Notes from the management team: our Managing Director’s Nicki and Tracey and our manager Carol
As we reach November,it can only mean one thing … Christmas is just around thecorner! With Bonfire night and Remembranceservices happening within thefirst few weeksof November remember to post pictures, memories andvideo’s on your child’s EyLog system so they can share them with their friends!
We don’t have many notices and reminders for November, and would like to say thank you to those who donated food, treats and decorations for the children’s Diwali celebrations. Thank you to those parents who have also donated toys, clothes and books over the last few months they are always greatly received. Our New menu’s are in rotation. Please bear with us while we make adjustments and we will send this out to you within thefirst 2 weeks of November.
A few littlereminders for November:
If there is something concerning you or you wish to have a catch up with your child’s keyworker about their development - please book in an appointment with your room leader and come in for a chat.
We have uniform and bookbags for sale if you are interested in purchasing any uniform or a book bags for the Freedom Zone children please speak to a member of your child’s room. Uniform is handy to have as it protects your child’s daily clothes and it is one less thing to think about on your busy mornings! Uniform is availablefor both theFreedom Zoneand Small Steps children.
If your child is due to go to reception class this year You must start applying now and have until the 15th January 2023 to apply for Reception Class 2023: When can my child start school? | Primary School Admissions | London Borough of Hounslow follow thelink to find out how and more information. Any child bornbetween 01/09/2018 31/08/2019 this applies to you!
Health and Safety Notices and reminders:
Appropriate Clothing which reflect the weather: Please continue to monitor the weather and provide a warm coat for you child when they come in. Our garden is shaded until 3:00pm so it can be cold up until late afternoon. Please also continue to dress your children appropriately with Velcro shoes.
Folding Buggies in the lobby: Baby Studio Parents please fold down all of your buggies, both big and small. We are limited on space and our baby studio is full. Please note that no bikes are to be left at nursery scooters only.
We are updating our policies and procedures you will be receiving them once a month still however at some point when they have been finalised you will receive a full copy. They will also be available on our EyLog System and website, but we will inform you of this at the later date.
Dates for you diary and reminders:
Our Photographer will also be here the first week of November: Baby Studio and Small Steps: Tuesday 1st November. Freedom Zone: Wednesday 2nd November. If either of these are not your child’s day please email us to book in a time to pop by!
Closure dates over Christmas:
We will be closing at 4:00pm on Friday 23rd December. We will then be closed from Monday 26th December to Monday 2nd January 2023. We will be open again on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 at the normal time.
Birthdays for the month of November:
Small Steps: Happy 2nd birthday to Flynn!
Freedom Zone: Happy3rd Birthday to Nyah, Edward, Jivishah and Damian!
Happy 4th Birthday to Harjind, Nathaniel,Antonina,Franciszek, Mayaand Zion!
Staff: Happy birthdayto Viviana,Danielle and Qani!
We hopeeveryonehas a lovely day celebrating!
Notes from Baby Studio: Ducklings Amanda, Mary, Afsha, Amy and Gurpreet:
Focus: Physical Development (PD)
We would like to start by saying a sad goodbyeto Jakob who will be moving up intoSmall Steps during this month. We know you will have lots of fun in your new room!
This month we will be focusing on Physical development and planning lots of fun activities to encourage their emerging physicalskills.These will include climbing and moving through tunnels using large boxes and our black and whitesoft play set; walking with walkers, music and movement and for those who are yet to move lots of tummy time! We will also be encouraging thebabies fine motor skills through lots of marking making opportunities,inset tray puzzles and shape sorters.
Please upload pictures to the EyLog thank you to Sophia and Ralph’s parents who do this regularly it helps us to mark of your child’s development. This timeshow us whatyour baby can physically do at home, whether is climbing up onto the sofa or pulling themselves up in their cots send it to us on the EyLog!
Reminders: Please read all message from Management as well
Coats, Hats and Gloves: As theweather is changing please start to provide warm coats as well as hat and gloves for thecoming winter.We do not have spares on site so please provide them as we like to wrap thebabiesup so they are niceand toasty when we are out on a walk.
Labelling bags, clothes and bottles: As our room is becoming busier, please could we ask you to label your child’s belongings including coats, bottles and bags.This is to prevent things being misplaced or sent home with thewrong person.
Notes from Small Steps: Bunnies Qani, Liliana, Ellie May and Anna: Focus and Topic: Let’s Pretend!
We would like to start by apologising to Albie for missing him out of our goodbye’s in theOctober Newsletter.We hope you are having a lovely timein Freedom Zone.We would like to welcome Jakob and Ikenna to our room.Please may we remind you that under nocircumstances should children be brining in toys especially small ones which can pose a health and safety risk.
