Harvard Park Pre School Isleworth February Newsletter 2014. News from the Managers Nicki and Tracey and deputy manager, Natalie – We would like to welcome Sam to our Harvard park team! We would also like to remind parents who have children who are 4 or who will turn 4 this year to make sure you have applied for Reception Class in your choice of Infant and Junior Schools. The cut-off date has passed!!!! But still apply if you haven’t already done so. For Parents who have children who are 3 or turning 3 this year your children are eligible to go to Nursery schools in your chosen schools in Hounslow the cut-off date is 2 nd May BUT if you would like to leave them at Harvard for another full year this is absolutely fine you just need to let us know!!! Also we are lacking in the amount of fruit we are receiving! Please be generous as the children do work up an appetite during their sessions.
Rani, Jeanna, Erin
Sue, Rosa, Laura and Sam –
Seema, Natalie Monica and Marilyn We are continuing our theme of Emergency services which stated in the last week of January due to half term approaching. So far we have made emergency vehicles out of junk modelling, discussing about what different emergency services they are and what they do for us as well as role playing with outfits and equipment related to the emergency services. During the next couple of weeks we will be going out to see if we can find emergency vehicles. We have placed a poster up at the front door about free book start packs for children who are of a certain age. Please bring your child’s red book in and see Natalie to get them. No book – No book pack. There is an attached letter about all about me boxes which we would like you to read and contribute to! They are very important so please read. Please encourage your children to use their new pegs to help you with their belongings. Please inform a member of staff if you are unable to locate your
child’s peg and we will rectify this as soon as possible. We would now ask you to put their bags underneath their pegs and hang their coats up on the peg with their pictures. The children have taken to this very well! Big well done to all your parents who have been encouraging either walking or riding to pre-school! To avoid upset or confusion everything should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Also remember once you collect your child from their groups they are your responsibility so DO NOT let them push the door handle to let themselves out. ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!
We would like to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ to Zetwal on 15th of this month, Arianwen on the 3rd and Leila also on the 3rd. Please could parents/ carers bring in fruit so we can share it during our snack time? You are doing great so keep it up! We have noticed that some parents are still parking next to parked cars outside the school gates please do not do this! PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE STAFF CAR PARK AT ANYTIME EVEN IF THE BARRIER IS UP/THEY DO HAVE CAMERAS AND HARVARD PARK DO GET INTO TROUBLE IF OUR PARENTS ARE SEEN DRIVING IN. THANK YOU Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! Just type in Harvard Park Pre-school and Day Nursery and we should pop up! We regularly update this with pictures, messages and notices. We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table.
Please read the attached letter!