The Hornet Ink 2016-2017

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The Hornet Ink

Volume II

Cover Art Fred Lynn Jose Edward Aguire Vargas 7th Grade Mixed Media

The Hornet Ink Art and Literature Magazine of Fred Lynn Middle School

Principal Jorge Neves

Faculty Advisors Amy Bayne & Natalie Kopstein

Editorial Board Ivy Halterman Kelly Barahona Estephanie Mazariego Deena Khalil Amira Khalil Ruby Avalas Ella Igbuanuizul

Flowers are like humans. They grow and die; they become beautiful and become happy. ~ Ella Igbuanuizul, 8th Grade


Home of the Hornets

We all either come from afar or very near.

Some entered with confidence, some with fear.

We made new and have old friends.

We'll all make memories and hope it'll never end. For the things we learned,

and the things we've earned.

We'll never forget the colors of black and gold. So that years from now our stories made

here will never grow old.

~ Abigail Mirambel, 6th Grade




Soccer is happiness. It is life. Soccer is as amazing as a child's first laugh. Disaster would strike the world without soccer. Soccer speaks to everyone differently. The ball is the player's best friend, with its black and white pentagons and the smell of fresh grass. The sound of a cannon is all you will hear as it's kicked into the goal.

Symbol of love, beauty, and passion, like a catcher diving for a ball, butterflies blow on the breeze into the wind.

~ Adriana Linares, 8th Grade

Basketball Been tossed, thrown, and touched. Scared, so it's going from hand to hand like a foster child goes from home to home. Being left sad and alone during halftime. SMACK! goes the ball as the halftime buzzer hits.

~ Isatu Kamara, 8th Grade

Christmas Poem Christmas is my favorite time of year. The snow feels like a big fluffy pillow when I fall 10 feet from the sky into it. My Christmas tree is a forest. The presents underneath tell me to open them. I go to bed, but I can't sleep because my sister keeps saying, "Peter Pepper picked a peck of pickled peppers." I hear a "ching, ching" and a clatter. I know who that is, so I shut my eyes and go to bed. ~ Kenneth Richardson, 8th Grade

~ Amanda Osei, 8th Grade

Love Love is life, but sometimes you may be lonely. Love is like the sun and moon; it will light up your world but also dim it. Love is an angel from above, but love is the most feared thing in the world. It looks like people hugging, smells like the food my mom makes for my dad, feels warm, tastes like my mom's lasagna, and sounds like people having fun. ~ Ashley Argueta, 8th Grade


Wolves Wolves are wary but not weak, with fur that whips and whirls like warriors at war. Wolves ears are pointy as the trees, listening to every single sweep. Oceans and Seas are painted on their fur, storms of waves and dark clouds painted in the scenery. Soft and fluffy, but fiery and mighty like a warrior's heart. ~ Buffy Chahal., 8th Grade

Butterfly Angeline Julia Talastas BTS (Bangtansonyeondan) Fan Art Mixed Media


Basketball Poem


Basketballs brush through the net softly, feathers. Basketballs bouncing buzzily, bouncefully. They are hoop angels, swishing through the hoop. BOOM! They shatter the glass. Basketballs are orange with black stripes, like a freshly baked cupcake, tender and smooth, but feeling like gravel.

The flower snakes from the cold ground, something once beautiful disguised by the unmerciful forces of nature. A flower, shining like a golden jewel, beaming brighter than the sun. The flower flows freely over faint forests. When you think of them they seem to be like the seeds of tomorrow. They can surely brighten up someone's day or just be a gift for a friend or family member. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Soon the flower dies. But look outside and you might see a new hope just outside your window... a new hope brought by a small flower.

~ Ibrahim (JR) Jalloh, 8th Grade

~ Aonica Proctor, 8th Grade



When I play basketball I run up and down the court keeping a steady pace. I listen to the ball beating on the boards like my heart. My lay-up goes down like gravity. I shoot a 3 and all the girls cheese.

Water whooshes wildly wanting to wander. Where should it go next? Water is like air, going where it wants to go. It is a home for fish, looking wavy, odorless, tasteless, soft and whooshing.

