FRIENDS of Johnson County Public Library August 2015
A 2015 Fair-goer and her dog stop to strike a pose for the camera while holding a JCPL Hand-Fan What’s Inside… President’s Message Book Sale Schedule Dog Days of Summer Spotlight on August Programs Getting to Know Our Friends
President’s Message Can you believe it? Summer is 2/3 over and flying by. We’ve had record rainfall in June and July, but hopefully the month of August will bring some sunny days to dry us out. The Summer Learning Program ended on July 18. Sarah Taylor, manager of the Franklin Branch, shared some information about the program. “This summer, the library transitioned to a new format for the summer program. Our Summer Learning Program encourages patrons of all ages to read, create, discover, and learn all summer long. Our participants have earned minutes in the program by reading books, taking a nature walk in the park, learning something new in a library program, painting a picture, visiting the Johnson County Museum of History, and blowing stuff up with fun science experiments. They’ve learned new things from books, they’ve explored their creativity, and they’ve discovered new locations within our community. We love how the new format encourages and celebrates life-long learning in a variety of different ways.” Some Friends members had the opportunity to speak with folks about joining the Friends while they attended the Summer Learning Party, featuring Steven’s Puppets presenting Sleeping Beauty. Also, be on the lookout for the library booth at the Franklin Farmer’s Market on August 8 and September 12. I hope you stopped by the JCPL booth during the Johnson County 4-H Fair. There is always something fun at the fair! There’s lots more ahead as the Indiana State Fair is coming up as well as back-to-school and our next used book sale at the White River Branch (August 27-30). For now, take time to relax and read as the August days pass. I sure am! Best regards, Jane Bingham, Friends President
Friends of
Johnson County Public Library
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jane Bingham, President Merilee Allen, Vice President Betsy Schmidt, Secretary Gary Kiesel, Treasurer Judy Misiniec, Membership Chair Patti Treadway, Volunteer Coordinator Phyllis Reynolds, Book Sale Committee Co-Chair Roger Robey, Book Sale Committee Co-Chair Gregg Biberdorf Cathy Daily Macie Martin Mary Jane Rose Neal Treadway Beverly Martin, Library Liaison Philomena Ross, Director Emeritus
2015 Board Meeting Schedule September 22
Trafalgar Branch
Annual Meeting (TBA)
November 24
Franklin Branch
P.S. Be sure to renew your Friends membership today!
FRIENDS make all the difference!
Memberships available at the door
Thursday, August 27 4pm to 8pm PUBLIC SALE Friday, August 28 9pm to 6pm
Saturday, August 29 9am to 5pm
Johnson County Public Library
Sunday, August 30 1pm to 4pm
White River Branch
1664 Library Blvd., Greenwood • 885-1330
Thursday, August 13, 6:00 p.m. Clark Pleasant Branch Just one of these giant paper dahlias would make an elegant wreath on your front door, make great decorations for an early fall wedding or even be eye-catching adorning the walls of a dorm room. Come and learn how to use colorful patterned or plain scrapbook paper to create one of your own! All supplies provided. The class is limited to 15 available spaces. Open to adults. REGISTER
Yarns About Yarn - Needlepoint
Wednesday, August 19, 10:30 a.m. Trafalgar Branch Join our resident yarn-aholic and discover the exciting world of yarn. Meet others and learn how to knit, crochet, and needlepoint. Meet others and learn how to knit, crochet, and needlepoint. Bring your projects and questions as we learn from each other. this month the basics of needlepoint very basic. Bring yarn and your needles. Open to adults. REGISTER
Monday Night Book Club
Monday, August 17, 7:00 p.m. White River Branch Interested in a book club but don't know where to start? This new, evening group at the library could be for you. Come and discuss Liane Moriarity's Little Big Lies in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Copies of the book are available at the circulation desk at White River Branch and for loan on eBook. Open to adults. REGISTER
Living Longer Through Strength Training
Monday, August 24, 6:30 p.m. White River Branch Strength training prevents diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and obesity and adding strength training boosts metabolism. Learn how to safely create a weight training program that fits your needs. Audience members will have the opportunity to try/demo weight equipment, so dress comfortably. Open to all teens & adults. REGISTER
How to Cut the Cord on Cable
Tuesday, August 25, 6:30 p.m. Franklin Branch The cost of cable and satellite television is getting higher and higher and, for some people, enough is enough. But what are your alternatives and will they end up costing you the same as your cable or satellite company? In this presentation, Mr. Noobie速 will walk through your options for replacing cable or satellite, discuss the cost of each option, and explain what you'll be gaining and what you'll be giving up with each option. Open to adults. REGISTER
For a complete list of programs, please visit
Getting to Know…Mary Jane Rose Hello…my name is Mary Jane Rose and I am a member of the JCPL Friends’ Board. I have served for four years with a great group of people who love the library, books, reading, learning, and our community! I have lived in the Trafalgar area all of my life and I taught 2nd & 3rd grade elementary students in Greenwood for 40 years. I love to read all kinds of books - but especially mysteries, historical stories, motivational books, and recipe books. I shop at the Friends Used Book Sales and get bargains for my reading pleasure and ones that I can read to my grandchildren. I enjoy attending many of the program the library organizes - science programs, cooking programs, meet-an-author, music programs, etc. I encourage you to become a member of our Friends group as we are the ones who sponsor many of the wonderful programs at the library that your tax dollars do not cover. I think everyone whould continue to read and learn their whole life!
This time of year, with temperatures at their highest, is often referred to as the 'Dog Days of Summer'. You may have assumed this phrase reflected how overheated our animal friends get during these steamy months. But this phrase came from the Romans and refers to the one-to-two-month interval in which Sirius (the dog star), the most prominent star in the Canis Major constellation (Latin for
“Greater Dog”), rises and sets with the sun. Sirius also influenced the ancient Egyptian calendar. The beginning of the year, also called "the opening of the year", was determined by the appearance of Sirius. Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time and the connection to dogs was boosted by the fact that they seemed to suffer from the heat more intensely. Source: