Ali, During the pandemic, Oxydian-Muslims continue gen Demand appeal was President to face atrocities in this magnificently achieved state of affairs. We are within a short time beblessed to be able to encause of donations for joy the standard of life the purchase of oxygen we do, considering the generators. political turmoil for our community at home – it Khursheed Anwar is the is high time that we rise ex-President of AMU to the occasion and con- Dr Shekeeb Alumni of Australia. sider establishing an or- Mohammad, Mr Faizuddin ganised effort to spread Secretary Faizi, Treasurer

Khursheed Anwar

JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200




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‫عيد مبارك‬

Eid Mubarak NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns and your NSW Labor MPs wish you and your family a happy and blessed Eid al-Adha.

Chris Minns MP

NSW Labor Leader | Member for Kogarah | P 9230 2310

Steve Kamper MP

Member for Rockdale, Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism | P 9597 1414

Julia Finn MP

Edmond Atalla MP

Member for Granville P 9637 1656

Member for Mount Druitt P 9625 6770

Jo Haylen MP

Hugh McDermott MP

Member for Summer Hill P 9572 5900

Member for Prospect P 9756 4766

Jihad Dib MP

Lynda Voltz MP

Sophie Cotsis MP

Guy Zangari MP

Member for Lakemba P 9759 5000

Member for Canterbury P 9718 1234

Greg Warren MP

Member for Campbelltown P 4625 3344

Member for Auburn P 9737 8822

Member for Fairfield P 9726 9323

Paul Scully MP

Member for Wollongong P 4226 5700

Tania Mihailuk MP Member for Bankstown P 9708 3838

Stephen Bali MP

Member for Blacktown P 9671 5222

Nick Lalich MP

Member for Cabramatta P 9724 3381

Authorised by Chris Minns, Steve Kamper, Jihad Dib, Lynda Voltz, Tania Mihailuk, Julia Finn, Edmond Atalla, Sophie Cotsis, Guy Zangari, Stephen Bali, Jo Haylen, Hugh McDermott, Greg Warren, Paul Scully, and Nick Lalich. Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements.




ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


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Labor to address Pacific nations’ most crucial concern: Climate security Kazi Haq China’s willingness toward economic prosperity of Pacific nations has again been seriously questioned by the Pacific leaders as they outrightly rejected China’s draft ‘security agreement’. Even the tiny Pacific nations are now more united against the malign intention of China. China’s unjust historical claims over all the islands of the South China Sea compelled Pacific nations to unite and stand up for their existence against the climate threat. China wanted to make a “trade and security” deal with ten Pacific nations and they all walk away from making the deal while meeting between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his counterparts in Fiji on 26 May 2022. Contrary to acquiescence, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) President David Panuelo sent a letter to 21 Pacific leaders to reject a “pre-determined joint communique” citing it could initiate a new “Cold War” between China and the West. The timing for China’s proposed deal also was crucial. The proposal was sent just after the Quad summit in Tokyo where the Quad took a firm strategy to address climate security. Also, Australia’s new labor Prime Minister took an oath just two days back having less time before taking a consensus decision for the Pacific nations. China’s intention for the economic uplift for only 2.3 million people living in Pacific Island countries sounds like crocodile tears. It doesn’t commensurate with its goodwill while China imposed tourism sanctions in

Palau for supporting Taiwan. The Pacific islands’ lands spread over 3.5 million square kilometers of the South-West Pacific Ocean which is an area larger than India. This would be a vital interest of China. China has already militarized and made seabasing facilities on many islands in the South China Sea. Further away from home, China wished to expand its similar facilities. It doesn’t need great strategists to understand these simple geopolitics. So, did the pacific leaders. Although economic developments are the central issue of Pacific nations, their great concern, right now, is climate security. Most of these islands fear drowning due to sea-level rise. Climate security became so concerning to these nations that Vanuatu went to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to issue an opinion on the present and future generations’ right to be protected from climate change in 2021 to showcase before the November’s COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Although the opinions of ICJ are not legally binding for the UN, they could help the powerful nations in understanding the gravity of climate action. It may be mentioned that China remains the highest Carbon dioxide (CO2) emitter (9.9 billion metric tons per year, which is 28%) followed by the USA (15%) and then India (7%). Due to a lack of commitments among these countries on the climate issue,

the COP26 couldn’t take a consensus view to keep the global warming level to 1.5 °C. After the failed COP26, the Pacific nations became hopeless. They desperately needed a world power to address their concern. Naturally, their expectations were more from Austral-

ia due to proximity. Amidst these uncertainties, cohesiveness among themselves started weaning slowly. Taking this opportunity, China, in April 2022, made a security cooperation agreement with the Solomon Islands where the USA and Australia became very aware of security in the Pacific region. The entente between the Solomon Islands and China needs careful consideration. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s dudgeon against Australia is noteworthy. It could be a stark reminder that the islanders did not forget the “white Australia” deported the black Solomon islanders from Queensland in 1904 who used to start working in the sugar plantation in the 1870s. It appears that Solomon’s Prime Minister is not happy with Australia despite Australia’s pledge to establish an Australia Pacific Defence School to train the Pacific Island defence and security force, and also help deter illegal fishing and transnational crime through more support for Australia’s Pacific Maritime Security Program. The new government in Australia now

has the opportunity to woo the islanders by addressing the crucial climate change response. The newly elected Labor Party came to power by peoples’ mandate promising to cut carbon emissions by 43% by 2030 which has been reiterated by Australian new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in the Quad summit in Tokyo on 25 May 2022. He also said, “We will act in recognition that climate change is the main economic and security challenge for the island countries of the Pacific”. Pacific nations would be expecting the Albanese’s promise to come into force, and who knows, this could have acted as a means for the Pacific leaders to reject China’s “trade and security” deal. As the Pacific leaders walked away from China’s deal, it paved the way for Australia along with the USA to address their core concerns before it’s too late. Various programs by the Australian government and other agencies are needed to raise climate response awareness by engaging the Pacific islanders. Australia’s economic help, working opportunities in Australia, prospect for the Pacific people to migrate to Australia, and above all, democratic values put Australia in a much better and advantageous position compared to China. Only thing is to address the right concerns of islanders. Kazi Haq is a retired Commodore from Bangladesh Navy and an electrical engineer. He served as Director in Prime Minister’s Office, National Parliament, and Managing Director of a dockyard. Kazi is the founding member of BIMRAD(Bangladesh Institute of Maritime Research and Development). He is now based in Sydney.


Empowering Future Entrepreneur Summit 2022

Shafqat Ali For new start-ups and entrepreneurs, business networking is a key marketing and learning activity to connect and gain new skills to support their ventures. Australia Pakistan Business Network (APBN) has been working with local Pakistani businesses to connect them through social media spaces to create opportunities for them. Empowering Future Entrepreneur Summit 2022 was held on Saturday 28 May 2022 at Nexus Function Centre, Baulkham Hills (Sydney). The core purpose was to extend their network with their mainstream counterpart organisation. The event was jointly organised by APBN and Jumpstart team who are working hard on creating an impact through entrepreneurship. APBN is a fast-growing community-focused business group led by Omair Ziaee and Shabahat Ali along with the core team that includes Yasir Khan, Shafqat Ali, Ahmed Shoaib, Bilal Mir and Mr Kamran Waheed. A large number of Australian Pakistani Business personalities attended Conferencestarting with delicious lunch provided by Nexus Cafe and a business networking JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200

session. The main proceedings were opened by the moderator Shabahat Ali who briefed about APBN and the event programme. The Keynote speaker and NLP Coach, Mr Chris Lianos had a live interactive session on NLP where the members learned about the subconscious mind’s programming. Mr Omair Javed who came from Melbourne shared a business investment opportunity with the audience. Ms Rebecca Raad (Executive Director BNI Hills area) shared her success story of business networking. The High Commissioner of Pakistan HE Mr Zahid Hafeez Chaudhuri’s participated virtually and he appreciated the organizers for arranging this summit and demonstrating the true Pakistani business potential. The Consul General of Pakistan, Mr Muhammad Ashraf gave a comprehensive presentation on opportunities for Australian businesses to import from Pakistan. It was highly engaging through social media, instant questions and a live quiz for the whole audience. The audience was given the opportunity to engage, interact and learn about each other. The event ended with awards and gifts to the winners. Mr Omair Ziaee thanked all the sponsors, guests and the event core team.

EID MUBARAK Wishing you and your family a special Eid-al-Adha

Steve Kamper MP Member for Rockdale, Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, P 9597 1414


Authorised by Steve Kamper. Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements.








