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Australia 18

Australia 18

Alliance of Australian Muslims holds 5th National Summit in Sydney

Continued from page 1


The Summit was officially opened by Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Mufti of Australia with words of advice emphasising the importance of the Summit and the responsibility on its members to serve the interests of The Australian Muslim Community.

Sheikh Shadi Alsuleiman during his formal address pointed out the import importance of the AAM Summit, listed its goals and objectives, highlighted many key initiatives and achievements specially during the last one year and talked about the future challenges that the community will be facing and how to face them from the AAM platform.

There were a number of presentations from the AAM Operation Committee with ample time allocated for delegates, those present at the summit as well as by those on line to comment and pose questions on various issues arising from the presentations.

Anas Yaghmour provided further explanation on the national survey to gain better understanding of the Muslim Community in Australia pointing out the significant population of Muslims in Western Sydney Labor electorates.

Bilal Rauf gave an update on religious freedom and vilification laws on federal and state level and advocacy for the passing of laws pertaining to religious vilification.

Ramia Sułtan talked about the concern and mitigation of Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim sentiment in some sections of Austral-

Ramia Sultan.

Sheikh Shadi Alsuleiman with Khalid Mousa.

Ahmed Bassal.

ian society specially as it affected Muslim women as well as the threat of right-wing extremism on the Muslim Community and its institutions.

Ahmed Bassal proposed a National Mosque Open Day and a National Com-

The 5th AAM Summit passed the following motions:

1. AAM members stress on the unity of the Muslim community is the utmost priority and objective and need to continue collaborating. 2. AAM congratulates the recent federal elected two Muslim MPs and Ministers, the Hon. Ed Husic and the Hon. Dr. Anne Aly and two Muslim Senators, Senator

Mehreen Faruqi and Senator Fatima Payman. 3. AAM supports implementing the

Uluru Statement from the Heart and enshrining an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Australian Constitution. 4. AAM supports the recognition of Palestine and the rights of the

Palestinian people. AAM and the

Australian Muslim community welcome the recent announcement of the Australian Government that it will no longer recognise West Jerusalem as the

Israeli capital.

AAM thanks the Prime Minister – Hon. Anthony Albanese, The

Foreign Affairs Minister – Hon.

Penny Wong, the Leader of the

House – Hon. Tony Burke and the Government for this positive step and calls upon the Albanese Government to fulfil the election promise by recognising the State of Palestine. 5. AAM asks for the removal of the legal and administrative category of ‘religious cause’ and ‘religiously motivated’ terrorism so that all terrorism is instead treated as ideological or political, thereby reducing the conflation of our religion as a cause for terrorism in the media, in politics, and online. 6. AAM supports the need for religious freedom protections for faith communities to preach and advocate their faith and belief freely and openly. The right of parents and religious communities to send their children to schools that conform to their moral convictions be recognised as a human right. The ability of religious schools to adhere to their religious ethos should form part of the legislation’s human rights considerations 7. AAM notes the disproportionate impact of terrorism laws on the Muslim community in terms of their legal, civil, and human rights. AAM requests the Australian Government review counter-terrorism laws to ensure

compatibility with human rights, including the human rights of minors, and the human right to rehabilitation. 8. AAM welcomes the Albanese

Government’s plan to introduce a religious discrimination bill, including protections against discrimination and vilification. 9. AAM believes it is vital that the

Australian Government is transparent and consistent with its application of human rights norms toward foreign countries.

Australia is a culturally diverse country. By defending international rules consistently, we uphold the dignity and humanity of the entire Australian community and thus reinforce social cohesion. 10. AAM asks that the Australian Government uses levers of trade and diplomacy to advance human rights, including with countries it considers to be a partner. It should consider

Magnitsky Act sanctions, trade conditions and condemnation for: 1. Israel, which is engaged in illegal occupation of and expanding settlements on Palestinian territories, racial apartheid, the bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure, and numerous human rights violations. 2. China and introduce protections against imports made using forced labour, to defend

Uyghurs. 3. Myanmar in relation to their genocide and treatment of Rohingya people. 4. India, which has allowed nationalist political rhetoric, widespread hate and laws that endanger minorities, including

Muslims, and which continues the oppressive occupation of people in Kashmir. 11. Commitment to developing and implementing a coordinated Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) 5-year action plan to improve the community’s responses for support, awareness and education, in line with

National frameworks aligned with our Islamic traditions. 12. AAM supports the action in combating climate change by stopping all new coal and gas projects and ending public subsidies to the fossil fuel sector.

munity Ramadan Iftar in 2023 among other activities to expand community engagement with the wider Australian society.

Adel Sulaiman reviewed the last federal election and welcomed the change with a forward looking Labor government and presented a debrief on the upcoming state election in Victoria in November and in March in NSW.

