Ashley VanMeter 219.863.7987
A Challenge in Thinking and Making Colleague
Tayler Mikosz Advisors: Wes Janz and Ana DeBrea
Building materials make up over one third of all the municipal solid waste generated in the United States. Those building materials include but are not limited to commodities such as steel, aluminum, glass, plastics, and wood. They are common materials specified in architectural projects all the time, yet they continue to meet the same fate, demolition after demolition. Why does this happen and what can we do as designers to capitalize on these underutilized materials? Is there some way to reverse or transform this phenomenon? This project begins to explore the alternative design process of thinking and making through challenging traditional life cycle flows of materials. The design-build approach to this project separates these ideas from an abstract understanding of materials and processes in academia to a real-world application and execution of design. Design school is one place in which reuse ought to be implemented to instill principles of reuse in the design process. This design-build master’s thesis will explore a design process that begins by collecting materials and then designing an architectural piece that best embodies the chosen materials. This piece will be a material reuse center for the Ball State University College of Architecture and Planning. The project is an opportunity to go beyond theorizing about reusing materials into physically experimenting and building with these materials. It is time to see the potential in once used materials and define them in a way that provides a clear connection to the ever-changing profession of architecture and its responsibility to the earth and to humanity. It is our hope that documentation of this study will contribute to the larger ongoing intellectual conversation surrounding material reuse, repurposing, reclamation, and salvaging. By showing how two students are able to make architecture out of abandoned materials we aim to inspire other students and professionals to take on similar challenges.
Ashley VanMeter
A Challenge in Thinking and Making
Ashley VanMeter
Agricultural Urban Main Street East Washington St. Neighborhood Renewal Professor
Harry Eggink
Indianapolis, IN
I n t e n t s
Creating a socially and environmentally sustainable live, work, and play community
M a s t e r
Add density, add transit, identify nodes
Daily: residential space, working space, school, fitness center, grocery store, coffee shop, library Weekly: Laundry facility, restaurants, barber, religious facilities, retail space, bar/nightclub, bank, park Specialty: Medical facilities, movie theater, sporting event
Ashley VanMeter
Arc hitecture
Ashley VanMeter
Urban Agriculture - The science, recreation, or sustainable practice of cultivating, processing, or distributing food by integrating contemporary building technologies. High Density Mixed-Use Development - Combining living, working, and playing spaces into a single structure to promote an environment conducive to a 24/7 lifestyle. Pedestrian Friendly Transit Line - Inserting a light rail system in place of the traditional automobile street to promote a culture receptive to walking, biking, or using public transportation for moving throughout the city.
Ballina Lighthouse and Lismore SLSC A Proposal for Lighthouse Beach Colleagues Location Pe r s p e c t i v e
P l a n s
Tayler Mikosz, Stacy Rorick, and Kevin Tempelman Professor : Pam Harwood Ballina, NSW, Australia
Ground floor
1st floor
Sec tions
Ashley VanMeter
2nd floor
Demountable Classroom Design for Lennox Head Public School Colleagues Location I n t e n t s Diagrams
Courtney Basile, Zach Kendall, Kevin Tempelman, and Erika Tishner Professor : Pam Harwood Lennox Head, NSW, Australia Creating a sense of community, Pairing and sharing, Providing interactive learning spaces Master Planning: Phase 1-year 5 pod with music room, Phase 2- year 4 pod, Phase 3- year 3 pod
Sustainable Features: Shading Canopy, Solar Hot Water, PV Panels, Water Collection Tanks, Passive Cross Ventilation, Rain Garden, Locally Harvested Materials
Pe r s p e c t i ve s
Ashley VanMeter
Difficulty: Medium Sponsor: Colliers Turley Martin Tucker One American Square Suite 1300 Indianapolis, IN 46282
mat board skyline cut-out wood vertical supports 1x4 wood base board 2x6 wood base
Putting for Partners
Putting Tips A Design-Build Mini Golf Hole for Partners In Housing
S p o n s o r
Best Shot at a hole-in-one: Play over the contour of
Indiana. Colliers Turley Martin Tucker Commercial Real Estate Services, Indianapolis Putting Option: Play to the right of Indiana Professor : Pam Harwood Alternate and bank shots off the buildings. Brokerag
Industrial Sales Investment Serv Land Acquisition Office Sales & L Retail Sales & L
painted corrugated cardboard sand bags 1x4 wood base board
skyline barriers hole building obstacles felt cover contoured support ribs tag line barrier tee box
We Know The State of Real Estate
Architecture & D Development & Engineering Health Medical Property & Faci Management
Accounting Auction Service Location Analys Procurement Marketing & Pro Property Tax Ap Research
Facility Manage Portfolio Admin Transaction Man
Design So
The buildings re International bot and globally. Th Colliers Turley M Commercial Rea specifically with
tag line 3/4” plywood barrier 2x6 wood studs
P l a n scale 3/4”=1’-0”
D e s i g n e d b y A s h l e y Va n M e t e r |
After Putting for Partners... The paper products used to construct this hole will be recycled. The sand used to form the Indiana topography will be donated to Partners in Housing for use at one of their playground locations.