~ Devonte Boyd, 8th Grade

~ Chris Jerez, 8th Grade

Shoes They smell like a shoe factory, stinky so I soak them in soap, a scent the length of the ocean. Shoes are soft, smooth and shiny, and when I buy new shoes it's like heaven. ~ Danny Silva, 8th Grade


~ Lovelice Boateng, 8th Grade

Video Games Video games are like treasure to the human eye. You play the game and join a match. You see "mission failed" and will get them next time. The video game is visual, verbal, vicious, and victorious. They are the energy that keep you going. They take a thousand years to master. ~ Salman Mian, 8th Grade

Money Grumpy, grown men growl at the green. It makes people mean. They say it determines your worth but it's just paper. Money is like being a bird, free with no care in the world. Money is a taste of happiness. It smells like greed. It tastes like dirt from those who work. It sounds like laughter and tears. Only some don't know its worth.

Air I live in air. Air is where I live. I live on CO2 Street. My friend lives on Oxygen Avenue. Do you live here? Invisible in and out of lungs, Dry as a dessert. I have 15 lbs of air in my arms. I live in the air Live in it, wash in it. I can't even smell it. Do you live in air? ~ Jacques Stokes, 8th Grade (Inspired by Ntozake Shange's "I Live in Music")

~ Elizabeth Tran, 8th Grade 6

Colorful Life, Abigail Mirambel, 6th Grade


Artist's Sketch Book

Outside its glowing because it's snowing. You can hear the wind running through the trees and shouting, "YAY!" I walk down the stairs and see millons of presents under the tree. I hear presents unwrapping, "Scrp!" My brother's new toy is buzzing like a bee. My mother pours me some of that fine soy milk. I make my way over to the tree and unwrap the biggest gift to find out it's a pink bike.

A piece of paper that can be filled with a million things. A piece of paper that defines an artist. A piece of paper that shows different emotions. A piece of paper that will treasure old memories. A piece of paper that can let yo feel like you are traveling. A piece of paper that allows you to explore your imagination. A piece of paper that brings happiness to everybody. A piece of paper that brings out a beautiful talent. A piece of paper that has no limitation. A piece of paper that lets you express your feelings. A piece of paper that will tell you a story. A piece of paper that speaks a lot of words.

~ Cydney Gillis, 8th Grade 7

~ Xyril Ramos, 8th Grade


Maria Al-Pakistani, 8th Grade


It takes just one second to take a picture, but the picture can be significant to one's life forever. Who says that one second of time isn't precious? It's precious for the farewell of a lifetime. It's precious for the last hug. It's precious for the last love. As long as you still have a breath, you will have to face changes in life everyday. Every single day, nothing is the same. Nothing at all. Everything changes, even our own feelings. 9

~ Alexis R. Rosas, 6th Grade

Suga Colored pencil Alexis R. Rosas

Practice your drawing skills by completing Yasmin's drawing.

Beautiful Yasmin Pinson, 8th Grade Illustration


Do You Haiku?

Haiku, or hokku in the ancient form, is a Japanese form of poetry first practiced by men of the gentry class as a type of word challenge. These men would sit around a table and try to best each other with their skill in reciting on-the-spot haiku. Sound familiar? Like today's rap battles, an evening of haiku got everyone pumped. The most famous haiku poet was Matsuo Bashō (1644 - 1694). After living a life of high society and prominence, Basho set off to explore the wilderness of Japan and wrote his observations as he went. His most famous haiku is about a frog jumping into a pond. It has been translated into English by many people in many different ways. Here are three examples: Listen! A frog Jumping into the stillness Of an ancient pond!

The old pond; A frog jumps in — The sound of the water.