During comment/question time delegated welcomed the change of policy re Jerusalem by the Albanese government and urged for advocacy for the recognition of Palestine and concern on gross human rights violations of Palestinians by Israeli authorities.

Concern was raised against Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate being espoused from India specially via social media and its effect on Indian diaspora in Australia affecting social cohesion and community harmony.

Maha Abdo talked about Muslim Women leadership and their empowerment and called for involvement and participation of women at all levels in the society providing them a safe space to live, work and play while mitigating domestic and family violence.

The 5th National Summit constituted a new AAM Board for a 3 year term that consists of representatives from all states and territories, including the coordinators of each of the 6 committees.

The Alliance of Australian Muslims aims to meet in Sydney for the 6th AAM National Summit on the Sunday 29 October 2023.

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed.

Maha Abdo.

Bilal Rauf.

AUSTRALIA 18 - 21 Multiculturalism and social cohesion in Australia

Fasihuddin Khan

The Indian Crescent Society of Australia (ICSOA) organized an event titled “Multiculturism and Social Cohesion in Australia” at the NSW Parliament on Wednesday 12 October 2022 attended by politicians, interfaith leaders, community representatives, academics, diplomats and government officials.

ICSOA is dedicated for the betterment of Indian Muslims while promoting peace, harmony, inclusiveness, diversity, and social cohesion.

The event included more than 10 speakers from different arms of the government, both federal and state, representatives of various faiths as well as First People’s of Australia.

Susan Moylan-Coombs from the Indigenous community spoke about the importance of ‘Truth telling’, social cohesion in the current times and how the colonisers have erased the past while building a new society.

Russell Davies, a leader from the Christian faith spoke extensively about his learnings from the Buddhists in Marrickville, where he resides.

Jeremy Jones from the Jewish community spoke about the importance of interfaith dialogue and social cohesion with a brief example from his own interpretation of the Jewish symbols.

Pandit Jatin Kumar Bhatt, a priest at the first Hindu temple in Australia and New Zealand gave personal experiences of spiritually.

Maulana Nazeerul Hasan Thanvi from the Muslim faith started with reciting the 49th chapter of Quran and spoke how important it is to see everyone equally, as brothers and sisters

Green’s Senator David Shoebridge simply asked for commitment at political, religious and community level for any kind of intolerance to be called out.

Jodi Mckay mentioned the visit of Dr S Jaishankar (Indian Minister for external affairs) and the upcoming visit of Nitin Gadkari to Australia.

The current NSW Minister for Multiculturalism, Hon Mark Coure spoke as a representative of the NSW government in curbing intolerance against people of all faiths in the State.

He also went on to say that the NSW government will never tolerate Islamophobia in any way.

The other speakers Violet Roumeliotis (CEO – SSI), Peter Doukas (Chair – ECC – NSW), Dr Jan Fizzell (Senior Medical Advisor for NSW) and Lorraine Finlay (Human Rights Commissioner) paraphrased social cohesion, integrity, and unity in various words with different examples from their own fields.

The Keynote address was delivered by Craig Foster, Australian Soccer Player and a human rights activist spoke about how social cohesion should be in the bones of every Australian.

“Australia is a secular democracy and it accepts every human belief. But in return expects your acceptance of the same in every other human being,” Craig Foster said.

This event was held on the 20th anniversary of the Bali bombings that killed around 200 people, including close to 90 Australians.

Dr Fasihuddin Khan is the Secretary of ICSOA. He is based in Sydney, Australia.

IPDC AGM 2022: Appreciation by guests

Dr Asrar Talukder

Islamic Practice and Da’wah Circle (IPDC), a social organisation that has been successfully operating for more than two decades and persistently working for Muslims’ educational and social development held its AGM 2022 on Saturday Saturday 8 October at the Light Foundation auditorium in Melbourne.

A large number of Australian federal and state politicians, notable community leaders and social workers attended the opening ceremony in the morning and highlighted various contributions of the Muslim community in this country while acknowledging the achievements of IPDC and wishing it every success.

The ceremony started with a recitation from the Holy Quran and welcome by Dr Mohammad Moniruzzaman, General Secretary of IPDC who was the MC for the event.

Central President of IPDC, Dr Rafiqul Islam during his inaugural address mentioned that the current world is going through a dire and growing spiritual crisis, and Australia is no exception. Mental illness and domestic violence are increasing everywhere. According to the recent census, “no religion” is an increasing trend.

He emphasised that it is the religious belief that can implement appropriate solutions to the current world problem, and IPDC is working relentlessly towards that goal. He thanked all the guests and well-wishers for their presence at the event and extraordinary support for IPDC.

