LIVING WELL By Shannon Finks, Pharm D.
What You Need To Know About The COVID Vaccine process has been carried out with this SARS-COV-2 vaccine, just at a much faster pace. SAFETY and EFFICACY are still top priorities, but we do lack long-term data for the COVID vaccine given we’ve just started. However, we have two decades of efficacy and safety data for other mRNA technologies.
How long does it take to develop immunity after the vaccine and how long does it last? Immunity takes a few weeks to develop after any vaccine. The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine has been reported to be 54.2% effective approximately two weeks after receiving the first dose and 95% effective one week after receiving the second dose. The Moderna vaccine has been reported to be 80.2% effective two to four weeks after receiving the first dose and 94.1% effective two weeks after the second dose. We are unsure of how long immunity lasts right now because data only exists for how long trials have been going on, which is limited to months, not years. Therefore, it is very important to still adhere to social distancing protocols, proper hand hygiene, and wearing masks.
Who can get the vaccine?
As we forge through this pandemic, new concerns arise every day. Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is becoming available, you may be either hopeful or skeptical of its implications. Most people waffle between the two. Let’s walk through what we know so far. Both the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are available in the United States under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA. This authorization allows the use of unapproved products in emergent situations if there are no approved products currently available. The manufacturers are required to perform clinical trials, consisting of three phases, to determine the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. For an EUA to be granted, the benefits must outweigh the risks of receiving the vaccine during the third phase of the clinical trial. Because of this, information regarding the vaccines may change as new information is gathered.
How can we trust this vaccine with such an expedited approval process?
Although the research process was expedited for the specific SARS-COV-2 vaccine, scientists have been studying mRNA vaccines for almost two decades. The same rigorous approval
The trials leading to EUA included patients with a wide range of ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and comorbidities. Currently, the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine can be given to all patients 16 or older, and Moderna can be given to those 18 and older. More data is needed to confirm the potential risks and benefits of giving the vaccine to pregnant and immunocompromised patients. However, the CDC currently supports the use of the vaccine in these two patient populations.
Can you get sick from the COVID-19 vaccine? Neither the Moderna or Pfizer BioNTech vaccine use the live SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are mRNA vaccines which basically “tell” our cells how to display immunity towards the virus. Because of this technology, these vaccines cannot give you COVID-19.
What are the expected short-term adverse effects with COVID-19 vaccination? Patients may experience short-term adverse effects following vaccination. Commonly reported side effects include fatigue, headache, fever/chills, and mild to moderate pain/soreness at injection site. Side effects typically resolve in 1–2 days. More information regarding adverse effects will be provided as more patients receive the vaccine. It is encouraged to report all adverse effects to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which can be found at