a i l scale 3”=1’-0”
felt 3/4” plywood ribs sand bag infill
D e s i g n e d b y A s h l e y Va n M e t e r | B a l l S t at e U n i v e r s i t y
Ashley VanMeter
Gold Coast Surf Station Oil Rig Retrofit Professor M o d e l
Pe r s p e c t i ve s
Ashley VanMeter
George Elvin
MCM Tot Spot Design Build
Crawl Through Caterpillar and Small Manipulative Tables Colleagues Contributions
Eric Beaman, Taf Bwititi, Cassie DeMerchant, Lindsay Gregory, Miranda Kryder, and Tayler Mikosz Professor : Pam Harwood My responsibilities included helping modify the existing design proposal, budgeting material costs, accounting, designing the caterpillar’s face, laminating and sanding ribs, building the tables, staining, and painting.
E x i s t i n g
Ashley VanMeter
left: conceptual plan (designed by students from a previous studio) below: modified caterpillar rendering (by Taf Bwititi)
Center for Design Gresham Smith Competition Colleague
Tayler Mikosz Professors : George Elvin and Jason Johnson
Indianapolis, IN
Pe r s p e c t i v e
Ashley VanMeter
Single Occupant Dwelling Community Design Colleague Arc hitecture
Ashley VanMeter
Andrew Nelson Professor : Harry Eggink
Campagna Academy Campus Addition Colleague
Denise Brunton Professor : Pam Harwood
M o d e l
S t u d i e s
Heliodon images from March 20 at 9:00 a.m., noon, and 3:00 p.m.
Skybox study, structural study, ventilation study
Ashley VanMeter
Surf Structure
Construction Documents Colleague
Michelle Armand Professor : Tim Gray
1 8" dia. wood pile 2 2"x4" wood gusset plate 3 4"x8" built‐up wood beam 4 2" x8" wood blocking 5 2"x8" wood ledger 6 3/4"x4" wood plank flooring 7 2"x6" sole plate 8 5/8" plywood sheathing 9 wood siding 10 2"x6" double sill plate 11 6"x6" header w/ spacers 12 2"x6" double top plate 13 2"x10" wood rafter @ 3' o.c. 14 3/4" plywood sheathing 15 2"x12" wood ledger 16 tar paper 17 standing seam metal roof 18 3/4" plywood sheathing 19 vapor barrier 20 cotton batt insulation 21 3/4" plywood sheathing 22 bamboo flooring 23 3/8" gypsum board 24 cotton batt insulation 25 2"x6" studs @ 16" o.c. 26 3/8" gypsum board 27 2"x8" wood joists @ 3' o.c. 28 cotton batt insulation 29 2"x8" wood rafters @ 3' o.c.
Ashley VanMeter
Surf Structure
Construction Documents Colleague
Ashley VanMeter
Michelle Armand Professor : Tim Gray
CAP First Year
Sketching and Rendering Professors Freehand
C h i c a g o
Ashley VanMeter
Harry Eggink and Cindy McHone
F a c a d e s
Ashley VanMeter
Pallet Garage Cabin(s) in the Woods Colleagues
Wes Janz, Tayler Mikosz, and Paul Puzzello consultants: designer- Andrea Swartz; structrual engineers- Steve Kessinger, Scott Czentes; builder- Randy King
building permit STR11-02978, City of Indianapolis, Department of Code Enforcement, August 26, 2011 Inspired by informal settlers, Pallet Garage is likely the first building constructed almost entirely from timber pallets and authorized by a building permit in the U.S. It shows the knowledge architects and engineers can bring to found material systems. The pallets used in the project are all new standard 40�x48� pallets delivered to the site fully, partially, or not assembled.
Ashley VanMeter
Pallet Garage Cabin(s) in the Woods S o l u t i o n
Ashley VanMeter
Editing, Retouching, and Experimenting Photoshop
Ashley VanMeter
Senior Posters Athletic Layouts 2
2008 Sectional Champs
Rensselaer Bombers
Ashley VanMeter