In his congratulatory message, Hon Tony Burke MP, Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, praised IPDC’s social contribution and expressed his hope that the positive role of IPDC will continue in future in the social service of Australia.

In a video message, the Hon Andrew Giles MP, Federal Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, praised IPDC’s various activities in the education sector, social services, and human resource development in the different cities of Australia.

In a video message, the Hon Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, thanked every IPDC leader, volunteer, and member, saying that such social organisations play a role in making the state socially stronger and a more accepting place.

Dr Daniel Mulino MP, Federal Member for Fraser during his address at the event mentioned the importance of maintaining this country’s commitment to multiculturalism despite various political differences.

During the session, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP, Federal Minister for Early Childhood Education, Senator Fatima Payman, WA, Senator David Shoebridge, NSW, and Christopher John Minns MP, Leader of the Opposition, NSW also delivered their video messages.

Senator Payman thanked IPDC in her address while talking about her own experience in Australia as a young Muslim Senator and mentioned about the importance of the participation of Muslim community members in mainstream Australian society.

Dr Anne Aly MP acknowledged IPDC’s contribution to the Muslim community, especially in the field of education.

Other distinguished guest at the AGM included the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly Sarah Connolly MP, Chair of the Victorian Multicultural Commission Viv Nguyen AM, Victoria’s Multicultural Affairs Minister Ross Spence MP, Former Senator Lee Rhiannon, Australian National Imam Council (ANIC) President Sheikh Shadi AlSuleiman.

IPDC’s Central Deputy President Engineer Monir Hossain concluded the opening session by thanking all the guests, well-wishers, IPDC members and organisers.

The little school that could

Western Grammar School’s 10th anniversary

Hamzah Qureshi

The past. The present. The future. All were on quite notable display at Western Grammar School’s 10 Year Anniversary event held on Friday 9 September 2022 at the Novella on The Park reception centre, Abbotsbury in Western Sydney.

The landmark anniversary was attended by local politicians, community leaders and a number of Islamic school principals and educationists in addition to parents and students.

As guests began to populate the beautifully well set up venue, with all its glitz and glamour, they were welcomed by student representatives of WGS. And so began the night.

Attendees were treated to speeches from across the spectrum of those involved with the school, notable community members, current staff and board members as well as guest speakers. All had their unique contributions to share, stemming from their individual interactions with WGS and each reiterated the strange and subtle magic that pulls one into the WGS’ orbit.

Much reflection was directed towards the way that the school has developed. The humble beginnings of the WGS project, started from houses converted into the school premises, were given due attention so as to put that beside the current picture of the place. Purpose built buildings, playground facilities, K to 12 infrastructures, growing academic success and much, much more to come.

The principal of WGS, Mr Irfan Afzal announced the good news at the event that the development application for the next major phase of building for WGS had been approved and thanked all those who facilitated in this successful outcome including the Mayor of Blacktown.

During his address Blacktown City Mayor, Councillor Tony Bleasdale OAM congratulated WGS on its 10th anniversary celebrations saying that the Blacktown City Council was proud to support Western Grammar through all its growth over the years.

“From humble beginnings in 2012 with only 7 students from Kindergarten to Year 4, to 2022, Western Grammar now accommodates 325 students across all grades up to Year 12 and I congratulate the school community on all its achievements over the past decade, and I look forward to witnessing what the next 10 years have in store for Western Grammar, ” Mr Bleasdale said. The Chairman of the WGS Board, Mr Subhan Ali introduced all members of the School Board thanking them for their ongoing contribution towards good governance, growth and success of the school and acknowledged the leadership of WGS Principal, Mr Irfan Afzal for the highly efficient management of WGS.

Amongst the many highlights of the night were two performances in particular, one from the Primary School and one from the High School. The Primary School students, in an utterly overwhelming and heart-melting display of cuteness, treated the crowd to the exclusive launch of WGS’s school song.

The enthusiasm, energetic gesturing and innocently discordant vocal harmonizing were a true delight, and the entire hall just wanted to give those twinkle eyes and cheekily smiling group of students a huge awwww inducing group hug.

The High School students, the boys with their perfectly positioned ties and the girls with their hijabs being checked a thousand times over, also performed brilliantly. They presented a powerfully poetic spoken word performance that was humorous, serious, introspective and jubilant in equal measure.

They noted how the school has grown to house the hundreds of students it now has, and how the school feels like home, a unique quality that WGS can boast Alhamdulillah. They ended with a phrase that seemed to sum up both the night and the school itself – “ten years on, ten years strong.”

The event also showcased two special video productions made exclusively for the night – one highlighting the past and growth of WGS and the other putting forth a confident and headstrong attitude going forward. Alongside it all though, one particularly special announcement was made that received rapturous applause – delivered as a “gift” to attendees.

