Pro Health Has a New Location in East Memphis The new spot is in the Park Place shopping center, which will better serve the East Memphis and Germantown communities. Pro Health strives to be the alternative to traditional healthcare by creating clinics that are fast, fun, and affordable. Preventative healthcare is also the mission of Pro Health. They believe we should all focus on the global movement toward strengthening our own immunity and taking responsibility for our individual health. One thing that 2020 taught us about illness is that an optimized immune system is the best defense. Not only is the new clinic open six days a week for walk-ins and appointments, but it will also be the central hub for house calls and mobile IV hydrations for the neighboring communities. Pro Health offers an exclusive membership program that includes access to house calls, IV hydrations, and weekly vitamin shots. If a patient can’t make it into the clinic, a Pro Health nurse will come to them! The new location for Pro Health supports their mission to fix people who are sick and tired by providing a quick, convenient, and friendly alternative to the poor service and long waits at most medical clinics. This type of care is more in demand, and Pro Health is excited to be able to serve.
Pro Health is proud to be your trusted resource for proactive healthcare. For more information, visit the new location at: Pro Health East 1213 Ridgeway Suite 104 Memphis, TN 38119
5-Week Series For Healing Trauma Through Yoga Transforming Wellness in Germantown will be hosting a 5-week Trauma Sensitive Yoga series. It begins Monday, May 17, and continues on the following Monday nights at 6 pm through June 21. Trauma informed yoga classes are a series of classes for women recovering from PTSD or trauma. Classes incorporate traditional yoga forms in a manner of connecting breath, awareness, and movement intended to create space for healing and empowerment.
“I want to offer a space for women to interact with their body with compassion, self care, and kindness,” says, owner Michelle Johns, who’s trained in trauma-sensitive yoga. For more details visit