Harvard Park Pre- School LTD.
Notes from the management team: As we are making our way towards the end of 2021, we would like to take this time to say a huge thank you for your continued support. Without you and your families, Harvard Park would not be in the position it is today so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We would also like to take this time to congratulate Jeanna on becoming the deputy manager of our preschool. - you know you will do a fantastic job! •
In order for us to continue working in partnership with our parent’s you need to sign up to our EyLog service and our ParentMail service. If you are not sure about what we mean or have not received an activation email, please speak to Natalie. If you are not sure on how to use it, please speak to your key-worker. We will start chasing you up as to why you are not signed up to BOTH services.
Reception applications are now open and must be completed online: https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/ info/20028/primary_admissions/1906/primary_school_admissions - for children who were born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018. If you need support or guidance, please let us know and we will try to help the best we can - the closing date for all applications is 15th January 2022.
This is just a reminder that at no point should parents be parking in the carpark, follow the flow system set out by Smallberry Green School and where applicable, wear a mask to protect yourself and others. Term dates and closures:
We will be closed from: Friday 17th December @ 1:00 pm to Monday 3rd January 2022.
Reminders: The weather is changing - please make sure you are bringing in a coat/thick jacket and shoes so we can continue to get our daily dose of fresh air. Please also make sure that their outfits are also reflective of the weather - no thin summer dresses, shorts or sandals.
We will be open again from: Tuesday 4th January 2022 A note about the EyLog and the changes: Thank you to those parents who are regularly supporting their child’s development by sending photo’s and video’s through the EyLog - keep up the great work. For those of you who have not sent anything through or may need some help - ask for us at the door and we will be happy to spare 5 minutes to show you how to access the app!
If your child is potty training, please ensure you’re providing enough spare clothes to last your child for their session. Around 3 to 4 pairs of underwear, trousers, socks and a spare pair of shoes is enough.
Please can ALL parents provide their child with hats and gloves while they are at the setting, he weather is changing so please no more summer dresses, shorts and sandals. It is very cold in our garden in the morning and the children have free access to this all day!
We will be holding a fundraiser in December to help raise money for the Royal Brompton on the 3rd of December and will do this with a Christmas Jumper day!
Birthdays for the month of November: Happy 3rd birthday to Betsy! Happy 4th Birthday to Louie and Spencer! We hope you all have a lovely day!
If your child will not be attending pre-school for whatever reason, please let us know via text or phone call. For funding purposes we need to be aware of why you are absent.
We will be sending out a further notice for all the dates for December such as parties and fundraiser days.
Harvard Park Pre- School LTD.
Notes from your Pre-School Teachers: Jeanna, Eva, Sima, Roshelle, Cathy, Carmela and Tanya: Focus: People who help us and keeping safe! As we welcome in a new term, can we please ask that all coats, hats, scarves and gloves are labelled clearly with your child’s initials - we have children who are bringing in the same coats in the same sizes and to avoid disappointment or taking the wrong one home, please put your child’s initials in the labels. We can do this for you however we need your permission. We will be blending 2 of our previous topics together as they feed into each other quite well. We will be focusing our learning around keeping safe which applies to in the home and while outdoors such as fireworks night; and people who help us such as doctors, dentists, police and ambulance services. Our activities range from creative such as creating our own emergency vehicles to chatter times surrounding safety. Your key workers will be outlining your child’s new set of 6 week targets so keep an eye out for these. We will also be starting our small focus groups to help support children with key things such as language and communication skills. We will also be focusing on the celebration of Diwali which is on Thursday 4th November and we will also be making poppies on Thursday 11th to commemorate Remembrance day. We will be celebrating Diwali will a little party for the children so come dressed in your sparkly outfits or traditional clothes. Your child’s keyworker will also be setting out some homework for you to work on to support your child’s learning hear at the pre-school. Please make sure you are being proactive with this homework and posting your evidence of your support at home. Reminders:
Do not send in toys from home: We are not responsible for toys from home. If they go missing while at the setting, we cannot be held accountable for this. Where possible please avoid bringing toys in as they cause more upset when they go missing or have to remain in the child’s bag. If you use them to get them out of the house, please take them away with you when you drop off.
The weather is changing - please make sure you are bringing in a coat/thick jacket and shoes so we can continue to go out on regular walks and get our daily dose of fresh air. Please also make sure that their outfits are also reflective of the weather - no thin summer dresses or shorts. Appropriate shoes such as velcro are great shoes to help children with their independence.
Please send up to date family photo’s or if you are new family photo’s to help support your child while they are at the setting. Our children love to look at and share their family albums with each other and some children are missing out. Thank you to those of you who already have!
Dates for you diary and reminders: •
All of our staff are testing twice using the lateral flow system. All staff who are sick or absent from nursery are advised to have a PCR test should they show any symptoms of Covid-19. Any child prescribed anti-biotics needs to be on them for 48 hrs before they return to nursery. We will turn you away if they have only just received this - it is in our policy which we have attached. •
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Thursday 4th November: Diwali parties and dress up.
If your child has had their 2 year old check via phone or a video call, please let us know. On Friday 17th December there will be no afternoon session due to the early closure.