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Multicultural News & Views

JULY 2022; DHUL HAJJ 1443

Imran Khan gives deadline to call for elections NEWS PAGE 3


PH: (02) 9158 3020

Two Muslim ministers in Labor cabinet




Fatima Payman: Australia’s youngest senator and the first hijabi in Parliament Zia Ahmad She loves coffee, spicy chicken burgers and exclamation marks, and rocks a hijab. And on Monday 20 June 2022, Fatima Payman was confirmed as Labor’s newest Senator from Western Australia to sit in the Australian Federal Parliament in Canberra. The election of this 27-year old Muslim Australian to Senate breaks some records: the first hijab-wearing member of Parliament; the first person of Afghan origin in Parliament; the youngest sitting Senator (and the third youngest Senator in Australian history). Being an Australian Senator is a long way from the beginning of her story as a young child aged 5 in 1999, when her father fled Afghanistan into Pakistan, and then “jumped on a boat and travelled

the Indian Ocean to find a better life for his three children and his wife.” Fatima speaks with pride of her parents. She describes her mother as “her biggest role model and superhero”, explaining that she established a driving school to teach multicultural women how to drive. It took three years for her, her mother and her siblings to join her father in Perth, where the family struggled hard to settle in their new homeland, and to provide Fatima with the foundation to reach to the skies i n

their new land of opportunity, Australia. Politics runs in Ms Payman’s blood. Her late father was the son of a politician in Afghanistan’s parliament. Politics was a topic of long discussions around the dinner table. Her father had a vision for more inclusive environment, and for helping those less advantaged. His dream was for Fatima to one day make life better for people in Afghanistan by becoming a member of the Afghan parliament, because he never imagined that to be possible for his daughter in Australia. Fatima is a former head girl of Australian Islamic College in Kewdale, obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Sociology and Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Western Australia. She is currently studying for Masters in Public Policy at Macquarie University. She has a background in unions and the Labor movement where she started working as a volunteer for an upper house MLC in the WA Parliament, and also worked as a political organiser in a workers’ union, advocating for fair pay and better working conditions. Fatima’s priorities are centred on giving everyone a fair go. She believes in her party’s motto of “no one held back, no one left behind”. Particular priority areas include helping aged care workers and early childhood educators get more resources and better working conditions, getting people from more diverse backgrounds in politics, and climate change. continued on page 3

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Crescent Awards: Response to Promoting diversity ‘Xinjiang in achievements PoliceFiles’ UMMAH PAGE 17

AMAN lodges legal complaint against Twitter

Mohamed Ainullah The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN), known for its landmark legal win against former Senator Fraser Anning, has lodged a religious vilification and discrimination complaint against Twitter. The action is being lodged against Twitter’s global and Australian companies in the Queensland Human Rights Commission. The action alleges that Twitter is liable as a publisher for vilifying third-party content following the landmark HCA Voller decision involving Meta and the recent Barilaro decision involving Google. There are 419 hate artifacts in total, including 29 tweets inciting hatred and 390 comments and quotes on those tweets, all published by Twitter. AMAN also alleges direct and indirect discrimination by Twitter. Twitter directly discriminates by allowing accounts to vilify Muslims even where there is extensive evidence in the comment threads of the effects. continued on page 3

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NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

Modest Fashion: Keeping it elegant & modern Soukina Kassir “Wearing the hijab and being fashionable might not be the two easiest things that come together..,” starts out Ms Al Saraireh, civil engineer turned fashion designer and makeup artist. “But it definitely has become feasible these days,” Ms Al Saraireh continues. Having studied civil engineering overseas, and raised in Romania, Ruru Al Saraireh discovered her love for fashion, makeup and the arts when she moved to Australia twenty years ago. As a result, she studied fashion design at Ultimo and completed her makeup and beautician qualification at TAFE. “When I arrived in Australia, I witnessed how women wearing the hijab (called Hijabis) struggle to style their clothes. Whether it be the type of material, what clothes suit their body type or skin tone or how to make an outfit look more modest, there was always this struggle..,” Ruru explains to me. “I also used to get a lot of questions asking for help in styling modest outfits so I decided to dedicate a page for Hijabi outfit styling so I can simultaneously guide and inspire Hijab-wearing women on how to style their outfits,” Ruru discloses. Inspired by the famous fashion blogger, Dalal AlDoub, Ruru’s two pages on the social platform Instagram, @newlook19 and @ruru_style1 founded in 2019 are committed to representing modest fashion in an elegant, youthful and modest style. Via her pages, Ruru aims at showing that modesty doesn’t go against elegance and does not have to indicate a lack of taste or knowledge in fashion; rather, can definitely

be fashionable, trendy and that Hijabi women can absolutely be successful in all walks of life. “We need to normalise the Hijabi women in mainstream media. Many Hijabi women have proven themselves successful in the medical field, sports field, and political field. I am here to show that they can also be successful in the fashion field too,” Ruru proudly states. “It’s a shame that some countries have banned the Hijab in certain areas or positions. The Hijab shouldn’t be an obstacle for anything,” Ruru affirms. Ruru supports Muslim fashion brands by attending modest fashion events and promoting their products on her Instagram page, usually free of charge. “I really want to get the message out

“ We need to

normalise the Hijabi women in mainstream media. ” Ruru Al Saraireh

there. I want to help in redefining the meaning of modest fashion,” Ruru states. “By putting a face to how the Hijabi ‘next door’ can be both elegant and modest,” Ruru hopes at creating a kinder understanding of Hijab in Australia and throughout the Western World. “Any woman wearing the Hijab can look fashionable by choosing the right clothes size, choosing colours that fit her skin tone, opting for cuts that suit her body type and prioritising quality over quantity,” Ruru adds, hinting at some of her styling tips. Ruru Al Saraireh has created an amazing sisterhood of over 25 thousand followers and has inspired a n d helped many wome n

along their Hijab journey. She hopes the modest fashion in Australia will grow and hopes to see more variety in the choices in shops and online and perhaps a bit more of a pop of colour in the outfits Hijabi ladies choose. “I would also like to see the elderly Hijabis display an interest in modest fashion more. Age should never be an obstacle to being elegant,” Ruru states. When asked what her outlook to the future was, Ruru is quite certain that the Modest Fashion Industry will continue to grow in Australia as the demand for modest wear increases. “I also expect more Hijabi women to occupy high positions and important roles in our community and for their representation in mainstream media to grow exponentially,” Ruru predicts. Ruru Al Saraireh is now working in her makeup studio, offering makeup sessions and styling sessions. She also plans on putting together styling events soon for the modest fashion community. Ruru concludes by quoting Sayida Fatima Az Zahra (r), by reminding us that, “Modesty is the best jewel of a woman.” Soukina Kassir (Juelliet) is a mum of two, an image consultant and a former instructor (in Lebanon). Charity and non profit work has always been a passion of hers.

MALEK FAHD ISLAMIC SCHOOL ENROL NOW FOR KINDERGARTEN 2023 Renewal to Distinction At MFIS our philosophy is that the holistic education of learners in a faith-enriching environment will enable them to develop God-consciousness, a refined moral character and excellence in action.

Beaumont Hills Campus 20 Mungerie Road, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155, Ph (02) 8732 7800 | 18



ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


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A tribute to my dadi: Mrs Jamal Ara Ahmad Aamir Ahmad “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un”, Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him is our return. Another day to remind us that death has been decreed by Allah, and we will all return to our Creator. Who would have known within the past four months, we would be in the same situation- in the same cemetery loosing another dearest relative, the queen of our family, and the mother of all of us, Jamal Ara Ahmad (dadi, my paternal grandmother). She passed away, almost 90, on Monday 13 June 2022 morning straight after the Fajr azaan at Liverpool Hospital and upon listening to the last word of Surah Yaseen, Allah took her soul, four months after her husband Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad passed away and one and a half months after her daughter Fauzia passed away. Yes it was the Queen’s Birthday holiday, but we lost our own dearest queen on that day. Even though we are all aware of the outstanding work my grandfather did for Islam and for the Muslim community, she was the queen who supported him at all times. From her fresh mango qulfis during summer to the pudding during winter, her large qeema (mince meat) samosas during Ramadan and our late night french toast supper during the winter nights while waiting for Isha after Maghreb. She had herself a sweet tooth and thoroughly enjoyed feeding everyone, no matter if it was family, friends or members of the wider community. She made dishes which no one has been able to replicate, for example her sesame seed halva. Her day would only start with her two weetbix with cold milk and a boiled egg every morning. Even during overseas holidays her weetbix would be travelling with her. Even though I have not adopted her breakfast menu, my two kids are following their great grandmother’s breakfast habits. After breakfast she would engage herself with phone calls to the family and to the ladies in the community maintaining lines of verbal communication and providing advice for all. It was because of her that we had to speak Urdu at home, she ensured we were aware of our South Asian roots, culture and family traditions in terms of language, dress, food habits and etiquettes. Although she did not study for any leadership courses or attended any conferences, she showed great leadership for the family and community. She was known in the

Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad and Mrs Jamal Ara Ahmad at the Taj Mahal in 2013. Photo by Rubinah Ahmad. community as the ‘khala’, universal aunty specially for young couples who migrated to Australia leaving behind they parents in their home countries. New young migrants to Australia specially from South Asia, soon after arrival would be promptly invited to our family home for lavish dinners and at the same time advised and helped in their settlement in their new home country. She was fair and never showed inequality amongst her children, sons, daughters, sonsin-laws, daughter-in-laws and all her grandchildren. During my younger years while living in an extended family with 20 family members under one roof, she used to do the regular Saturday morning grocery shopping for the whole household. She would ensure all 20 family members would get their individualised grocery items. Shopping at Aldi, Woolies and Franklins, she would fill up two full trolleys by the time someone would pick her up. By the time she was not able to go to the shops, she was always enthusiastic to find out who went to what shop and to show her the things we brought from the shops.