At the ancient pond a frog plunges into the sound of water

~ Dorothy Briton

~ Robert Aitken

~ Alan Chng

The literal translation of the Japanese rōmaji goes like this: Fu-ru (old) i-ke (pond) ya, ka-wa-zu (frog) to-bi-ko-mu (jumping into) mi-zu (water) no o-to (sound)

You can see where the translators above got their ideas for the way the poem should sound when written in English. How would you write the poem from the translated rōmaji in the line above? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ In America, haiku is traditionally taught to have a pattern of five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five in the last line to finish it out (5-7-5 syllables). Try it! Take a few moments to observe some things from your surroundings. We'll give you space for four haiku: ________________________________












~ Briana Medina, 6th Grade

~ Noe Edgardo, 6th Grade

~ Alexandra Galdamez, 6th Grade

~ Kennesha Larter, 6th Grade 12

A World Where Skin Color Doesn't Exist Less morbidity Less cruelty Less arguments In a world where skin color doesn't exist. More love More grace More dignity In a world where skin color doesn't exist. Thinking about the words "skin color doesn't exist" Makes me take a deep breath Lip quivering Heart pounding Living in a society where skin color doesn't exist. Oh how joyous our lives would be If everyone could see How skin color doesn't affect anything. You can't act, speak, or dress a race. Every individual is unique no matter their skin color. Everyone is different, yet the same. If only our people could see, discrimination still happens today and we can stop it in this very generation. This generation needs to end discrimination no matter how hard it may be. It is very wrong and inhumane of anybody to treat someone differently because of color. It ends now. No more. If we succeed, we will live in a world where skin color doesn't exist. ~ Maddison Calvert


Tifani Salgado, 6th Grade

Steven Henriquez Talahera, 6th Grade


The Blank Page Create your own comic strip. Use the panels below to start your story.


Angry Man Brandon Nimocks Pencil and pen 16


~ Maria Al-Pakistani, 8th Grade 18

The Jellyfish A Fable By Gabriella Cruz Bonilla, 6th Grade


nce upon a time, there was a lost princess far away from home. She sat on a hill with the ocean under her. This princess had very long hair and one day her hair fell into the water. A lonely octopus was swimming by and mistook her hair for another octopus. Soon he fell in love with her hair. When the octopus found out that it was just hair and he met the princess, he offered to take her home. She accepted. Once the princess was home, she cut her hair as a present to the octopus for bringing her home. She tied it into a knot and gave it to him. The octopus brought this hair everywhere, but one day the hair undid itself. The octopus tried to grab all the hair, but he just tied himself up in knots and then he ripped apart. Soon, every piece of him met a piece of hair. They combined, and that's how jellyfish were made.


The Blank Page Draw an illustration to accompany "The Jellyfish."


Like Diamonds in the Sky ... The Diamonte Poem A diamonte poem is named after it's diamond-like shape, which is created by a succession of descriptive words and phrases in an increasing and decreasing pattern. Line 1: A word, usually a noun, that represents the topic/ subject of the poem Line 2: Two adjectives to describe the topic/subject Line 3: Three verbs to show the actions of the topic/subject Line 4: A four word phrase about the topic/subject Line 5: Three more verbs about the topic/subject Line 6: Two more adjectives about the topic/subject Line 7: A second, different noun that represents the topic/ subject of the poem You may also examine two opposite topics to create antithesis in your poem, as these students did on the following pages.

~ Rosalie Chimera, 6th Grade

Try your hand at it below:

~ Marina Gutierrez, 6th Grade 21

~ Katherinne Baires, 6th Grade

~ Lakyijah Williams, 6th Grade

~ Christopher Soto, 6th Grade

~ Katherine Sanchez, 6th Grade 22

Camp Merlin

In a world where magic exists,

children are trained to have skills. There comes a time when a child becomes 13 when they are sent away from their families to a facility named Camp Merlin. Camp Merlin was named after the great wizard Merlin, the one in Arthurian Legend. But Camp Merlin wasn't as exciting as it seemed - at least for half of the campers. Boys and girls were sent to different locations, not too far away from each other. The boys were taught magic and swordplay. Meanwhile, if you were a female you were taught the essentials of life like cleaning, cooking, and simple math. The year Carina turned 13 was a time when she did want to come. She would be away from her family for three years and then become an apprentice to some stranger. At least she wouldn't be spending the next three years alone. Her best friend Maggie was the same age as Carina. It was mid-November and the bus to the camp was at the town where Maggie and Carina used to live. They said their final goodbyes to their families and went on the bus. Camp Merlin was about four hours away. The bus was silent. Carina and Maggie were sitting next to each other. You could tell everyone did not want to be there. Finally, they arrived at the camp. Maggie and Carina were assigned to the same workhouse, which they shared with two girls named Jasmine and Lilith. When they got to their workhouse, it seemed as if the other two had already unpacked. There were only two bedrooms, and Lilith and Jasmine took separate rooms. Unfortunately, Carina and Maggie weren't going to share the rooms. 23