Overall, the event was a night of celebration, projection and unbridled optimism for what may come in the following decade for a school that has grown and developed at a remarkable pace. As a community facing educational institution, Western Grammar School showed just why is it a school that consistently manages to punch above its weight.

The event itself was grand, reflective and wonderfully hopeful as students, staff and the broader community joined hands to look back whilst excitedly and simultaneously looking beyond.

Hamzah Qureshi is the Teaching and Learning Coordinator (Secondary) of Western Grammar School.

AIMA conducts Lifesavers Program Australia-wide

Dr Muhammad Ashraf

The Australian Islamic Medical Association (AIMA) conducted a life savers program through mosques and Islamic centres across Australian States and Territories as a part of the Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA) annual life savers program.

The Lifesavers program is a unique project that aims to unite healthcare professionals, inspire one another and serve their local communities through teaching life-saving skills in Mosques around the world.

AIMA commenced its life savers program on Saturday 25 September 2022 at multiple mosques across QLD, NSW and ACT. Due to a few long weekends, other states have decided to do it at a later date. AIMA aims to conduct life savers programs, throughout the year at mosques and Islamic centres.

“AIMA Victoria is continuing to conduct CPR programs almost every week at a different mosque including donating an AED to those mosques. We will keep doing community CPR training at Masjids across Melbourne over the coming weeks and months. We aim to reach each and every mosque in Melbourne,” said Dr Chehata, AIMA Victoria President.

AIMA ACT life savers program was broadcasted by mainstream media, ABC news Canberra.

Lifesaving skills such as hands-on experience with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), management of choking, use of Automated external device (AED) and recovery position were taught.

“Mosques and Islamic centres are an ideal place to learn these lifesaving skills, especially for culturally and linguistically different backgrounds communities. These skills can be taught in their own language as AIMA has Muslim medical professionals from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds,” said Dr Wissam Ihsheish, Vice President AIMA ACT.

“Mosques are not only a place of worship but much more than that, where other community programs and activities are conducted to bring the community closer together. Female participants felt very comfortable to come and learn these skills at a very familiar place,” commented one of the female participants of the programs.

In some regional towns almost, the entire community attended the life savers program. Lifesavers program is conducted across the world through Islamic Medical Associa-

Melbourne grand mosque

tions (IMA) in multiple countries across all continents every year.

AIMA also conducts multiple other activities throughout the year, for further details, please visit AIMA website: www.aimamed. com.au

AUSTRALIA 18 - 21 ‘Mercy to the Worlds’ celebration at NSW Parliament

Mehar Ahmad

The parliament of NSW echoed with praise of Prophet Mohammad (s) on Tuesday 11 October 2022 through nasheeds by Ahbab Al Mustapha, Azan and Maghreb prayer, glimpses from his life elaborated by politicians and interfaith leaders and honouring of distinguished guests with acknowledgements and presentations, a celebratory annual event organised by the Rahma Association of Australia at the NSW Parliament House.

Rahma, itself means mercy and The Rahma Islamic Association, a non-profitable organisation based at Sydney’s Guildford Mosque was established by young Australian born Muslims to better the current state of Australia’s Islamic communities, specifically Greater Western Sydney through the ongoing social and religious efforts to build relations with the wider Australian community, irrespective of race, religion, or gender.

The event to mark the birthday of Prophet Mohammad (s) was attended by many Imams and Sheikhs from various mosques in Sydney, diverse groups of Muslims as well as interfaith leaders, MP’s including ministers and Muslim state and local politicians.

There was a large contingent of Ahbab Al Mustafa nasheed group with their elaborate set up performing a number of segments during the two hour compact program at the celebratory event.

The formal program commenced with MC Nasim Zereka’s acknowledgment of the country, national anthem and the recitation of Quran by Sheikh Youssef El Rich followed by the first gnashed segment by Ahbab Al Mustafa.

During the welcome address Mr Shady Elriche, President of Rahma Association of Australia acknowledged the presence of honourable guests and elaborated on the aims and objectives of the association and its long track record in serving the community in Western Sydney.

The Minister for Multiculturalism, Mark Coure relayed a congratulatory message from the premier of NSW, Dominic Perrottet and acknowledged the contribution of members of the Muslim Community in making NSW a highly successful multicultural state with its diversity, peace and harmony.

Mr Shaoquett Moselmane, the current NSW MLC, the first Muslim to enter an Australian Parliament during his address acknowledged the great community work that Rahma Association performed and elaborated on the achievements of member of the Muslim Community and its leadership towards social cohesion.

