players 2-20
T he a i m of these c ards is to e ncour ag e children to see a nd i ma gine thin gs from an ani ma l s ’ p oin t o f view and be come more perc eptive a b out how others may see th e wor l d around us.
Animal Cards x 48
Monocle Card x 1
Preparation: Adult: 1. Ask the children to form a circle, either sitting down at a table or on the floor. 2. Remove the contents of the pack and separate the animal cards from the monocle card. 3. Place the animal cards in a pile in the middle of the circle so that the animal characters are facing down. 4. Allocate the monocle card to a child to start the game. 5. Inform the children how to play by following the HOW TO PLAY Rules (opposite).
How to Play: All Players: 1. The player with the monocle card starts first. The player must pick up a card from the top of the animal card pile and not tell the players what animal they have. 2. The player must then hold up the monocle card to their eye so that they can see through the hole, as if a real monocle. 3. Next, the player must imagine what it is like to be that animal and describe or act out what they would see, hear, smell, feel and taste to the players. 4. The other players must guess what the animal the player holding the monocle is describing.
Scoring: The player who guesses the animal first scores a point. The players can play for as many cards as they like, or until they reach the end of the animal cards. At the end of the game, the player who has guessed the most correct animals wins the game.