AMX Education Case Study_University of Essex_UK

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This innovative facility features a range of teaching spaces including this 200-seater lecture theatre

Opened in September 2013 with a lecture by Professor Brian

remains intuitive to the user. The Share Space harnesses

Cox OBE, The Forum Southend-on-Sea is the result of a

the impressive capabilities of the award-winning Enova

unique and exciting partnership project that brings a brand

DGX 16 digital matrix switcher, the University of Essex has

new, state-of-the-art library and learning facility to Southend

been able to connect up to four group study pods and

town centre. The first of its kind in the country, The Forum

a dual-projector teaching position, allowing seamless

is part of an ongoing collaboration between Southend-on-

switching of tutor-led and peer review activities. On being

Sea Borough Council, the University of Essex and South

set a challenge, students can now split into groups to

Essex College. This ground-breaking facility incorporates a

collaborate at the pods, using their own devices and the

joint public and academic library, a new home for the Focal

space’s interactive projectors, they can also review other

Point Art Gallery, plus a range of teaching and learning

students’ work at their own pod, or they can watch all

spaces, including a 200-seater lecture theatre. Located

four displays as they update simultaneously, side-by-side

at the heart of The Forum and featuring the very latest in

on an expansive curved, writable surface. The Innovation

AMX technology, the University of Essex’s Learning Hub

Space sees the Enova DGX central controller connect the

offers an innovative environment for collaborative study

five group study pods with the main teaching position.

and research, and is a showcase for the many benefits that

The pods, which are themselves made up of isosceles

technology-aided learning can bring.

trapezoids, can be easily rearranged to create a number of dynamic work-station configurations. A simple 7” control

In order to realise the technological and educational

panel affords teachers an intuitive user interface and

ambitions of this pioneering space, which would also

fingertip control of all the audio-visual and presentation

be used to drive interactive tutorial sessions and open-

equipment at their disposal; allowing for the seamless

day activities, the University turned to leading systems

integration of technology into the lesson plan.

integrator Snelling Business Systems and an AMX Enovadriven solution which has enabled it to embrace HD

“The flexibility and reliability that the Enova system brings

digital technologies, whilst ensuring that the system

to the Share Space design allowed us to fully realise the








The flexibility and reliability that the Enova system brings to the Share Space design allowed us to fully realise the dynamic nature of the space

dynamic nature of the space that we had planned.” Explains Matt Softly, ICT Manager, University of Essex. “Distributing HD images, Blu-Ray output and connecting our interactive projectors in such a seamless way would not have been possible in the past, and we were able to deliver full HD using an intuitive UI without needing to compromise.” Developed specifically to resolve AV issues for digital video distribution while enabling connected devices to be centrally monitored, managed and controlled over an IT infrastructure, the Enova DGX provides the University of Essex with the most reliable, end-to-end analogue plus digital audio and video distribution solution available today. The centrally-located Enova DGX 16 successfully manages and distributes analogue plus digital audio and video, including HDMI with HDCP (HDMI/HDCP), control and Ethernet, around this high-specification environment, without any of the typical problems associated with HDCP authenticated content distribution and switching.

The Enova DGX connects up to four group study pods

Elsewhere, and The Forum’s 200-seater lecture theatre is equipped with 7.1 surround sound and a 7000 ANSI Lumen Projector-based system, all driven by an AMX Enova DGX to allow independent control from both the AV Lectern and the Control Booth. Six teaching rooms feature interlinked AMX DGX-2155HD All-In-One Presentation Switchers, allowing the rooms to be sub-divided or opened up, depending on class size and timetable. Six Group Working Pods feature bespoke plectrum shaped study desks, fitted out with AMX Hydraports with HDMI and VGA inputs to allow BYOD capability for student group study; all linked to RMS via an AMX NI-900 NetLinx Integrated Controller. The main boardroom features a Cisco video conferencing system and DNP Supernova projection screen, all driven

Students can bring their own device, or use the Hub’s interactive projector

by an AMX DGX-2155HD All-In-One Presentation Switcher, with intuitive control provided by a 9” Modero wireless control panel. Finally, in the Study Skills Room an AMX DGX-2155HD All-In-One Presentation Switcher allows the students to practice their presentation skills, and facilitates the delivery of study sessions from professional services. Control throughout is afforded via AMX Modero X Series control panels with a bespoke University of Essex branded GUI, and all rooms are connected to AMX’s Resource Management Suite (RMS) for full auditing and support. So, if this ground-breaking initiative teaches us anything, it’s that technological integration by AMX can create vibrant and interactive learning spaces, whilst simplifying the lives

The solution facilitates seamless switching of tutor-led and peer review activities

of those teaching it. Now that’s a lesson worth learning! A U T O M AT E







Students can watch as displays update simultaneously, side by-side, on the expansive curved writable surface



Opened in September 2013 with a lecture by Professor Brian Cox OBE, The Forum Southendon-Sea is the result of a unique and exciting partnership project that brings a brand new, stateof-the-art library and learning facility to Southend town centre. Located at the heart of The Forum and featuring the very latest in AMX technology, the University of Essex’s Learning Hub offers an innovative environment for collaborative study and research, and is a showcase for the many benefits that technology-aided learning can bring.

In order to realise the technological and educational ambitions of this pioneering space, which would also be used to drive interactive tutorial sessions and open-day activities, the University turned to AMX and an Enova-driven solution which has enabled it to embrace HD digital technologies, whilst ensuring that the system remains intuitive to the user. This innovative solution has enabled the university to connect group study pods and dualprojector teaching positions, allowing seamless switching of tutor-led and peer review activities.

LOCATION Southend, United Kingdom

Distributing HD images, Blu-Ray output and connecting our interactive projectors in such a seamless way would simply not have been possible without AMX


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