Danah Boyd

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Danah Boyd Danah Boyd "Embracing a Culture of Connectivity"

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She asked teenagers on how they used the media! She also states on about ‘profiles’ as profiles are a way of writing yourself online. Uses images that represent the person, this can be seen as the person showing off. On Facebook you can ‘like things’ this is a way of showing your corporate interests. ‘Social grooming’ is when people use their time saying ‘ I love you.. Your my friend’ this is used in a way of acknowledging each other and doing this in a public way so it’s a way of building relationships. Young people do this online. People do this because its about being present when your not physically co-present this a source of proifural awareness this can be useful to see peoples temporal patterns in life. Facebook is important in a modern young person because everyone's on it, a sense of community, the ability to stay in contact with people in a much longer time Replicability: content made out of bits can be duplicated. Young people use this to torment each other/ torment faculty/ the idea of taking one idea then replicating it somewhere else completely blowing out its context. Searchability: the potential visibility of context is great. With social networks parents can know were their children are located/ they are searchable by people who hold power over them. Scalability: Context can be assessed through search. The average blog is read by 6 people. Just because its online doesn't mean its getting online distribution as some people get no followers  Invisible audiences: Not all audiences are visible, nor they necessarily co-present. If you record someone talking visible-audience invisible- future people like me watching the video

Collapsed contexts: lack of spatial, social and temporal boundaries makes it difficult to maintain distinct social contexts. Different norms for different locations for example people could hang out together in a pub then in a classroom. Public and private blurring: without control over context, public and private become meaningless binaries, are scaled in new ways, and are difficult to maintain as distinct. The media makes the act of publicising easier. Young people share a lot of things but they don’t actually share a lot of things. Journalist and Angelina Jolie “why are putting all of this stuff for the public, you give everything away” “the more I appear to be public the less you look at the things I care about the most” same with young people as they care about who is looking. Parents are dealing with contents all the time. Learning and higher education: Not all young people are digital natives, it all depends on environment, peers, knowledge etc. Copyright young people may not know what this is as they make videos and use sites such as ‘Wikipedia’. People on social networks people don’t always get along with people may friend people that they hate to argue with them. However social groups such as Facebook may not be the full person its only on face of their story. Things change all the time, new networks etc. will be revealed and people will be interested in that.

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