2 minute read

How to replace regret with gratitude

Princess R Lakshman

To regret is to wish that you had something other than what you have now. It is to spend the present moment wishing it was different.


Regrets can quickly turn into a default setting in the mind if you are not aware of your present moment. Moments spent in regret do not serve your purpose – they hold you back and before you know it, a vicious cycle of regrets becomes your default setting. You lose sight of your present moment and forget to appreciate the beauty and serenity of surrendering to Allah’s plans for you.

Someone wise once said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

1. Praise Almighty Allah for all that He has already given you. Write down a list of everything you are blessed with.

2. Now, Praise Almighty Allah for all the lessons you have learnt from past experiences, negative and positive.

3. Replace all what-if statements with “Alhumdolillah”.

4. Avoid comparing your life with someone else’s. Your unique abilities and experiences make you different from the rest of the world. Focus on your soulful connection with Allah. Increase your own ibaadah and good deeds. Don’t worry about other’s words and actions. Focus on your deeds, your thoughts, your words.

5. Daily positive affirmations. Consciously choose positive words when talking about your situation. The more you affirm your life positively, the more positive outcomes arise from situations. Refer to the examples below:

Princess R. Lakshman is a writer, speaker, qualified clinical nutritionist, life coach and a counsellor. She is based in Sydney, Australia.

Situation Regretful Perspective

Money I don’t have enough money yet.

How come other people’s marriage is happier than mine?

Grateful Perspective

Thank you, Allah, for providing me with exactly what I need precisely when I need it. Ya Allah, you are the only source of rizq, and you know what I need and when I need it. I am so grateful for this daily abundance of rizq.


Disobedient children

What more can I do? They’re so unappreciative and ungrateful.

Job I hate my job. I can’t stand my colleagues.

Body image I hate my body.

Thank you, Allah, for my realisation that I need to reflect upon how I’m contributing to my marriage. I am grateful for this realisation that I need to be accountable and responsible for my own choices.

Thank you, Allah, for making my children healthy and joyful and protecting them. I am grateful that you help me every day to be a good role model for my children.

Thank you, Allah, for the realisation that my heart is not aligned with my work. I place my trust in you that you are guiding me to knowing what my purpose is. Ya Allah, help me to be of service to others in all that I do in my work so that I may please you.

Thank you, Allah, for my healthy body which unconditionally breathes for me and allows me to accomplish righteous deeds that may please you.

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