Mr Moselmane was honoured by the Sheikhs and Imams with the presentation of an Arabic golden threaded robe for his services to the community at large and for his advocacy for Palestinian human rights, indigenous people’s rights and services to the disabled locally as well as overseas.

There was a break for Maghreb prayer with Azan by Sheikh Malek Zedan and congregational prayer within the dinner hall of the Parliament.

The Leader of the NSW Opposition, Chris Minns gave glimpses from the life of Prophet Mohammad (s) showcasing his compassion, concern, forgiveness and mercy to all humanity, a role model to be emulated in this day and age as well.

Other speakers at the event included Mr Jihad Dib MP, Member for Lakemba, Mr Guy Zangari MP, Member for Fairfield, Sheikh Yahya Al Safi, Imam of Lakemba Mosque, Father Dave Safi, Anglican Priest and a presentation address by young women Amira Tayba Mesto, all elaborating on the various characteristics of the Prophet Mohammad (s) and lessons from his blessed life, Seerah.

The final note and supplication was given by Sheikh Azzam Mesto followed by gift presentations to honoured guests and further nasheeds by Ahbab Al Mustafa.

Mehar Ahmad based in Sydney is a Public School Teacher and President of Seena Inc, Publishers of the Australasian Muslim Times AMUST.

IFEW AGC/AGM: Maintaining Family Legacy

Zia Ahmad

The 39th Annual General Conference (AGC) together with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Islamic Foundation for Education and Welfare (IFEW) was held in person from Saturday 24 September to Sunday 25 September 2022.

Starting as the Australasian Integrated Family (AIF), IFEW has been one of the pioneers in establishing daawah, education and welfare activities for almost 40 years in Sydney.

This was the first in-person AGC after a break of 2 years due to COVID-19 restrictions and that the two first-generation founder members of IFEW were missed, namely Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad and Mrs Jamal Are Ahmad who passed away earlier this year.

The theme for the AGC 2022 appropriately was “Maintaining Family Legacy” and was broken down into two presentations, ‘Half a Century of Family Legacy’ by Zia Ahmad and ‘Dealing with blessings, loss and grief ‘ by Najia Khalil followed up by a workshop on ‘Enhancement of Family Legacy’ conducted by Mehar Ahmad.

One of the offshoots of IFEW is the MEFF Eid Festival being organised for more than 36 years at the Fairfield Showground while another one is the Australasian Muslim Times AMUST currently being produced by Seena Incorporated.

The AGC brought together four generations of family members participating in a well-structured balanced program with family and business reports for the past year and planning for next year.

The event also included the the AGM and election of a vacant trustee position and Shura as well as the appointment of office bearers for the next two years 2022-2024.

The AGC/AGM concluded with an address by the elected President of IFEW, Mr Zohair Ahmad followed by dua and annual lunch.

A number of IFEW members, parts of a large extended family have been associated with Islamic activities in Australia in general and Sydney in particular for more than 50 years having founded many community organisations and working in fields of education, daawah, publications, family organisation, student, youth and women’s activities.

IFEW Office bearers (2022-2024):

President: Zohair Ahmad

Vice President: Sakinah Ahmad

Secretary: Aamir Ahmad

Treasurer: Hafsah Wahab

IFEW Trustees (2022-2024):

Mr Zia Ahmad

Mrs Mehar Ahmad

Mrs Najia Khalil

Sydney commemorates life of Prophet Mohammad (s)

New Leaves Made In Red

Zia Ahmad

A highly spiritual event was held to commemorate the seerah of Prophet Mohammad (s) at Dar ibn Abbas mosque at Condell Park on Thursday 13 October 2022 attended by hundreds of men, women and children reciting the praise of the Prophet together with enlightening insight into his personality by a number of Sheikhs including the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed.

Other speakers who touched upon the unique position of Prophet Mohammad (s) amongst humanity and different aspects of his life included Sheikh Khalid Bouchafaa from Malek Fahad School, Sheikh Abdul Moez from Dar ibn Abbas, Sheikh Ahmed Abdo from Shifa Institute and Sheikh Wessam Charkawi from Abu Hanifa Institute.

The formal program was held between Maghreb and Isha prayers followed by free dinner for all to eat there and or take away with them.

The spiritual part of the program included durood and praise and poetry in praise of the Prophet echoing throughout the masjid, led by various Sheikhs and joined by the audience. A booklet was provided by the organisers to help with various readings.

The Mufti of Australia Dr Ibrahim Abbu Mohamed delivered his address in Arabic translated by Sheikh Ahmed Abdo about the unique position of Prophet Mohammad as a mercy to the world and for the entire humanity and the best person to walk on earth and a model for to be emulated.

Sheikh Wessam Charkawi while quoting from Hadith elaborated on the special personal characteristics of the prophet as related by his wives and other sahib, his companions and why we need to have a personal connection and love for this unique human being.