You’ll be dearly missed dadi, your comments, your smile, your laughter and just the women you always had concerns for others . You kept the family together and there isn’t anyone who would be able to replace you. Dada/Dadi you both will always be remembered. As you both aged, I was part of your journey, seeing a life cycle on how

an individual can decline over age has been very heartbreaking. How you moved from a walking stick, to a walker and then to a wheelchair. During those years we created a very close bond with each other and had a parent-child relationship where I learnt a lot from both of you and you guys have been very dear and close to me. It doesn’t feel as though I’ve lost my grandparents but have lost another parents of mine. Your voices still echos through, calling us for something or telling us off for our own betterment. You both only did and sacrificed your lives for others and were never selfish for your ownself. We travelled and our last flight together was when we travelled to Saudi to perform umrah almost 10 years ago, a memorable journey on a 13 hour flight, just the three of us. You both had spent over 70 years with each other and it was only last year we actually did something for you, celebrated your 70th wedding anniversary). O’ Allah, forgive them and have mercy on them and give them strength and pardon them. Be generous to them, protect them from the punishment of the grave and grant them the highest ranks of Jannah while give us sad, patience to bear this loss. An era, a chapter has been closed, our routine of taking care of them or looking over their medical needs or ensuring they are comfortable has come to an end. It shall be very empty not able to see both of you sitting on your allocated chairs, sitting on the dinner table and your voices will be dearly missed. Inshallah we shall meet in Jannah with your daughters and the rest of the extended family that have passed away. Aamir Ahmad is an engineer based in Sydney, Australia.

Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad and Mrs Jamal Ara Ahmad at their 70th wedding anniversary in 2021. JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200




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Mubarak Eid Mubarak Wishing you all a joyous and safe Eid al-Adha.

PETER KHALIL MP Federal Labor Member for Wills

1/240 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 20


T. (03) 9350 5777 F. (03) 9350 6613


ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31

When was the last time you checked your hearing? Gulsema Temel Free Hearing Services available* Lifetime hearing is your local Melbourne Audiologist specialising in hearing health. We have been providing expert treatments for over 6 years that helps to maintain your hearing health. We have Arabic and Turkish speaking audiologists available. Sound Advice Did you know your hearing test is more than just hearing results. We are able to detect early signs of some serious health issues such as a tumour pressing on your hearing nerve. We work closely with ENTs for serious health matters to be further investigated. Did you know memory loss and hearing has a significant link? Looking after our Hearing Health can limit the process of cognitive decline including dementia. What should cancer survivors know about hearing loss? If you have experienced cancer and cancer treatment, we encourage you to undergo a comprehensive hearing test by one of our experienced audiologists. Certain chemotherapy medications and radiation therapy treatments for certain cancers may damage healthy cochlear hair cells found in the inner ear and result in hearing loss.

Hearing loss has many impacts, here is a list of some of the links: • Hearing loss and tinnitus • Hearing loss and heart disease • Hearing loss and diabetes • Hearing loss and balance At lifetime hearing we advise our community to have a baseline hearing test at 50 and depending on the result we will advise yearly reviews. Hearing assessments need to be part our communities yearly health check. We also advise children who are starting preschool to have a hearing assessment to rule out any hearing related issues. Here are five common signs of hearing loss or vestibular disorders: 1. Asking those around you to repeat what they say. 2. Feeling like those around you are mumbling or not speaking clearly. 3. Difficulty hearing and understanding in noisy environments. 4. Turning up the volume on devices. 5. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded. Latest trends in hearing aids Today’s hearing aids are smaller, lighter, more discreet and more automated, delivering unparalleled sound quality. Here’s what the latest technology has to offer: RECHARGEABILITY, WIRELESS CONNECTIVITY and advanced microphones. Here is a list of hearing aid usage benefits: • Better hearing • Reduce cognitive decline • Reduce risk of auditory deprivation

• • • • •

Reduce the effect of tinnitus Improved understanding Better quality of life Better self-confidence Improving academically and at work If you are ready to take the next step in improving your hearing healthcare, you should consider making an appointment with one of our experienced audiologists. Our audiologists can pinpoint the exact nature of any hearing issues present and suggest viable solutions to improve your hearing. A typical test takes approximately 30 minutes and is not painful or invasive. You could even suggest your partner is tested at the same time. Services: *Free audiology services for pension card holders, veterans, NDIS participants, Work Cover and others eligible for the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program. Terms and conditions apply under the Gov-


ernment hearing services program. We offer a wide range of services including: • Wax removal via microsuction and curette • Comprehensive Hearing assessments • -Work cover applications and treatments • Hearing Aid prescriptions and fittings • -Assistive listening devices • -Noise plugs -Musician plugs -Sleep plugs – Swim plugs for both children and adults. Remember, at Lifetime Hearing, we are “hear” for you and we encourage you to make your hearing healthcare one of your most important routine health tests. Take the first step to better hearing today. (03) 9999 3900 Gulsema Temel is the Principal Audiologist at Lifetime Hearing based in Melbourne, Australia.




EID MUBARAK Wishing everyone a happy and safe Eid-ul-Adha



MP Liberal Member for Clark Cnr Main/Albert Rd, Moonah (03) 6165 7730


Authorised by Elise Archer, 62 Main Road Moonah, TAS 7009.

JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200



107 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton SA 5033



NEWS 1-3



An enlightening evening of art and literature in Sydney

FEATURE 16 - 17

Strangers In Paradise Dr Reginald Naulty

Tariq Mirza On Saturday 21 May 2022, the Sydney-based Urdu literary institute, Pak Forum Australia, organised a remarkable book launch event to inaugurate the fifth book of prolific Australian Urdu writer, Mr Tariq M Mirza, titled, ‘Mulkun Mulkun Dekha Chand’. This book is based upon Tariq Mirza’s vivid travel experiences in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Qatar. The travel log is enriched with detailed narrations of his experiences in those countries, relaying the unique cultures of the people he came across, engaging stories, and universal themes related to the human condition, all related through the literary charm of the Urdu language. The function was held at the Lahori Dera Auditorium in Sydney’s West, a large number of members of the Subcontinental community, literary, political and social, were in attendance. The chief guest of the evening was the Pakistan Consul General Mr Mohammad Ashraf and the Master of Ceremonies (MC) was Mr Rehan Alvi, Executive Producer of SBS Urdu. The program was initiated by a beautiful recitation of the Holy Qur’an by Mr Usaid Khalil, followed by an authorial introduction of Mr Tariq Mirza by Mr Akhtar Ali Mughal. The book was then reviewed by Mr Abbas

Alvi, Mr Rana Zafar Hussain, Mr Afzal Rizvi, Mr Abbas Zaidi and Mr Ahmad Muslim Alvi. Ms Huma Mirza delivered a speech on behalf of the Pakistan High Commissioner. Mr Tariq M Mirza, thanked and addressed his guests and relayed his book-writing journey to the audience, including the aims, inspirations, and challenges encountered while creating his masterpiece, particularly during the publishing process. The program was concluded with delicious Pakistani feast. Mr Tariq M Mirza’s other books are ‘Khushboo Ka Safar’, ‘Talash e Rah’, ‘Safar e Ishq’ and ‘Dunya Rang Rangili’.