Suddenly, there was a slam on the door. Jasmine and Lilith entered the room. They looked like total opposites. Jasmine was tall and very bright. Lilith was a tiny person who wore many dark colors. Though Jasmine's appearance seemed quite pretentious, she was kind and so was Lilith. Soon after the first day of camp, the four girls became inseparable. Though they had fun together, all of them dreaded each day because right across the massive lake near the girl's camp was the boy's camp. So, whenever they practiced cleaning by the lake (which was every day), they'd see boys playing with magic and having duels. Carina was envious and became passionate about doing something about it. One day, she discussed a plan with Jasmine, Lilith, and Maggie. Carina said they should dress up as boys and go to the other camp. Everyone was all in, for they did not want to be stuck in a place where their talents were being wasted. Maggie was worried, because she thought they'd be caught, but eventually she gave in due to peer pressure. They were cutting their hair and finding clothes that seemed "boyish." Then, during dinner, they snuck to the town near the camp where they took a bus to the boy's Camp Merlin. Surprisingly, the first few months ran by smoothly. The girls were getting great at the dueling and magic, especially Carina, who was top in her year so far in magic. They never made many friends, because they were seen as outcasts. One day, the four girls were studying in the library when Lilith found something interesting hidden within the shelves. It was a thin book titled

By Gabriella Cruz Bonilla, 6th Grade

The Prophecy of Lancelot. The book read this: When the sky turns red, the people of the table will rise once again. The wizard will seek revenge from his friends and foes. He has been cheated of his work. But the leader will be weak and incapable. If it comes to this, a great man called Lancelot will step up. On this day, on the highest point in the forest the battle shall commence. Every member shall be there, but not in their true forms. Everyone will be there in spirit within somebody else. Somebody who is worthy shall take their place. For this battle shall decide the future of everyone in the realm of magic.

It was quite strange. They decided to spend a little more time researching the book. They managed to figure out that the "prophecy" was about the Arthurian Legend. The people of the table were the Knights of the Round Table, the leader was King Arthur, and the wizard was Merlin. What they couldn't figure out was when the day of the red sky was and who were these reincarnates of the knights. Another thing they didn't know was that they were closer to the reincarnates than they thought. For Carina was Merlin, Maggie was Arthur, Jasmine was Lancelot, and Lilith was Morgan le Fay. The four of them were going to be split apart and were going to battle each other. They were about to go to war, but they didn't know it yet.

Rose Quartz, Angelina Argueta, 6th Grade


Spring Day Angeline Julia Talastas BTS (Bangtansonyeondan) Fan Art Mixed Media 25

~ Tifani Salgado, 6th Grade

~ FolasadĂŠ Olayinka, 6th Grade


~ Betzaida Tapia, 6th Grade

~ Dylan Blake-Martin, 6th Grade 26

Fred Lynn Jose Edward Aguire Vargas 7th Grade Mixed Media

I am ... When I am happy, I am a dodo bird because those don't exist anymore. When I am sad, I am a paper bag drifting in the wind wanting to start again. When I am afraid, I am a 40-year old stand-up comedian. When I am excited, I am an emo kid at Hot Topic. I used to be a good kid with a promising future; Now I am a starving artist and a disappointment to my parents because I identify as a pizza roll. ~ Cindy Sanchez

Spring Joy, Angelina Argueta, 6th Grade 27

Where Courage is Born There is a place of magnificence where hopes and dreams come true and if you go there you'll never feel blue. People sing endlessly there but no one knows where. It's a place in your heart that you'll never forget and if you do you'll be in debt. This is a place where courage is born, where everyone's courage is newborn, reborn and unworn. Courage comes in many ways and it comes faster than UV rays. You can imagine yourself anywhere or anything you want even in Vermont. You can be your own hero as long as you don't get a foe. Anything can happen as long as you have dreams. These are your gleams of hope mainstreams. If you fall into despair then you lose everything, but if you go back to hope then you'll spring back charging. It depends on how your behavior is all about, good or bad, you'll never know how it will turn out!