Sheikh Abdul Moez also elaborated during his Arabic address on various aspects of Seerah, his life and what lessons it has for humanity in general and Muslims in particular.

The dinner was generously provided by compliments of Daar ibn Abbas at the conclusion of the event.

Zia Ahmad is the Editor-in-Chief of the Australasian Muslim Times AMUST.

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed. Sheikh Ahmed Abdo. Fazlul Huq

Davidson’s plum held on body of the lawn placed on southern side of the dwelling, is seen to have made into dented growth from unquenched thirst. year after year While other fruit trees including mango and avocado, blue berry bush and the fig tree, curry leaf tree and pomegranate, are found to have no qualm about continued lack of rain. But then came blast of nonstop rain from the La Nina and confluence of other factors known or the unknown. And as the rain continues day after day causing inundations of lowlands and others not being so, Davidson’s plum is seen to have gained in laughter and shine. When the new leaves made at the top shaped like sculptures are found to have dressed in shades of red.

Dr Fazlul Huq is a retired academic and Editor-in-Chief Emanreserch Journal Of Angiotherapy. He is also the poet “Jujube” at Allpoetry. com with over 35,000 compositions.




A science fair held by Little Muslims in Sydney

Dr Faroque Amin

Islamic Practice and Dawah Circle is a notfor-profit community organisation that has been working in Australia for a long time. This organisation organises events and programs for Muslim children through an ancillary organisation, ‘Little Muslims’.

Little Muslims has organised a day-long Science Fair for the children Sunday 2 October in Lakemba Chapter Remembrance Hall.

Around 100 registered participants and their parents were present when the event started. The participants presented their science projects and explained them to the visitors. The judges also talked to the participants before the noon break for the Zuhr prayer.


After the prayer and lunch break, there was a science quiz competition in which many children participated.

An Islamic cultural event took place in the afternoon, and finally, the event ended with a prize-giving ceremony. Several distinguished community leaders and academics from the Bangladeshi community were present at this event and joined the judges’ panel.

Numerous parents with their children were also present.

Among the organisers and the guests were IPDC and Little Muslim organisers Monir Hosain, Mahmud Alam, Kamal Mahmud, and Dr Mohammad Yousuf.

Dr Faroque Amin works with Suprovat Sydney, a Bengali community newspaper published from Sydney, Australia.

AUSTRALIA 18 - 21 Full house at AFIC’s Annual Congress Dinner

Alia Sarfraz

More than 160 political, diplomatic and community leaders attended AFIC’s Annual Congress Dinner on Saturday 1 October 2022 at Sydney’s Stamford Plaza Hotel. Community leaders from all around Australia joined Multiculturalism Minister Mark Coure MP, Finance Minister Damien Tudehope MLC, Shaouquett Moselmane MLC, Lynda Voltz MP, Senator David Shoebridge and Mayor Philip Ruddock.

Diplomats including Russian Ambassador Alexey Pavlovsky and Azeri Ambassador Ramil Gurbanov also joined the 2022 Congress dinner on the day when AFIC President Dr Rateb Jneid made history being elected for another 3 year term after having served for 5 years at the helm of the Australian Muslim community.

Representing the premier of NSW, Dominic Perrotet, Minister Coure reminded the leaders about the great contributions multicultural communities made to Australian society, a message echoed by the Philip Ruddock who illustrated how Australia’s multicultural and multifaith society has made it the safest in the world.

Finance minister Tudehope praised AFIC’s contributions through the treatises from the Da’wa and Iftaa manager which gave advice on Islamic finance and other matters.

Dr Rateb Jneid told the gathering that he was humbled to have received such support from the community and promised to take AFIC to higher and better levels in his second presidential term. He told the gathering about the new AFIC initiative to promote better awareness, friendship and goodwill through more literature and more involvement in the important issues that face society.

The National Grand Mufti of Australia, Sheikh Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari spoke about the farewell sermon of Prophet Muhammad (s), as to how the Prophet reinforced human equality and women’s rights and the need for Muslims to strive to bring salvation to humanity through the Grace of Allah.

During the dinner, AFIC honoured Dr Ali Sarfraz for his services to human rights in Kashmir, Hajji Sharief Alaeddin for his services to AFIC, Fatimah El Kordy for outstanding achievement in her Masters in Legal Studies and National Grand Mufti Al Azhari for his outstanding contributions to education in Australia and India.

Seminar on Islamic economics, finance and technology

Dr Teuku Aulia Geumpana

The international Islamic finance seminar on Islamic Economics, Finance, and Technology Australia (IEFTAR) 2022, was organised at the Greenacre Citizen Centre on Saturday 1 October, with assistance from the Faculty of Business Economics at Syiah Kuala University and IIUM Aceh Chapter Alumni (IAAC).

Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Center (AKIC) in Sydney worked with Shariah Economic Society (MES) Australia to offer the Islamic finance seminar this year after successfully conducting a similar event in 2021.

With a special theme on Ummah Fund Governance, IEFTAR 2022 invited a number of prominent speakers from academics and professional practitioners to the event.


This international seminar on Islamic finance was opened by Sheikh Dr Chalidin Yacob the founder of the Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Center Sydney and Ustadz Dr Cand Muhammad Saifurrokhman Mahfudz as the president of MES Australia.

Sheikh Yacob thanked the participants for their presence and welcomed all the speakers who had taken the time and opportunity to attend IEFTAR 2022.

Meanwhile, Ustadz Mahfudz in his remarks emphasized that there are at least three factors needed to optimize the process of managing ummah or public funds, especially in Australia: solid government regulations; proper procedures; and ethics in handling ummah’s funds.

To create governance that complies with shari’a, rules, and conscience, all of these factors are critical.

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)

The programme chair of IEFTAR 2022, Dr Teuku Aulia, who is also a member of the MES Australia expert council, noted that this year’s IEFTAR implementation was particularly noteworthy because, in addition to discussing Islamic finance issues relating

IEFTAR 2022 speakers (Left to Right) Dr Ratna Mulyany FEB USK, Lama Fadda Launchgood, Dr Cand Muhd Hafidz Lidinillah MES Australia, Andri Nursafitir Amanah Islamic Finance.

to the ummah’s funds, IEFTAR 2022 also served as a venue for the signing of two memorandums of agreements between the Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Center (AKIC) and two esteemed academic institutions in Indonesia.

Dr Aulia expects that by signing these memorandums of agreements, FEB USK and FEBI UIN Arraniry will be able to support AKIC and MES Australia’s efforts to raise awareness of Islamic finance among Muslim communities in Australia, particularly in Sydney.

Dr Teuku Geumpana is the Head of Development for the Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Centre (AKIC) Sydney, the Chairman of International Webinar on Islamic Economic, Finance and Technology Australia (IEFTAR) and a lecture at the University of Newcastle Australia.

Dr Rateb Jneid re-elected AFIC President

AFIC’s Federal council Members. Alia Sarfraz

In a fiercely contested election held at AFIC Annual Congress in Sydney on Saturday 1 October 2022 incumbent President Dr Rateb Jneid was elected for his second term as president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

Dr Jneid who succeeded Keysar Trad to the position of President in 2017 told a gathering of Muslim leaders from all around Australia that he intends to intensify efforts to unite the community and lead Australian Muslims to greater participation in all the productive fields of Australian life.

“In contesting this election, some of my opponents resorted to slander and vilification to win votes. This slander is grossly un-Islamic, unethical, false and counterproductive. I am grateful that our voters saw through this and endorsed the values of honesty, integrity and hard work for which I stand. In the interests of the common good and notwithstanding the slander, I will work tirelessly to embrace, under my leadership, the factions within my community,” Dr Jneid said.

AFIC new Executive Committee consists of the following members:

Mr Harun Abdullah, Vice President, Mr Mahabub Ali, Secretary, Mr Adam Demir, Treasurer, Ms Siddiga Adam, Assistant Secretary, Mr Mohamad Berjaoui, Assistant treasurer, Mr Ahmed Hegazi, Member, Abdul Wahab Neeman, Member, Ahmad Taleb, Member.

MoA between Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Centre and academic Institutions

Dr Teuku Aulia Geumpana

Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Centre (AKIC) Sydney signed Memorandums of Agreements (MoA) with two academic institutions in Indonesia on Saturday 1 October 2022.

The two institutions are the Faculty of Business Economics, Syiah Kuala University (FEB USK), and the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, State Islamic University of Arraniry (FEBI UIN Arraniry).

The MoA was signed in conjunction with the second international seminar on Islamic Economics, Finance, and Technology in Australia (IEFTAR 2022) held on the same day at the Greenacre Citizen Centre.

As the founder of the Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Center (AKIC) Sydney, Sheikh Dr Chalidin Yacob JP personally signed the Memorandums of Agreements (MoA) between AKIC and these two organisations.

Both Deans, Prof Dr Faisal SE MSi MA, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Syiah Kuala University (FEB USK), and Dr Hafas Furqani MEc, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business at UIN Arraniry have also signed the documents.

The MoA focused on collaboration over a five-year period in the area of community service, the delivery of training, and seminars on designated topics.

Both signed MoA documents were officially handed over to AKIC by Dr Ratna Mulyany BACC MSACC the Head of the Diploma III Accounting Study Program at FEB-USK, who was at the time one of the main speakers for the IEFTAR 2022 international seminar.