‘Mulkon Mulkon Dekha Chand’ was published by the renowned Sang e Meel Publications Pakistan, and the spectacular title and cover of the book was proudly designed by Sydney-based Pakistani artist, Mr Shahid Malik. Tariq Mirza is Sydney based journalist, short stories and travelogue writer, is author of four books. Tariq have been working for two decades in Australia along with some other friends for promotion of Urdu language and literature in Australia. Tariq is now an established travelogue writer and has earned his recognition through his beautiful writing.

AA joyous joyous Eid Eid ul-Adha ul-Adha to to all. all. Enjoy Enjoy this this time time surrouded surrouded by by your your loved loved ones. ones.





Not even the subtle whispering of the wind awakens their spirit, neither does the raucous call of the eagle. May those who work miracles with song, charm them, draw them out, then the rose and the sun will be theirs. The owls` forlorn hoot in the night for a mate reminds them of their need to be affectionate. Those who fill needs advance to new destinations; our world, ever arduous and rewarding, is the first, though not the only paradise. Dr Reginald Naulty, originally from Adelaide, has taught at Charles Sturt University and has been a prolific writer since 1972.

Authorised by Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens, Parliament House, Canberra 2600



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Self-Care nourishes the mind, body and spirit Princess R Lakshman Self-Care enables one to live life with mindful actions, joy, compassion, and gratitude for the abundance and mercy that Allah has bestowed upon us. We often take our ‘Physical Self’ as the primary self. When it comes to self-care, we need to nourish the ‘Essential Self’ – our essence – which dwells inside the physical body… inside the heart. When the Essential Self is ignored for too long, the Physical Self begins to manifest negative symptoms such as anger, confusion, anxiety, fear, accumulation of abdominal fat, lack of sleep, fatigue, worry, increased blood pressure, and shallow breathing, to name a few. Here are 12 Self-Care strategies to help nourish the mind, body, and spirit: 1. Have the intention to nourish your body with whole foods by choosing ingredients that are directly from nature, unpackaged and unprocessed. 2. After salah, spend time on your prayer mat, with your eyes closed, and breathe deeply, mindfully. Try to do at least 20

long breaths. 3. Spend time outside in nature. Touch the grass. Touch the trees. Smell the flowers. Bask in the warmth of the sun on your face. Or feel the raindrops on your palm. At night, spend a few minutes looking up into the night sky and become aware of your connection with the entire cosmos. Know that you are part of this beautiful creation. 4. Have a morning and evening skin-care routine. You don’t need expensive products. Sweet almond oil blended with a few drops of calming essential oils can be great to moisturize your face and body with. Lavender and Ylang Ylang blend works beautifully just before bedtime. Citrus oil blends work wonderfully in the mornings. 5. Be of service to someone and do it purely for the sake of Allah. 6. Journal out your thoughts and feelings regularly. 7. Water stores memories. Adult human bodies are 60% water. The brain and heart are 73% water. If there is a persistent negative memory that your body is holding onto, drink lots of water and detox your body’s fluids through natural excretion. 8. Switch off your device at least one hour before bed. Read a book or a magazine instead, until you feel tired.

Covideo Twenty21 film festival discovers emerging talent

Kuranda Seyit The Covideo Twenty21 film festival to be held on Saturday 2 July 2022 in Melbourne was born out of a word play with the name covid and video. Founder and festival curator Kuranda Seyit, says, “I felt we needed a film festival that looks back at the past two years of a pandemic, with all the panic buying, iso, mental distress, frustration and anger and so on, as a cathartic experience and for us to just let it go. But more importantly, I wanted a platform for our filmmakers to showcase their work and be rewarded with a public screening.” “I think film director Kauthar Abdulalim is by no means a newcomer, she has made some great shorts this past few years, however, her film ‘The Ninth Tower’, starring Aslan Farooqui is a powerful film which captures the anxst during the lockdown of the towers in Melbourne. The film poignantly addresses the injustice and unfairness of the situation for an already disadvantaged community. Abdulalim, uses handheld camera work to underscore the tension, particularly for the protagonist whose mother is in dire need of medication.” Abdulalim says, “I wanted to portray an alternate narrative about what actually hapJULY 2022 / ISSUE 200

pened at the towers; capturing the unjust and unfair treatment of the residents by our state-authorities, and the intensity of what it felt like to be caged forcefully with little to no access to essentials.” Another emerging young Film-maker is Melburnian, Josiah Saxby, who made a haunting film about mental health during the lockdown. He says, “Lockdown left everyone feeling like they were doing life entirely on their own, so I made The End of Myself to make the audience feel less alone. I wanted to make a film that was honest about the mental health toll of Covid, and unite everyone – especially in Melbourne, in our collective struggle.” There is a great selection of films including ‘A room of one’s own’, ‘The great toilet paper panic’, ‘Goodbye’, ‘Stay Focused’ and ‘Death in the Time of Corona’, as well as others. The evening on Sunday 3 July will also include guest speakers, spoken word artists to pepper the audience with alliteration, rhyme and sarcasm while comedians keep the mood upbeat! And for those brave enough to make it to the venue in Geelong, there will be fun lucky door prizes! So how to get tickets? or visit the website to find out more.

9. Create something with your hands. Learn a new craft. 10. Manage your emotions by finding healthy and peaceful ways to express them. Anger is a normal emotion, but what you do with it can result in a life filled with angry, aggressive reactions or a life with mindful, peaceful responses. Know that emotions are mere signals to tell you whether you are listening to your heart and taking care of yourself. Most unhappy people are simply unhappy because they are constantly doing what their hearts really don’t want to do.

Listen to your heart – it knows what you need to do. 11. Speak kindly about yourself to yourself. Always. You are a beautiful creation of Allah. 12. Practise patience through expressing gratitude. Every moment is a moment of mercy if you choose to look at it that way. You have a choice to be a victim of your circumstances or a victor of them. Princess R. Lakshman is a writer, speaker, qualified clinical nutritionist, life coach and a counsellor. She is based in Sydney, Australia.

I wish the Muslim community

Eid Mubarak for Eid-ul-Adha.

ROD BARTON MP Member of the Victorian Legislative Council

COMMUNITY DRIVEN, FAIRNESS FOCUSED Electorate Office: Office 1, 600 Doncaster Road, Doncaster, VIC 3108


Phone: +61 3 9850 8600 Email:





NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

The Chinese government imprisoned my pregnant wife These testimonies are the stories of Uyghurs and Falun Gong Practitioners affected by the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to commit genocide against them and other minorities. Their families and friends are at risk of forced organ harvesting. Many have pledged to never source an organ from China if they ever needed one. END TRANSPLANT ABUSE IN CHINA

Almas Nizamidin My name is Almas Nizamidin. I am from Adelaide, Australia and I work as a building contractor. My wife, Buzainafu Abudourexiti, was my high school sweetheart. She was sentenced to seven years in prison in Xinjiang, where she remains incarcerated to this day in a women’s prison. I was part of the initial demonstrations of the Urumqi riots in 2009. In the midst of a brutal police crackdown that had started, my parents urged me to flee to seek asylum in Australia. I did so and eventually became an Australian citizen in 2014. Buzainafu and I remained dedicated to one another throughout this time. After she graduated from her studies, we married in our hometown, Ürümqi, in 2016. On 14 February 2017, Valentine’s Day, I surprised her with a visit. I stayed for a month, and we made plans for the future; our lives started looking up. The police came for my wife at her home on 29 March 2017. She was traveling to a doctor’s appointment as she had just found out she was pregnant with our child. Her


family had called her, and she cancelled her appointment and hurried home. There, the police shoved a bag over her head, forced her into a car and drove her away. No one has seen her since. I found out about her arrest and disappearance second-hand. I am certain our unborn baby was lost. I believe they performed a forced abortion. That is what they do to Uyghur women, to our people in that place. I had frantically returned to China upon finding out about her arrest. I had to bribe the police to gain information on her whereabouts and welfare, but only vague assertions were given. I was told the exact nature of my wife’s arrest was a “state secret” and she had no right to a lawyer. She was sentenced to seven years in prison for “assembling a crowd to disturb social order”. I was in disbelief; my wife was introverted and shy, it was simply impossible. I suspect my wife was arrested because she was previously in Egypt for studies. The day after her sentencing, I was summoned to the local police station and told I had 24 hours to leave China or face arrest. I was told to tell no one about my wife’s detention. In January 2018, my mother, a retired former maths teacher, was also detained. The charge against her was identical to that laid against my wife, but instead she was arbitrarily detained for 22 months, forced to undergo ‘re-education’ and to work in a factory.


