Memphis Health+Fitness Magazine September 2021

Page 48

WEEKEND WARRIOR Photo by Tindall Stephens

Gaby Kinney, Runner 31, Registered Nurse at Mays & Schnapp Neurospine and Pain

FAMILY: Husband, Willie, and 4-year-old dog, Stevie RECENT WINS: Fortitude Trail Race 25K in Sept 2020, 1st place Female. Big River Crossing Half Marathon in Nov 2020, 2nd place Female.

THE RACE I WON’T FORGET: I somehow convinced my sister to fly to Henderson, Nevada to do a trail race with me. She did the half marathon while I did the full. We ended up running together for part of the race and I was so proud of her for finishing with little training and never having worn trail shoes before.

NEXT UP: This will be the first year in over 10 years that I will not be racing because I am pregnant. However, I still continue to run and lift weights. I hope to do another ultramarathon in the future.

OBSTACLE COURSE: I suffered from Achilles tendonitis for years. There was a point where I could not run more than 6 miles without it hurting me. I met with a wonderful physical therapist who provided a very simple but effective solution. Strengthen your hips and glutes. Since then, I have incorporated warmup exercises without fail before any run and I have not had any issues since.

MY INSPIRATION: My husband. He convinced me that I could run my first half marathon, marathon, and ultramarathon. He is also an avid runner and is always telling me I am much more capable than I think I am.

FAVORITE SHOES: Brooks Ghost (road) and La Sportiva Bushido (trail)

BEST EATS: Bedrock Eats & Sweets. Their Brisket Waffle Benedict is so good.

ON MY NIGHTSTAND: The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne

PET PEEVE: When people start in the first running corral (usually reserved for elite/fast runners) and then you pass them while they’re walking a half mile later.

INDULGENCE: Potato chips and ice cream BINGEING: Game of Thrones MOTTO: “Whatever the mind can conceive and 46

believe, it can achieve”—Napoleon Hill

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Articles inside

Trainer Spotlight: Josh Metcalf

page 52

Weekend Warrior Alex Antonian, Runner

page 50

Weekend Warrior Gaby Kinney, Runner

page 48

Getting Older But Keeping Fit

pages 28-29

Understanding Cognitive Function As the Brain Ages

page 12

5 Ways Quercetin Boosts Your Health

pages 46-47

Eating & Aging

pages 44-45

Chipotle Chicken Tostados

pages 36-37

Cherry Tomato Confit

pages 42-43

Cauliflower Arancini With Calabrian Honey

pages 38-39

Greek Heat Chicken Kabobs

pages 40-41

PR Your Next Tri With These Nutrition Tips

pages 34-35

Hike It! Get Outside

pages 32-33

Beth Garrison, Running the Extra Mile...or a Hundred

pages 30-31

Author Barry Wolverton On An Epic Tale of Recovery

pages 26-27

Gut Check With Dr. Duncan

pages 18-19

Everything You Need To Know About Tennis Elbow

pages 16-17

Asthma, Allergies & Chronic Discomfort

pages 20-21

4 Tips For Improving Digestion With Age

pages 14-15

Physical Therapy: The Key to Reducing Age-Related Pain

pages 10-11

Back On Her Feet After Bunion Surgery

pages 24-25

Marcquinne Yancey Is Swimming Into Her 60s

pages 22-23

Starting Line

pages 8-9
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