Fleur Espair, Steven Henriquez Talahera, 6th Grade

~ Steven Henriquez Talavera, 6th Grade

Curious Cat, Citlaly Ambriz, 6th Grade 28

Favorite Quotes from

The Walking Dead Compiled by Olivia Hood, 6th Grade

Loneliness I saw Loneliness. He was tall and weak. He turned and slowly walked to class. I saw his soul go dark really quickly, and heard him talk quietly, and I felt sad. ~ Cliford Boateng, 7th Grade

"Someone showed me that enemies can become friends." ~ Rick "When nightmares end, they shouldn't end who you are." ~ Bob "People love you...They made you who you are. They're still a part of you. If you stop being you, that last bit of them that's still around inside, who you's gone." ~ Glenn

Joy I saw Joy clearly. She has long hair and big eyes. She turned and started singing. I heard her say that she loves everyone and everything, and I felt like myself. ~ Natalie Valencia, 7th Grade

"Too bad. You don't get to do that, come into somebody's life, make them care, and then just check out." ~Dale "Don't you see that if we do this, the people that we were, the world that we knew, it's dead? And this new world is ugly, its harsh, its survival of the fittest! And that's a world I don't want to live in." ~Dale "You step outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life. And nowadays you breathe, you risk your life. Every moment don't have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what you're risking it for. Now, I can make people feel better and hang on a little bit longer. I can save lives. And that's enough reason to risk mine." ~ Hershel ~ Ingrid Ortiz, 7th Grade 29


~ Alexis Rosas, BTS Quotes, 6th Grade

My Personal Narrative

By Abdullah Masud, 7th Grade

There was a time I overcame an obstacle to reach a goal. My goal was to achieve an honor roll. I had this goal near the end of 6th grade. It was almost impossible to get a report card with every class having an A on it. There were obstacles that got in the way of achieving that dream that made it frustrating. My major obstacle was getting the assignments turned in at the right time and all the homework from several classes finished. I often forgot to bring the homework to school, or it was not finished. Because of the lack of turning in assigned work and homework, my grades dropped one or two letters. My weakness was in language arts class - specifically in essays and prompts. Although there were huge setbacks, I've never gotten a grade below a C- in a class. Now in 7th grade, I achieved honor roll for first quarter. In conclusion, I am so glad that I overcame the obstacle and came to where I am.


~ Brian Aparicio, 7th Grade

~ Neha Williams, 7th Grade

~ T'kai Lewis, 7th Grade 31


Just Remember to Smile By Deena Khalil, 8th Grade 32

The Royal Explorers

In the mystical world of Nanbis,

there lies the kingdom of Lanceia. Lanceia was a minuscule kingdom. This was because decades before the legend of the Royal Explorers occurred, a disaster happened. Lanceia was beginning to develop into a weak, poor kingdom. The head of the royals, King Elliot Greswich, was sent outside the kingdom's walls, along with some of the kingdom's army, to search for other civilizations. Two years after they left, five soldiers returned looking all raggedy. They said that along their trip they stumbled upon horrific creatures. Everyone had perished except the five. The queen, Rose Mary, took the news terribly. She was not willing to let this happen again. When the king's death was announced, Rose Mary took over because her son was still too young to rule. She created a law that forbade anyone from coming in and out of the kingdom's walls. Unfortunately, there were citizens living outside of the walls. The wall did not let the kingdom grow much. That brings us to today. Three peasants were sweeping the palace floor. They were Peter Carison, Robert Gravick, and John Darnay. They were secretly planning to escape the kingdom. They were born into servitude with no way out. On the other side of the castle, Princess Lilyanna Greswich was devising a plan to also get out of the kingdom. She was bound to her royal duties. Lilyanna was sick and tired of being a perfect, posh person. She wanted to be adventurous and explore the world beyond the walls she saw every day. Though many had told her stories of the dangers that lay beyond the walls, she was willing to take the risk.