Almas (right), with his wife Buzainafu who was imprisoned by the Chinese government in 2017. After almost two years, she was then released to home confinement. She is unable to leave China and remains under surveillance. Our communications are monitored. In 2019, I was granted a single telephone call; they were forcing her to say something, and she was crying and apologising. They gave her only three minutes, just to let me know she’s alive. I have spoken out with the support of Amnesty International, and have shared my story with journalists. In 2020, I gave evidence to a UK House of Commons inquiry into detention camps in Xinjiang. Every year I visit Canberra, beseeching political support from ministers and backbenchers alike, for them to do more to help reunite my family. People listen, and they feel very sorry for me, but follow up actions have yet to occur. I have not seen my wife in nearly six years. Even the photos I have of her are from five years ago. My mother, my love, they are forced into detention. I feel so guilty that I


can’t bring them here to Australia. It hurts. Even if you’re living in a free country, on the inside you are not free. Something is catching you. That is why I speak out for them, I have to. I do not fear retribution for speaking out. They have taken my wife, my child, and my mother from me. What else can they do to me? Almas Nizamidin is a building contractor based in Adelaide, Australia. The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC), Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), China Aid and supporting organizations are asking for your help to raise awareness of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China and mobilize a global movement to end this transplant abuse. Take the pledge:

ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31


Collective voices against the global Islamophobia, racism and Hindutva agenda Abdul Aziz It is time for raising collective voices to ensure global recognition of India’s current ruling party, the BJP’s deeply problematic history of bigotry, hate-mongering and Islamophobia, and its existing links to Hindutva fascist organisations like RSS. India faces backlash from the Muslim world after two members of the country’s ruling party made derogatory remarks about Prophet Muhammad (s). The united and collective response from the Muslim countries and leaders against such racism forced the BJP to apologise and sack the two accused party members. While this is not the first time that the Indian BJP-led politicians expose its Hindutva agenda against Muslims and Islam, the incident presents a unique case presenting some lessons for us about how to effectively protest and stop the global Islamophobic agenda across the world. First, the recent move of OIC shows a strong stance against all form of hatred and racism including Hindutva in India deserve a commendation.

The UN mandated 15 March ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’ marks a collective effort of OIC countries, particularly diplomatic advocacy of Pakistan at the international forums. Such recognised and collective initiative will help to make India’s nationalist and Islamophobic actions accountable. Therefore, OIC plays a significant role in promoting communal peace and harmony. Secondly, collective actions from Muslim countries imposing political pressure and economic sanctions have been effective in giving a tough message against all forms of BJP-led communal hatred. Countries including Qatar, Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Maldives, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pakistan have characterized the remarks as offensive. For example, the Qatari government summoned the Indian ambassador and stated the “disappointment of the State of Qatar and its total rejection and condemnation to the controversial remarks made by an official in the ruling party in India against Prophet Muhammad (s).” Kuwait’s government also summoned the Indian ambassador and expressed its “categorical rejection and condemnation of the insulting statements.” Even Oman’s grand mufti, Ahmad bin Hamad al-Khalili, expressed his condemna-

Amazing recall of life in an Iranian prison Christine Osborne The Uncaged Sky by British-Australian academic Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert is an enthralling account of her arrest, accused of espionage, at Tehran Airport in September 2018 and of enduring 804 days in an Iranian prison. Cut-off from the outside world, and written with extraordinary recall of events, that she survived was due to her realisation that the only way to remain sane was to disassociate herself from the situation. Kept mainly in solitary confinement in a small, windowless cell, her bed a pile of hairy blankets, she was forced to wear a blindfold when marched out for interminable questioning by her captors, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. A Jewish husband (who meanly offered her no support) and several visits to the hated Zionist state made her especially suspect of spying. Published in March 2022, The Uncaged Sky is an absorbing first person experience among earlier books written by other victims of fate and misadventure (Death and Ten Years by Roger Cooper detained for five years while on a business trip to Iran in 1985 being significant). This said, I would have liked to have learned a few details of Dr Moore-Gilbert’s life before her arrest. And something of her reintegration into society since returning to Melbourne (albeit likely due to her writing full pelt to get her experiences down). And it is evident that while a specialist in Islamic studies with local contacts, she greatly miscalculated the risks associated with travelling between sensitive parts of the Middle East. What she was doing in Bahrain is only explained as a vague reference to researching the rights of its majority Shi’a population, the subject of her thesis. In which case it surprises she was not apprehended by local authorities who live in terror of Iranian designs on their island kingdom ruled by the Sunni al-Khalifa family and closely moniJULY 2022 / ISSUE 200

tored by Saudi Arabia. Did she have a government invitation to attend the Islamic conference in the holy Shi’a city of Qum? If so, it is odd she was arrested although sudden reverses are not uncommon in this ever fluid part of the world as I have discovered. Largely due to the constant interrogations, The Uncaged Sky is a trifle repetitive up to page 80 after which it takes on a life of its own as we meet other detainees in the infamous Evin and Qarchak prisons where she was held: the book is dedicated to her best friends Niloufar Bayani and Sepideh Kashani with whom she communicated via messages hidden in pot plants. About halfway through the almost 500 pages, somewhat astonishingly we learn that Qazi Zadeh, the official responsible for Dr Moore-Gilbert’s case became infatuated by her. Her multiple hunger strikes and attempt at escape were brave and defiant so if not for her attractive looks, it is possible he could not help falling for the gutsy prisoner from Down Under. Hopefully writing The Uncaged Sky has acted as a sort of exorcism for Dr Moore-Gilbert and that this grim episode in her life, she is now 36, will eventually start to fade. Her experiences are also a warning to travellers, academic or simple adventurers, not to depart our halcyon shores for dubious destinations without being cognizant of potholes on the road ahead. Finally, while well edited, The Uncaged Sky has one conspicuous error. On page 189, referring to the dreaded Iranian Judge Salavati, Dr Moore-Gilbert describes a prisoner convicted of corruption, of being sentenced to death: “…he was hung by the regime on 12 December 2020.” Curtains are hung, people are hanged. The Uncaged Sky is published by Ultimo Press, 2022. Christine Osborne is an Australian photojournalist and author. Her website features books and photographs of the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. She has visited more than 30 Muslim majority countries. See also

A demonstrator in Mumbai stomps a poster of BJP member Nupur Sharma during a protest after her comments on Prophet Muhammad (s) [Francis Mascarenhas/ Reuters]

tion of “the insolent and obscene rudeness of the official spokesman for the ruling extremist party in India against the messenger of Islam.” Thirdly, the Muslim community in Australia needs to be aware of any form of hatred. Engaging the Australian community and policymakers may also play a crucial role against racism and raising awareness of Hindutva hatred, social media hate speech and the threat they pose to Australia’s social cohesion. Community organisation, like Australian Alliance Against Hate, has recently organised street protest opposing Tejasvi Surya’s arrival in Australia, who is a parliament member of the BJP and known as a Hindutva preacher and racist making derogatory remarks about Islam, Muslims and Arabs.

Finally, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter offer different features such as using hashtags (#SayNoToHatred, #SayNoToHindutva) that can be utilised to mobilise the community and interfaith dialogues and raise collective voices countering all forms of communal hard and protecting cultural diversity and social cohesion. Significantly, we should not only be condemning Indian policy when it is insulting the Prophet Muhammad (s) but also when it’s lynching Muslims to death regularly in India and all forms of communal violence and hate against all minorities. Abdul Aziz is a PhD candidate at the School of Communication, Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Wishing Muslims in South Australia and all around Australia a happy Eid Mubarak. SENATOR


Labor Senator for South Australia

Adelaide: 08 8269 6022 Authorised by K. Grogan, Australian Labor Party, 265 Churchill Road, Prospect SA 5082.






NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

The legacy of Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Prof Dr Mohammad Ilyas After an active academic life in India, Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad dedicated half a century in Australia for an initiative to help build up Muslim Ummah together with wider community’s involvement through active communications, activities, and widely available Australasian Muslim Times AMUST. I first met Dr Ahmad in Adelaide soon after he arrived in Australia 50 years back. I was teaching physics at Adelaide University and under Australian Government Fellowship pursuing PhD programme (Rocket-borne Ozone Layer study). We interacted and followed up on our efforts even after I took up an appointment in Malaysia where I was to head a global effort to revive Islamic Astronomy institution for half a century including observatories and other avenues. What is the background to Dr Ahmad’s mission? Between the 8th and the 14th century CE, we witnessed an Islamic ‘Golden Age’ when Islamic Civilisation throughout much of the Mediterranean and the Middle East and further to the east and the north rapidly spread. While Londoners slept in mud huts beside the river Thames, Muslims in Spain were building modern roads and bridges, elegant buildings, street lighting, public baths, and using deodorants. It is now accepted wisdom that in Europe’s dark ages, the light came from Muslim Spain which inspired the European Renaissance. Yet, after ruling over large domains of the world across vast parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa for about 1300 years, the Muslim

World went into disarray and decline post breakup of Muslim Khilafah and later Muslim communities faced siege-like conditions from the West. Muslim states have been devastated by wars in many countries including Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. This has led to large numbers of economic Muslim refugees. In some places such as Budhist Myanmar, Muslims have been displaced and killed. Lately, even in supposedly benign places like Denmark have been targeted while in a peaceful place like New Zealand they were massacred in Christchurch mosques. In this scenario we need the emergence of a leadership that deploys the language of religious thought and promotes an under-

standing of citizenship. We need interfaith dialogue to promote mutual understanding for peaceful coexistence so that new communications technologies can bring closeness and understanding between communities. Islam has long been unduly projected as a threat in parts of the World. Just because Islamic Empires defeated the West at times inside Europe does not justify its prejudice against Islam. Seemingly the power brokers vilify Islam and demonise Muslims, thereby fanning the fires of bigotry and fear among the good people in the West. Indeed, people in the West have come to the rescue of Muslims in many ways including hosting refugees and protested to stop

wars against Muslim lands in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Dr Ahmad’s legacy is in recognising the need to rebuild unity of humankind through the fundamentals of Islam that emphasise social justice, peaceful co-existence, and wider community involvement. Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad indeed was, to reword poet, Sir Iqbal “Tu shaheen he perwaaz he kaam tera” meaning: You were a falcon and flight was your calling. Prof Ilyas taught physics at Adelaide University, in Malaysia revived modern global Islamic Astronomy, published numerous books, recognized in Noble Peace Prize 2007 to IPCC .

I wish the Muslim community a very happy and safe Eid Mubarak.


State Leader, Democratic Labour Party Member for Western Metropolitan Region Tel: 03 9317 5900

Suite 101, 19 Lacy Street Braybrook VIC 3019




ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31


Islamic Outreach Forum at Surfer’s Paradise

An innovative da’wah program in Australia Dr Rashid Raashed

‘The Ocean-Heart Foundation for Lateral Thinking, Education and Research’ , is an initiative for Islamic Da’wah effort sponsored by Haji Shahim Khalil (The Ocean-Hearted) in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Mr Khalil is the current owner of the Savannah Hotel in the Gold Coast who has invested A$ 2.5 million Dollars in order to facilitate the grand objective of the Foundation, as set out below. The magnitude of the invested fund in this project is the indicator of the largesse, integrity and commitment to Da’wah ila Allaah, on the part of the founder, hence his deserved title as ‘The Ocean-Hearted’! Mr Khalil is a successful businessman with an imprint of a strong Islamic identity. He started his struggling life as a professional boxer and promoter of boxing and wrestling in Fji where he was also the past District President of the Fiji Muslim League. In the main, this Foundation intends to reach out to the mainstream Australian community with the message of the Qur’an. The first and the foremost of it, is for all humans to live up to their own standard as critical thinking and logical beings on earth. In a simple test of human logic, life is a benefit. So, there must also be two other elements of this benefit. They are the beneficiary and the benefactor. Undoubtedly, and as a human, I am the beneficiary. So the Question is: Who the benefactor? All along its mission, the Qur’an, answers this question without an ambiguity! Here it

is in black and white: “Hello Humanity, Listen carefully, the Creation belongs to God alone. So does the authority to administer it!” (Qur’an 7:54) The principal mission of the Qur’an is thus, to engage with the global humanity at all times, invoking their critical human thought, fairness logic and justice. But unfortunately, this aspect of the Qur’an continued to be under-utilised and at times, mispresented! As it stands true in Australia today, it is also true of the contemporary world. In filling up this crucial gap thus, The OceanHeart Foundation for Lateral Thinking, Education and Research, is a timely response! This Foundation is located on Level 2, 18-22 Orchid Ave, Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast (next door to the Hilton Hotel and squarely opposite the Police Station). At a given time, the facility will accommodate some 500 visitors. The main mission of this Foundation is to initiate and sustain an Islamic Outreach Forum, in which, both Muslims and the mainstream Australians will sit and meet together, in a social setting. When fully launched, the facility will also provide for five time daily prayers as well as the Friday Prayers (Jum’ah). In the weekends, there will be a lecture delivered by a specialised Islamic scholar on a topic of the day. This will be followed by an open forum of questions and answers on the topic of the lecture or on any other related topics. The Forum will also house a rich library containing books and other sources of knowledge and information. All the resources will be mainly in English as a target language, on various Islamic subjects that are handled from the viewpoints of the contemporary world views and challenges of

Tawaf in Hajj & Umrah

Farid Ahmed Muslims perform Tawaf with love and devotion to Allah in Hajj or Umrah whenever the opportunity comes to them. What is Tawaf in Hajj? It is circling around the House of Allah seven times as an essential duty in Umrah or Hajj. My query is, is Tawaf only a ritual in Hajj or Umrah, or can we derive lessons to practice as Muslims, in our daily lives? As I understand, every action that Allah has prescribed, has multifaced benefits with multiple lessons, and we should look for those lessons for our benefits. In this brief essay, I would like to highlight a few points in relations to Tawaf. Circling: Allah created many things to circle. The Sun is circling daily, and for it, we see the day and night. The Moon is circling on its orbit, and for it we see the crescent to calculate our months. The weather is circling around the year. For it, winter ends to bring the summer. The sea waves are going through the circle also. For it, we see the high and low waves. The water is circling also by going up as vapour and then coming down back as rain. Human life also goes through circle. Initially, they were made from clay, then they are born, and then they are returned to the clay (Grave), and then they will be resurrected for the next life from the clay again. Between the birth and death there is a circle. Babies begin their life cycle from JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200

helplessness, and then they reach maturity, and then they start going down and become helpless in old age again. The question is, why this circling is taking place in our lives and in the creations of Allah? The answer is: “That is the order of (Allah), the Almighty, the All Knowing.” [Quran 36.38] Circling to obey Allah: Everything in this universe is circling around Allah’s obedience. The Sun, Moon, Stars, Galaxies, water, weather, or lives are willingly or unwillingly obeying Allah through the orbit that Allah has set for them. “When All creatures in the heavens and on earth have willingly and unwillingly, surrendered to HIM (Allah), and to HIM shall they all be brought back.” [Quran 3:83] Tawaf around Allah’s House: It is a symbol of spending our lives around Allah’s obedience willingly. We should take t h a t concept as a lesson from the Tawaf in Hajj. We walk there within the set of lines around Allah’s House, and from it, we remind ourselves that we must walk around Allah’s commands day and night to complete one cycle. In Tawaf, we make 7 circles, and in a week, we must obey Allah’s Halal and Haram in all 7 days. Allah has taught us this in the Holy Quran, “Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life, and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds.” [Quran 6:162] Farid Ahmed is a survivor of Christchurch attack on 15 May 2019, a peace advocate, author of HUSNA’S Story and Quran teacher in Christchurch.

Haji Shahim Khalil in front of Broadbeach Savannah.

life and daily living. Located only few steps from the Surfer’s Paradise main beach, this forum will offer an environment of relaxed and open discussions between the Muslims and the mainstream Australians. All the activities of the forum will be undertaken within the true and applied meaning of the Qur’an 109:06: “You already have a religion of your choice, which I both accept and respect. Please allow me to have a religion of my own.” Reemphasising the same theme, the Qur’an 2:256 also establishes that: “There can be no compulsion or force on the matter of religion.” Indeed! As a theme, the ‘freedom of choice and religion’ cannot find a better alternative! According to the Qur’an 17:105, “its mission is the blessings for the entire

universe and the human race.” The true message of the Qur’an thus, must be disseminated to the entire humanity. In promoting the peaceful coexistence therefore, the Islamic Outreach Forum, is a great development to Australia, to the world and to the humanity at large! Dr Rashid Raashed based in Sydney is currently the Director of Islamic Financial Services Australia (IFSA). He graduated with speciality in Hadith from Islamic University, Patya, Chittagong, Bangladesh, BA (Hons) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Tripoli, Libya, MA (Usyd) and PhD (Macquarie Uni) in Islamic Financial System. He has served as Imam at Surry Hills and Sefton mosques and is founder and Chairman of Leadership University and College, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

On this joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, I wish all Muslims in Victoria and all around Australia, a very Happy Eid.

