Pre-shool June 2014 newsletter

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Harvard Park Pre School Isleworth June Newsletter 2014. News from the Managers Nicki and Tracey and deputy manager, Natalie – A few reminders: - As most of you have now had the flyer, we have had an email regarding parking outside the school gates!!!! Please do not do this even if you are in a rush the school caretaker will watch the gates and will report and we will have to come to the gates to watch as well if we receive a notification like this again!!!! Also it is very important that you walk your child into the pre-school playground and sign your child in and do not let them walk down to school from the far gate it is not our staff’s responsibility to look after your child until they have signed into the building. If your child is staying with us for next year, or moving onto school/reception/nursery school please inform us of your decision by the Monday 30th June as we need to forward information such as trackers to your child’s new placement.

Rani, Jeanna, Erin

Sue, Rosa, Laura and Sam –

Seema, Natalie Monica and Marilyn Hope everyone had a lovely half term and are refreshed and ready for new learning. We would like to welcome all the new children who have joined our Harvard Park Family this month. Reminder that Thursday 5th June is photo day in both the morning and the afternoon. If you are looking to book your child in for this photo please see the managers. This month we are exploring mini-beasts! Your mission for this topic will be to take your child out into your local environment, and to look for the different types of mini-beasts that live where you are! Whilst at pre-school your child will get the opportunity to join in activities such as creating their own mini-beasts using different media and materials, looking for bugs with magnifying glasses, and we are going to watch our own mini-beasts grow! Alongside this we shall start looking at ourselves, linking in with our next topic which is all about me. Your child will be looking at what makes them special and different to others as well as looking at their all about me boxes in more depth. For our younger children, we will be looking at our facial features such as our eye and hair colour and looking more closely at our relatives and our body parts. They will be engaging in this topic through songs such as head shoulders knees and toes, creatively with material and media to create their faces and developing their mathematical skills by counting their toes and their fingers.

Leaver’s concert- We are currently practising for the leaver’s concert. Unfortunately, due to past experiences we will not be inviting parents to come and watch the concert live. It puts the children under a lot of pressure and on the night it can be a very upsetting experience. However, we will be filming the concert and it will be available for you to purchase, all donations of which will go to a charity which will be confirmed at a later date. It will feature children who are 3+ as we have also found that our two year olds are unable to sit for lengthy periods of time. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask. We have now added your email addresses into our system and will be using it to email notices, newsletters and reminders. If we do not have your email address please hand it in to management as we are trying to be more environmentally friendly. Just a reminder, it is lovely that you and your child wish to celebrate their birthdays with their peers but we are a healthy eating setting. Some parents aren’t too keen on their child receiving party bags which contain sweets. We know they are also very costly. As an alternative, you can bring in packets of raisins, drink cartons, apples or simply a cake. Parents have also in the past donated a book or a toy for the nursery. We keep them for special time and remind the children of who brought us the book or toy and for which occasion. To avoid upset or confusion everything should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Also remember once you collect your child from their groups they are your responsibility so DO NOT let them push the door handle to let themselves out. ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!

We would like to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ to Marilyn who is celebrating on the 4th. Please could parents/ carers bring in fruit so we can share it during our snack time? You are doing great so keep it up!  We have noticed that some parents are still parking next to parked cars outside the school gates please do not do this! PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE STAFF CAR PARK AT ANYTIME EVEN IF THE BARRIER IS UP/THEY DO HAVE CAMERAS AND HARVARD PARK DO GET INTO TROUBLE IF OUR PARENTS ARE SEEN DRIVING IN. THANK YOU Can parents please join our Facebook site as we are trialling our news letters on our new site to save our trees! Just type in Harvard Park Pre-school and Day Nursery and we should pop up! We regularly update this with pictures, messages and notices. We will of course print of a few copies to those parents who do not have access to a computer. We will also display a copy on our parents table.

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