This month we will be focusing on all things imaginative and roleplay to getus intothe Christmas spirit.We will support thechildren’s fineand gross motor skills by encouraging them to dress up using costumes and resources we have hereat nursery.We will also help support their language by introducing new words and sentences during our roleplay sessions.Role play simply means playing a rolewhether this is a mummy or daddy,nurse or doctor and a dog or alien! Itis a way children can express themselves as well as develop their own skills such as making choices and decisions.
Reminders: Please read all messages from Management as well
Coats, Hats and Gloves: As theweather is changing please start to provide warm coats as well as hat and gloves for thecoming winter.We do not have spares on site so please provide them and write your child’s name in thelabel.
To those who are potty training please provide LOTS of spare clothes.Children will have accidents so please make sure you are providinga minimum of 3 trousers, 3 pants, 3 socks and a spare pair of shoes.
Please support us and your child by completing the homework we set on the EyLog! You can post video’s, memories and photo’s very easily for usto see how their development is happening at home. It means that we are able to mark off more of their milestones that they may not be doing at nursery but are doing them at home such as talking or riding a scooter!
If you have any old Christmas decorations, old wrapping paper, ribbon, bows etc. We will happily take them off you hands to help support our children with decorating and exploring Christmas in December.
Dates for you diary and reminders:
Our Photographer will also be here the first week of November: Baby Studio and Small Steps: Tuesday 1st November.
If either of these are not your child’s day please email us to book in a time to pop by!
Harvard Park Day NurseryNotes from Freedom Zone: Cool Cats Viviana, Charlotte, Sam, Sherry, Ellie, Elvia, Nabila, Hannah, Harriet and Danielle: Focus: We will not always be having a focus as we are developing our learning to reflect whatis going on in theworld at the time. We would like to start by saying thank you to those parents who are always taking on board our suggestions for supporting their children at home and posting theevidence.It really does help with their development here at nursery and helps us to work better asa teamto help you child develop to thebest of their ability. Please remember only scooters can be brought to nursery nobikes.
Moving into November our 6 week learning plan is looking like this:
Week 1 (31st 4th Nov): Fire Safety and Fire Works for Bonfire Night
This week is also wherewe will post our new targets for you child as well as things we would like you to work on at home. You can post video’s, memories and photo’s very easily for us to seehow their development is happening at home.It means that we are ableto mark off more of their milestones that they may not be doing at nursery but are doingthem at home such as talking or riding a scooter!
Week 2 (7th - 11th): Remembrance and our armed forces - Army, Navy and RAF
If you have any pictures or images of family inthearmed forces it would be lovely to share them with us either by sending them in, posting them on theEyLog or bringing a copy for us to photocopy.
Week 3 (14th 18th): It’s the start of the world cup
Theworld cup kicks off on the 20th of this month so we will be focusing on thedifferent countries involved by looking at flags, food and thecountries themselves for 2 weeks.If your child has a football shirts relating to any country taking part in theworld cup,encourage them to bring them in or wear them so we can talk about them during our group times.
Week 4 (21st - 25th): continuing our learning of the world cup. We will continue to carry this on in thebackground of our learning including mini football games in thegarden and park (weather dependent).Our Christmas Post box will also open this week if you wish towriteand send out Christmas Cards to thechildren.
Week 5 (28th 2nd Dec): Christmas Preparations begin
We will be introducing songs and begin our activities. Morewill be outlined in our December newsletter. Please ask if you need a name list for Christmas cards.
Week 6 (5th - 9th Dec): Christmas Continues.
If you have any old Christmas decorations, old wrapping paper, ribbon, bows etc. We will happily take them off you hands to help support our children with decorating and exploring Christmas in December.
Please provide a coat and label your belongings: As the temperature drops and the days are chilly here at nursery until around 3:00pm, please ensure you are providing a warm coat and sensible shoes (no sandals or crocs) such as boots or trainers. If children are not appropriately dressed they will be unable to attend daily trips as we do not have spares on site. Please make sure you child’s initials are written on the label to avoid things going missing or getting sent home with someone else.
If your child is due to go to reception class this year
You must start applying now and have until the 15th January 2023 to apply for Reception Class 2023: When can my child start school? | Primary School Admissions | London Borough of Hounslow follow thelink to find out how and more information. Any child bornbetween 01/09/2018 31/08/2019 this applies to you!
Dates for you diary and reminders:
Our Photographer will also be here the first week of November: Freedom Zone: Wednesday 2nd November.
If either of these are not your child’s day please email us to book in a time to pop by!