Bruce Atkinson MLC

Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region Member of the Legislative Council Phone: 03 9877 7188

Address: R19B | Level 3, West 5 Car Park Entrance, Eastland Shopping Centre

Funded from Parliamentary Budget






NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

27th National Schools Wealth Management Constitutional The Quranic perspective Convention 2022 Qasim Abbas

Shafqat Ali Eighty five (85) students, based on their essays about people’s rights during COVID-19 locked-downs were invited to the Parliament House of their corresponding states on 10 & 11 May 2022 to participate in a National Schools Constitutional Convention to learn about how the parliament legislative process works. Thirteen (13) students reached the NSW Parliament House where they were connected via Zoom with other student groups from other states. On the first day of sessions, students learnt about the issue through a series of keynote speakers. Then each state student group had their own face to face soapbox working group sessions where their main discussion was whether Australia should have a Bill of

Rights or not. On the second day, a number of speakers including Shayyan Ali who spoke on behalf of NSW talked about the benefits of the Bill of Rights. Students then participated in the voting where the Bill of Rights was passed; 51 (60%) members were in favour and 34 (40%) were against. As per students’ feedback, the convention was very useful for them to learn about contemporary issues regarding society; in particular about their rights within Australia. It gave them the opportunity to interact with students from other states to learn about their opinions. The whole convention proceedings were compiled in an official Communiqué where this Convention provided an excellent opportunity for students to debate constitutional issues.

Wealth includes cash, bank balance, jewelry, property, investment, trademark, goodwill, franchise etc. Wealth plays very important role in human life, business, commerce, politics etc. The Holy Quran mentions functions of wealth, for which Arabic word “Maal” (plural “Amwaal”) is used. Recording of financial transactions: Verse 2:282 commands believers to write down when entering into financial transaction for a specified period, and to have witness for this, and explains in detail about the procedure of writing down. Forbidding acquisition of wealth illegally: Verses 4:29 forbids acquiring wealth by illegal means. Verse 2:188 commands not to influence the authorities (judges, law makers etc) in order to acquire peoples’ wealth by illegal means. (peoples’ wealth includes government property regarded as peoples’/tax money). Wealth as test in life: Verses 8:28 and 64:15 warn about wealth as a test / temptation (Arabic word “fitnah”) in human life, since often wealth becomes root cause of quarrel, fight, litigation etc. Sometimes wealth creates problems due to improper planning, therefore, the wealth is test/temptation in human life. Wealth as worldly decor: Verse 18:46 says that wealth is decoration / ornaments of human life. The good deeds are better, from which the best reward from the Lord can be expected. Best use of wealth as charity: Verses 2:215, 2:274, 3:92 & 17:29 command mankind to spend part of their wealth in the cause

of Allah. Verse 63:10 commands to spend the wealth as charity before one’s death. Verses 2:254 and 14:31 command to spend the wealth as charity before the judgement day. Overspending of wealth: Verses 6:141, 7:131, 17:26 & 27 forbid believers towards unnecessary expenses. Under-spending of wealth: Verse 17:29 commands not to resort to misery. Wealth in excess of requirement: Verse 2:219 explains to spend in the cause of Allah. whatever is beyond one’s need. Wealth to use for the cause of Allah: Verses 2:261 to 2:265 describe not to use charity to show others or to follow up or to show generosity and obligation. Wealth to use to attain to righteousness: Verse 3:92 commands that to attain righteousness, one has to spend in the cause of Allah what he loves i.e. wealth, loved most by mankind. Greed of wealth: Verses 102:1 & 2 explain that too much greed of wealth has diverted mankind until he has reached the grave i.e. end of life. Hoarding of wealth: Verses 104: 2 & 3 describe about those, who hoard the wealth without using it thinking that their wealth will be with them forever. In fact, after death, the wealth is passed to someone else. Orphans’ wealth: Verses 4:10, 6:152, 17:34 etc. forbid towards acquiring orphan’s wealth by illegal means. Wealth may divert from remembrance of Allah: Verse 63:9 describes that love towards wealth and children can divert believers from remembrance of Allah, and those who will do this, they will be among the losers. All above Commands show us the best management of wealth, as taught to human being by Allah.

Eid Mubarak I wish you all a very happy EID with family and friends.

SHEENA WATT MP for Northern Metropolitan P 03 9462 3966 W Suite 1, Level 2, 55 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne VIC 3002




ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25




SOCIAL 30 - 31


NSW Budget 2022-23: Full of sweeteners for impending state election FINANCE Dr Abul Jalaluddin The NSW budget for 2022-23 delivers enormous gains for women, first home buyers, parents, health, education and transport. Foreign investors and key infrastructure projects are among the losers. The budget will spend $115 billion across the state in 2022-23, but its revenue is forecast to generate only $104 billion which will result in a hefty budget deficit of $11 billion. In 2021-22, the state’s debt was $53.5 billion or 8% of Gross State Product (GSP) which is forecast to reach $114.8 billion or 14% of GSP in 2025-26. The major measures of the budget are as follows: Stamp Duty Relief The first home buyers may choose to opt out of stamp duty by paying an annual levy of $400 plus 0.3% of the land value of the property from 16 January 2023. School and Pre-school Children Parents will receive a $150 “back to school” bonus for every child in primary and high school to help pay for their school supplies. Parents of pre-schoolers attending long day care centres will receive up to

$2,000 per child aged four and five. In addition, there is up to $4,000 a year in fee relief for children aged three to five at community or mobile pre-schools funded by the NSW Department of Education. Pre-kindy Children Four-year-olds will receive an extra year of education as a pre-kindergarten year of play-based learning, costing $5.8 billion over 10 years. A pilot program will commence in 2023 and the full scale rollout is expected in 2030. Private Childcare operators The budget has allocated $5 billion over 10 years for private childcare providers to expand or build new centres. This will create 47,000 new places for childcare in the state. Health There is an allocation of $1.8 billion over 4 years for 1,850 extra paramedics and 30 new ambulance stations. There will be a recruitment of over 10,000 doctors, nurses and other staff for health services, costing the budget $4.5 billion over 4 years. The state will spend $883 million to attract and retain health workers in rural and remote areas of NSW. Over $740 million is allocated to improve palliative care in the state. An allocation of $408 million is made to fast-track elective surgeries delayed due to Covid-19 pandemic. Healthcare workers

across the state will receive a $3,000 “thank you” payment for their service during the Covid-19 pandemic. Education NSW public schools will benefit from a $1.6 billion school building fund. Over $478 million is allocated to 9 public schools in the south-west of Sydney to help the areas worst hit by the last year’s Covid-19 lockdowns.

Programs for Women The budget allocated $4.9 billion over 4 years to increase workforce participation, improve safety, support woman in small business and also health commitments for affordable fertility treatments and menopause hubs. Shared Equity Scheme for Affordable Housing The NSW budget will contribute an equity share up to 40% for a new property or up to 30% for an existing property under $950,000 in Sydney and other major regional centres. This scheme will ameliorate mortgage stress for all Australians. This measure will provide 3,000 places/houses at a cost of $740 million over 2 years. Law and Order The NSW police force will, over 4 years, receive $5.5 billion including $430 million for new and upgraded stations and facilities. Other Budget Measures The State Emergency Service will re-

ceive over $132 million for infrastructure, resources and staffing, including an Incident Control Centre in Lismore. An allocation of $218 million was made for the state’s fleet of 8,000 buses to go green and reduce emissions by 78% over 4 years. NSW drivers who spend over $1400 on tolls per year will save up to $750 a year. This measure will cost the budget an amount of $520 million over two years and replace the registration relief program from 2023. The budget allocated $25 million to permanently place the Aboriginal flag on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The residential land tax for wealthy foreign investors will increase from 2% to 4%, raising $300 million over 4 years. The budget closed a tax loophole in wagering laws to bring the tax rates of online and track betting into line, increasing both taxes to 15%. This reform is expected to raise $739 million over four years. Dr Abul Jalaluddin is an Islamic Finance expert, taxation advisor and a regular columnist for AMUST. He is based in Sydney.

