1 minute read
Task 2: Timeline
The revolution in The Dispossessed is an example of a moment where individuals made a decision regarding what kind of future they wanted to live in, choosing to work towards a particular idea of utopia.
As architects we make similar decisions about the kinds of futures we want to inhabit, and ask whether our work will help serve to bring them about.

Start with an image of an existing building.
This could be a building you know well, or your own city design.
The utopian timeline: • What aspects of this design are utopian? • What could be celebrated to encourage positive change? • Find or draw images which show how this positive change might develop in the future and where it might lead.


The dystopian timeline: • What aspects of this design are dystopian? • What might be harmful, in terms of social issues or use of resources? • Find or draw images which show how this negative change might develop in the future and where it might lead.