FOOD+NUTRITION By Cara Greenstein
Lamb Sliders Makes 8 sliders
Ingredients: q 1 pound ground lamb q 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon za’atar seasoning, separated q 1 /2 teaspoon fine sea salt q 1 /4 teaspoon black pepper q 4 Mezzetta Golden Greek Peperoncini, finely chopped q 1 /4 cup diced caramelized onions q 8 mini brioche buns q 1 /2 cup plain Greek yogurt q 1 sprig fresh dill, plus extra to garnish q J uice of 1/2 lemon q 1 teaspoon Mezzetta Golden Greek Peperoncini juice q 1 /2 cup crumbled feta cheese
Directions: In a large bowl, mix ground lamb with 1 tablespoon of za’atar, salt, pepper, peperoncini, and onions until well combined. Use an ice cream scooper to form evenlysized patties. Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add lamb scoops to the skillet and smash with a spatula. Grill for 3-4 minutes per side until browned and cooked to the desired temperature. Meanwhile, in a small dish, combine Greek yogurt with the remaining za’atar, lemon juice, peperoncini juice, and fresh dill. Stir and spread on half of each brioche bun. Top with crumbled feta and a sprig of dill. Then, add slider patty to the other half of the bun. Serve immediately.
Cara Greenstein celebrates intentional and exceptional cuisine in her award-winning food and lifestyle blog, Caramelized, which offers recipes and restaurant reviews, food-focused travel itineraries, and endless tablescape tips. Follow @cara_melized on Instagram for daily inspiration and bookmark her recipes at