Embracing sustainability even in prayer Ismar Nesiren Sustainability should also become increasingly important for Muslims so that we can preserve our planet. Living sustainably is honoring our Creator. This also includes prayer. In order to keep our world alive, sustainability is increasingly coming into focus. Fortunately, also in the Muslim community, but often not enough. A sustainable lifestyle is a tribute to our Creator. Many products in our daily life are made of non-natural materials, we surround ourselves with plastic and lose more and more the connection to nature. This has been a concern for me, Ismar and my friends Nadina and Anesa for a long time. We are three Bosnian Muslims living in Munich, Germany and we try to make our daily life as sustainable as possible. That’s why we started looking for a prayer rug made of natural materials. Because we

want to bed our forehead on a natural material during our most intimate date with our creator, especially when on the go. We were looking for something non-synthetic, still impervious and easy to carry but couldn’t find anything, so we decided to design something that fulfills our needs and founded RAHATNOOK. Why RAHATNOOK? As a corner of solitude, a place of peace and coziness, RAHATNOOK refers to our “space of silence”, both spatial and spiritual. It stands for the time we deliberately take for our daily prayers to immerse ourselves into “another world”: Rahat – (peace, calm, comfort) and nook – sheltered place, cosy corner. In pursuit of rahat we are passionate about finding the best, ethically sourced and fair-traded natural materials to create timeless and functional products for a Muslim’s everyday use. After a long research and lot of sampling, we decided to create prayer rug out of wool because of its great properties. We made the prayer rug big enough to perform prayer without changing the position and still light

and compact enough, so when folded it fits in any bag. The minimalistic Islamic geometry design was inspired by the creation of heavens, with a simple color pallet in blue gold, so it doesn’t distract you from your most important date. A sustainable framework for worship A daily commodity such as the prayer rug, which symbolizes the outer boundary between daily life and meditation, should convey the same naturalness and timelessness as prayer. Our RAHATNOOK is made to embody the realm of tranquility and peace that we enter inwardly while experiencing contemplation and spirituality. We want everyone to establish naturalness and organic consciousness within every corner of our everyday lives. We wish to offer muslims a pleasant framework for their daily ibadah in accordance with our principles: a natural, sustainable and fair approach dealing with our environment and our fellow human beings. To us, thoughtfulness and sustainability plays an important part in worshiping the God,

and by honoring the raw materials He provided us with, we intend to make products that are made to last. We pay attention to sustainability and ecology in every production step and actfrom the wellbeing of “our” sheep and everyone involved in the production process, harmless nontoxic dyeing, waste free waving and finishing, to recycled and recyclable co2 neutral packaging and shipping. We designed our products to eventually return safely to nature and become food for new plants and products. May your heart always be rahat. Ismar Nesiren is the CEO and founder of RAHATNOOK and is based in Munich, Germany.


Eid Mubarak Wishing you and your family a joyous Eid ul-Adha Cassie Rowe MLA 9277 6898


Authorised by C Rowe 1/275 Belmont Avenue, Cloverdale WA 6105

JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200






NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

Social Spotlights Auburn Gallipoli Mosque @gallipolimosque

We had the pleasure of hosting Sally Sitou MP, the new Member for Reid, for a visit to our Mosque and aged care centre today. We look forward to working with the good Member to better meet the needs of the communities we serve.

Muslim Women Australia

@MuslimWomenAustralia Many learnings and insight sharing at #FECCA2022 Conference with @ifecca, so many important topics explored, allowing for a true exchange of ideas that will hopefully lead to positive change in action for all of Australia.

Cr Philippa Scott


Canterbury Bankstown Torch @CanterburyBankstown-Torch

TINA Rahimi has her sights set on becoming Australia’s first Muslim female boxer to win gold at the Commonwealth Games. The Bass Hill resident is one of eight making their debut in an 11-strong Australian boxing team for the Games, and hopes to create a golden legacy in the 57kg division.

Wow! The absolute best way to end the week was with the Metro Assist Refugee Week Dinner. I was there in my dual capacity as a board member and as an Inner West Councillor. Thrilled to be joined by Clr Zoi Tsardoulias: Labor for Marrickville Midjuburi, as we were awed and inspired by some incredible people including the astonishing young Afghan woman of ‘Die, or Die Trying’, the Addi Road documentary; George Najarian, an incredible Syrian refugee and MC; and the students of Bankstown Senior College who participated in the Dress For Work fashion show. Thank you!

ISRA Academy

Associate Professor Salih Yucel has a rich academic history. He completed his Bachelor of Islamic Theology at the University of Ankara in 1982. Then in 1996 completed Master of Theology at the University of Sydney. Subsequently he continued his postgraduate studies in United States and completed his Doctorate at Boston University in 2007. A/Prof Yucel also worked as a Muslim Chaplain at Harvard Medical School’s hospitals for 7 years. After 10 years in the United States, he returned to Australia in 2007. A/Prof Yucel worked as lecturer and senior lecturer at Centre for Religious Studies at Monash University between 2008-2014. Currently he lectures at both CSU and ACU where he also supervises numerous PhD students. A/Prof Yucel is the author of 5 books, co-author of 1 book, the author of numerous book chapters and 23 peer reviewed articles. We are celebrating the pioneering work of A/Prof Yucel in the Islamic chaplaincy space. Since 2018, in collaboration with chaplaincy peek bodies in Sydney (NSWCCPE) and Melbourne (ASACPEV), he has run a total of 5 chaplaincy certification programs (Clinical Pastoral Education 1 – CPE1), graduating 38 Muslim chaplains. We are excited to announce that he is now the first Muslim Clinical Pastoral Supervisor in Australia. This means that he can independently run and supervise the accredited chaplaincy course.

Wishing the Muslim community Eid Mubarak for Eid-ul-Adha Sandra Carr MLC

Member for Agricultural Region (08) 9964 1001




ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022


UMMAH 24 - 25

TOP 6 Memes




SOCIAL 30 - 31

Post trial Mohammed El Halabi’s father writes to Ambassadors


TOP 5 Tweets


though they asked to see them several times. During the 6 years of imposing arbitrary detention of Mohammed, Israel’s intensive investigations failed to provide an iota of A message from Khalil evidence proving Mohammed’s conviction. El Halabi, the father of Despite during the first days of Mohamthe prisoner, Engineer med’s illegal arrest, on all records, docuMohammed El-Halabi in ments and computers belong to the World Israel’s custody, to disVision related to Mohammed’s direct work tinguished Ambassadors were handed to Israel which did not find and members of the dipa piece of paper that raised a suspicion of lomatic missions: fraudulence. “Perhaps you have reMoreover, the huge number of investigacently followed the proceedings of the trial tions conducted by the various internationof my son Mohammed El-Halabi on June al commissions affiliated with the World 15, 2022, and perhaps it came to your atten- Vision, its donors, Australian DFAT, the tion the excessive amount of manipulation diplomatic missions, and the United Naand mocking of justice that surrounded the tions Human Rights Commission examined trial. everything big or small and unanimously Please allow me to explain the reason be- concluded in favor of Mohammed’s innohind the violation of Mohammad’s fair trial cence. which was aimed at seeking revenge from I would like to convey to you and via your Mohammed because he refused to accept a excellencies to your parliaments, governnew unfair settlement ments and peoples, offered one hour beis that my son Mofore the trial session hammed is innocent began. It involved and he is a victim of an admission of Moa dirty subterfuge hammad’s guilt for defrauded by Israel’s something he had not major political levels committed: therefore with collusion of the he didn’t agree to military prosecution their offer. and internal securiConsequently, at ty ‘Shin Bet’ and the the opening of the judiciary in which court session the Isimpartiality and inraeli side, both the dependence are preprosecution and jusumed!!!! diciary, was predePlease don’t leave termined to make Mohammed to face Mohammed pay the his destiny alone. lt price of his assertion is as simple as this; if of his innocence of all Mohammed El-Halcharges. abi was really guilty, The Israeli side perIsrael would not have Mohammed El-Halabi. petuated their absurd offered him all this fabricated ‘evidence’ number of deals outand events which have no basis in reality or side the courtroom including the last few in law. For example: minutes before the last trial session. Also, if The charge sheet claims that Halabi pho- he was truly guilty, Mohammed would not tographed, and gave Hamas information have insisted on denying the charges. Who about the Erez crossing in 2010, when offi- would favor years of imprisonment over encial Israeli records show that between 2006 joying his freedom among his children and and 2011 Halabi never visited the Erez family?!! crossing. I kindly ask your Excellencies to maintain The charge sheet alleges that Halabi di- my son’s humanitarian cause on your agenverted thousands of tons of cement and steel da and to continue raising it to the Israeli shipped through the Keren Shalom Crossing government to convince it that its practices to Hamas for the building of tunnels, when are inconsistent with international standards evidence was given at the trial that World and to end to this long-running cruel travesVision never used Keren Shalom and nev- ty of justice. er even imported any steel or cement into Sincerely, Gaza at all. Khalil El- Halabi” Detailed forensic audits by World Vision, as well as the Australian Government, Dr Vacy Vlazna is Coordinator of Justice for did not find any funds to be missing at all. Palestine Matters. She is the editor of a volume Judges said they never saw the audits even of Palestinian poetry, I remember my name.

Dr Vacy Vlazna

JULY 2022 / ISSUE 200




NEWS 1-3




FEATURE 16 - 17

Eid Prayer Locations Find out when & where to pray Eid ul-Adha prayer at mosques, parks and community centres all around Australia. visit




ISSUE 200 / JULY 2022

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