By Gabriella Cruz Bonilla, 6th Grade 33 33

On the same day, in the same hour, the princess and the three peasants separately went out to escape past the wall guards. John had a plan. He had an old friend who was locked out of the kingdom long ago due to the law of the wall. They were going to live with this woman until they could build their own homes.

Her name was Ruby Tyler. Though she was such an old woman, Ruby outlived many of the people who were locked out of the kingdom. Lilyanna, on the other hand, also had successfully passed the wall but with out a plan. She came across a lovely looking forest. It looked quite humble and she went in to spend the night. Little did she know that the forest was home to creatures known as pixies. As Lilyanna entered the enchanting woods, she stumbled upon a small, fragile looking creature. It was the color of a divine magenta. The pretty little creature suddenly flew away. The princess followed the mystical thing and it lead her to more of the creatures, all in a variety of colors. It was a majestic thing to see. In a split second, things became violent. These "beautiful" creatures were pixies. Pixies were known for their beauty but also for their vicious behavior. They may be tiny, but their teeth are prickly. Once bitten by a pixie, a poison is transferred from the saliva into your blood. It's deadly, but there is a cure. It isn't all that difficult to get bitten by a pixie. They are rapid in speed and are easily aggravated. As soon as the pixies started chasing after Lilyanna, she ran as fast as she could. She lost the pixies, but she heard the small sounds of the beasts close by. Lilyanna blundered across a quaint hut right outside the pixie forest. She quickly knocked on the door hoping for an immediate response. When the door swished open, the princess saw somebody she recognized. The three peasants had taken a route around the pixie forest and had safely arrived to Ruby's house already. When Robert opened the door, Lilyanna and he stood there in shock. They were both surprised. Ruby came up to the door to see what was taking so long. When she saw the princess at the door she promptly let her in. Ruby noticed there was a tiny bite mark on Lilyanna's arm. She quickly sat her down and gathered water from the lake outside of the hut. Ruby put many ingredients with boiling water and

then gave it to Lilyanna. She seemed a bit woozy, but a few minutes after she drank the cure she stared to feel a bit better. Soon, everyone acquainted and had explained how and why they left the kingdom. The night shortly came upon them, so they all went to bed...all except Lilyanna. She had stained her dress and went outside to the lake to try to wash it out. Unexpectedly, a massive creature rose from underneath the lake waters. Some sort of aquatic dragon came up and snatched Princess Lilyanna right off the ground. She stared screaming for her life, and that woke up the peasants and Ruby. John ran outside, only to see the creature taking her back underwater. Meanwhile, back in the kingdom, the princess had been announced missing. Her brother, Prince Oliver Greswich, had sent guards searching all over the kingdom. Little did they know that Lilyanna was not within the castle walls. Back at the lake, the three peasants managed to lure the dragon-like creature out. Together they battled it with all their power. Peter then swung the sword Ruby gave him, and with that last swing this beast was slain. They ran to the water to search for the princess. Robert suddenly spotted a figure wrapped in some sort of seaweed washed up at the shore. Turns out it was Lilyanna. The seaweed was a magical plant that let you breath underwater. She was still alive. Everyone decided to go back to the kingdom, for they had enough for one day. They snuck past the royal guards one last time to return the princess. The royal family was so grateful. They granted the peasants higher positions in the castle. The queen realized the outside world wasn't too dangerous but still risky. She created the Royal Explorers Organization to secure the safety of her people and expand and grow her kingdom. The first FOUR explorers were Robert, John, Peter, and Ruby. Their names went down in history.


The Blank Page Look at the drawing on the next page. What is her story?



Naomi FolasadĂŠ Olayinka 6th Grade

If you are interested in submitting work to The Hornet Ink, check back with us next year when we will hold meetings, talk about writing and art, and make selections for the 2017 - 2018 edition of the magazine. Hold on to any work you complete over the summer and submit it next year. Go forth and create something wonderful!

Educating the Whole Child for a Global World Fred Lynn Middle School 1650 Prince William Parkway Woodbridge, VA 22191 (703) 494 - 5157

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