Along with the MoA, AKIC also signed an Implementation Agreement (IA) document, which outlines a detailed strategy for putting the MoA into practise.

This document was signed by Dr Heru Fahlevi SE MSc as the Head of the Accounting Department FEB USK and Dr Teuku

MoA signing between AKIC, FEB USK, and FEBI UIN Arraniry (Left to right: Dr Teuku Aulia, Dr Chalidin Yacob, Dr Ratna Mulyany)

Aulia Geumpana BIT MSc who served as the programme chair for the event.

Organizational Profiles

As an Australian non-profit educational organization founded in 1998 in Wiley Park, Sydney, AKIC has a number of programmes for da’wah, tarbiyah, and ‘ibadah that aims to increase literacy in Islamic education for Muslims in Australia.

The seminar on Islamic Economics, Finance, and Technology in Australia (IEFTAR) is one of many other programmes that AKIC has initiated along with the Australia Economic Shariah Society (MES Australia) since 2021.

In a similar vein, FEB USK, one of the USK`s favourite faculties, will collaborate with AKIC as a research partner and advisor, especially in the fields of organisational governance and accountability education, two of the organization’s main work programmes for educating a wider Muslim community in Australia and, specifically, in Sydney.

FEBI UIN Arraniry is also a favourite faculty, with more than 2600 current students, it has the vision to excel in the development of economic and business science based on international Islamic values.

Syiah Kuala University (USK) and the State Islamic University of Arraniry are among the oldest and largest public universities in Indonesia.

Both of these universities were named after the prominent Acehnesse Islamic scholars, Tengku Abdur Rauf As Singkili which is also known as Teungku Syiah Kuala (in Acehnese, which means the sheikh or scholar in Kuala) and Syeikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry.

Mawlid celebrations by Minhaj-ul-Quran

Muhammad Wasiq

Hundreds of Muslims gathered at the Auburn Community Centre on Sunday 9 October 2022 for a celebration conference to mark the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (s).

Traditionally marked as Mawlid al-Nabi, Prophets (s) birthday is celebrated by millions of Muslims around the world with his remembrance, glimpses from his life (seerah) recitation of Quran, Naat and poetry.

The conference, organized by Minhaj-ulQuran International Australia (NSW), started with the recitation from Holy Quran by Qari Hammaad Ahmad Khawaja and a Naat by Mr Samir Ahmad.

Several activities for children were organized at the conference including a Kids Qirat and Naat Competition. This competition is held every year to encourage the children (aged 7-15) to participate in the conference with an objective to inculcate the knowledge and love for our Holy Prophet (s).

Around 12 children participated in the competition and all were awarded prizes for their efforts the chief guest at the conference.

After a short break of Maghrib Salat, Mr Ammaar Saeed recited a beautiful Naat followed by a Youth Quiz Competition about the life of Holy Prophet (s).

The quiz competition was solely organized by the members of the Minhaj Youth League Sydney including Hafiz Hussain Ahmad, Mr Hassan Ali, and other members.

The audience was well engaged during the quiz with a total of 17 prizes awarded to winners.

A short video lecture by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri was presented on the topic of Importance of Mawlid-un-Nabi where Dr Qadri addressed the objections various people have on the question of celebrating the Mawlid.

Allama Arif Mujaddidi, a religious leaders delivered a speech on the importance of celebrating the Mawlid-un-Nabi followed by multilingual Naat and Nasheed by Mr Fazlur Rehman Qadri.

The chief guest and the keynote speaker atthe conference, Allama Mohammad Ramzan Qadri Al Azhari, Ameer Minhajul-Quran International Australia from Melbourne discussed the importance of the Mawlid-un-Nabi (s) and shed some light on the life of Holy Prophet (s)

He highlighted how the Prophet (s) used to interact with people of all faiths and especially children and emphasized that we should deal with our children with love and compassion and inculcate the love of our Holy Prophet (s) in their personalities.

He also told the audience that Minhaj-ulQuran International and its founder Shaykhul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri are spreading the same message of mercy and love since last 46 years and all are welcome to join this organization.

A collective Durood and Salams were presented and Dua was made by Allama Arif Mujaddidi for the participants of the conference and for the whole Ummah.

A grand Mawlid Dinner was also served to all the guests.

The conference was attended by all the Minhaj-ul-Quran International Australia (NSW) officials including Senior Vice President of Minhaj Asia Pacific Council Mr Ruhel Dalvi, the President of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (NSW) Mr Muhammad Wasiq and all other executive and life members.

Dr Muhammad Asif Khawaja, General Secretary MQI-NSW was the MC/Host of the conference.

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