3 minute read


CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Kennedy Cox and Aaron Klein

MUSEUM LAYOUT DESIGNERS Emma Cunningham and Angel Morales


Q&A PANEL Kennedy Cox , Aaron Klein, Ayla Baesel, Matthew Cerros, Emma Cunningham, Max Hoeben, and Dayana Lopez

VIP DOCENTS Matthew Cerros and Ayla Baesel

AREA DIRECTORS Erandy Bautista, Jillian Gonzalez, Logan Loy, and Thomas Shuck

EXHIBIT DESIGNERS Josh Andrades, Erandy Bautista, Dayla Diaz, Dayana Lopez, Ben Tran, Alyssa Truly, and Aaron Zazueta

DEMONSTRATION EXHIBIT LEADERS Lilianna Castro, Aaron Gonzalez, Max Hoeben, and Gerardo Valencia


A note from Mrs. Murphy about the MoMA21: While originally designed as an in-person experience with hands-on, interactive exhibits, this year’s museum has shifted from a museum of medieval artifacts to a museum of “my achievements” by the seventh grade class of full-distance learning students. Some exhibits contain videos, some contain photographs of hands-on projects, and some contain digitallycrafted projects, while others contain screenshots of group experiences. No matter the exhibit, everything was created by the students and I am in awe of the level of effort put out by these students during their tumultuous year. During our time together, several of the students experienced the loss of a loved one, many were ill or supported immediate family members who were ill, and most dealt with missing their friends and the social time that brick and mortar schools provide. Despite this, the students were productive, inquisitive, creative, supportive of each other, silly, and above everything they persevered. I am especially proud of this group of students who will forever remember their seventh grade year at home. As you tour the museum, please remember that twelve and thirteen year old children created everything you see, and all during a year when many things were falling apart. Again, I am so proud and please to have been on the journey with them.



We are so pleased to invite you to an exhibition of student work that YOU helped to create. Whether directly or indirectly, you have been an important part of this year’s learning for the seventh grade students in the full-distance learning program at Quantum Academy in Escondido, California. Perhaps you were a guest speaker in our class and brought your expertise to the students; or maybe you worked with the students on a project - several of you were workshop leaders for the students. A number of you were brought to the students through programs offered by your organization in partnership with our school district. Some of you were observers in our class - getting a glimpse of how the products you create are interacted with and used by the students. And several of you may not have visited our classroom at all this year, but your work did. Because of your talent and dedication to your craft, the students had high-quality materials to inspire them on their journey this year. Please know how grateful we are to all you and can’t wait for you to see how YOU HAVE INSPIRED OUR LEARNING THIS YEAR!

Thank you! And we hope to see you at the MoMA21 this year! Sincerely, Mrs. Murphy, FDL7 at Quantum Academy

TUESDAY • JUNE 15, 2021 • 10AM & 5:30PM


Self guided: 10:00 - 11:30 am LIVE Q&A Panel:11:15 am in the Main Zoom Room RSVP for VIP Tours:10:10, 10:30, & 10:50


Self guided: 5:30 - 7:00 pm LIVE Q&A Panel: 6:45 am in the Main Zoom Room RSVP for VIP Tours: 5:40, 6:00, & 6:20


Http://Bit.Ly/MoMA21QAZoom Meeting ID: 840 9327 6212 Passcode: 316319 Find your local number: https://eusd.zoom.us/u/kdTivpjakR


The Zoom will open promptly at 10:00 am and 5:30 pm. Please be sure to identify yourself with your first name. Guests without names will not be admitted into the Zoom.

MOMA21 Quantum Academy • 7th Grade Full Distance Learning Program Exhibition • 15JUN2021 • 10AM & 5:30PM


W1 Lobby W2 Guest Speakers Exhibit W3 Student Portraits & Reflections

AREA 1 Exhibits

A Genius Hours 1, 2, & 3 B Inquiry Projects C The Science Behind

AREA 2 Exhibits

D DNA Extraction & the Salk Institute E Bohr Models F Photography G Geometric Designs

AREA 3 Exhibits

H Design Thinking I Lunar Cities J Warlords of Japan

AREA 4 Exhibits

K Narrative Writing L Arts Discovery Theater Workshop M Playwrights Project Scripts


Use any door to access the EXTERIOR AREA of the museum where these photos are displayed.

MOMA21 Quantum Academy • 7th Grade Full Distance Learning Program Exhibition • 15JUN2021

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