Pre-School / Isleworth's Newsletter for March 2022

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Harvard Park Pre- School LTD.

Notes from the management team: We would like to start by officially welcoming Shalyna and Shabana to our Harvard Park Team. They will be introducing themselves over the next few weeks so make sure you say hello. Forest School has returned to Pre-School and our rolling groups are in full swing. March is always a quiet month so not very many reminders: •

We will be sending out an email with regards to the changes to the restrictions and COVID-19 so please keep an eye out for this. At this time, we are still accepting children from the door or garden area. Thank you for co-operating and understanding.

Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day for all rooms - at present we are unable to swap children’s days so if your child is not in on this Thursday, please feel free to dress them up on another day and speak to their key worker who will arrange some activities for them!

We would like to apologise for any delays in observations you may have experienced with the EyLog app. We aim to provide you with observations on a 2 weekly basis. We are currently training up new staff as well as covering sickness so there may be a slight delay in when and how you receive them. Thank you for your understanding and we are trying to get on top of this.

Sadly we are not seeing enough of you interacting and sharing things on our EyLog app. If you do not know how to do this please let us know and we can support you. As part of the pre-school’s parents in partnership it is important for you to share as much as we do with you. Pictures and video’s of your child learning at home can help us mark off milestones in the Development Matters document. Term dates and closures: This maybe subject to change so we will confirm this later on in the month.

Reminders: 

Snack fee’s: Remember these need to be paid at the beginning of a half term - always in advance never in arrears.

Morning Session’s: We are moving our pick up time slightly. This is due to the children waiting for too long to go home after group time and it is causing a lot of upset. The gate will now be open from 11:25 to 11:30 am to pick up your children. Thank you for your support.

Completing your set homework: We have set homework which runs for a period of 6 weeks to co-inside with your children’s targets at pre-school. Please try your best to follow through with it as it helps them to move forward in their development and understanding of the world.

Signing your child in: Please walk your child/ children to their registration board so they can select their name card. You will then sign your child/children into the build using our signing in sheet located on the parents table.

We are running low on spare clothes - please return anything that belongs to us including socks, wellies, coats and underwear!

We will be closed from: Friday 1st April @ 1:00pm so there will be no afternoon session. From Monday 4th April to Friday 15th April we are closed for the Easter Holidays. Monday 18th April is a bank Holiday so we will be closed. Tuesday 19th April we are closed however we will be booking in meetings with you so we can have a catch up and talk about your child’s development.

We will be open again from: Wednesday 20th April 2022 We will confirm this at a later date. As we need to check with Smallberry Green.

Birthday’s for the month of March: Happy 4th Birthday to Hrihan and happy birthday to our manager Natalie for this month!

Harvard Park Pre- School LTD.

Notes from your Pre-School Teachers: Jeanna, Eva, Sima, Roshelle, Shalyna, Shabana, Cathy and Carmela: Focus: Books and Traditional Stories! This term we are supporting World Book Day by looking at books and traditional stories. We are so excited to see all of your world book day costumes! We have also explored Pancake day by writing lists of ingredients, gone to our local shop to purchase the produce and make them too. We will be creating some lovely gifts for Mother’s day so the children can give them to someone who they hold as special in their lives and give them out the week of the 25th just in time for Sunday the 27th! We have begun to introduce We’re going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen at group times. If you have this story at home, please read and look at it when you can to help familiarise your child with the structure and language involved. We have been re-enacting the story using the forest area and we will make sure that all children get to have a turn at recreating this too! It is helping children to develop their imagination as well as to spot certain themes and patterns throughout the story. During the month of March, we will be promoting Healthy Dental Care and we would like you to support us at home too. If you haven't already registered your child with a dental surgery we recommend you do. Children are entitled to FREE dental care up until the age of 16 or 18. Dental care and development can have an effect on the immune system, eating, speech and language and of course self esteem. Ensure you are brushing twice a day to help promote this routine. In our phonics groups, we are learning a new set of letters. We are moving onto P,I,N. We continue to use the jolly phonics songs and matching these sounds to the initial sounds in some words. We will also continue to practising s,a,t so the children do not lose this knowledge. Please help your child at home to identity objects or people around the home which may start with the letter p, i or n. Reminders: 

The weather is changing - please make sure you are bringing in a coat/thick jacket, woolly hat, gloves and a scarf (with names on the labels) and sturdy shoes so we can continue to go out and get our daily dose of fresh air. Please also make sure that their outfits are also reflective of the weather - no thin summer dresses or shorts.

If you are having trouble registering for either ParentMail or EyLog (they are sperate applications which you need to download) then please speak to a member of the team.

Sadly we are not seeing enough of you interacting and sharing things on our EyLog app. If you do not know how to do this please let us know and we can support you. As part of the nurseries parents in partnership it is important for you to share as much as we do with you. Pictures and video’s of your child learning at home can help us mark off milestones in the Development Matters document.

Dates for you diary and reminders: Thursday 3rd March - World Book Day! We will be handing out some book vouchers over the next few weeks to support this and we will also be dressing up as our favourite book characters! We will send out reminders closer to the time but Pinterest, Google and Asda always have some creative book character ideas and costumes. Ask you child what they think they might like to be on Thursday 3rd March ! Sunday 27th March - Mother’s day! - Don’t forget to treat the lovely leading ladies in your lives! Half Term Closures: We are not closed until Friday 1st April 2022. We will update you on the correct term dates via ParentMail.

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