Harvard Park Day Nursery Feltham: January Newsletter 2015. News from the Managers Nicki and Tracey –
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back! We would like to start by thanking you for all of your lovely gifts over Christmas and we hope your Christmas was great. Welcome to all our new parents joining us, this is our monthly newsletter which we try and get out at the beginning of every month. There will be a copy on facebook, sent via email and a paper copy for you to pick up by the front doors. We would like to welcome Anna to our team who is in Freedom Zone! You also need to sign your children in and out of their rooms every day. It is an important document for fire evacuations; we use them in fire drills to check all children are present. If we believe your child is still in the building then we would have to inform fire services of any children who could be in the building. News from Deputy Carol- It is very important that you call if your child is either late, sick or going to be absent from nursery for any other reason. We are more than happy if you want to celebrate your child’s birthday at nursery, however in the past we have received lots of sweets and parents have not been happy. If you are going to provide a cake just a simple supermarket cake tray or character cake is fine. If it is more of a fresh baked or homemade cake please provide us with a list of ingredients as we do have children with dietary requirements and allergies. If you want to bring in treats such as sweets, replace these with fruit or fruit snacks such as raisins. Thank You
News from Baby Studio –Sana, Mary, Gurpreet, and Nabila Marisa and Mandy:
We would like to welcome Amy and Shivani into our room and are so glad you have joined our ducklings. Also a happy new year to everyone, hope you all had a lovely relaxed break. Our theme for this month will be Music from around the world. This is a new topic for both our practitioners and our babies so it is exciting to see how they will develop. We will be, of course, listening to music from different cultures and countries; exploring instruments and their sounds and even creating our own small musical instruments to be used both in our song times and at home. All of this will help our children develop their senses as well as their physical development and creativity. Well done to all those parents who have brought in family photos. For all those who have yet to, we will be taking photos when you pick up your child. It is for their development and some children are being left out as they do not yet have family albums of puppets. Please provide you child with extra nappies, wipes and spare clothes when requested. If this happens too often we will not be able to accept your child into the setting. Thank you
Your mission this month is to: -bring in a CD or DVD which displays cultural music. We will look after them and return them at the end of the month. Dates and notes: - We would like to wish a happy birthday to Mary and Justyna! Also a Happy 2 nd birthday to Aron on the 30th of this month.
Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table. .
News from Bunnies –Holly, Sam, Simran, Ambreen and Sonia: Hello and a happy new year! This month our topic will be Day and Night routines. Our children will be learning about the different activities we do in the day and the ones in the night. This includes the importance of teeth-brushing, what we eat at the different times of the day and the difference in clothes for the day and night. All of this will help develop their knowledge of personal hygiene as well as independence in caring for their own needs. The children will have the opportunity to create lots of mark making and art work, as well as listening to stories and looking at pictures which will emphasis all of the above. If you could talk to your children about these activities and ask them about what they did at nursery it would be very beneficial as well as helping develop their memory and their language communication skills. Could we please ask all parents/carers to ensure that the children are suitably dressed for the seasons/weather? Summer dresses need to have a long sleeved top underneath along with thick tights. We still take the children into the outdoor environment, even in the cold and wet weathers. All children need to have suitable footwear, a hat and a thick coat so that they can play happily thank you!
Your mission this month is to:
Talk your child through their own routines at home. Use language such as first and then to help them develop a concept of time.
Dates and notes: We would like to wish a big happy 2nd birthday to Ethan on 7th and Anirudh on the 14th of this month.
News from –Viviana, Amy, Gemma, Pauline, Kulwinder, Sherry, Qani, Chelsea and Anna: Happy new year everyone! We would like to start by welcoming Munroe, Namina, Paris, Ayaan, Kamila, Adam, Alan, Reyansh and Maddyson into our room. We are very happy that you have joined us in Freedom Zone. Our topic this month is Space. Our children loved it so much last year that we are going to explore this topic again. There is lots of new learning to be had and if you hear any at home, write them down on a piece of paper and your key worker can stick it in their learning journals! We will be doing so many different things, be prepared to have your hands full with art work! Your children will have the opportunity to learn the names and facts about our planet and the solar system; create their own space transport such as moon buggies and rockets; learn about and act like astronaughts as well as get creative with homemade moon sand and stars. We are still doing all about me boxes, so if your child hasn’t yet made one, please encourage them to do so. If you are unsure on what they are, do not hesitate to ask your keyworker. Also remember to email your family photo’s over!
Your mission this month is to: - On a clear night, go outside together and look up at the sky, talk about what you can see or what you can hear to help them engage with their senses and knowledge.
Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table. .
Dates and notes: -We would like to wish a happy 3rd birthday to Marley on 12th, Anika on 17th and Tyler Stone on the 21st of this month. We would also like to wish Oscar a happy 4 th birthday for the 28th.
Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table. .